Do Aquarius and Virgo get along? Virgo and Aquarius - compatibility between men and women. Compatibility of Virgo and Aquarius in marriage

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Virgo and Aquarius have very different views on life, but thanks to their great love of peace they will be able to understand each other. They have completely different characters and habits, but this does not prevent them from respecting the positive qualities of their partner. Pressure, aggression and conflicts are absent in their relationships. Let's consider Virgo and Aquarius compatibility more details.

Compatibility of Virgo woman and Aquarius man

In this union, the fragile Virgo will take all responsibility upon herself. She will provide support, consolation and great patience in this relationship. At the same time, she will be a mother, wife, housewife, personal secretary and family psychologist, her extravagant partner will be surrounded by guardianship. The honor of meeting strangers who will visit their home quite often will go to Virgo.

Irresponsible Aquarius will give the pragmatic Virgo the opportunity to sort everything out. It is for this that he will be subjected to Virgo’s main weapon - criticism and reproaches. But all efforts will lead to nothing, her words will not be heard and understood.

The preservation of this union will depend entirely on how much patience and strength the Virgo woman has left.

In love

The relationship between a Virgo woman and an Aquarius man will develop relatively calmly until this couple decides to live together in a legal marriage. When an Aquarius man decides to throw in his lot with a Virgo, he needs to think about the complexity of her character.

Common sense, not feelings, is paramount for the practical, neat Virgo. Initially, these traits of her character will look very attractive to an Aquarius man. But when the chosen one begins to demand something from him and tries to take control of him, he will change his point of view.

7 out of 9 couples shouldn't rush into marriage

The Aquarius man does not inspire complete trust in Virgo; she is not sure of this man’s reliability, considering him irresponsible. No matter how strong feelings they have for each other, these two should not rush into marriage; time itself will put everything in its place.

In a relationship

In the personal life of “warm” relationships, partners – men and women – have their own individual qualities, and when they intend to live together for many years, then even more so they have a need to adapt, to “get used to” each other in order to live in unison with your breathing.

In intimacy, nationality and skin color, even if they are determined by some canons, do not provide that complete passionate satisfaction that the genes inherent in each person provide, pouring out into the form of manifestation of the sexual passion of love.

Watch the video. Compatibility Virgo and Aquarius.

Significant difficulties await them in living together for representatives of these signs. The clean Virgo will be horrified by the Aquarius apartment into which they will move. The point is not at all about cleanliness and neatness (that’s all right), but about a bunch of all kinds of equipment that is very dangerous to health. A smart Aquarius will be able to convince his beloved of the safety of all monitors and the system unit, overwhelming her with a bunch of technical terms.

An Aquarius man will think that Virgo is obsessed with cleaning, but the homeliness she creates will bring him a sense of peace. Visits from friends will stop, because they will begin to be bothered by the sterile cleanliness in the house of Virgo and Aquarius.


This family union is quite difficult to call ideal and perfect. Everyday business for these two is to constantly sort things out, make mutual claims, and get offended over trifles. The practical Virgo will irritate Aquarius with her boredom and grumpiness, and he will irritate her with her immaturity and irresponsibility. Their communication will be like a mother’s communication with a guilty, freedom-loving child who wants to be independent.

The spouses do not have common friends; they rest separately from each other. This situation suits the Aquarius man, but not the Virgo woman. She is sure that a married couple should spend their free time together, and will speak out on this matter. This will only bring new reasons for quarrels into their family.

Often such a marriage ends in divorce or a cold war.

Only in adulthood do spouses manage to build relatively strong family relationships. Early marriage, in most cases, will not lead to anything good.

In friendship

It is almost impossible for a Virgo girl and an Aquarius guy to build a friendly relationship. Even if these two cross paths somewhere, they will not notice each other at all.

They have no common interests, they do not inspire confidence in each other. There is no need for these two to get close. Their time together does not speak of friendship, but of mutual interest.

In sex

The strong sexual potential of the Virgo woman and Aquarius man often fails to unfold. It is not surprising, because it is difficult for earth and air to find mutual understanding. The Aquarius man’s love for experimentation shocks the Virgo woman, who is not used to going beyond the limits of what is permissible, but for her they are quite narrow.

However, carried away by the excitement of Aquarius, the strict Virgo can forget about them and become sexually liberated. Just with the Aquarius man, the Virgo woman will be able to discover her true sexual temperament, which is almost impossible for her to do with representatives of other signs.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with an Aquarius man.

Since an experienced partner plans a rich sex life, he is well aware that when repulsive silver strands appear in his “golden curls”, he will need to have quite a lot of money to maintain his sex life. Therefore he is well prepared for old age. In his youth, when sex was on the market, he never hesitated.

In progress

A Virgo woman can conquer any professional field, she can build an excellent career, and she can create a very profitable business. The Aquarius man creates his own destiny. An aerial genius, depending on his desire, can easily build a career as a businessman or a famous lawyer.

The practical Virgo and the enthusiastic Aquarius will be able to find a common language, but each of them will deal with their own responsibilities. All the routine work will go to the earthly woman, and the Aquarius man will have to go on frequent business trips in order to establish the necessary relationships with partners (Aquarius will do any business as long as it brings him pleasure).

As you know, only successful and hardworking individuals can boast of a large financial fortune. In a partnership between a Virgo woman and an Aquarius man, hard work will come from her, and luck will come from him. Together they can conquer any peak.

In percentages

It is quite difficult for an Aquarius man and a Virgo woman to find a common language. He loves freedom, and she prefers to control everything.

The compatibility of these signs is 70%, in love they are 80% compatible, in marriage - 70%

Psychological compatibility

The union can be very difficult. This man does not like having anything imposed on him: he is very stubborn and intractable. Immediately, at the slightest “but”, he lets his partner know that he will never follow her lead.

The union of a Virgo woman and an Aquarius man has a very complex relationship. It is not typical for Aquarius to be a responsible man, because of this, at one moment Virgo’s patience comes to an end, no matter how strong the feelings are.

However, this union can be comparatively interesting. It can be described as an attempt to bring order to complete anarchy. Aquarius receives care and guardianship from Virgo, pretending to be an adult child, which is quite beneficial for him. These signs think, express themselves, and look at life and its values ​​completely differently. All this leads to mutual misunderstanding of their partner. The Aquarius man in most cases relies on his intuition, while the Virgo woman tends to trust only specific facts; she loves accuracy.

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Before Virgo begins to be disappointed in Aquarius, she will be pleased with his signs of attention, which will inspire her. The freedom-loving Aquarius begins to experience some discomfort when the chosen one begins to limit him in some way. Both partners begin to feel deceived, because the Aquarius man believed that his freedom would remain inviolable, the Virgo woman expected that her chosen one would be much more reliable than he actually turned out to be.

There is no more trust, most likely their marriage will collapse. But there are cases when partners are united by something, for example, a joint business, and they continue to exhaust themselves and do not part.

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Compatibility of Virgo man and Aquarius woman

This couple has very different personalities. The reason for this can only be excessively strong feelings. For a Virgo man, it is very important to find a faithful companion for life who will make him happy, which is why he is in no hurry to get married.

The Aquarius woman considers marriage, like any other form of relationship, to be an impermanent substance. It will not be difficult for her to destroy her alliance with a Virgo man in order to build her career or start a new relationship in search of her true happiness.

All her life she strives to find an unattainable ideal. In addition, the Aquarius woman often indulges in her memories of her past love, which greatly offends and hurts the man who is in a relationship with her.

The Virgo man cannot accept the deliberate vulgarity emanating from the Aquarius woman. She is characterized by extravagant behavior, strange actions and sarcastic speech when she tries to attract male attention. A Virgo man will not be able to discern in such a woman the only one he needs.

The sensitive and soulful Virgo man shudders at the antics of the Aquarius woman. She perceives his tenderness and timid sensuality as boredom and tediousness. The Virgo man has to constantly rush from cold detachment to burning passion. Only through true love can these two be together.

In love

People around see the relationship of this couple as quite calm and measured. There is no violent passion, insane jealousy and loud quarrels. But to tell the truth, a Virgo man can experience quite deep feelings without letting others know what worries him. The Aquarius woman is not used to making her personal relationships public, despite her openness to the world around her.

These signs try to avoid conflicts - this is their unifying factor. New acquaintances and knowledge are what the Aquarius woman strives for. Her conservative lover does not need big companies and adventures. Often, Aquarius will come to parties without his chosen one, who does not like noisy companies. He will be jealous of his beloved because he cannot constantly control her, and the words of Aquarius do not always inspire confidence in him.

An Aquarius woman should open up to her lover as much as possible and not give reasons for jealousy if she values ​​this loving and reliable person.

In a relationship

A man has little understanding and dislike of his partner’s pomp, her desire to shine even in bed. On the other hand, he likes her ambition, it is also characteristic of him, and this circumstance also unites them. There is little sexual compatibility, as they are prone to protracted relationships in their feelings towards each other.

The Aquarius woman will be pleasantly surprised when the Virgo man comes to pick her up at the cafe. However, after a second, he will think that it was only the jealousy of his loved one and his mistrust that led to such an act. But the unfortunate Virgo man will be able to convince her with his sincere confessions. The lovers will go home to indulge in love pleasures.

Watch the video. What kind of man is suitable for an Aquarius woman?

A Virgo man will not spare money on flowers and gifts for his ethereal beauty; he will throw the whole world at her feet just to make his beloved happy. The only thing that will bother him is the Aquarius woman’s dislike for doing household chores. But it’s okay, because this is not the most important thing in life.


The family life of a Virgo man and an Aquarius woman will be quite difficult. Home and family are the most important thing in life for Virgo; he will make every effort to strengthen the marriage and create home comfort. Aquarius is not very strong in economic matters, so most of the household life will go to her husband.

55% divorces

Her frequent absence from home makes the Virgo man jealous, but she can’t do anything about it, because she vitally needs communication with new interesting people. Having stopped torturing himself mentally, the husband will begin to control his wife, and for Aquarius freedom is very dear, she will not tolerate encroachment on it.

The family will be financially secure due to the fact that Virgo knows how to properly manage financial resources. The frivolous Aquarius woman does not think about what will happen tomorrow; she is used to living for her own pleasure. This will not be a cause for controversy, but the husband will take control of his wife's financial expenses.

The intimate life of the spouses will be calm until the Aquarius woman wants to try something new, and her conservative husband is completely discouraged from experimenting. A marriage will collapse if it was created precisely because of the sexual attraction of the lovers. Otherwise, this union has every chance of a happy future.

In friendship

A Virgo man and an Aquarius woman very rarely manage to build strong friendships. Often they are each other's best friends. These opposite personalities understand friendship between a man and a woman differently. They will not get irritated and enter into conflicts with each other, but they also have no desire to get closer.

In sex

The partners are too different: a firm, practical and stubborn man and an independent woman. The union is very problematic, and in most cases, unfavorable. He never wishes the impossible, and she is capable of unrequited actions.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Virgo man.

Due to his reserved temperament, sex and erotic experiences do not occupy the most important place in his life.

The Virgo man in sexual relationships tends to go from one extreme to another: one second he acts like a true puritan, and the next he becomes an unbridled lover. He is inherently picky in intimate relationships. He has been waiting for a long time for the ideal woman, who may well become an Aquarius woman. Her very original and varied sex positions will deprive the Virgo man of any desire to remain decent. In still waters there are devils - this saying fully characterizes his personality. He tries to drown out the voice of his heart, but if he really falls in love, then we can say with all certainty: his feelings will be serious and deep.

In sex, sometimes there is a misunderstanding of each other and, as a consequence, the emergence of conflicts.

The Virgo man provides Aquarius with various surprises, which she simply adores. The Aquarius woman is completely delighted with Virgo’s responsiveness, his willingness to accept her unpredictable sexual habits, thanks to him she becomes more confident. These two will be able to contribute to sexual science.

In progress

The Virgo man is the embodiment of logic and clarity. Thanks to the genius of an earthly man, any problem can be solved quite quickly. He is characterized by punctuality and accuracy. The Aquarius woman is a walking genius. She is characterized by the ability to inspire; she can infect anyone with her enthusiasm. Flying somewhere in the clouds, she gives life to fantastic and chic ideas. The airy lady lives a life similar to an eternal holiday and fireworks; there is no place for dullness and boredom in her.

The collaboration between a Virgo man and an Aquarius woman can be quite interesting. They will be able to get along and complement each other. Of course, the Virgo man can irritate the Aquarius woman, giving her endless advice and moralizing, but she will not have to fear for the reliability of the business created by the earthly guy.

Both of these signs are characterized by hard work; they are not used to giving up as soon as any difficulties arise and are not afraid of competitors. The air-ground guys never lose their fighting spirit - and that’s the main thing.

In percentages

A Virgo man will always take care of his beloved. The Aquarius woman just needs to let him do it.

These signs are approximately 80% compatible: their compatibility in love is 90%, in marriage – 80%.

Psychological compatibility

Virgo and Aquarius love order and are misanthropes. The Virgo man tries to make his surroundings and living space impeccable. He systematically organizes his life. Even the sloppy Virgo owner will always be able to find the thing he needs, despite the chaos. A certain orderliness in his life is vital for the Virgo man; without it, he feels insecure and worried.

Virgo is unsociable and feels best alone with himself. The man is taciturn and sometimes withdrawn, but at the same time he is very sensitive and vulnerable, and therefore tries to hide his weak points, protecting himself from insults. The Aquarius woman also strives to structure her life, but she understands it differently. Initially, she creates an example of an ideal world in her head, and then excludes those things that do not fit into her ideal.

Both representatives of these signs understand each other's need for order and respect the efforts each of them has made to achieve it.

The Virgo man, despite his changeability, meets the fixed standards of the Aquarius woman and is ready to yield to her pressure.

Both partners have some differences. The gentle and selfless Virgo man can be capricious and critical. The harsh and self-centered Aquarius woman can be cold and dismissive. Virgo is attracted by the self-centeredness of Aquarius, and she appreciates the tenderness, honesty and care of her partner.

Pros and cons of Virgo and Aquarius union

The union of Virgo and Aquarius will be filled with peace and mutual understanding when partners stop trying to remake their other half and begin to see only the positive side in the character of their chosen one.

Each of the partners in this pair will be able to teach the other something useful. Aquarius teaches Virgo to be insightful and sensual, to look at the world on a larger scale. Virgo helps Aquarius turn his fantastic plans into reality. The revolutionary plans of Aquarius will be given the opportunity to be realized if he stops being selfish and has a consumerist attitude towards Virgo.

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Virgo and Aquarius are interested in many things that are not related to everyday problems, so an organized life for this couple is very rare. Children are not a requirement for their family to be happy, they are quite content with each other. The pair of Virgo and Aquarius is not without frequent problems. The freedom-loving Aquarius man will never tolerate harsh pressure. Virgo's character cannot allow her to stop trying to change her partner. The rational Virgo cannot take for granted the lack of routine in the creative work and life of Aquarius.

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The life together of this couple is impossible without Virgo’s control and attempts to remake their soul mate. Aquarius will avoid control and will often disappear from home. To avoid a breakup, Virgo must become less demanding, and Aquarius must learn how to behave correctly in everyday life.

Chances for the future of such an alliance: are there or not?

The union of a Virgo woman and an Aquarius man is quite rare. The combination is not good. It's not easy for partners to live together. He is a hidden romantic - he would like to convince himself that not everything in life is so bad and hopeless. There is a certain duality in him: that in life not everything is so bad and hopeless, that the world should be different, better, but he really understands that this is not so, and the more he wants to be proven otherwise. She is in no hurry to console him: she confirms that everything is as bad as it is.

The compatibility of the signs Virgo and Aquarius may seem strange to many, but if these people are connected by true love, the union will be long and fruitful. These lovers are ready to admire each other for any reason. Admiring your partner’s intelligence makes the connection strong and long-lasting.

Virgo - Aquarius: is there compatibility?

Virgo and Aquarius are gifted with the ability to make the right decisions without thinking for a minute. Virgo patiently holds back the whimsical attractions of Aquarius.

Aquarius forces Virgo to throw caution to the wind and act in spite of misgivings. They always do the right thing.

When forming a single team, both seem to know in advance what their partner's next step will be. If Virgo and Aquarius act blindly - each in their own direction - tensions can increase.

Virgo and Aquarius will never work the same way.

Virgo calculates the results in advance. Aquarius believes that everyone should be responsible for their own affairs. The Earthly Virgo never loses sight of various little things.

Airy Aquarius instantly takes in the entire situation with one glance. Details depress Aquarius. Life for Virgo and Aquarius seems wonderful if you have learned to read each other's thoughts.

Virgo is methodical, Aquarius is unpredictable. But surprisingly, they don't have that many differences! They are both endowed with high intelligence. Virgo's positive mind analyzes the situation comprehensively before setting sail.

Aquarius is impulsive and acts on intuition, although at times he moves with deliberate slowness.

What makes Aquarius be so careful? He hesitates, studying the situation, and is in no hurry to enter unfamiliar waters. Virgo is not always patient.

Carried away by a practical goal, Aquarius is able to forget about everything. Both signs crave continuous spiritual growth. The union of Aquarius and Virgo is strong if you feel that you are in the process of becoming!

How compatible are Virgo man and Aquarius woman?

The Virgo man is fascinated by the Aquarius woman. She is the standard of a free person who stands up for her rights. For a man submissive to Mercury, she thinks too radically. They think completely differently.

The clarity of mind of a woman submissive to Uranus turns his logic on its head. She can talk about literally anything.

The Aquarius woman is impetuous. He is in love with her brilliant, sparkling eyes. She knows where she is going, even jumping from subject to subject.

The Virgo man realizes that she appreciates his openness and understanding of her ideas. He hopes that they will join forces harmoniously.

She is conservative and unambitious, although she can change her point of view diametrically in a split second. The Virgo man hopes that he will make a favorable impression.

His ideas seem too insignificant for a woman submissive to Uranus. He likes to hear her laugh. She approves of him when he becomes himself.

The Virgo man dreams of capturing this free, elusive soul. He firmly decided that he must accept her incredible ideas as his own. Why - he doesn’t know!

The Aquarius woman flies after the Virgo man, but suddenly makes a sharp throw and holds him back. He knows how to appreciate her beneficial influence and understands her thoughts.

She dreams of a partner who is not afraid of her irrepressible thirst for freedom. He won't leave her. A woman submissive to Uranus notices that the Virgo man is somewhat frightened by her savage habits.

He only relaxes when she becomes sensual. The Aquarius woman hopes that this will not always be the case. She is free.

A man submissive to Mercury catches her attention when he talks about his plans for the future. She dreams of the future!

He strives to achieve a lot, and she approves of this. She herself is eager to take from life everything that is possible. He wouldn't have to hold back his criticism at all when he became her lover.

She is ready not to react to anything. Let him only look at her as an equal and allow her to follow her own path. The Aquarius woman highly values ​​the analytical mind of the Virgo man.

He firmly and strictly adheres to his chosen course. She understands that sooner or later they will move towards a common goal. A woman submissive to Uranus is by no means a lonely wanderer.

She just wants to feel free even next to her partner!

How compatible is a Virgo woman and an Aquarius man?

The Virgo woman perceives the Aquarius man as a challenge. His straightforwardness overturns her guidelines. She's ready for him to make her work as hard as she can.

She hopes they will reunite both intellectually and emotionally. He seems young despite his age. He probably knows the secret of eternal youth, which doesn’t bother her.

She's tired of feeling like an adult. “As long as he takes care of himself,” she thinks, “he’s right for me.”

The Virgo woman is not always ready to experiment in life, but the restless personality of the Aquarius man captivates her.

At times she wonders whether her seductive beau with the electrifying smile really exists. Their connection is like a roller coaster ride.

A woman submissive to Mercury sets high standards for her lover. She does this furtively, but hopes that he sees everything and is ready to fulfill her demands. He is her chance.

The Virgo woman cherishes her own ideas. The Aquarius man follows her as an experienced and knowledgeable leader. It’s as if he’s being pushed by an irresistible force.

She is happy, but asks herself: “Isn’t everything going too easy?” The Aquarius man understands that the Virgo woman listens to him sensitively.

She does not immediately understand his logic, but listens carefully, trying to figure it out. He's worried that she might not like him. In the end, he has his own character, and he cannot escape himself.

She is not embarrassed by the differences in their characters. She strives to be with him. She knows life and is looking for true love. The Aquarius man craves to be understood.

He has had romantic adventures, but still longs for love. The Virgo woman is a mystery. Does she take him seriously as a partner? It suits him.

He is looking for a girlfriend on whom he can rely. Her eyes are full of appeal, but he stops in thought. She behaves the same in love and in business.

A man submissive to Uranus highly values ​​the abilities of a woman submissive to Mercury. He hopes that she will understand that they must walk together along the same road, which is wide enough for both of them.

They have interesting conversations, moving from mundane pragmatism to unbridled romance in the blink of an eye. In the depths of his soul, there is no doubt whether everything is really happening!

The union of Aquarius and Virgo requires a lot of strength. You are a real treasure trove of ideas. Nothing should stop you. Your love will only grow if you honor each other.

You will never be able to change your partner. Don't waste time. Get to know each other's strengths and weaknesses. By supporting your partner, you will never want to leave him.

You love each other more and more deeply. Your love is directly proportional to your growing understanding.

Astrologers - about the compatibility of Virgo with Aquarius

From Olshevskaya N.’s book “Astrology for Women”:

You are Virgo, he is Aquarius: perhaps you met at night school or in advanced training courses. Or rather, it was you who improved your skills, and he studied his fellow students and took advantage of the opportunity to be away from home.

The trip to the restaurant that followed the acquaintance went well (the conversation inspired both of them), but for some reason you were embarrassed by the friendship that had struck up.

This is so strange, because your self-analysis usually gives clear and correct results!

You can be sure that in his company your brain works at full capacity, but for some reason, disturbances begin to occur with your nervous system.

You are such an efficient, correct, responsible, punctual person; and he is unreliable, erratic, always late or does not show up for a date at all.

Trying to understand what has to do with you personally can make such an orderly person like you go overboard!

You are an Aquarius, he is a Virgo: both value intelligence and are gifted with it in abundance. But your comments can be untimely, and this can greatly irritate both of you.

Virgo's increased attention to efficiency and detail gets on the nerves of Aquarius, who is more interested in the human psyche and social trends.

And Virgo's habit of asking questions threatens your independence.

From Wolinsky S.'s book "Astrolove":

Aquarius is the only sign that can make Virgo almost recklessly romantic. In addition, Aquarius's bright mind and rather independent manners are exactly what the reserved Virgo has always lacked.

Well, Aquarius may really need that ability to organize life, which Virgo has always been distinguished by. Nevertheless, they have something to fear.

When considering the compatibility of a Virgo and Aquarius couple, keep in mind that Aquarius is too impractical and unpredictable, and one day Virgo may decide that enough is enough.

In addition, Aquarius is so afraid of being tied up that he will probably run away at the first opportunity.

However, a happy ending is quite possible if Virgo is satisfied with semi-independent love and if both are truly committed.

So Aquarius will finally receive his own island of reliability and security, and Virgo will have someone to love all his life.

Love and compatibility in a Libra - Capricorn couple

From the book by G. Novoselova “Your Love Signs”:

Oh my God! These two can simply drown in tears (you know that many Virgos are terrible hypochondriacs). It is impossible to understand what they need (they don’t even know it themselves!).

If they start some kind of joint business (no, not sex, but business), it can still bring success. But if they need love, then they will be disappointed!

If they are both accompanied by Verena, exuding love - in Libra or Leo for the chaste Virgo and in Pisces for the windy Aquarius - this will be a rather tender couple.

But if they don't have room for passion and love in their chart, they will never understand what it means. (Maybe Virgo and Aquarius really love each other very much, or maybe there is no smell of it here - they will never know.)

If Aquarius is ruled by the amazing planet Saturn, the temperature will rise and the caresses will be more abundant, because such an Aquarius will be quite sexy, passionate and voluptuous in love, and Virgo will be terribly pleased!

(Of course, Virgo means virgin, but that's not really that common since they can get very hot in sexual play!)

Such an Aquarius is more like a Capricorn than an altruistic Aquarius, and this child of Saturn will perfectly understand the earthly desires of his Virgo. But if Virgo is at its best, and Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, this will be a very strange couple.

They will still be able to get along for a while (on what? - don’t judge by yourself, dear), but in the end they will get tired of adjusting.

The “Mercurian” will despair because it is simply impossible to communicate with this crazy, capricious madman, and Aquarius will soon set sail and find a more interesting interlocutor.

(Who is interested in listening to endless complaints and conversations about illnesses? At least, not our impatient Aquarius! He doesn’t care about these boring symptoms - let him (s) die with them! He already feels bad and is not appreciated at all!)

The best thing this controversial couple can come up with in the evening is to devote the entire night to discussing the latest news and the state of the country, and then jump a little right there on the rug in front of the TV so as not to miss the morning messages.

This is perhaps the most that Virgo and Aquarius can achieve in terms of sex!

Whatever the sex ratio, this couple will have plenty of trouble. Unless Aquarius is voluptuous enough to warm up his Virgo a little - in that case, something might still work out for them.

Aquarius and Virgo are two opposites. Despite this, both signs are very peaceful and kind, so they easily find a common language. Although they have different worldviews and characters, they respect other people's lives. In this union there is no place for pressure, aggression and quarrels. They value human relationships and you can always rely on them in a difficult situation. The compatibility of Virgo and Aquarius in a love relationship is not bad, but there are some nuances.

If the couple is a Virgo man

This couple cannot be called ideal, but if a man and a woman are interested in each other, then they will definitely find a compromise. The compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Virgo man is generally good. A man is used to constantly sacrificing himself for the good of the relationship, so his companion next to him will be very happy. The Aquarius lady is quite sociable and active; her temperament will add zest to the relationship and make it less boring. A man will appreciate it.

Love relationship

The compatibility of Virgo and Aquarius in love is excellent. This relationship is very measured and smooth. There is absolutely no jealousy, emotional conflicts or violent outbursts of passion in them. Even if Virgo experiences the strongest feelings in his life, he will never show it. Although the girl is open to people, she also does not like to talk about her heart’s affairs.

This couple is united by a lack of conflict. A woman is always looking for something new, meeting people, traveling. The man is a great conservative and does not need such things. Therefore, at friendly gatherings, the girl is often alone, and her boyfriend prefers to spend his free time in a completely different way.

Virgos cannot be called gullible people, so a guy can become jealous of his beloved. He rarely attends any events with her and bases his impressions solely on his own guesses and stories told by the girl herself. If a girl loves her chosen one, then she should be as frank as possible with him and not give the slightest reason for jealousy.

Family life

The family union of such a couple will be more difficult; their compatibility is average. For Virgo, family, children and home are the main things in life. He will do everything possible and impossible to strengthen his marriage and create harmonious relationships. Aquarius wife is not so attached to her husband. By the way, it is the spouse who will take on household responsibilities.

The woman, in turn, is very often absent from home and does not consider it necessary to explain herself. This provokes a series of unpleasant thoughts in a man’s head. From excessive worries, Virgo may even begin to control her spouse, and Aquarius cannot tolerate the infringement of his own freedom.

The man is very careful with money and therefore the material well-being of the family is in good hands. The Aquarius girl is somewhat frivolous in this matter and does not think at all about tomorrow. She can spend absolutely all her money in a minute and will not regret it at all. On this basis, the couple will have serious conflicts, and Virgo will try in every possible way to control the spouse’s expenses.

In bed, everything will be just fine for the couple at first, but as soon as Aquarius wants to try something new, she will inevitably have to deal with the conservatism of Virgo. The woman will be somewhat disappointed.

If the marriage was concluded in a fit of sexual attraction to each other, then such a union will not last long. In a different scenario, the couple has every chance of living together for a very long time and truly happily.

Friendship signs

In friendship, Aquarius and Virgo are compatible. Such relationships will be strong, selfless and real. They will be the exception to the rule and prove that a man and a woman can be friends. Although Virgo and Aquarius have slightly different ideas about friendship, they will still be good friends. Of course, there will be conflicts, but they will be short-lived.

Both signs are very easygoing, so they will forget any offense and will also treat each other warmly. They are unlikely to want to get closer together, since they are completely satisfied with what they have.

Virgo woman in a couple

In the first days of dating, the couple will be crazy about each other. At first it will seem to them that they are similar in everything and have a lot in common, but after a while they will discover how different they are. In such a situation, the couple has only two options:

  • tune in to constant compromises and learn to give in;
  • separate and do not complicate life for yourself or your partner.

Love and family

Love compatibility between Virgo and Aquarius is average. The relationship will be calm until the couple gets married. A guy should think carefully about whether his chosen one is suitable for him as a life partner, because the lady’s character is not simple. The Virgo woman is very clean and neat, in life she is guided only by common sense. At first, these qualities will attract Aquarius, but later he will get to know the girl better and will be faced with her demandingness, which he is unlikely to tolerate.

The marriage of this couple is undesirable; such a relationship will not be ideal. Virgo will give Aquarius the impression of a boring and constantly dissatisfied woman who treats him like a mother treats a restless child.

The couple will spend their free time separately; they cannot have common friends and interests. Quarrels over this issue are simply inevitable.

Friendly relations

Such friendship is practically impossible, and there are several reasons for this:

  • they most often have different companies;
  • there is no trust between them;
  • they are not interested in each other.

Any friendly relations in such an alliance are possible only when the man or woman has some kind of benefit or interest in this. They are not aggressive towards each other; rather, it can be called complete indifference. Such people simply try not to intersect, since they are absolutely not attractive to each other.

Of course, their environment also influences the character of people under these zodiac signs, and it is possible that a friendship between a couple will nevertheless begin, but most likely it will not be strong and long-lasting.

Natalya Erofeevskaya

Relating to different astrological elements (Aquarius - Air, Virgo - Earth), they exist as heaven and earth. Order, precision, neatness in everything - Virgo could make these principles her motto, while airy Aquarius prefers real chaos in everyday life and personal life. Such a union disputes and conflicts cannot be avoided.

However, the Virgo-Aquarius combination seems completely incompatible only at first glance. A serious, prudent and reasonable Virgo, if desired, can understand the sometimes unfounded optimism of Aquarius. The punctual and even pedantic Virgo, on the contrary, values ​​​​both her wallet and her own time allotted to her on this earth - the tossing of Aquarius, his frivolous attitude towards work, people and circumstances can become a real stumbling block in this union.

Almost the only thing that unites Virgo and Aquarius is that they rarely pay attention to outside opinions

But let everyone think that Virgo and Aquarius are so different: true feelings capable of sparking a magnificent, passionate and long-lasting romance.

Virgo and Aquarius Compatibility Chart

Compatibility of Virgo Man and Aquarius Woman: Pros and Cons of Relationships

The constancy and loyalty of Virgo is not always ready to accept the frivolity of Aquarius, even in its most modest manifestations. Only trust and hope for a stable relationship on the part of Virgo, devotion and responsibility on the part of Aquarius can make the union strong and sincere.

Love relationships between such different signs are possible only if the partners are more tolerant of each other’s shortcomings

The composure and discipline of Virgo will constantly resist the carelessness and enchantment of Aquarius. It is likely that they will converge for an unbearably long time, slowly getting to know each other's characters and habits. Most likely, such a relationship will not end in anything, but as long as they are together, they will definitely not be bored.

A comparison of these two signs shows that the love between them can be strange, but interesting: before moving on to the beginning of a serious relationship, Virgo will take a long look at Aquarius. Not everything will go smoothly from the first days: Relationships may be interrupted for weeks or even months. And yet, the cheerfulness of Aquarius and the absence of any demands on his part attracts Virgo so much that time after time communication will be resumed, and feelings will become stronger.

For a harmonious union, experience and the ability to learn from each other are necessary.

Virgo and Aquarius do not rush things, do not limit each other’s personal space, but each has their own stability and specific plans for the future. Love relationships will be easier to build if the meticulous Virgo stops looking at the frivolous Aquarius through her “magnifying glass of prudence,” and Aquarius takes the feelings and desires of her partner more seriously. For a harmonious union, they both need experience and the ability to learn good things from each other.

Virgo guy and Aquarius girl in sex

This couple will transfer spiritual comfort and a reverent attitude to personal space into bed. The Aquarius woman can be bright and enchanting in sex, but the slightly old-fashioned views of her Virgo partner will cool this love fervor. The Virgo man knows how and loves to be gentle, his care and affection will be accepted with gratitude and reciprocity by his partner.

The path to physical intimacy between Virgo and Aquarius is not easy, but in sexual relationships the likelihood of harmony is very high

In bed with a Virgo man, you should not expect sophisticated and bold experiments: in intimate relationships it is difficult to find a more conservative astrological sign, and often it depends only on the insight and desire of the Aquarius partner how much the couple will be able to diversify their sex life.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

He is Virgo, she is Aquarius... We can say for sure that legitimize relations Neither one nor the other will be in a hurry, but for different reasons. The flighty and frivolous Aquarius woman is ready to give up her freedom for the sake of serious feelings, but her Virgo partner, with all his tenderness, is afraid of his own feelings and is not completely confident in the reliability of his friend.

Novelty is the credo of Aquarius, stability is the law of Virgo

This couple has completely different attitude towards everyday life: the scrupulous and pedantic Virgo husband can over and over again put the TV remote control back in its place after the Aquarius wife again threw it anywhere. Novelty- this is the credo of Aquarius, stability- Virgo law. How can they get along with such different views on living together?

The marriage of a Virgo man and an Aquarius woman will only last on the patience of the first and the love of the second

Under such conditions criticism cannot be avoided, but it is worth refraining: the union will be completely destroyed, since the pride and self-sufficiency of both will not give a second chance for rapprochement.

Is there friendship if he is a Virgo and she is an Aquarius?

Such a couple gravitates more towards friendly relationships than towards love ones. Erudite and interesting storytellers who can interest listeners - they have something to give each other in friendship. They say, opposites attract, and this is the very case when a serious Virgo is drawn like a magnet to a sociable and easy-to-communicate Aquarius woman. If she weren’t sometimes so stubborn and didn’t irritate the pedantic Virgo with her inconstancy and wild ideas, their friendship could be called ideal.

In friendship, the Virgo man appreciates the free-thinking and activity of the Aquarius woman, and she appreciates stability and balance in him

Friendly relationships allow each of them “get” those qualities that they themselves lack. According to the reviews of Virgo men about their Aquarius friends, everything is so: almost always a serious-minded Virgo will never be bored in the company of an Aquarius girl, because her crazy ideas and sweet chatter will paint the world of this conservative with bright colors.

How to win a Virgo man?

Virgo men are ardent supporters of common sense, pragmatists, workaholics and careerists with ambitious plans. There is no naivety, emotional experiences are hidden deep inside. The striking features of this sign are reliability, responsibility, and a sense of duty in all spheres of life: such men are attractive to women of any zodiac sign.

This sensible and practical man doesn't waste his time on empty flirting, so if you notice signs of attention on his part, rest assured: he has obvious sympathy and interest in the lady. A bright and individual Aquarius woman just needs to be herself: sincerity, openness, the opportunity to discuss problems and find ways to solve them together - something that Virgo will appreciate. The remarkable intelligence of the Aquarius woman and success in her career, combined with natural charm, can captivate Virgo for a long time.

An Aquarius woman can be bright and enchanting in sex

At first, a woman it is worth restraining the expression of feelings: excessive emotionality and expressiveness can frighten a balanced Virgo to such an extent that he either builds an insurmountable distance or completely curtails communication.

Attracting the attention of a Virgo man is still half the task, it's harder to hold him. An incredible neat guy, he will choose only a neat, well-groomed woman with good taste as a companion.

A few more tips By conquering the Virgo man:

  • punctuality, and literally up to the minute;
  • sincerity in communication: the Virgo man will appreciate even negative statements if they are reasoned and justified;
  • clear planning time together: Virgo is a person of schedule, “breaking” his daily routine, you anger him;
  • conflicts between such different people are inevitable: it is important for an Aquarius woman to learn to resolve them calmly, and not with the full force of her temperament;
  • no criticism of his chosen Virgo: he is extremely sensitive to negative opinions about his work, hobbies, relatives or appearance.

How to get the attention of an Aquarius woman?

The Aquarius girl's requirements for her chosen one are high, even if she does not admit it

In addition, her impulsiveness, sociability and amorousness are fundamentally conservative thinking and absolutely do not accept scenes of jealousy. Any control and restriction of the freedom of this independent young lady leads to an almost instant break.

The Aquarius woman absolutely cannot stand psychological pressure and persistence: constant calls and SMS - and before you have time to blink an eye, you are already crossed off from her wish list.

Undoubtedly, she will be interested in impressive, attractive men who have achieved a position in society. Wherein material interest is completely alien to her: for the Aquarius woman, the originality of her personality, sense of tact and loyalty to her word are much more important. Also in a man, she greatly values ​​intelligence and the desire for self-development, as well as manifestations of romantic impulses.

The serious and reasonable Virgo is not able to accept the frivolity of Aquarius

Compatibility Horoscope for Virgo Woman and Aquarius Man

This union cannot even be called harmonious: the irresponsibility, frivolity and desire for constant flirting characteristic of all Aquarius in a man’s performance are extremely cruel. A serious and reasonable Virgo woman is simply unable to accept and forgive this.

The main stumbling block on the path to a serious relationship will be the love of freedom and inconstancy of the Aquarius man, which the Virgo woman will not be able to put up with. For some time, this union can rest on interest in each other, as well as on the sexual emancipation of Aquarius.

The lady in this union is in a losing position: she will either become a “nanny” for this fidget, or she will be deeply disappointed by the failure of her chosen one in life.

Love relationship

It’s worth talking about love in this very contradictory couple only if the Virgo woman finds the strength in herself do not limit the freedom and destructive energy of your partner. Pedantic and meticulous, Virgo builds her own world, into which one day a “hurricane” in the person of Aquarius bursts in and, without regret, destroys everything that Virgo has been organizing for so long.

Having “tasted” a new life, it is not so easy for Virgo to refuse this fresh breath of air from Aquarius

From now on, He will become the center of her Universe, and everything will revolve around Him. In such love, a woman gives, a man receives, there are no other options and cannot be.

In fact, the bed is where it will be comfortable for both her and him. A bright, funny Aquarius, who has a keen sense of his partner, is able to satisfy any of her sexual desires: this is what can become the basis of a long-term relationship. It is important that the Virgo woman the next day does not make plans for a life together, a bunch of children and a calm old age in the arms of her beloved. As soon as Virgo, striving for stability and reliability of her position, starts talking about family and children, independent and unencumbered Aquarius will be blown away by the wind.

Even if an Aquarius man is madly in love with a Virgo woman, only an unprecedented parade of planets or insurmountable life circumstances can bring him into this marriage. Madly valuing his freedom and independence, an amorous Aquarius is physically and morally unable to live with one, even the most beautiful Virgo. Her desire to analyze and control circumstances, her serious attitude to life and the desire to protect her husband with care do not fit in with the recklessness of Aquarius and his rushing from place to place, from love to love.

This couple's marriage is doomed even at the dating stage

But if it takes place, the Virgo wife must be prepared for the fact that the too idle and sociable Aquarius husband will see his friends much more often than her and the children. The enchanting nature of this man and the trail of his love affairs stretching for many kilometers will break Virgo’s heart: an exceptional homebody and amazing housewife, who could be appreciated by men of other signs of the zodiac horoscope, will be unhappy and lonely.

For some time it will be possible to attract and keep Aquarius in a family environment birth of a child. But, having quickly become accustomed to the role of a father and even fulfilling the duties of raising him with pleasure and not unsuccessfully, the Aquarius man will not become domestic and tame anyway.

How are a Virgo girl and an Aquarius guy friends?

Even in friendships Virgo is not ready to accept Aquarius as he is: constantly flirting, flamboyant, too independent and selfish. This is the person who, in principle, does not become attached to people, although he strictly fulfills the promises given to them. His circle of acquaintances is so wide that it’s easy to get lost in it: Aquarius may not notice the “loss” at all, and this will be bitter and offensive for a Virgo girl who takes friendship seriously.

In this friendship, Virgo will always have to sacrifice something, adapting to Aquarius: common sense will tell the young lady in time that she simply does not need such sacrifices

How to win an Aquarius man and build a relationship with him?

The path to the heart of an Aquarius man is thorny and full of challenges. A Sure Way to Get an Aquarius Man not only as a lover, but also as a friend, and with favorable developments, as a husband:

  1. No scandals, interrogations or scenes of jealousy, even if it’s “boiling.”
  2. An interesting conversationalist for Aquarius is more attractive than a sexual partner, but this does not mean that a Virgo girl should not be attractive and seductive.
  3. Do not try to make him jealous: Aquarius will not experience any possessive pangs and will let you go in all four directions with a clear conscience.
  4. You shouldn’t give him complete control over yourself: have personal interests and space, your own social circle. Remain a mystery for at least some time, and the Aquarius man will not lose his initial interest.
  5. Any restriction of freedom - from purely female attempts to narrow the circle of friends of a lover to conversations about a wedding - can put an end to a relationship with Aquarius.

The Aquarius girl’s requirements for her chosen one are high

Is it possible to make a Virgo woman fall in love with you?

Virgo's critical, sharp mind, emotional coldness and exactingness towards her chosen one require patience, intellectual and creative abilities, tact and thoughtfulness from the man who wants to conquer her.

Always remember about Virgo's conservatism: the more old-fashioned and romantic the courtship, the more likely it is that it will end in sincere and devoted feelings on her part.

Things to remember to get this Snow Queen as your beloved?

  1. She will never take the first step, so the initiative is entirely in the hands of the man. It will not be difficult for an uninhibited and charismatic Aquarius to do this; it is important not to overdo it and not scare her with your ardor.
  2. Don't rush into physical intimacy: for this lady it will be more logical to build relationships on long intellectual conversations and pleasant, abstract surprises.
  3. A Virgo woman who is careful to the smallest detail evaluates a man manners, good manners, sense of humor and appearance: She will pay attention to both the shoes and the hairstyle of the relationship candidate.
  4. Selfishness and narcissism- those qualities that will repel this serious young lady. If you are not ready to be sincerely interested in her hobbies, work and past day, you are not on the way.
  5. Erudition and professional skills– Virgo will appreciate even highly specialized skills, but if you are a highly qualified generalist, an “A” will automatically be added to your record.
November 28, 2017, 14:00