Shamans from Tuva. The shaman is the chosen one of Heaven. With the help of thyme, the damage caused to a person by alcoholism and binge drinking is expelled. Thyme tea is a delicious healing drink. Useful properties of thyme and contraindications

It is difficult to say when the magnificent spicy and fresh aroma of thyme first attracted people's attention to it. Obviously a very long time ago. Thyme grows in dry and sunny places, for example, in the steppes of Khakassia. Esotericists believe that these places are filled with power. Traditions say that many peoples used thyme in religious rituals. The ancient Greeks threw thyme into the fire so that the fragrant smoke would rise to the heavens and attract the favor of the gods. A similar ritual existed among the Slavic tribes. In the Christian era, on the day of the Dormition of the Mother of God, icons of the Mother of God were decorated with thyme, which is why it received another name - the Mother of God herb.

Another name for this plant, thyme, symbolizes courage and strength. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that having thyme regularly added to food would completely eliminate fear. Knights decorated their armor and shields with images of this plant, thereby speaking of their courage and believing that it would bring good luck in a duel.

In England, the belief is still alive that thyme planted in the garden will certainly attract elves with its magical smell.

Thyme leaves and flowers contain a lot of essential oil, which gives the plant its specific wonderful aroma.

Thyme can help in the treatment of many diseases. It is most widely used in the practice of treating respiratory diseases. Thyme is included in many medications that have expectorant and disinfectant properties; it is used to treat catarrh of the respiratory tract. Very often, thyme is used as part of herbal cough remedies; it can be used to cure whooping cough, bronchitis; before the advent of antibiotics, it was used in the treatment of pneumonia; thyme alleviates the condition of bronchial asthma.

Thyme tea is extremely effective in treating dysbiosis in children. Consumption of thyme helps to increase the secretion of gastric juice. Thyme is also an excellent healer for diseases of the genitourinary system and helps remove stones from the body.

The positive effect of thyme on the state of the circulatory system and its stimulation of metabolic processes in the brain make it possible to use this plant in the treatment of certain brain diseases.

We must not forget about the high content of the potent antibacterial substance thymol in thyme. Thymol has a depressing effect on pathogenic microflora, which makes it an extremely useful component of liver infusions in the treatment of kidney inflammation and various neuralgia. And the smell of thyme has a calming, hypnotic effect. If you suffer from poor sleep, often feel unreasonably restless, or get tired very quickly, a pillow with thyme, or just a bunch of dried stems hung by your bed, will relieve you of this.

Some legends say: thyme is a herb given by the gods; it can restore not only human health, but even life.

So, thyme will help you get rid of cough. But there are many other methods, also based on traditional medicine and, like thyme decoction, without side effects. We will talk about this in other materials over time.

Various types of thyme are found almost everywhere in Eurasia, North America and even Greenland. In our country there are more than 170 varieties of this plant.

The Russian name “thyme” comes from the word “incense,” which emphasizes its special aroma. The less euphonious name thyme is also often used.

The magical properties of thyme (thyme)

Since pagan times, the plant has been held in high esteem by sorcerers and healers. Thyme was considered a magical plant, capable of not only healing, but even resurrecting a person. Dried sprigs of thyme were often thrown into ritual fires. It was believed that its aroma was capable of pleasing any god of the Slavic pantheon. And in the Mediterranean countries, since ancient times, it has been customary to fumigate premises with thyme in order to protect its inhabitants from evil and disease. In addition, the Romans believed that before a crucial battle it was necessary to bathe in a decoction of thyme, this would give unprecedented vigor and strength.

In ancient times, thyme was used in litigation to determine whether a person was telling the truth. To do this, a bunch of dried grass was thrown into the fire; if the smoke spread along the ground, then the person was lying, and if it rose up, his words were the pure truth.

Also, thanks to the magical properties of thyme (thyme), various talismans and amulets are often created from it. They can be worn to improve overall well-being, attract love or good luck. A bush of this plant, planted in the garden, will bring good luck and prosperity to the whole house.

Thyme is also revered by Christians; icons of the Virgin Mary are decorated with its fragrant branches on holidays.

In Ancient Egypt, thyme was an essential component of embalming composition. According to scientists, the Egyptians learned about the ideal antiseptic properties of this plant from an even earlier Sumerian civilization.

Very useful for men's health. Thyme is an indispensable remedy for prostatitis and impotence. Its leaves contain zinc and a number of other useful microelements that have a beneficial effect on the male body, increasing his strength and ability to fertilize.

Thyme can improve mood, causing positive emotions, and therefore is often used by psychotherapists.

Thyme baths are useful for a number of different diseases, from rheumatism and gout to skin rashes.

The essential oil of the plant is widely used in cosmetology as a means for healing hair and scalp. Thyme oil also has a beneficial effect on nails.

Thyme is a good diuretic, which is why it should be used with caution by people with kidney problems.

The healing properties of thyme (thyme) do not end there, because it is also useful for colds, as it has excellent expectorant properties. The famous children's medicine "Pectussin" also contains thyme.

Thyme- a universal seasoning, it is perfect for meat, fish or vegetable dishes; it is often added to desserts and alcoholic drinks.

Cheeses with the addition of thyme have a wonderful aroma, and among drinks, tea flavored with thyme is the leader in terms of aroma and beneficial properties.

Dried thyme leaves have a sharper and richer aroma than fresh ones, and therefore they will be preferable for spicy main courses.

The plant goes well with oregano, parsley and bay leaf, and is often included in various spicy mixtures.

It is very good to infuse oil with thyme, and then season salads with fresh vegetables with it. The leaves of the plant can also be added to slightly melted butter.

From an astrological point of view, thyme belongs to the element of Water, and therefore is especially useful for representatives of the water signs of the Zodiac - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The patron planet of this plant is Venus, whose influence allows thyme to serve as a powerful tool for preserving female beauty and attracting love. All amulets and talismans acquire a particularly powerful effect on full moon days.

The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the domestic kingdom

Hello, friends. Today my story is about a modest and inconspicuous plant, which, nevertheless, is endowed with very great healing power. Surely, those who visited their grandmother in the village as children know this simple flower, because in every hut they prepared it for future use. We will talk about thyme, its medicinal and beneficial properties, as well as contraindications.

In the south, thyme blooms in early summer, and in the north, flowering begins in August. It propagates quite easily, by seeds or shoots. The plant is so unpretentious that it can be easily grown on the site. Thyme grows densely, forming turf. Blooms long and profusely. Recently, it has been increasingly used in landscape design, combining beauty for the eyes and benefits for the body.

Types and names

There are so many species, hybrids and varieties of fragrant herbs that all the diversity is listed in pharmacopoeias under one name - creeping thyme. Or common thyme. Or beautiful thyme. In a word - thyme. It is popularly called wild mint, virgin herb, Helen's herb, incense, fimbra and za'atar. There is nothing unusual in so many names, because thyme has served man since the beginning of time.

Magic thyme

Summer. Tauride steppes. Long days, short nights. The sun hangs like a hot ball overhead in a blue-white sky, like old faded jeans. Hot. Very hot. The hot wind blows into your face, leaving a bitter taste on your lips. Thyme. This is freedom, this is the wind bending the feather grass to the ground. These are bright summer stars and tart smoke from a fire. This is the sweet bitterness of childhood memories.

In the children's camp, we, fifth-graders, practiced love magic)) Each girl picked a stem of a blooming thyme, called it by the name of the boy she liked, kissed the plant and hid it under the pillow with a mysterious look. If the boy dreams that night, it means he loves you too. How simple and naive our children’s “witchcraft” were, because of them the entire maiden wing of the detachment was thoroughly reeked of the aroma of thyme))). I will remember him all my life.

Its smell is bright, strong, memorable. But you won’t notice the grass itself right away. Thin branches with small leaves grow from the root in all directions. They branch, forming “pillows” on dry slopes of beams, clayey screes, and sometimes even on stones.

The Greeks called it the “breath of life” and the herb of Helen. After all, it was from the tears of the famous beauty that she shed from the walls of Troy that thyme grew. Among the Celts, thyme served as the key to the secrets of the “people of the hills,” as soon as one washed oneself with the dew collected from its flowers. And in Egypt, thyme was dedicated to Serapis, the god of the underworld and fertility.

This is a cult plant in the truest sense of the word. It was thyme that was burned on the altars of Ancient Greece and Rome. The newborn Christ was laid in a manger covered with thyme. This herb was given the power to ward off evil and strengthen the spirit. It is no coincidence that the Scottish Highlanders drank thyme tea before battle. And gentle medieval young ladies embroidered its shoots on the clothes of their knights to give them courage and courage.

In old times

Thyme is a symbol of military valor and the will to win. Cossack grass. Even dried stems retain the unique aroma of the summer steppe and home. When leaving the village or going to the Sich, the Cossack always took a twig with him.

Magic properties

A bouquet of thyme was a mandatory attribute of a peasant home. One might say, an irreplaceable talisman. He drove away evil spirits, prevented the brownie from being “naughty,” helped the owners with everyday chores, attracted the betrothed, maintained harmony in the family, enhanced male strength and took care of the health of children. During epidemics, they used it to fumigate premises; they used it to cover fresh game and slaughter to protect it from spoilage.

For the Slavs, the plant was considered a universal medicine “for everything.” And how can modest branches with lilac flowers contain such power? Is it really a scam?! Not at all! All the power is in the smell. Until now, not a single masterpiece of the chemical industry has managed to achieve the richness and fullness of natural aroma. The smell of thyme helps insecure people to open up, emotionally liberates and awakens feelings.

Bioenergeticists claim that the aroma of thyme “looks after” positive human qualities, bringing them to the fore and enhancing energy. It suppresses irritation and anger, relieves tension, fear and uncertainty. It is no coincidence that the smell of this plant, starting from the 17th century, was considered a regulator of brain activity. It was put into an amulet and worn without taking it off around the neck, sewn into pillows to get rid of insomnia and nightmares

Useful properties of thyme and contraindications

Thyme is one of the few plants to whose phytoncides microbes cannot develop resistance.

This property distinguishes thyme from a huge number of antibiotics, which has been documented. Thyme successfully fought against the pathogens of anthrax, typhoid and tubercle bacilli. In military hospitals during the First World War, they used it to process surgical instruments.

Chemical composition

All this thanks to the multicomponent chemical composition. And first of all, essential oil rich in phenols. The predominant component is thymol and flavonoids, as well as ursolic and oleanolic acids. It is thymol that is the main reason for such a strong bactericidal effect of thyme. This component is tens of times stronger than the chemicals used for disinfection.

The spectrum of action of the “bouquet” of beneficial properties of thyme is extremely wide. It is taken orally as an expectorant or analgesic. Used for metabolic disorders and nervous disorders. And externally for baths, rinses and compresses.

They can replace ammonia in case of fainting.

Thyme decoction is good at soothing debilitating coughs associated with whooping cough. It is no coincidence that this particular herb is part of the well-known drug “Pertussin”.

Thyme relieves swelling and alleviates joint diseases. It is indispensable for purulent skin lesions and dermatitis. It is useful for women - it normalizes the menstrual cycle. It is indicated as a sedative for insomnia and headaches.

Thyme, contraindications

Tea with thyme is beneficial, but it can also cause considerable harm. When using creeping thyme for treatment, we must not forget that it is a potent remedy. Thyme herb is contraindicated during pregnancy and thyroid disease. Use it with caution for arrhythmia, disorders of the liver and kidneys.

Savory and thyme, what's the difference?

Despite their very similar names, these are two completely different plants. They are often confused, and even on some very respected resources they use the name of another medicinal herb as a synonym for thyme, which misleads people. What is the difference between savory and thyme?

  1. Garden savory is an annual plant that grows mainly in Mediterranean countries and Iran. Unlike thyme, savory is not found in the wild in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus; it is grown only in garden plots as an essential oil, spice and ornamental crop.
  2. These two plants differ in their spectrum of medicinal effects. In herbal medicine, savory is not used as widely as thyme. It is mainly used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, intestinal disorders, diarrhea and vomiting. It is also effective against helminthic infestations.
  3. Unlike healthy tea with thyme, the harm of which is minimal, savory is not added randomly to teas and drinks - it is used strictly for its intended purpose and in small quantities.
  4. Savory should not be used for a long time or in large doses by women, as it can cause strong contractions of the uterus. There was even an abortifacient effect.

Tea with thyme: benefits and harms

Fragrant thyme is used to treat a variety of diseases. For coughs, flu, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, tea with thyme is especially useful, but it can be harmful if taken in excess or if contraindications are ignored.

How to brew thyme for colds


  • Pour a tablespoon of chopped herbs into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Take two tablespoons with a teaspoon of honey three times a day after meals. The course of treatment is five days. A teaspoon is enough for children, especially at night.
  • Pour half a liter of boiling water over a tablespoon of chopped thyme and a tablespoon of plantain leaves, boil for five minutes and leave for an hour. Take half a glass with honey five times a day before meals. The course of treatment is two weeks.


Take equal amounts of thyme herb, flax seed, anise and fennel. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting mixture into a glass of cold boiled water and leave for two hours, then bring to a boil. Take a third of a glass three times a day.

Chronical bronchitis

Brew four tablespoons of thyme, a tablespoon of oregano and a tablespoon of mint in a thermos with a liter of boiling water, leave overnight. Take the infusion instead of tea.


Take the herb of thyme, coltsfoot, string, St. John's wort and oregano. Prepare a decoction from one tablespoon of the resulting collection and a glass of boiling water.


They brew it like ordinary tea and drink an expectorant mixture of thyme and licorice root in a one-to-one ratio.

Chronic runny nose

The following advice will help with chronic runny nose. Take the natural essential oil of the plant and simply inhale its aroma through each nostril one at a time. Also, for greater effect, you can add one drop of oil to tea as an antiseptic.

Collection for inhalations

Mix thyme, sage, eucalyptus leaves, pine and birch buds. Pour three tablespoons of the collection into two glasses of hot water, boil for three minutes and use for inhalation.

Fortifying drinks

  • In winter - with viburnum and honey. Pour three tablespoons of dried herbs into half a liter of water and simmer over low heat for five minutes. Strain, add a glass of viburnum juice and five tablespoons of honey. Mix everything well, pour into bottles and seal.
  • In summer - kvass with thyme. Take two tablespoons of the herb and boil it in two glasses of homemade kvass. When it cools, add kvass to make one liter, add six teaspoons of sugar, stir, leave overnight and strain. Keep refrigerated.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of Bogorodskaya herb for men

In folk medicine, thyme is also successfully used to treat diseases of the male genital area. It contains a large amount of zinc, which explains the medicinal properties of thyme for men, while the contraindications are standard (described above). How to brew thyme to treat male diseases: a selection of recipes.


A special feature of this plant is the high zinc content in the stem. This element is necessary for any person, it helps children grow better, but most of all it affects men's health. To treat inflammation of the prostate gland and other problems with this organ, you should try this infusion recipe.

Recipe No. 1

You need to take one tablespoon of chopped dry herb and brew it in a glass of boiling water. Pour the broth into a thermos and leave for an hour, then strain and take three tablespoons three times a day. The course of treatment must be carried out for a month, and the main thing is to make a new decoction every day, since only a fresh infusion has medicinal properties.

Recipe No. 2

Brew four tablespoons of thyme, a tablespoon of oregano and a tablespoon of mint in a thermos overnight. Drink the infusion throughout the day. The course of treatment is a month, repeated twice a year. Instead of oregano and mint, you can add linden blossom, St. John's wort, rose hips; You can alternate infusions - one week drink an infusion of thyme with some herbs, the next - with others.

You can read about oregano, the benefits of its use, what it treats and how.

Recipe No. 3

Pour purified vegetable oil over fresh or dried herbs and leave for a month at room temperature. For prostatitis, impotence, prostate adenoma, rub into the perineal area before bed.

Benefits for women

The aromatic plant helps the fairer sex survive the not-so-pleasant period of menopause, when hot flashes are a concern, increased irritability, and decreased performance are observed. Another benefit of thyme for women is determined by its ability to reduce uterine contractions, which makes the course of menstruation easier.


Mix three tablespoons of thyme herb and four tablespoons of lemon balm leaves. Pour a teaspoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Take two glasses during the day for a week. Repeat every month.

Pain during menstruation

Pain during menstruation is a fairly common problem for any girl. To reduce it, you need to prepare tea from the herbs thyme and chamomile in a one-to-one ratio. Pour one tablespoon of the resulting mixture with 250 milliliters of boiling water and leave to brew for five or ten minutes, then strain and drink in the evening.

Thyme for alcoholism: treatment without the knowledge of the patient

It happens that a person does not recognize his problem at all and does not consider it necessary to contact specialists. In this case, relatives often have to resort to treating alcoholism with thyme without the knowledge of the patient. In this case, you can use a little trick. The plant has a pleasant aroma and therefore can be used in cooking.

Thyme powder can be added to meat dishes, salads, soups, and even infused with vodka. Over time, the patient will get used to the smell and taste, after which the dose of the powder can be increased so that the person eats one teaspoon per day without noticing. The effect will be the same as with a decoction.

Voluntary treatment of alcoholism with thyme

If the person himself wishes to recover from alcohol, an infusion is prepared: you need to take two tablespoons of thyme and brew it in 200 milliliters of boiling water. Leave for at least two hours. The infusion should be drunk two or three times throughout the day. The drug will significantly reduce the craving for alcohol, and when consumed, it will immediately cause discomfort in the stomach and nausea. The course must be completed within a month.

How to brew and drink for various diseases: recipes


In order to cure blepharitis, take three tablespoons of the plant and pour a glass of boiling water. After this, leave for an hour and strain after this time. Rinse your eyes at least twice a day.

Radiculitis, gout, joint pain

In order to cure radiculitis or gout, you need to take one tablespoon of infusion at least three times a day. If you have joint pain, you can try making a poultice. To do this, you need to take the herb and pour boiling water over it for a couple of minutes, then use it as a compress.

After a stroke

Pour a glass of herbs with a liter of olive oil, simmer in a water bath for two hours and leave for 12 hours. Keep refrigerated. Rub every evening into the spine area from the tailbone to the cervical vertebrae and into numb parts of the body.

After a concussion

Pour a tablespoon of dry herb into a thermos with two glasses of boiling water and let it brew for an hour. Drink a third of a glass, adding honey, four times a day before meals.

Spasms of cerebral vessels

Pour half a liter of boiling water over a teaspoon of the herb and leave for 40 minutes, covering tightly, then add ten drops of fresh golden mustache juice. Take half a glass twice a day for a week.

Mix a tablespoon of thyme, a tablespoon of chamomile and two tablespoons of motherwort well. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting mixture into a glass of cold water, simmer over low heat for ten minutes and leave for an hour. Take half a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.

Periodontal disease

Take a tablespoon of thyme, a tablespoon of chamomile, two tablespoons of calendula, three tablespoons of oak bark and four tablespoons of blueberries, chop everything well. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse your gums with warm infusion four times a day for three days. During this period, you should not eat spicy or salty foods.

Nerves, stress

Today, stressful situations are the order of the day, and to strengthen your nerves you need to prepare the following infusion. You need to take five grams of crushed thyme herb, pour half a liter of boiling water, and then leave for at least forty minutes in a tightly closed container. Drink a day, dividing the entire amount of decoction into equal portions. You can take the decoction no more than three times a week.

Tea balm for stress and irritability

  1. To make a tea balm for stress, take a herbal mixture from one teaspoon of thyme, two teaspoons of mint or the same amount of St. John's wort.
  2. You can also make a tea that consists of nine parts tea, one part cumin fruit and one part mint.

This balm must be brewed in a porcelain teapot. It is better to take one teaspoon of the herbal mixture and fill it with water to fill 2/3 of the entire volume of the kettle. After this, cover with a lid and leave to infuse for at least fifteen minutes. The balm should be drunk warm, so after the infusion has steeped, you need to add a little boiling water. You can also add sugar or honey to taste.

Hair loss oil

The thyme plant along with the flowers should be placed in a jar, but under no circumstances should it be compacted. Pour purified vegetable oil over the herb and leave to infuse for a month or even more. You can take olive oil (preferably), corn oil or sunflower oil. Filtered oil can be used as a mask.

If there are no fresh plants, you can use dried ones. In this case, you need to hold the oil with leaves in a water bath for an hour - this promotes the active extraction of beneficial substances from dry raw materials.


Thyme oil must be diluted in any base vegetable oil, for example, castor oil (10 drops of base oil per 50 ml of base oil). Rub the mixture of oils into the scalp and distribute over the entire length of the hair. This procedure significantly stops hair loss and makes it shiny and more vibrant.

Healthy spice

Dear readers! Today we talked about the beneficial, medicinal properties of thyme and contraindications for use. However, we must not forget that thyme is a useful spice.

Remember the well-known “Herbes de Provence”, thyme is an invariable component of this mixture.

Adding a pinch of thyme to meat or fish will add a piquant flavor to the dish, and it will also enhance the flavor of pea or bean soup. European cuisine has long noticed the beneficial effect of thyme on the digestive system and adds it to many dishes. Our health is on our table, so to speak. Use the available means and remain vigorous and cheerful until old age.

Health to everyone!

With love, Irina Lirnetskaya