Make a short fairy tale with the main elements of the beginning and ending. Beginnings and endings as the main structural elements of fairy tales. What is important to highlight in the plot of the tower

The beginning of a fairy tale, a saying, an epic chorus, a prayerful introduction, an ending - these are the parts included in the structure of a folklore work. They must be distinguished from each other. The complex compositional structure of folk tales is not accidental. Each of the parts they contain plays a specific role.

What is a saying

Most fairy tales, especially fairy tales, begin with a saying. Thanks to its existence, the listener is gradually immersed in a special world and thereby prepares to perceive everything

When reading or listening to a saying, both a child and an adult create in their imagination the image of the cat Bayun, they see an island in the middle of the ocean, on it rises a mighty oak tree with golden chains and a mysterious chest on mighty branches, and in the distance a city from an unknown kingdom-state is visible.

The peculiarity that distinguishes a saying is that the beginning of a fairy tale, despite its small size (sometimes just a few words), is able to immediately immerse the reader in the world of magic and enchantment. And this is very important, because a person is determined not only to enjoy what he reads, but also to comprehend the deep folk wisdom that lies in the content of the fairy tale. And without a special attitude, it can be very difficult to achieve this.

Very often a saying has a humorous character with elements of confusion, gibberish, confusion, and puns. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to avoid excessive edification, but at the same time maintain the educational role of the work.

Functions of the initiator

To fully understand a fairy tale, you need to understand its purpose. It consists of performing several tasks at once:

  • introduce the reader to the main works;
  • talk about the time the described action was performed;
  • give an idea of ​​the place where events take place.

Young readers should understand that the beginning of a fairy tale is very important. Already at the very beginning of the work, you can get a lot of information, which in the future will help you fully understand the image of the characters, their characters and actions.

The beginning of a fairy tale will certainly indicate that the language of the work that you are about to get acquainted with is completely different from everyday speech. An example of this can be the following expressions: “in a certain kingdom, in a certain state”, “golden domes”, “there is a tree”, “a fairy tale is told”, “sea-okiyan” and many other “fairytale” words.

The beginning of fairy tales, their diversity

The beginnings and endings of fairy tales have a huge variety; they are distinguished by structure, language, and semantic content. Only about 36% of folklore works have a traditional beginning. It is known to every person brought up on traditions. From early childhood, when a child is told a fairy tale, he hears the following words: “Once upon a time...” In total, at least nine types of openings are used when telling fairy tales.


“This is the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened, well done!” - a traditional form of ending to many folk tales. In addition to the above example, there are at least five other options with which the storyteller can finish the story he tells. Knowing what the beginning is in a fairy tale and what it is used for, it is not difficult to guess for what purpose the ending is used. Fabulous actions must be brought to their logical conclusion. A well-composed ending to the work helps to achieve this. For example, a storyteller can end the story like this: “They live and live and make good things!”, “This often happens!”, “They live and chew bread!” Sometimes the storyteller may end the tale completely unexpectedly, but he must remember that the ending sums up everything that has been said.

Other features of the structure of a folklore work

Fairy tales, their main part, and the ending may contain repetitions. Each new repetition is somewhat different from the previous one, and thanks to this, the reader can guess how the entire story will end.

Poetic parts naturally fit into the structure of folk tales, which gives the work musicality and tunes the reader to a special poetic wave.

The poems used by the storyteller have their own characteristics. Fairy-tale narratives written entirely in such verse are of great interest to readers. Writers call it fantastic.

In the process of presenting the content of a fairy tale, the narrator sometimes has to not only speak, but even sing, since the heroes often use just that among themselves. Suffice it to recall the fairy tales “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, “Wolf and Seven Little Goats” and others.

Onomatopoeia, a lively dialogue between epithets, comparisons, and hyperboles make works of folk art bright and inimitable. It’s not for nothing that everyone, young and old, loves Russian fairy tales: folklore contains not only wisdom, but also the true beauty of the Russian word.

The fairy tale “Teremok” has many interpretations among many peoples of the world. For the first time, three versions of a Russian fairy tale were recorded and published in the collection of Russian fairy tales by A.N. Afanasyev in 1855–1873.

Many storytellers and folklorists have diluted the invariant plot with their own details. Thus, the versions of A.N. are known. Tolstoy, M. Bulatov, V. Suteev, V. Bianchi. Particularly noteworthy is the version of M. Bulatov, who changed the ending of the fairy tale by adding the restoration of the mansion to the plot.

What is important to highlight in the plot of the tower?

The fairy tale “Teremok” is quite simple in terms of plot. , recorded by A.N. Afanasyev, differ in small details. We have summarized the main points of the fairy tales in a table:

A fairy tale in the collection of A.N. Afanasyeva Fairy tale number 82 Fairy tale number 83 Fairy tale number 84
View of the tower “A mansion was built by a fly” Jug Horse head
Who lived in the tower burn fly

creeping louse

spinning flea

long-legged mosquito

little mouse

rough lizard

Lisa Patrikeevna

snatch from under a bush

wolf gray tail

buzz fly

squeak mosquito

mouse whining from around the corner

frog on the water balagta

hare on the field

fox on the field beauty

dog gam-gum

wolf from behind the bushes

little mouse


the hare on the mountain is dodging

the fox is jumping everywhere

wolf grabs from behind the bushes

Who destroyed the tower thick-legged bear forest oppression bear the bear is crushing all of you
How the tower was destroyed pawed down the tower and broke it He sat on a jug and crushed everyone sat on his head and crushed everyone

As can be seen from the table, differences in fairy tales do not affect the plot in any way. It is important to note that the heroes of the fairy tale are various animals who, if not enemies with each other in the real world, are at least not friends.

The fairy tale “Teremok” is quite simple in terms of plot. , recorded by A.N. Afanasyev, differ in small details. The differences in the tales do not affect the plot in any way. It is important to note that the heroes of the fairy tale are various animals who, if not enemies with each other in the real world, are at least not friends. You can tell by their size that they appear. But the tower could accommodate everyone except the bear.

The key to admission to the tower is the consent of those already living in it. Note that none of the animals objects to the appearance of a new tenant. Here lies an important attitude towards your neighbor: it doesn’t matter whether he is your friend or your enemy, it is no coincidence that at a certain moment in your life it was he who appeared in front of you: perceive him as a reward - if this good man, take it as a test - if this is a bad person.

What is the tower an image of?

The object of the mansion itself is not revealed in the fairy tale: whether it is a jug or a horse’s head, there is no further description of the mansion as a dwelling as it is unnecessary, that’s not the point.

In the initial understanding, the tower in a fairy tale is an image of a house that shelters everyone who comes. As a rule, a person associates a house with peace and calmness. Exactly world is the hidden maxim of the mansion, under whose roof so many people gather different animals live in it peacefully. How can one not remember the phrase of St. Seraphim of Sarov:

“Obtain a peaceful spirit and thousands around you will be saved.”

Look, the fairy tale indirectly conveys the idea of ​​the importance of the inner world - this is achieved by the fact that the animals friendly welcome every animal that comes into the house, in other words, they are internally reconciled. And through the inner world comes the outer world, because the animals lived in harmony before the arrival of the bear. In other words, we can conclude that peace (as a spiritual concept) is also a certain connotation tower.

One more important detail is that the fairy tale does not indicate any additional external attributes of the life of animals in the tower, but we know that if something is silent in the fairy tale, then it matters. In this case, the silence highlights the friendly attitude of those living in the tower towards newcomers. In fact, this is the only thing that is shown in the fairy tale, repeating itself every time with the next animal.

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

I, little mouse; and who are you?

And I'm a frog.

- Come live with me.

A frog came in and they began to live together.

That is why the spatial significance of the mansion is not indicated in the fairy tale, or rather, it is indicated as obviously small, since it is very important to show the internal attitude of the mansion resident to the newcomer. In other words, the message is conveyed - don’t think about how much space you have in your home, whether it’s a lot or a little - this is not what is required of you. But it turned out that all the animals fit into the little house, although if you imagine that a wolf, a fox and a dog fit into a jug, then some kind of logical absurdity arises. This is the simple but most important idea of ​​the fairy tale! Be ready to help everyone who comes and asks. Don't rely only on your own strength and thoughts! God will arrange everything! It’s the same in life: some things seem unthinkable, but you just have to rely on God, and the situation will resolve itself.

Why didn't the bear get in?

The tale ends with the appearance of a bear that destroyed the tower. Of course, the bear is presented in the role of a destroyer for a reason. The bear in Rus' was revered as the most powerful animal, the owner of the forest. Nicknames that are used in fairy tales emphasize his strength and superiority over other animals: “forest oppression”, “he crushes you all”, “thick-legged”. The people knew very well what position the bear occupied in the forest, naturally this is not the idea of ​​​​a clumsy, club-footed good bear that has developed in Soviet period(more on this below) in the contaminations of fairy tales. The bear is the most dangerous predator of the forest, in other words, it is the enemy of all animals, or more precisely, oppressor, because No one can resist him, except perhaps another bear.

If we transfer the image of a bear to a person, then what can we say about the feelings of a person who is such a “bear” in relation to other people? Such a person may develop evil feelings: envy, hatred, despair, intransigence, enmity. In other words, the image of a bear personifies the vices of human hostility towards society.

The bear can also be compared to an unrepentant sinner, who, as we know, will not go to Heaven. To some extent, an allusion to Paradise can be called a mansion into which a bear cannot get.

In the fairy tale, a bear comes to a tower and does not yet know who lives in it, i.e. evil in a bear cannot manifest itself in any way. Next, the bear asks who lives in the little house, thereby getting an idea about those living in it (remember that each animal had its own nickname). It was after he recognized all his “friends” that the bear destroys the mansion, because he sees his enemies in its inhabitants and is not ready to reconcile with them. Thus, the collapse of the tower is the expression of the bear’s despair in its anger. Hence the bear’s phrase at the end:

I'm a bigot, I'm a pushover for everyone! - said the bear, put his paw down the tower and broke it. (tale 82)

And I am the oppression of the forest!

He sat on the jug and crushed everyone. (tale 83)

And I'm crushing all of you! - sat on his head and crushed everyone. (tale 84)

Thus, the narrator seems to be hinting: do not be a bear, for you will not be saved, “acquire a peaceful spirit,” like other animals.

The original invariants of the tales about “Teremka”, recorded by Afansiev, although they have differences in form, do not change their meaning in content. The same cannot be said about later variations of the tale, mostly Soviet.

Thus, in Soviet versions, the instructive tale about “Teremka” turned into a tale about friendship and mutual assistance, thereby deeply reworking the meaning of the tale.

B M. Bulatov (1913-1963) modified (rather reduced) the original text the most. First of all, the image of the bear changed, he became a kind bear - a clubfooted one. At the same time, the bear does not oppose the animals, and also tries to get into the tower, but due to its size, it cannot. And he crushed it by accident, trying to climb onto the roof... All these innovations destroy the previous model of the fairy tale, the apotheosis of which is the ending of the fairy tale:

The tower crackled, fell on its side and completely fell apart.

We barely managed to jump out of it: a little mouse, a frog, a little bunny, a little fox, a little sister, a top and a gray barrel - all safe and sound.

They began to carry logs, saw boards, and build a new tower. They built it better than before!

With this ending the author creates a new moral meaning fairy tales and does not really hide it, acting, apparently, in the spirit of that time (according to the demands of that time). Now the tale ends on a positive note, instead of the bear's despair, we see how all the animals, including the bear, began to build a new house. The message here is that you need to see everything through to the end, don’t despair if something doesn’t work out, you need to be enthusiastic about your work, and treat the other person with understanding. Of course, these are good values, but the subtext of the fairy tale has become somewhat simplified.

“Visiting a fairy tale” - I can do anything. “Save us, we were eaten by a gray wolf” “Very upset. "Telegram". The birds took my brother away. The little goats opened the door and they all disappeared somewhere. I’ll marry a frog.” My sister started playing. Tales about animals, everyday tales. Fairytale spells. “At the behest of the pike, At my will.” Descriptive type.

“Secrets of Fairy Tales” - Forest. Guys. Writers of fairy tales. Formation of the ability to perceive new knowledge. Master storytellers. Secrets of a fairy tale. Shiphttp. Types of fairy tales. Fairy tale. Creative work. Fairy tales-educators.

“Fairy tales for 5th grade” - My favorite Russian folk tale. Elements of fairy tales. Examples. Ivan Andreevich Krylov. The most famous fables. Types of fairy tales. Kind of literature. Ivan is a peasant son and a miracle - Yudo. Mikhailo Vasilievich Lomonosov. Fairy tale.

"The magical world of fairy tales" - Mysterious world fairy tales She ran for a long time through the fields and forests. Place the fairy tale in the right home. Find out the fairy tale. Collect an excerpt from a fairy tale. What kind of fairy tales are there? Dramatization of fairy tales. What kind of creativity does fairy tales include? The brothers didn’t believe Ivanushka and laughed at him to their hearts’ content. The soldier washed the ax, put it in the cauldron, poured water and put it on the fire.

“Fairy tale as a type of folk prose” - Fairy tale. Heat. Epigraph. An entertaining story. Full heart love. Fairy tale as a type of folk prose. Expertise. Porridge from an axe. Interest. Performing arts.

“Fairy Tales” - Hyperbole - If a horse hits him on the rump, he will fall off his feet. The wolf ran like an arrow. The heroes leave home to fix everything. “A fairy tale is a fold (fiction), and a song is a true story... From the word “fold.” In the thirtieth kingdom, an unprecedented state... Plot fairy tales. The bed is down. And he goes down and tells fairy tales.


An integral part of any fairy tale is the presence in it of such structural components as a beginning, a saying or chorus, and an ending. Each of these parts plays its own specific and very important role in the system of the entire genre. All this is a special formula of style, which determines the enduring interest in the fairy tale, with its rich ideological content, clarity and purity of expressed thoughts, artistic precision and entertaining plot.


Usually fairy tales, and especially fairy tales, begin their narrative with a saying. The main task of such a beginning is to immerse the reader in the special atmosphere of a fantasy world and tune him, the reader or listener, to the desired perception of the fairy-tale events of the entire work.

From the first lines, magical space seems to envelop us thanks to the saying, despite the fact that it is relatively small in size. One has only to remember the well-known cat Bayun, who walks rhythmically and sings his songs along a powerful oak tree towering on an island in the middle of the “ocean”.

It is surprising that a special mood designed to help comprehend the full depth and wisdom of folk thought is born not from pompous edification, but with the help of humor, which is characteristic of the saying. The use of wordplay and elements of some confusion help rid the tale of an unnecessary moralizing tone, but retain its educational purpose.


The next integral component of any fairy tale is the beginning. Its goal is to perform several important tasks, and, first of all, it is to provide the reader with sufficient information to help him form a correct idea about the heroes of the fairy tale, and in the further course of the story, correctly understand and evaluate their characters, way of thinking, cause-and-effect connections between their behavior and actions.

Thus, the beginning introduces us to fairy-tale characters and sends us to the right time and place of the events described. Already from the very beginning it becomes obvious that the language of the fairy tale is completely special, not similar to the speech familiar to our ears - it is worth remembering the traditional “once upon a time” or “the fairy tale is told.”


But any fairy-tale action must inevitably be brought to its logical conclusion, and here comes the time of the ending with the goal of finishing the story being told. Usually, this task is accomplished by already familiar and quite stable sayings: “they live and live and make good things” or “it flowed down your mustache, but didn’t get into your mouth.”

But the ending is not always some obvious conclusion; the author may well end his story unexpectedly and suddenly. But he must not forget that the ending, nevertheless, must be composed competently, so that it certainly contains conclusions about what was told.

The fairy tale genre is also characterized by the abundant use of repetitions, the true purpose of which is to bring the action of the work closer to its completion, denouement. Repetitions, each time pointing to certain details of an object, character or phenomenon, serve the purpose of strengthening the impression on the reader.

A special role here is played by details repeated three times: three sons, three heads of the serpent Gorynych, three tests given to the hero.

Poetic parts of fairy tales

In many fairy tales there are also parts that are poetic, with a special rhyme. In this way, the tale’s own melody, motive, melodiousness and musical mood in general are created. A “fairy tale” verse can usually include a different number of syllables, but the stresses are predominantly equal in number.

This leads to another feature of fairy-tale storytelling - you can often find a fairy tale akin to a song. Often beautiful maidens sing their sad thoughts on the shore of a clear lake, or a vociferous cockerel calls for help with a song, having fallen into the cunning clutches of an agile fox.

From the last example, we can also conclude that onomatopoeia is also widespread in fairy tales.

Dialogues in a fairy tale are always lively and natural. Through intonation, characters often betray their true intentions and not always their inherent positive qualities - for example, the speech of a fox will certainly be filled with flattery, and the voice of a soldier will remain brisk, even and harmonious in any situation.

The richness of a fairy tale with various kinds of repetitions, parallelism, rhythmic structures and other unique means expressive speech, undoubtedly prove the colorfulness and richness of living things vernacular. Preserving and passing on from generation to generation high concepts about the content of good and evil, justice, truth and other moral values, a fairy tale is the source of all the most important life definitions and patterns.

Yulia Korotkova spoke about the structure of fairy tales

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Sugaikasinskaya secondary school"

Kanashsky district of the Chuvash Republic

Literary reading lesson

Theme: “Fairy tales. Tales about Animals"

(Fool Bear)

according to the textbook "Sail - 4"


Lesson objectives.

1. To form in children an idea of ​​traditional beginnings and endings as an integral part of the artistic construction of a fairy tale

2. Contribute to the disclosure of the content of the fairy tale through the composition of the fairy tale (commencement, development of action, climax, denouement)

3. Continue working on developing reading skills and literary analysis of fairy tales.

4. Continue developing interest in oral folk art.

Equipment. Presentation “Tales of Animals”, teaching aid “Sail - 4” (,), pen, notebook, handouts for testing homework, computer.

During the classes

Organizational part. Lesson topic message.

Today we will get acquainted with another fairy tale “The Fool Bear” by the Astrakhan fairy tale collector M.I. Kostrova. Let's reveal its content through the composition of the fairy tale.

Checking homework.

-What is a fairy tale? (Fairy tale is a genre of oral folk art, folklore).



    Epics Proverbs (sayings) Ritual songs Dancing Ditties Riddles Conspiracies (spells) Folk tales

(Students in Russian folk tales about animals Fox and crane, Fox and jug, Masha and the bear, Teremok, Wolf and kids, Zaikin's hut, Bear and fox, Kolobok, Fox - sister and wolf, About the toothy pike - found the beginning, ending and culmination of the fairy tale.) The tasks are collected for evaluating work.

Individual retelling of 2-3 fairy tales.

Who did you read about in these fairy tales? (About animals.)

What animals did you meet here? (Wolf, fox, bunny...)

What are they doing? (They talk.)

What kind of fox? (Cunning.)

What wolf? (Greedy, stupid..)

Bunny? (Cowardly.)

Who are these tales about? (Russian folk tales.)

That's what it is tales about animals.

Animal Tales- these are fairy tales where animal heroes talk and behave like people (the fox is always cunning, the wolf is stupid and greedy, and the hare is cowardly...)

Work on the lesson topic “Composition of the fairy tale “Fool Bear”:

a) conversation: this is another fairy tale about animals. Let's get acquainted with the composition of this fairy tale;

b) vocabulary work:

difficile- someone who is difficult to come to terms with, stubborn

shavings- a small piece of wood, a thin and narrow layer, cut with a knife or planing tool

became stubborn(stubborn) - to show stubbornness, intractability in something for some time

helpful- always ready to provide service

feel homesick- get bored, feel sad

agreement- agreement, deal, agreement

c) finding the beginning:

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. They had three granddaughters.

And fairy tale endings:

And to this day they live. Only the eldest and middle granddaughters began to obey their grandparents better;

d) work on the main part of fairy tales: (reading out loud in a chain).

The tale is read from the beginning,

read to the end

but in the heart it doesn’t interrupt

e) checking the text read:

What kind of granddaughters did your grandfather and grandmother have? (Two are intractable, the third is helpful.)

What did grandfather once ask? (Feed him in the forest, since he worked there.)

Did the granddaughters fulfill their grandfather’s wish? (They didn’t do it because two granddaughters couldn’t find it; the bear threw the shavings to his hut.)

What helped the girls get out of trouble? (The intelligence and ingenuity of the third granddaughter.)

How did the third granddaughter do it? (The third granddaughter told the bear to take the pancakes to her grandparents in the village, the girls to hide inside the basket, and the bear not to eat the pancakes.)

What kind of bear is in this fairy tale? (Fool.)

Why? (Because I believed the girl, I couldn’t understand the girl’s cunning...)

That's why the Astrakhan fairy tale collector called this fairy tale “The Fool Bear.”

What fairy tale does this fairy tale resemble? ("Masha and the Bear".)

What does this fairy tale teach? (Be obedient, smart, hardworking...)

f) drawing up a plan for the composition of a fairy tale:

We already know the beginning, climax and ending of the fairy tale, and today we will learn about other parts of the fairy tale.

The beginning


The ending.

Fairy tale composition

1. Beginning. Lived once.

2. The beginning. Three granddaughters.

3. Development of action. The bear has two granddaughters.

4. Climax. It's the third granddaughter's turn.

5. Denouement. Rescue of granddaughters.

6. Ending. They began to live and get along.

This is how you can display it schematically.

g) test retelling according to plan.

What is the difference between this fairy tale and previous fairy tales? (It is large in content, there are repetitions. The composition of the fairy tale no longer consists of 3 parts, but 6.)

How many repetitions? (Three.)

This is the Yaroslavl version of the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”.

The intelligence and ingenuity of a peasant girl.

The dream of Yaroslavl residents is about joyful free work, about a happy life.

5. Homework. A retelling of the fairy tale “The Fool Bear.”

6. Assessment students' works.



Animal Tales

bean seed

Mushroom War

Wolf and kids

Crane and heron

For a shoe - a chicken, for a chicken - a piece

Zaykin's hut

Animals in the pit

Winter hut of animals


Cat - gray forehead, goat and ram

Cat and Fox

Cat, rooster and fox

Lion, pike and man

Fox and Crane

Fox and goat

Fox and jug

Fox and cancer

Fox and black grouse

Fox, hare and rooster

Fox Confessor

Fox midwife

Fox-sister and wolf

Masha and the Bear


Man, bear and fox

No goat with nuts

About the toothy pike

Sheep, fox and wolf


Egg (Hen Ryaba)

Fairy tales

Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga and Zamoryshek

White duck

Vasilisa the Beautiful

The Witch and the Sun's Sister

Prophetic dream

Magic pipe

Magic ring

Magic horse

Clay guy


Swan geese

Daughter and stepdaughter

The Enchanted Princess

Ivan - son of a cow

Ivan - peasant son and miracle Yudo

Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf


The prince and his uncle

Tiny Khavroshechka

Kuzma Skorobogaty

Dashingly one-eyed

Tom Thumb

Marya Morevna


The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise

Nikita Kozhemyaka

Night dancing

Petrified Kingdom

Feather of Finist the clear falcon

Rooster and millstones

At the behest of the pike

Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what

Truth and Falsehood

bird tongue

Seven Simeons

Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka


The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water

The tale of the glorious, mighty hero Eruslan Lazarevich

Snow Maiden

The soldier and the devil

Sun, Moon and Raven Voronovich

Suma, give me some brains!


Three kingdoms - copper, silver and gold

Tricky Science

Crystal Mountain

Princess Frog


Chivy, chivy, chivychok...

Wonderful shirt


Everyday tales

Barin and man

Master and dog

Master Blacksmith


Dobry pop

Boring tales

Seven-year-old daughter

The Fool and the Birch

The Wrangling Wife


Ivan the Fool

Porridge from an ax


Slander water

If you don't like it, don't listen

Petukhan Kurikhanych

Funeral of a goat

About need

Soldier's overcoat

Three rolls and one bagel

Fedul and Melania

Good, but bad

Compiled by

MBOU "Sugaikasinskaya Secondary School"

Kanashsky district

Chuvash Republic