The most terrible dog breeds. The most terrible dogs in the world. The most terrible and ugliest dog in the world


The ugliest dog in the world, whose title goes to a breed named Sam, has become a cult character. Having won this honorary title for the third time in a row in July, Sam appeared on television screens and newspaper pages, and a whole subculture arose on the Internet around the dog.

The tiny dog ​​is completely hairless. The only vegetation on his body is shreds gray hair on the head. 14-year-old Sam has wrinkled skin and is covered in spots. There are dozens of warts on his face. Sam is blind and his milky eyes make him look like an alien. And, of course, don't forget about his teeth. Sam has them of different sizes and stick out in different directions.

After his third victory, fan sites opened like mushrooms after the rain, and online diaries were dedicated to him. T-shirts with the image of the favorite hero are now on sale, and things that belonged to the dog are being sold as souvenirs. Even comics with Sam in the title role have appeared - however, so far only on the Internet, writes

There has been controversy on the sites about whether there is a dog in nature that is even more terrible than Sam. The resource, which “ate the dog” on revelations and debunking of myths, admitted that there is no uglier dog.

Another site welcomed the news that Sam had been castrated and could not bear children. "We don't need another one
", explained the ill-wishers. (“Son of Sam” is the nickname of serial killer David Berkowitz, who terrorized New York in the 1970s. He claimed that a neighbor’s dog ordered him to kill. - website note)

Sam's owner, 53-year-old Susie Lockheed, is very proud of her dog. “People usually get very scared when I kiss him. Who knows, maybe one day he will turn into a handsome prince, after all, it’s not for nothing that he looks so much like a frog,” jokes Lockheed. According to her, “sometimes other dogs don’t realize that there’s a dog in front of them,” so “they have to sniff for a long time” with Samu.

Sam came to his current owner 5 years ago, when his previous owners abandoned him. Lockheed took him from a dog shelter, where they no longer hoped that anyone would like the monster. “I think he should star in an anti-baldness commercial. Or pose for greeting cards“, says the happy owner. However, Sam’s chances of turning into a handsome prince are getting smaller every day. The dog will soon turn 15 years old. His heart is already playing up, and serious problems with his kidneys and lungs have also been discovered. Sam has already won the title of the ugliest dog three times ". Doctors say that, most likely, this is his last victory. The ugly dog ​​will definitely not live to see the next competition. According to Sam's owner, her dog is very popular in California. After the last victory, she received hundreds of letters from enthusiastic fans. "Many people wrote to me that Sam's photo is now hanging on their refrigerators. He definitely has a following," says Lockheed. Sam took part in the traditional Independence Day parade on July 4th in Santa Barbara.

According to some sources, this breed was bred in China more than 3 thousand years ago. Crested dogs were once used as living hot water bottles. According to other versions, this breed has nothing to do with China. Numerous hairless breeds are believed to have originated in Africa, hence the genus name CanisAfricanus. Archaeological finds have shown that small hairless dogs have lived in Mexico for thousands of years.

Chinese crested animals are credited with healing and magical properties. Superstitious owners of crested dogs believe that these animals can take off headache, and send her as punishment.

Chinese Crested dogs come in two types: hairless and powder coated. Chinese downy puffers are also called “powder puffs” or simply “puff puffs”.

The top 15 scariest dogs are purely subjective and based on majority opinion. It is possible that these dogs cannot be called sweet and cute creatures, but that is not their fault. They were made this way by a person or a random mutation. In addition, many people like the original appearance of these animals and these breeds of dogs are often kept as pets. For the sake of fairness, we suggest that by the word “scary” we mean “unique” and “not like everyone else.”

Despite the fact that the breeds presented below do not look aesthetically attractive, many of them are distinguished by impeccable behavior. Sometimes it seems that the unpretty appearance is compensated by a sharp mind, good character, love and tenderness, so these animals often provide assistance to humans and are used as service or shepherd assistants.

The parade opens scary breed dogs in the world – Peruvian Inca Orchid. She is ugly and original at the same time. Her bald head is adorned with a mohawk, and her wrinkled skin looks like a dried-out shell. "Orchid" is a hunter, companion and guide. Its peculiarity is that it sweats its body and, like a delicate flower, is afraid of bright light (hence the name). The main nurseries are located in the USA, and the number of individuals is limited. The price has not been set.

Another hairless dog with a tuft of hair on its face, better known as the Mexican Hairless or Xolo. Former hunter, now friend and companion. She has a kind heart and a friendly character. Genetics rewarded her with a naked body and elastic skin. External unattractiveness did not prevent her from becoming popular among breeders. Check out what one of the scariest hairless dogs looks like in the photo. You can buy it in numerous clubs in the Russian Federation at prices ranging from 25 to 45 thousand rubles.

Its external resemblance to a huge rat evokes negative emotions. The bull terrier is called a killer dog, the ugliest fighting breed and is prescribed for its bloodthirstiness. Due to its ovoid skull, unsightly muzzle, small pig-like and slanted eyes, it has a terrifying appearance. It is considered an elite breed and, according to reviews from its owners, is endowed with excellent characteristics as a friend, companion and guard. However, the fighting past of the scary rat-like dog with an elongated muzzle is alarming. The purchase of an elite “Buhl” reaches 80 thousand rubles. Bull terriers are often featured in films; you can watch films with their participation: “Death Grip”, “Babe”, “The Road Home”, “Space Friends” and “Frankenwiches”.

Puli is a Hungarian shepherd with an excellent sense of smell. Puli is called sloppy for the hair matted into dreadlocks, which gives the animal the image of a dirty mop and in many photos the dog looks disgusting.

Otherwise, the “mop dog” is an excellent assistant, friend and nanny for children. He has a good memory, is a friendly and sociable guy. A Puli puppy costs at least $800. You can buy it in nurseries in the USA or Hungary.

A Turkish dog with a split nose, prized for its agility in mountain hunting. At first glance at the catalburun, it will seem that she is seriously ill. She has a strangely shaped skull, wide-set, expressionless eyes and a disgusting nose - all this makes her extremely unlikable. The breed is so rare that few people have heard of it. To buy a Catalburun puppy you will have to go to Turkish hunters and pay at least $800 for it.

This unique animal shows a fine line between ugliness and beauty. She is beautifully built, elegant in her movements and knows her worth. Her appearance is not without charm. She looks like an alien horse. The body of the Chinese Crested is devoid of hair, but it has a mane on its neck and fringe on its legs. The Chinese Crested has gained well-deserved popularity for its cheerful and easy-going disposition. The seemingly fragile creature has a lion-like character: the “crested ones” are ready to defend their owner at the cost of their lives. The price from official breeders is from 25 to 40 thousand rubles. The film “Shaggy Special Forces” was filmed with her participation.

Nature has endowed him with the muzzle of a sheep, a humpbacked, disproportionate body and wool that grows in bald spots. The appearance of the “poor lamb” is deceptive; in fact, it is a fast, strong and resilient dog. Representatives of Bedlingtons took part in dog fights and won races. There are no registered nurseries for their breeding in Russia. You can buy a puppy for $1,500 in England.

Griffons are a cross between a Shih Tzu and a Pug. They got bulging eyes, an incorrect bite and a flattened muzzle, overgrown with protruding hair. The dog has a caricatured appearance and looks more like an ugly, bearded dwarf than a cute family dog. Griffons have a cheerful disposition, playful, intelligent and energetic. Numerous Russian breeders offer griffon puppies for sale at affordable prices from 15 to 30 thousand rubles. Griffon became the hero of the film “As Good As It Gets.”

The cheerful and loyal Affenpinscher will seem ugly to many. His disheveled fur, flattened muzzle and protruding teeth are worthy of a leading role in science fiction films. He looks like an evil monkey or an imp that jumped out of the soot. External unattractiveness is in harmony with a restless disposition and harmful character. The best nurseries are in Germany. He doesn't have many fans in Russia. The cost of an elite puppy is from 50 thousand rubles.

A long-legged dog with a beard and overgrown with uneven hair is called an American Staghound or Reindeer Hound. She looks like a hyena, has an unkempt appearance, long, hunched body. I just want to call her “fearhound”. Behind all this lies the big and loving heart and soul of a true hunter. He has endurance, swiftness and loyalty. You can buy a puppy in nurseries in the USA; their numbers are not large and the price can exceed $1000. Staghounds can be seen in American films, in the role of a hungry wild animal.

The dog, which looks like a mongrel with the appearance of a dragon, quickly won the hearts of lovers of new products and deservedly made it onto the list as the newest and scariest breed of Russian dogs. . Her small body is overgrown with faded, uneven and sloppy hair. A beard and mustache protrude from its narrow muzzle. The ugly appearance is confirmed by the character of the animal - aggressive and capricious. You can buy a Moscow “dragon” for 20 to 35 thousand rubles.

Neopolitano Mastino is like a lazy monster. It was as if he had crawled into someone else's skin, which was too big for him. Drooling, drooping jowls and swollen, small eyes can frighten even the bravest. Despite his unflattering appearance, he is a reliable family friend and an excellent police officer. You can buy an elite Mastino puppy in nurseries in the Russian Federation at a price of 50 thousand rubles. Mastino can be seen in the films Dogtooth and Harry Potter.

Irish Wolfhound

A scary and gloomy giant originally from Ireland. He has absurdly long limbs and a body covered with unkempt fur, and his disproportionate muzzle is overgrown with a beard. However, behind the external gloominess and unattractiveness lies the kind soul of a companion and excellent hunting qualities. In Russia there is a club of Irish wolfhounds. Puppies can be bought from 60 thousand rubles. The breed worked in the projects “Soldier’s Decameron” and “Inhabited Island”.

It is included in the list of scary and ugly dog ​​breeds for its thinness. Skin and bones - this is exactly what you can call the African Azawakh. Her skeleton is tightly covered with thin, almost translucent skin. She seems to be anorexic. Azawakhs are considered high-status and elite. There are no nurseries registered in the Russian Federation. The price of a puppy in its historical homeland reaches $1000.

The Basset Hound is considered one of the most feared and unattractive dog breeds due to its appearance. This is a dog with short and crooked legs, with the body of a fat dachshund and the saggy skin of a mastino. Despite his ugly appearance, he is full of energy and love for the world around him. In the Russian Federation, Basset breeding is carried out by nurseries in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The price of a pet is from 20 to 50 thousand rubles. A representative of the basset hound breed can be seen in the film “Plot” with the participation of Sergei Bezrukov.

Scariest dog competitions

In the Californian city of Petaluma, a competition for the title of the most terrible dog has been held annually for more than twenty years, the winners of which often end up in the Guinness Book of Records. Its participants are mostly animals taken from shelters or picked up on the street. Most often, the winners of the competition are representatives of such breeds as Chinese Crested, Chihuahua and their crosses.

The jury selects the winner based on unique features and appearance, as well as audience reaction and their own first impressions. The winner receives $1,500, prizes from sponsors and participation in the filming of an American show. The main goal of the competition is to help people who are unsure whether to adopt a pet from a shelter make an affirmative decision. Indeed, despite numerous physical abnormalities, these animals can also show love for their owner and need care and attention.

Competition record holder

Peruvian hairless dog Sam is considered a kind of record holder and the king of the most terrible dogs, since he became the winner of the competition several times in a row. His appearance has suffered due to numerous health problems. It was a bald dog with warty, wrinkled skin and sparse tufts of gray hair. Complementing the terrifying appearance were white eyes without pupils and several remaining teeth sticking out in different directions. Despite his repulsive appearance, Sam gained worldwide popularity, but he had to be euthanized back in 2005 at the age of 15 due to a critical deterioration in his health.


In 2012, a dog not from the USA managed to win the main title. The competition was won by eight-year-old Magli, whom his owner brought from the UK. The only unusual feature of his appearance was numerous white hairs located all over his naked body with dark skin, so against the background of the sick and blind participants, Magli looked almost handsome.


In 2013, Wally the dog, a hybrid of a boxer, beagle and basset hound, unexpectedly became the favorite of the public and the jury. It has rather strange proportions, so one gets the feeling that the body is cut from separate parts of different dogs, which were combined in Photoshop: the heavy, large head looks contrasting against the background of small ones short paws, which determine the dog’s “duck” gait. But in fairness, it is worth noting that Wally is quite cute, but not ugly.


In 2014, the dubious title of winner was won by the dog Peanut (translated as “peanut”), who is a descendant of a Shih Tzu and a Chihuahua. Bulging eyes that cannot close, a mouth with protruding teeth and bald patches all over the body are all the consequences of a big fire. After that, the animal spent 9 months in a shelter until it found a new owner who did not notice the external shortcomings of her pet.


Quasimodo's unsightly appearance helped him win the competition in 2015. This is a mix of a pit bull and a Dutch shepherd with a congenital spinal defect, which the owner took from an animal shelter and now considers him the most good-natured and affectionate pet in the world. The curved spine of the animal really adds to its resemblance to the hero of the same name in the novel by Victor Hugo.

Swee Pee

In 2016, first place went to a cross between a Chinese Crested and a Chihuahua - a 17-year-old pet named SweePee Rambo, who attracted the judges' attention with his mohawk sparkling in the sun, paws like a frog's and his tongue constantly sticking out. The dog is completely blind and is also forced to wear diapers.


The most ugly dog The 2017 winner is a brown Neapolitan Mastiff with red eyes and a body covered from head to toe with numerous folds of skin. The animal was found almost blind by volunteers, but after several operations, its vision was almost restored.

There is no doubt that for every owner, his pet is the best and most beautiful in the world. After all, beauty is a matter of taste, and we often value our four-legged friends not for their beautiful eyes and silky fur, but for their ability to wait, forgive and love endlessly. Whether a dog without hair or with the face of a rat in their soul, they remain devoted friends of a person for their entire dog life.

Every year in California a competition is held to name the ugliest dog in the world. Animals with owners from all over the world gather to take part in this show. Anyone interested money prize, for some, fame is more important, because many winners eventually became heroes of various television shows. Let's take a closer look at the participants in this original “beauty” contest.

Quasi Modo (Dutch Shepherd and Pitbull)

In 2015, the winner was a dog that is a mix with a Dutch Shepherd, and got its name from the famous hunchback character from the novel “Cathedral.” Notre Dame of Paris" Because of birth defect The dog's spine acquired an impressive hump, which gave Quasi Modo a very sinister appearance. As the dog's biography says:“Even grown men jumped on the roofs of cars in horror when they met me, mistaking me for a Tasmanian devil.”

The appearance of Quasi Modo does have some similarities with a hyena, but his owner claims that the pet’s character is extremely kind and affectionate.

Important! It was this feature of the unsightly dog ​​that brought them together: as a small puppy, Quasi Modo was thrown into an animal shelter, from where a veterinarian from Florida took him, having become attached to the good-natured dog.

Quasi Modo won his victory by beating 25 competitors, and the chief judge gave him a very “flattering” description, calling him “the personification of the most ugliness and ugliness.”

Sam (Chinese Crested)

The ugliest dog in the world- Sam from the family was the champion for 3 years. His first owner, who abandoned Sam back in 1999, had no idea what kind of star he would become.

The hairless, toothless, blind dog was taken in by Susie Lockheed, and it was she who brought Sam to his first “beauty” contest. The absence of vegetation, with the exception of rare tufts of gray hair on his head, the milky whites of his eyes, like those of an alien, wrinkles, warts all over his body - all these “advantages” made him the undisputed champion for three years.

After his first victory, Sam was invited to appear on television, followed by roles on Japanese television, programs on New Zealand radio and articles in British newspapers. There are dozens of websites dedicated to this on the Internet. to a unique dog, he had fan clubs, whose members printed T-shirts with his image and bought up the dog’s old toys for souvenirs. Sam even met Donald Trump!

Did you know? Sam is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the dog that held the title of ugliest in the world for the longest time.

Unfortunately, in 2005, Sam became seriously ill and had to be euthanized.

Rascal (Chinese Crested)

Chinese Crested- the breed of dog that most often wins the competition for the title of ugliest. It is to this breed that the Fraudster belongs.

Despite the fact that Rascal is a purebred dog, his appearance was damaged even at birth. Genetics are to blame for everything: his grandfather, grandmother and mother were once champions of such competitions, so it is not surprising that the Rascal continued the family tradition.

His small size, lack of fur and skin covered with spots and warts ensured his victory.

Pork (chihuahua)

As a puppy, the dog got into a terrible fire, which she barely survived, but the fire caused irreparable damage to the appearance and health of the animal. His eyelids and jaw stopped closing, and his body became covered with bald patches and scars. The stunned owners abandoned the injured baby in a shelter, where he had to live for almost a year until Holly Chandler saw him. Since then, Peanut has found new house in Greenville, North Carolina.

Holly notes that her pet has a wonderful friendly personality, leads an energetic lifestyle and loves to play with other dogs.

By the way, Holi donated the prize for winning, $1,500, to a charity fund for the treatment of animals.

Wally (boxer and beagle)

Wally In addition to the title of the most terrible dog in the world, it can also receive the title of the cutest. His slightly duck-like gait and disproportionate shape evoke affection among ordinary passers-by. His pedigree contains a mixture of Basset Hound genes. Such a strange cocktail resulted in a large head and short legs, which seemed ready to break at any moment under its weight.

Wally received his victory in 2013 by a unanimous decision of all jury members, who, in addition to the dog’s gait and strange head shape, also included ridiculous ears and body proportions among the dog’s shortcomings.

Important! Wally doesn't really look ugly in the classic sense of the word. However, its proportions are so unharmonious and out of proportion that it is difficult to believe in the natural origin of such a dog.

Swee Pee (Chinese Crested and Chihuahua)

2016 winner Swee Pee was originally a gift from Jason Wurth to his wife. However, the woman did not like the dog, and, given the characteristics of Swee Pea, Mrs. Wurth can be understood.

After all, this Chinese Crested has:

  • curvature of the paws, due to which they are very similar to those of a frog;
  • complete blindness;
  • ulcerated skin;
  • the tongue does not fit in the mouth;
  • stomach problems;
  • problems with the intestines, so Swee Pi is always in diapers;
  • unhealthy skin color;
  • bad smell.
With such a set and a fashionable mohawk on his head (the only hair on his body), Swee Pee easily beat 15 competitors in the competition for the title of “best.” But all these shortcomings do not prevent Jason Wurth from loving and caring for his dog, so the owner plans to spend all the winnings from the competition on treating his pet, which was diagnosed with a tumor.

Did you know? In the 17th century in Japan, dogs could be executed for killing.

Marta (Neapolitan Mastiff)

Marta captivated the judges and ordinary spectators with her natural behavior on stage and peaceful calm.

Many people have a favorite pet in their home - a dog. However, not all breeds can boast of beautiful representatives. This is often due to the owner’s negligence or some illness. However, there are also dogs that are born with an extraordinary appearance. By collecting information and conducting surveys, you can clearly identify the top most terrible dogs in the world. This list contains certain dogs, with his own life story.

Fourth place

The last place on the list was taken by Agli, or Ag (from the English word ugli - freak), she lived most of her life in a British nursery. Due to her peculiar appearance, there were no people willing to shelter her. However, when she became known as the most feared dog in the world, her popularity immediately increased. There were hundreds of people who wanted to take Agi, but an ordinary woman, a mother of two children, working as a simple waitress, managed to do it. She immediately fell in love with this modest little face and, without a moment’s hesitation, took her into her home. The dog received its offensive nickname Agli at the shelter, but the new owner changed it to Doug on the very first day. Jasmine, April's youngest daughter, said that it was quite difficult to make friends with her new pet because of his impressionable appearance, and she was also scared off by his constant grunting and peculiar manner of widening his eyes. But, as often happens, Agi turned out to be very kind, devoted and affectionate. Now the dog lives in love and affection, in a family where they dote on him and consider him the most best dog on the planet.

Third place

Miss Ailey, who won the World's Scariest Dog Award in 2009, is in third place. In the city in which she lived with her owner Dona, she is considered a hero. She had her own comedy show, which became quite popular only after the death of the dog. Ailey's image often appears on billboards in the United States. Thanks to her, more than $100,000 was raised for the organization, which provides humanitarian aid. A report was also made about Miss Ailey, and the mayor of the city proclaimed November 12 as her day. The dog died in the 17th year of its life. In memory of the pet, the owner plans to build a shelter to help animals.

Second place

Second place goes to the ugly, but at the same time glamorous Munchkin. She is the most terrible dog in the world, but this did not stop her from participating in exhibitions and winning first places, which is confirmed by the awards in her arsenal.

The Munchkin is a fairly famous dog all over the world. She has many fan clubs, a website on the Internet, a large number of articles in newspapers and magazines, and a huge number of stories for the show were filmed about her. It should be noted that the most terrible dog in the world (photo in the article) cooperates with companies specializing in the sale of dog accessories.

She is a simple mongrel who has a distinctive appearance. In addition, due to excess weight, the dog moves without lifting the back of the body from the ground, using two front paws. This makes her even more frightening. However, by nature, Munchkin is a very kind and affectionate creature.

First place

The most terrible dog in the world - Sam. It is not for nothing that he is considered such, because, in addition to the fact that the dog was quite aggressive, his appearance is very frightening. Sam looks ugly, although he belongs to the purebred Chinese dog breed. Throughout his life, the dog took first place three times in the annual competition “The most terrible dog in the world” (photo below), and also constantly took leading positions in all the ugly dog ​​competitions in which he participated. Sam died at age 14 due to cancer.

The size of the dog is not impressive, but this did not stop him from throwing himself at everyone indiscriminately during his life. The owner was the only one whom the dog really loved and did not leave his side.

Ugly breeds

Unfortunately, there is no official list, so it is almost impossible to say with certainty which is the scariest dog breed in the world. However, many dog ​​breeders have compiled their own rating, the leader of which is the Chinese Crested Dog. Representatives of this breed are hairless, with hair only on their paws, tail and muzzle. But Sam was exactly this breed. In 2nd and 3rd place are the pug and shih tzu, respectively. The first one made this list due to its nostrils, and the second one due to its abundant coat. Due to its constantly gloomy face, the standard schnauzer ended up in 4th place. And thanks to its wrinkled skin, the Chinese Shar Pei closes the top five. Also included in this list are hounds. Due to the fact that dogs of this breed are skinny, they look like an anorexic creature that is not fed by the owner at all. The Japanese Chin is in 7th place. His slanted eyes can allow him to guard both the back and front doors of the house. The French bulldog and chihuahua round out the ranking. The first ones look more like a small dog that has been overfed with steroids, while the second one has bulging eyes and is too small in size.