The most useful sports. What sports are good and bad for potency and men's health? How does low physical activity affect the human body?

As many years of experience show, when choosing sports (or systems of physical exercise), most people do not have a clear, conscious and justified motivation. Most often, the choice is determined by chance. Much less often, the choice is based on a strong interest in a particular sport or on an understanding of the need to perform certain physical exercises in order to correct deficiencies in one’s physical development or functional readiness. And a random choice, as a rule, leads to a loss of interest and a decrease in activity, which means that the classes will not be effective.

From ancient times the call of the ancient Greek thinker Socrates “Know thyself!” has reached us. Therefore, an objective assessment of one’s physical development, physique, physical fitness, as well as preliminary familiarization with the “opportunities” of various sports are necessary for a conscious and justified choice of the type of sport and exercise for one’s physical improvement.

Despite all the diversity, in practice there are mainly five motivational options for choosing a sport and a system of physical exercises: sport correction endurance agility

  • - health promotion, correction of physical development and physique deficiencies;
  • - increasing the functional capabilities of the body;
  • - leisure;
  • - achieving the highest sports results.

Health is the leading factor that determines the full performance of all life functions, the harmonious development of a young person, the success of mastering a profession and the fruitfulness of future work. Physical exercise, physical education and sports are widely used to improve health. The human body is programmed by nature to move, and physical activity should be present throughout life.

Special studies have established that the body of physically active 50- to 60-year-old men has higher functional capabilities than 30-year-old men, but with limited motor activity. It is no coincidence that all centenarians are characterized by increased physical activity throughout their lives. In modern society, there is no other way to increase physical activity other than physical education and sports. Therefore, all types of mass sports that are associated with active physical activity are designed to promote the normal functioning of the main systems of the body, improve this activity and create the prerequisites for maintaining and strengthening health.

Physical development is closely related to health. Participation in certain sports and physical exercise systems can contribute to the development of certain organs and systems of the body. With the help of specially selected physical exercises, you can improve many indicators of physical development (body weight, chest circumference, vital capacity of the lungs).

It is possible to explain deficiencies in physical development and physique by heredity or the conditions of upbringing, but this does not make it any easier for the young man. Such shortcomings constantly spoil the mood, and often give rise to an inferiority complex. Of course, not all defects can be corrected with the help of physical exercises: the most difficult are growth and those body features that are associated with the shape of the main skeletal bones. Much lighter - body weight and certain anthropometric indicators (thigh circumference, chest circumference, etc.).

But before you decide to correct your physique, or select special exercises or sports, you should form your firm idea of ​​the ideal physique. Only after this should you make a decision about choosing a sport or a system of physical exercises - different types of sports and exercises will contribute in different ways to solving the task you have set for yourself.

It is no coincidence that representatives of various sports are distinguished by characteristic anthropometric indicators: gymnasts have good development of the shoulder girdle and muscles of the upper extremities, the muscles of the lower extremities are relatively less developed; Speed ​​skaters have a relatively well-developed chest, thigh muscles, etc., however, the greatest opportunities, for example, in the selective correction of individual physique defects, are provided by regular exercises in athletic gymnastics or shaping, i.e. those exercises that are aimed primarily at solving such problems.

In sports pedagogy, there are various approaches to grouping sports according to their impact on the human body,

development and formation of psychophysical qualities. Such a grouping

Of course, this is very conditional, since not a single sport, not a single system of physical exercises affects a person in one way, does not develop any one physical quality in its “pure” form. However, such groupings make it possible to combine different types of sports and systems of physical exercises according to their leading feature and give them a single detailed characteristic necessary for the individual choice of a sport or system of physical exercises.

The problem of focused education and improvement of basic physical qualities - endurance, strength, speed, flexibility, agility - is less complicated in the initial stages of systematic physical exercise, since during this period, beginners, as a rule, simultaneously improve all these qualities. It is no coincidence that at this stage of preparation the greatest effect is achieved by a comprehensive training method, i.e. general physical training. However, as training in any particular physical quality increases, with a gradual increase in sports qualifications from a beginner to an advanced athlete, the magnitude of the mutual positive effect (“transfer”) gradually decreases. With a high level of preparedness, the development of one physical quality begins to inhibit the development of another.

Today we will discuss what is the most useful sport for the harmonious and complete physical development of a person’s muscles and intellect, two very important points for any sport, and especially the best sport. In fact, this is the main purpose of sport, and why 90% of people still do it. Therefore, we will find out which sport you can get the most harmonious physical load on your muscles and ligaments to maximize your strength, speed, flexibility and endurance.

And for lovers of “large sizes”, let’s not forget about the large volume of muscles. But you just need to take into account that it is naturally not very bad if muscles and strength go to the detriment of the main organ of a modern person, namely his brain. And in order to avoid this, we will immediately discuss which sports help develop intelligence, and which, on the contrary, lead to its gradual degradation.

Harmonious muscle development in sports

The harmonious development of all muscles is extremely important for a person, since, for example, when pumping only their arms, many athletes often forget about their legs or vice versa. The result is a disproportionate person who can only perform a strictly defined function in his life.

As an example, very inflated people like the guy shown in our main photo, whom I photographed on the beach in Rio, look at how interested the whole beach is looking at him, and the girls run up to take a photo with him. But there is even more “pumped”, who often cannot even tie their own shoelaces, scratch their backs, etc.. The result is not the most useful sport and a “healthy athlete”, but some kind of humanoid and a hostage of his own body.

A truly healthy person must have both flexibility and endurance. What is the use of “blunt force” if you are strong, but cannot even run 25 meters, do 2 pull-ups and touch your own toes with your hands.

Naturally, for the harmonious development of muscles in sports, we must also take into account that as we develop speed, our strength and endurance usually decrease, and vice versa is also true, which is also not very good. The ideal body for a person is a harmoniously developed body without large distortions.

The most useful sport

We already had separate articles about and about the most, you can read them, but now we are talking about the most harmonious and useful sport in the field of muscle growth and physical activity.

1) Football gives good development of the whole body, only slightly overlooking the development of the arms, and stretching 8 points.

2) general physical training if it’s just running, it won’t develop the whole body, but only the legs of runners, and this is 6 points, but taking into account swimming and fitness, let it be 9.

3) Karategives excellent tone to the whole body and extraordinary strength of muscles and tendons, as well as strength and speed, although with large muscles you will not get 9 points.

4) MMA pumps up most of the muscles you need during hard workouts, usually not taking into account only the 9-point stretch.

5) Chess immediately receive a minimum of 4 points for obvious reasons. You'll just have to extra In addition to chess, be sure to visit the gym.

6) Acrobatics incredibly pumps up the whole body for speed, strength and endurance, and if you add the plasticity of artistic gymnastics, you can even give 10 points. The only negative is, of course, the increased incidence of injuries.

7) Bodybuilders, security forces and street "Jocks" often do not develop speed and stretch. Then, even pumping ideal muscles, 8 points for disharmony. Although there are many pleasant exceptions, and “work out” separately, as the most useful sport for harmonious muscle growth, can easily get more points.

Healthy sports

8) Here dancing provide enough movement and muscle development, so dancing can easily be considered a useful sport for harmonious development. Naturally, in dancing, endurance is pumped up most of all, but speed and strength are not always enough. Although if this is breakdancing, then we will easily give 8 points for the usefulness of the dancing.

9) Yoga Same develops plasticity and stretching, but completely forgot about speed and dynamics, receiving a maximum of 9 for this disharmony, and even then, for the incredibly healthy body and spine of the yogis. Although if you don’t know, there are types of yoga that pump muscles, but these are more modern approaches.

10) Capoeira tries to pump, develop and develop harmoniously all muscle groups. Most good capoeristas can easily do splits, bridge, walk on their hands and jump complex somersaults.. At the same time, strength is often trained by practicing static strength balance. Moreover, some do all this until they are 50-60 years old, it would seem a solid ten.

But to be fair, we’ll give 9 points, since capoeira is not a professional competitive sport and practitioners are not always required to give their all during training. And there are also many types of capoeira, and not all of them provide ideal physical activity.

Sports and intelligence

But let's talk about sports and intelligence, since muscles are muscles, and they are important, and strength is also important, but no amount of money or sporting achievements will definitely help you if your head is empty. Therefore, let's see which sport out of the dozen we selected earlier develops intelligence to a greater extent, or at least prevents it from degrading.

1) Football is not exactly designed for developing intelligence, but since this is a team sport it requires constant attention and analysis of the behavior of other members of your team and the enemy team. Not to mention calculating the optimal strategy for winning the entire team for this 7 points.

2) General physical training, running and swimming require very little investment and development of intelligence. You can only think about something during a long marathon, or jogging around the house, and you certainly won’t become smarter by running 100 meters. Although there are a lot of smart people there, they know when it’s better to overtake the enemy and when to save their strength, but still a maximum of 6 points.

3) Karate is quite an intellectual sport., you need to analyze the enemy’s behavior and fighting style. Not to mention learning a lot of strikes and the moment when it is appropriate to use them. And also karate is often a spiritual sport, meaning work on yourself, your mind and consciousness, so 8 points.

4) MMA is very difficult to call mixed or martial arts developing intelligence. But still, when you start to want to live and win, you have to analyze your opponents and the possible strategy of your behavior, for this 6 points.

The smartest sport

5) Chess, of course, 10 points. This truly the smartest and even wisest sport, because in addition to incredible training of the intellect when choosing the right move, you also train the wisdom of foreseeing the behavior of your opponent 5-10 or even 20 steps ahead.

What is worthy of the best strategists in the world. Plus a possible side effect after a dozen years in the form of photographic memory, when you can memorize a sheet of printed text in a few seconds, which makes chess the most useful sport for the development of intellectual abilities.

6)Acrobatics is far from the smartest sport and does not require large intellectual expenditures, except for memorizing many dozens of complex elements and how to perform them, for which 7 points.

7) Bodybuilding, on the contrary, is very often associated with increased intellectual activity, as it requires reading an incredible mountain of literature with various ways to pump up. Plus many jocks know chemistry and medicine at a very advanced level, understanding the effect on their body of dozens of medications and all the muscles in the human body by name and functionality.

And frankly, there are a lot of philosophers and politicians in this sport. Therefore, if you really train wisely and according to well-thought-out sports systems, then you can safely get 8 points.

8) There is no need to be too clever when it comes to dancing; it hardly develops the mind significantly., although there are also a few stupid dancers, let there be 6 points.

9) Yoga also works more in the plane of spirituality than of intellect., but at the same time there are types of purely intellectual yoga, and in classes a very large list of problems is often discussed, from healthy eating to the place and role of man in this world.

And among yogis and religious figures there are some of the smartest people on the planet, and the Vedas contain many references to such knowledge, which modern science has only now begun to approach.

10) Capoeira is not the most intellectual sport, but at the same time it is also often necessary to keep in mind the traditions of different groups, dozens, if not hundreds of songs in Portuguese, to predict the enemy’s movements and attempts to deceive during the game. And slow traditional capoeira (Angola) is generally similar to unique physical chess and is most likely the most intelligent martial arts, 8 points.

Sport develops intelligence

I'll tell you more than that, in On average, sport really develops intelligence or at least contributes to it, because usually people who do not engage in sports at all, or at least creative activities such as poetry, drawing, music or singing, are on average less intellectually developed, and are almost not ready to improvise and create something new.

That's why I still advise you to pay attention to sports, even if your main goal is to become smarter, after all a wise body accommodates a wise mind more harmoniously. Moreover, now most athletes are becoming the political and business elite, and some already have more than one higher education. And in ancient times, sage athletes were generally the elite of the entire society, and a significant part of the famous philosophers in ancient Greece received medals at the Olympic Games.

Highlights of the article: Today we discussed ten of our previously selected best sports in their categories. Namely, we evaluated candidates for the most useful sport according to two most important criteria

2) Sports that provide maximum development of intelligence

We got the following results: Football 8, 7; GPP 9, 6; Karate 9, 8; MMA 9, 8; Chess 4, 10; Acrobatics 10, 7; Bodybuilding 8, 8; Dances 8, 6; Yoga 9, 9; Capoeira 9, 8.

I hope reading this story will help you understand what is more important for you, the development of intelligence or the physical characteristics of your body, and you will be able to determine the healthiest sport for yourself. But for later life, read the next part of this story. Also read about, and, and I have, if you are interested in this topic, I highly recommend reading it.

Now let's move on to sports areas for the stronger sex. The main thing, of course, is that you like the sport. But in this material we will look at sports that form muscle relief, develop endurance and strength, strengthen bone tissue and are useful for potency.

Running will help you burn or, as bodybuilders say, “dry out” your body and reveal ideal relief or get rid of extra pounds. Not only your legs work and swing, as you might think at first, but also your shoulders and arms. After all, correct hand movements while running are no less important. The cardiovascular system is strengthened, which will help with age. Endurance develops and lung capacity increases.

Jogging can also strengthen and restore the circulatory system, especially in the pelvis. The pelvic floor, buttocks and thighs are also strengthened - all this improves blood flow and has a beneficial effect on male strength.


Almost every man dreams of acquiring a sculpted torso and toned muscles, developing his endurance and speed of movement. CrossFit training is an excellent solution for those seeking to achieve similar goals. This is a whole complex of constantly changing exercises that are performed at very high speed. It is essentially a complete physical training program. Intense exercise affects all muscle groups: in the end there will be biceps, triceps, and six-pack abs. Such activities speed up the metabolism and strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Football and basketball

It’s not for nothing that these are more men’s sports. Of course, women are great at scoring goals and throwing balls into baskets, but they bring the maximum benefit to men. Firstly, increasing lung capacity through grueling training. Development of speed and endurance - accordingly, the formation of muscle mass. In addition, scientists from the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) concluded that men who played football or basketball had denser bone mass. Scientists reached this conclusion by measuring the bone mass of more than 800 men aged 18-20 years and studying their lifestyle.

The jumps, accelerations and sudden stops found in these sports increase the stress on the bones, thereby stimulating the formation of new bone tissue. High bone density, scientists believe, protects against the development of osteoporosis. Well, and, of course, team spirit and adrenaline are no less important.


This sport is beneficial for both women and men. In addition to active muscle training, swimming improves the health of the heart and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole. All muscle groups are involved, and deep breathing helps to accelerate blood circulation, which means facilitating the work of the heart. Of course, the lungs are being trained. And in addition to the above positive aspects, there is one important one for men - swimming normalizes the functioning of the genital organs.

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"or "eSports". In their own way they are right. Both disciplines have been elevated to the rank of sports competitions in many countries of the world, including Russia. Both sports are useful for development: chess develops thinking, logic and memory. Esports – reaction, strategic thinking and the ability to make decisions instantly.


From the point of view of health benefits, physical development and safety, the best sport is gymnastics. There are many: gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, gymnastics, team gymnastics and street gymnastics.
The most dangerous sports are recognized as: martial arts, boxing, weightlifting, football and hockey. Non-Olympic activities include motor racing, hang gliding and parachuting, and parkour.

Of all these types, physical education and health-improving areas can be distinguished. These are fitness, Pilates, callanetics, and aerobics that are popular among women these days. Those interested in oriental sports choose yoga, qigong, tai chi, and wushu. All of them are no more dangerous than morning exercises, but are superior to them in benefits. Their main advantage is that all human abilities develop simultaneously and harmoniously. The safety of those involved is at the highest level: no extreme loads, no dangers, minimal chance of injury. For those for whom the spirit of competition is important in sports, there are sports areas of fitness: athletic fitness, body fitness and others. Competitions, including worldwide ones, are regularly held in Tai Chi and Wushu.

Olympic sports

From the point of view of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), which conducted research into the injury risk of Olympic sports at the Summer Olympics in Beijing, canoeing was the safest. Rowing took second place, sailing took third. It should be noted that the main safety criterion was the likelihood of injury to Olympic participants. In other words, these sports are the safest for professional athletes.
The most life-threatening sports: parachute jumping from high-rise buildings or cliffs (base jumping), skiing downhill on unprepared areas (heliskiing), cave diving, rock climbing, mountain biking, rafting.

For non-professional athletes, golf, walking and swimming were allocated by IOC members. In golf, excluding sunburn, injuries to the back, hips and knees can occur due to repeated and forceful swinging of the club. But if you use the right technique and warm up before the game, this won't happen. The only injury that can occur during race walking is a sprained foot muscle. It is prevented by using high-quality shoes and special insoles. Swimming in a pool, when using the correct technique, almost never causes injury to the practitioner.

What kind of sport to do - everyone tries to choose what they like. Teenagers enjoy swimming, men prefer football and powerlifting, and women en masse sign up for aerobics and yoga. Each species has its own attractive sides, and it is worth getting to know them better.

Why do you need to play sports?

There is an opinion that playing sports is harmful to health: too much stress, constant adherence to a schedule, exhausting workouts. This is partly true in relation to professional sports, but in general physical exercise is only beneficial. Why play sports? Doctors give the following arguments:

  1. Strengthening your overall health.
  2. Good mood, thanks to high tone.
  3. Belief in your own strength.
  4. Oxygen saturation of all body cells.
  5. Beautiful figure.
  6. No problems sleeping.
  7. Resistance to stress.

Scientists have already proven that exercise not only helps overcome depression, but even prevents the development of cancer. A four-year study showed which sports prolong life:

  1. Tennis or badminton.
  2. Aerobics.
  3. Swimming.
  4. Cycling.

The most popular sports

When thinking about what sport to take up, many people choose the most popular ones for the sake of prestige or fashion trends. One chooses physical activities to polish his figure, another wants to show off his ability to play with friends, the third is looking for new entertainment. Everyone has their own opinion which is the best sport.

Team sports

Supporters of team games, where communication and the ability to work in a group are important, also decide which sport to get involved in. After all, the success of all players depends on common actions. The survey showed the following ranking of popular team games:

  1. Football. One of the most popular and spectacular sports games.
  2. Volleyball. They compete in teams, the main goal is to direct the ball so that it falls in the opponent’s half of the field.
  3. Basketball. The popularity of this game can be judged by the fact that it is rare to find a yard where there is no basketball hoop on the sports ground.

Swimming or running

When deciding which sport to take up, it is important to consider not only its popularity, but also whether it is right for you. Those who prefer individual leadership are better off not joining a team where success depends on the entire group. And for those who simply want to maintain their tone, it is better to pay attention to a fundamentally different format. What sport is good for health?

  1. Run. It is considered the most useful for improving health and polishing the figure. Doesn't require any special equipment, just sneakers are enough. Excellent prevention of heart and lung diseases, because running changes the oxygen and biochemical composition of the blood.
  2. Swimming. Suitable for both amateurs and professionals; you can cover distances both at speed and for warm-up, for your own pleasure. It is important that everyone can choose the style that suits them:
  3. crawl, the fastest type of swimming;
  4. back crawl;
  5. breaststroke;
  6. butterfly, the most difficult event;
  7. freestyle.

Strength sports

What sports can men do? A good option: weightlifting, where exercises are performed to lift a barbell, as well as powerlifting, when athletes take the maximum possible weight of the projectile. The reward for your efforts will be enormous strength and a beautiful figure. The first competitions in these sports were mentioned in ancient manuscripts of Egypt, Greece and China, and Russian strongmen of the century before last surprised audiences on world stages.

Combat sports

Among the popular combat sports nowadays, many girls, when choosing which sport to take up, prefer karate, judo and sambo. These are the arts of defense and attack that both men and women should become familiar with. Active sports also include the following types:

  1. Boxing. Punching with gloved fists is allowed.
  2. Freestyle wrestling. Techniques with throws, grabs and flips, where it is important to press the opponent to the mat with your shoulder blades.
  3. Greco-Roman wrestling. It differs from freestyle in that it is forbidden to make kicks.
  4. Sumo– a Japanese sport where you need to push your opponent out of the circle, includes episodes of the show.
  5. Taekwondo. The art of the Chinese, where blows are struck with the feet.

Sports acrobatics classes

What sports can girls play? In first place is sports acrobatics. Gracefulness, flexible figure, lightness of gait - girls who choose this sport stand out in the crowd. So the attention of fans is always guaranteed. But in return, acrobatics requires a lot of work, full dedication. It is better to start in this sport from the age of 4, when the body adapts more easily.

In acrobatics, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Sports. Participants perform different programs: jumping, pair and group.
  2. Circus. Includes such genres as aerial, jumping and power, these are developments for circus performers.
  3. Special. Exercises for training athletes or dancers: jumps, somersaults, rolls.

Types of Yoga

What should women choose who want to maintain a slim figure, but are not ready for the heavy loads of sports? A good option is yoga, poses that help achieve flexibility and spiritual harmony. Its most popular types:

  • hatha;
  • Ashtanga Vinyasa;
  • yin yoga;
  • Iyengar.

Asanas do not provide much physical activity, so this sport is not suitable for those who want to quickly lose excess weight. But due to the fact that proper breathing and nutrition influence the regime, the process of losing weight still occurs. Therefore, yoga reduces the desire to eat too much and evens out metabolic failures. What yoga does:

  1. Flexibility.
  2. Healing of injured joints and bones.
  3. Weight loss.
  4. Slim figure.

Intellectual sports

What kind of sport should you choose for those who don’t like strong fighting methods? Answer: intellectual. It appeared in the 20th century and quickly proved that the same qualities needed as in strength sports: endurance, will, character. These types are called games, but in reality they are real intellectual sports:

  1. Checkers. Considered the progenitor of chess, during the Middle Ages all knights had to know the rules.
  2. Poker. It first appeared in the 16th century in Italy; nowadays competitions are held all over the world.
  3. Bridge. The father of this sport is called the Russian card screw, there is a legend that supposedly the status in politics of the Chinese was determined by the ability to fight at the bridge table.
  4. Go. Originated in China, about 2 thousand years ago. Scientists have found that even a powerful computer cannot beat the best skilled players.
  5. Chess. India is called its homeland, develops logic and calculation abilities. World tournaments attract millions of fans.

Tennis and table tennis

What sports can young men do? Doctors recommend tennis, which perfectly develops the figure, mobility and reaction. They are divided by type:

  1. Tennis, is held on the courts. According to one version, a similar game was first mentioned in Egyptian manuscripts; according to another, it was invented in the 11th century in one of the French monasteries. Gradually the rules improved, and nowadays all the best tennis players dream of winning the most famous tournament - Wimbledon.
  2. Table tennis. To play you need a table and rackets. Became known as "ping pong" in 19th century England, today the sport is popular among both amateurs and professionals.

Dance sport

  1. Standard.
  2. Latin American.
  3. Pairs.
  1. Belly dance. The art of the East helps to tighten your figure, strengthen your muscles, and get rid of complexes.
  2. Irish dancing. Develops all muscle groups.

Snowboard or skis

When people play sports for fun, they often give preference to winter sports: snowboarding and skiing. With the advent of artificial snow, these competitions are held at any time of the year. You must choose which of these sports to engage in, taking into account your abilities:

  1. Snowboarding. Descent from the mountains on a special board.
  2. Freestyle. A more complicated version that includes ski jumping and tricks on slopes.
  3. Freeride. Free skiing, no routes.
  4. Ski race. Overcoming distances in a limited time.