Rybinsk dental clinic. Paid services Yana Hus Dentistry

I came to see a doctor for the first time on a recommendation - a problem with the jaw joint. At the reception, they immediately politely issued a card and immediately sent me to the doctor, although I asked to give me a coupon for any day. I was pleasantly surprised that they met me halfway. And then - judge for yourself. There was a line in front of the doctor's office - some with coupons, some without. I sat modestly for half an hour (my first time), then looked into the office and explained to the nurse that I was not for removal, but for a consultation, but was being called for an injection, for removal. I asked to be called when the doctor deemed it necessary. 2 hours passed. People walked quickly - for an injection, for removal, with or without coupons. After me, about 10 people already passed without a ticket. But it was somehow inconvenient for me to look in. A nurse finally ran past me - I asked her when they would call me, I was tired of being silent when asked to sit and wait my turn. Moreover, I am disabled, group 2 general illness and my blood pressure began to rise and I felt nauseous - I realized that soon I would not be able to go to the doctor. I said that after me people passed without coupons, and the nurse called for an injection and removal (well, for a dressing and a coupon), to which I was told that no one was obliged to come out, bow at my feet and invite me to an appointment. Then the doctor intervened, in terms of who is indignant there, she has a lot of patients, she doesn’t sit still (but this is of course true, but what does it have to do with me?) I tried to tell her that I have a disability and somehow it’s already getting worse , but after the word disability they told me that every second person here is disabled and that this does not mean that grandmothers with chopsticks should sit and wait and accept me (in the process of this they sat me on a chair), and I say that I do not climb forward with grandmothers with chopsticks (there were indeed a lot of elderly people), but I can’t arrogantly come in when certain people are called for certain actions. And all the other grandmothers with chopsticks without coupons are after me. I'm 43 years old and generally I respect older people. The doctor, irritably raising her voice, put an end to all conversations with the phrase that she would not see me at all. I told her that I hadn’t done anything bad to anyone and why she yells at me all the time... And I openly burst into tears right in the chair in front of people for the first time in my life. An adult 43-year-old aunt. It’s a shame in front of people, but it was somehow insulting. So the doctor began to shout even more that she was still sitting here and throwing hysterics - she would not see me... They, of course, then gave me some water, sent me further for a consultation, and prescribed treatment. At a consultation in the orthopedic department, where they even referred me to the head of the department - everything was polite, civilized, understandable... But here I am sitting at home and thinking what I did wrong so that for the first time in my life in the hospital they shouted at me. ..

Information on the list of paid medical services indicating prices in rubles, information on the conditions, procedure, form of provision of medical services and the procedure for their payment:

Price list for dental services
Price list for orthodontic services
Price list for oral prosthetics
Rules for providing paid medical services

Information about medical workers of a medical organization, their level of education and their qualifications:

Therapeutic department:

Khrustaleva Elena Sergeevna
Dentist of 1st qualification category with higher education.
Graduated from Tver State University medical academy in 1998 with a degree in Dentistry. Qualified as a Doctor.
Certificate in the specialty "Dentistry" general practice", valid until April 10, 2020
Sorina Larisa Vyacheslavovna

She graduated from Rybinsk Medical School in 1996 with a degree in Dentistry. Qualified as a dentist.
Certificate in the specialty "Dentistry", valid until 04/13/2023
Stalnova Marina Vladimirovna
Dentist of the 1st qualification category with secondary vocational education.
She graduated from Rybinsk Medical School in 1993 with a degree in Dentistry. Qualified as a dentist.
Certificate in the specialty "Dentistry", valid until 04/13/2023.
Timofeev Alexey Vladimirovich
Dentist of the highest qualification category with secondary vocational education.
He graduated from Rybinsk Medical School in 1996 with a degree in Dentistry. Qualified as a dentist.
Certificate in the specialty "Dentistry", valid until November 20, 2020

Orthopedic department:

Yagund Irina Yurievna
Head of the orthopedic department,

She graduated from the Tver State Medical Academy in 1994 with a degree in Dentistry. Qualified as a Doctor.
Certificate in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry”, valid until 10/04/2019.
Yagund Vitaly Olegovich
Dentist with higher education.
Graduated from the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tver State medical University" in 2019, majoring in Dentistry. Qualified as a dentist.
Certificate of accreditation of a specialist dated 07/08/2019
Bakhvalova Larisa Alekseevna
Orthopedic dentist of the 1st qualification category with higher education.
Graduated from the First Leningrad medical school named after academician I.P. Pavlova. in 1975 with a degree in Dentistry. Qualified as a Doctor.
Certificate in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry”, valid until 04/29/2022
Talyantseva Natalia Vladislavovna
Orthopedic dentist of the 1st qualification category with higher education.
She graduated from the Kalinin State Medical Institute in 1993 with a degree in Dentistry. Qualified as a Doctor.
Certificate in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry”, valid until November 27, 2022
Brezitsky Anton Vladimirovich
Orthopedic dentist with higher education.
She graduated from the Pacific State Medical University in 2016 with a degree in Dentistry. Qualified as a “General Practitioner Dentist”.
Certificate in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry”, valid until 07/09/2023
Borisova Alevtina Evgenievna
Orthopedic dentist of the 1st qualification category with higher education.
She graduated from the Kalinin State Medical Institute in 1995 with a degree in Dentistry. Qualified as a Doctor.
Certificate in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry”, valid until 04/30/2021
Kovganov Vladimir Valerievich
Dentist-orthopedist of the highest qualification category with higher education.
Graduated from Tver State Medical Institute in 1993 with a degree in Dentistry. Qualified as a Doctor.
Certificate in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry”, valid until 03/05/2023
Ivanova Irina Germanovna
Dentist of the 1st qualification category with secondary vocational education.
She graduated from Rybinsk Medical School in 1989 with a degree in Dentistry. Qualified as a dentist.
Certificate in the specialty "Dentistry", valid until 04/10/2020