Production of functional food products. Technology of functional food products Use of raw materials in technology of functional foods

Lecture outline:

14.2 Low-calorie meat products fortified


14.1. Functional meat products

The production of functional meat products is a new promising direction for the modern meat processing industry. Functional meat products have a positive effect on human health, increase resistance to diseases, and can improve many physiological processes in the human body. These products are intended for a wide range of consumers and look like regular food. They can and should be consumed regularly as part of a normal diet.

Functional products, as opposed to traditional ones, in addition to nutritional value and taste properties must have a physiological effect. Typically, such products contain ingredients that give them functional properties, or, as is commonly called, dietary supplements.

Biologically active food additives can be in the form of individual amino acids, minerals, dietary fiber or
in the form of complexes containing a certain group of substances. In the group of meat products, it is advisable to develop functional products based on complementarity with grain crops and plant raw materials, including vegetables.

The development of functional meat products has its own characteristics, since it is necessary to preserve the biological activity of the additive during the technological processing of raw materials and not to deteriorate the quality indicators of the finished product. When choosing additives, special attention is paid to their safety, taking into account the maximum permissible concentrations in products and the permissible daily consumption their person.

The method of administration depends on the state of the additive (dry, in the form of a solution, gel, emulsion, suspension) and on the type of product. Soluble additives can be added to brines during the production of smoked meats. Additives are introduced into minced meat products at the stage of preparing the recipe mixture. An important factor is to ensure uniform distribution of dietary supplements throughout the volume of the product. When adding a small amount of dietary supplements (vitamins, minerals, etc.) to a large volume of product, multiple dilutions of the solution are used, taking into account the amount of water provided for in the product recipe.

The range of functional meat products is still small and is represented mainly by low-calorie products (with a reduced content of animal fats and increased dietary fiber), products for therapeutic and preventive nutrition of patients with anemia (sources of iron-containing components - pork liver and food blood), products for children with p-carotene, vitamins C, B 6 B 2, A, E, PP, calcium, a complex of minerals (enrichment with extrusive cereals), etc. Special attention is focused on the development of specialized sausage products for preschool and school nutrition, adapted to physiological characteristics child.

In general, the following groups of functional meat products can be distinguished:

1. Low-calorie meat products enriched with dietary fiber.

2. Meat products enriched with vitamins.

3. Meat products enriched with minerals.

4. Meat products enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids.

5. Meat products enriched with prebiotics and probiotic cultures of microorganisms.

14.2 Low-calorie meat products enriched with dietary fiber

Diet features modern man and the widespread distribution of highly refined foods gradually led to a nutritional deficiency of coarse fiber ballast substances. Lack of dietary fiber can cause the development of a number of diseases, such as colon cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, gallstones, diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, varicose veins and vein thrombosis lower limbs and much more.

By the end of the 80s. A new nutrition theory has been established, according to which dietary fiber must be included in the human diet. Their role is not only to prevent various diseases, but also to reduce the environmental load on the human body, increase resistance to stressful situations, and increase immunity to many diseases.

Cellulose (fiber)- large linear polysaccharide molecular weight, consisting of D-glucose residues. It is a durable, fibrous, water-insoluble substance. Cellulose is not hydrolyzed by α-amylase and other enzymes gastrointestinal tract.

Lignin- a plant polymer built from the remains of phenolic alcohols, a substance of non-polysaccharide nature.

Hemicellulose- a plant heteropolysaccharide of a branched structure, containing arabinose, glucose, etc. in the side chains, a satellite of cellulose and lignin.

Pectin belongs to the group of polysaccharides built from D-galacturonic acid residues. His aqueous solutions have gelling and gel-forming properties.

Pentosans - cellulose-like polysaccharides built from xylose, arabinose and other pentoses. The shells of nuts, sunflowers, corn cobs, straw, and rye are especially rich in pentosans.

Alginates- polysaccharides from brown seaweed, consisting of residues of D-mannuronic and L-guluronic acids.

Comedy- plant and microbial polysaccharides (gaur gum, locust bean gum, xanthan gum) or glycoproteins (gum arabic - air-dried acacia juice).


Figure 1. Classification of dietary fiber

Carrageenans- polysaccharides from red seaweed, their structure is heterogeneous. It is based on the disaccharide agarose.

Inulin belongs to fructooligosaccharides, built from fructose residues. Inulin undergoes hydrolysis in the large intestine and helps reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and lipids in the intestine.

The main group of dietary fibers are elements of plant cell walls, which are divided into two groups - structural and non-structural components. The general physicochemical characteristics of dietary fiber depend on the ratio of these compounds, the source of dietary fiber and the methods of their isolation.

Another type of dietary fiber is non-recyclable human body substances connective tissue animals, in particular the protein collagen and the insoluble polysaccharide chitin, which is part of the shells of lobsters, crabs, and many insects.

Depending on solubility, dietary fiber is divided into three groups:

Soluble dietary fiber, that is, non-structural polysaccharides - pectins, gums, alginates, etc.;

Insoluble dietary fiber - structural polysaccharides - cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, etc.;

Alimentary fiber mixed type- bran.

Daily requirement for dietary fiber: physiological daily requirement - 25-38 g; actual daily consumption is 10-15 g; the norm for functional products is 2.5-19 g.

The main role of dietary fiber is to regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Soluble dietary fiber reaches the large intestine unchanged, where it is hydrolyzed by microbial enzymes. The resulting hydrolysis products are used to feed beneficial intestinal microflora, primarily bifidobacteria, that is, they are prebiotics.

Insoluble dietary fiber have the ability to bind water in the intestines; increase the irritating effect of food, which leads to stimulation of intestinal motility and faster transit of food; adsorb and remove toxic substances from the body; bind acids, adsorb sterols and reduce cholesterol levels, and are also involved in the mechanism of caries prevention. In addition, the fibers contain macro- and microelements that take part in hematopoiesis, which are components of a number of hormones, vitamins, and enzymes. A sufficient amount of fiber in food leads to a feeling of fullness and contributes to less energy consumption from food.

The similarities between the physiological functions of connective tissue proteins and plant dietary fiber are as follows:

Connective tissue proteins are poorly digested by the human body due to the lack of the enzyme collagenase; proteins are able to swell and retain a large number of moisture, and therefore form gel-like food masses;

The ability to retain large amounts of moisture is also possessed by the products of thermal hydrolysis of connective tissue proteins - collagens, which are formed during the heat treatment of meat and meat products;

Connective tissue proteins that are not digested in the upper part of the digestive tract reach the large intestine and are used by beneficial bacteria that live in this part of the digestive tract. This increases the digestibility of food and allows you to provide the body with additional nutrients.

The main sources of dietary fiber are cereals and their processed products - rye and wheat bran(53-55%), vegetables (20-24%), fruits and other plant objects. Another group of sources of dietary fiber includes raw materials of animal origin with a high content of connective tissue. The list of main sources of dietary fiber, their advantages and disadvantages are presented in Table 1.

The use of dietary fiber in the food industry is constantly growing and covers more and more new industries. Products enriched with dietary fiber include primarily baked goods, pasta, culinary and confectionery products, drinks, desserts and snacks. Meat products are enriched to a lesser extent with dietary fiber.

The use of dietary fiber in meat products technology. In the meat industry, dietary fiber is used in the production of all groups of meat products, namely all types of sausages, including products baby food, canned food, semi-finished products and delicatessen products.

In order to enrich meat products with dietary fiber, all groups of dietary fiber sources are used, in particular, natural products rich in dietary fiber, secondary products of processing plant raw materials and purified dietary fiber preparations.

The use of grain processing products in the technology of combined meat products makes it possible to increase the nutritional and biological value of the product, promotes a stable and uniform distribution of ingredients, which leads to the creation of a product of stable quality.

Use of flour, cereals, vegetables. The simplest way to enrich meat products with dietary fiber is to use them in their production. natural products, rich in this functional ingredient.

Traditionally, starch-containing raw materials are used in sausage production: cereals (millet, rice, pearl barley and barley) and wheat flour. The use of this raw material also contributes to a slight increase in the moisture- and fat-binding capacity of the minced meat system.

Pearl barley, rice, semolina and oatmeal are used in the production of boiled sausages and canned meat and vegetables, instead of part of the raw meat. It is pre-cleaned of impurities, washed and soaked in water at a temperature of 30-40 ºC for 2-12 hours. In the process of hydration of cereals, they swell and the duration required for subsequent hydrothermal processing (blanching, cooking and steaming) is reduced. Blanching of cereals is carried out for 8-10 minutes, boiling cereals in boiling water, the ratio of cereals and water when cooking pearl barley is 1: 2.8; barley 1:2.5; millet 1:2; rice 1:2. The possible level of replacement of raw meat in the production of sausages is up to 15%, and canned food - 2-5%.

Various types of flour, in particular wheat, rice, barley, corn, are used both in natural and textured form. Natural flour is used in the production of semi-smoked sausages in an amount of 2-5%, in the technology of pates and minced semi-finished products in an amount of 6-10% - for pates and semi-finished products. Preparing flour involves preliminary sifting and removing foreign impurities.

Natural textured flour (wheat, oat, barley and millet) can be used to replace soy proteins, starch, flour and cereals in the production of various types meat products. Textured flour is used after preliminary hydration, for which it is poured cold water, mix and incubate for 15-20 minutes and then use for stuffing. The hydration level, depending on the type of flour, is 1:1.5-1:3. The amount of hydrated flour in the product is determined by the type and recipe of meat products and is: for boiled sausages up to 15%, for semi-smoked sausages up to 25%, in the production of minced semi-finished products up to 30%, canned meat up to 20%.

In order to improve the organoleptic properties and reduce the calorie content of chopped semi-finished products, vegetable fillers based on various vegetables, such as cabbage, carrots, beets, potatoes, etc. are used as a component of minced meat.

Vegetables are pre-calibrated, washed, cleaned of dirt and damaged areas and either boiled until tender or used raw. Prepared vegetables are homogenized, cooled to a temperature of 0-15 ºС, the resulting homogeneous mass is used for stuffing instead of raw meat in an amount of 10-50%. It is possible to use milk-potato puree and vegetable pulp as a filler.

The use of vegetable ingredients is complicated by the seasonality of harvesting vegetables, as well as their high humidity and lack of storage stability, therefore, in the production of combined products, it is rational to use vegetables in the form of powders.

Such powders are made from various vegetables and skim milk, in particular, zucchini-milk, pumpkin-milk, beet-milk, carrot-milk. Powders are used in hydrated form with a ratio of vegetable powder and water of 1:2, replacing up to 10% of raw meat.

In general, the use of natural products in the technology of functional meat products is limited for several reasons:

Firstly, due to the low dietary fiber content of natural plant fillers (1-2%), resulting in no effective fortification; Thus, replacing 50% of raw meat with a vegetable filler, for example cabbage, in a cutlet weighing 100 g will allow you to obtain a product that satisfies the body’s daily need for dietary fiber by only 3.5%;

Secondly, due to a decrease in the protein content of the product, since minced meat and vegetable fillers are not equivalent in biological value.

Therefore, products obtained in this way belong to the group of combined food products.

Control questions:

1. Functional meat products.

2 Low-calorie meat products fortified with nutritional supplements

1.Functional foods. Teplov V.I. Publisher: A-Prior

Year: 2008 Pages: 240

2. Promising directions for creating functional products

appointments based on animal raw materials. Shvanskaya I.A. FGBNU

"Rosinformagrotech". Year of publication: 2013

The main advantages of functional products include their physiological effects, nutritional value, and taste. Such food products should be healthy, especially not cause absolutely any harm to the human body. Consumption of these products is not medicinal, but helps prevent illness and human aging in the difficult environmental situation of the 21st century.

Currently, the lifestyle of modern man has changed greatly, affecting his state of health, effective performance and emotional condition many factors influence. These include, first of all, the diet, the level of physical and nervous stress, the state of the environment, etc.

To maintain body tone and maintain activity for a long time, you need to be more demanding about your own nutrition. This explains the growing popularity of functional foods, the composition of which is developed taking into account dietary standards.

The volume of consumption of functional foods in the world has reached a fairly high level today. All more people follows the principle: healthy eating is the basis of a long active life.

The rapid development of the functional food market is due to two interrelated reasons: the efforts of manufacturers trying to produce products characterized by recommended benefits, and consumer demand for products that have undoubted advantages and bring health benefits.

Over the past 10-20 years, most countries around the world have seen a steady increase in the production and consumption of functional foods. Analysis of the market for the consumption of functional products shows an annual increase of 5-40% for certain types of their production. This trend is most pronounced in the USA, Canada, Western Europe, Japan, Australia and other countries.

To date, more than 100 thousand types of functional food products are known (in Japan this is almost 50%, in the USA, Europe and Australia - 20-30% of all food products produced). Functional food market research shows that, on average, functional foods will account for 30% of the total food market in the next 15-20 years.

The global consumer market for functional food products is formed 50-65% by dairy products, 9-10% by bakery products, 3-5% by functional drinks, and 20-25% by other food products.

From 15 to 40% of the population in different countries use functional foods and dietary supplements instead of traditional ones medicines.

Currently, in commodity science there is an approximate classification of functional food products:

  • products presented as " The best choice for your health,” - food products and biological supplements with an emphasis on containing only natural ingredients, without preservatives and with a reduced content of sugar, salt, cholesterol;
  • products that provide the opportunity to obtain an external cosmetic effect, i.e. products that can smooth out the signs of aging;
  • products presented as nutrition for improvement general condition body (healthy heart, improved brain activity, strengthened immunity, body weight control, etc.);
  • products intended for children and adolescents - functional foods that help develop the child’s potential and raise a healthy generation;
  • products with packaging that meets consumer requirements.

The fast-growing functional food market is innovative in nature, and the market is seeing a continued increase in interest in new ingredients.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, specific carotenoids and flavonoids, biologically active compounds of various physiological orientations are becoming increasingly popular components of formulations.

The observed growth in the segment of active products is not just a tribute to fashion - numerous studies conducted around the world for last years, confirm that nutritional components such as vitamins, minerals, fats and dietary fiber directly affect human health.

Most scientists agree that a properly balanced diet can not only protect humanity from some of the most common “diseases of civilization” today, including cardiovascular disease, cataracts, macular degeneration, arthritis, osteoporosis, and some forms of cancer, but also slow down the aging of the body.

All this has led to the fact that the production of functional foods in the advanced countries of the world is widespread and growing rapidly.

In developed economies (eg EU countries) up to 25% individual species Food products produced on an industrial scale are functional foods. The volume of consumption of these products has reached a very impressive level (Fig. 1.1).

Rice. 1.1.

As evidenced by extensive global and domestic experience, the most effective and economically accessible way to improve the provision of the population with missing nutrients on a national scale is to additionally enrich food products with them.

A study of the dynamics of sales of functional food products in Russia shows that interest in such products is also constantly growing (Fig. 1.2).

The priority for the production of functional food products should be the products of the food industry that have the largest share of consumption: these are the products of the baking and flour-grinding industries, as well as the dairy and non-alcoholic industries (Fig. 1.3).

The production of functional foods in our country is gradually increasing. More and more products are being produced that are enriched with vitamins, microelements and other substances necessary for human health. These are dairy products, confectionery, bakery, meat products, etc. The fact that the domestic industry began to produce not just products, but food that has a beneficial effect on human health is a very important step that unites the positions of manufacturers and doctors.

Rice. 1.2.

Rice. 1.3.

Over the past decades, there has been a significant change in the structure and quality of nutrition. A manifestation of this was a significant decrease in vitamins, mineral elements, ballast and other elements in food products. needed by the body substances.

This change comes against the backdrop of a decline motor activity a person, combined with the consumption of excess amounts of refined food containing various additives. Scientific research found that when consuming a diet typical for a modern person, the body does not receive 40-60% of the required amount of vitamins and biologically significant macro- and microelements.

The proliferation of functional foods also has an environmental aspect. The health of the population of unfavorable regions can be improved by introducing into their diet foods containing substances that enhance the adaptive and protective properties of the body (antioxidants, vitamins, etc.).

A person, regardless of age and at any time of the year, experiences a deficiency of many nutrients. The lack of some microelements in food products is due to poor soil in many Russian regions. They contain insufficient amounts of selenium, fluorine, iodine, iron, zinc, etc. The inclusion of fortified foods in the diet will help preserve the health of a modern person, whose life is spent under stress and the influence of negative anthropogenic factors.

The idea of ​​improving population health by creating conditions for rational nutrition has now received official recognition and Russian Federation. The production of domestic food products enriched with functional ingredients has begun.

The greatest demand among consumers is for dairy and fermented milk products containing functional ingredients and cereals (Fig. 1.4).

Rice. 1.4.

Rice. 1.5.

Rice. 1.6.

The development of the production of functional food products currently needs to be accelerated, regardless of social and market conditions and is determined primarily by the unfavorable environmental situation. The relevance of creating new products with wide range protective functions for the purpose of mass improvement of people's health and familiarization of consumers with these products through various types of advertising will remain acute until the health of society undergoes qualitative changes.

Advertising of these products plays a significant role in expanding the production of functional foods. And in this aspect, a very important factor is the information on the packaging, as well as the reasons for interest in this information (Fig. 1.5 and 1.6).

When creating a market for functional food products in the Russian Federation, the main direction is to eliminate the deficiency of protein, vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as dietary fiber.

To introduce food functional ingredients, certain technological techniques are used (Fig. 1.7)

Rice. 1.7.

Thus, depending on the food functional ingredients, a choice of technologies is made, which in each individual case may have its own characteristics.

At the stage of natural transition from research in the field healthy eating to the industrial production of functional food products, the key points are the need to create theoretical foundations their production and proper use of functional ingredients in technological processes.

Test questions and assignments

  • 1. What are the factors that determine the classification of functional foods?
  • 2. Describe the ways in which functional foods are spreading around the world.
  • 3. Describe the development of the production of functional food products in Russia.
  • 4. What are the technologies for introducing functional food ingredients?


  • 1. Ambrozevich, E. G. Features of European and Eastern approaches to ingredients for healthy food products / E. G. Ambrozevich // Food ingredients, raw materials and additives. - 2005. - No. 1. - P. 31-35.
  • 2. Arutyunova, G. Yu. Pectic substances of stone fruits: monograph / G. Yu. Arutyunova, I. V. Sobol, L. Ya. Rodionova. - Maykop: Stella, 2006.
  • 3. Vitashevskaya, V. Yu. Short review Russian market of functional (enriched) products / V. Yu. Vitashevskaya // RUSSIAN FOODS&DRINKS MARKET MAGAZIN. - 2014. - No. 2. - P. 61-65.
  • 4. Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. SanPiN - M.: FGUP "InterSEN", 2002.
  • 5. Mayurnikova, L. A. Analysis innovative development food sphere / L. A. Mayurnikova // Food industry. - 2013. - No. 5. - P. 16-18.
  • 6. Fundamentals of state policy in the field of healthy nutrition of the population of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1873-r dated October 25, 2010.
  • 7. Radionova, A.V. Analysis of the state and prospects for the development of the Russian market of functional drinks / A. V. Radionova // Scientific journal of NRU ITMO. - 2014. - No. 1.
  • 8. Rozhina, N.V. Development of production of functional food products / N. V. Rozhina. URL:
  • 9. Shenderov, B. A. Status and development prospects functional nutrition in Russia / B. A. Shenderov // Gastroportal today. - 2013. - No. 9. - P. 24-28.

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1. Feasibility study of the work

2. The state of the problem of creating functional food products using probiotic cultures and food additives

2.1 Development trends in the production of functional food products

2.2 Principles for creating functional foods

2.3 The use of raw meat with a high content of connective tissue in the technology of functional foods

2.4 Application of probiotic cultures in functional food technology

2.5 Purpose and objectives of the study

3. Objects and methods of research, experiment setup

3.1 Objects of research

3.2 Research methods

3.3. Setting up the experiment

4. Research and justification of the technology of chopped semi-finished products based on turkey meat using probiotic cultures

4.1 Study of the duration of sourdough aging

4.2 Rationale for complex composition and formulations semi-finished meat products with the addition of probiotic cultures

4.3 Study of the influence and mass fraction of probiotic cultures and the duration of aging of minced meat on changes in protein fractions

4.4 Study of protein and lipid fractions during refrigerated storage

4.5 Safety indicators of chopped semi-finished products

4.6 Organoleptic characteristics

4.7 Technological scheme for the production of meatballs

5. Technical and economic performance indicators, calculation of research costs

6. Life safety




The meat industry occupies a special place among the food industry. Meat is an essential product that has no analogues or complete substitute products. Meat proteins have high biological value, as they have a well-balanced amino acid composition, closest to the amino acid composition of human proteins. Meat proteins serve to build tissues, enzymes, and hormones. Thus, meat products of different product groups are part of the state strategic reserve. The country's food security depends on the level of development of the meat industry and the volume of production of meat and meat products.

The stability of the production and economic situation of meat industry enterprises in market conditions is directly related to the solution of such problems as improving the quality of products, choosing rational ways to use available raw materials, reducing costs and selling prices, organizing marketing and taking into account consumer demand. At the same time, a comparative analysis shows that one of the main factors ensuring the successful implementation of these tasks is the presence at the enterprise of a labile, diverse product range and heterogeneous in price levels, designed for material possibilities and the purchasing power of various segments of the population.

Currently, there is a tendency in the Russian goods market to increase consumer demand for chilled meat. A promising direction is the cultivation of heavy cross-breed turkeys .

Turkey meat contains a small amount of fat, characterized by a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which indicates its dietary properties, in addition, it is hypoallergenic. Turkey, due to its chemical composition, is a promising raw material both for use in the everyday diet and for the production of children's, dietary and functional food products.

1. Feasibility study of the work

Currently, the Russian poultry market, characterized by stable demand, is experiencing a time of rapid development, being the largest among food products

The main feature of the poultry sector is the desire of producers to increase the share of chilled meat, which has better functional and technological indicators compared to frozen raw materials. In addition, from the point of view of energy costs, storing refrigerated raw materials is less energy intensive compared to frozen ones, so there is no need to purchase additional refrigeration equipment.

To increase the amount of chilled poultry meat, the share of which today is more than 60%, it is necessary to take into account the resource potential of the region. Poultry farming is actively developing in the northwestern district; moreover, the Leningrad region is an exporting region of poultry products.

There are 15 poultry farms in the region (CJSC “Northern Poultry Farm”, “Sinyavinskaya Poultry Farm”, LLC “Russian-Vysotskaya Poultry Farm”, etc.), which contain about 20.4 million heads of poultry, of which 47% are meat breeds.

The prospect for the further development of poultry farming for the Leningrad region is the construction of factories for the production of turkey meat: the capacity of the turkey meat market for Russia is estimated at 250 thousand tons per year, including for the North-West region - 30 thousand tons per year.

Turkey is a “global” meat product, since there are no restrictions on its consumption, including religious beliefs, and it is also hypoallergenic. Unlike pigs, large and small ruminants, turkey is characterized by high precocity, reaching slaughter weight at 2-4 months of age, an advantageous ratio of meat mass to bone mass (with a live weight of the bird of 18-20 kg, the slaughter yield of meat is 80 -85%, bone mass - 20-25%). A special place is occupied by such breeds as “North Caucasian Silver”, “Khidon” and “Dark Tikhoretsk” turkey. These modifications, obtained from crossing white, dark and bronze breeds, have a high increase in live weight, superior to chickens, ducks and geese. The meat yield is 10% higher than that of broiler chickens, and feed costs per 1 kg of edible parts of the carcass are 15-20% lower than in broiler production (approximately 2.1 kg per 1 kg of weight).

Turkey meat products have high nutritional value, which characterizes the ability to meet the body's needs for proteins, lipids, minerals and vitamins. Unlike pork and beef, turkey meat has a high content of complete proteins, since it has relatively little connective tissue, it is less rough, therefore, less incomplete proteins (collagen and elastin) and is easier to hydrolyze during heat treatment. The low fat content in turkey meat, localized in the internal cavity of the carcass, intestines, stomach and subcutaneous layer, reduces the likelihood of fat separation during the production of sausages. Poultry adipose tissue contains large amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The muscle tissue of meat contains extractive substances, the pectoral muscles of turkeys are especially rich in them, which are involved in the formation of taste and belong to the energetic stimulants of the secretion of the gastric glands. The meat of this bird contains phosphorus, which is present in the same significant quantities as in fish. In addition, turkey meat contains vitamins B and PP, the deficiency of which causes nervous and mental disorders, changes skin(ulcers, “orange” skin effect), leads to a decrease in the level of intelligence.

All these factors make it possible to use turkey meat for the development of children's, dietary, therapeutic, preventive and functional human nutrition products.

The high biological value and dietary qualities of meat products containing turkey meat allow them to successfully compete with similar products containing pork and beef. Turkey has the ability to take on the flavor of any other meat when used together. This feature of turkey meat is already quite successfully used by many producers of sausages, smoked meats, and semi-finished products around the world.

In addition, the muscle tissue of turkey meat has a fine-fiber structure with no marbling, which allows it to bind up to 40% of moisture, thereby increasing the yield of the finished product. Turkey thigh meat is made up of several small, dark muscles that provide the texture of the entire cut of meat and finished products. As a result, turkey thigh meat is mixed very thoroughly when used with other types of meat.

Trimmed drumstick meat is produced using special mechanical devices that remove the 13 tendons present in the drumstick. The result is a raw material similar to beef minced in a meat grinder with a grid opening of 2-3 mm. This meat can be used to replace lean beef or pork, for example in the production of salami.

Turkey meat is common in the meat processing industry for the production of minced semi-finished products, sausages and deli products, but requires the use of mechanical processing in the form of massaging or tumbler. The strength characteristics of turkey meat, especially the thigh part, are due to the large amount of connective tissue, the amount of which increases with the age of the bird. In the meat of young birds, collagen does not greatly affect the stiffness, but the older the bird, the tougher the meat becomes, due to collagen, which forms heat-resistant cross-sectional and intermolecular bonds within one molecule, forming a heat-resistant spatial network, the presence of which determines the toughness of the meat of old birds.

To increase the tenderness of turkey thigh meat, use various ways mechanical processing such as tumbling and massaging, which are energy-intensive. A promising direction is the use of enzyme preparations of plant and animal origin that have proteolytic activity, as well as probiotic cultures that secrete proteolytic enzymes capable of hydrolyzing connective tissue proteins.

The rapid growth in poultry meat production is due to constant demand for it from consumers. There are no cultural or religious barriers to poultry meat. The consequence of this is the expansion of the range of poultry products, the development of new recipes, new technologies that ensure the safety of products and maintain their high quality. Deep processing of poultry meat opens up wide opportunities in this direction.

One of the promising areas of deep processing of poultry meat is the production of semi-finished products. Semi-finished products are one of the most convenient and widespread forms of food supply to the population. For a manufacturer, selling poultry meat in the form of semi-finished products allows you to increase profits by up to 30% compared to selling the same meat in the form of carcasses.

A wide range of semi-finished products from turkey meat allows us to produce about 60 types of natural, natural breaded meat-and-bone and boneless semi-finished products, as well as about 20 types of chopped semi-finished products with beautiful attractive names.

The range of chopped semi-finished products includes cutlets (“Ideal”, “New”, “Assorted”, “Original”), meatballs, meatballs, zrazy, lazy cabbage rolls, hamburgers (deluxe “Krasnobor”, new “Krasnobor”), cue balls, sticks, nuggets , as well as minced meat.

The use of turkey meat as an additional raw material or an independent ingredient in the production of meat products can increase the yield of finished products and, consequently, increase the profitability of a meat processing enterprise.

2. State of the problem in creating functional food products using probiotic cultures

The current stage of development of human society is characterized, on the one hand, by outstanding achievements of science, technology, and technology, on the other hand, by a sharp deterioration in the environmental situation in the world, changes in lifestyle, increasing neuro-emotional stress, constant lack of time, growth of information, changes in the nature and rhythm of life. and nutrition. Currently, it is obvious that lifestyle and nutrition are the most important factors determining human health, performance, ability to withstand all types of external influences and, ultimately, determining the duration and quality of life.

Nutrients supplied with food provide the human body with plastic material and energy, determine its health, physical and creative activity, life expectancy, and its ability to reproduce. On a country scale, nutritional status and nutritional structure are among the main factors that determine the level of its development and life expectancy of its citizens.

In recent years, the energy consumption of the Russian population, primarily the urban population, has decreased significantly, and therefore the need for energy and its source - food - has decreased. At the same time, the need for micronutrients and other physiological necessary substances practically unchanged. According to nutritionists, the needs of the population of Russia and other industrialized countries for micronutrients cannot today be satisfied through traditional nutrition. Additional sources of physiologically functional ingredients (nutraceuticals, parapharmaceuticals, probiotics, etc.) are needed, which ensure human growth, normal development and vital activity, promote health and prevent diseases, which is called “healthy nutrition”. The components of a healthy diet include the necessary range of foods, their availability and the ability to build a diet.

The most important way to create products that provide healthy nutrition is to enrich basic products with the missing physiologically functional ingredients (vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, etc.) and develop new technologies for producing these products.

A functional food product is a special food product intended for systematic use as part of diets by all age groups of a healthy population, which has scientifically substantiated and confirmed properties that reduces the risk of developing nutrition-related diseases, prevents deficiency or replenishes existing deficiency in the human body. nutrients, preserving and improving health due to the presence of physiologically functional food ingredients in its composition.

Functional nutrition is one of the most important factors in human adaptation to environmental influences. The degree to which nutrition meets the body’s needs affects the condition immune system, ability to overcome stressful situations, pace of physical and mental development a person at an early age, as well as on the level of activity and ability to work and, to a large extent, on the reproductive ability of an adult.

The urgent need to increase human adaptive potential, caused by the increasingly aggressive impact of both environmental and socio-economic factors, creates the need to create a new generation of food products, which should not only provide the body with the substances necessary for growth, development and active life, but also stimulate its protective functions. In this regard, the feasibility of developing a line of functional products containing targeted nutrients for corrected nutrition, taking into account specific indications for various conditions and diseases, is obvious.

2.1 Development trends in the production of functional food products

The concept of functional nutrition originated in the early 80s in Japan. In 1989, the term “functional foods” first appeared in the scientific literature (the full name is “physiologically functional foods”).

In 1991, in Japan, based on knowledge about the relationship between food, its components and health, the concept of “Foods for Specified Health Use” was formulated. These included products containing bifidobacteria, oligosaccharides, and dietary fiber. At the same time, studies in European countries have provided convincing evidence of the relationship between the intake of certain nutrients and health status, for example, carbohydrate intake and obesity, sodium intake and blood pressure, consumption of certain fats and atherosclerosis, dietary fiber intake and bowel function, consumption of easily fermentable carbohydrates and dental caries, iron intake and anemia.

In the USSR, back in 1972, a drug based on live bifidobacteria was developed and its effectiveness was established for the prevention and treatment of acute intestinal infections in children. In 1989, a decree was issued by the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR on the production of fermented milk bifidumbacterin in all dairy kitchens in Russia for the prevention infectious diseases in children early age.

In Europe, the concept of healthy eating appeared in the early 90s. In 1990-1992 Potter et al proposed the concept adequate nutrition, involving the daily consumption of foods and beverages that may provide health benefits as part of a normal diet. All products that meet the concept of adequate nutrition contain ingredients that help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, maintain the normal condition of teeth, bones, reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer, etc. The content of these ingredients must be at a level that provides reliable physiological effects. At the same time, the product itself, and not just its individual specific components, must have beneficial properties, since there is a risk that the effect of their action may be reduced to zero by other ingredients and, therefore, will not be manifested.

In 1993 - 1998 In the United States, a link was identified between eleven food ingredients and the development of chronic infectious diseases. It was found that consumption of foods containing calcium prevents the development of osteoporosis, a high content of dietary fiber in the diet reduces cholesterol in the blood and, therefore, the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and the significant presence of unsaturated fatty acids in the regular diet, on the contrary, increases this risk. At the same time, a special group of food ingredients exhibiting physiologically functional properties was isolated from food products. Such ingredients are called “physiologically functional”. These include substances of natural or nature-identical origin that have the ability to have a positive effect on the human body when used systematically as part of the product.

Today, the list of functional ingredients has been significantly expanded. These include dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins and other biologically active substances (BAS).

In accordance with world practice, a product is considered functional if the regulated content of micronutrients in it is sufficient to satisfy (at the usual level of consumption) 10-50% of the average daily requirement for these components.

Today, more than 300 thousand types of functional food products are known. In Japan this is almost 50%, in the USA and Europe - about 25% of all food products produced. If we talk about specific examples, in recent years the share of “healthy bread” in the United States has increased in total production from 18 to 34%, and in Germany it has doubled. According to Japanese and American scientists, it is functional foods that in the near future will change the general nutritional structure of all people on Earth; they will half replace the market for medicines.

One of the main factors contributing to the development of the production of functional food products is the lifestyle of the average inhabitant of our planet, characterized by a sharp decrease physical activity, which leads to increased demands on food quality. Our ancestors spent a lot of energy during the day and, along with a lot of food, received enough vitamins and microelements, but today the population of planet Earth is in completely different “energy-consuming” conditions. Reducing the volume of consumed products makes it necessary to fortify them.

In developed countries, the functional food and beverage sector is of paramount importance - this is the most convenient, natural form of saturating the human body with micronutrients: vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other minor components, for example polyphenols, the source of which is fruits, vegetables, berries, etc. d. In addition, this is also a highly profitable business sector. In a number of countries, issues of quality nutrition are considered at the government level. In Russia, the concept of state policy in the field of healthy nutrition has already been formed. In 2001, the Union of Food Ingredient Manufacturers - SPPI was created, main task which is the worldwide promotion of environmentally friendly production clean products. This contributes to the formation of a market for functional foods.

The production of functional foods should include the following stages:

· growing raw materials in environmentally certified conditions in accordance with international standards quality of agricultural products;

· deep processing of plant materials using modern methods;

· conducting comprehensive tests of the product under development with assessment of its organoleptic, mechanical, physicochemical and biological properties.

Functional food products are a promising area for various research organizations, food industry enterprises, as well as small innovative firms. The functional food market is a specific and dynamic segment of activity that requires qualified and proactive personnel capable of quickly and efficiently carrying out the full cycle of development and implementation of a fundamentally new product from laboratory research and clinical trials before launching into production with the necessary set of regulatory and technological documentation.

Thus, world and domestic experience convincingly demonstrates that the most effective and expedient from an economic, social, hygienic and technological point of view, a way to radically solve the problem of the population’s shortage of essential micronutrients is the production of functional food products enriched with missing vitamins, macro and microelements to the appropriate level physiological needs of a person.

2.2 Principles for creating functional foods

The following principles must be followed when developing functional foods:

To fortify food products, first of all, those ingredients are used, the deficiency of which actually occurs, is widespread and is not hazardous to health; for Russia these are vitamins C, group B, minerals such as iodine, iron and calcium;

The selection of a specific functional ingredient is made taking into account its compatibility with the components of the food product intended for fortification, as well as its compatibility with other functional ingredients;

Functional ingredients should be added primarily to mass consumer products that are available to all groups of children's and adult nutrition and are regularly used in everyday nutrition, taking into account the recipe composition and physical state of food systems intended for fortification;

The introduction of a functional component into food products should not impair the consumer properties of the product, namely: reduce the content and digestibility of other nutrients;

significantly change the taste, aroma and freshness of products;

reduce product shelf life;

Preservation of native properties must be ensured , including biological activity, additives during culinary processing and storage of the product;

As a result of the introduction of additives into the recipe, an improvement in the consumer quality of the product should be achieved.

In order to recognize newly developed products as functional, it is necessary to prove their usefulness, that is, to perform a biomedical assessment, the purpose of which is:

Confirm the physiological value of the product as a functional nutrition product;

Identify introduced additives with a certain biological activity, that is, determine the chemical nature;

Conduct a medical and biological assessment of culinary products for functional nutrition, in particular for harmlessness, that is, the absence of direct or collateral harmful effects, allergic effects.

In addition to medical and biological requirements, a prerequisite for the creation of functional food products is the development of recommendations for their use and, in some cases, clinical testing.

There are two main methods for transforming a food product into a functional one:

1) Enrichment of products with nutrients during the production process;

2) Lifetime modification of raw materials.

1) Nutrient fortificationami in the process of its production

This technique is the most common and is based on modification of traditional products. It allows you to increase the content of useful ingredients in the product to physiologically significant level, equal to 10-50% of the average daily requirement.

Depending on the amount of functional ingredient added to the fortified products, it is possible:

First, recovery functional ingredient partially or completely lost during technological processing to its original content; (a product can be classified as functional if the restored level of the functional ingredient provides at least 10% of its average daily requirement).

Secondly, enrichment, that is, the introduction of a functional ingredient into the product in an amount exceeding the usual level of its content in the feedstock. The main technological methods for introducing functional ingredients into food products are presented in Fig. 2.1

Figure 2.1. - Technology of introducing functional ingredients into food products

Thus, when creating functional products, it is necessary to select and justify food products and functional ingredients, taking into account the totality of consumer properties and the target physiological effect of the created product.

Generally general scheme creation of functional food products is presented in Fig. 2.2

Figure 2.2. - Scheme for creating functional food products

2) Lifetime modification of raw materials

This technique is less common and involves obtaining raw materials with a given component composition. For example, intravital modification of the fatty acid composition of meat in order to increase the content of unsaturated fatty acids in it. In this case, the modification involves long-term feeding of animals with feed enriched with vegetable fatty components, in particular soybean meal, and vegetable oils with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Another example of modifying the properties of poultry, rabbits and livestock meat is feeding them food enriched with selenium and b-tocopherol.

In general, four groups of functional products are currently actively developing in the world - soft drinks, grain-based, dairy-based and fat-based products. Drinks are the most technologically advanced products for creating new types of functional nutrition products, since introducing new types of functional ingredients into them is not very difficult. Dairy products are a source of functional ingredients such as riboflavin and calcium. Their functional properties are increased by adding fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, minerals, dietary fiber and bifidobacteria.

Margarine and vegetable oils- these are the main sources of unsaturated fatty acids that help prevent cardiovascular diseases. Having a reduced energy value, this group of products is effective in preventing obesity. To further enhance their functional properties, these products are fortified with fat-soluble vitamins and some triglycerides.

The functional properties of cereal-based products are determined primarily by the presence of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Meat and meat products are one of the most difficult bases for creating functional foods, although from the point of view of a healthy diet, meat is one of the most important foods, along with vegetables, fruits, potatoes and dairy products. Meat supplies the human body with nutraceuticals necessary for life, essential amino acids, iron, and B vitamins.

Taking into account the previously stated principles of creating functional foods for meat products, the most preferred functional ingredients are dietary fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins.

2.3 The use of raw meat with a high content of connective tissue in the technology of functional foods

Turkey meat is one of the most valuable protein products, which is the most important source of complete protein of animal origin, lipids with a high level of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It has high dietary properties and taste benefits.

White turkey meat (pectoral muscles) differs from red turkey meat (thigh muscles) in having less lipids, connective tissue and heme-containing proteins.

Compared to all other types of poultry, turkey meat is richer in B vitamins and has the lowest cholesterol content. Turkey meat products have high nutritional value, characterized by the ability to meet the body's needs not only for proteins, lipids, but also for minerals and vitamins.

The high biological value and dietary qualities of turkey meat products allow them to successfully compete with similar pork and beef products.

The chemical composition of turkey meat depends on the type, age and fatness category (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1. - Chemical composition of turkey meat depending on the fatness category


Turkey meat

Chemical composition, g per 100 g of product:


Vitamins, per 100 g of product:

I-carotene, mg

biotin, mcg

niacin, mg

pantothenic acid, mg

riboflavin, mg

thiamine, mg

folacin, mg

choline, mg

Energy value, kcal

Based on type and age, they distinguish between young poultry meat (turkey poults) and adult bird(turkeys).

Young bird carcasses have a non-ossified (cartilaginous) keel sternum, a non-roughened beak, the lower part of which bends easily, delicate elastic skin. Turkey poults have smooth, tight-fitting scales on their legs and underdeveloped spurs in the form of tubercles. Carcasses of adult birds have an ossified (hard) keel of the sternum and a keratinized beak. The legs of turkey carcasses have rough scales, and turkeys have hard spurs on their legs. Depending on the fatness and quality of post-mortem processing, turkey carcasses are divided into two fatness categories - 1 and 2.

The fatness category is determined by the degree of development of muscle tissue and the prominence of the sternum crest (keel), the amount of subcutaneous fat deposits and the quality of surface treatment.

Muscle tissue is well developed;

The breast shape of turkey carcasses is round. The keel of the sternum is slightly prominent;

Deposits of subcutaneous fat on turkey poult carcasses - on the chest and in the abdominal area and in the form of a continuous stripe on the back;

In terms of the quality of post-mortem processing, carcasses must meet the following requirements: they must be well bled, properly dressed, with clean skin without feathers, fluff, stumps and hair-like feathers, wax, scratches, tears, stains, bruises and intestinal remains. In gutted carcasses, the mouth and beak are cleared of food and blood, and the legs are cleared of dirt and limescale growths. Single stumps and light abrasions are allowed, no more than two skin tears 1 cm long each.

Muscle tissue is developed satisfactorily. The keel of the sternum can stand out, the pectoral muscles with the crest of the sternum form an angle without depressions on its sides;

Subcutaneous fat deposits are insignificant: in turkey and poult carcasses - in the lower back and abdomen; With quite satisfactorily developed muscle tissue, there may be no fat deposits;

A small number of stumps and abrasions are allowed on the surface of category 2 carcasses, no more than three skin tears up to 2 cm long each.

Poultry carcasses that meet the requirements of category 1 in terms of fatness, and the requirements of category 2 in terms of processing quality, are classified as category 2.

In turkey meat, the ratio of protein and fat is close to optimal. However, category 2 turkey meat contains more protein and water, but less fat, than category 1 poultry meat. The highest protein content and the lowest fat content in pectoral muscle.

The connective tissue of poultry meat has less strength than beef and pork, so it undergoes hydrolysis much faster during heat treatment. Taking into account the high live weight of turkey and the meat quality of the carcasses, deep processing and sale of cut-up turkey carcasses are carried out in accordance with the gastronomic purpose, economic feasibility, habits and demands of consumers.

In table Table 2.2 shows data on the amino acid composition of turkey meat proteins.

Table 2.2. - Amino acid composition of turkey meat proteins


Turkey meat

Protein, %

Amino acid composition, g per 100 g protein

Essential amino acids:









Essential amino acids:



aspartic acid



glutamic acid






Total amino acids

Limiting amino acid, speed, %

According to the table. Figure 2.2 shows how high the level of essential amino acids is in turkey meat proteins. Nutritional and biological value is determined by the significant content of essential amino acids, their optimal ratio, as well as the good digestibility of meat by enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract. Poultry meat proteins, in particular turkey meat, do not contain amino acids that limit the biological value of these proteins.

Based on this, it should be noted that poultry meat is the most important source of complete protein of animal origin. Food proteins serve as building materials for muscle tissue, enzymes, and hormones.

Lipids play an important role in assessing the nutritional value of foods. Poultry meat lipids are energy carriers; their biological value is determined by the content of polyunsaturated (essential) fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. Fats ensure good absorption of fat-soluble vitamins in the intestines. They also play an important role in shaping the aroma of meat.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are not synthesized by the human body in the required quantities. Fats with higher levels of unsaturated fatty acids in to a greater extent promote the absorption of protein nitrogen. Turkey meat is a source of essential fatty acids, which are part of the lipoprotein complex of cell membranes of the human body, so it is very important to ensure their supply in the required quantity.

Poultry fats have a melting point below 40 0 ​​C, which ensures their good emulsification in the digestive tract and absorption. Turkey lipids contain high level unsaturated fatty acids and especially valuable are polyunsaturated fatty acids - linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic (Table 2.3).

Table 2.3. - Fractional and fatty acid composition of lipids in turkey meat

Fractional and fatty acid composition of lipids,

g per 100 g meat

Turkey meat

Lipids (total):




Fatty acids (total)




C14:0 (myristic)


C16:0 (palmitic)

C17:0 (margarine)

C18:0 (stearic)














One of the fractions that occupies the largest share in the lipid composition of the edible part of turkey is represented by triglycerides.

When considering the fractional composition, the proportion of phospholipids is several times less than triglycerides, however, polyunsaturated fatty acids are contained in phospholipids in greater quantities than in triglycerides.

Different tissues of turkey meat are classified according to their industrial significance and distinguish between muscle, fat, connective, cartilage, bone and blood. The main component of poultry meat is undoubtedly muscle tissue.

The proportion of muscle tissue in turkey carcasses of the 1st and 2nd categories is in the range of 44-47% and occupies a dominant role, the skin content with subcutaneous fat is 13-22%.

Poultry meat, in particular turkey, unlike the meat of other farm animals, has varying degrees of muscle color: from light pink (white meat) to dark red (red meat), depending on the content of pigments in the muscles. Red muscles contain less protein, more fat, cholesterol, phosphatides, ascorbic acid; in white muscles there is more carnosine, glycogen, and adenosine triphosphate. White muscles contain 0.05-0.08% myoglobin, and red muscles contain several times more.

Turkey meat contains all the necessary ingredients and can almost completely satisfy human needs for animal protein. Given its high protein and low fat content, turkey meat can be used to produce dietary products.

2.4 Application of probiotic cultures in f technologyfunctional food products

In recent years, increasing attention has been paid to the creation of functional nutrition products that can have a certain regulatory effect on the body as a whole or on its specific systems and organs.

The most important category of functional nutrition currently includes probiotics - biological preparations containing live strains normal microflora person. Strains of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, and propionic acid microorganisms have been successfully used for decades in first-generation probiotic pharmacopoeial preparations and various fermented milk products for functional purposes. Term « probiotics », which means "for life", was proposed in 1974. R. Parker.

According to GOST R 52349, a probiotic is a physiologically functional food ingredient in the form of living microorganisms useful for humans (non-pathogenic and non-toxic), which, when systematically consumed by humans, directly in the form of preparations or biologically active food additives, or as part of food products, provide a beneficial effect on the body as a result of normalization of the composition and or increase in the biological activity of normal intestinal microflora.

In general, microorganisms used to prepare probiotics include: Bacillus subtilis; Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium infantis, Bifidobacterium longum; Lactobacillus acidophilus, L.casei, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, L.helveticus, L.fermentum, L.lactis, L.rhamnosus, L.plantarum; Propionibacterium; Saccharomyces boulardii: S. cremoris, S. lactis, Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus et al.

Probiotics prepared on the basis of the above microorganisms can contain both representatives of only one type of bacteria - monoprobiotics, and an association of strains of several types of microorganisms (from 2 to 30) - associated probiotics .

Probiotics can be prescribed to a wide range of living organisms, regardless of the species of the host from which the strains of probiotic bacteria (heteroprobiotics) were originally isolated. More often, probiotics are used for the above purpose by representatives of the animal or human species from whose biomaterial the corresponding strains were isolated (homoprobiotics). In recent years, autoprobiotics have begun to be introduced into practice, the active principle of which is strains of normal microflora, isolated from a specific individual and intended to correct its microecology.

Microorganisms - probionts carry out the synthesis of amino acids and enzymes, participate in general metabolism, replenish the deficiency of animal proteins, and accelerate the processes of digestion and assimilation of food.

Currently, microorganisms used as probiotics are classified into 4 main groups:

1. Bacteria producing lactic and propionic acids (genus Lactobacterium, Bifidobacterium, Propionibacterium, Enterococcus);

2. Spore-forming aerobes of the genus Bacillus;

3. Yeast, which is often used as a raw material in the production of probiotics (genus Saccharomyces, Candida);

4. Combinations of the listed organisms.

Probiotics based on components of microbial cells realize their positive effect on the physiological functions and biochemical reactions of the body either directly, by interfering with the metabolic activity of the cells of the corresponding organs and tissues, or indirectly, through the regulation of the functioning of biofilms on the mucous membranes of the microorganism.

In addition to restoring the microecological status, the associated increase in colonization resistance and preventing the translocation of potentially pathogenic microorganisms through mucous membranes, many probiotics can have positive effect on the body as a result of modulation of autoimmune reactions, changes in the functions of macrophages, and activation of the immune system.

Thus, the functional effect of probiotics and functional food products based on living microorganisms on a person is realized through the normalization of his intestinal microflora, modulation of biochemical reactions and physiological functions of cells, as well as an indirect effect on the immune-endocrine-nervous system regulating mechanisms for maintaining homeostasis.

"Vitaflor" is a new generation probiotic based on a biculture of acidophilic lactobacilli L.acidophilus(strains D№75 and D№76). At the growing stage, strains form a symbiosis that strengthens them beneficial features: increases the titer of viable cells, the level of antagonistic activity, resistance to the action of unfavorable factors (antibiotics, storage in suboptimal conditions, etc.). The main achievement in the technological development of Vitaflor ® is that the symbiosis is maintained not only at the stages of production, but also subsequently, at the stage of application, i.e. in clinical practice.

"Vitaflor" is safe, has pronounced pharmacological activity, anti-infective, anti-allergic and anti-mutagenic effects. Bacterial strains D No. 75 and D No. 76 survive in the microbiocenosis of experimental animals. The totality of probiotic properties of “Vitaflor” is higher than that of its analogues. It has a complex effect on the body: normalizes the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microflora of the mucous membranes, restores the immune and neuro-endocrine status.

Analysis of literature data indicates widespread use bacterial cultures in the production of meat products. However, work on the use of new species and strains of microorganisms is of interest.

2.5 Purpose and objectives of the study

The purpose of the work is to develop recipes and technology for functional minced semi-finished products based on turkey meat using probiotic cultures.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

To justify the choice of main raw materials and functional ingredients and to develop recipes for minced semi-finished products based on turkey meat;

To study the influence of the mass fraction of probiotic cultures, as well as the temperature and duration of minced meat on the change in the protein fraction and to justify the optimal amount of probiotic culture in the production of minced semi-finished products based on turkey meat;

Establish shelf life of semi-finished products during refrigerated storage, taking into account the reserve coefficient.

3. Objects and methods of research, experiment setup

3.1 Objects of research

The object of the study was the thigh meat of a six-month-old turkey grown in the Leningrad region.

The birds were slaughtered and bled without preliminary electrical suppression. Then the bird carcass was scalded, the plumage was manually removed and gutted. To avoid microbiological spoilage, the surface of the carcass after gutting was treated with a 1% solution acetic acid. After deboning, the turkey thigh meat was cooled to t c = (2±2) 0 C.

A starter based on the probiotic culture “Vitaflor” was studied, the preparation of which was carried out as follows: the dry preparation “Vitaflor” was kept in sterile water at a temperature of 20 0 C for 20 minutes, then added to sterilized milk with 2.5% fat content, preheated in a water bath to t = 37 0 C, and cultivated for 6 hours in a thermostat at a temperature of (37 ± 1) 0 C to a titratable acidity of at least 60 - 65єT and no more than 190 єT.

PH (potentiometric method)

Solubility of myofibrillar proteins (biuret method)

Titratable acidity (Turner acidity determination)

Thiobarbituric number (2-thiobarbituric acid test)

Elastic modulus (measurements were carried out using a consistometer)

KMAFAnM (GOST 7702.2.0-95)

3.2 Research methods

Determination of pH valuepotentiometric method

An important indicator of meat quality is the pH value, since the activity of enzymes and bacteria is associated with the acidity of the environment. Active acidity (pH) is an indicator of the concentration of free hydrogen ions in a solution.

The method is based on measurement electromotive force an element consisting of a reference electrode with a known potential value and an indicator electrode, the potential of which is determined by the concentration of hydrogen ions in the test solution.

Preparation samples. To determine the pH of the sample, an aqueous extract is prepared in a ratio of 1:10, for which a sample weighing (~10 g) is thoroughly ground in a meat grinder, placed in beakers with a capacity of 100 ml and extracted with distilled water for 30 minutes at ambient temperature and periodically stirring with glass with a stick. The resulting extracts are filtered through a folded filter paper and used to determine pH.

Analysis procedure. pH aqueous extract of the test sample is determined using a potentiometer of any brand. The results are recorded.

Methodology for determining the fractional composition of proteins based on their solubility

Analysis of the fractional composition of the protein in the studied samples is carried out using a method based on the principle of separating the protein into water-, salt- and alkali-soluble fractions by extraction.

Progress of determination. Distilled water is added to a sample of minced meat weighing 5 g in a ratio of 1:6 (by weight), extraction is carried out in the cold for 1 hour, then after filtering, the volume of the filtered liquid is measured, which is used to determine water-soluble proteins.

Cooled water is added to the remainder of the sample. saline solution Weber in a ratio of 1:6 to the initial sample of muscle tissue, extract at t = (0h4) 0 C for 30 minutes, filtered, measure the volume of the resulting liquid, which is used to determine salt-soluble proteins.

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N.V. Katserikova
Product technology

For university students

Kemerovo 2004

UDC 641:613.2 (075)

BBK 65.247ya7


E.Ya. Dolgushina, Ph.D. honey. sciences,

head Department of Food Hygiene of the State Institution of State Administration for SEN in Kemerovo;

HE. Doroshina, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Kemerovo Institute (branch) of the Russian State Trade and Economic University

Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry

Katserikova N.V.

K30 Technology of functional food products: Textbook. / Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry. - Kemerovo, 2004. - 146 p.

ISBN 5-89289-311-1

Intended for students of all forms of study in the direction 655700 “Technology of food products” special purpose and public catering", teachers, may be useful for practitioners.

To consolidate knowledge, a dictionary of basic terms and concepts is offered.

UDC 641:613.2 (075)

BBK 65.247ya7
ISBN 5-89289-311-1

© N.V. Katserikova, 2004

© KemTIPP, 2004


Chapter 1. Current state of food supply for the population……………………………..……………….………………………..

1.1. State policy in the field of healthy nutrition of the population of Russia ………………….…………………..………………………...

    1. Classification of functional food products. Ingredients used in the production of functional food products……………………….………………………………………………………..
1.3. Secondary raw materials and waste-free technologies for their processing………………………………………………………........

Chapter 2. Scientific principles of fortification of food products with micronutrients………………………………….………………………...........

2.1. Fortification of food products……………………….…...........

To obtain functional products in our country, various types of raw materials with increased biological activity are used, seeking ways to reduce the calorie content of products by introducing various fortifiers.

In this regard, the role of plant products can hardly be overestimated. They are suppliers of vitamins, enzymes, organic acids, essential oils, pectins, dietary fiber, carbohydrates. In vegetables, nutrients are in optimal proportions with each other. Including vegetables in the diet helps remove harmful substances from the body.

The development of new technologies and the production of food products based on domestic plant raw materials should be a priority activity for food industry and public catering technologists. Plant materials are a source of natural nutrients. Using it, you can create preventative and health-improving products.

Today, more than ever in the food industry and public catering, the problem of creating products that have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect is acute. This problem can be solved by developing technologies for combined food products using medicinal wild food and cultural raw materials.

Wild plants are an additional reserve for food. They allow, on the one hand, to diversify the diet, and on the other, to enrich it with biologically necessary active substances. Researchers studying nature flora, note that knowledge of plant resources not only makes it possible to provide a person with nutrition, but also guarantees optimal psychophysiological adaptation to harsh environmental conditions.

Plant raw materials medicinal use divided into groups with functional characteristics. By applying this knowledge in practice, it is possible to create products with a predetermined chemical composition. Moreover, it is necessary to use those medicinal plants that have been well studied chemical composition and pharmacological properties.

When creating functional food products, it is necessary to know the chemical composition of raw materials, nutritional value, and special processing techniques.

Functional food products and their components can modify metabolism in the human body and play an important role in preventing the occurrence of various diseases.

The development of technologies for the production of functional food products, their implementation in production, as well as the training of specialists requires an immediate solution, which will contribute to the prevention of diseases and promotion of health.

Having completed the course “Technology of Functional Nutrition Products”, students should know: the basics and importance of nutrition for various populations; nutritional and biological value of functional foods; features of technological processing of products for population groups in need of functional nutrition; technologies for the production of functional food products, technological regimes for processing food products.

The textbook is compiled on the basis of the requirements of the state educational standard of higher professional education, which provides for the minimum content and level of training of specialists in the specialty 2712400 “Technology of children's and functional nutrition”.

Chapter 1. Current state of provision for the population


In the last decade in Russia, as research results show, in the structure of food consumption (despite the high saturation of the market with food products) there have been deviations from modern principles of healthy nutrition towards a deficiency of micronutrients, which negatively affects the health of the population.

Chemicalization of the environment, the use of food substitutes, and unbalanced diets lead to illness and premature aging, and a shortening of life.

The situation is aggravated by the low cultural level of the population in matters of rational nutrition and the lack of management skills healthy image life. The economic situation developing in our country in the context of the transition to market relations contributes to the aggravation of these social problems.

As evidenced by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation G.G. Onishchenko, differentiation of indicators of nutritional status of different population groups depends on social factors, in particular on material wealth. In families with the lowest incomes (up to 30% of the subsistence level), almost 20% of young children have growth retardation, reflecting chronic malnutrition, and 5% have underweight (a sign of acute malnutrition).

In the last decade, only 15% of healthy children were born, which is explained by the harmful influence of the environment, poor nutrition, and the deterioration of the economic situation of the population.

Today in Russia only 10% of school graduates can be considered relatively healthy, half of teenagers have chronic diseases. Thus, over the past ten years, the number of healthy schoolgirl graduates has decreased from 22 to 6%. But these are future mothers - carriers of the nation's gene pool.

A third of young men of conscription age are not medically fit to serve in the Armed Forces, and 60% of guys who are 16 years old today will not live to reach retirement age.

The average per capita consumption of animal proteins among the population has decreased to a critical level (30 g instead of 32 g of the maximum permissible). As a result, immunity is weakened, anemia is observed in pregnant women, body weight in conscripts decreases, and the physical parameters of newborns decrease. The lack of protein substances in the food of young children creates a shortage of material for building the brain, as a result of which the danger of mental disability increases.

That is why, against the backdrop of an unfavorable environment, combined with inadequate and unsafe nutrition, especially in the period from 1990 to 1993, mortality in Russia increased by 23%.

As noted in the report of the Center for Demography and Ecology of the Moscow Institute of Industrial Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, mortality among newborns in Russia is one of the highest in Europe.

Thus, in the Kemerovo region, the total mortality rate of the population exceeds the birth rate by 1.8 times. The natural population decline in Kuzbass is 7.3% per 1 thousand people. This is higher than the figure for the Siberian Federal District (4.8%) and the average for Russia (6.7%).

Every year the population in our country decreases by an average of 750 thousand people, which is evidence of the poor health of the nation.

Over the last decade, over 40% of imported food products have been imported into our country, which puts the state on the brink of food dependence. Food security in Russia is an important component of national and economic security. In world practice, it is generally accepted that reliable food security is ensured under the condition of 75-80% consumption of the main types of domestic products.

The reduction in the production of domestic food products is due to the economic crisis in Russia, financial difficulties, shortages and rising prices of raw materials and other reasons.

It is known that the use of imported products in the diet causes a reaction of long-term adaptation of the body to the new composition of the diet, being a stress factor, and, as a consequence, health disorders.

At the same time, the Russian consumer, approving the variety of foreign food products, gives preference to domestic natural products. Ensuring high quality of domestic food products and guaranteeing their safety are important for both consumers and specialists.

The development of technologies for the production of new safe food products based on natural raw materials is one of the most important areas of development of the food industry and public catering in the 21st century, which requires an immediate solution.

Issues of rational selection of raw materials are becoming important. Researchers medicinal plants In Russia, Professor A. Lazarev and Professor I. Brekhman believed that in order to replenish the loss of energy resources and plastic material in the process of human life, it is necessary to use medicinal and food plants. Food plants have a multifaceted effect, and medicinal plants are a source of biologically active substances.

Our country has a large number of wild and cultivated plants, various parts of which can be successfully used for preparing food. By complementing the food range, they have a positive effect on the functioning of the vital systems of the body. Using various plants in the production of new generation food products, it is possible to improve the adaptive and immune capabilities of humans, so research in this direction should attract the attention of scientists and specialists working in the field of food technology.

Also, to ensure the competitiveness of food industry and public catering products, it is necessary to develop new technologies that ensure rational, comprehensive processing of raw materials. This is due to the use of secondary material resources. The use of new technologies for deep processing of raw materials will make it possible to create safe domestic food products of high quality.

For the production of healthy food products, along with the search for new types of raw materials, development modern technologies products of mass consumption, dietary, children's and medical-prophylactic nutrition, it is necessary to solve a number of problems. These include: the creation of advanced technologies for storing raw materials and finished products; control over the quality of food raw materials and food products, reconstruction of food processing enterprises and equipping them with new equipment.

The priority area of ​​activity for food industry and public catering technologists should be the development of new technologies and the production of food products based on domestic natural raw materials.

Lecture outline:

14.2 Low-calorie meat products fortified


14.1. Functional meat products

The production of functional meat products is a new promising direction for the modern meat processing industry. Functional meat products have a positive effect on human health, increase resistance to diseases, and can improve many physiological processes in the human body. These products are intended for a wide range of consumers and look like regular food. They can and should be consumed regularly as part of a normal diet.

Functional products, unlike traditional ones, in addition to nutritional value and taste properties, must have a physiological effect. Typically, such products contain ingredients that give them functional properties, or, as is commonly called, dietary supplements.

Biologically active food additives can be in the form of individual amino acids, minerals, dietary fiber or
in the form of complexes containing a certain group of substances. In the group of meat products, it is advisable to develop functional products based on complementarity with grain crops and plant raw materials, including vegetables.

The development of functional meat products has its own characteristics, since it is necessary to preserve the biological activity of the additive during the technological processing of raw materials and not to deteriorate the quality indicators of the finished product. When choosing additives, special attention is paid to their safety, taking into account the maximum permissible concentrations in products and their permissible daily human consumption.

The method of administration depends on the state of the additive (dry, in the form of a solution, gel, emulsion, suspension) and on the type of product. Soluble additives can be added to brines during the production of smoked meats. Additives are introduced into minced meat products at the stage of preparing the recipe mixture. An important factor is to ensure uniform distribution of dietary supplements throughout the volume of the product. When adding a small amount of dietary supplements (vitamins, minerals, etc.) to a large volume of product, multiple dilutions of the solution are used, taking into account the amount of water provided for in the product recipe.

The range of functional meat products is still small and is represented mainly by low-calorie products (with a reduced content of animal fats and increased dietary fiber), products for therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition of patients with anemia (sources of iron-containing components - pork liver and food blood), products for children with r- carotene, vitamins C, B 6 B 2, A, E, PP, calcium, a complex of minerals (enriched with extrusive cereals), etc. Particular attention is paid to the development of specialized sausage products for preschool and school nutrition, adapted to the physiological characteristics of the child.

In general, the following groups of functional meat products can be distinguished:

1. Low-calorie meat products enriched with dietary fiber.

2. Meat products enriched with vitamins.

3. Meat products enriched with minerals.

4. Meat products enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids.

5. Meat products enriched with prebiotics and probiotic cultures of microorganisms.

14.2 Low-calorie meat products enriched with dietary fiber

The peculiarities of the diet of modern man and the widespread use of highly refined foods gradually led to a deficiency in the diet of coarse fiber ballast substances. The lack of dietary fiber in the diet can cause the development of a number of diseases, such as colon cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, cholelithiasis, diabetes mellitus, obesity, atherosclerosis, varicose veins and thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities and much more.

By the end of the 80s. A new nutrition theory has been established, according to which dietary fiber must be included in the human diet. Their role is not only to prevent various diseases, but also to reduce the environmental load on the human body, increase resistance to stressful situations, and increase immunity to many diseases.

Cellulose (fiber)- a linear polysaccharide of high molecular weight, consisting of D-glucose residues. It is a durable, fibrous, water-insoluble substance. Cellulose is not hydrolyzed by α-amylase and other enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Lignin- a plant polymer built from the remains of phenolic alcohols, a substance of non-polysaccharide nature.

Hemicellulose- a plant heteropolysaccharide of a branched structure, containing arabinose, glucose, etc. in the side chains, a satellite of cellulose and lignin.

Pectin belongs to the group of polysaccharides built from D-galacturonic acid residues. Its aqueous solutions have gelling and gelling properties.

Pentosans - cellulose-like polysaccharides built from xylose, arabinose and other pentoses. The shells of nuts, sunflowers, corn cobs, straw, and rye are especially rich in pentosans.

Alginates- polysaccharides from brown seaweed, consisting of residues of D-mannuronic and L-guluronic acids.

Comedy- plant and microbial polysaccharides (gaur gum, locust bean gum, xanthan gum) or glycoproteins (gum arabic - air-dried acacia juice).


Figure 1. Classification of dietary fiber

Carrageenans- polysaccharides from red seaweed, their structure is heterogeneous. It is based on the disaccharide agarose.

Inulin belongs to fructooligosaccharides, built from fructose residues. Inulin undergoes hydrolysis in the large intestine and helps reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and lipids in the intestine.

The main group of dietary fibers are elements of plant cell walls, which are divided into two groups - structural and non-structural components. The general physicochemical characteristics of dietary fiber depend on the ratio of these compounds, the source of dietary fiber and the methods of their isolation.

Another type of dietary fiber is the substances of animal connective tissue that are not utilized by the human body, in particular the protein collagen and the insoluble polysaccharide chitin, which is part of the shells of lobsters, crabs, and many insects.

Depending on solubility, dietary fiber is divided into three groups:

Soluble dietary fiber, that is, non-structural polysaccharides - pectins, gums, alginates, etc.;

Insoluble dietary fiber - structural polysaccharides - cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, etc.;

Mixed type dietary fiber - bran.

Daily requirement for dietary fiber: physiological daily requirement - 25-38 g; actual daily consumption is 10-15 g; the norm for functional products is 2.5-19 g.

The main role of dietary fiber is to regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Soluble dietary fiber reaches the large intestine unchanged, where it is hydrolyzed by microbial enzymes. The resulting hydrolysis products are used to feed beneficial intestinal microflora, primarily bifidobacteria, that is, they are prebiotics.

Insoluble dietary fiber have the ability to bind water in the intestines; increase the irritating effect of food, which leads to stimulation of intestinal motility and faster transit of food; adsorb and remove toxic substances from the body; bind acids, adsorb sterols and reduce cholesterol levels, and are also involved in the mechanism of caries prevention. In addition, the fibers contain macro- and microelements that take part in hematopoiesis, which are components of a number of hormones, vitamins, and enzymes. A sufficient amount of fiber in food leads to a feeling of fullness and contributes to less energy consumption from food.

The similarities between the physiological functions of connective tissue proteins and plant dietary fiber are as follows:

Connective tissue proteins are poorly digested by the human body due to the lack of the enzyme collagenase; proteins are able to swell and retain large amounts of moisture, and therefore form gel-like food masses;

The ability to retain large amounts of moisture is also possessed by the products of thermal hydrolysis of connective tissue proteins - collagens, which are formed during the heat treatment of meat and meat products;

Connective tissue proteins that are not digested in the upper part of the digestive tract reach the large intestine and are used by beneficial bacteria that live in this part of the digestive tract. This increases the digestibility of food and allows you to provide the body with additional nutrients.

The main sources of dietary fiber are cereals and their processed products - rye and wheat bran (53-55%), vegetables (20-24%), fruits and other plant objects. Another group of sources of dietary fiber includes raw materials of animal origin with a high content of connective tissue. The list of main sources of dietary fiber, their advantages and disadvantages are presented in Table 1.

The use of dietary fiber in the food industry is constantly growing and covers more and more new industries. Products enriched with dietary fiber include primarily baked goods, pasta, culinary and confectionery products, drinks, desserts and snacks. Meat products are enriched to a lesser extent with dietary fiber.

The use of dietary fiber in meat products technology. In the meat industry, dietary fiber is used in the production of all groups of meat products, namely all types of sausages, including baby food, canned food, semi-finished products and delicatessen products.

In order to enrich meat products with dietary fiber, all groups of dietary fiber sources are used, in particular, natural products rich in dietary fiber, secondary products of processing plant raw materials and purified dietary fiber preparations.

The use of grain processing products in the technology of combined meat products makes it possible to increase the nutritional and biological value of the product, promotes a stable and uniform distribution of ingredients, which leads to the creation of a product of stable quality.

Use of flour, cereals, vegetables. The simplest way to enrich meat products with dietary fiber is to use natural products rich in this functional ingredient in their production.

Traditionally, starch-containing raw materials are used in sausage production: cereals (millet, rice, pearl barley and barley) and wheat flour. The use of this raw material also contributes to a slight increase in the moisture- and fat-binding capacity of the minced meat system.

Pearl barley, rice, semolina and oatmeal are used in the production of boiled sausages and canned meat and vegetables, instead of part of the raw meat. It is pre-cleaned of impurities, washed and soaked in water at a temperature of 30-40 ºC for 2-12 hours. In the process of hydration of cereals, they swell and the duration required for subsequent hydrothermal processing (blanching, cooking and steaming) is reduced. Blanching of cereals is carried out for 8-10 minutes, boiling cereals in boiling water, the ratio of cereals and water when cooking pearl barley is 1: 2.8; barley 1:2.5; millet 1:2; rice 1:2. The possible level of replacement of raw meat in the production of sausages is up to 15%, and canned food - 2-5%.

Various types of flour, in particular wheat, rice, barley, corn, are used both in natural and textured form. Natural flour is used in the production of semi-smoked sausages in an amount of 2-5%, in the technology of pates and minced semi-finished products in an amount of 6-10% - for pates and semi-finished products. Preparing flour involves preliminary sifting and removing foreign impurities.

Natural textured flour (wheat, oat, barley and millet) can be used to replace soy proteins, starch, flour and cereals in the production of various types of meat products. Textured flour is used after preliminary hydration, for which it is poured with cold water, mixed and kept for 15-20 minutes and then used for stuffing. The hydration level, depending on the type of flour, is 1:1.5-1:3. The amount of hydrated flour in the product is determined by the type and recipe of meat products and is: for boiled sausages up to 15%, for semi-smoked sausages up to 25%, in the production of minced semi-finished products up to 30%, canned meat up to 20%.

In order to improve the organoleptic properties and reduce the calorie content of chopped semi-finished products, vegetable fillers based on various vegetables, such as cabbage, carrots, beets, potatoes, etc. are used as a component of minced meat.

Vegetables are pre-calibrated, washed, cleaned of dirt and damaged areas and either boiled until tender or used raw. Prepared vegetables are homogenized, cooled to a temperature of 0-15 ºС, the resulting homogeneous mass is used for stuffing instead of raw meat in an amount of 10-50%. It is possible to use milk-potato puree and vegetable pulp as a filler.

The use of vegetable ingredients is complicated by the seasonality of harvesting vegetables, as well as their high humidity and lack of storage stability, therefore, in the production of combined products, it is rational to use vegetables in the form of powders.

Such powders are made from various vegetables and skim milk, in particular, zucchini-milk, pumpkin-milk, beet-milk, carrot-milk. Powders are used in hydrated form with a ratio of vegetable powder and water of 1:2, replacing up to 10% of raw meat.

In general, the use of natural products in the technology of functional meat products is limited for several reasons:

Firstly, due to the low dietary fiber content of natural plant fillers (1-2%), resulting in no effective fortification; Thus, replacing 50% of raw meat with a vegetable filler, for example cabbage, in a cutlet weighing 100 g will allow you to obtain a product that satisfies the body’s daily need for dietary fiber by only 3.5%;

Secondly, due to a decrease in the protein content of the product, since minced meat and vegetable fillers are not equivalent in biological value.

Therefore, products obtained in this way belong to the group of combined food products.

Control questions:

1. Functional meat products.

2 Low-calorie meat products fortified with nutritional supplements

1.Functional foods. Teplov V.I. Publisher: A-Prior

Year: 2008 Pages: 240

2. Promising directions for creating functional products

appointments based on animal raw materials. Shvanskaya I.A. FGBNU

"Rosinformagrotech". Year of publication: 2013