Internship. Practice report: State and municipal management as a specialty of higher professional education

IN government agency is considered one of the necessary components educational process in preparing students of all specialties. At the end, students must submit a practice report. This is the result of individual research work based on practice.

Student practice can be educational, industrial and pre-diploma.

What needs to be in the practice report

Regardless of the type of practice, the structure of the report should be as follows:

  1. The main text of 2-3 parts should include theory and analytics. You need to start with a description of the practice base, moving on to the analysis of information and documents, with calculations and graphics. The very last section is recommendations for improving the operation of the enterprise.
  2. List of information sources.
  3. Application.

Depending on the type of practice, report writing has different properties.

The report on practice in a government agency covers less analytical data. In this case, calculations can be included as desired. No protection required.

The report on pre-graduation practice must be treated with keen attention. In the vast majority of cases, the base pre-graduate practice must coincide with the object of study of the work. Therefore, working on the report is a contribution to the graduation project.

Information can be taken from the following documents: contracts, reports. Where possible, useful documents should be included in an appendix to the report.

It is best to start working on a report when you begin practice. Having immediately figured out what information is required for registration, you can start collecting it, look for documents, etc. After completing the practice, such an opportunity will no longer be found.

Maintain communication with practice leaders. The scientific supervisor will advise on how best to create, and the production supervisor will assist in collecting data. Yours equally depends on the second.

When creating a report, it is important to adhere to the rules of creation. It is better to find out the requirements from methodological recommendations. Violating them will result in a lower grade.

Do it on time. The finished work can be shown in advance for checking. Then you have enough time to correct the mistakes. And if there are no mistakes, you will be able to confidently prepare for the test.

Remember! in a government institution - this is your admission to the session, take it seriously or contact our company. We offer information support and writing assistance.


Practice of students of the Federal Budgetary State educational institution higher professional education "Russian State University Justice" is an integral part of the main educational program of both higher vocational education and secondary vocational education. In addition to the versatile theoretical knowledge students must have good practical training, allowing the graduate to actively engage in a professional field after graduating from the University.

Practice helps to consolidate students’ theoretical knowledge and accumulate practical experience. The goals, scope and content of practice are determined by the educational standards of higher professional and secondary vocational education:

1. Higher education:

Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education (FSES HPE) in the field of training 40.03.01 Jurisprudence (qualification (degree) “bachelor”);

Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education (FSES HPE) in the field of training 40.04.01 Jurisprudence (qualification (degree) “master”);

2. Secondary vocational education:

Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education (FSES SPO) in specialty 40.02.01 Law and organization of social security (with in-depth training) - qualification “lawyer”;

For students in master's degree areas, the types of internships are determined according to the federal state standards and may include research, teaching practice, legal consulting, etc.

For students in bachelor's degree programs and students in secondary vocational education programs, educational and practical training is provided.

The Branch conducts work on practice in accordance with the regulations on practice, taking into account the specialization of specialist training and practice programs. Practice programs are developed by major departments in accordance with the working curricula in the areas of training (specialties) and programs of academic disciplines.

Students' practice is carried out on the basis of agreements between the Branch and relevant organizations that are bases of practice, the main of which are: Constitutional Court Russian Federation, courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration courts, a system of investigative and other government bodies. Students can also do internships at the Branch’s legal clinic, providing free legal assistance to socially vulnerable categories of citizens.


The Branch carries out activities to assist in the employment of students and graduates. The subject of this area is the work of the Branch to promote the employment of students and the employment of young professionals, providing information and analytical reports on labor and employment problems, interaction with organizations and institutions that influence the labor market of young professionals.

The Branch's priority activities for the employment and employment of students and graduates are: . Cooperation with judicial authorities and other organizations acting as employers for students and graduates of the Branch;

Interaction with employment authorities: obtaining information about graduates registered with employment services, participation in city “Career Days”, “Job Fairs”;

Questioning graduates to identify those in need of employment;

Assistance in writing a resume, characteristics, adaptation to a new workplace (conducting training seminars on job search, interviewing with an employer, self-presentation when applying for a job);

Conducting organizational events (job fairs, career days, presentations of employing organizations);

Organizing meetings of students with prospective employers and graduates of the Branch;

Involving members of the “Alumni Club” in cooperation on clarifying information about the employment of graduates and the availability of graduates in need of employment;

Direction of training - 081100.62 "State and municipal administration"

Training profile - "Effective public administration".

Qualification: Bachelor.

Full-time form of education.

Moscow - 2014

Place of internship:

Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation


at the Address: Moscow, Okhotny Ryad street, building. Metro 1: Okhotny Ryad.

The practical training was carried out in a group of students of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, in the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Head of Practice: Chief of Staff of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building Shelemin Stanislav Aleksandrovich.

Report on production practice prepared: 3rd year full-time student at the Faculty of the International Institute of State and Municipal Administration Russian Academy National Economy and Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation, Shumilin Stepan Timurovich.

The State Duma(the abbreviation State Duma is also used in the media) - the lower house of the Federal Assembly. Elected by adult citizens of Russia who have the right to vote in elections, based on the results of alternative and free elections held every five years.

The legal status of the State Duma is defined in the fifth chapter of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 103) defines the following powers of the State Duma and gives the right to make decisions on them:

    giving consent to the President of the Russian Federation to appoint the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;

    hearing annual reports of the Government of the Russian Federation on the results of its activities, including on issues raised by the State Duma;

    resolving the issue of trust in the Government of the Russian Federation;

    appointment and dismissal of the chairman Central Bank Russian Federation;

    appointment and dismissal of the chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and half of its auditors;

    appointment and dismissal of a human rights ombudsman acting in accordance with federal constitutional law;

    amnesty announcement;

    bringing charges against the President of the Russian Federation for his removal from office.

The State Duma consists of 450 deputies, exactly half of whom are elected directly and in one round based on the results of voting in single-mandate constituencies. The second half is formed by Russian political parties that have overcome the 5 percent threshold based on the results of voting for party lists. A citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 21 and has the right to participate in elections can be elected as a deputy of the State Duma (and the same person cannot be simultaneously a deputy of the State Duma and a member of the Federation Council. A deputy of the State Duma of the first convocation could simultaneously be a member of the Government of the Russian Federation (according to the transitional provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

The State Duma adopts federal laws by a majority vote of the total number of deputies, unless otherwise provided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Under the adopted federal law within the meaning of Part 1 of Art. 107 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation means: laws adopted by the State Duma and approved by the Federation Council in accordance with Part. 1, 2, 3 and 4 tbsp. 105 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws re-adopted by the State Duma in accordance with Part 5 of Art. 105 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws approved by the State Duma and the Federation Council in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 107 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In addition, the adopted federal law is signed and promulgated by the President of the Russian Federation.

In the same manner, an act of the legislative body must be adopted, signed and promulgated, through which an official clarification of the federal law is carried out, having the force of law. If the clarification is taken in the form of a resolution of the State Duma, that is, without complying with the requirements of Art. 105, 106, 107 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, requirements for the adoption of federal laws, then it cannot be considered as an act of the Federal Assembly - the legislative body of the Russian Federation. Being an act of only one of its chambers, such a resolution is not an authentic official explanation of the law. It cannot be recognized as a delegated official explanation of the law, since the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not provide the State Duma with the corresponding right





Course work

“Public and municipal management as a specialty of higher professional education”

Completed by a student

Faculty of State Medical University


Scientific director


Introduction………………………………………………………………………………. 3

1.State structure and management………………………………………………………. 5

1.1 Government modern Russia…………………………. 5

1.2 Functions of the state, tasks and methods of public administration... 7

2. State and municipal management: about the present and future of the specialty…………………………………………………………………………………. 9

2.1 Formation of a specialty at State Medical University………………………………………………………. 9

2.2. Formation of the specialty “State and Municipal Administration” within the framework of higher professional education…………...13

3 .Requirements for training a specialist and his types of activities…………..20

3.2 Requirements for specialist training……………………………………….23

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………… 25

References………………………………………………………………………………… 26


It would not be a great exaggeration to say that the quality of public administration is determined primarily by the quality of the personnel of government employees, the stock of professional knowledge they have and the ability to apply it in their activities.

At the same time, the professionalism of people employed in the public service presupposes not so much so-called “industry” knowledge, but knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms of interaction between the state, society and individual citizens during the period of radical replacement of all previously operating ones with new ones. Understanding the need to organize the work of the state apparatus in a new way led to the introduction of such social institution as "public service".

In order to more quickly become modern, corresponding to Russian realities civil service back in 1991, it was decided to create a system of specialized educational institutions(personnel centers, subsequently transformed into regional civil service academies), main task which determined the training, retraining and advanced training of state and municipal employees.

A little later, at the beginning of 1992, the specialty “state and municipal management” was introduced into the classification of specialties of higher professional education.

The relevance of the chosen topic is due to all of the above and the special role in the modern, increasingly complex world of management science - management - and specialists in this profession - managers.

Management is necessary at any level: enterprise, bank, educational institution, hospital, state, city, etc.

Accordingly, there may be production, financial, social, state, municipal and other management.

It has long been known that a bad manager can quickly lead an enterprise to bankruptcy, while a talented manager can lead to success. The same applies to the city. Managing a modern city is no easier than managing the largest industrial enterprise. Management as a science of management is closely related to economics. The largest capitalist firms employ professional economists and managers and train managers in university centers. Without modern knowledge in the field of economics and management, effective management is impossible.

Extremely high demands are placed on the modern manager. He must understand issues of economics, politics, finance, law, human psychology, be able to work in a team, clearly and logically express and defend his thoughts, have a good knowledge of the specific area of ​​his professional activity, be comprehensively developed, civilized, cultured person. For city (municipal) manager special meaning has work with people, with the population. After all, city government exists for the benefit of the people and can function effectively only with the support of the population. The task of future managers is to be at the height of modern


Therefore the goal course work a detailed study of government structure and management, the formation of the specialty “State and Municipal Management” within the framework of higher professional education, requirements for the training of a specialist and his types of activities.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set: to study:

State structure of modern Russia

Functions of the state, tasks and methods of public administration

Formation of the specialty “State and Municipal Administration” within the framework of higher professional education

Directions and types of specialist activities

Requirements for specialist training

1. Government structure and administration

1.1 State structure of modern Russia

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in a national referendum in 1993, Russia is a democratic federal state governed by the rule of law with a republican form of government (Article 1).

Man, his rights and freedoms are highest value. Recognition, observance and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms is the responsibility of the state (Article 2). The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people (clause 1 of Article 3). The Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws have supremacy throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation (clause 2 of Article 4).

The Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people (clause 1 of Article 7).

The Russian Federation recognizes ideological and political diversity and multi-party systems. No ideology can be established as state or mandatory (Article 13).

The Russian Federation is a secular state. No religion can be established as state or compulsory (clause 1 of Article 14).

State power in the Russian Federation is exercised on the basis of division into legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative, executive and judicial authorities are independent.

The federal bodies of state power are the President

Russian Federation, Federal Assembly (Federation Council and State Duma), Government of the Russian Federation, courts of the Russian Federation (Article 10). Other articles of the Constitution set out the functions, powers and procedure for the formation of each of the listed bodies. State power in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is exercised by the state authorities formed by them (clause 2 of Article 10).

As a federal state, the Russian Federation consists of 89 federal subjects. They are republics (21), territories (6), regions (49), cities of federal significance (Moscow and St. Petersburg), autonomous region (Jewish), autonomous okrugs (10) - Article 65. All subjects of the Russian Federation have equal rights (clause 1 article 5). The Constitution defines a list of issues that are under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Russian Federation (Article 71) and issues that are under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Article 72). It has been established that on issues not listed in Articles 71 and 72, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have full state power (Article 73).

Local power in the Russian Federation is exercised by local government bodies, which are not part of the system of government bodies (Article 12).

1.2 Functions of the state, tasks and methods of public administration

What are the functions and responsibilities of the state, what is public administration, what tasks should it solve, what and how to manage? The functions of the state can be divided into internal and external.

The internal functions of the state include:

a) protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, their lives, dignity, property;

b) state regulation of the economy, economic activity;

c) state regulation of the social sphere, cultural, scientific and other activities;

d) punitive function - suppression of attacks on the state system, property, life, rights and freedoms of citizens, violations of public order.

To solve these problems, the state uses methods of administrative and economic regulation, as well as methods of ideological influence. Administrative methods - the publication of mandatory laws, a system of penalties for non-compliance. Economic regulation - a system of taxes, customs duties, budget financing, a system of excise taxes, social and other benefits that support or limit individual species activities. Ideological influence is carried out through the media and is aimed at instilling in citizens a sense of patriotism, pride in their country, and a desire to promote its prosperity. One of the means of instilling patriotism is the use of state symbols.

At the same time, the state should not interfere in the personal lives of citizens, if this does not affect the interests of other citizens or society, in the activities of business entities, political parties, public, religious and other organizations, if they do not violate the law.

External functions of the state:

a) defense of borders, protection of the sovereignty and independence of the country;

b) foreign policy activities;

c) foreign economic activity;

d) representing and protecting the interests of its citizens abroad;

e) strengthening one’s prestige in the world, gaining a worthy place among other countries, establishing spheres of influence for large and economically powerful states, and in past times, seizing colonies.

Methods for solving external problems of the state: diplomatic, economic and military.

2. State and municipal administration: about the present and future of the specialty

2.1 Formation of a specialty at State Medical University

The formation of the State Medical University specialty, which began from the moment it was included in the classification of specialties in March 1992, turned out to be divorced from the formation of the state and municipal service system in the country.

The specialty was introduced at a time when there was not a single regulatory act that would define the parameters of state and municipal service in Russia. At that time, only draft laws of the Russian Federation on civil service were considered, and they differed significantly conceptually. Consequently, it was possible to formulate the content of education in this specialty based on general ideas about the public service, existing foreign and emerging domestic experience.

The first all-Russian normative act fixing the main provisions regulating the civil service, in particular, educational requirements, appeared only in December 1993 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 22, 1993 No. 2267 “On approval of the Regulations on the federal public service”, Assembly Acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 52, Article 5073).

Due to the educational management scheme adopted in Russia, the content of education in a given specialty was determined by the federal education management body and, accordingly, to the extent that this body understood what the state (and municipal) service in Russia would be like. There was a time (albeit quite short) when the specialty was called “State and regional control". And the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Fundamentals of the Civil Service of the Russian Federation” dated July 31, 1995 mentioned such a non-existent in the classifier of specialties as "public administration"(clause 6 of this Law). The fact that now (by amendment to this Law dated February 18, 1999) the name of the specialty has been brought into line with existing realities has not changed the state of affairs. And the comparison of state educational standards is so-called. “first generation”, adopted in 1995, shows almost complete coincidence of requirements for the training of specialists in such essentially different specialties as “state and municipal administration” and “management”.

The most obvious disconnect between the personnel training system for state and municipal services and the service itself is seen in this example. Given that there are approximately 150 state and non-state universities that have licenses to train specialists with higher education in this specialty, a significant contingent of students and those already trained as part of obtaining their first higher education, strictly speaking, not a single university graduate, according to current laws, can be admitted to the state or municipal service immediately after graduation.

The fact is that in the legislation of those subjects of the Russian Federation that specified the requirements for persons applying for positions in the public service system, requirements for work experience (usually at least a year) appeared. To illustrate, I will cite excerpts from the Law “On Civil Service” of the Irkutsk Region (as amended by the Law of the Irkutsk Region dated June 11, 1999 No. 32-03):

“b) for leaders and seniors higher professional education in the specialty “state and municipal management” or by specialization of regional government positions of the regional civil service or education considered equivalent.

V) for younger ones regional government positions of the regional civil service - secondary vocational education according to the specialization of regional government positions of the regional civil service or education considered equivalent.”

“… 4. For regional government positions in the regional civil service, the following qualification requirements for length of service and work experience in the specialty are established:

a) senior regional government positions - experience in the regional civil service in the main regional government positions for at least two years or work experience in the specialty for at least five years ;

b) main regional government positions - experience in the regional civil service in leading regional government positions for at least two years or;

c) leading regional government positions - experience in the regional civil service in senior regional government positions for at least two years or work experience in the specialty for at least three years ;

d) senior regional government positions - work experience in the specialty for at least three years ;

e) junior regional government positions - no requirement for experience .

In the absence of the required length of service, a citizen may be appointed to a position based on the results of certification.”

Such provisions are contained in the laws regulating the civil service in almost all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Everywhere, to occupy positions, starting with senior ones, there are requirements for work experience. There are no work experience requirements for junior positions only, but to occupy these positions it is sufficient to have secondary vocational education .

References to the possibility of appointment to positions based on the results of certification refer, as a rule, to those who are already in the civil service system. The system of occupying positions on the basis of competitions, as provided for by law, has not received due distribution. And, although graduates of many universities find application for their knowledge in state and municipal government bodies, this happens not so much as a result of the regulatory system, but in spite of it.

As a result, almost all universities in their curricula, developed on the basis of the state educational standard for specialty 061000, introduce disciplines that do not deepen the knowledge necessary to occupy positions in the state and municipal service system, but those that help graduates find employment outside this system.

The dissemination of this practice is facilitated by the classification of the specialty “state and municipal management” into the group of specialties of economics and management with the qualification “manager”. Although it is obvious that the specificity of the service itself, which consists in the performance of state functions by employees, presupposes the presence of thorough knowledge not only in the field of economics and management, but also in the field of jurisprudence, political science, and sociology. In this regard, it would be more logical to classify this specialty as a group of interdisciplinary specialties (350,000) with a change in the assigned qualification (for example, “specialist in the field of state and municipal management”).

In Russia, there is no clearly defined legal system of specialization in the state and municipal services (there is no interpretation of the concept of “specialization of civil service positions”, used in the laws of the federation and constituent entities of the Federation). Apparently, this is why our new standard actually lacks dedicated hours for specializations and at least recommended specializations.

2.2. Formation of the specialty “State and Municipal Administration” within the framework of higher professional education

The formation of the specialty “State and Municipal Administration” within the framework of higher professional education is divorced from the formation of a system of additional professional education for state and municipal employees.

This circumstance is little noticeable to those who do not carry out work on any significant scale to improve the qualifications and retraining of state and municipal employees. This situation did not arise by chance, but as a result of objective circumstances.

Firstly, does not exist government regulation the system of additional professional education as a whole, with the exception of several regulations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Secondly, is specially regulated (by orders of the Ministry of Education approving the state educational standard) only the system of additional professional education federal government employees. For the same category of civil servants, requirements for professional retraining have been established, in particular in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 3, 1997 “On additional measures for the training of civil servants” it is noted that it is necessary to annually draw up training plans for civil servants, bearing in mind that “mandatory professional retraining of persons first appointed to government positions in the federal civil service not lower than deputy head of department (hereinafter referred to as “managerial positions”), during the first year of work in these positions ”.

In this Decree, by the way, there are no instructions to the education management body in the Russian Federation in terms of determining the content of education. There is only a recommendation for the subjects of the Federation to also draw up training plans for civil servants of the subjects of the Federation and municipal employees. As a result, additional professional education in the last two categories is not regulated at all. And, as they say, “by default” to work with them, the requirements of the state educational standard for additional professional education of federal civil servants are accepted. Agree, this approach can hardly be considered legitimate.

There is one more circumstance that I would like to draw attention to. The latest edition of the State Standard for additional professional education of federal civil servants (Order of the Ministry of Education No. 2370 of July 31, 2000) obliges heads of educational institutions providing advanced training and retraining of federal civil servants to bring curricula and programs into compliance with the requirements of this standard, as well as qualification requirements (characteristics) for public positions of federal civil servants. The standard itself provides that “A specific area of ​​additional professional education for a federal civil servant is selected from the list of areas, taking into account:

Type of professional activity of a civil servant (managerial, organizational, economic, planning and financial, marketing, information and analytical, design and research, diagnostic, innovative, methodological);

Qualification requirements for a specific position;

Specific learning objectives;

Regional and industry characteristics and specifics government agency, sending a federal government employee to study.”

At the same time, the drafters of the standard, characterizing the types of professional activities of a civil servant, were guided by the types of activities taken from the canceled State Standards for specialty 061000 (as amended in 1995), which, in turn, practically coincided with the list of types of activities for a manager trained in another specialty - 061100 “Management”, and remained in the new standard in the specialty “Organization Management”.

A completely natural question arises: how legitimate is this approach? Does the content of the activity of a civil servant really coincide with the content of the activity of a manager? If we assume that in the new system of educational standards we see significant differences between the standards for specialties 061000 and 061100 (which was even renamed “Organization Management”), it is obvious that no.

But in fact,

In the absence of clearly defined qualification requirements for specific positions,

If there is a discrepancy between the types of activities actually developing in the public service system and those defined in the standard,

Given not only the textual discrepancy between the types of activities of civil servants listed in the State Standards of Higher Professional Education of the 1995 and 2000 models,

implement the requirement to bring into compliance curricula and State Educational Standards programs for additional vocational education is impossible, since this standard contains clause 5.2, which states that “educational programs of additional vocational education must ensure its continuity in relation to the state educational standards of higher and secondary vocational education in the corresponding field of study.”

To be convinced of this, just look at the list of areas of study for additional vocational education programs approved by this State Educational Standard.

This standard also contains such an innovation as “education additional to higher education.” In the absence of this type educational programs in the documents defining the requirements for civil servants, it simply “freezes”.

The formation of specialty 061000 is divorced from the real personnel situation and the realities that have developed in the organization of work with personnel in the state and municipal service system.

This circumstance has already been touched upon a little when it came to the possibilities for university graduates to occupy positions of state and municipal employees.

In addition, it is necessary to mention such points that relate, first of all, to regions with low population density and an undeveloped network of educational institutions. Different population densities come with different level education of relevant categories of employees.

Let's compare, for example, the Central and Siberian federal districts. The first has an area of ​​about 680 thousand sq. km, a population of about 38 million people. The second occupies an area of ​​almost 7 million sq. km, the population is slightly more than 21 million people. It is obvious that approaches to organizing educational activities in these regions should be uniform, but not monotonous.

For the system of regional civil service academies, each of which has several assigned (for Siberian Academy civil service - 14) subjects of the Federation, this aspect is of fundamental importance.

All academies have to think about how to organize educational activities outside its location with minimal costs time and financial resources from the relevant budgets.

For example, the amount of overhead costs for students from the Republic of Buryatia (the cost of travel to Novosibirsk, accommodation during the training period) is four times higher than the cost of the actual training in correspondence courses. And in the Siberian Federal District, the need for training is great: only slightly more than half of federal civil servants have a higher education, although the Law provides for mandatory higher education. Now the only opportunity for us to have territorially separate divisions is to create branches.

Experience has shown that regulations regulating the creation of branches, the goal is to make the process more amenable to regulation, and this is necessary, but at the same time, the specifics of working with state and municipal employees in vast territories, with an underdeveloped educational infrastructure, are not taken into account. In particular, no one can answer the following questions:

Why does the creation of a branch of an educational institution require the consent of the leadership of a subject of the Federation, which is not interested in how the personnel issue will be resolved for federal civil servants working in a given subject of the Federation;

Why is it necessary to agree to open a branch from the employment service in a given subject of the Federation, which, most often, does not have an acceptable idea of ​​the personnel needs of the relevant structures. Apparently, this is why they so easily give their positive opinions to requests for opening branches;

How to ensure compliance of requirements for civil servants in various subjects of the Federation, without which (compliance) the processes of personnel exchange between territories and different management structures are difficult.

If we take into account the presence of many universities that train specialists in state and municipal management, the curricula of which contain many disciplines where there are no established (generally accepted) provisions, we can safely assume the presence of conceptually different models of state and municipal management that are introduced into the minds of students, and this cannot but lead to the emergence of contradictions between employees professing different scientific schools.

By the way, this point emphasizes the exclusivity of the specialty “State and Municipal Administration” in the system of higher education specialties, which is underestimated in the practice of the Ministry of Education.

Therefore, it is necessary to organize educational activities for the training and retraining of state and municipal employees in such a way that it serves to strengthen Russian statehood and the unity of Russia. One of the urgent issues, in my opinion, is to increase the rigidity of regulation of the content of education of state and municipal employees. Academic freedom should primarily concern teaching methods and only then the content of teaching.

Based on the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The state personnel policy is just beginning to take shape; there is no system in attracting, retaining and using highly qualified specialists in the public service, in training, retraining and advanced training of management personnel.

2. Work with personnel in fact, in real practice (and not at the level of declarations) is not yet among the priority areas of activity of state authorities and local self-government.

3. The formation of the regulatory framework for professional education of state and municipal employees lags behind the real needs of practice.

4. A significant portion of management personnel have not improved their qualifications or undergone professional retraining for many years.

5. In many administrations there is no direct link between the promotion process and training.

6. Government and management bodies have little influence on the content of training of their personnel and practically do not participate in the development of curricula and programs.

In order to provide state authorities and local self-government with highly qualified personnel, the formation of a holistic personnel policy throughout the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Federation.

3 .Requirements for training a specialist and his types of activities

The university nature of training specialists allows them not to be confined within the narrow framework of specializations and to work in many spheres of the economy, engage in different types activities. In particular, graduates with a degree in “State and Municipal Administration” will receive fundamental knowledge in economics, law, sociology, management, finance, system analysis, urban management and social sphere, etc. The primary objects of professional activity of a graduate in the specialty “State and Municipal Management” may be state and municipal bodies of representative, executive and judicial power, other state and municipal bodies, organizations and institutions. Another area could be various municipal and social enterprises that require qualified management. Typical positions: specialist in a structural unit of the city administration or city council for economic analysis and planning, municipal industrial policy, property management, land resources, city housing and communal services, transport services

population, personnel policy, planning the activities of local authorities themselves, test work and etc.

The specialist’s activities are aimed at ensuring rational management of economic and social processes at the level of cities, districts and other territories, based on the interests of the population, organizing territorial management systems, and improving management in accordance with modern trends.

A specialist in state and municipal management must be able to plan his individual and collective work, orient it towards achieving set goals, towards achieving the final result with the rational use of all types of resources. He must be able to lead a team, exercise rational control over the activities of employees and the organization as a whole, represent his organization and its interests in the external environment, investigate and diagnose emerging problems and situations, make forecasts, formulate goals and objectives, conduct consulting, methodological and educational work with employees, implement innovations in the field of management.

a brief description of main types of professional activity of a specialist in state and municipal administration:

a) management activities. This is the work of the head of an organization, institution, or structural unit related to making management decisions; work in structural divisions administrations providing management of property, land, real estate, certain sectors of the urban economy, public relations, control and supervision bodies;

b) organizational activities. This is work related to the organization, planning and control of the territory management process itself;

c) economic activities related to economic analysis, forecasting and planning of socio-economic development of the territory. This includes the development of current and long-term plans for the development of territories, interaction with business entities, calculations of resource requirements, selection of the most effective solutions in conditions of limited resources;

d) planning and financial activities. This is work in the economic and financial departments of government and management related to the organization of financial planning and management through financial levers;

e) marketing activities. Unlike marketing at an enterprise, the subject of which is its products or services, territory marketing is the work of unlocking its potential for the most effective use;

f) information and analytical activities. Objective information and objective analysis of the actual state of affairs are always necessary for making managerial, economic, and design decisions. Almost all local government bodies today have in their structures information and analytical services, which, based on the study of large volumes of external and internal information, develop appropriate recommendations for improving matters;

g) design and research activities. This is work on the economic justification of design decisions related to the reconstruction, technical re-equipment and development of certain areas of the urban economy; work in economic departments of specialized design organizations;

h) diagnostic activity. In the process of managing a territory, difficulties and problems constantly arise, the reasons and ways to overcome which are not obvious. We need professionals who are proficient in systems analysis methods, able to understand the problem (diagnose it) and propose solutions. Few cities yet use modern approaches to solving complex problems. It is this niche that the diagnostic activity of managers is designed to fill;

i) innovative activity. Special view activities related to the introduction of everything new into the management organization;

j) methodological activities. Work related to summarizing existing experience and developing methodological recommendations for improving matters.

With some additional training, a manager with a specialty in “State and Municipal Administration” can adapt to other types of professional activities:

research; financial, financial and economic, auditing, stock exchange, etc. These types are more specialized in the “Finance and Credit” specialty, but for a manager with good economic training this problem is completely solvable.

3.2 Requirements for specialist training

The graduate must harmoniously combine high level fundamental scientific knowledge and professional training.

A specialist in the field of state and municipal administration must meet the following general requirements:

Familiar with the basic teachings in the field of humanities and socio-economic sciences, able to analyze social problems and processes, knows how to use the methods of these sciences in his professional activities;

Knows the basics of the Constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation, ethical and legal norms governing the attitude of a person to a person, society, environment, knows how to take them into account in his work;

Has a holistic understanding of processes and phenomena in living and inanimate nature, masters scientific methods of understanding nature at the level necessary to solve professional technical, economic, environmental and other problems;

Able to continue studying and conduct professional activities in a foreign language environment;

It has scientific presentation O healthy way life, has the ability and skills of physical self-improvement,

Possesses a culture of thinking, knows its general laws, is capable of writing and oral speech correctly (logically) format its results;

Can do scientific basis organize his work, masters computer methods of collecting, storing and processing information used in the field of his professional activity;

In the conditions of the development of science and changing social practice, he is capable of revaluing accumulated experience, analyzing his capabilities, able to acquire new knowledge, and use modern information educational technologies;

Understands the essence and social significance of his future profession, knows its main problems, masters professional disciplines, understands their interrelation;

Able to find non-standard solutions to standard problems or solve non-standard problems;

Capable of project activities, knows the principles of system analysis, knows how to build and use models to describe and predict various phenomena, carry out their qualitative and quantitative analysis;

Able to set goals and formulate tasks related to the performance of professional functions, knows how to use the methods of the sciences he has studied to solve these problems;

Ready to cooperate with colleagues in a team, familiar with personnel management methods, able to organize the work of performers, find and hire management decisions in conditions of conflicting demands, knows the basics of pedagogical activity;

Methodologically and psychologically ready to change the type and nature of his professional activities, work on interdisciplinary projects of organizational structures and activities of local authorities.


In conclusion, I would like to draw the following conclusions:

It is necessary to “join” the process of regulation of higher (and secondary) vocational education in our specialty and the process of normative regulation of the system of state and municipal service.

It is necessary to “harmonize” the regulation of the content of basic (higher professional) and additional professional education of state and municipal employees.

In resolving the issues raised, it is necessary to develop dialogue and joint work of state authorities and local self-government, on the one hand, and specialized educational institutions, on the other.

Development looks promising business relations regional civil service academies with authorized representatives of the President in the federal districts, because training, advanced training and retraining of civil servants is an integral part of personnel policy, including for the implementation of which the institute of representatives of the President was created.


1. Constitution of the Russian Federation. M., 1993.

2. Baglay M.V. Gabrichidze B.N. Constitutional law of the Russian Federation. M.: INFRA-M. 1996.

3. Constitutional law of the Russian Federation. Ekaterinburg: UrGUA, 1995.

4. Chirkin V.E. Statecraft. M.: Yurist, 2000.

5. Pikulkin A.V. Public administration system. M.: UNITY, 2000.

6. Salikov M.S. Comparative federalism of the USA and Russia. Ekaterinburg, 1998.

7. Theory of state and law from students: Textbook for universities. Web site www. 2000.

8. The latest literature on parliamentarism (book texts are freely available). Website www.

9. European Charter of Local Self-Government // SZ RF, 1998, 36. Art. 4466.

10. Zotov V.B. Territorial administration. M., 1998.

11. Vasiliev V.I. Local government. M., 1999.

12. Vydrin E.V. Local self-government in the Russian Federation: from idea to practice.

13. Ovchinnikov I.I. Local self-government in the system of democracy. M., 1999.

14. Municipal management / Ed. T.G. Morozova. M.: UNITY, 1997.

15. Local government and issues of interaction with government authorities. Ekaterinburg, 2000.

16. Filippov Yu.V. Fundamentals of local economic development. M.: Delo, 2000.

17. Municipal property as the economic basis of local government. Ekaterinburg. 1998.

South Russian Institute of Management - branch

federal state budgetary educational
institutions of higher professional education

"Russian Academy of National Economy

and public service

under the President of the Russian Federation"

educational practice

Direction of training 03/38/04

"State and municipal management" (Bachelor's degree)

Course 5, group No. 552 Form of study - correspondence

Place of internship South Russian Institute of Management RANEPA, Department of Information Technologies

Internship supervisor from the organization

head Department of Information Technologies

Assignment to the student given by the supervisor

educational practice from the department

Exercise 1

    1. Supercomputers."
    2. Search for text and pictures using Internet search engines.
    3. Creating a text document with a complex structure “...”.

Task 2

2.1.Search for text and pictures using Internet search engines.

2.2. Creating an interactive presentation on the topic “...”

Task 3

3.1. Creating calculations in Excel: " Voyage LLC", "Retentions".

Task 4

4.1. Creating a database in MS Access " Document flow».

    1. Creating 3 tables in the database: " Appeals", "Performers", "Signs".
    2. Filling with source data, created tables.
    3. Creation and design of the form " Enter».
    4. Filling out the table " Appeals» source data using the form « Enter».
    5. Creating queries: " Request1", "Request2", "Request3.
    6. Creating a report " List of letters and appeals from citizens».

Task 5

    1. Creating envelopes and letters in MS Word.
    2. Merging a text message document with database tables " Document flow» to receive letters.

Task 6. Report preparation.

Head of educational practice

from the department _________________


Trainee _________________


Daily notes on practical training

date Divisions,
in which the student
completes tasks
work performed
and training in practical skills
head of the department
1 2 3 4
6.10.17 Department
Creating a text document with a complex structure " Supercomputers».
Search for text and pictures,
using search engines... of the Internet
Creating a text document with a complex structure “...”.
Search for text and pictures,
using internet search engines
Creating an interactive presentation on the topic “...”
Creating a calculation in Excel: " "LLC Voyage»
Creating a calculation in Excel: " "Retentions»
Creating a database in MS Access " Document flow", there are three tables in it
Creation and design
MS Access forms Enter for is filled with the original database data.
Creating an envelope and letter template in MS Word,
Merging letters in MS Word
with a database and receiving letters for distribution.
10/19/17 Department
Diary design
and report

Feedback from the training supervisor from the organization
about the student-intern's performance
internship programs

A 5th year student of the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration, group No. 551 Full name, underwent educational practice in the period from June 29, 2015. to 07/12/2017 at YuRIU RANEPA at the Department of Information Technologies.

During the internship, Stekhin D.S. was assigned to complete 5 tasks.

The results of the work of the full name are as follows:

  • collecting material on the topic “....”;
  • creating a text document with a complex structure “...”;
  • creating a presentation on the topic “...”;
  • creating calculations in MS Excel ;
  • creating a “Document Flow” database in MS Access;
  • creating an envelope and letter template in MS Word;
  • merging the letter with the “Document Flow” database;
  • receiving letters for distribution.

The practice program is completed.


educational practice _________________

from the organization M.P. (signature)

Conclusion of the head of educational practice

from the department about the student-intern's performance

internship programs

Individual assignment by a 5th year group student of the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration
No. 551 Full name completed.

During his internship, Full Name proved himself to be a disciplined, prepared student with good knowledge and skills in the field of: creating text documents of complex structure in
MS Word; creating an interactive presentation in MS PowerPoint, algorithmizing calculations using spreadsheets; designing and creating a database using MS Access.

Evaluation based on results



Head of practice from the department ______________________

__________________ __________________ (date) (signature)