Walking in a dhow in winter according to federal state standards. Winter walks in kindergarten. Project “Wonderful winter day”. Theme: Winter sun

Relevance of the topic.
The Blueberry group includes children who may be on sick leave several times a season, which indicates weak immunity.

We must not forget that walking improves our mood and our well-being. Our brain is saturated with oxygen. The more walks, the less disruption in our body. Thanks to being in the fresh air, anyone's sleep will be more sound and enjoyable. And this is very important for a growing organism.

To improve his health in winter, you can and should use walks with outdoor games and other play activities. Parents often consider going to the store as an outing for their child. Involving parents in this project is a mandatory part of it. No one should forget that healthy image life begins with family!

Objective of the project: strengthening immunity in families of pupils through the development of positive emotions from joint walks.

Teaching the rules of active and sedentary games on a winter day.
Formation of labor skills during the winter season.
Cultivating interest in joint walks with the teacher and parents.

Expected results:
Children learning work skills in winter.
Developing positive emotions from walking together.

Project implementation plan
"Wonderful winter day"

1 day
Reading "Snowman - Postman"

Day 2

Also an interesting winter walk for preschoolers:

Day 3
Reading "Mitten"

4 day

5 day

Day 6

Day 7
Labor activity – refilling the slide together with the child’s parent and the group teacher.

Day 8

Reading “Skiers” by Kvitko L.

Day 9

Project stages:
1. Preparatory stage
Setting goals and objectives
Drawing up an activity plan.
Selection of material on this topic
Selection of tasks and games for parents

2. The main stage is organizational - practical
Joint activities of children, teachers and parents in accordance with the task:

Working with parents:

Together with the teacher and the invited father of the child, the construction of a Snowman on the site.
The labor activity of parents and children is the construction of a slide on the group’s site without flooding with water.
Outdoor game during a joint walk “Snowball Tag”
Breathing exercises on an evening walk together with the child’s parent and teacher.
Labor activity - filling the slide together with the child’s parent and the group teacher.
Evening walk around the kindergarten: running, walking, jumping together with the child’s parent and teacher.
Labor activity – refilling the slide together with the child’s parent and the group teacher.
Relay race between teams “Who’s ahead?” with the involvement of two parents of children in each team.
Labor activity – refilling the slide together with the child’s parent and the group teacher.
Outdoor game “I’ll freeze” together with the child’s father.
On an evening walk, the opening of the Children's Playground together with parents.
Team play in Snowballs through the Snow Wall.
Children sledding by parents.

Work with children:

Reading "Snowman - Postman"
Looking at pictures of children's activities in winter.
Labor activity during a walk - collecting snow in a certain place with shovels.
Reading "Mitten"
Application as part of the circle activity “Winter Guest”
Labor activity is pouring snow into boxes to create “building material” in the form of large bricks.
Drawing Christmas trees and snowflakes in the snow with a stick
Reading the poems “This will be a cat’s house” by Lapisova M., “Cunning sleigh” by Bursov I..
Outdoor game “Hit the target.”
Labor activity is pouring snow into boxes to create “building material” in the form of large bricks. Filling with water.
Labor activity - adding cereal to bird feeders.
Construction of a Snow Wall from “building material” in the form of bricks.
Reading “Skiers” by Kvitko L.
Children's downhill skating on ice skates.

The final stage:

During the implementation of the project, with the joint activities of children, teachers and parents: children showed a greater desire to participate in work activities than before, children began to be more attentive to the instructions of adults in anticipation of the product of their activities. They began to develop an understanding that walking brings not only joy, but also health benefits and improves mood. Children began to participate more competently in outdoor games, adhering to the rules of the game. The children now have a desire to involve their parents in their walks, and not just an adult.
We believe that our project has affected all areas of the child’s personality development: the cognitive, emotional, and practical spheres of the child’s personality.

Title: Winter walks in kindergarten. Project “Wonderful winter day”.
Nomination: Kindergarten, Project activities with preschoolers

Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU No. 299
Location: Krasnoyarsk st. Gusarova 24

Organization and planning of work on walks in winter

The most important task preschool institutions is to preserve and strengthen children's health. Children's health and its condition are among the most important characteristics that determine the position of children in society and reflect the health status of the entire society. IN preschool age optimal physical activity and physical education are the leading factors in maintaining health, full physical and mental development child.

Children's stay in the fresh air has great importance for physical development. Walking is the first and most accessible means hardening of the child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially colds.

Thus, properly organized and thoughtful walks help to achieve the goals of the comprehensive development of children. Children are allowed to spend up to four hours a day outdoors.

The daily routine of the kindergarten includes a daytime walk after classes and an evening walk after afternoon tea. The time allotted for walks must be strictly observed.

To carry out the tasks of comprehensive development and organize various activities of children, a planned and equipped area in accordance with pedagogical and hygienic requirements is of great importance.

To ensure high-quality organization of walks in winter, it is necessary to create certain conditions: clear the area of ​​snow, build buildings for the development of basic movements (walking, running, balance exercises, climbing, jumping, throwing).

Decorating winter areas is not an easy job and requires a lot of physical effort. Therefore, the involvement of the parent community is a must.

Every year we hold a review competition of winter sites “The best design of a winter site.” This competition is held in two stages: preparatory and final. IN preparatory stage consultations are held on site preparation, a master class on designing and decorating the site with snow buildings. A month later, the final stage is carried out: inspection of areas, snow buildings, decorations of verandas, compliance with the requirements for the age category of children, compliance with safety regulations at the site

Snow buildings:

  • figures to strengthen balance skills.
  • figures for stepping over.
  • figures for throwing exercises.
  • figures for climbing.
  • slides for sliding.

Great importance must be attached to the prevention of injuries during walks. Buildings must be strong and smooth. When building slides, the following requirements are met:

IN 1 younger group– height 70-80 cm with a slope of 3 m, a landing platform measuring 1.5 m * 1.5 m must be made on top. To the right of the slope there is a ladder (height of steps 12-14 cm, width 25 cm. Width of the slide 50-60 cm with sides along the edge of the slope up to 10 cm) + slide for dolls.

In 2 ml. group – height 80-90cm.

IN middle group– height 90-100cm, with a slope of 4-5 m, other parameters are the same.

In older and preparatory groups– height 1-1.2 m, with a slope of 5-6 m, height of steps 14 cm, other parameters are the same.

As a senior teacher, I am required to provide methodological assistance to educators in organizing work during the winter period. Consultations are held on planning and organizing walks, a review of articles and recommendations in the methodological literature, and workshops on making decorations for verandas from waste material.

When teachers plan outings in the VOP plans, it is important to follow all 5 stages.

  • Observation;
  • Labor activity;
  • Game activity;
  • Individual work;


  • VOR plans indicate the object, topic, purpose of the observation, purpose of the observation and with whom it is carried out;
  • observations of living and inanimate objects;
  • observations of the phenomena of the surrounding reality.

Labor activity.

Household work is planned (on the veranda, on the site), the form of work is indicated - individual group assignments, collective work

Outdoor games.

It is recommended to play three games during the walk. When choosing games for an afternoon walk, it is necessary to take into account the children's previous activities. After quiet activities (drawing, modeling), games of a more active nature are recommended. They need to be carried out with the whole group at the beginning of the walk. After physical education and music classes, games of average mobility are recommended. They should be carried out in the middle or end of the walk. The plan should include games

Sedentary (“Make a figure”, “Snake”, “Find out who called”); games of medium activity (“Winter”, “I’ll freeze”, Who is the most attentive”); games with high physical activity (“Mousetrap”, “Trap with Ribbons”, “Geese-Swans”).

The plans must include learning new game and games to consolidate motor skills and develop physical qualities. Approximately 10–15 new games are held throughout the year.

Types of games while walking:

  • sports exercises (“Sledding”, “Sliding”, “Skiing”);
  • relay games;
  • games with sports elements;
  • story-based outdoor games;
  • fun;
  • attractions;
  • story-based outdoor games;
  • plotless outdoor games;
  • folk games;
  • round dances.

Individual work.

It is aimed not only at improving physical qualities, but also at developing mental processes, consolidating material in all sections of the program, and developing moral qualities.

Independent activity of children.

To organize it, it is necessary to create conditions: attributes, external material, tools for work.

Approximate trip planning:


Objectives (develop, consolidate, etc.)

Bird watching (bird watching, sparrow)

Remind children that winter has come. Together, repeat the signs of winter. Name folk signs winters (see below), ask how the children understand them.

Draw the children's attention to the birds flying into the area. Feed them. Remember which birds are called wintering birds. Name which ones spend the winter with us. Remind which birds are called sedentary and list them together with the children. Make a riddle about a sparrow (see below). Together with your children, pay attention to characteristic features sparrow: small with short and rounded wings, brown back, black spots on the cheeks, stripes on the wings, short and strong legs. The beak is thin, hard, pointed at the end. Draw the children's attention to how the sparrow walks. In cold weather, sparrows sit huddled together, wings spread, ruffled. In winter, sparrows are cold and hungry, there are no insects, no grains, no seeds, everything is covered with snow.

Strengthen children's knowledge about the signs of winter.

To consolidate children's knowledge about wintering birds;

Repeat the characteristic features of a sparrow

Poems, riddles, proverbs.

Signs of winter:

December ends the year, winter begins.

December will pave, nail, and set the sleigh in motion.


Develop observation, memory,

- ability to solve riddles.

“I catch bugs all day,
I eat bugs and worms.
I’m not leaving for the winter,
I live under the eaves.

I have legs
But I can't walk
I want to take a step -
It turns out to be a jump.”

Outdoor games with running, to a landmark. in space

New game “Cat, where are you standing?” (look in the games file).

– “Traps”

– “Snow Carousel”

– running with dodging,

– orientation in space.

Games with external material

Role-playing game “Shop”

– the ability to make “signets” out of snow, play by the rules.

Ind. Job

Games: – “Bird on the tree”

- “Show me where the bird is”

– orientation in space.


Remove branches from the area.

Clean up the veranda.

Strengthen hard work skills.

We pay special attention to the presence of external material:

  • Shovels for snow and for creative activities.
  • Ice cubes.
  • Signets.
  • Sultans.
  • Turntables.
  • "Pencils".
  • Clubs.
  • Bags, balls for throwing.
  • Waste material for playing with snow.
  • Attributes for role-playing games:
    – a doll dressed according to the season, a sleigh;
    - steering wheel…;
    – material for the game “Shop”;
    – others

Attributes for sports games:
– masks;
– ribbons;
– others

Marking material.

Set for research activities:
– containers for snow and water;
– molds for freezing;
– sticks for measuring snow depth;
– magnifying glass;
– others

In our kindergarten, work with parents is carried out on high level. Already in November, parents are consulted on preparations for creating conditions in areas for walking in the winter, such as: “ Physical activity children during a walk”, “Creation winter tales Location on". Educators invite parents to take part in creating snow buildings for children, designing the site, clearing the territory, purchasing and making outdoor materials.

In groups, information stands contain consultations with the following content: “Walks in winter”, “The role of walks in hardening a child’s body.” “Outdoor games for the whole family.” Parents also take an active part in the winter competitions “Forward to the Olympics”, “Snow Fortress”, the holidays “New Year’s Tale”, “Maslenitsa”, and the entertainment “Winter Fun”, “Visiting Frost”.

I carry out operational control over the organization of walks in each age group. Based on operational control, I receive information about the organization of walks, identify the need for methodological assistance to the teacher, and adjustments to the educational process. Our kindergarten has introduced a point control system: 3 points – “excellent”, 2 points – “good” (with minor comments), 1 point – “bad” (rude comments).

Issues under control:

– creating conditions on the site and conducting a walk;
– the procedure for dressing and undressing children;
– content and condition of the removed material;
– organization of observations and experimental activities;
– children’s labor on the site;
– children’s independent games;
– individual work on the development of basic types of movements;
– condition of the site equipment;
– organizing a variety of activities during a walk.

In my work I use specially designed control cards. In which a detailed analysis of the walk is carried out. For example:



Group number, age

Full name of the teacher

Walk analysis



1.Are all parts of the walk planned?

2. Dressing for a walk:
– gradualism,
– independence,
– help for educational assistants
– having conversations with children.

3. Methodological observation:
– object selection
– quality of questions
– solving mental problems
vocabulary work
- an artistic word.

4. Carrying out outdoor games:
– knowledge of the rules
– presence of attributes
– variation
– ways to organize children
– duration

5.Children's labor:
– Equipment/Age Appropriateness
– independence
– duration

6.Individual work with children:
– according to physical education and other sections of the program.

7.Change of children's activities.

8. Availability of role-playing games:
- attributes.
– duration

9.Protecting the life and health of children.



Familiarized: Senior teacher:

Issues of organizing and conducting walks are also included in the plan of thematic inspections. For example, “Motor activity of children during a walk.” Conclusions and recommendations of operational and thematic control contribute to the professional growth of teachers and the quality of walks.

In conclusion, a final analysis is carried out preschool work in winter. The purpose of this analysis is to summarize the activities and evaluate the results of work over the past period. Recommendations for teachers on organizing, regulating, planning work during the winter period are being developed, and tasks for the next academic year are being outlined. Teachers draw up reports and organize photo exhibitions for parents.

Morozova Marina Yurievna

In order to walks in winter were interesting for children - they need to be done correctly organize.

Our walk It always begins with the fact that, together with the children, we remember what time of year it is, find signs of winter in the nature around us, guess riddles about winter, remember poems, and note the state of the weather.

On a frosty day, we draw children’s attention to how clean and fresh the air is. We watch the snowfall, how the snow swirls and falls, and we remember poems about winter. We look at snowflakes. You can measure the depth of snowdrifts with a stick. We draw children's attention to how everything changes after a snowfall. around: everything is covered with snow, it becomes lighter and cleaner, the trees are covered with snow, the snow has decorated them. We admire this beauty. The snow shines, sparkles in the sun, and in frosty weather it will hold your feet together.

We teach children to take care of trees, we pay attention to the fact that trees rest in winter, do not grow or bloom, but they are alive - and you cannot play near them, since in winter twigs on trees and bushes are very fragile and can be easily broken. After heavy snowfalls, branches can break, so we teach how to carefully brush snow off the branches.

We talk with children about the protective properties of snow. We explain to children how to properly shovel snow to the trunks of trees and bushes to protect them from freezing.

After a heavy snowfall, before clearing the snow on the site, we teach children to find and examine footprints in the freshly fallen snow, determine whose they are, who left them, where they lead. We hold games "We are Pathfinders", "Let's follow the trail", "Find out by the trail".

On each walk Together with the children, we do not forget to observe the birds flying to the feeders and observe their habits. We learn to distinguish them by the color of their plumage. We hold games “Recognize the bird by its description”. We remind you of the need to feed wintering birds. We show how to carefully clear fluffy snow from the feeder, pour feed: collected seeds from bushes, grains, berries, crumbs of dry white bread.

Snow is an excellent building material. in winter the guys really love to play with snow: clearing paths (work on the site, making snowballs, building snow buildings, sliding downhill. While playing with snow, we tell children about changes in the properties of snow when the air temperature rises or falls. Children develop ideas about the properties snow: it is white, cold, you can sculpt from it. Let's make riddles about snow.

The guys are very interested in winter walk learn about the properties of water to turn into ice. Introducing children to the properties ice: it is hard, smooth, transparent, slippery. Children, holding icicles in their hands, may feel that they are cold, hard, slipping out of their hands, and begin to melt from the heat. The kids really like to freeze colored pieces of ice and decorate snow buildings with them.

This is how it goes with us walks. The children note all their observations in a corner of nature and reflect them in their works of artistic creativity during visual arts classes.

Publications on the topic:

Walks in our garden are wonderful at any time of the year! In spring it’s watching nature awaken, in summer it’s sun, clean air, wildness.

Organization of a walk in the first junior group Children's stay in the fresh air, i.e., on a walk, is one of the integral parts of the daily routine in kindergarten. There are the following.

Card planning “Winter walks”"Snowfall" Purpose: to teach to observe, note weather changes; to develop attention, speech, interest in natural phenomena. During snowfall, pay attention.

Summary of organizing a winter walk in the senior group “Birds in Winter” Program content: - observation of wintering birds; name the body parts of birds, form a desire to take care of birds; - didactic.

We often hear from parents that they do not have enough time to communicate with their children - either being busy at work or doing chores around the house.

Observations in nature in winter with children 5–6 years old. Winter walk summary 1. Observation of snow (in frost) Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the shape of snowflakes, to develop children’s logical thinking. - What is this riddle about? "I am like.

Walk No. 1 “Observing seasonal changes”


- to form ideas about changes in nature at the beginning of winter (the night increases and the day decreases);

- learn to distinguish the characteristic signs of the beginning of winter, recognize their signs in poems.

Progress of observation

What's outside the window?

The house immediately brightened up!

This snow lies like a carpet,

The very first, the whitest!

This is what I was whistling about all night

There is wind outside my window!

He wanted to talk about snow

And about welcoming winter.

Rowan also dressed up

In a white festive outfit,

Only grapes at the top

They burn brighter than before.

The teacher asks the children riddles and talks about signs.

♦ It flowed and flowed and lay under the glass. (Water.)

♦ Without arms, without legs, but he climbs into the hut. (Freezing.)

♦ December ends the year and begins winter.

♦ Warm winter to cold summer.

♦ The sun warms in summer and freezes in winter.

White, cold winter has come to earth. The forest drowned in the snow. With the onset of winter it became even colder than in autumn. The sky is almost always covered with clouds. It's not raining, but snowing. Snow covered the ground, roofs of houses, tree branches. Streams, wild rivers, lakes were frozen in ice. The more snow falls on the ground, the better the plants will grow. Snow protects them from frost. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer.

♦ What month does December follow?

♦ What time of year is November?

♦ How has it changed? general form plot compared to autumn?

♦ Why do they cover tree roots with snow?

♦ How do people dress in winter and autumn?

Labor activity

Covering tree roots with snow.

Target: cultivate a desire to help living objects.

Outdoor games

“Hit the hoop”, “Double run”.

Target: continue to teach how to run in pairs and throw snowballs at a target.

Individual work

Sliding exercises.

Target: learn to glide along icy paths with a running start.

Walk No. 2 “Bird watching in winter”


- to form an idea of ​​the life of birds in winter;

— cultivate a desire to take care of birds, highlighting signs of life.

Progress of observation

There are no paths visible in the forest,

The bushes are standing in sheepskin coats.

Dormant beetles and larvae

Covered by snowfall under the bark.

Fly, birdie, to people

And quickly hide outside the window,

And we will feed you

Bread crumbs, millet.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ What birds do you see near your house in winter?

♦ Why do they fly to human habitation?

♦ Why do people set up bird feeders in winter?

♦ Why do wintering birds need to be fed?

♦ Do many birds come to our feeders?

♦ What kind of food do they eat more readily?

♦ What else did you see while watching the birds at the feeder?

♦ Is there a feeder near your house?

Labor activity

Clearing the area of ​​younger preschoolers from snow.

Target: cultivate a desire to help younger people.

Outdoor games

"A clever couple."

Target: develop an eye, achieving a good result.

"Hit the target."

Goal: to learn to follow the direction of a flying object, calculate and perform movements.

Individual work

Throwing snowballs into the distance and at the target.


Walk No. 3 “Observing the state of nature”


- teach to see beauty, distinguish the characteristic signs of winter, recognize them in literary texts and poems;

- strengthen the ability to perceive descriptions of patterns on the window.

Progress of observation

An amazing artist visited the window,

An amazing artist painted our window:

Palm trees, ferns, maples - the forest is thick on the window.

Only white, not green, all shiny, not plain.

There are flowers and leaves on the glass - everything sparkles, everything is white.

But the glass was painted without paints and without a brush.

A wonderful artist visited the window.

Guess, guys, who painted the window? (Freezing.)

It got very cold overnight. It was a frosty morning. Some amazing drawings appeared on the glass overnight. The snow pattern on the windows is beautiful both on a sunny day and on a cloudy one.

Why do snow patterns appear on the window? How does frost depict them? Transparent water vapor that is always in the air. It is also present between the frames. Warm water vapor settles on the cold glass of the windows and turns into ice crystals, connecting with each other. Ice floes cluster on uneven surfaces, on barely noticeable scratches in the glass, and an ice garden with unusual flowers gradually grows on the window.

Labor activity

Filling buildings on the site with colored water.

Target: to develop teamwork skills.

Outdoor games

“Don’t stay on the floor”, “Counter dashes”.

Target: continue to teach how to run and jump without bumping into a friend.

Individual work


Target: learn to make turns on the spot and in motion, climb a hill using a ladder and descend from it in a low stance.

Walk No. 4 “Tit watching”


— continue to arouse interest in birds;

— introduce the tit, its habits, habitat, and appearance features.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle and conducts a conversation.

Guess which bird

Lively, perky, dexterous, agile,

The shadow rings loudly: “Shadow-shadow!

What a beautiful spring day!” (Tit.)

The painted tit whistles without getting tired.

I'll hang it outside the window for her

I'm a piece of bacon

To make it warmer and more fun

The poor bird became.

♦ What kind of bird is this?

♦ What does it look like and what color is it?

♦ What changes occur in the life of tits in winter?

♦ What do tits eat?

♦ How do people care for them?

♦ What benefits do tits bring?

♦ When is “titmouse” day celebrated? (In November.) People say: “The titmouse is not a big bird, but it knows its holiday.”

Labor activity

Clearing paths of ice and snow.


— consolidate skills in working with a shovel;

- cultivate perseverance and independence.

Outdoor games

"Traps with a ball."

Target: pass the ball, precisely matching the movements with the rhythm of the spoken words.

“Ride to the target.”

Target: develop coordination of movements.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: practice jumping on two legs moving forward at a distance of 2 - 3 m.

Walk No. 5 “Observing domestic animals in winter”


— consolidate knowledge about the life of domestic animals in the winter season;

- to form the idea that a person takes care of domestic animals (prepares food, prepares food, cleans the home).

Progress of observation

I love pets very much:

I feed, take care of and caress.

Dog and cat, goat and pig

I consider them my friends.

Our helpers are a cow and a ram

And a dark-maned black horse

They live next to us, are attached to us,

Trusting, peaceful.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ What domestic animals do you know?

♦ How has the life of pets changed with the onset of winter?

♦ Why did they stop turning animals out to pasture?

♦ How do people care for their pets?

♦ Tell us about your observations of the life of pets in winter.

♦ Compare how domestic and wild animals live in winter.

♦ How does the life of domestic animals differ from wild animals in winter?

♦ Why do people raise pets and treat them with care?

Labor activity

Clearing the path to the feeder.

Target: improve skills in using a shovel for snow removal.

Outdoor games

"Bears and Bees."

Target: teach how to “pass” over an obstacle.


Target: learn to perform movements on cue.

Individual work

Performing exercises to maintain balance.

Target: develop coordination of movements.

Walk No. 6 “Watching the snowfall”


- to form an idea of ​​the properties of snow;

- consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall.

Progress of observation

Snow flew from the clouds,

I wanted to lie down on the ground.

Looking for a place - won’t find it,

He paused at the gate.

White snowflakes fall, lie on the ground, on the roofs of houses. Snowflakes look like white stars. You can catch them and examine them, but you cannot breathe on them. Sometimes they fall together and fall to the ground in large flakes. Sometimes a cold wind breaks the white stars, turning them into fine snow dust. Snowflakes form in clouds from small ice crystals. In winter, they descend like sparkling stars to the ground and cover it with snow. In the cold, the snow creaks underfoot. These are the rays of snowflakes breaking. Snow is a lot of snowflakes.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ Why does the snow creak?

♦ Where do snowflakes form? Why?

♦ What does snow feel like?

♦ When is snow wet and when is it dry?

♦ Which snow is easier to sculpt from? Why?

♦ What is snow?

Draw attention to the falling snow. Reach out your mittened hand and catch a few snowflakes. Examine them (size, find the same ones).

♦ What do snowflakes look like?

♦ What will happen to a snowflake if it lands on your bare palm? Why?

Labor activity

Clearing the area of ​​snow.

Target: teach how to collect snow on a stretcher and dump it in a certain place.

Outdoor games

“Geese-swans”, “Who will jump better?”


- continue to learn how to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants in the game;

- strengthen the ability to jump.

Individual work


Target: learn to roll the puck to each other in pairs.

Walk No. 7 “Observing the spruce tree on the site”

Target: clarify knowledge about the differences between real spruce and toy spruce.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ Why is spruce classified as a conifer?

♦ What is the main characteristic of coniferous trees?

♦ Compare the trees, what are their differences?

♦ Which tree is artificial?

♦ How did you know which tree was alive?

A living spruce grows on the site, in addition to the trunk, branches, needles, it has large roots, with the help of which the tree receives moisture and nutrients from the ground and firmly held in one place. The toy Christmas tree is small, lifeless, made of artificial material (plastic), it has no roots, it does not grow.

Guys, coming soon New Year! It is celebrated near a decorated Christmas tree. And it would be very good if on this holiday you had an artificial Christmas tree at home, and not a live one. After all, if a Christmas tree is cut down, it will wither, die, and there will be no Christmas tree in the forest. And the artificial Christmas tree is also very beautiful, and if you decorate it, it will bring no less joy to the New Year.

New Year's days,

The snow is frosty and stinging.

The lights came on

On a fluffy Christmas tree.

The painted ball swayed,

The beads jingled.

Labor activity

Clearing paths from snow; construction of a slide for dolls to ride on sleds.

Target: cultivate diligence and the desire to work together.

Outdoor games

“Fox in the Hen House”, “Planes”.

Goal: to practice running, the ability to act on the teacher’s signal, and jump off the bench.

Individual work

“Bring the bag.”

Target: practice balance.

Walk No. 8 “Observation of wintering birds”


— consolidate knowledge about wintering birds;

— to form an idea of ​​how wintering birds obtain food;

- cultivate a desire to take care of them and protect them.

Progress of observation

The blizzard has cleared up again,

Tears off the snow caps.

The bird is completely frozen,

Sits with his paws tucked in.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ What birds are called wintering birds?

♦ What do they eat?

♦ What wintering birds do you know?

♦ Why don’t wintering birds fly to warmer regions for the winter?

♦ How can a person help wintering birds?

Wintering birds do not fly away from us to warmer climes, since they find food even in winter. They feed on buds, seeds and fruits of plants, hidden insects, and look for food near human habitation. Some birds die from the cold in winter. People can help wintering birds - tits are given unsalted lard, sparrows love millet and seeds.

Labor activity

Collecting snow to build a winter town.

Target: improve work skills and the ability to work together.

Outdoor games

“Who is faster on the track?”

Target: learn to perform series jumps, sideways jumps.


Target: teach jumping on two legs moving forward 2-3 m.

Individual work

Improving running technique (naturalness, ease, energetic push-off).

Target: develop coordination of movements.

Observation: On a sunny day, notice the beauty of the winter landscape (all around is white, light, the snow sparkles in the sun, the sky is blue). Mark which sun (dim, bright, obscured by clouds). Remember what it was like yesterday. Draw the attention of older children to the fact that in winter the sun does not heat, does not rise high, and its path becomes shorter. Draw conclusions that the sun rises later and sets earlier, because of this the day is getting shorter. In January, the days are noticeably longer, but it is getting colder.

Source: http://doshvozrast.ru/ozdorov/progulki01.htm

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"Winter walk in preschool educational institution"

A walk occupies an important place in the daily routine of a kindergarten. Irina Yuryevna Sviridova, deputy head of educational and methodological work kindergarten No. 137 “Chizhik”.

Winter is an amazing time of year! The pupils of our kindergarten love her very much, because in winter a walk is a haven for games and fun.

Walking takes an important place in the kindergarten regime and is carried out 2 times a day. The duration of the walk may vary and depends on the age of the children, air temperature and wind strength. Thus, the smallest “kindergarteners” spend 2-2.5 hours a day outdoors, and older children spend up to 4.5 hours. Only severe frost (-20 C) can cancel a trip to kindergarten.

It is important for parents to prepare their “child” for a walk - to dress the baby, but in such a way that the clothes do not restrict movement. These can be insulated overalls, down jackets, hats, always warm scarves that cover the neck and two pairs of mittens (in reserve in case some do not have time to dry).

A winter walk is an indispensable condition for improving the health of a preschooler.

Children enjoy the outdoors when they are occupied. Therefore, teachers are faced with an important task: to organize a walk so that the kids are always captivated by an interesting and useful activity.

A large part of the walk is devoted to observing everything that surrounds the baby. For example, we watch the birds and think: “Why are they sitting ruffled?”, “How do they peck food?”, “What birds dine on “our mountain ash?”, “What is the difference between a bullfinch and a titmouse?”, “Count the sparrows and tits at the feeder.” ", etc. Or behind the snow: we look at the snow and think: “Why is the snow white?”, “Why does it squeak?”, “How does the color of snow change at different times of the day and under different lighting?” We also conduct experiments: we measure the depth of snowdrifts in different places site, we check when the snow melts, when the water freezes, etc.

The main place on the walk is given to the game. During a winter walk, the teacher can play 2-3 outdoor games. They develop basic movements, relieve mental stress, and cultivate moral qualities.

Favorite games of our students:“Two Frosts”, “We are funny guys”, “Homeless hare”, “Hunters and animals”, “I’ll freeze”, “Guess who called”... etc.

Outdoor games have their place during a walk. At the beginning - if before the walk the guys were busy with sedentary educational activities. In the middle or half an hour before the end - if the children went for a walk after a music or physical education lesson.

Outdoor games can be supplemented or replaced sports exercises, sports games, games with elements of competition. The most famous winter games and exercises that we use in our work with children are sledding, sliding along ice paths, and skiing.

To make the walk interesting, the winter area must be well equipped. Remote materials (sleds for children and dolls, flags, baskets, stretchers for snow, plumes, signets, sticks for drawing in the snow, turntables, shovels and scoops for snow, brooms, attributes for outdoor and role-playing games, etc.) and snow buildings (sculptures, slides, tunnels).

Equipping a winter area is not an easy job, but the children and, of course, parents come to the aid of teachers!