Sagittarius forecast. Career and Finance

2017 for each of the representatives of the Sagittarius sign will be an ideal period to establish family ties and strengthen family ties. The love sphere this year will be much higher than other obligations, so you should not resist this trend in any way. The period will bring you many pleasant and romantic surprises that will remain in your memory for many years.

Already at the beginning of the year you will feel an incredible surge of love energy. Probably throughout this year, as promised horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius, you will only meet good and interesting people.

Each meeting will add pleasant moments to your life, and the acquaintances you make will bring a lot of benefit and mutual benefit. Sagittarius who already have a soul mate should try to show her more attention, support and show their love in every possible way. Your relationship will bring pleasure to both, and it will intensify if you go together to some distant but warm country.

In general, travel in 2017 promises to be successful, interesting and full of exciting adventures. Even a long road will not seem so tiring to you, and all possible problems that arise along the way will be funny and will quickly be forgotten by you. Luck will always be around you, so there is no need to hesitate before an important event - everything will turn out even better than you expected.

There is a possibility that after prolonged good luck there will come a time when failure occurs in some area. But, unfortunately, you will not be able to change your future, because failures will depend on external factors. All that remains for Sagittarius is to calmly accept such troubles. This behavior will at least keep you from doing stupid things and doing bad things.

Don’t chase success too much - at the right moment it will catch up with you. By ignoring the astrologers' forecast, you risk not only scaring away your luck, but also causing yourself serious health problems, and also wasting your energy.

As soon as you let go of the situation, relax and forget about all your problems for a moment, joyful moments will not keep you waiting long. Sagittarius should not forget about regular rest, which they will desperately need during certain periods of 2017. Otherwise, you may lose track of time, get caught up in work and be unable to adequately assess the state of your body. The stars recommend that representatives of this sign change their occupation more often so that all your affairs turn out to be successful.

The support and love of your relatives will help you cope with all the difficulties that arise along your way. Reciprocate them, then in every area, both professional and financial, you will experience the long-awaited calm. Particular attention will need to be paid to self-development: read useful literature, scientific journals, attend developmental courses and lectures, go to the theater or museum.

All the knowledge you acquire will definitely come in handy very soon. Short trips will bring pleasure to Sagittarius - they will not irritate you with their duration and will bring some variety to your life, allowing you to see beautiful places and meet the right people.

As stated earlier, family will come first for Sagittarius in 2017. So that your loved ones are not deprived of your attention, call them more often, ask about their health, pressing matters and other little things that allow you to get closer. If you are asked for help, do not refuse, and then one day they will quickly help you too.


In the professional field, Sagittarius must prepare for constant intrigue and gossip that their colleagues “in the shop” will weave. In general, the work environment will be nervous and tense, so you will need to make an effort not to react to various attacks in your direction. This behavior will help avoid open conflicts that will affect your career as a whole. If you control yourself, you can hope that vile rumors spread by employees will not affect you at all.

It may happen that one of your colleagues begins to envy your success - treat this with understanding and condescension. In 2017, the affairs of Sagittarius, to which they have been devoting their time for quite a long time, can go up and bring significant benefits. In addition to the monetary reward, you may be offered a long-awaited promotion at work.

With the advent of the Year of the Fire Rooster, people born under this star will feel a surge of strength and energy, so they will take up work with triple zeal. Moreover, the pace you have gained will not slow down until the end of 2017. However, do not forget about rest, otherwise you may get a nervous breakdown or some kind of illness. Astrologers recommend carefully considering your work schedule - it should alternate between intense workload and rest.

Sagittarius strikers will definitely be noticed by their superiors. This will allow you to hope for a significant increase in salary, receiving an additional bonus or a higher position. Although the latter may “go away” from you if your colleague turns out to be a more proactive person than you.


This period is ideal for making several large expenses. Expenses will literally jump into your hands, while you will not waste money, but will actually acquire the things you need for your household. The stars say that you shouldn’t be too sad about expensive purchases - buy everything your soul asks for. Even if after a couple of weeks you feel that you have wasted your own savings, we advise you to mentally go back in time and remember what pleasant emotions you experienced at that moment.

Believe me, you shouldn’t forget about yourself, you need to periodically pamper yourself for hard work and perseverance - by adhering to this tactic, you can hope for an improvement in your ability to work in the very near future. And an accelerated work process will naturally bring even greater profits. In the second half of the year, Sagittarius can hope for additional income.

It may not be a lot of money, but it will still make you a little happy and enticed. You shouldn’t delay spending these funds, because perhaps at this very moment you will make a profitable investment that will change your life.

If you decide to save, there is no complete guarantee that you will ever have such a good opportunity to invest in your future.

At the end of 2017, small risks are possible in financial terms. The stars warn Sagittarius against various financial investments or starting their own business based on personal capital. Even if the business is profitable, it is better to wait a little, at least until October. Starting this month, Sagittarius will regain their luck and good fortune.

In 2017, your loved ones may begin to need financial support. We advise you not to ignore the needs of the family and provide all possible assistance. Pay attention to your home. If you need to make repairs or buy some equipment for the kitchen, do not put off the purchase for too long. The comfortable existence of you and your household depends on this.

Sagittarius love horoscope for 2017

Try to be attentive to your loved one and watch what you say. Any wrong remark or inappropriate joke can result in a huge scandal or lead to a scene of jealousy.

Exercise maximum caution and caution, both with your significant other and with your children. Be prepared to listen for hours about teenagers' problems - there are probably too many of them and the child needs to talk out. In any case, delicacy and goodwill have never harmed anyone; on the contrary, they have even borne fruit.

Plan your weekend so that you can get out into nature with the whole family. It will be especially pleasant to relax on warm spring and summer days. If you have elderly relatives, be sure to visit them with small gifts. This hike will only take a few hours of free time, but they will be very pleased and benefit from your company.

People born under this sign will be able to easily meet the opposite sex throughout 2017. However, do not forget about precautions - if for some reason the acquaintance seems unpleasant to you, break it off immediately.


2017 does not promise Sagittarius significant health problems, although you should not forget about precautions. At the first symptoms of the disease, she recommends immediately contacting a therapist to prescribe treatment.

If you seek medical help in a timely manner, the problems can be resolved almost immediately. Do not regret spending a certain amount of money on your health - after all, good health is the key to a happy future.

For those Sagittarians who are addicted to smoking, astrologers recommend getting rid of this habit, otherwise you will not avoid problems with the respiratory system. If possible, avoid alcoholic drinks and junk food.

Play sports and switch to healthy vegetables, fruits, meat and other foods. In the autumn-spring periods, it is advisable to take a course of vitamins to supply the body with useful minerals, trace elements and other beneficial substances.

Spend more time outdoors, go for morning and evening runs. This rhythm will help keep your body in good shape and not be afraid of any diseases.

Video horoscope

Evgenia Evus

Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

The Sagittarius sign will be one of the luckiest in 2017. Sagittarius will be lucky in all areas of life, but they will have to focus on social contacts: establishing relationships with relatives and old acquaintances, making new friends and balancing the climate in the work team. The family will become the focus of Sagittarius - they will feel a surge of warm feelings and the need to provide care and attention to those closest to them. For those Sagittarius who have not yet found a life partner, it’s time to leave their usual indecisiveness and go in search of their other half - the year of the Fire Rooster will bring them only pleasant and lasting acquaintances.

2017 is the best year for Sagittarius to travel. This applies to both long vacations in distant countries and trips out of town for the weekend. Go to cultural events more often: festivals, exhibitions, open lectures. It will broaden your horizons, give you food for thought and introduce you to new people. Sagittarius may find it uncomfortable to leave their already warmed comfort zone and expand the circle of people with whom this representative of the sign has long been familiar. However, having overcome some unsociability, Sagittarius will feel satisfaction and personal growth. Such acquaintances can be useful both for the business sphere and develop into a strong friendly company.

The Year of the Fire Rooster will also be favorable for career growth. Sagittarius will receive tempting offers regarding a change of job or additional income, but due to indecision they may miss these offers. Don’t chase dubious successes: think carefully about everything, avoid potentially illegal sources of income. However, if the offer comes to you from reliable sources, then agree and do not deviate from the decision made. This is your chance to realize your potential - do not ignore the advice of astrologers to be courageous and take advantage of it.

Financial stability will allow Sagittarius to strengthen and expand their family unit by the end of 2017: if you have long wanted to purchase real estate, now is the time to do it. If you don’t have a need for this, consider upgrading your furniture or renovating it, or set aside money for relaxation and wellness. This year, frequent travel will work to your advantage, and medical services may be needed during the winter exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Money and career

In the field of finance, 2017 will be prosperous for Sagittarius. At work, everything will also generally turn out well, but the danger lies in the intrigues of colleagues and nervous overstrain. It’s not easy to deal with the first one - perhaps one of your envious people will play on your straightforwardness and will deliberately provoke you.

The Sagittarius sign is prone to openly expressing irritation and anger, which can make them look bad in front of their superiors. Try to treat the troubles happening around you philosophically: your priority is quality work done, and not self-affirmation through conflicts.

With nervous overstrain, things are somewhat more complicated. The Oracle warns Sagittarius that additional work responsibilities may fall on this zodiac sign. To be prepared for this, pay special attention to planning your day: evenly distribute the amount of work ahead and, if possible, arrange for yourself a variety of leisure activities. Rest is not only sleeping and watching TV, although you can afford that sometimes. Take long walks or cultural leisure activities for yourself: then you can return to your duties refreshed and inspired to work.

In addition to the lurking dangers, there are also positive aspects. If you run your own business, then in 2017 there are high chances that it will finally be fairly valued and will bring Sagittarius a sufficient amount of money. This applies equally to ordinary employees: in the year of the Fire Rooster, those projects that have been dragging their tail behind you will finally find worthy use. The astrologer's predictions for this zodiac sign are extremely encouraging: by reading the horoscope for 2017, Sagittarius can stop worrying about financial problems and pay attention to self-development and their loved ones.

Family and romantic relationships

As already mentioned, family will be the main cause of concern for Sagittarius in 2017. This is especially true for those representatives of the sign who have acquired their own life partner and children. Astrologers' predictions warn of possible problems for Sagittarius' relatives, so don't be surprised at their whims and scandals out of nowhere. Instead of responding aggressively to such attacks, sit down and talk frankly with your loved ones. Perhaps you have not noticed their difficulties for a long time and therefore seemed callous, so do not refuse to help them now.

For those Sagittarius who have not yet tied the knot or a serious relationship, a kaleidoscope of whirlwind romances will begin. The second half of 2017 promises to be especially rich in romantic adventures. Most likely it will be summer and autumn, when Sagittarius will go on a trip and start a holiday romance. Do not deny yourself the expression of feelings: such relationships will leave you with warm memories for a long time.

By the way, for those Sagittarius who are already in a relationship, it is also useful to take their other half to warm countries. This will strengthen your relationship and give you new unforgettable emotions. Even the longest journey will not seem tiring to you, and all the problems you encounter will be so ridiculous that they will remain in your memories only as a reason for a joke.

Sagittarius men, fed up with short-lived summer romances, can meet their true love in winter. Your relationship may not last until death, but the person you meet will definitely stay with you for a long time. Long-term relationships will arise due to high compatibility: you will not annoy each other and will be able to more fully realize yourself as individuals. In turn, Sagittarius women in 2017 may be in danger of falling into the clutches of swindlers. The first ten days of spring are especially dangerous in this regard. However, you shouldn’t be too careful, because endless suspicions can cause you to miss the love of your life.

Rest and health

As mentioned above, the Oracle recommends Sagittarius to have a dynamic rest: traveling and walking. This zodiac sign needs a similar organization of pastime - without movement and change of views, Sagittarius slowly withers away. In addition, the Sagittarius sign is prone to vascular and heart diseases, so walking and light jogging will be a good help for health.

Sagittarius men need to pay close attention to their habits. Count the number of cigarettes you smoke and alcohol you drink in a week and take these numbers seriously. A frivolous attitude towards your own weaknesses is guaranteed to land you in a hospital bed, so free yourself from bad habits now, without waiting for frightening diagnoses.

Sagittarius women can go to the other extreme: strict diets, exhausting workouts, and the most dangerous thing - replacing drug treatment with “non-traditional” means. Know the limits in your health concerns: the load should be adequate to your physical condition. And miracle doctors with a whole arsenal of magic pills or herbs can only convince you of the effectiveness of treatment, but not contribute to it. Approach the methods of unofficial medicine skeptically, otherwise you will miss a serious complication of the disease.


Sagittarius is practically the luckiest zodiac sign in 2017. For its representatives, no difficulties are expected either in finances or in relationships with people. All that the year of the Fire Rooster requires from Sagittarius is the desire for self-development and attention to their loved ones. Sagittarius should perceive the horoscope for 2017 as an impetus for active work - take a break from routine and immediate responsibilities and get down to those things that you have long wanted to do, but did not find time for. The same applies to purchases: if you have been hesitant to spend a large amount of money for a long time, now is the time to do it.

However, there are a few things that Sagittarius should avoid in 2017. First of all, this is dishonest business, promiscuous relationships and wasting money on trinkets. Some Sagittarians may take this lightly as a way to “relax,” but think about how your weaknesses will affect you later. Casual relationships can harm your moral character, and manic shopping will result in remorse and remorse.

Choose a more useful way to forget about the routine: sports, friendly communication and new experiences. In addition, the Fire Rooster favors those determined representatives of the sign who will find the strength to abandon old bad habits and dubious acquaintances. Thus, Sagittarius has the power to make 2017 the most fruitful year in their lives, or to let everything take its course.

With some effort on your part, 2017 will become one of the most fruitful and eventful years of your life. Expand your circle of interests and acquaintances, plan and develop. Your goal is to grow this year both professionally and spiritually. You will need endurance, organization and, most importantly, consistency in decisions.

In January, it is necessary to create some kind of financial foundation for the whole year. In February, you will have to communicate a lot, meet new people (perhaps there will be romantic meetings among them); This is also a month of active professional activity. April is a golden time for planning future projects and events, make the most of it, because from the end of April until almost the end of summer there will be a period when it will be very easy for you to implement well-thought-out ideas.

At the beginning of September, be careful with papers and money: let everything be in order, otherwise there is a chance of losing something very important. From the end of September to mid-November, a period of increased work activity awaits you; try not to lose pace and solve all the tasks assigned to you. At this time, you may want solitude and tranquility - do not deny yourself this, you just need to take a breath sometimes. December will also bring a lot of business and bustle, but all this will be a joy, you will celebrate the New Year in a great mood.

Love horoscope 2017 Sagittarius

For Sagittarius, 2017 will pass under the sign of love. In the first half of the year, Sagittarius' circle of acquaintances will expand significantly. New interesting personalities will appear who have the power to irreversibly change the life of Sagittarius. Single people will be given the opportunity to diversify their lives by starting an unusual romance. Most likely, Sagittarius' new hobby will live in another city (country), which will only intensify the love and introduce notes of enchanting romanticism into the relationship. It is difficult to say how this relationship will end, but, nevertheless, there is a possibility of its continuation. Therefore, interrupting it without thinking about it is stupid.

The love horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius warns that difficult times are coming for those who have a spouse or permanent partner. During this period, relationships can not only undergo serious changes, but also cease completely. The second half of the year will only worsen the situation, since ill-wishers may be welcomed into the personal relationships of many Sagittarius. Subsequent gossip and intrigue will affect not only personal, but also professional affairs.

Family and stable Sagittarius will have to devote a lot of time, effort and finances to their children. But the troubles caused by the younger generation will be pleasant and, most likely, will concern changing the future of children for the better.

At the beginning of spring, love at first sight is possible. But already in April the relationship will stabilize and by summer, you will already know what you want from a partner. It is also possible that at the end of summer you may meet another person. Initially, the relationship will begin as a friendship.

This year, you need to pay special attention to the people you meet on the 5th and 23rd of any month, especially if their names begin with “B” and “E”.

Career horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius

For Sagittarius, the first days of the New Year will bring some pleasant and very significant event in the business sphere: perhaps you will have a chance to implement some long-planned project, or your superiors will instruct you to take on a responsible task, offering you a large reward. There will be many opportunities to express yourself, but be extremely focused and do not give in to the feeling of euphoria. Out of joy, you can begin to transfer energy from one thing to another, as a result you become scattered and do nothing worthwhile. Remember: those who are not in a hurry succeed everywhere. Be consistent and attentive in your work, then this work will help you greatly advance in your career.

In the spring, Fate will not only continue to delight you with opportunities and happy coincidences, but, on the contrary, will continue to reward you with more and more professional benefits. You will have the opportunity to change the direction of your activity and do something fundamentally new, not only for you, but also in your field in general. Vast horizons of activity will open up before you, all you have to do is study them and make attempts to occupy a worthy niche in what you will be doing. It is very important now not to drift and to be confident in yourself.

In the summer, it is worth devoting time to rest - a body tired from work will require this, and there will be a slight stagnation in business. There will be no new proposals during this period, and old issues will also not be easy to resolve. In general, this summer you are simply shown a few weeks of vacation. There is nothing to worry about: for the first half of the year you have already managed to provide for yourself financially and earn a name, so it is unlikely that a short break in business can greatly affect your condition.

In the fall, representatives of the sign, having rested and gained strength, will resume their march up the career ladder. You will be on horseback again: active and decisive, you will easily solve the most difficult problems. By the end of the year, your efforts will be rewarded: you will be promoted, or you will become so wealthy that you will open a new profitable business. In general, the year will bring unprecedented income, you will be fulfilled in your profession and wealthy.

Health horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius

At the beginning of 2017, the stars do not promise health problems for Sagittarius. True, general weakness and a feeling of fatigue are quite likely by the end of February - a natural reaction to the active lifestyle and hard work of the representatives of the sign. In all areas of life there are now enough routine tasks and unresolved current issues, which greatly gets on your nerves. During this period, it would be best to take a couple of days off from work or even go on vacation for a week. Nature and a short break from people and constant attention are what you need now. Having relieved tension, you will feel perfectly rested and full of new strength.

Spring will be the peak of your physical well-being. Unlike most people around you, during this period you will not be overtaken by any ailments; your general state of health can only be envied. But the feeling of lightness and self-confidence should still be controlled: when celebrating numerous spring holidays and weekends, do not overdo it with drinks and snacks. Even a one-time disruption in the body, provoked by gastronomic excesses, will lead to other, much more unpleasant consequences.

Summer is a time of energy and well-being for representatives of the sign. You will look great and feel strong for any adventures and feats. There is no point in doing any special physical activity for yourself now; it would be better if it were easy and enjoyable dancing, swimming or simple walks in the air. In the summer, of course, do not deny yourself a well-deserved vacation trip, preferably to the sea coast.

Autumn and the beginning of winter are also favorable times for the health of Sagittarius. True, under one condition: you still limit yourself to alcohol and eat a balanced diet. Otherwise, expect troubles with the stomach and intestines, and in the very near future. Don’t risk ending up in a hospital bed on New Year’s Eve; it’s better to move more and cultivate fortitude.

Sagittarius - annual horoscope

Dreams come true! In fact, this is true, but for some reason you imagined everything differently. According to the Sagittarius horoscope for 2017, the sky is leading you in the right path, and you are required not to be afraid of change and not to stop in your movement.

The Fire Rooster is very supportive of purposeful Sagittarius. In 2017, he will support all their endeavors and open new horizons. And this is not surprising, because both are filled with the energy of fire and are also philosophers. And the myopic Rooster will teach the large-scale Sagittarius to appreciate and achieve small and modest goals, although this is not in the nature of the ambitious sign. This year, luck will always be around you, so there is no need to hesitate before an important event - everything will turn out even better than you expected. Of course, there is a possibility that after prolonged good luck there will come a time when failure occurs in some area. But you calmly accept such bad luck and it will pass quickly.

The planet that rules Sagittarius is Jupiter, and it endows its wards with indestructible optimism in life, the energy of creation, and the discovery of new knowledge, especially philosophical ones. 2017 will bring pleasant surprises to these lucky people in life, but financial issues, nevertheless, should not be left to chance, otherwise by the middle of the year they may find themselves broke. Moreover, 2017 is the time when it is worth taking a risk and investing in a project that has been awaiting implementation for several years. This year will be a time of great achievements for many Sagittarians. The main thing is to maintain a balance between public and personal life. Many representatives of this charming sign are public people. Next year you should refrain from cheap PR and unnecessary gossip. Dedication to work will bring good profits and advancement in your career, and harmony will come in family relationships. The activity of the sign, its vitality will be transformed next year into the energy of creativity, bringing new knowledge and revealing the secrets of life. 2017 will be a time of decisive steps and actions, but pay more attention to details, because this will prevent mistakes and give you confidence in your own abilities. The desire to help and teach others can be transformed into the creation of educational projects and integrated courses. The Sun in Capricorn will encourage Sagittarius to build a career, invest money in real estate and satisfy their ambitions, which will increase enormously this year. Representatives of this zodiac sign will want to prove themselves in all areas, show what they are capable of and assert themselves. The vitality of Sagittarius will increase, and their authority will increase noticeably, especially among friends and relatives. You will begin to feel like real masters of the situation in any situation.

According to the horoscope for 2017, Sagittarius will pay a lot of attention to their appearance, health and physical condition. Many will begin to actively engage in sports to bring their figure into ideal condition.

Those Sagittarius whose Sun and Jupiter are affected or weakened in their personal horoscope will show despotism and authoritarianism.

In 2017, pay special attention to self-development: read useful literature, scientific journals, attend developmental courses and lectures, go to the theater or museum. All the knowledge that you acquire in 2017 will definitely come in handy very soon.

The Sagittarius woman is one of the sexiest female types. Her optimism and vitality attracts many fans. She chooses as her husband a comrade-in-arms who, like her, is capable of decisive changes and risky steps. The horoscope for 2017 recommends that Sagittarius women realize their creative potential to the fullest – after all, it won’t be long before the stars align in this way. In addition to creative implementation, organizing such projects will bring a lot of pleasure and financial income.

The Sagittarius man is a pleasant combination of external gloss, spiritual depth and professional ambitions. The only thing that complicates their life is excessive idealism. If a Sagittarius man sets a goal for himself, but fails to achieve it, then his life and the life of his loved ones turns into a painful marathon following an unrealistic chimera. In 2017, astrologers recommend that Sagittarius men not only concentrate on work, but immerse themselves in it entirely.

The Fire Rooster has many opportunities in store for Sagittarius. The only problem is whether a person born under such a sign will be able to see those carefully hidden possibilities.

If you are really ready to give up what you have and change your life three hundred and sixty degrees, go ahead to your dream!

What to expect for Sagittarius women in 2017?

Women born under this sign will have very active intuition throughout the year. They will be able to predict events, see people as they are. They are not so easy to deceive, even for the most skilled liar. Therefore, it is worth thinking before you torture your fate and lie for a Sagittarius woman.

You can try to participate in lotteries or competitions for vigilance and intuition - it will not let you down. In addition, it will bring huge monetary profits. This special insight will also help in matters of raising children and communicating with loved ones. You can see through all their tricks without much difficulty. Just don’t put too much pressure, people shouldn’t know everything about each other.

Family and relationships for Sagittarius women in 2017

Men are always polite to Sagittarius women, because they are very charming and unpredictable. These women are mysteries that cannot be comprehended and understood until the end of their days. Almost no one can win them over or attract attention. Therefore, men, you will have to turn on all your masculine attractiveness and peculiarity in order to become the subject of her attention, at least for a minute.

However, if Sagittarius falls in love, she will make her husband the happiest in the world. Because they are very homely and flexible. As for children, Sagittarians are still children themselves. And they will remain so forever. Therefore, you should have great patience and understanding, only then can these fidgets be curbed and tamed.

Sagittarius has money - women for 2017

Funds this year will simply stick to you like bees to honey! Of course, you will become a very lucky girl. Take part in some kind of drawing - the prize is yours, right?! This will be the case throughout 2017. There is one rule - never doubt yourself or your ability to win.

Perhaps this year you will learn about a major legacy left to you by distant, long-forgotten relatives. Regarding earnings at work, everything will be stable and standard. Of course, if you show hidden abilities and complete the plan twice as fast, your bosses will take pity and give you a bonus.

If we talk about cash receipts, then most likely they are random. Only with their help will you be able to get rich in 2017 – once and for all!

Career horoscope for Sagittarius – women for 2017

If you work where you have always dreamed. And if your work brings only pleasure, soon, when you comprehend all the secrets of this activity, you will become a leader in production. The most important thing in choosing a future profession is to love it and be able to properly manage your time.

Most people are looking for a job where they can make a fortune. However, is it worth it to wake up every morning with the thought: “When will all this end?” Sagittarians don’t think so, because enjoying life is a very important and necessary thing for them.

Health horoscope for Sagittarius – women for 2017

Sagittarians need to watch their diet. After all, now every third person suffers from disorders, ulcers or gastritis. You should always eat right, do not overindulge in fatty foods, sweets and spicy foods. It is best to contact a specialist and talk to him about what kind of nutrition is right for you.

In addition, you need to start playing sports. Every woman should take care of herself and always be in great shape. Choose something like fitness or dancing. Two or three classes a week and the result will be visible on your face - your heart will not be naughty, extra pounds will go away, problem areas will tighten up. Plus, people who exercise automatically start eating healthier.

What to expect for Sagittarius men in 2017?

Unfortunately, men's intuition is not as well developed as the fair half of our society. However, they are dominated by the ability to think sensibly and logically, to consider their every step, and to make the right decisions. Men are not as emotional as women, which is a plus in solving complex problems. Therefore, when you need to decide something, think it over carefully - you know perfectly well what will be right. Therefore, there is no need to doubt yourself.

Set clear goals. If you decide to do something, create something, think carefully about it, draw up a business plan, calculate in advance the possible ways of ending the situation - the most realistic, positive and negative. And only when you are clearly aware of the possibilities of profit and loss, start working.

Family and relationships for Sagittarius men in 2017

Sagittarius men are people with an economic mindset. They always keep accounts, record income and expenses. The only problem is that they do this not only at work, but also at home. If in the first case it brings profit, then in the second it brings displeasure to his family members. Therefore, you need to be a little more loyal to your loved ones and close people, learn to put yourself in their position and demand to become the same as you.

Children are always a little afraid of fathers who were born under the sign of Sagittarius. Therefore, they communicate more with mothers. If you feel dislike on the part of your child, put the papers aside and go to the park with your baby and talk about more everyday matters.

Money for Sagittarius - men for 2017

You always write down everything, keep records. Not a single penny is wasted. This, of course, is very good, because in the future you can earn more than one fortune. Not only will you be among the top ten richest, but you will also be able to put your children on their feet.

But we need to take a break from eternal calculations at least a little. Family also requires attention. And you yourself need at least a little bit of care, affection and warmth.

Career horoscope for Sagittarius – men for 2017

Skeptics like you should only be in leadership positions. You know how to properly organize the work process, extract maximum abilities from your subordinates, and manage business well. Profit is your main goal. However, no less attention is paid to the work environment and the dedication of your subordinates to the common cause.

You will be very upset if you find out that not everyone takes your common cause as seriously as you do. But this does not mean that the person does not care. He just has different priorities in life. And this is also worth taking into account.

Health horoscope for Sagittarius – men for 2017

Excessive busyness and attention to money issues will not have the most positive impact on your well-being. In addition to standard problems with the heart and blood vessels, you may develop a number of other diseases, the treatment of which will require not only a lot of time, but also money. Therefore, think about whether it is worth working in order to be treated for malaise, colds, body weakness, and vitamin deficiency.

Therefore, keep records not only of “income and expenses,” but also of your well-being.

How many hopes you have for the beginning of the new year! And especially with the advent of 2017 - the year of the Red Rooster! And somewhere there... behind the high peaks of arrogance, behind the wide rivers of fiery anger, behind the thorny bushes of selfishness - it is there that a rare species called “Sagittarius” hides. He is where he has always been, and once you meet this creature, it is impossible not to fall in love with him! He is practically unreachable, he so rarely leaves his hiding place, and this is very unfortunate... but in any case, times change!

Whether you like it or not, in 2017 someone will again go on a crusade in search of the legendary mythical monster. But will this someone have enough courage or even audacity to reveal to the world what is hidden behind a thick layer of pompous aloofness, under a shell of dogmas and rules that are not clear to anyone (except you)? Why not?... Sagittarius is used to getting what he wants, no matter what, so why can’t those things that Sagittarius so wants to get come to him on their own, independently of him?!

In the coming year 2017, everything will work in your favor, dear Sagittarius! In 2017 - the year of the Red (Fire) Rooster - Sagittarius, who are residents of the zodiac house of Fire, will feel quite positive about themselves. It's time to look forward to the future - this will allow you to get a complete picture of your grandest plans. And in reality you will get even more! In 2017, Sagittarius will finally realize what they really need, they will understand what will help them become better (it could be something or someone), and demonstrate those qualities of their personality that usually remained hidden... Not It's worth taking a defensive position - there's really nothing to be afraid of! Although change is an integral part of our life cycle, we often approach it with caution and a certain degree of caution. In 2017, many different changes will occur in the life of Sagittarius, and these changes can become so large-scale that they will turn your entire way of life upside down and perhaps even affect your attitude towards life. You need to move forward despite the fear. If you continue to cling to the past, you will eventually fall to the “dark” side, and you will not soon be able to extricate yourself from its web. Dear Sagittarius, fear of change is your main enemy in 2017! Constantly move forward, take everything this world has to offer you, or wait for the moment when everything happens on its own. But during this period, it is important to savor this life, enjoying its taste, to welcome all these changes, and then 2017 will become one of the most successful and memorable periods of your life, leading you to a brighter and better future!

So, the year of the Red Fire Rooster is ruled by the element Fire, and your Zodiac sign also relates to this element - that is, this element of the current period clearly supports and patronizes Sagittarius. There is one very important point here: despite the fact that this year Sagittarius will be able to enjoy an increase in the level of vitality and energy, some internal circumstances will not fully support all your aspirations. So, dear Sagittarius, you should not count on the fact that in 2017 all events will develop easily - as if by magic. Although some areas of life will fade into the background and will not require your attention, you will have to fully concentrate on some other areas and directly participate in solving current problems. In general, in 2017, it would be logical for representatives of your Zodiac sign to pay attention to the sphere of personal relationships, because the fury, strength and aggression of the Red Rooster, fully expressed in the element of Fire, will concentrate in this direction. In other words, throughout 2017, activity in this area of ​​life is observed in all zodiac signs. Communication comes to the fore and you need to deal with all the challenges and difficult situations as quickly as possible - you really don't want to "draw out" this process. Venus, a planet in exaltation to the constellation Sagittarius, will take the most dynamic position and become another incentive for special concentration on the “love front.” On the other hand, of course, it would be wrong to completely forget about work and related issues. That is, during this period, a proportionate pace of life and a fair distribution of attention will be most appropriate. For Sagittarius, 2017 will be a completely logical year and at the same time full of ups and downs - the development of events can hardly be called smooth and smooth, and each area of ​​life will have its own nuances. Sagittarians need to take all these points into account, and then they will be able to achieve maximum productivity in any area, and in the process achieve all their goals.

The first phase of this year will begin with the advent of the Year of the Red Fire Rooster and will end at the end of the second third of April. During this period, the intensity of Venus's influence is slightly less pronounced compared to the key trends of this annual cycle, because Jupiter - the ruler of your zodiac house - comes to the fore. Taking all this into account, we can say that significant problems are unlikely, but conflict situations will still arise, and this period may become the only part of 2017 in which Sagittarius will have to concentrate on work. You need to pay special attention to this area - especially if you work for yourself, are an entrepreneur or run your own business. Those Sagittarians who are simple performers or do not perform leadership and organizational responsibilities will be able to pass all upcoming tests without much effort. Dear Sagittarius, if you carefully monitor what is happening around you, then possible options for the development of various situations will be obvious to you. Moreover, this year you will be able to make new contacts - lots of new contacts! But not all of these contacts will be useful to you and will be useful to you in the future. In this regard, you will face a challenge at the beginning of 2017 - you will have to literally separate the wheat from the chaff. In other words, you will need to figure out which of your new partners can rightfully be called sincere, and which of them constantly lies to you. Of course, this is not easy, but it still won’t require any extraordinary effort from you. Attentiveness and time will work for you, dear Sagittarius.

At the second stage, which will begin from the end of the last third of April 2017 and will last until the middle of the autumn season (that is, until mid-October), the owner of this year - the Fire Rooster - switches to a different mode and dramatically shifts priorities. At this stage, Sagittarius should devote quite a lot of time to work and personal problems, which will not turn out to be significant, but you will still have to deal with them. If you suddenly decide to go against the flow, then the contradictions in these areas of life may lead to certain problems that will not be easy for you to control and you will not be able to deal with them quickly. On the other hand, in the spring and summer of 2017, Sagittarius can fully concentrate on career growth and the process of making money - if such a need arises - and no one and nothing will be able to hold them back.

It is important to remember that in order to achieve success in terms of personal growth, you need to take into account astrological trends. In fact, much is not required of you - the Fire Rooster himself will tell you what to do at certain stages, not to mention the fact that most Sagittarius are distinguished by developed intuition. And it is precisely this same intuition and acute emotional sense that now comes to the fore, allowing you to mobilize all resources and ultimately emerge victorious with minimal losses. During this period of 2017, Sagittarius needs to prepare for a really serious battle on the love front. Of course, for those Sagittarius who have already found their “other half”, this period will become much calmer than for lonely representatives of this sign. But even representatives of the “married camp” must be prepared for active developments and significant changes. In any case, you yourself will feel the strong influence of the fickle goddess of love Venus, finding that you have suddenly begun to actively seek a partner. Those Sagittarians who have been trying to win someone's sympathy for a long time will finally be able to do this. However, you may have to fight with rivals - their presence will be revealed suddenly and unexpectedly. However, the fact of the presence of rivals will not shock you, but rather will become an incentive that will help you assess the situation more carefully and thoughtfully and choose a strategy of behavior. But under no circumstances should you start “warm-up” right away. Despite the fact that the Fire Rooster is not averse to having fun and “showing off” at some moments, he still puts the emphasis on communication first, and only then on everything else. You should use strong-arm tactics last, otherwise you risk running into an even bigger problem and ultimately failing. Certain restrictions will be your “benefactor” in this case, but in some other situations you do not need to control yourself so strictly - sometimes it’s quite the opposite: a powerful and at the same time completely “careless” and frivolous onslaught may turn out to be the most productive option.

The second half of the winter season 2017-2018 until February 15, 2018, when the Fire Rooster passes the reins of power to the next patron, will proceed under the sign of even clearer and more unambiguous trends that apply to representatives of this zodiac sign. “Affairs of love” will again come to the fore, but it is difficult to give any specific advice here. One thing is clear: at this stage, Sagittarius needs flexibility and adaptability, otherwise they will not be able to effectively solve current problems. Most likely, you will have to actively act, and not think - in fact, by and large, this is where the true essence of the Fire Rooster manifests itself. Of course, you need a preliminary assessment of the situation, at least subjective. Only in this case will a certain decision be truly yours, and not imposed on you from the outside. At the same time, it is very important that you personally like this decision, dear Sagittarius, and satisfy you in all respects - even if you cannot explain some of these decisions from a logical point of view. Don’t delay making decisions, but at the same time rely on some grounds - even if these are some barely tangible instinctive factors. You will have more room to maneuver, and you will be able to “clear the territory” much faster to implement your daily plans. At the end of 2017, everything will work out in the career field, events will develop calmly, and in general, the end of the Year of the Fire Rooster for Sagittarius will become smooth and harmonious, without any excesses that deserve special attention.

We congratulate all Sagittarius on the upcoming year 2017 - the Year of the Rooster! We hope that 2017 will allow you to find the peace and harmony that your rebellious soul so craves! Dear Sagittarius, we sincerely wish you happiness, joy and carefree throughout 2017!