Causes and treatment of diathesis in infants, prevention and prognosis for the child. How to treat diathesis in children with folk remedies at home? Diathesis in a child 1 month treatment

It just so happens that most people associate the concept of diathesis with rashes in the form of many red spots on the face and hands of a child, something like an allergic reaction or prickly heat. Indeed, this is often exactly how it manifests itself.

But parents who are faced with this problem need to remember that this is a broader concept, and Diathesis - what to smear your cheeks with? It is worth treating it with due attention so that in the future the child does not develop complications in the form of a more serious illness.

Diathesis in children- this is, by and large, not even a disease, it is a special condition of the child’s body, characterized by a tendency to develop certain diseases. Such diseases can be not only allergic reactions, but also seizures or respiratory infections.

Exudative (or allergic) diathesis often manifests itself in children in the first months of life and is characterized by redness on the baby’s cheeks and forehead, which then becomes covered with a thin crust. The appearance of allergic diathesis does not depend on the method of feeding (breastfeeding or bottle-feeding); moreover, the tendency to diathesis is established already at the stage of intrauterine development, therefore, even before the birth of the baby, it is so important to take care of his proper nutrition.
The expectant mother must follow a diet and not eat “harmful” foods.
If your child is breastfed, then you need to carefully monitor the condition of the baby’s skin every day, and when the first signs of diathesis appear, adjust the mother’s diet. Potential allergens should be excluded from a nursing mother's diet: citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee, pickles, smoked foods, semolina, red vegetables and fruits. You should be careful when consuming cow's milk (no more than 0.5 liters per day, 2.5% fat).
If the child is bottle-fed, then if signs of diathesis appear, the formula must be changed. You should also be wary of “experiments” with new mixtures.
Allergic diathesis itself is not so terrible, but it must be carefully treated to avoid more serious diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and neurodermatitis. In addition, the risk of developing allergic diseases (allergy to dust, pet dander and other non-food allergens) increases.

The appearance of diathesis is influenced by the following factors:
- environment
– heredity
– during pregnancy (early toxicosis, medication use)
– non-compliance with diet during pregnancy and lactation
– increased body weight of the child

The most effective way to treat diathesis is to identify foods to which your child is allergic and exclude them from the diet. It is also necessary to visit a dermatologist, who will prescribe medication (itching medications, sedatives and vitamins). Ointments and lotions and herbal baths are used locally.

Diathesis can also be treated with folk remedies. Here are some recipes:

– Prepare the mixture: string herb – 20 g, walnut leaves – 10 g, tricolor violet herb – 40 g, large burdock root – 30 g, white damselfish herb – 20 g, yarrow herb – 20 g, black currant leaves – 20 g , strawberry leaves – 30 g, bearberry leaves – 60 g, birch leaves – 30 g.
Pour 4 tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of cold water and leave for 6-8 hours, then boil for 10 minutes and strain. Give the child 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

– Pour a tablespoon of crushed burdock root into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave, covered, for 1-2 hours, strain. Take 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day warm as a blood purifier and metabolism improver.

20 g of dry string herb is poured into a glass of cold water, brought to a boil and filtered. For diathesis, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. The infusion can be used for compresses and lotions.

– Mix 1 part fir oil and 3 parts baby cream or olive oil with added vitamin C. You can prepare an ointment from 3 parts fir oil, 3 parts sulfur ointment and 4 parts baby cream. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin.

– Tricolor violet grass, tripartite succession herb, white clear grass, wild strawberry leaves mixed equally. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of hot water, boil for 20 minutes over low heat, cool, strain. Take a glass 3-4 times a day before meals for furunculosis, skin rashes, and diathesis.

– Give the child a teaspoon of flour made from the shell of a fresh egg (the film on the inside must be removed). The flour is quenched with a small amount of lemon juice. Should be taken within a month. This flour also helps strengthen and grow teeth.

– Pour a tablespoon of dry crushed roots of creeping wheatgrass into 0.5 liters of water, boil for 15 minutes, leave, wrapped, for 2 hours, strain. Drink 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day before meals as a blood purifying and metabolism-restoring agent for various skin diseases.

– 15 g of dry crushed viburnum bark is poured into 2 cups of boiling water, left on the stove for 30 minutes, then filtered and the volume is adjusted to 200 ml. Give children 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

– Give your child black radish juice 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. You need to start with 1 drop and, daily increasing the dose by 2 drops, bring it to 1 tablespoon.

– Pour a teaspoon of crushed dandelion roots into a glass of boiling water. Infuse, wrapped, for 1–2 hours, strain. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.

In addition to distinguishing neuro-arthritic diathesis, which is characterized by the occurrence of a genetically determined deterioration in the function of certain enzymes that are involved in purine metabolism and the synthesis of uric acid.
Instability of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism appears, as well as a tendency to ketoacidosis, which is caused by a decrease in the activity of acetylation processes in the liver.

Neuro-arthritic diathesis occurs in no more than 3% of children. Such kids behave more capriciously than ordinary children; they are easily excitable and have a poor appetite. In addition, they are prone to obesity, night terrors, seizures, and high blood pressure.

To diagnose neuro-arthritic diathesis, an analysis is carried out to identify hidden forms of diathesis.

Like allergic diathesis, neuro-arthritic diathesis requires mandatory treatment. This form of diathesis can cause:
– cholelithiasis
- diabetes
– arthrosis
– peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Children suffering from neuro-arthritic diathesis must follow a diet limiting foods containing purine bases (poultry, sardines, herring, chocolate, cocoa, offal), and take Vitamin B6.

Video. diathesis how to treat

Many parents encounter diathesis in their infants. And in order to be able to help your child cope with this uncomfortable condition, you should understand why diathesis occurs, how to treat it and whether it can be prevented.

What is this?

Diathesis refers to such individual characteristics of a baby, due to which the child becomes more predisposed to a number of diseases. The most common tendency of children to allergic reactions, however, there are other types of diathesis.

The first manifestations of diathesis begin between the ages of two months and two years. This condition has a wave-like course - exacerbations periodically appear, which are replaced by remissions.

What does it look like?

In an infant, diathesis manifests itself in rashes, which, as a rule, are very itchy and cause discomfort to the baby. Diathesis rash can be wet (it is represented by bubbles with liquid, weeping areas of the skin), dry (the skin is very flaky) or combined.

On the face, cheeks

Rashes in the facial area can be represented by a pinpoint rash, as well as areas of redness with peeling. Typically, a child's cheeks turn red in limited areas, and the blush often has clear boundaries. In this case, the epidermis in the reddened areas is thickened, the skin on top is covered with small scales and is rough to the touch. Some children develop crusts or blisters on their cheeks.

On the butt

The baby’s buttocks may become covered with both red spots and a finely nodular rash that is very itchy. If a child scratches the affected areas, it will cause eczema.


In addition to different types of rashes, diathesis can manifest itself:

  • Oily scales on the scalp;
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - loss of appetite, frequent regurgitation, nausea, stool instability, abdominal pain;
  • Irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, eyes or bladder;
  • Poor sleep of the child and restless behavior of the baby.


Among all types of diathesis that occur in infants, the most common are:

  • Exudative-catarrhal. It is the most common type of diathesis, which manifests itself as skin lesions. Its development is associated with exposure to different types of allergens on the baby’s body.
  • Neuro-arthritic. Its main cause is heredity. The baby has an increased risk of developing obesity, joint inflammation, nervous system excitability, and diabetes.
  • Lymphatic-hypoplastic. A frequent factor in its appearance is an infection suffered by the expectant mother and taking a large number of medications. Manifestations of such diathesis in infants will be allergies and frequent infectious diseases. At the same time, the baby has problems with the lymph nodes and thymus gland.


Risk factors

The likelihood of developing diathesis in an infant increases if:

  • His parents had manifestations of diathesis in childhood.
  • The expectant mother consumed allergenic foods in large quantities during pregnancy.
  • The expectant mother has chronic pathologies or suffered from some kind of infection during pregnancy.
  • The pregnant woman was prescribed serious medications.
  • The pregnancy proceeded with severe toxicosis.
  • The baby was not breastfed enough.
  • Parents actively use household chemicals or, on the contrary, rarely clean the room.
  • We bought new furniture for the apartment or just renovated it.
  • Animals live in the house.
  • The baby's relatives too often use air fresheners, perfumes and deodorants.
  • Children are bought low-quality toys.
  • The child is constantly overfed.
  • The mother gives the baby a large number of medications.
  • The child spends little time outdoors.
  • The baby was offered complementary foods too early.

How to treat?

The specifics of treatment for the manifestations of diathesis are influenced by the degree of their severity and many other nuances, so it is important that the therapy is prescribed by a specialist. It may include both medications and traditional recipes, as well as correction of the baby’s diet and living conditions.

About what diathesis is, why this word is used only in our country and how to treat allergic diathesis, see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.


Children with diathesis may be prescribed:

  • Sorbents. Such drugs safely accelerate the removal of allergens from the baby’s body. Enterosgel is very popular among effective sorbents.
  • Antihistamines. The baby is prescribed Zyrtec, Suprastin, Claritin, Tavegil and other medications of this group. Some of them have a sedative effect.
  • Immunomodulatory drugs. Such medications affect the baby’s immune system and have their own contraindications, so they should only be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Probiotics. They are indicated if, simultaneously with a rash on the child’s skin, manifestations of dysbacteriosis are noted.

Are ointments effective?

To moisturize dry areas of the baby's skin and speed up wound healing, the doctor will recommend using creams or ointments. The most commonly used are Bepanten, Elidel, Desitin, Fenistil gel, and La-Cri. The child's skin is lubricated several times a day until the rash disappears. As for hormonal ointments, they should only be prescribed by a doctor.

You can also use for local processing:

  • Lotions with furacillin. Dissolve 1/4-1/2 tablet in a glass of water, keep the lotions until the rash turns pale.
  • Lubricating with neutral oil or cream from a series of children's cosmetics.
  • Lotions with soda. Pour a teaspoon of soda into a glass of cool boiled water. Do not rub the baby’s skin, but simply apply the lotion to the areas of inflammation.

Folk remedies

The following recipes against manifestations of diathesis are popular among people:

  • Lubricate the rash with a paste containing equal amounts of fat sour cream, zinc ointment, egg white and medical tar. It is recommended to treat the baby's skin with this product twice or thrice a day. It is better to prepare new pasta every day - from fresh ingredients.
  • Give the baby a decoction made from bay leaves (10 leaves per liter of water) and rose hips (a teaspoon of fruit is crushed). After boiling bay leaves in water for three minutes, add rose hips, turn off and leave to infuse overnight. Give the strained broth a tablespoon to the baby three times daily for several months.
  • Apply lotions to areas of rashes and peeling using black tea.


It is most often recommended to bathe a child with the addition of a decoction of string. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over the dry herb, taken in the amount of three tablespoons, and after 30 minutes, strain and pour into the baby bath. In the same way, you can make baths with sage, chamomile flowers, valerian root, nettle leaves, and a mixture of these plants.

If the rash is weeping, add oak bark decoction to the baby's bath. For diaper rash, a starch bath also helps well, for which you take cold water (50 ml) and starch (two tablespoons), stir well and pour boiling water (two glasses). The resulting jelly is poured into the bath.


A diet excluding allergenic foods is prescribed to both a nursing mother and a baby who is already familiar with complementary feeding. You should remove sweets, honey, caviar, chocolate, eggs, seafood and other foods that can become an allergen from your diet.

All products are baked, boiled or steamed. Vegetables and cereals are soaked in cool water for 10 hours before cooking. Boil the meat for 20 minutes, then drain the water and cook the dish further. When purchasing products, you should carefully study their composition and avoid harmful substances.

How many days does it take?

How quickly the child’s condition improves depends on various factors, for example, the duration of the baby’s exposure to the allergen, the severity of the manifestations of diathesis, and the characteristics of the treatment prescribed for the baby. For some, the rash goes away in a few days, and for some babies, clearing of the skin is observed after at least two weeks.

In cases where the allergen is a pet, the child should be excluded from contact with this animal for a period longer than a month. Such allergens remain in the house for a long time.

Baby care

  • Change your baby's underwear and bedding frequently.
  • Dress your toddler in clothes made from natural fabrics with a minimum of dyes.
  • Use neutral detergents to wash all of your baby's clothes.
  • Iron washed children's clothing on all sides.
  • After each bowel movement and each urination, clean the baby's skin.
  • Take a bath every day. In this case, the mother should not take a bath together with the toddler.
  • To care for your baby's skin, purchase cosmetics designed for children with sensitive skin.
  • Trim your baby's nails regularly.
  • Try to minimize allergens such as dust, animal hair, and aerosols.

Is it possible to get vaccinated if you have diathesis?

A child can be vaccinated during the period of remission. After the previous exacerbation of allergic manifestations, at least a month must pass. Three days before vaccination and for seven days after the vaccine is administered, the baby should be given antihistamines.


It is possible to prevent the occurrence of diathesis with the help of preventive measures that should be applied from the beginning of pregnancy and during the first year of the baby’s life:

  • While expecting a baby, the expectant mother is not recommended to overuse allergenic foods, such as eggs, nuts, fish, citrus fruits, berries, milk, chocolate and others. The same restrictions are appropriate for a nursing mother.
  • Support breastfeeding. Let breast milk be the only food for the baby until 6 months of age. If you have to switch your baby to formula, you should carefully select a food that will not cause allergies.
  • Watch out for household factors that can cause allergies - synthetic clothing, household chemicals, low-quality toys, frequent self-medication, excess dust, communication between the baby and a pet.
  • It is also important to adhere to the diet without overfeeding the baby. The introduction of complementary foods must be organized correctly, starting with hypoallergenic foods. It is important not to rush and not give the baby several new dishes at once, but to carefully monitor all the baby’s reactions to the new item on the menu.

For more information about diathesis, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

How to treat diathesis with folk remedies

Diathesis is not a disease, but an allergic reaction of the skin to external influences, which mainly occurs in children under 3 years of age. This article will tell you how to treat diathesis with folk remedies at home in children and adults.

At the moment, 10 types of diathesis have been studied, but only 3 are the most common:

  1. Allergic - occurs when a child is prone to food allergies;
  2. Neuro-arthritic - occurs with a tendency to nervous excitability, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, obesity, etc.
  3. Lymphatic-hypoplastic - occurs after infectious diseases and pathology of the lymph nodes.

Symptoms of diathesis

The main symptom of diathesis is the appearance of scarlet spots on the child’s face, most often on the cheeks. Skin peeling and itching occurs. At the initial stage, signs of diathesis may include increased sweating, the appearance of diaper rash, and the appearance of greasy crusts on the eyebrows and scalp in gray-yellow hair.

All these symptoms indicate that the child is too sensitive to certain foods or medications. And the first thing you need to do is change your diet and start treating diathesis, because if you delay it, then dermatitis and eczema may appear in the future, and these are already very serious diseases.

Treatment of diathesis with folk remedies

At the first appearance of diathesis on the child’s cheeks, do not hesitate to contact your pediatrician for medical help, and at home, supplement the drug treatment with harmless and effective traditional medicine recipes.

Since most often scarlet spots in children are due to some kind of allergic reaction, we will consider just such treatment of diathesis in children with folk remedies.

How to treat diathesis with baths

Treatment of diathesis at home can be done both internally, taking infusions and decoctions, and externally in the form of lotions and healing baths. Herbal baths quickly dry out skin wounds, eliminate rashes, relieve inflammation and soothe itching.

Any bathing of a child should take place in warm water with a temperature of 36 - 42 degrees, twice a day for 10 - 20 minutes.

Pour four tablespoons of dried string herb into a liter of boiling water in a thermos. After 12 hours of infusion, strain, pour into a bathtub of water and bathe the child in it.

Oak bark has a clear anti-inflammatory property. Boil 100 g of crushed bark in a liter of water for half an hour, strain and pour into the bath.

For bathing, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate - pale pink. After the procedure, pour clean water over the baby.

Lotions for treating diathesis at home

- Pour a glass of boiling water over 3 tablespoons of dried calendula flowers. Let it brew for one hour, strain. The infusion is used in the form of lotions - moisten a gauze bandage generously and apply to the areas of redness.

Exudative diathesis- this is nothing more than the infant stage of atopic dermatitis. Signs of exudative diathesis usually appear already in the first months of a child’s life and are an allergy to food that the child or his mother, if she is breastfeeding, has eaten.

Food allergens most often are milk, eggs, cottage cheese, chocolate, cocoa, strawberries, nuts, oranges.

The first signs of exudative diathesis

Bright red spots may appear on the child's cheeks, which then become covered with a thin crust. They feel itchy and painful. These are the so-called milk crusts, or milk scabs, - one of the characteristic manifestations of abnormal metabolism, exudative diathesis. It is more often called allergic.

The first signs of the disease could have been detected earlier, in the form of persistent diaper rash that does not go away even with careful care, profuse prickly heat with mild overheating and, finally, gray-yellow sebaceous crusts on the scalp and eyebrows (seborrhea). All the described signs indicate that the child has already experienced and may experience significant changes in his health in the future. Hypersensitivity to certain food and medicinal substances develops. Usual care and feeding are not sufficient for such a child; appropriate adjustments must be made to them.

When seborrhea appears on the baby's head, mothers usually strive to remove the crusts immediately and completely. And the skin under the scabs is changed, and when they are carefully removed, abrasions and scratches form. The intervention is all the more useless since the crusts will appear again, and scratches and abrasions may fester. If there are a lot of crusts and they bother the child, you can soak them with Vaseline or other oil. A thick layer of Vaseline is applied to the areas of the skin affected by seborrhea, the head is covered with soft, clean gauze, and on top of it with compress (waxed) paper (it cannot be replaced with plastic wrap). A scarf is tied over it or a thin cap is put on. After a few hours, the crusts are easily removed when bathing, without damaging the skin. In case of a new profuse appearance of seborrheic crusts, the procedure is repeated.

Great attention should be paid to diaper rash. Not every diaper rash is a sign of exudative diathesis. Diaper rash can also be a consequence of poor care. But if they occur even with good care and persist for a long time, the mother needs to think: is this not a manifestation of exudative diathesis?

From the first days, it is important to try to create a positive attitude in the baby towards all elements of his care. You should never approach a baby with a gloomy face or become irritated when performing certain procedures. Affectionate, caring and careful implementation of care activities will ensure that even the most unpleasant of them will not cause protest and resistance, will not cause whims and disobedience now and in the future.

For children with exudative diathesis, the generally accepted feeding pattern needs to be changed. Juices are introduced from the age of one month, but more slowly, starting with drops. After a week, if the severity of the manifestations of exudative diathesis has not increased, juices can be given in the usual age-appropriate daily dose.

It is better not to squeeze orange, carrot, tomato and strawberry juices for children with exudative diathesis. Plant proteins and essential oils contained in them can cause hives, facial rashes, diarrhea, and aggravate other manifestations of exudative diathesis. These foods should be avoided in the diet of not only the child, but also the mother, since the main food for him at this age is breast milk.

Foods containing trophallergens should also be excluded from the mother's diet: poultry, smoked meats, river fish, tomatoes, spices, raisins, chocolate, cocoa. Eggs should be limited to 1-2 per week and consumed only hard-boiled. It is advisable to limit milk to half a liter per day. It is especially important in these cases that the nursing mother’s diet includes vegetables and fruits (cabbage, carrot, apple salads, seasoned with vegetable oil) every day. Raw vegetables and fruits are not only carriers of a large amount of vitamins and mineral salts necessary for the body, but also the most important regulator of metabolism.

When artificially feeding children with exudative diathesis, it is advisable to replace regular milk with sour dairy products: kefir, biolact, acidophilus. These foods are rich in B vitamins. Their absorption requires significantly less digestive juices. They enhance the bactericidal effect of hydrochloric acid and gastric juice. Children who receive only sour dairy products are much less likely to experience allergic reactions.

Symptoms of diathesis.

Diathesis begins in the form of redness on the cheeks, the skin becomes rough and peels. In the future, weeping eczema and itching may appear in this area. With diathesis, which is popularly called “prurigo,” the child develops itchy red nodules, located first on the bends of the limbs, and then spreading throughout the child’s body and face. Inflammation is often observed on the mucous membranes of children suffering from exudative diathesis.

Traditional methods of treating diathesis.

Children need to be swaddled more often. The child's blanket and bedding should not be covered with plastic film. Diapers cannot be washed with synthetic powder. Limit or eliminate foods that can cause an allergic reaction. Hardening, therapeutic exercises, and massage are required. In the advanced stage, corticosteroids and antibiotics are used for treatment.

Treatment will not be successful without a hypoallergenic diet.

Folk remedies for treating diathesis

Herbs and herbs for diathesis

    Pour 2 tablespoons of string herb into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave, wrapped, for 12 hours, strain. Drink 0.5 cups of infusion 3 times a day and use it for baths for diathesis.

    Take 5 g of elecampane rhizomes, gentian herb and yarrow herb, add 0.5 liters of water, boil the mixture for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. For diathesis, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 1-2 months, warm before meals.

    Mix 1 part fir oil and 3 parts baby cream or olive oil with added vitamin C. You can prepare an ointment from 3 parts fir oil, 3 parts sulfur ointment and 4 parts baby cream. Lubricate areas of skin affected by diathesis.

    Pour 1 tablespoon of dry crushed rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes, leave, covered, for 2 hours, strain. For diathesis, take 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day before meals.

    Pour 1 teaspoon of chopped dandelion roots with 1 cup of boiling water. Leave, covered, for 1-2 hours, strain. For diathesis, take 0.25 cups 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Improves the child's metabolism.

Herbal baths are very effective for diathesis. They have a restorative, calming and disinfecting effect. The water temperature for a therapeutic bath should be 36-38°C, duration 15-20 minutes.

Therapeutic baths for diathesis

    Take 1 kg of oak bark for a full bath, 500 g for a half bath, 250 g for a foot bath. Dry the bark, grind it, soak for several hours in 1 liter of cold water, boil for 30 minutes over low heat, strain and pour into water in bath

    Take 250 g of calamus roots and greens for a full bath, 125 g for a half bath. Pour 1 liter of cold water over the roots and greens and boil for 30 minutes, then pour the broth into the bath.

    Take fresh or dried walnut leaves, add cold water and boil for 45 minutes, covered, strain and pour into bath water. For a full bath you will need 1 kg of leaves, for a half bath 500 g, and for a seated or foot bath 250 g.

    Take 500 g of dried chamomile inflorescences for a full bath, 250 g for a half bath, 150 g for a sitz bath, 100 g for a foot bath, pour 1 liter of cold water over the inflorescences and boil in a well-sealed container for 10 minutes, strain, pour into water in the bath.

    Take 150 g of string herb, pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, strain and pour into a bath of warm water. Bath your child once a day; in severe cases, you can bathe him twice a day.

    Brew 50 g of oregano herb in 1 liter of boiling water, strain and combine with 10 liters of water. Use for bathing or washing the child.

    To bathe children in starch baths: pre-dissolve 0.5-1 kg of starch in cold water and pour into the prepared bath. Baths with a temperature of 37-39°C for 15-20 minutes can be taken every other day for 1 month.

Diathesis is a certain condition of the child’s body, which is transmitted hereditarily and is characterized by a tendency to develop certain diseases, the basis of which are allergic reactions.

Diathesis in a child is a general concept and many young parents do not attach much importance to it or even mistake it for a completely different disease. In reality, one should understand the allergic reaction of a child’s body, which is the first sign that determines a tendency to more serious diseases, such as dermatitis, neurodermatitis and eczema.

Most young families with children aged 3 months to 3 years face this problem. Symptoms can appear over a long period and disappear as soon as possible, even without special treatment. But you should not hope for such a rosy outcome, and at the first signs you should consult a doctor, because we are talking about the health of the smallest and most defenseless member of the family.

The causes of diathesis can be very diverse. A predisposition to allergic reactions can develop both in the mother’s womb and during the first months of the baby’s life. The cause may be a violation of the diet of a pregnant woman or nursing mother, consumption of foods such as honey, eggs, berries, oranges and other citrus fruits, canned and pickled foods or caviar. Also, the causes in children can be hereditary.

Based on the above, we can summarize that the root cause of diathesis in children is nutritional disorders. Let's not neglect bacterial or viral infections, which in turn can also cause this unpleasant disease.

We bring to your attention a brief description of the ways in which allergens enter the child’s body:

  1. Through food. The most common reason that must be taken into account when introducing new components into a child’s diet.
  2. Contact path. An allergic reaction can occur as a result of contact of children's skin with synthetic materials, wool, washing powder and other substances.
  3. Air. This refers to dust, perfumes and deodorants used by parents, and pet hair.

The use of perfume by relatives and the consumption of allergenic foods by a nursing mother are possible reasons for the development of diathesis in a child

Symptoms of diathesis in children are as follows:

  • Redness of baby's skin
  • The appearance of itchy gray or brown scales
  • A crust forms on the head
  • Skin elasticity decreases
  • Decreased muscle tone
  • Gastrointestinal disorders manifest themselves in the form of diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain
  • Pallor
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Possible complications such as bronchitis or laryngitis
  • Urine changes its composition
  • Girls may experience cystitis or vulvovaginitis

a) crusts on the head; b) redness of the skin

The above symptoms depress the child’s immune system, resulting in an increased risk of complications.

The consumption of the following products by a child or nursing mother can provoke the appearance of diathesis:

  • cow's milk, or more precisely, cow's milk protein or milk sugar (lactose);
  • egg white;
  • purees and juices from orange or red fruits (especially strawberries, citrus fruits, wild strawberries, bananas);
  • chocolate;
  • products with preservatives and food colorings;
  • seafood;
  • pickles, marinades, sauces with spices.

The cause of diathesis in breastfed babies is errors in the mother's diet.

When hyperemia (redness) of the skin or rash appears, parents should remember what’s new in the diet in the coming days and exclude these foods.

Also, a provoking factor in the development of diathesis is non-compliance with hygiene, improper care of the child’s skin, and the use of inappropriate care products. It is necessary to use hypoallergenic creams and bathing products approved for use from birth.

Among children at risk, there is a group with abnormalities in the mother's pregnancy - toxicosis, infections, smoking, alcohol consumption. Also included here are disturbances in the course of labor – asphyxia, hypoxia.

Children most often suffer from diathesis:

  • with a hereditary predisposition,
  • with congenital disorders of the nervous system,
  • low birth weight or, conversely, high birth weight,
  • with dysbacteriosis,
  • feeding on infant formula.

The manifestation of the disease can be caused by ARVI, vaccinations, especially at an early age. An increased risk of development is often combined with improper care, poor nutrition, poor living conditions, and a tense emotional environment in the family.

Almost any sudden change - climate change, vitamin deficiencies, household chemicals and even poor environmental conditions can give impetus to the development of atopy. The children's body is more sensitive to histamine (the main regulator of allergic reactions), so its release can be associated not only with foreign agents (for example, from food or washing powder), but also with natural conditions.

The pathogenesis and etiology of diathesis have not yet been fully studied. It is only known that an important role in the manifestations of this disease is played by the adverse effects of the external environment, and in addition, genetic predisposition. True, half of the children who fell ill with diathesis have a strong family history; in addition, this disease in infants occurs with an increase in immunoglobulin in the blood, and there is also excessive secretion and release of histamine.

Diathesis in newborns can be provoked, among other things, by toxicosis along with taking certain medications during pregnancy. In addition, infectious diseases of a pregnant woman, a monotonous and improper diet of a nursing mother, for example, abuse of foods such as milk, honey, eggs, sweets or citrus fruits, are also provocateurs.

Another reason for its appearance may be trophoallergens that enter the baby’s digestive tract through breast milk and food. Penetration occurs through the intestines that are not yet strong. High permeability of the intestinal wall in a child can occur due to exhaustion, weight loss, diseases of the digestive system, or due to the recovery period after illness. Without identifying the causes of diathesis, treatment of children is ineffective.

What does it look like?

In an infant, diathesis manifests itself in rashes, which, as a rule, are very itchy and cause discomfort to the baby. Diathesis rash can be wet (it is represented by bubbles with liquid, weeping areas of the skin), dry (the skin is very flaky) or combined.

On the face, cheeks

Rashes in the facial area can be represented by a pinpoint rash, as well as areas of redness with peeling. Typically, a child's cheeks turn red in limited areas, and the blush often has clear boundaries. In this case, the epidermis in the reddened areas is thickened, the skin on top is covered with small scales and is rough to the touch. Some children develop crusts or blisters on their cheeks.

On the butt

The baby’s buttocks may become covered with both red spots and a finely nodular rash that is very itchy. If a child scratches the affected areas, it will cause eczema.


The diagnosis of allergic diathesis is established based on medical history and basic clinical symptoms. In order to exclude diseases such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis, differential diagnosis is carried out, and if necessary, they also visit an allergist. To establish a diagnosis of lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis, hereditary diseases along with intrauterine infections are additionally studied.

Symptoms by age

There are two types of diathesis: pastous and eretic.

◉ Excess weight in a child

◉ Bright, moist rashes on the skin

◉ Inactivity

◉ Pale skin

● The baby’s weight is small, below normal

● Restless behavior

● Dry diathesis rashes

The severity of diathesis is different for all children, regardless of the type. Age, nutrition of mother and baby, and other individual characteristics matter.

Diathesis often manifests itself in the first weeks of life. Not only the skin is affected, but also the mucous membranes.

Signs of diathesis vary depending on the form of its manifestation. It may appear as:

  • negative reaction from the mucous membrane and skin (dermatitis, geographic tongue, milk scab),
  • hypoplastic changes in lymph nodes (their increase throughout the body) and endocrine glands.
  • Metabolic processes often suffer, usually increased secretion of uric acid, oxalates and phosphates.

In addition to different types of rashes, diathesis can manifest itself:

  • Diaper rash;
  • Oily scales on the scalp;
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - loss of appetite, frequent regurgitation, nausea, stool instability, abdominal pain;
  • Irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, eyes or bladder;
  • Poor sleep of the child and restless behavior of the baby.

Result of overfeeding

Allergies usually occur as a result of overfeeding against the background of a monotonous diet. This may also be due to the consumption of seasonal foods, for example, fruits, berries or vegetables. Allergic diathesis in a child can increase sensitivity not only to certain types of foods, but also to environmental pathogens, such as dust and fur, which can subsequently lead to the development of respiratory syndrome.

The cause of diathesis in an adult can be a nervous shock, and the severity of the disease directly depends on the stressful situation itself. For example, as a result of a deterioration in the psycho-emotional state, the likelihood of a rash only increases, and immediately when the nervous system is normalized, the diathesis may completely recede without any drug intervention.

Therefore, it is extremely important to know the causes of the disease and how to treat diathesis.

How does it manifest in an infant?

Children prone to diathesis usually appear overweight. Even despite normal care, the child may develop diaper rash, and the surface of the tongue will be uneven, while tissue turgor is often reduced. Such children are more likely than others to develop allergic diathesis. The symptoms of the disease can be very diverse.

Scales may appear on the scalp, which will be brown or grayish in color. Damage to the mucous membranes is also possible, which will manifest itself in the form of conjunctivitis, laryngitis or nasopharyngitis. No less common is milk eschar, in which a crust forms on the cheeks, which turns red, peels and is accompanied by itching. Such diathesis is dangerous because it can provoke neurodermatitis or eczema.

Against the background of lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis, symptoms in newborns can be established due to their large weight and disproportionate physique. Such children subsequently turn out to be inactive, and their speech development slows down. This type of diathesis in adults, the symptom of which is a violation of vascular permeability and blood circulation, can subsequently provoke excess weight along with the distribution of adipose tissue according to the female type, when this occurs on the hips or abdomen.

The symptoms of neuro-arthritic diathesis directly depend on the patient’s age and are accompanied by neurasthenic and, in addition, skin syndromes. A rare manifestation of this disease may be odor intolerance along with elevated temperature, as well as sensitivity to nonspecific irritants.

It is important not only to find out how to treat diathesis in a child, but also to prevent it.

Risk factors

The likelihood of developing diathesis in an infant increases if:

  • His parents had manifestations of diathesis in childhood.
  • The expectant mother consumed allergenic foods in large quantities during pregnancy.
  • The expectant mother has chronic pathologies or suffered from some kind of infection during pregnancy.
  • The pregnant woman was prescribed serious medications.
  • The pregnancy proceeded with severe toxicosis.
  • The baby was not breastfed enough.
  • Parents actively use household chemicals or, on the contrary, rarely clean the room.
  • We bought new furniture for the apartment or just renovated it.
  • Animals live in the house.
  • The baby's relatives too often use air fresheners, perfumes and deodorants.
  • Children are bought low-quality toys.
  • The child is constantly overfed.
  • The mother gives the baby a large number of medications.
  • The child spends little time outdoors.
  • The baby was offered complementary foods too early.


It is possible to prevent the occurrence of diathesis with the help of preventive measures that should be applied from the beginning of pregnancy and during the first year of the baby’s life:

  • While expecting a baby, the expectant mother is not recommended to overuse allergenic foods, such as eggs, nuts, fish, citrus fruits, berries, milk, chocolate and others. The same restrictions are appropriate for a nursing mother.
  • Support breast-feeding. Let breast milk be the only food for the baby until 6 months of age. If you have to switch your baby to formula, you should carefully select a food that will not cause allergies.
  • Watch out for household factors that can cause allergies - synthetic clothing, household chemicals, low-quality toys, frequent self-medication, excess dust, communication between the baby and a pet.
  • It is also important to adhere to the diet without overfeeding the baby. The introduction of complementary foods must be organized correctly, starting with hypoallergenic foods. It is important not to rush and not give the baby several new dishes at once, but to carefully monitor all the baby’s reactions to the new item on the menu.

For more information about diathesis, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

An important point in preventing the occurrence of diathesis is compliance with the regime even before the birth of the child. A pregnant woman should carefully monitor her diet and eliminate bad habits. Children at risk of developing diathesis are advised to breastfeed, which is recommended to be maintained for as long as possible.

An important factor in the prevention and remedy for diathesis is proper and rational nutrition of the expectant mother. She shouldn't overeat. At the same time, you should not limit yourself to healthy foods. As for allergenic foods (citrus fruits and chocolate), they should be reduced. Eating lean boiled meat along with vegetable salads and fermented milk products serves as the basis for the expectant mother’s diet.

When a child appears, you should approach the issue of his nutrition no less carefully. First of all, you will need to follow the recommendations of pediatricians regarding the choice of infant formula. It is equally important to limit the child’s consumption of foods that have not been cooked, as well as food that is not designed for his age.

If the child does get sick with diathesis, the symptoms of the disease will not return, provided that the parents carefully monitor and properly handle the food, and do not give the baby new foods that can trigger the return of the disease. The children's menu for diathesis should predominantly consist of vegetable casseroles, along with buckwheat porridge and salads. Strictly exclude fish, eggs, pork and jelly. It is equally important to do hardening, massage, and also daily walks.

To avoid both diathesis in an infant and its progression into complications, you must follow simple rules:

  • Continue breastfeeding for as long as possible;
  • Carefully approach the choice of infant formula;
  • Do not allow sudden changes in infant formula;
  • Complementary feeding should begin no earlier than six months of age;
  • Keep diapers clean, wash only with hypoallergenic products;
  • Select toys from materials that do not cause allergies.

To determine the correct tactics for treating diathesis in children, if symptoms of exudative-catarrhal diathesis occur, it is imperative to consult a specialist.

  • Child skin care (special creams, ointments);
  • Medicines;
  • Therapeutic baths with herbal natural remedies.
  • Hormonal ointments.

The latter are used only when absolutely necessary. They give a quick effect, but have many serious side effects.

How to treat diathesis in a child

You can eliminate the consequences of the disease in your baby first of all by removing from the diet the foods that, in your opinion, became the causes of the allergic reaction. The treatment is simultaneously accompanied by procedures for caring for damaged skin.

Since the types of this disease are different, only a doctor can prescribe the treatment necessary for each individual case:

  1. Treatment of weeping diathesis with special drying agents.
  2. Peeling is softened with hypoallergenic ointments.
  3. Drugs are prescribed that reduce itching, which also normalize the microflora, plus vitamins.
  4. In case of a complication that is accompanied by a bacterial infection, a special antibacterial ointment or antibiotic is prescribed.
  5. Use of antiseptic solutions.

a) skin restoration cream “La-Cri”; b) cream for the treatment of skin diseases "Bepanten"

The answer to the question “how to cure diathesis in a child” can only be given by a certified specialist, but no one forbids resorting to folk recipes; the main thing is to approach the question wisely and monitor the course of the disease together with a doctor. Baths with the addition of herbal decoctions of chamomile, string, oak bark, and calendula have proven effective.

Traditional medicine knows how to properly treat diathesis. Her natural strength, along with her wealth of experience, has effectively dealt with this disease for many centuries. What to apply and how to treat diathesis on a child’s cheeks? Let's look at the most popular recipes:

  • Treatment with herbal decoction. To prepare, you need to take 10 grams of walnut leaf, 20 grams of string, black currant leaves, yarrow herb and white damselfish. Also take 30 grams of birch leaves, strawberries and burdock root. The remaining two ingredients are 40 grams of violet and 60 grams of bearberry. Next, the herbs must be mixed and poured with 500 milligrams of hot water. It will take about eight hours to infuse the mixture, after which it needs to be strained. You need to take the finished product two tablespoons three times a day. This medicine for diathesis is absolutely safe for children, which is why it is widespread in folk medicine. In case of diathesis in newborns, therapy can begin with herbal compresses with the addition of a healing decoction.
  • Treatment in succession. To prepare such a compress, you need to take 20 grams of dry string, pour it with one glass of water, then bring the product to a boil and filter. The infusion is taken orally, a tablespoon three times a day. As for infants, it is better for them to use warm compresses. Sequential daily baths are also suitable. Another way to treat diathesis in a child?
  • Therapeutic baths with chicory root. To prepare such a bath, you need to take 50 grams of chicory root and grind it, then pour in a liter of hot water and leave to infuse for an hour. The mixture is then boiled for several minutes and then cooled. You need to add the strained broth to the bath during your child’s daily bathing. Chicory can be replaced with oak bark. Celandine with the addition of potassium permanganate is also suitable. Another way to treat diathesis?
  • You can apply viburnum lotions to the child’s cheeks, as well as use the decoction internally. To do this, you will need 15 grams of crushed bark, which will need to be poured with two glasses of boiling water. Next, the product is left to infuse for thirty minutes, after which it is filtered. The resulting infusion is brought to a volume of 200 milliliters and consumed a teaspoon three times a day after meals.

In the case of using certain herbal decoctions, therapy is best carried out under the supervision and control of a pediatrician, but at home. If a child has diathesis, every mother can treat this disease.

Treatment of a baby with atopic dermatitis or diathesis can only be comprehensive. The main treatment is prescribed by a doctor. On the part of the mother, a set of measures should be taken to care for a child with diathesis.

Mom's menu

The first thing a nursing mother does is review her menu. Cocoa, chocolate, smoked meats, poultry, tomatoes, and spices are excluded from food. Minimize eggs, milk. Increase your vegetable dishes, eat more fruits. If a mother tries a new product, she needs to monitor the baby’s skin reaction.

Child nutrition

Do not give your baby fish, eggs, wild strawberries, strawberries, tomatoes, oranges, tangerines. Limit salt. Increase foods with a lot of potassium in the diet: potatoes, dried apricots, raisins, prunes.

In children who are bottle-fed, milk is replaced with fermented milk mixtures. Add kefir, biolact, and yogurt to complementary foods.

When introducing new products to the menu, do not offer your baby more than 1 new dish. Watch the “reaction” on your baby’s skin.


The child is prescribed vitamins B, A, E, C. Give more freshly squeezed juices. Tomato, carrot, pumpkin, strawberry, and citrus juices should not be given for diathesis and dermatitis.

Local treatment

When a child has diathesis, traditional medicine recipes are used.

Cooled lotions with medicines, herbal infusions, and oils soothe the skin when itching.

Sea buckthorn oil and rosehip oil give a good effect. But first they should be boiled and strained.

Baths for atopic dermatitis are done daily. Because they provide the desired anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Good for relieving itchy baby's skin.

Clothes, underwear

You cannot use synthetic powders for washing children's clothes, diapers, and bed linen. Only special children's hypoallergenic powders and baby soap.

Choose clothes for your child from soft, natural fabrics. So that it allows moisture and air to pass through, the baby’s inflamed skin can breathe. Woolen and fleecy fabrics are also not used, as they can irritate the skin and cause itching.

You need to soften dry crusts with milk scabs using baby cream. The crusts are carefully removed from the scalp after lubrication with Vaseline oil. The child's head is covered with gauze, then with wax paper. Secure everything with a cap for two to three hours. Then, during evening bathing, the crusts are easily removed from the head when washed.

In this case, there are no wounds left. Avoid picking up dry scabs with your fingernail or any other object. By picking off the crust, you can cause an infection. Because after rough removal there will be a small wound and a drop of blood. The risk of complicated skin infection is very high.

Immunity in children with atopic dermatitis is reduced. Therefore, it is advisable to organize hardening of the baby. Carry out air baths, constantly ventilate the premises, take a walk every day, and do exercises with your child.

The specifics of treatment for the manifestations of diathesis are influenced by the degree of their severity and many other nuances, so it is important that the therapy is prescribed by a specialist. It may include both medications and traditional recipes, as well as correction of the baby’s diet and living conditions.

About what diathesis is, why this word is used only in our country and how to treat allergic diathesis, see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.


Children with diathesis may be prescribed:

  • Sorbents. Such drugs safely accelerate the removal of allergens from the baby’s body. Enterosgel is very popular among effective sorbents.
  • Antihistamines facilities. The baby is prescribed Zyrtec, Suprastin, Claritin, Tavegil and other medications of this group. Some of them have a sedative effect.
  • Immunomodulatory drugs. Such medications affect the baby’s immune system and have their own contraindications, so they should only be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Probiotics. They are indicated if, simultaneously with a rash on the child’s skin, manifestations of dysbacteriosis are noted.

Are ointments effective?

You can also use for local processing:

  • Lotions with furacillin. Dissolve 1/4-1/2 tablet in a glass of water, keep the lotions until the rash turns pale.
  • Lubricating with neutral oil or cream from a series of children's cosmetics.
  • Lotions with soda. Pour a teaspoon of soda into a glass of cool boiled water. Do not rub the baby’s skin, but simply apply the lotion to the areas of inflammation.

Folk remedies

The following recipes against manifestations of diathesis are popular among people:

  • Lubricate the rash with a paste containing equal amounts of fat sour cream, zinc ointment, egg white and medical tar. It is recommended to treat the baby's skin with this product twice or thrice a day. It is better to prepare new pasta every day - from fresh ingredients.
  • Give the baby a decoction made from bay leaves (10 leaves per liter of water) and rose hips (a teaspoon of fruit is crushed). After boiling bay leaves in water for three minutes, add rose hips, turn off and leave to infuse overnight. Give the strained broth a tablespoon to the baby three times daily for several months.
  • Apply lotions to areas of rashes and peeling using black tea.

It is most often recommended to bathe a child with the addition of a decoction of string. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over the dry herb, taken in the amount of three tablespoons, and after 30 minutes, strain and pour into the baby bath. In the same way, you can make baths with sage, chamomile flowers, valerian root, nettle leaves, and a mixture of these plants.


A diet excluding allergenic foods is prescribed to both a nursing mother and a baby who is already familiar with complementary feeding. You should remove sweets, honey, caviar, chocolate, eggs, seafood and other foods that can become an allergen from your diet.

All products are baked, boiled or steamed. Vegetables and cereals are soaked in cool water for 10 hours before cooking. Boil the meat for 20 minutes, then drain the water and cook the dish further. When purchasing products, you should carefully study their composition and avoid harmful substances.

How many days does it take?

How quickly the child’s condition improves depends on various factors, for example, the duration of the baby’s exposure to the allergen, the severity of the manifestations of diathesis, and the characteristics of the treatment prescribed for the baby. For some, the rash goes away in a few days, and for some babies, clearing of the skin is observed after at least two weeks.

Treatment of diathesis with eggshells

Treatment of diathesis involves not only the use of decoctions. An excellent remedy that will give good results can be eggshells. This recipe is absolutely harmless for the child.

So, in order to prepare a remedy based on the shell, take a fresh egg and boil it for five minutes. Next, the egg needs to be cleaned and the film removed from the inner surface of the shell. It is important to boil the shell itself again for a few minutes and then dry it, avoiding exposure to sunlight. After it dries, it is ground into a fine powder until it becomes powdery.

Using this recipe requires careful dosing. For example, from 6 months to a year they give it on the tip of a knife. From the age of one year, the dose can be doubled, and from five years old, half the shell can be given daily. Be sure to add a few drops of lemon before use. Wash down the lemon-egg powder with dill water, take it for one month, then take a break. If symptoms occur again, therapy will have to be repeated.

How else to treat diathesis in a child with folk remedies?

Baby care

  • Change your baby's underwear and bedding frequently.
  • Dress your toddler in clothes made from natural fabrics with a minimum of dyes.
  • Use neutral detergents to wash all of your baby's clothes.
  • Iron washed children's clothing on all sides.
  • After each bowel movement and each urination, clean the baby's skin.
  • Take a bath every day. In this case, the mother should not take a bath together with the toddler.
  • To care for your baby's skin, purchase cosmetics designed for children with sensitive skin.
  • Trim your baby's nails regularly.
  • Try to minimize allergens such as dust, animal hair, and aerosols.

Preparation of medicinal ointment

If you have childhood diathesis, treatment of the external integument can be performed using ointments prepared at home yourself. So, take zinc paste in equal parts along with fresh sour cream, medical tar and fresh egg white. Next, mix all this and gently lubricate the child’s damaged skin.

How to treat diathesis in a child at home is not an idle question.

Treatment with root vegetables

Treatment of adults whose symptoms are expressed in the form of allergic skin rashes will be effective only if they follow a diet and, in addition, exclude foods that are allergens.

  • For example, in this case, you can use herbal tea. To prepare it you need to take elecampane, yarrow and gentian. Next, you need to pour boiling water over it all and leave for half an hour. Take the product three times a day before meals, 100 grams.
  • Another effective remedy for treating this disease in adults is radish. Particularly effective in the fight against diathesis is black radish juice. Adults can take it one tablespoon up to three times a day. As for children, they need to increase the dose gradually. As a rule, they start with one drop, adding one more every day and bringing the dosage to a tablespoon.
  • Treatment through baths with potato mass helps perfectly with diathesis. To do this, you need to peel five medium potatoes. Next, they are rubbed and the whole mass is dipped into boiling water. Immediately after immersion, turn off the stove, mix the product and leave for fifteen minutes under a closed lid. The resulting product is filtered and added to a bath of water.

We looked at the symptoms, treatment and prevention of diathesis in children and adults.


They usually begin from the first days of a child’s life. They are observed in one form or another in the vast majority of newborns.

Symptoms – allergic reactions in the form of:

  • Rash on the face and buttocks;
  • Cracks;
  • Localization of the rash on the extremities at a later age;
  • Stomatitis;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Tendency to colds;
  • Excess body weight;
  • Loose or white skin.

Complications of exudative-catarrhal diathesis:

  • Allergic rhinitis;
  • Allergic bronchitis;
  • Bronchial asthma.


Main symptoms:

  • Enlargement of all groups of lymph nodes;
  • Immune system dysfunction;
  • Disturbances of the endocrine system;
  • Enlargement of the thymus gland;
  • Frequent diseases of infectious origin.

The child is lethargic, loses interest in everything around him, is absorbed in himself, and suffers from increased fatigue.

As a rule, this type of diathesis goes away on its own at six to seven years of age. It is necessary to protect the child from complications of infectious and viral diseases due to diathesis.

It is necessary to monitor the child's nutrition. The diet should include a sufficient amount of vitamins, amino acids, and microelements. Hardening and alternating cold and hot baths are recommended. Walking barefoot on grass and sand.


  • Increased excitability of the nervous system;
  • Night terrors;
  • Nervous tics;
  • Sudden mood swings;
  • Enuresis.

Not a symptom, but a feature of such children is their special mental development: they seem to be older than themselves, mentally more developed than their peers.

The main most well-known manifestation is frequently recurring acetonemic crises. They are manifested by frequently repeated vomiting and the smell of acetone from the mouth.