Presentation of the structure of the auditory analyzer. Presentation on biology - auditory analyzer. Main speech field

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“The greatest luxury on earth is the luxury of human communication” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

"Hearing analyzer. Hearing hygiene."

What would you like to know - what would you like to learn - why do you need it. What are your goals?

What is an analyzer? What does it consist of? What parts make up the visual analyzer? Questions

What is the importance of hearing in a person’s life?

The meaning of hearing: - hearing contributes to the aesthetic education of a person; - is a channel of communication; -participates in the transfer and accumulation of knowledge accumulated by humanity

Structure of the auditory analyzer Auditory receptor Conducting pathway Sensitive zone BSC

Ear structure

Structure and functions of the ear parts Assignment: Using the textbook Dragomilov A.G., Mash R.D. on pp. 203 -204 and using the flyleaf drawing from the textbook, fill out the table Parts of the ear Structure Functions

Structure and functions of the ear parts Parts of the ear Structure Functions External Auricle, external ear canal, ending with the eardrum Protection (secretion of sulfur) Capturing and conducting sounds Average Auditory ossicles: - malleus - incus - stirrup Eustachian tube Ossicles conduct and strengthen sound vibrations 50 times. Eustachian tube – equalizes pressure in the middle ear. Inner ear: vestibule (oval and round windows), cochlea Auditory receptors of the cochlea Convert sound signals into nerve impulses that go to the auditory zone of the cochlea

Sound waves

Hearing hygiene Cause Damage to the auditory nerve Formation of wax plug Strong sharp sounds (explosion) Constant loud noises Foreign bodies Pathogenic microorganisms Consequences Impaired transmission of impulses to the auditory zone CBP Impaired transmission of sound vibrations to the inner ear Rupture of the eardrum Reduced elasticity of the eardrum Swelling of the middle ear Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media)

The harmful effect of noise on hearing, the eardrum gradually loses its elasticity, and deafness develops; noise causes inhibition in the cells of the cerebral cortex; noise can cause a variety of physiological (increased heartbeat, increased blood pressure) and mental (decreased attention, nervousness) disorders;

Task A wristwatch is brought closer to the right ear of the subject, who is sitting with his eyes closed. The distance at which he heard the ticking of the clock is recorded. A similar experiment is carried out with the left ear. (A distance of 10-15 cm is considered normal.) After listening to loud music for 2 minutes, and then repeat the experiment. Compare the results obtained and explain them. Draw a conclusion. Laboratory work "The impact of noise on hearing acuity"

Checking primary assimilation Insert the missing words into the text: “Each ear consists of three sections: ……., ……., ……… The outer ear ends with ……. ……… In the middle ear there are … …. They transmit sound vibrations ... ... ... inner ear. The inner ear, unlike the previous sections, is filled with………. In the inner ear there is the vestibule, cochlea and ……….. The final analysis of sound stimulation occurs in the ………... zone of the cerebral cortex. A well-mannered person will not become loud…….. in public places.

Let's summarize: So, the hearing organ is designed to perceive sound stimuli. In the Bible in the “Parable of the Sower” there is such a phrase: “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear!” What is the meaning of this expression? - What is the role of the auditory analyzer (ears) in human communication? - What is meant by the concept of “hearing”? Do we always “hear” each other? What does it take for one person to hear another?

Let's summarize: - Have you realized all your goals set for the lesson?

Homework: Paragraph 54, pp. 80-82 of the textbook. Think! What measures can you suggest to reduce human exposure to noise? Ear care rules

Checking primary assimilation When conducting an experiment with a hydrogen explosion, it is recommended to open your mouth. Why?

Resources used: Dragomilov A.G., Mash R.D. Biology: Man: Textbook for 8th grade students of general education institutions. - 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2005. - 272 p.: ill. Illustrations: CD: Enlightenment Biology. Grade 9 Human Anatomy and Physiology/ Multimedia tutorial new sample. - M., Education-MEDIA, 2003

Inner ear (cochlea) The inner ear is a bony labyrinth (cochlea and semicircular canals), inside of which lies a membranous labyrinth, repeating its shape. The membranous labyrinth is filled with endolymph, the space between the membranous and bony labyrinth is filled with perilymph (perilymphatic space). Normally, a constant volume and electrolyte composition (potassium, sodium, chlorine, etc.) of each liquid is maintained

Organ of Corti The organ of Corti is the receptor part of the auditory analyzer, which converts the energy of sound vibrations into nervous stimulation. The organ of Corti is located on the basilar membrane in the cochlear canal of the inner ear, filled with endolymph. The organ of Corti consists of a number of internal and three rows of external sound-perceiving hair cells, from which fibers of the auditory nerve extend.

Vestibular apparatus The vestibular apparatus is an organ that perceives changes in the position of the head and body in space and the direction of body movement in vertebrates and humans; part of the inner ear. The vestibular apparatus is a complex receptor vestibular analyzer. The structural basis of the vestibular apparatus is a complex of accumulations of ciliated cells of the inner ear, endolymph, calcareous formations included in it - otoliths and jelly-like cupules in the ampoules of the semicircular canals.

Hearing pathologies Hearing impairment is complete (deafness) or partial (hard of hearing) reduction in the ability to detect and understand sounds. Hearing loss can affect any organism that can perceive sound. Sound waves vary in frequency and amplitude. Loss of the ability to detect some (or all) frequencies or the inability to distinguish low amplitude sounds is called hearing loss.

Defects: Loudness, Frequency Detection, Sound Recognition The minimum volume that an individual can perceive is called the hearing threshold. In the case of humans and some animals, this value can be measured using behavioral audiograms. A recording is made of sounds from the quietest to the loudest of various frequencies, which should cause a certain reaction of the person being tested. There are also electrophysiological tests that can be performed without studying behavioral responses.

An individual is said to have a hearing impairment if he or she has a deterioration in the perception of sounds that are normally perceived healthy person. In humans, the term “hearing impairment” is usually applied to those who have partially or completely lost the ability to distinguish sounds at the frequencies of human speech. The degree of disturbance is determined by how much louder it is compared to normal level the sound must become so that the listener begins to distinguish it. In cases of profound deafness, the listener cannot distinguish even the loudest sounds produced by an audiometer.

Classification of hearing impairments Conductive hearing loss is a hearing impairment in which it is difficult to conduct sound waves along the following paths: the outer ear, the eardrum, the auditory ossicles of the middle ear, the inner ear. “The sound-conducting apparatus includes the outer and middle ear, as well as the peri- and endolymphatic spaces of the inner ear, the basilar plate and the vestibular membrane of the cochlea.”

With conductive hearing loss, the sound wave is blocked before it reaches the sensory epithelial (hair) cells of the organ of Corti, which are connected to the endings of the auditory nerve. The same patient may have a combination of conductive (bass) and sensorineural hearing loss (mixed hearing loss). [Purely conductive hearing loss also occurs [

Sensorineural hearing loss (synonymous with sensorineural hearing loss) is hearing loss caused by damage to the structures of the inner ear, the vestibular-cochlear nerve (VIII), or the central parts of the auditory analyzer (in the brainstem and auditory cortex).

Sensorineural hearing loss occurs when the inner ear no longer processes sound normally. This is called for various reasons, the most common is damage to the hair cells of the cochlea due to loud sound and (or) age-related processes. When hair cells are insensitive, sounds are not transmitted normally to the auditory nerve in the brain. Sensorineural hearing loss accounts for 90% of all cases of hearing loss. Although sensorineural hearing loss is irreversible, you can avoid more harm by wearing earplugs during loud noises or listening to music at lower volumes.

Hearing replacement Treatment of hearing loss caused by changes in the sound-conducting apparatus is carried out quite successfully. When the sound-receiving apparatus is damaged, a complex of medications and physiotherapeutic agents is used. If these measures are insufficiently effective, hearing aid selection is used hearing aids, amplifying the sound. The suitability of the hearing aid is assessed after an adaptation period, during which the patient becomes accustomed to the unusual loudness of perceived speech and various extraneous noises.

Technical excellence of the equipment and correctness individual selection determine the effectiveness of hearing aids. Patients with sensorineural hearing loss are subject to dispensary observation, provision of maximum rehabilitation and, if possible, employment. The deaf community plays a major role in resolving these issues. After an examination of their ability to work, such patients are assigned to special enterprises or receive a recommendation to limit certain types of work activity.

Rehabilitation of children with hearing impairment In the process of rehabilitation, individual and group lessons, choral recitation with musical accompaniment are used. Subsequently, speech classes are conducted using amplifiers and hearing aids. This work is carried out in special kindergartens for children with hearing impairments, starting from 2-3 years of age. In the future, it continues in specialized schools.

In many cases, rehabilitation work is carried out by parents in conditions of natural speech communication. This invariably requires more labor and time, but often gives good results. But this work should be joint with teachers of the deaf and take place under their supervision, thus, the components of successful rehabilitation of the hearing impaired are as follows: Early detection of hearing impairment and early start of rehabilitation measures. Ensuring sufficient volume of speech signals. The intensity and systematic nature of auditory training, which forms the basis of the rehabilitation process.

The most valuable period for rehabilitation is the first three years of a child’s life. When hearing loss occurs in a person who can speak, speech disorders subsequently develop in the form of monotony and irregularity. In addition, the resulting hearing loss makes it difficult to communicate with others. To diagnose hearing loss in adults, there is a large number of methods and tests. An important goal of this study is to determine the cause of the developed hearing loss - damage to the sound-conducting or sound-perceiving system.

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Lesson topic: “Hearing analyzer”

The purpose of the lesson is to develop knowledge about the auditory analyzer and reveal the features of its structure and the rules of hearing hygiene.

Using the textbook (page 253), fill out the diagram. Auditory analyzer Auditory receptor Auditory nerve Auditory zone of the cerebral cortex (temporal lobes)

Hearing organ Outer ear Middle ear Inner ear

Using the textbook pp. 253-255, fill out the table Structure and function of the hearing organ Department of the ear Structure Functions Outer ear Middle ear Inner ear

Structure and function of the hearing organ Section of the ear Structure Functions External ear 1. Auricle. 2. External auditory canal. 3. Eardrum. 1. Captures sound and directs it into the ear canal. 2. Earwax – traps dust and microorganisms. 3. The eardrum converts airborne sound waves into mechanical vibrations.

Structure and function of the organ of hearing Department of the ear Structure Functions Middle ear 1. Auditory ossicles: – hammer – incus – stapes 2. Eustachian tube 1. Increase the force of vibration of the eardrum. 2. Connected to the nasopharynx and equalizes the pressure on the eardrum.

Structure and function of the hearing organ Section of the ear Structure Functions Inner ear 1. Hearing organ: cochlea with a cavity filled with fluid. 2. The organ of balance is the vestibular apparatus. 1. Fluctuations in the fluid cause irritation of the receptors of the spiral organ, and the resulting excitations enter the auditory zone of the cerebral cortex.

Using the video “Mechanism for the transmission of sound”, draw up a diagram of the passage of a sound wave

Diagram of the passage of a sound wave External auditory canal vibration of the eardrum vibration of the auditory ossicles vibration of the cochlear fluid movement of the auditory receptor auditory nerve brain (temporal lobes)

Using the textbook pp. 255-257, formulate the rules of hearing hygiene. Hearing hygiene 1. Wash your ears daily 2. It is not recommended to clean your ears with hard objects (matches, pins) 3. If you have a runny nose, clean the nasal passages one at a time 4. If your ears are sore, contact doctor 5. Protect ears from cold 6. Protect ears from loud noise

Ear structure

Homework §51, draw a picture. 106 p. 254, do the practice on p. 257.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

visual analyzer

This lesson is modeled on the technology of developing critical thinking. One of the main goals of technical thinking is to teach the student to think independently, comprehend and transmit information,...

Visual analyzer

Lessons with RVG are conducted using the RKMChP technology, which allows you to diversify the joint work of children and provide an individual-oriented approach to group work. Students...

Structure of the organ of hearing 1. Auditory receptors convert sound signals into nerve impulses that are transmitted to the auditory zone of the cerebral cortex. 2. Perceives the position of the body in space and transmits impulses to medulla, then to the vestibular zone of the cerebral cortex. 1 organ of hearing: cochlea with a cavity filled with fluid 2 organ of balance consists of three semicircular canals Inner ear Conducts and amplify sound vibrations. Connected to the nasopharynx and equalizes pressure on the eardrum. 1 auditory ossicles: - malleus, - incus, - stirrup; 2 Eustachian tube Middle ear Collects sound and directs it into the ear canal. Conducts sound and contains glands that secrete sulfur. Converts airborne sound waves into mechanical ones and vibrates the auditory ossicles. 1 Auricle 2 external auditory canal 3 tympanic membrane External ear Functions Structure Divisions of the hearing organ

Sound wave Eardrum Auditory ossicles Membrane of the oval window (inner ear) Fluid in the cochlea Main membrane Receptor cells with hairs Integumentary membrane Nerve impulse Brain The passage of a sound wave vibrates the stapes vibrates touch arises transmitted

Completed by Plotnikova Anastasia ML 502

Slide 2: Features of the visual analyzer

Slide 3: Visual analyzer

1. Diameter eyeball for a newborn – 17.3 mm (in an adult – 24.3 mm) From this it follows that the rays of light coming from distant objects converge BEHIND the retina, that is, physiological farsightedness is characteristic of newborns. Up to 2 years, the eyeball is 40% smaller, by 5 years – by 70% and by 12-14 years reaches the size of an adult’s eyeball

Slide 4: Visual analyzer

2. The visual analyzer is immature at the time of birth. Retinal development ends only by the 12th month and myelination optic nerves completes at 3-4 months Maturation of the cortical analyzer is completed only at 7 years of age Characteristic is underdevelopment of the iris muscle, which is why the pupils of a newborn are narrow

Slide 5: Visual analyzer

3. in the first days of life, a newborn’s eyes move uncoordinated (up to 2-3 weeks). Visual concentration appears only by 3-4 weeks after birth and the duration of the reaction is 1-2 minutes max

Slide 6: Visual analyzer

4. A newborn does not distinguish colors due to the immaturity of the cones of the retina, moreover, their number is much smaller than the rods. Differentiation of colors begins at about 5-6 months, but conscious perception of color occurs only at 2-3 years. By 3 years, the child distinguishes the ratio of brightness colors. The ability to distinguish colors increases significantly by the age of 10-12 years.

Slide 7: Visual analyzer

5. Children have a very elastic lens, it is capable of changing its curvature to a greater extent than in adults. But from the age of 10, the elasticity of the lens decreases, and the volume of accommodation also decreases. With age, the nearest point of clear vision “moves back” - at 10 years it is 7 away cm, at 15 by 8, etc. 6. by 6-7 years it is formed binocular vision

Slide 8: Visual analyzer

7. Visual acuity in newborns is very low. By 6 months – 0.1; at 12 months – 0.2; at 5-6 years old – 0.8-1.0; in adolescents, visual acuity is about 0.9-1.0 8. Visual fields in newborns are much narrower than in adults, expanding by 6-8 years, but this process finally ends at 20 years 9. Spatial vision in a child is formed by 3 months . 10. Three-dimensional vision is formed from 5 months to 5-6 years

Slide 9: Visual analyzer

11. Stereoscopic perception of space begins to develop by 6-9 months. Most children by the age of 6 have developed the acuity of visual perception and all parts of the visual analyzer are fully differentiated. Due to the “sphericity” and shortening of the anterior-posterior axis of the eye, children under 7 years of age are observed farsightedness. By the age of 7-12, it is gradually replaced by normal vision, but 30-40% of children develop myopia


Slide 10: Features of the hearing analyzer


Slide 11: Hearing analyzer

The formation of the cochlea occurs at the 12th week of intrauterine development, and at the 20th week myelination of the fibers of the cochlear nerve begins in the lower (main) curl of the cochlea. Myelination in the middle and superior curls of the cochlea begins much later.


Slide 12: Hearing analyzer

Subcortical structures related to the auditory analyzer mature earlier than its cortical section. Their qualitative development ends in the 3rd month after birth. The cortical fields of the auditory analyzer approach the adult state by the age of 5-7 years.


Slide 13: Hearing analyzer

The auditory analyzer begins to function immediately after birth. The first reactions to sound are in the nature of orienting reflexes, carried out at the level of subcortical formations. They are observed even in premature babies and are manifested in closing the eyes, opening the mouth, shuddering, decreasing the respiratory rate, pulse, and in various facial movements. Sounds of the same intensity, but different in timbre and pitch, cause different reactions, which indicates the ability of a newborn child to distinguish them.


Slide 14: Hearing analyzer

The approximate reaction to sound appears in infants in the first month of life and from 2–3 months takes on a dominant character. Conditioned food and defensive reflexes to sound stimulation are developed from 3-5 weeks of a child’s life, but their strengthening is possible only from 2 months. Differentiation of different sounds clearly improves from 2–3 months. At 6–7 months, children differentiate tones that differ from the original by 1–2 and even 3–4.5 musical tones.


Slide 15: Hearing analyzer

The functional development of the auditory analyzer continues up to 6–7 years, which is manifested in the formation of subtle differentiations to speech stimuli and changes in the hearing threshold. The hearing threshold decreases, hearing acuity increases by the age of 14–19, then they gradually change in the opposite direction. The sensitivity of the auditory analyzer to different frequencies also changes. From birth, he is “tuned” to the perception of the sounds of the human voice, and in the first months - high, quiet, with special affectionate intonations, called “baby talk”, this is the voice with which most mothers instinctively talk to their babies.


Slide 16: Hearing analyzer

From 9 months of age, a child can distinguish the voices of people close to him, the frequencies of various noises and sounds Everyday life, prosodic means of language (pitch, length, brevity, different volumes, rhythm and stress), listens if someone speaks to him. A further increase in sensitivity to the frequency characteristics of sounds occurs simultaneously with the differentiation of phonemic and musical hearing, becomes maximum by 5–7 years and largely depends on training.


Slide 17: Features of the olfactory analyzer


Slide 18: Olfactory analyzer

The peripheral section of the olfactory analyzer begins to form in the 2nd month of intrauterine development, and by 8 months it is already fully structurally formed. From the first days of birth, reactions to odor irritations are possible. They are expressed in the occurrence of various facial movements, general body movements, changes in heart function, respiratory rate, etc. About half of premature and 4/5 full-term children smell, but their olfactory sensitivity is approximately 10 times less than that of adults, and they do not distinguish between unpleasant and pleasant odors. Smell discrimination appears at 2–3 months of life. Conditioned reflexes to olfactory stimuli are developed from 2 months of postnatal development.


Slide 19: Features of the taste analyzer


Slide 20: Taste analyzer

The peripheral part of the taste analyzer begins to form at the 3rd month of intrauterine life. By the time of birth, it is already fully formed, and in the postnatal period, only the nature of the distribution of receptors mainly changes. In the first years of life in children, most receptors are distributed mainly on the back of the tongue, and in subsequent years - along its edges. In newborn children, an unconditional reflex reaction to all main types of flavoring substances is possible. Thus, when exposed to sweet substances, sucking and facial movements occur, characteristic of positive emotions. Bitter, salty and sour substances cause the eyes to close and the face to wrinkle.


Slide 21: Taste analyzer

The sensitivity of the taste analyzer in children is less than in adults. This is evidenced by a greater latency period than in adults for the onset of a reaction to a taste stimulus and a high threshold of irritation. Only by the age of 10 does the duration of the latent period under the influence of taste stimulation become the same as in adults. By the age of 6, irritation thresholds characteristic of adults are established. Conditioned reflexes to the action of taste stimuli can be developed at 2 months of life. At the end of the 2nd month, differentiation of taste stimuli is developed. The discriminative ability of children is already quite high at 4 months of age. From 2 to 6 years of age, taste sensitivity increases; in schoolchildren it differs little from adults


Slide 22: Features of the skin analyzer


Slide 23: Skin analyzer

At the 8th week of intrauterine development, bundles of unmyelinated nerve fibers are detected in the skin, which terminate freely in it. At this time, a motor reaction to touching the skin in the mouth area appears. At the 3rd month of development, lamellar body type receptors appear. In different areas of the skin, nerve elements appear non-simultaneously: first of all in the skin of the lips, then in the pads of the fingers and toes, then in the skin of the forehead, cheeks, and nose. In the skin of the neck, chest, nipple, shoulder, forearm, and armpit, receptor formation occurs simultaneously.


Slide 24: Skin analyzer

Early development receptor formations in the skin of the lips ensure the occurrence of the sucking act under the influence of tactile stimulation. At the 6th month of development, the sucking reflex is dominant in relation to the various fetal movements occurring at this time. It entails the occurrence of various facial movements. In a newborn, the skin is abundantly supplied with receptor formations, and the nature of their distribution over its surface is the same as in an adult.


Slide 25: Skin analyzer

In newborns and infants, the skin around the mouth, eyes, forehead, palms of the hands and soles of the feet is most sensitive to touch. The skin of the forearm and lower leg is less sensitive, and the skin of the shoulders, abdomen, back and thighs is even less sensitive. This corresponds to the degree of tactile sensitivity of the skin of adults.


Slide 26: Skin analyzer

A very intense increase in encapsulated receptors occurs in the first years after birth. At the same time, their number increases especially strongly in areas subject to pressure. Thus, with the beginning of the act of walking, the number of receptors on the plantar surface of the foot increases. On palmar surface in the hand and fingers, the number of polyaxon receptors increases, which are characterized by the fact that many fibers grow into one flask. In this case, one receptor formation transmits information to the central nervous system along many afferent pathways and, therefore, has a large area of ​​​​representation in the cortex.


Slide 27: Skin analyzer

This explains the increase in the number of such receptors in the skin of the palmar surface of the hand during ontogenesis: with age, the hand becomes increasingly important in a person’s life. Therefore, the role of its receptor formations in the analysis and assessment of objects in the surrounding world, in the assessment of the movements being performed, is increasing. Only by the end of the first year do all receptor formations of the skin become very similar to those in adults. Over the years, the excitability of tactile receptors increases, especially from 8 to 10 years of age and in adolescents, and reaches a maximum by 17 to 27 years of age. During life, temporary connections are formed between the zone of skin-muscular sensitivity and other perceptive zones, which clarifies the localization of skin irritations.


Slide 28: Skin analyzer

Newborns react to cold and heat over a much longer period than adults. They react more strongly to cold than to heat. The skin on the face is the most sensitive to heat. There is a sensation of pain in newborns, but without precise localization. For damaging skin irritations that cause in adults painful sensations, for example, to a pin prick, newborns react with movements already on the 1st - 2nd day after birth, but weakly and after a long latent period. The skin of the face is most sensitive to painful stimuli, since the latent period of the motor reaction is approximately the same as in adults.


Slide 29: Skin analyzer

Newborn reaction to action electric current significantly weaker than in older children. Moreover, they react only to a current strength that is unbearable for adults, which is explained by the underdevelopment of centripetal pathways and the high resistance of the skin. Localization of pain caused by irritation of interoreceptors is absent even in children 2–3 years old. There is no exact localization of all skin irritations in the first months or first year of life. By the end of the first year of life, children easily distinguish between mechanical and thermal irritations of the skin.


Last presentation slide: Anatomical and physiological features of analyzers in children