Presentation for the lesson Battle of Stalingrad. Presentation on the topic "Battle for Stalingrad". Signalman Matvey Putilov

July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943
Department of Military Patriotic
and civic education CDT "Shield"

By its scale
and bitterness
she surpassed everything
past battles: on
territory almost
one hundred thousand square
fought more than two
million people.
total losses
both sides in this
battle exceed
2 million people.

July 14, 1942
The Stalingrad region was
declared a state of siege.
July 17, 1942
Day of the beginning of Stalingrad

The goal of the German command:
military products. This idea
Hitler plans to implement by force
one 6th Field Army of Paulus in total
per week - by July 25, 1942

12th day of battle...

People's Commissar of Defense I.V. Stalin.
Hitler to his armies:
“Right away from the south to take possession
city, taking in pincers
troops of Stalingrad
Order No. 227: “...Retreat
further means ruin
yourself and the Motherland...From now on
iron law -
NOT A STEP BACK!”Stalingrad Front
12 divisions –
160 000
6th Field German
14 divisions 270,000 people
2,200 guns and
400 tanks
454 aircraft
3,000 guns and
500 tanks
1,200 aircraft

August 23, 1942 at 16 hours 18 minutes by forces
German 4th air fleet started
massive bombing of Stalingrad. IN
2 thousand were produced during the day
aircraft departures. The city was destroyed by
90%, more than 40 thousand died on this day

Stalingrad was defended by two armies:

64th under the command of M.S.
SHUMILOV Mikhail Stepanovich
(1895-1975) Colonel General
Hero of the Soviet Union
62nd under the command of V.I.
Vasily Ivanovich
Marshal of the Soviet Union,
twice Hero of the Soviet

From the memoirs of Marshal V.I. Chuikov
(commander of the 62nd Army):
“Columns of infantry in vehicles and tanks burst into the city.
Apparently, the Nazis believed that his fate was decided, and
each of them sought to reach the Volga as soon as possible,
city ​​center and profit from trophies there...Invaders
died in hundreds, but fresh
the waves of reserves are increasing
the streets were flooded. Our units also suffered heavy losses
in manpower and equipment and retreated. When I say "parts
suffered heavy losses and retreated,” this does not mean that people
retreated on orders, in an organized manner, from one line
defense to the other. This means that our fighters (not even
units) crawled out from under German tanks, more often
all wounded, to the next line, where they were received,
united into units, supplied mainly
ammunition and were thrown into battle again..."


Battle on
Mamayev Kurgan
had an important
meaning: with it
tops good
looked through and
was shot through
crossings through
Hitlerites 10-12
stormed once a day
him, but losing people and
technology, but not
were able to capture all
the territory of the mound.

The battles for Mamayev Kurgan lasted 135 days
In the area of ​​Mamayev Kurgan, February 2, 1943
The Battle of Stalingrad ended.

The Battle of Stalingrad showed examples of mass heroism, in which the best qualities of patriotic soldiers were clearly demonstrated - from soldier to marshal

The Battle of Stalingrad provided examples of mass
heroism, in which they clearly manifested themselves best qualities
patriotic warriors - from soldier to marshal
Killed more than 300 Nazis
Vasily Grigorievich Zaitsev in
street fights. Many fighters
taught the art of sniper.
Many times he had to
engage in combat with
Hitler's snipers, and
every time he came out
winner. But especially
glorified Zaitsev sniper
duel with the boss
Berlin sniper school
Major Koenings,
sent to Stalingrad with
special task
activate sniper
movement in German troops.
For his well-aimed fire
Stalingrad was assigned
title of Hero of the Soviet Union.


When on Mamayev Kurgan at the most
the tense moment of the battle has ceased
communications, private signalman of the 308th Infantry
Division Matvey Putilov went
repair the wire break. At
restoring a damaged communication line,
Both his hands were crushed by mortar fragments.
Losing consciousness, he clenched his teeth tightly
ends of the wire. Communication was restored.
For this feat, Matvey was posthumously
awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II
degrees. His communication coil was transmitted
the best signalmen of the 308th division.

In Volgograd at the intersection of the avenue
Metallurgov and Tarashantsev street is located
monument to Mikhail Panikakha.

From the report of the commander of the 6th Army
General Paulus, November 22, 1942 about
surrounded by Soviet troops
near Stalingrad:
“The army is surrounded... Fuel supplies are coming soon
tanks and heavy weapons will run out in this case
will be motionless. Ammunition situation
critical. There will be enough food for 6 days...
Please give me freedom of action in case
unable to create a circle
The situation may then force
Stalingrad and the northern sector of the front, to
unleash blows on the enemy with all your might
the southern sector of the front between the Don and Volga and
join here with the 4th Tank Army..."

Commander of the 6th
German army
General Paulus

On February 2, 1943 at 16:00 the historical Battle of Stalingrad ended

Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad over one of the strongest
armies of the world - the Nazi German - was given to the Red
Armies at a high price.
The total losses of the Red Army in the Battle of Stalingrad
amounted to 1 million 130 thousand soldiers and officers, including
irretrievable losses - about 480 thousand people, 4341
tank, 15,728 guns and mortars, 2,769 aircraft.
It was an outstanding victory for Soviet weapons.
At Stalingrad, 24 generals were captured, led by
Field Marshal General F. Paulus

The soldiers of the Red Army showed massive heroism, courage and high military skill

During the battle
many foreign
newspapers wrote that
only Motherland
October could
raise such
heroes like

Medal "For Defense"
awarded more than
707 thousand
participants in the battle.
Orders and medals
17550 warriors and
373 militia. During the harsh days of the battle on the Volga
Soviet troops retained and
multiplied the best traditions
Russian army. And such
values ​​such as love for the Motherland, honor and
military duty, unbending will to
victory, tenacity in defense, firm
decisiveness to attack,
selfless courage and bravery,
military brotherhood of our peoples
countries have become sacred to
defenders of Stalingrad...

The idea of ​​​​building a majestic hero city
monument, in memory of the great battle, arose
almost immediately after the end of the battle. This is the most
a large monument dedicated to the events of the Second
World War, of all those built anywhere in the world.
the foot to the top of the hill is 1.5 km, all
The structures are made of reinforced concrete.

The monument-ensemble includes several
levels: introductory part, composition “Stand
to death", Ruin Walls, Heroes Square, Hall
Military Glory, Sorrow Square, sculpture
“The Motherland is calling!”

Hall of Military Fame

"Stand to the death", "Nor
a step back,” is
was the order of the Motherland.
Execute it was
incredibly difficult.
It is no coincidence that the author
depicted a soldier with
naked torso,
to convey what
huge physical
it was worth the stress
defense of Stalingrad.
Every muscle
tense to the limit. A
is that just
Look closely at his face.
This is the face of a man
who watches death
in the eyes, but he doesn't
will retreat, will not retreat.

Sculpture “Motherland!” is the compositional center of the entire ensemble.

This is the woman who
stands in a pose of calling for
fight, rapidly
stepped forward with
raised sword. Head
the statue is
Motherland calling its own
sons to fight the enemy.
In an artistic sense
the statue represents
is modern
interpretation of the image
ancient goddess of victory
Nicky who calls
their sons and daughters
repel the enemy
continue further

Artistic panorama “The defeat of Nazi troops at Stalingrad”

Artistic panorama “The defeat of the Nazi troops at Stalingrad”
housed in a specially built
a building with a round shape.

On February 4, 1943, in a wounded city, disfigured beyond recognition by the tornado of war, a meeting of many thousands of defenders and residents of the Stalin took place.

February 4, 1943, wounded,
disfigured beyond recognition by a tornado
thousands of people took part in the war in the city
meeting of defenders and residents of Stalingrad.
After liberation, the city was in complete ruins.
The scale of destruction was so great that
suggestions were made to restore the city
in another place, and leave the ruins as a reminder
descendants about the horrors of war. But still it was decided
rebuild the city practically from scratch. There were no dwellings
transport did not work, factories were destroyed, the ground
was stuffed with unexploded mines, bombs and
shells (which are still found to this day). But all
a huge country came to the aid of the heroic
Stalingrad has been revived!

"Hero City"

November 10, 1961
Presidium of the Supreme
Council of the RSFSR
rename the city
Stalingrad to the city
May 8, 1965 Presidium
Supreme Soviet of the USSR
issued a decree on
approval of the Regulations
about the honorary title, in
same day with delivery
Order of Lenin and medals
"Golden Star" it
was assigned to the city
The order of Lenin

Battle of Stalingrad. The Battle of Stalingrad was a battle between the troops of the USSR, on the one hand, and the troops of Nazi Germany, Romania, Italy and Hungary during the Great Patriotic War. The battle was one of the most important events of World War II. The battle included the Wehrmacht's attempt to capture the left bank of the Volga in the area of ​​Stalingrad (modern Volgograd) and the city itself, a standoff in the city, and a Red Army counteroffensive (Operation Uranus), which brought the Wehrmacht's 6th Army and other German allied forces inside and around the city they were surrounded and partly destroyed, partly captured. According to rough estimates, the total losses of both sides in this battle exceed two million people. The Axis powers lost a large number of men and weapons and were subsequently unable to fully recover from the defeat.

Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky (September 16 (30), 1895) December 5, 1977) an outstanding Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1943). During the Great Patriotic War, A. M. Vasilevsky, as Chief of the General Staff (), took an active part in the development and implementation of almost all major operations in the Soviet-German front. From February 1945, he commanded the 3rd Belorussian Front and led the assault on Königsberg. In 1945, the commander-in-chief of the Soviet troops at Far East in the war with Japan. One of the greatest commanders of World War II. In the years Minister of the Armed Forces and Minister of War of the USSR. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, 1945), holder of two Orders of Victory (1944, 1945).

Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich (Ksaverevich) Rokossovsky (Polish: Konstanty Rokossowski, December 20, August 1968) an outstanding Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1944), Marshal of Poland (November 5, 1949). Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, 1945).

Andrey Ivanovich Eremenko Andrey Ivanovich Eremenko (October 14, 1892, Markovka village, now Lugansk region November 19, 1970, Moscow) Marshal of the Soviet Union (1955), Hero of the Soviet Union (1944), member of the CPSU Central Committee. In the Soviet Army since 1918. One of the most prominent commanders of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War in general.

Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov (February 12, March 1982) Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1955), during the Great Patriotic War, commander of the 62nd Army, which particularly distinguished itself in the Battle of Stalingrad. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, 1945).

Erich von Manstein Erich von Manstein (German: Erich von Manstein) (November 24, 1887, Berlin June 10, 1973) German field marshal, participant in the First and Second World Wars. Played a decisive role in the capture of Poland in 1939. He put forward the basic idea of ​​the plan for the invasion of France. In 1944 he was dismissed for constant disagreements with Hitler. A war criminal, after the end of the war he was sentenced by a British tribunal to 18 years in prison for “insufficient attention to the protection of civilian life” and the use of scorched earth tactics. Released in 1953 due to health reasons. He worked as a military adviser to the West German government.

Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst Paulus Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst Paulus (German Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst Paulus; September 23, 1890, Breitenau, Hesse-Nassau February 1, 1957, Dresden) German military leader (since 1943 Field Marshal General) and commander of the 6th Army, which was surrounded and capitulated at Stalingrad. The author of the plan is Barbarossa.

The forces of the parties at the beginning of the operation were 187 thousand people 2.2 thousand guns and mortars 400 tanks 454 aircraft (+200 self-propelled guns and 60 self-air defense) As of November 19, 1942 ground forces 780 thousand people Total 1.14 million people at the beginning of the operation 270 thousand people 3 thousand guns and mortars 500 tanks 1200 aircraft As of November 19, 1942 There are 807 thousand people in the ground forces Total > 1 million people. 1 million people.">

Alignment of forces in the Stalingrad defensive operation Stalingrad Front (commander S.K. Timoshenko, from July 23 V.N. Gordov). It included the 62nd, 63rd, 64th, 21st, 28th, 38th and 57th combined arms armies, the 8th Air Army and the Volga Military Flotilla of 12 divisions, which numbered 160 thousand ... people, guns and mortars, about 400 tanks, 454 aircraft, long-range bombers and 60 air defense fighters of Army Group B. The 6th Army (commander F. Paulus) was allocated for the attack on Stalingrad. It included 13 divisions, which numbered about 270 thousand people, 3 thousand guns and mortars and about 500 tanks. The army was supported by the 4th Air Fleet, which had up to 1,200 aircraft.

Preparations for the counteroffensive The Don Front was formed on September 30, 1942. It included: 1st Guards, 21st, 24th, 63rd and 66th Armies, 4th Tank Army, 16th Air Army. Lieutenant General K.K. Rokossovsky, who took command, actively began to fulfill the “old dream” of the right flank of the Stalingrad Front to encircle the German 14th Tank Corps and connect with units of the 62nd Army. Having taken command, Rokossovsky caught the newly formed front on the offensive, following the order of the Headquarters; on September 30 at 5:00, after artillery preparation, units of the 1st Guards, 24th and 65th armies went on the offensive. Heavy fighting raged for two days. But, as noted in the TsAMO document f 206, parts of the armies did not advance, and moreover, as a result of German counterattacks, several heights were abandoned. By October 2, the offensive had run out of steam.

Alignment of forces in Operation Uranus Southwestern Front (commander N.F. Vatutin). It included the 21st, 5th Tank, 1st Guards, 17th and 2nd Air Armies of the Southwestern Front (commander N.F. Vatutin). It included the 21st, 5th Tank, 1st Guards, 17th and 2nd Air Armies of the Don Front (commander K.K. Rokossovsky). It included the 65th, 24th, 66th Armies, the 16th Air Army, Don Front (commander K.K. Rokossovsky). It included the 65th, 24th, 66th Armies, 16th Air Army, Stalingrad Front (commander A.I. Eremenko). It included the 62nd, 64th, 57th, 8th Air Force, 51st Armies of the Stalingrad Front (commander A.I. Eremenko). It included the 62nd, 64th, 57th, 8th Air Force, 51st Army, Army Group B (commander M. Weichs). It included the 6th Army, commanded by Panzer General Friedrich Paulus, the 2nd Army, commanded by Infantry General Hans von Salmuth, the 4th Panzer Army, commanded by Colonel General Hermann Hoth, the 8th Italian Army, commanded by Army General Italo Gariboldi, 2nd Hungarian Army commander Colonel General Gustav Jani, 3rd Romanian Army commander Colonel General Petre Dumitrescu, 4th Romanian Army commander Colonel General Constantin Constantinescu Army Group “Don” (commander E. Manstein). It included the 6th Army, the 3rd Romanian Army, the Hoth Army Group, and the Hollidt Task Force. Two Finnish volunteer units

Fighting During Operations Uranus and Ring On November 19, 1942, the Red Army began its offensive as part of Operation Uranus. On November 23, in the Kalach area, an encirclement ring closed around the 6th Army of the Wehrmacht. It was not possible to completely implement the Uranus plan, since it was not possible to split the 6th Army into two parts from the very beginning (with the attack of the 24th Army between the Volga and Don rivers). Attempts to liquidate those surrounded on the move under these conditions also failed, despite the significant superiority in forces, the superior tactical training of the Germans was reflected. However, the 6th Army was isolated and its fuel, ammunition and food supplies were progressively dwindling, despite attempts to supply it by air by the 4th Air Fleet under the command of Wolfram von Richthofen.

Battle results Victory Soviet troops The Battle of Stalingrad is the largest military-political event during the Second World War. The Great Battle, which ended in the encirclement, defeat and capture of a selected enemy group, made a huge contribution to achieving a radical turning point during the Great Patriotic War and had a decisive influence on the further course of the entire Second World War... As a result of the battle, the Red Army firmly took control of the strategic initiative and now dictated to the enemy your will. The outcome of the Battle of Stalingrad caused confusion and confusion in the Axis countries. A crisis began in the pro-fascist regimes in Italy, Romania, Hungary, and Slovakia. Germany's influence on its allies sharply weakened, and disagreements between them noticeably worsened.

Heroes of the Soviet Union Vasily Grigorievich Zaitsev (March 23, 1915, Eleninka village, Chelyabinsk region December 15, 1991, Kyiv) sniper of the 62nd Army of the Stalingrad Front, Hero of the Soviet Union. During the Battle of Stalingrad between November 10 and December 17, 1942, he eliminated 225 soldiers and officers of the German army and their allies, including 11 snipers.

Heroes of the Soviet Union Yakov Fedotovich Pavlov (October 4 (17), 1917) September 28, 1981), Hero of the Soviet Union, hero of the Battle of Stalingrad, commander of a group of fighters who defended the so-called in the fall of 1942. Pavlov's house in the center of Stalingrad. This house and its defenders became a symbol of the heroic defense of the city on the Volga.

Heroes of the Soviet Union Ruben Ruiz Ibárruri (Spanish: Rubén Ruiz Ibárruri) (January 9, August 1942) Hero of the Soviet Union, machine gun company commander, captain.

Awards On the front side of the medal is a group of soldiers with rifles at the ready. Above a group of fighters, with right side medals, a banner flutters, and on the left side you can see the outlines of tanks and planes flying one after another. At the top of the medal, above the group of fighters, there is a five-pointed star and the inscription along the edge of the medal “FOR THE DEFENSE OF STALINGRAD.” On the reverse side of the medal is the inscription “FOR OUR SOVIET MOTHERLAND.” Above the inscription are a hammer and sickle. As of January 1, 1995, approximately one person has been awarded the medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad.” In the photo: Medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad”

Nothing is forgotten, No one is forgotten In the photo: Mamaev Kurgan Mamaev Kurgan is located in the Central region of the city of Volgograd, where fierce battles took place during the Battle of Stalingrad (especially in September 1942 and January 1943) lasting 200 days.

Nothing is forgotten, No one is forgotten Mamayev Kurgan is located in the Central region of the city of Volgograd, where fierce battles took place during the Battle of Stalingrad (especially in September 1942 and January 1943) lasting 200 days. In the photo: Eternal Flame

Nothing is forgotten, No one is forgotten Poplar on the Alley of Heroes is a historical and natural monument of Volgograd. Located in the Central District on the Alley of Heroes next to the Eternal Flame and the monument to Ruben Ibarruri. Poplar, a survivor at the center of the Battle of Stalingrad, is a living witness of history. It has numerous evidence of military operations on its trunk. In the photo: Poplar on the Alley of Heroes Topic of work: Battle of Stalingrad Information about the author: Shuyanov Stanislav Viktorovich, 8th grade student Information about the leaders: Orekhova Faina Konstantinovna, Malkova Irina Aleksandrovna Name educational institution: Municipal Borodino secondary school Address of educational institution: Ivanovo region, Gavrilovo-Posad district, village. Borodino, Municipal Borodino Secondary School

The Battle of Stalingrad is the beginning of a radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War

completed by history teacher Strelnikova I.L.

12th day of battle...

Hitler to his armies: “Right away from the south, capture the city, taking the troops of the Stalingrad Front in pincers.”

People's Commissar of Defense I.V. Stalin. Order No. 227: “...To retreat further means to ruin oneself and the Motherland... From now on, the iron law is


Assault on Stalingrad

Trying to capture the city on the move, the fascist hordes rushed all the aircraft of the 4th Air Fleet to Stalingrad.

On August 23, the enemy launched the first bomb attack of colossal force on the city. Within a few hours, entire neighborhoods were reduced to rubble.

The fate of the army and the people is in his hands

On August 25, 1942, by order of the Military Council of the front, Stalingrad was declared under a state of siege. To provide practical assistance to the fronts in the Stalingrad area, Headquarters sends a general

G.K. Zhukov, appointed on August 27 to the post of Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief .

Battle for Mamayev Kurgan

For one hundred and forty days and nights the fierce battle on Mamayev Kurgan did not subside.

In the reports of the Sovinformburo, the mound was called “102.0” in height. From its top there is a panoramic view of the city, a large section of the Volga, and Trans-Volga forests, where the rear of the Soviet troops were located at that time.

The feat of soldiers in defending Pavlov's house

The feat of the soldiers who defended the four-story house on January 9 Square from the fierce attacks of the Nazis is known throughout the world.

For 58 days and nights, 24 warriors heroically defended the house.

58 days of continuous fighting, without sleep or rest. And on the 59th day - November 24 - the garrison went on the offensive and threw the enemy behind the railway track

Pavlov's House

Soviet counteroffensive at Stalingrad

On the morning of November 19, the troops of the Southwestern and Don Fronts with a combined powerful blow broke through the defenses of the German army.

On November 23, the advanced tank units of the Stalingrad Front entered the area of ​​the Sovetsky farm, where they met with units of the Southwestern Front, closing the encirclement of the enemy’s Stalingrad group.

Surrender of Paulus's army Operation Ring

On January 8, 1943, the commander of the German troops, Colonel General Paulus, was presented with an ultimatum for immediate and unconditional surrender. On January 10, 1943, the troops of the Don Front under the command of Lieutenant General K.K. Rokossovsky launched a general offensive with the goal of completely eliminating the encircled enemy.

The commander of the Don Front, Colonel General K.K. Rokossovsky and the representative of the Supreme High Command, Marshal of Artillery N.N. Voronov, interrogate Field Marshal Paulus.

Captured F. Paulus - commander-in-chief of the German troops at Stalingrad

The enemy group was forced to surrender

Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad over one of the strongest armies in the world - the Nazi German - came at a high price for the Red Army.

The total losses of the Red Army in the Battle of Stalingrad were 1 million 130 thousand soldiers and officers , including irrecoverable losses - about 480 thousand people , 4341 tank , 15,728 guns and mortars , 2,769 aircraft .

It was an outstanding victory for Soviet weapons.

At Stalingrad, 24 generals were captured, led by

Field Marshal General F. Paulus

Remember forever, That in battles every minute, Yes, literally every minute Ten people died.

And, kneading fate coolly, To love, fight and dream, How was the minute paid? Every minute Dare we forget this?! (E. Asadov )

The medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad" was awarded to more than

707 thousand participants in the battle .

Received orders and medals

17550 warriors and 373 militia .

Everlasting memory!

We must not forget at what cost our victory was achieved, at what price peace was preserved. Our generation should take an example from those still alive, and honor those who have already left us heroes of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. They gave us all a future. And without knowledge of your past, there will never be a future. Everlasting memory to the heroes of the Second World War! This is the least we can do for them! Remember

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Slide 12

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Presentation slides

Slide 1

The Battle of Stalingrad is the beginning of a radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War

“This is where we will learn, in these very steppes...” Mikhail Sholokhov

Slide 2

Beginning of the Great Patriotic War

On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union without declaring war. This treacherous act was committed despite the existence of a Soviet-German non-aggression pact. The Great has begun Patriotic War, which lasted 1418 days and nights - almost 4 heroic and tragic years.

Slide 3

On June 28, the offensive of Army Group South began. About 90 fascist divisions attacked the positions of Soviet troops. In mid-July 1942, our troops were forced to retreat to Voronezh, left Donbass and took up defense in the large bend of the Don. An immediate threat was created to Stalingrad and the North Caucasus.

Slide 4

Beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad

On July 17, 1942, the advanced units of the fascist Army Group "B" in the big bend of the Don met with the troops of the Stalingrad Front. The Battle of Stalingrad has begun.

At the headquarters of the 62nd Army: N.I. Krylov, V.I. Chuikov, K.A. Gurov, A.I. Rodimtsev

Slide 5

"No step back!"

On July 28, 1942, the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR issued order No. 227, which went down in history under the title “Not a step back!”

German tank attack repulsed

Slide 6

Defense of Stalingrad

Factories were to play a huge role in the defense of the city, especially the tractor plant, “Red October”, “Barricades”, and the shipyard. The Stalingrad Tractor Plant began producing tank engines, artillery tractors and T-34 medium tanks.

Tanks leave the factory for the front

Slide 7

Trying to capture the city on the move, the fascist hordes rushed all the aircraft of the 4th Air Fleet to Stalingrad. On August 23, the enemy launched the first bomb attack of colossal force on the city. Within a few hours, entire neighborhoods were reduced to rubble.

Assault on Stalingrad

Slide 8

The fate of the army and the people is in his hands

On August 25, 1942, by order of the Military Council of the front, Stalingrad was declared under a state of siege. To provide practical assistance to the fronts in the Stalingrad area, Headquarters sends General G.K. Zhukov, appointed on August 27 to the post of Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

Slide 9

Battle for Mamayev Kurgan

For one hundred and forty days and nights the fierce battle on Mamayev Kurgan did not subside. In the reports of the Sovinformburo, the mound was called “102.0” in height. From its top there is a panoramic view of the city, a large section of the Volga, and Trans-Volga forests, where the rear of the Soviet troops were located at that time. The battles for the mound began on September 14, 1942.

Memorial complex on Mamayev Kurgan (modern view)

Slide 10

The feat of soldiers in defending Pavlov's house

The feat of the soldiers who defended the four-story house on January 9 Square from the fierce attacks of the Nazis is known throughout the world. For 58 days and nights, 24 warriors heroically defended the house. 58 days of continuous fighting, without sleep or rest. And on the 59th day - November 24 - the garrison went on the offensive and threw the enemy behind the railway track.

Pavlov's House

Slide 11

Soviet counteroffensive at Stalingrad

On the morning of November 19, the troops of the Southwestern and Don Fronts with a combined powerful blow broke through the defenses of the German army. On November 23, the advanced tank units of the Stalingrad Front entered the area of ​​the Sovetsky farm, where they met with units of the Southwestern Front, closing the encirclement of the enemy’s Stalingrad group.

Operation Uranus

Tips for making a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, a game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t need to just read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.