Presentation biography of fonvizin, history of the creation of the undergrowth. D. I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth". Positive heroes: Starodum, Pravdin, Milon, Sophia



“The Minor” is the first Russian realistic comedy. Having made both negative and positive characters life-like, Fonvizin managed to create new type realistic comedy. Gogol wrote that the plot of “The Minor” helped the playwright to deeply and insightfully reveal the most important aspects of the social existence of Russia, “the wounds and illnesses of our society, severe internal abuses, which by the merciless power of irony are exposed in stunning evidence” (N.V. Gogol, complete collection . op. vol. VIII). THEME OF THE COMEDY THE THEME OF THE COMEDY The comedy “Minor” is based on two problems that especially worried the writer. This is the problem of the moral decay of the nobility and the problem of education. The comedy “Nedorosl” (1782) became a landmark event in the development of Russian comedy. It represents a complex, well-thought-out system in which every line, every character, every word is subordinated to the identification of the author's intention. Having started the play as an everyday comedy of manners, Fonvizin does not stop there, but boldly goes further, to the root cause of “evil morals,” the fruits of which are known and strictly condemned by the author. The reason for the vicious education of the nobility in feudal and autocratic Russia is the established state system, which gives rise to arbitrariness and lawlessness. Thus, the problem of education turns out to be inextricably linked with the entire life and political structure of the state in which people live and act from top to bottom. IDEA OF THE COMEDY The main idea of ​​the comedy: condemnation of ignorant and cruel landowners who consider themselves full masters of life, do not comply with state and moral laws, affirmation of the ideals of humanity and enlightenment. THE NATURE OF CONFLICT IN COMEDY The conflict of comedy lies in the clash of two opposing views on the role of the nobility in the public life of the country. Mrs. Prostakova states that the decree “on noble freedom” (which freed the nobleman from compulsory service to the state established by Peter I) made him “free” primarily in relation to serfs, freeing him from all burdensome human and moral responsibilities to society. Fonvizin puts a different view on the role and responsibilities of a nobleman in the mouth of Starodum, the person closest to the author. In terms of political and moral ideals, Starodum is a man of the Peter the Great era, which is contrasted in the comedy with the era of Catherine. All the heroes of the comedy are drawn into the conflict, the action seems to be taken out of the landowner's house, family and acquires a socio-political character: the arbitrariness of the landowners, supported by the authorities, and the lack of rights of the peasants. HEROES OF THE COMEDY The audience was attracted to the comedy “The Minor”, ​​first of all, by the positive characters. The serious scenes in which Starodum and Pravdin performed were received with great enthusiasm. One of the main characters of Fonvizin's play is Starodum. In his worldview, he is a bearer of the ideas of the Russian noble Enlightenment. Starodum served in the army, fought bravely, was wounded, but was not rewarded. It was received by his former friend, the count, who refused to go to the active army. Having retired, Starodum tries to serve at court. Disappointed, he leaves for Siberia, but remains true to his ideals. He is the ideological inspirer of the fight against Prostakova. NEGATIVE CHARACTERS Fonvizin presents the negative characters with amazing realism: Mrs. Prostakova, her husband and son Mitrofan, Prostakova’s evil and greedy brother Taras Skotinin. All of them are enemies of enlightenment and law, they bow only to power and wealth, they fear only material force and are always cunning, using all means to achieve their benefits, guided only by their practical mind and their own interest. They simply do not have morals, ideas, ideals, or any moral principles, not to mention knowledge and respect for laws. The central figure of this group, one of the significant characters in Fonvizin’s play, is Mrs. Prostakova. She immediately becomes the main spring driving the stage action, for in this provincial noblewoman there is some powerful vital force that is lacking not only in the positive characters, but also in her lazy, selfish son and pig-like brother. “This face in a comedy is unusually well conceived psychologically and superbly sustained dramatically,” historian V.O., an expert on the era, said about Prostakova. Klyuchevsky. The central figure of this group, one of the significant characters in Fonvizin’s play, is Mrs. Prostakova. She immediately becomes the main spring driving the stage action, for in this provincial noblewoman there is some powerful vital force that is lacking not only in the positive characters, but also in her lazy, selfish son and pig-like brother. “This face in a comedy is unusually well conceived psychologically and superbly sustained dramatically,” historian V.O., an expert on the era, said about Prostakova. Klyuchevsky. The plot and composition of the comedy Fonvizin based the plot of the comedy on the conflict of the era, the socio-political life of the 70s - early 80s of the 18th century. This is a struggle with the serf woman Prostakova, depriving her of the right to own her estate. At the same time, other storylines: the struggle for Sofia Prostakova, Skotinin and Milon, the story of the union of Sofia and Milon who love each other. Although they do not form the main plot. Artistic originality A fascinating, rapidly developing plot, sharp remarks, bold comic situations, individualized colloquial speech of the characters, a vicious satire on the Russian nobility, ridicule of the fruits of the French enlightenment - all this was new and attractive. Young Fonvizin attacked noble society and its vices, the fruits of semi-enlightenment, the ulcer of ignorance and serfdom that struck people's minds and souls. He showed this dark kingdom as a stronghold of severe tyranny, everyday everyday cruelty, immorality and lack of culture. Theater as a means of social public satire required characters and language that were understandable to the audience, pressing current problems, and recognizable conflicts. All this is in Fonvizin’s famous comedy “The Minor,” which is still staged today. PLACE OF MINOR CHARACTERS Other characters also act on the stage: Prostakova’s downtrodden and intimidated husband, and her brother Taras Skotinin, who loves his pigs more than anything in the world, and the noble “minor” - his mother’s favorite, the Prostakovs’ son Mitrofan, who does not want to learn anything, is spoiled and depraved maternal upbringing. Next to them are the following: the Prostakovs' servant - the tailor Trishka, the serf nanny, the former nurse Mitrofana Eremeevna, his teacher - the village sexton Kuteikin, the retired soldier Tsifirkin, the cunning rogue German coachman Vralman. The names of Prostakova, Mitrofan, Skotinin, Kuteikin, Vralman became household names. The names of Prostakova, Mitrofan, Skotinin, Kuteikin, Vralman became household names. Fonvizin created the language of Russian drama, correctly understanding it as the art of words and a mirror of society and man. He did not at all consider this language ideal and final, or his heroes as positive characters. Being a member Russian Academy , the writer was seriously engaged in studying and improving his contemporary language. Fonvizin masterfully builds the linguistic characteristics of his characters: these are rude, offensive words in Prostakova’s uncouth speeches; the words of soldier Tsy-firkin, characteristic of military life; Church Slavonic words and quotes from the spiritual books of seminarian Kuteikin; Vralman's broken Russian speech and the speech of the noble heroes of the play - Starodum, Sophia and Pravdin. Certain words and phrases from Fonvizin's comedy became popular. Thus, already during the playwright’s lifetime, the name Mitrofan became a household name and meant a lazy person and an ignorant person. Phraseologisms became widely known: “Trishkin caftan”, “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married”, etc. Fonvizin created the language of Russian drama, correctly understanding it as the art of words and a mirror of society and man. He did not at all consider this language ideal and final, or his heroes as positive characters. As a member of the Russian Academy, the writer was seriously engaged in studying and improving his contemporary language. Fonvizin masterfully builds the linguistic characteristics of his characters: these are rude, offensive words in Prostakova’s uncouth speeches; the words of soldier Tsy-firkin, characteristic of military life; Church Slavonic words and quotes from the spiritual books of seminarian Kuteikin; Vralman's broken Russian speech and the speech of the noble heroes of the play - Starodum, Sophia and Pravdin. Certain words and phrases from Fonvizin's comedy became popular. Thus, already during the playwright’s lifetime, the name Mitrofan became a household name and meant a lazy person and an ignorant person. Phraseologisms have become widely known: “Trishkin caftan”, “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married”, etc. The significance of the work is People’s, according to Pushkin, the comedy “Unorosl” reflected the acute problems of Russian life. The audience, seeing it in the theater, at first laughed heartily, but then they were horrified, experienced deep sadness and called Fonvizin’s cheerful play a modern Russian tragedy. Gogol, Fonvizin’s student and heir, aptly called “The Minor” a truly social comedy: “Fonvizin’s comedy amazes the brutal brutality of man, resulting from a long, insensitive, unshakable stagnation in the remote corners and backwaters of Russia... There is nothing caricatured in it: everything is taken alive from nature and tested by the knowledge of the soul." Realism and satire help the author of the comedy talk about the fate of education in Russia. Fonvizin, through the mouth of Starodum, called education “the key to the well-being of the state.” And all the comic and tragic circumstances he described and the very characters of the negative characters can safely be called the fruits of ignorance and evil. In Fonvizin's comedy there is grotesque, and satirical comedy, and a farcical beginning, and a lot of serious things, something that makes the viewer think. With all this, “Nedorosl” had a strong impact on the development of Russian national drama, as well as the entire “most magnificent and, perhaps, most socially fruitful line of Russian literature - the accusatory-realistic line” (M. Gorky).

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Magic land! There, in the old days, the brave ruler of Satire, Fonvizin, the friend of freedom, shone... A.S. Pushkin

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Born into a wealthy noble family. From 1755 to 1760 he studied at the gymnasium at Moscow University, and in 1761-1762 - at the Faculty of Philosophy of the same university. During his student years he was engaged in translations. In 1762, Fonvizin became a translator at the College of Foreign Affairs and moved to St. Petersburg.

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A nobleman by birth, Fonvizin entered the gymnasium that had just opened at Moscow University at the age of ten. In 1760, among the ten best students, he was taken to St. Petersburg to meet with the founder of the university, M.V. Lomonosov. A student in the philosophy department, Fonvizin established himself by translating from Latin, French and German. Excellent knowledge foreign languages brought him to serve in the College of Foreign Affairs. In St. Petersburg he became close to the outstanding writers of his time - Derzhavin, Kheraskov, Knyazhnin...

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Fonvizin's literary activity began in the 60s of the 18th century. An inquisitive and witty person, he was created to become a satirist. And there were enough reasons for bitter laughter in the Russian reality of that time. Fonvizin saw that embezzlers, bribe-takers, and careerists had gathered around the throne of Catherine II, that waves of peasant uprisings were formidable signs of an impending popular storm.

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As a result of communication with a circle of young freethinking officers, he created “Message to My Servants...” (1769) - a satirical work based on the traditions of Russian fables and satire. At the same time, the writer showed interest in drama, and he conceived the idea of ​​an original Russian satirical comedy. The first example of this kind was his “Brigadier” (1766-1769).

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Drama as one of the genders fiction differs significantly from lyrics and epic primarily in that it is intended for performance on stage. Its content consists of speeches, conversations of characters in the form of dialogue (conversation between two or more characters) and monologue (speech, story, expression of thoughts and feelings in the first person). The speech of the characters is accompanied by remarks - the author's instructions about the situation of the action, about internal state characters, their facial expressions and gestures.

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The main types of dramatic works are tragedy, drama, comedy. In comedy, certain aspects of social life, negative traits and characteristics of people’s characters are ridiculed. Satire (from Latin sature - mixture, mishmash) - a type of comic that most mercilessly ridicules human imperfection, sharply condemning human vices or imperfection through ridicule human life

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In his most significant work - the comedy "The Minor" (1781) - Fonvizin points to the root of all Russia's troubles - serfdom. The author evaluates and judges not human vices in themselves, but first of all social relations. Positive heroes - enlightened nobles - not only condemn serfdom, but fight against it. The comedy is based on acute social conflict. Life in the Prostakovs' house is presented not as a summary picture of absurd customs, but as a system of relations based on serfdom.

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The author creates multifaceted characters, revealing the inner drama of such negative characters as Eremeevna and Prostakova. According to N.V. Gogol, “The Minor” is “... a truly social comedy.” In 1782, Fonvizin resigned and was engaged only in literary activities. In 1783 he published a number of satirical works. The empress herself answered them with irritation.

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Last years During his life, Fonvizin was seriously ill (paralysis), but continued to write until his death. In 1789, he began work on the autobiographical story “Frank Confession of My Deeds and Thoughts,” but did not finish this work. The story is a wonderful work of Russian prose. Here, in the image of the author, the character of a person and writer is recreated - Russian in mentality, humor, irony, the spiritual wealth of a personality is shown, who knows how to rise above his weaknesses and fearlessly tell his compatriots about them.

Mitrofan is 16 years old, and, therefore, the “inhuman lady” is a little over 30 and hardly more than 40 years old (this was the era of early marriages). This age-related perception of the heroine is probably due to the fact that everyone is afraid of her and no one loves her. She grew up in an ignorant family and received neither upbringing nor education. He believes that education is unnecessary: ​​“People live and have lived without science.” Why did she hire teachers for her son? Firstly, “we are no worse than others,” and secondly, she is forced to follow the decree of Peter I on noble children. She is merciless to those who are in her power, considers the serfs to be their property, and has robbed them to the bone: “Since we took away everything that the peasants had, we can no longer rip off anything. Such a disaster! The main thing for her in life is personal gain. He does not stand on ceremony with others. If she doesn't meet resistance, she becomes arrogant. But if she encounters force, she becomes cowardly and is even ready to humiliate herself in front of the strong. She is despotic towards her husband and pushes him around. The autocratic, immoral, “despicable fury” loves only her son: she is tender and caring with him, even something human appears in communication. The meaning of her life is caring for his happiness and well-being. But blind maternal love does not ennoble, but disfigures Mitrofan.

Presentation for the lesson

Translator, satirist and playwright.
He came from a noble family.
Paternal ancestors were
Russified Germans who
served Russia honestly.
Fonvizin grew up in a large, friendly
family. Having received an education,
served in the College of Foreigners
affairs, considered unlimited
destructive monarchy, dreamed of

The author is indignant at vice
And brands him without mercy.
P.A. Vyazemsky.
The first comedy about Russians
became "Brigadier" in morals.
When asked why in society
people like this appear
to the heroes of "Brigadier", Fonvizin
answered in the comedy “Minor”,
where the main problem became

1. Point out the main evil of the time: serfdom and
the arbitrariness of the landowners, supported by the authorities at the highest
2. To expose the vices of the nobility: he believed that the nobility
bears responsibility for the situation in the country, but understood
that the overwhelming majority of nobles are not worthy of such
high role.
3. Find out the reasons that disfigure the personality.
4.Mock ignorance (of nobles and their children): the point is that
children who had reached the age of 15 were then called “noviki”, and younger ones were called
“undergrowth”, but the law of 1736 extended the right to remain
up to 20 years of age (for education).
5. To aggravate the main conflict of time - conflict
between ignorance and enlightenment.
6. Bring up the topic of education for discussion.
7.Truthfully depict life: expanded the scope of classicism,
introduced elements of a realistic depiction of reality.

First productions

The first Russian social comedy, before becoming a classic,
experienced a number of difficulties and failures, which have now forever become the property of
history - the play "The Minor" entered the treasury of Russian literature and
Russian theater.
The production of "The Minor" was associated with many difficulties. Having been refused
Petersburg, the playwright leaves in May 1782 with the actor I.A.
Dmitrevsky to Moscow. But here, too, failure awaits him: “the Moscow Russian
theater censor,” frightened by the boldness of many of the lines, does not let the comedy pass
A few months later, Fonvizin still managed to “break through” the production
comedy: on September 24, 1782, the premiere took place in St. Petersburg (Volny
Russian Theater, also known as the Karl Knieper Theater), where he played the role of Starodum
I.A. Dmitrevsky himself, Pravdina - K.I. Gamburov, Tsifirkina - A.M. Krutitsky,
Skotinina - S.E. Rakhmanov. About the extraordinary success of the play "Minor" at
her first production on stage at the Free Russian Theater on Tsaritsyn Meadow
testified the unknown author of the “Dramatic Dictionary”: “Incomparably
the theater was filled, and the audience applauded the play by throwing purses.”
And on May 14, 1783, the play was played for the first time in Moscow, on the stage of the Medox Theater.
The success of "Nedorosl" in Moscow was enormous. They put it on their stage
university students. Many amateur productions appeared.

The play "The Minor" is the most famous
a work by Fonvizin and the repertoire play itself
XVIII century on the Russian stage of subsequent centuries. This
the first socio-political comedy in the history of Russian drama. The author exposes the vices in her
contemporary society. The heroes of the comedy are
typical representatives of different social classes 18
centuries in Russia: statesmen, nobles, slaves, serfs, servants, self-proclaimed fashionable teachers. Main
characters: the ignorant Mitrofanushka himself and his mother,
lady-serf of the 18th century - Mrs. Prostakova,
managing everything and everyone - in her hands and the economy with
courtyard servants who are not considered by her to be people, and
her own husband, whom she can do without hesitation
beat, and raising his son Mitrofan - in fact
in the matter of raising and educating him she did not
burdened, but only diligently fulfills fashionable
conventions of society and one’s position in it: “That
I scold, then I fight, and that’s how the house holds together.”

Like other plays of the classic era,
"Minor" is straightforward in its
problems - condemnation of traditional
noble upbringing and “evil morality”,
the “savagery” of the provincial nobility;
characters are clearly divided into positive and
negative, they are given meaningful names
(Prostakovs, Skotinins, Mitrofan -
“manifestation of the mother” in Greek, Starodum,
Milon, Pravdin, Sophia - “wisdom” in Greek, Tsyfirkin, Vralman, Kuteikin). However, huge
The comedy gained popularity among the public and readers not only because
skillfully posed socio-political issues, but also
due to extremely vivid images of negative characters
(the positive ones turned out to be more like sounding boards conveying
author's point of view), liveliness of dialogue, humor, many quickly
proverbial quotes (“I don’t want to study, I want to get married”, “Here
fruits worthy of evil”). The names of Mitrofanushka and Prostakova
have become household names.
A minor is a young nobleman who has not reached adulthood.

Age of the heroine: I would like to call her old, but Mitrofan is 16 years old, huh
therefore, “the inhuman lady” is a little over 30 and hardly more than 40 years old
(this was the era of early marriages). This is the age perception of the heroine
probably happens because everyone is afraid of her and no one loves her.
She grew up in an ignorant family and received neither upbringing nor education.
He believes that education is unnecessary: ​​“People live and have lived without science.” Why does she
hired teachers for your son? Firstly, “we are no worse than others,” and secondly, she
forced to follow the decree of Peter I on noble children.
She is merciless to those who are in her power and considers serfs to be hers.
property, robbed them completely: “Since everything that the peasants have
It was, we took it away, we can’t tear anything off. Such a disaster! The main thing for her is
life - personal gain.
He does not stand on ceremony with others. If it meets no resistance,
becomes arrogant. But if she encounters force, she becomes cowardly, in front of
the strong are even ready to humiliate themselves. Despotic towards her husband, pushes her around
The autocratic, immoral, “despicable fury” loves only her son: with him
tender and caring, even something human appears in communication.
The meaning of her life is caring for his happiness and well-being. But blind
maternal love does not ennoble, but disfigures Mitrofan.

Spoiled son. His name
means "like a mother."
Indeed, he is a mirror
Prostakova with her rudeness,
ignorance, cruel
attitude towards those around him
to people.
Lazy (has an aversion to
work and study), capricious, accustomed to
hearty and plentiful food, free
spends time in the dovecote. Not
knows how to love - does not know love
even to your loved ones.
Despite his ignorance,
you can't say he's a fool
the ability to sweeten up to the mother, nor
in the fatal scene of Sophia's abduction,
not in the exam scene. He can
cheat and dodge.

Educational and moral ideals
Starodum was reflected in his aphorisms. Akin
folk sayings, they were remembered easily (and
even lived an independent life), influencing
on the minds of readers. These aphorisms are still used today
interesting and relevant.
Enlightenment exalts one virtuous
An ignoramus without a soul is a beast.
A great sovereign is a wise sovereign.
The ranks begin - sincerity ceases.
Have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a man in
any time.
Conscience, like a friend, always warns first,
rather than how the judge punishes.
For the whim of one person, the whole of Siberia is not enough.
It is in vain to call a doctor to the sick without healing. Here
The doctor won’t help unless he gets infected himself.
Insolence in a woman is a sign of viciousness
Cash is not cash worth.
The golden dummy is everyone's dummy.
Follow nature, you will never be poor.

The meaning of comedy

Fonvizin's comedy was read and studied by everyone
subsequent generations - from Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov to
our time. The meaning of the play is enduring:
“Everything in this comedy seems to be a monstrous caricature of everything Russian.
And yet there is nothing caricatured about her: everything was taken alive from
nature..." (N.V. Gogol).
"His fools are very funny and disgusting, but that's because they don't
creations of fantasy, but too faithful lists from life” (V.G.
Belinsky) (citation: Study of the comedy “The Minor”).
However, Catherine II understood the freedom-loving meaning of the work,
who dared to offend state and social foundations. "After
publication in 1783 of a number of satirical works, attempts
Fonvizin to publish anything in the press was stopped by herself
empress. In the last decade of his reign
Catherine II openly followed the path of cruel reaction, a victim
which Fonvizin also became. Despite his serious illness, he was eager to
activities. In 1788, he decided to publish the magazine “Starodum”,
received permission and began to prepare material, but by order
Catherine's magazine was banned. Shortly before Fonvizin's death
applied to Catherine for permission to publish the translation
Tacitus, but permission was not given"

Rules of the “three unities”
unity of place
Prostakov estate
unity of time
within one day
unity of action
the struggle of three contenders for the right to become
Sophia's husband
Dividing all heroes into positive and
Positive heroes: Starodum,
Pravdin, Milon, Sophia
Negative heroes: Prostakov,
Prostakova, Mitrofan, teachers
(Vralman, Kuteikin, Tsyfirkin)
The purpose of comedy is to execute vices with laughter.
"Talking" names of characters
Skotinin, Prostakova (and as a girl
Skotinina), Mitrofan, Vralman,
Kuteikin, Pravdin, Starodum, Sofia
(Greek "wisdom")
All favorite (positive) heroes of Fonvizin in accordance with the rules of classicism
they speak in “high calm”, the correct literary language, since they talk about
high concepts of public service and moral duty.
The main result of the comedy: vice is punished, and virtue triumphs.

The author strives for a more truthful portrayal of life. Versatility
the characters of the main characters are a major departure from tradition
The characters of not only the main ones, but also the secondary ones, are carefully described.
There are characters who cannot be clearly classified as either positive or
negative characters (this is Eremeeva, Trishka). The author needs them for
exposing serfdom.
Each character is not a diagram, not a personification of any one
quality (as it was in the works of classicism), but a living image.
In addition to comic scenes, the play also contains pictures that reveal
the difficult sides of serf life, and in the comedies of classicism the mixture
the heroic and tragic were not allowed.
The author does not hide his attitude towards the characters: he expresses sympathy,
indignation, ridicule, sarcastically denouncing someone.
The heroes of the comedies of classicism were people of low class and had
base interests worthy of ridicule. Fonvizin has a difference between
positive and negative characters are so great that comedy has become
for contemporaries it is instructive and edifying (a rare case in literature
XVIII century). There is a legend that after the premiere
The “minor” approached Fonvizin in St. Petersburg
Potemkin said: “Die, Denis, you can’t write better.”
However, according to
I couldn’t say that because I didn’t have him
it was that
moment in St. Petersburg. According to another version,
these words
belong to Derzhavin, not Prince Potemkin.
While studying at the Nizhyn gymnasium
Nikolai Gogol played in student performances

The problem of upbringing and education of the younger generation in D.I. Fonvizin’s play “The Minor”

Having originally conceived a play about education
noble class, D.I. Fonvizin rises to
denunciations of autocracy and serfdom. Author
dissatisfied with the education and upbringing system
“minors” in the era of Catherine. He concluded that
the evil itself lies in the serfdom system, laid
hopes for an “enlightened” monarchy.
“Undergrowth” serves an important purpose - correction
vices of society and the education of virtue.
The author does not give up hope for a change in society
to the best. For the better and his immortal calls us

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Comedy "Undergrown"

Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin

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“Fonvizin executed in his comedies the wild ignorance of the old generation and the rough gloss of the superficial and external European half-education of the new generations,” wrote V.G. Belinsky.

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Fonvizin worked on a comedy for about three years. The premiere took place in 1782. There is also a text, presumably from the early 1760s, on the same topic and with the same title, but with different characters and plot (the so-called “Early “Undergrown””); it is unknown whether this play belongs to the young Fonvizin or to some of his anonymous predecessors.

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The heroes of the comedy are representatives of different social strata of the 18th century in Russia: statesmen, nobles, serf owners, servants, self-proclaimed fashionable teachers. The main characters: the ignorant Mitrofanushka himself and his mother, the 18th-century lady-serf-owner - Mrs. Prostakova, who controls everything and everyone - in her hands is the household with courtyard servants, who she does not consider as people, and her own husband, whom, without hesitation, she can beat, and raising her son Mitrofan - in fact, she is not burdened with his upbringing and education, but only diligently fulfills the fashionable conventions of society and her position in it: “I scold, then I fight, and that’s how the house holds together.”

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Like other plays of the era of classicism, “Minor” is straightforward in its problematics - condemnation of traditional noble education and “evil morality”, “savagery” of the provincial nobility; the characters are clearly divided into positive and negative, they are given meaningful surnames (Prostakovs, Skotinins, Mitrofan - “manifestation of the mother” in Greek, Starodum, Milon, Pravdin, Sophia - “wisdom” in Greek, Tsyfirkin, Vralman, Kuteikin).

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Prostakov is the head of the family. The person himself is “small” and weak. He tries to please his wife in everything. “Before your eyes, mine see nothing,” he says at the beginning of the work, when she asks about the caftan. Loves his son. “At least I love him, as a parent should, he’s a smart child, he’s a sensible child, he’s funny, he’s an entertainer; sometimes I am beside myself with him and with joy I truly do not believe that he is my son.” Can't read. When he is asked to read the letter sent to Sophia, he only answers: “It’s tricky.”

Mrs. Prostakova is his wife, the main negative character of the play. He loves his son very much and strives to marry him to Sophia after he learns about her inheritance. She is a noblewoman, which is why she believes that everything is allowed to her.

Mitrofan is their son, an undergrowth. Quite indifferent to everyone around him and also a slack boy, outwardly he loves his mother very much, but only pretends because of her authority. In the finale, he is sent to the army, and he shows what he really thinks about his mother (“Get rid of yourself, mother, how you imposed yourself...”).

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Eremeevna, mother (that is, nurse) of Mitrofan.

Pravdin is a government official called upon to understand the affairs of the Prostakovs. He learns about Prostakova’s atrocities, as well as the fact that she is robbing Sophia. With the help of Starodum and Milon, he incriminates Prostakova and takes away her estate in favor of the state.

Starodum is Sophia's uncle and guardian. It was because of his condition that Prostakova tried to marry Mitrofan to Sophia.