Presentation "April 7 - World Health Day" presentation on the topic. Extracurricular event "World Health Day. Journey to the land of health" World Health Day presentation for children

Popular wisdom says: “IF YOU LOSE YOUR HEALTH, YOU WILL LOSE EVERYTHING” BUT LET’S WONDER WHY WE LOSE THIS PRECIOUS GIFT. Why do we get sick and lose our health? There are many reasons for this: Bad air, poisoned by car exhaust gases and toxic emissions from industrial enterprises; Bad air, poisoned by car exhaust gases and toxic emissions from industrial enterprises; The over-fertilized soil that feeds us; The over-fertilized soil that feeds us; The polluted water we drink. The polluted water we drink.

BUT DISEASES ALSO ARISE FROM HUMAN FAULT. A SCHOOLBOY HAS A HEAD ACH. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN? Watches TV shows for a long time every day; Watches TV shows for a long time every day; Goes to bed late; Goes to bed late; There is almost no time in the fresh air. There is almost no time in the fresh air.

THE TOOTH HAS BEEN REMOVED. WHY? Did not brush your teeth or did it poorly from time to time; Did not brush your teeth or did it poorly from time to time; He really loved buns and buns, lollipops and cookies, but he forgot to chew carrots; He really loved buns and buns, lollipops and cookies, but he forgot to chew carrots; I didn’t go to the dentist on time for a checkup. I didn’t go to the dentist on time for a checkup. Teeth are destroyed, chewing food becomes worse, and this creates additional difficulties for the stomach. Sick teeth contribute to the occurrence of diseases of the heart, joints, throat and other organs.

It is necessary to constantly take care of your health, lead a healthy lifestyle - this is a way of life for people that ensures they maintain and strengthen their health. Need to study physical culture, hardening, compliance with hygiene rules. Never try smoking, drug addiction, substance abuse, or drinking alcohol

move and do a lot morning exercises; Move a lot, do morning exercises; Walk to school and back; Walk to school and back; Perform physical education exercises in class; Perform physical education exercises in class; Play outdoor games during recess and in the yard; Play outdoor games during recess and in the yard; Do household chores; Do household chores; Actively participate in labor and physical education lessons; Actively participate in labor and physical education lessons; Engage in sports sections and clubs; Engage in sports sections and clubs; Participate in cross-country races and competitions; hiking in the forest to pick mushrooms and berries; Participate in cross-country races and competitions; hiking in the forest to pick mushrooms and berries; Go skiing Do skiing

These truths are not new, just answer me: The path to mysterious country Where does your health live? Does everyone know? Let's say together... Get ready for the journey, go for your health! But the road is not easy because of every bush an enemy may appear. You will have to fight him!

1st stop Vitaminkovo ​​Get to know the vitamins: A - this one, C and B. Today we will show you the way to good medicine. Today we will show you the way to good medicine. May you be beautiful! So that in your hands any business can be argued and burned! To make songs sung louder, to make life more interesting! You need to become strong and healthy.

2nd stop Sportivnaya. Sport is good for health. Stadium, swimming pools, court, hall, skating rink - you are welcome everywhere. For your efforts, you are rewarded with a hall, an ice rink - you are welcome everywhere. For your efforts, there will be cups and records as a reward, Your muscles will become hard. Just remember: athletes always start their day with physical exercises. Don’t play hide and seek with your sleepy sleep, start with physical exercises. Don’t play hide-and-seek with your sleepiness, quickly throw off the blanket, Get up - sleep like never before! quickly throw off the blanket, get up - sleep like never before!

The saying “IF YOU WANT TO BE BEAUTIFUL, RUN, “IF YOU WANT TO BE BEAUTIFUL, RUN, IF YOU WANT TO BE SMART, RUN, IF YOU WANT TO BE SMART, RUN, IF YOU WANT TO BE STRONG, RUN.” IF YOU WANT TO BE STRONG, RUN." It has long been known, “whoever goes a lot, he lives a lot” has long been known, “who walks a lot, he lives a lot” muscle hunger for health, muscle hunger for human health is as dangerous as a lack of oxygen or vitamins

I told them in the winter: they should toughen up with me! In the morning, running and showering are invigorating, just like for adults, real! At night, open the windows, breathe in fresh air, wash your feet with cold water, and then the hungry germ will never overcome you. They didn’t listen, they got sick... We, brothers, realized too late how useful it is to toughen up. Let's stop coughing and sneezing, Let's take a shower with ice-cold water.

Let's go, guys. Let's go, guys. Better let's go into the forest together, Let's collect sage and mint, Better let's go into the forest together, Let's collect sage and mint, pick tender lilies of the valley. We don’t pick them for fun, we pick tender lilies of the valley. We don't tear them for fun, we take them to the pharmacy. From the gifts of the forest kingdom, we will take them to the pharmacy. People make medicine from the gifts of the forest kingdom. people make medicine.

A man was born, stood on his feet and walked. Made friends with the wind and the sun, so that you can breathe well! He accustomed himself to order; he got up early in the morning. He cheerfully did his exercises, took a cold shower. He went to the dentist, imagine, without being afraid at all, he came. He brushed his teeth with paste, brushed his teeth with powder. The little man ate black bread and porridge for lunch. I wasn’t picky at all, I didn’t lose weight and I didn’t get fat. I went to bed exactly at nine and fell asleep very quickly. I went to study with interest and received straight A's. Every day he ran, jumped, swam a lot, and played ball. He gained strength for life, and did not whine, and did not get sick. We hope you guys do right choice and you will enter adulthood as healthy, cheerful, friendly people, confident in your abilities and able to solve any problems. And on this occasion we entrust ourselves. Give prizes to all children. They tried so hard!

Popular wisdom says: “IF YOU LOSE YOUR HEALTH, YOU WILL LOSE EVERYTHING” BUT LET’S WONDER WHY WE LOSE THIS PRECIOUS GIFT. Why do we get sick and lose our health? There are many reasons for this: Bad air, poisoned by car exhaust gases and toxic emissions from industrial enterprises; Bad air, poisoned by car exhaust gases and toxic emissions from industrial enterprises; The over-fertilized soil that feeds us; The over-fertilized soil that feeds us; The polluted water we drink. The polluted water we drink.

BUT DISEASES ALSO ARISE FROM HUMAN FAULT. A SCHOOLBOY HAS A HEAD ACH. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN? Watches TV for a long time every day, sits at the computer for a long time. TV, sitting at the computer. Goes to bed late. Goes to bed late. Almost never goes out in the fresh air. Almost never goes out in the fresh air.

THE TOOTH HAS BEEN REMOVED. WHY? Did not brush your teeth or did it poorly from time to time; Did not brush your teeth or did it poorly from time to time; He really loved buns and buns, lollipops and cookies, but he forgot to chew carrots; He really loved buns and buns, lollipops and cookies, but he forgot to chew carrots; I didn’t go to the dentist on time for a checkup. I didn’t go to the dentist on time for a checkup. The teeth are destroyed, chewing food worsens, and this further worsens, and this causes additional difficulties for the stomach. Bad teeth contribute to stomach problems. Sick teeth contribute to the occurrence of diseases of the heart, joints, throat and other organs. diseases of the heart, joints, throat and other organs.

* It is necessary to constantly take care of your health, lead a healthy lifestyle - this is a way of life for people that ensures they maintain and strengthen their health. * You need to engage in physical education, hardening, and follow the rules of hygiene. * Never smoke or drink alcohol.

These truths are not new, Just answer me: The path to the mysterious country, Where your health lives, Does everyone know? Let's say together... Get ready for the journey, go for your health! But the road is not easy because of every bush an enemy may appear. You will have to fight him! Go for your health! But the road is not easy because of every bush an enemy may appear. You will have to fight him!

Vitamins Vitamins Get to know the vitamins: A - this one, C and B. Today we will show you the way to good medicine. Today we will show you the way to good medicine. May you be beautiful! So that in your hands any business can be argued and burned! To make songs sung louder, to make life more interesting! You need to become strong and healthy.

A herbaceous plant with an unpleasant odor. The entire plant is very poisonous. The process of poisoning develops very quickly: dry mouth and hoarseness appear, the face turns red, the pupils dilate, severe agitation and delirium occur, the pulse becomes very frequent but weak, blood pressure drops, and breathing becomes difficult. In severe cases of poisoning, death occurs within the first 24 hours from respiratory paralysis. BLACK HEBRAIN

WOLF'S BASH Shrub, cm high. The entire plant, especially the fruits and bark, is very poisonous. To fatally poison an adult, 1020 fruits are enough. Poisoning, even with timely treatment, often ends in death. IN Lately The danger of poisoning from the fruits of this plant has increased due to the craze for sea buckthorn, which resembles a wolf's bast. It is dangerous to pick flowering branches of wolf's bast for a bouquet.

LILY OF THE MAY A perennial herbaceous plant up to 20 cm high. It grows in forests, in clearings, and forms large continuous thickets. Unfortunately, it is widely exterminated for its beautiful fragrant flowers and for medicinal raw materials. The entire plant is poisonous. Lily of the valley is widely used in medicine for the preparation of heart medications.

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April 7 is World Health Day. 190 countries of the world take part in its celebration. This holiday has become traditional since 1950. On April 7, 1948, WHO was created - World organization health care - it was its appearance that served as the impetus for the annual celebration of Health Day. This holiday is designed to help people appreciate how much health means in a person’s life.

“The only beauty I know is health” Heinrich Heine

Every year, World Health Day is dedicated to global problems facing the health of the planet and is held under different slogans

Slogan International Day health in 2016: “ Good health adds life to years."

nutrition movement mode hardening Main health factors: Main health factors:

The most important element healthy image life is balanced diet Strict adherence to the rhythm of eating. Unlearn to satiate yourself with food to the limit. Food should be eaten with attention and pleasure, slowly chewed and tasted. Eat raw plant foods.

The preservation and strengthening of human health is facilitated by high physical activity and sufficient exercise stress. Surveys have shown that physical development occurs more harmoniously among those who engage in additional sports. They have a higher lung capacity and greater muscle strength.

Hardening is one of the forms of strengthening human health. 1000 years ago a great doctor Ancient East Avicenna wrote: Be friends with gymnastics, Always be cheerful, And you will live 100 years, And maybe more. Potions, powders - the wrong path to health. Heal yourself with nature - in the garden and open field.

There are many methods of hardening. Very simple and effective method hardening means walking barefoot. The fact is that the soles of our feet are a somewhat unusual part of the skin of our body. There are points there - projections of our internal organs. By pressing on them, you can relieve pain and have a healing effect on certain organs.

Public organization in Russia

Remember: Your health day is every day of your life. Be healthy!

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