Sweating during sleep in adults and children: causes and treatment. Excessive sweating during sleep in women - causes of an unpleasant symptom Why dream of wiping sweat from your forehead

Sweating is a normal physiological process that occurs in the human body. The liquid released by the skin in a timely manner has a cooling function and helps get rid of toxic substances.

Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis is a condition in which the work of the sweat glands accelerates without any special external reasons. The most common problem that bothers people is sweating at night.

Causes of sweat in sleep

Normally, a person sweats during the day during physical activity or excessively high ambient temperatures. Speaking about the causes of severe sweating, it is worth noting that in most cases it occurs against the background of diseases developing inside the body. It can appear both during the day and at night.

Internal reasons:

  • Endocrine system diseases
  • Acute respiratory diseases
  • Cardiovascular failure
  • HIV and hepatitis
  • Tuberculosis in all stages
  • Oncological diseases
  • Psycho-emotional disorders
  • Brief cessation of breathing
  • Overweight

There are other factors that influence increased sweating at night. They are caused by external influences.

External reasons:

  • Closed, poorly ventilated area
  • Excessively warm blankets
  • Bed linen made from synthetic materials
  • Errors in nutrition
  • Drinking alcohol or coffee before bed

Once all causes are eliminated, sweating should go away. If a person continues to sweat while sleeping, you should pay attention to your health.

Night sweats in men

It occurs much less frequently than in women, but it causes no less worry and discomfort.

Localized night sweats usually have a genetic predisposition. May develop as a result of metabolic disorders.

Overweight men often suffer from excessive sweating during sleep. Drinking alcohol and coffee before bed has the same effect.


  • Problems in the functioning of the circulatory systems and heart
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Frequent headaches
  • Nervous shock and anxiety
  • Puberty in teenagers

Night sweats have a peculiarity. It is sticky and has a pungent odor. It is especially pronounced in men suffering from alcohol addiction. Ethyl alcohol causes cell intoxication and forces all excretory systems to work in increased mode. To perform these functions, a lot of energy is spent and heat is generated. If a person goes to bed in a state of alcoholic intoxication, then during sleep he will experience a state of increased sweating.

Women suffer from excessive sweating during sleep more often than the stronger half of humanity. This is not always due to diseases or external factors.

Women are characterized by processes that do not occur in a man's or child's body. They occur in accordance with hormonal changes and can cause increased sweating during sleep.

Women's reasons:

  • The menstrual period is the time when the body begins to produce increased amounts of estrogen.
    This results in sweating at night, irritability, fatigue, and headaches. Symptoms disappear with the end of the menstrual cycle.
  • Pregnancy is characterized by a lack of estrogen production. A woman's body undergoes changes. During pregnancy, increased heat production occurs and sweating during sleep increases.
  • The period of menopause (menopause) is characterized by the presence of hot flashes. The sweat production is so great that a woman may wake up with completely wet clothes, be irritable, or experience a loss of energy.

Children, just like adults, suffer from increased sweating at night. There are many known causes of sweating. These are, for example, colds, or uncomfortable temperature conditions during sleep affect.

The correct choice of bedding, timely ventilation of the room and adherence to personal hygiene rules should help in relieving the symptoms of an unwanted illness.

Depending on the location of sweating during sleep, you can determine which ailment is most likely bothering your baby.


  • Neck – increased sweating at night in this area indicates rickets. Additionally, the baby may suffer from poor appetite, be irritable and whiny. The child is prescribed vitamin D and frequent walks.
  • The head sweats if the child is dressed excessively warmly or is sick. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that cause overheating, especially during sleep, to help the body get rid of the disease.
  • Back - sweat manifests itself in a dream if the child’s autonomic system has not fully formed or there is a hereditary factor. There is no need to do anything, but it is necessary to carefully monitor the baby’s condition.

Night sweats after illness

Often the cause of hypersweating during sleep is current or past illnesses, especially colds. It weakens the immune system, a person experiences general malaise, this is accompanied by fever and toxins in the blood.

Sweating in this case is a necessary measure not only to restore the body’s thermoregulation, but also to get rid of viruses that are in the body.


  • Increased amount of toxins in the blood
  • High body temperature
  • Headache
  • General weakening of the body

There is no need to spontaneously cause increased sweating; the body can normally cope with it. The disease and its consequences can be minimized if you follow certain rules.

  • Bed rest
  • Taking medications as prescribed
  • Maintaining basic hygiene rules
  • Ventilate the room often and go outside in the fresh air.

Excessive sweating after illness is not dangerous and lasts for several days. As soon as all cells and organs regain their strength, hyperhidrosis should disappear.

Night sweats after drinking alcohol

Unfortunately, many people have consumed alcoholic beverages at least once in their lives. Everyone's body's reaction is different. Increased sweating occurs in a person regardless of the amount of alcohol consumed. All alcohol-containing drinks are poisons that cause excessive sweating.


  • Cellular intoxication
  • Violation of the body's heat metabolism
  • Stressful functioning of the circulatory system
  • Release of liquid due to the breakdown of ethyl alcohol
  • Poisoning

When intoxicated, a person's sweat has a sticky consistency and an unpleasant odor. During withdrawal symptoms, a person may experience muscle aches, sleep disturbances, and irritability.

You can prevent the consequences of drinking alcoholic beverages if you completely abandon them. If drinking a small amount of alcohol cannot be avoided, you can help your body cope with it.

  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Use of sorbents
  • Using hangover medications
  • General strengthening of the immune system
  • Eating citrus fruits
  • Water procedures

If you have cold sweat (reasons)

Cold sweat is one of the unpleasant processes that can happen to a person in a dream. It is a consequence of increased sweating and can be caused by diseases and external influences on the body.

Cold sweat occurs in diseases of the endocrine system.

Hormonal disruptions can lead to vasoconstriction, the skin becomes cold and becomes covered with moisture. Diabetes mellitus is a disease that causes cold sweats during sleep. In this case, you can get rid of its manifestations if you start full-fledged treatment.

Treatment methods (drugs and agents)

Treatment of an unpleasant process is based on getting rid of diseases developing in the human body. Therapy is selected individually.

  • Antiperspirants– products that help eliminate unpleasant odors and neutralize the action of microbes in areas of the body with the greatest sweating. There are many modern Rexona and Lady Speed ​​Stick products on sale.
  • Deodorants– means of eliminating unpleasant odors without eliminating pathogenic microbes on the skin.
  • Drug treatment– prescribe medications for internal and local use. They use Teymurov ointment or Boric acid, etc. They use general strengthening agents, with iron, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins A and E.

Traditional methods of treatment

Baths with mint, chamomile or calendula will help eliminate unpleasant odor, soothe the skin and have an antimicrobial effect. To do this, make an infusion and add it when bathing.

Lemon juice is a product that dries the skin, disinfects it and removes unpleasant odors. It should be used before bedtime and with caution; frequent use may cause irritation or even burns.

Birch buds infused in an alcohol solution have a good effect on excessive sweating during sleep. For preparation, dry raw materials and vodka are used in a ratio of 1 to 5. Infuse for 3 days. Local application, wiping problem areas of the skin.

Infusions of sage and nettle It is recommended to take it orally before bed to calm the nervous system and reduce sweating. Mix a teaspoon of dried flowers and add hot water, boil for 15 minutes. Take half a glass.

  • Ventilation of the room in which you sleep
  • Using clothes made from natural fabrics
  • Using clothes according to the season
  • Avoiding stressful situations
  • General maintenance of the body with vitamins and minerals
  • Quitting alcoholic beverages
  • Elimination of nutritional errors

We must not forget that normally a healthy person sweats only in the event of physical activity or an increase in temperature. In all other situations, especially during sleep, this is an internal problem of the body, the disposal of which should only occur under the supervision of a specialist and full compliance with his recommendations.

Why do we sweat at night - video


The attitude towards sweating is always negative, but this process is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Sweat helps maintain body temperature and salt balance, and removes toxins. In essence, this is a way to independently cleanse and heal the body. The problem occurs when sweating becomes profuse.

What does sweating mean?

Through the process of moisture release, human skin can cool. Its upper layer contains a large number of capillaries. Blood moves quickly through them and brings heat, which leaves the body through sweat in large quantities. The blood cools down to almost 2 C, after which it moves into large vessels. Nocturnal hyperhidrosis is as important as sleep itself: at this time the body restores its strength for health.

Why does a person sweat in his sleep?

Night sweats in men can occur due to inflammatory processes in the body. Often the cause is a neurological disease, which is provoked by regular stress, troubles, and insomnia. Men often experience sweating at night when they have a cold. Uncontrolled intake of nitroglycerin, paracetamol, and other drugs forces the body to cleanse itself of harmful substances through sweat.

Causes of sweating at night in men

Night sweats in men can cause: armpits, legs and arms sweat, the chest, neck, forehead and entire head become covered with beads of sweat. Sarcoidosis affects several systems of the body at once, it manifests itself in the form of fatigue, poor appetite, and fever. The person becomes nervous and twitchy. A cough, fibrosis of the lung tissue, and the appearance of bluish spots on different parts of the body are possible. A characteristic sign of the disease is constant night sweats in men. In this case, only a specialist can determine the cause of hyperhidrosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Body overheating

If a person wakes up on a pillow wet with sweat, the first thing one might suspect with such profuse night sweats is overheating during sleep. The cause of the attack is heat, dry air, a warm blanket. To continue sleeping peacefully, you have to take a shower and ventilate the room. If we talk about psychological problems, the cause can be severe stress. In such cases, overheating during sleep does not cause any particular concern: buy a comfortable bed, don’t be nervous before bed, don’t drink hot coffee, quit smoking. Sweating at night during sleep normalizes on its own

Night sweats after drinking alcohol

Alcohol entering the bloodstream disrupts brain activity. The brain is responsible for all body processes, including sweating. Body temperature rises and biochemical reactions accelerate. A person feels feverish and experiences night sweats after drinking alcohol. During a feast, a person may not sweat, but at night sweating still appears.

Alcoholism always means hyperhidrosis, problems with the liver, kidneys or other organs. Regular drinking of alcoholic beverages negatively affects the entire body and affects the quality of life. At first, everything looks innocent, but over time, a healthy adult person turns into a sick old man, his appearance completely changes. If an alcoholic does not stop drinking, then everything can end in tears.

Sweating after the flu

The human body reacts to the invasion of infectious agents by increasing body temperature. As a result of intoxication, another symptom appears - hyperhidrosis: the head, armpits, hands and feet sweat. This is how the body begins to actively fight the disease. Night sweats after ARVI occur against a background of high temperature, are accompanied by a chest cough, runny nose, apnea, and may begin to hurt and become dizzy.

After the body defeats the virus, the person will continue to sweat for about two weeks: this is due to astheno-vegetative syndrome. The patient should not rush to work; it is necessary to give the body time to fully recover. After pneumonia, sweating can be observed for about a month, and after sepsis or malaria even longer. Such patients should be treated inpatiently.

What diseases cause a person to sweat at night?

Night sweats in men can be caused by various serious diseases:

  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • alcoholism;
  • allergy;
  • oncological problems;
  • diabetes;
  • overweight;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • infectious diseases.

Causes of severe sweating of the whole body in men

Idiopathic local sweating is the name given to the release of sticky sweat not in some individual areas, but throughout the entire body. As a rule, it has a genetic predisposition. Excessive sweating during sleep in men can occur due to metabolic disorders: for example, obese people sweat more. Excessive sweating is also provoked by certain foods, and the body removes harmful substances through sweat.

Causes of cold sweats at night in men

Cold sweats at night can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Reduced blood pressure, and as a result, improper functioning of the cardiovascular system, blood loss.
  • Alcohol abuse. Alcohol has a negative effect on thermoregulation systems. Chills or cold sweats appear.
  • During migraines, a large amount of adrenaline is released into a man’s blood, which provokes severe sweating.
  • Unreasonable hyperhidrosis occurs after a man has suffered stress.
  • In adolescence, sweat can be caused by hormonal imbalance.

What to do if you are sweating heavily

Excessive sweating in men brings a lot of troubles, this problem needs to be solved immediately:

  1. If sweat is not caused by diseases and the man is healthy, you can use special protective equipment - for example, choose a reliable antiperspirant.
  2. Pharmacies also offer formagel, which should be used in courses: it suppresses the functions of the sweat glands and eliminates bad odor. One application is enough to forget about sweat for a week. Then the product is applied again.
  3. Night sweats – the reasons vary for men. If they are not hidden in diseases, Teymurov’s paste will help eliminate the problem. The drug has an antiseptic effect and is applied to the armpits.
  4. You can use boric acid - it also disinfects well and narrows the sweat glands.
  5. No remedy can help if you wear clothes made of synthetic materials in hot weather. In summer, you should give preference to linen made from natural fabrics, such as cotton, silk or linen.
  6. You should not neglect folk remedies for eliminating profuse sweat. Excessive sweating that occurs for no particular reason can be treated with herbal infusions. Decoctions of oak bark, chamomile, birch buds or horsetail will help improve your condition. To prepare this chamomile remedy, you need 6 tbsp. l. Brew crushed flowers with 2 liters of boiling water and let it brew for an hour. After that, put 2 tbsp in it. l. soda and wipe problem areas.
  7. To get rid of excessive sweating of the armpits, legs and arms, the Drionik device can be used. The therapy is carried out through a weak current, which is applied to problem areas. In the States, this device has already passed a 20-year test and received many positive reviews from users. However, it is suitable for people with mild sweating. A course of electric shock treatment must be completed every three months.
  8. Another effective method of treating hyperhidrosis is injection. The patient is injected under the skin in problem areas with a special drug. This could be, for example, Botox. The principle of operation of this treatment is simple. The drug blocks the neural connection between the brain and the sweat glands. As a result, after the injection you can not be afraid of sweating for about six months, however, such a procedure will not be cheap.
  9. In extreme cases, doctors suggest a surgical method of destroying the sweat glands due to excessive sweating.
Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Completing difficult tasks. Decision-making. Very strongly, abundantly - to illness, evil. Sweat pours down to the ground - forced decisions. Completion and change with great losses or experiences are a rare dream.

Sweat - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To horror that will quickly end.

Dreaming of “Sweating” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dream that you are sweating a lot in a dream, this is a sign of illness.

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Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

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To find out your guilt, to worry, to an unpleasant meeting at which you will sweat from horror.

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Rainbow - see in a dream

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Seeing her in a dream means that you will need all your patience to withstand the trials of fate, need or deprivation. If you dream that a heron is getting food for itself and succeeds, then you will have to work hard to achieve what you want.

Seeing sweat in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Sweating in a dream is a harbinger of illness or scandal in the family.

Dream - Spindle

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Seeing Aspirin in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

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Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Sweat (perspiration)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

By the sweat of your brow, up to the seventh sweat - difficult work. To be covered in a cold sweat is to be very frightened. Sweat - work hard, get sick.

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Disappointment in friends. Rain - your friend will turn out to be a gossip and an intriguer. Oils - they provoke you to step on a slippery slope. Blood - your best friend will cause a quarrel in your family. On glass - communication with friends will plunge you into despondency. A drop …

Author of the article: website

Sweating is a normal reaction of the body to overheating, physical activity or weather conditions. During the day, the problem can be dealt with with deodorants and comfortable clothing, but at night it cannot be controlled. When night sweats cause inconvenience, you have to look for the reasons for the development of this phenomenon in order to eliminate them. It is especially unpleasant if your head sweats while you sleep, because even long hair becomes damp, causing discomfort, and you have to wash it the next morning.

Sleep hyperhidrosis

Officially, excessive sweating during rest is called sleep hyperhidrosis. This is a phenomenon that manifests itself globally, that is, throughout the body, or locally, in a specific area.

When hyperhidrosis appears, do not immediately go to the doctor. In some cases, regulating the microclimate in the bedroom, changing blankets or bed linen helps. If the disease is caused by internal factors, diagnosis and therapy are necessary to help cope with the disease.

When asking yourself why a person sweats in his sleep, one must understand that this is a normal reaction of the body to heat exchange during the night. Normally, during the entire rest, an adult produces from 50 to 100 grams of sweat - this amount is not noticeable in the morning. If the sheet, pillow or hair becomes damp, you need to pay attention to the microclimate in the room. Night sweats occur when:

  • The humidity level is exceeded;
  • Temperature conditions are significantly higher than normal;
  • A person uses synthetic bedding, a blanket or pajamas.

If the cause of profuse sweating is in no way related to these factors, you should consult a doctor. Many diseases accompanied by sweating require urgent treatment, and some of them are contagious.

Types of hyperhidrosis

Doctors classify excessive sweating according to two characteristics - the reasons for its appearance and development, and the degree of prevalence of the phenomenon. In the first case, there are:

  • Primary hyperhidrosis

The state in which a person remains due to emotional outbursts is a strong experience in which nervous tension does not go away even during rest.

  • Secondary hyperhidrosis

A disease that develops against the background of a pathological process occurring in the body. The treatment is comprehensive, with the obligatory removal of the primary factor causing the disease.

Depending on the area of ​​localization of the process, it is divided into:

  • General when sweating occurs throughout the body. The areas that sweat the most during sleep are the neck, armpits, back, groin area and chest in women.
  • Local, when only the head and/or neck sweats during sleep.

During diagnosis, the doctor will ask you to name the type of hyperhidrosis, at least according to the area of ​​its localization - this will help to establish the causes of the development of the disease and prescribe treatment therapy.

Causes of nocturnal hyperhidrosis

There are external and internal factors for increased sweating during sleep. External manifestations are related to the conditions of rest and are not dangerous - it is enough to change uncomfortable pajamas or bed linen to eliminate the problem. Internal ones are a consequence of pathological changes, so you should not neglect a visit to the doctor if they are present.

Hormonal fluctuations

They appear in male and female people at different ages. In adolescents, hyperhidrosis is explained by puberty. People aged 45 to 60 years suffer from the symptom due to the onset of menopause. But most often, hormonal surges appear in girls and middle-aged women:

  • During menstruation

The process itself is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, which affects thermoregulation. If a woman is diagnosed with malfunctions of the endocrine or nervous systems, then hyperhidrosis is inevitable.

The problem is even more complicated when during menstruation a woman does not spend the night alone - the fear of soiling sleepwear, bed linen and her partner persists during rest, increasing the manifestation of excessive sweating.

  • During pregnancy

Hyperhidrosis in pregnant women is often diagnosed in the first trimester and in the eighth to ninth months of pregnancy. First, the mother’s body adapts to its new state, regulating the activity of the endocrine system. And closer to childbirth, sweating is explained by increased physical activity, which continues during sleep.

Most women notice that they sweat in the first 1-1.5 months after giving birth during normal lactation. Hyperhidrosis can be so severe that you have to shower several times a day. This process is normal and is caused by reverse adaptation of the endocrine system and the formation of hormonal levels.

Psychological condition

Violation of a person’s psycho-emotional state is an unfavorable factor that causes exacerbation of chronic diseases and the emergence of new diseases. This is due to stress at work, some unpleasant event, or simply severe overwork. The etiology of the problem lies in adrenaline, the content of which in the blood increased along with stress and did not return to normal by night.

Psychological disorders such as depression, nervous exhaustion and schizophrenia often negatively affect the body's normal thermoregulation at night, which also causes the development of hyperhidrosis.

Stress and anxiety are accompanied by sleep disturbances, so increased sweating associated with psycho-emotional factors is accompanied by insomnia. Both diseases have the same symptoms, so restoring a normal psychological state helps to cope with them simultaneously.

Poor nutrition and metabolic disorders

If hyperhidrosis is detected in isolated cases, it may be associated with drinking alcohol at night, hot, salty and spicy foods later than 4 hours before bedtime. As a result of such doping, blood circulation accelerates and body temperature rises. Natural thermoregulation restores normal levels by increasing sweating.

Systematic poor nutrition in combination with certain diseases is accompanied by metabolic disorders, which causes hyperhidrosis. The symptom often appears in people with chronic diseases such as:

  • Thyroid dysfunction;
  • Diabetes;
  • Orchiectomy;
  • Hyperthyroidism.

Increased sweating in diabetes mellitus is a dangerous condition caused by hypoglycemia that has developed due to the use of sugar-lowering drugs. An error in dosage can lead to a sharp deterioration in well-being, and since the person is sleeping, he will not be able to somehow influence the process. Hypoglycemia can cause death, so the dosage of medications for diabetes must be observed very strictly.

Poor nutrition leads to metabolic disorders and uncontrolled weight gain and obesity, which is a factor in the development of hyperhidrosis. With an increase in body weight, the sweat glands work harder, especially at night, which causes the development of an unpleasant symptom.

All these problems can be avoided by carefully monitoring your diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Taking medications

Hyperhidrosis is prescribed as a side effect of certain medications, such as antidepressants and corticosteroids, which continue to be active at night.

The same symptom, but for different reasons, is detected during treatment with antipyretic medications - a forced decrease in temperature affects thermoregulation.

Various diseases

Disturbances in the functioning of various body systems manifest themselves in the form of various symptoms. Hyperhidrosis in this case is not a separate disease, but only a concomitant ailment. Increased sweating is diagnosed in conditions such as:

  • Infection;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Oncological formation of a malignant nature;
  • Failure of the cardiovascular system;
  • Various sleep diseases, including obstructive sleep apnea syndrome;
  • Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome;
  • Autoimmune diseases.

In all these cases, attempts to reduce sweating will be unsuccessful, since the cause of its development requires treatment, and not the symptom itself. Improving your overall health will lead to relief from hyperhidrosis. But you need to be prepared for the fact that sometimes this process takes from a couple of days to several months, if we are talking, for example, about the treatment of malaria.

External reasons

These include external factors that cause sleep disturbances and negatively affect the condition of the skin:

  • Blanket

Select according to the season. A blanket or blanket that is too warm causes a natural increase in sweating. It is recommended to purchase products made from natural materials rather than synthetic fabrics.

  • Bed sheets

High-quality underwear is expensive, and there is a simple and logical explanation for this - it allows the skin to breathe, has good absorption and normalizes the sleep process. You should pay attention to sets of silk threads of various weaves. But if your financial situation does not allow it, standard options made from natural cotton will do, which will not create a greenhouse effect.

  • Sleepwear

Some people, especially women, mistakenly believe that the finest mesh and translucent lace nightgowns are specially designed for comfortable lounging. In fact, such wardrobe items help improve your intimate life, and sets made from natural materials are better suited for sleeping, guaranteeing comfort for all parts of the body while sleeping.

  • Microclimate

Increased air temperature and humidity in the bedroom are common causes of sweating. To create ideal conditions, you can focus on generally accepted indicators, that is, the temperature should not exceed 18-20 degrees. But we should not forget about the individual characteristics of the body. In some cases, sweating disappears only when maintaining 15 degrees during sleep, and in some people it does not appear even at 25-30 degrees.

Maintaining sleep hygiene will allow you not to remember such a problem as hyperhidrosis and helps to normalize your night's rest.

Patients often noticed that irritability, drowsiness and pathological fatigue went away with sweating. In fact, this is due to the fact that in comfortable conditions the quality of rest has increased.

Rules of conduct and methods of treating hyperhidrosis

Before going to see a doctor, you can try to deal with the problem yourself. To do this, you need to ensure a comfortable sleep:

  • Ventilate the room before sleeping at night;
  • Use sleepwear and bedding only from natural lightweight fabrics;
  • Have two blankets in stock - thick and thin, so that you can change them when weather conditions change;
  • Eat no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime, so that the stomach has time to cope with the task assigned to it and rest at night;
  • Before going to bed, take a warm bath (to reduce sweating, it is good to add a decoction of herbs to it);
  • Maintain normal activity throughout the day to provide energy output;
  • Maintain hygiene.

If all these conditions are met, and hyperhidrosis still has not disappeared, you should consult a doctor to look for the internal problem of the disease. During therapy, experts recommend treating the symptom with any available means of folk or traditional medicine:

  • Tincture of horsetail or oak bark;
  • Rubbing with apple cider vinegar;
  • Adding sea salt, chamomile infusion or soothing herbs to the bath;
  • Using deodorants at night;
  • Taking medications that block sweating.

If hyperhidrosis is specific to your body and cannot be treated, your doctor may suggest alternative treatments, such as surgery to remove certain glands or Botox injections. However, such measures are taken only in extreme cases when other methods have proven ineffective.

Watch a video about hyperhidrosis

Anchor points:

Sweating dreams

Sweating profusely in a dream means that a period of hard work lies ahead, which will bring you an improvement in your financial situation. Light perspiration portends a serious illness.

Sweaty body parts

Sweaty armpits - expect trouble. If you are sweating, then you should get checked for cardiovascular diseases - otherwise the disease will overtake you unexpectedly and with serious consequences. Sweaty palms warn of meeting a hypocritical person, which will bring you a lot of trouble and worry.

Other sweating people

A dream where you saw sweaty people indicates that period of bad luck will last a long time. Watching an athlete leaking sweat means you don’t like to work, but circumstances will force you to do hard work.

What is the reason

Sweating as a result of physical exercise, running - rest will not hurt you, you are close to exhaustion. If you sweat because of illness or malaise, then in real life you are also at risk of illness. Being sweaty while having sex means a pleasant encounter ahead, but one that brings a lot of trouble. High air temperature, causing sweating, promises trouble in communicating with colleagues. The bathhouse in which you sweated, predicts a scandal. The sweat that covered you appeared due to severe fright in a dream - in reality you will also be afraid of something.