After installation of the Mirena IUD, discharge. Possible consequences of using an intrauterine device for contraception. The effect of the IUD on the reproductive system

Despite the development of modern medicine and new advances in the field of contraception, the intrauterine device still remains one of the most popular means of preventing unwanted pregnancy. There are many reasons for this: effectiveness, reliability, safety, low cost, low number of side effects. And although the procedure for installing an IUD is carried out during a period when menstruation has almost ended, most women still experience bleeding after the installation of the IUD. At the same time, it is very important to be able to distinguish normal discharge from those characteristic of pathologies and disturbances in the normal functioning of the body.

What types of spirals are there?

An intrauterine device is a device that is inserted into the uterus and protects against unwanted pregnancy. This is one of the most reliable modern means of contraception. It is made of plastic or copper - hypoallergenic and non-rejecting materials. There are also hormone-containing IUDs, which contain the hormone progestin. This product has a fairly small number of contraindications, especially for metal-containing spirals.

Also, spirals can be of various shapes: semi-oval, round, T-shaped. All of them have their pros and cons, but T-shaped ones are most often used now. It is this shape that provides maximum comfort with minimal risk of falling out.

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Excretion factors

Installing an IUD always leads to bleeding. Usually this process does not last long - up to a week. Doctors consider this a completely normal side effect when using this type of contraception. Also, when installing the spiral, the discharge may have a brownish color - the so-called spotting. Their appearance means that the cervix has recovered. They usually appear after a few days. All this is a normal reaction of the body to the introduction of a foreign object into the uterus.

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Experts' opinion

Even with modern developments in the field of contraception, the IUD still remains one of the most popular means of preventing pregnancy. Despite this, its use and some of the problems that arise with it remain not fully understood for many women.

First of all, you need to remember that discharge after installation of an intrauterine device is normal as long as it is not accompanied by pain. If, after installation, nagging pain occurs, weakness and fever are felt, then it is recommended not to delay going to the doctor - these symptoms are characteristic of quite dangerous disorders in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. Also, discharge should appear only for a fairly short period of time after installation. Its duration varies among women, but on average it is about a week or ten days. Excessive discharge that continues for a long time is usually associated with problems with the reproductive system.

Blood discharge after installation of an intrauterine device is not considered a pathology if it is scanty, does not have an unpleasant odor and stops after 5 days. Sometimes spotting in a woman may be present longer after the installation of the IUD and is also not a pathology. In addition, menstruation and its abundance may exceed the normal norm for a woman. This period may also be accompanied by pain or cramping in the lower abdomen that has not been observed before. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the female body and the woman’s lifestyle. But in any situation, after installing an IUD, a woman should be attentive to her health and, if any doubts arise, seek advice from her gynecologist.

Causes of bleeding after insertion of an intrauterine device

The intrauterine device is installed in the last days of the menstrual cycle, until monthly blood flow stops. For this reason, the presence of discharge is quite normal. For six months after the procedure, light uterine bleeding outside the cycle may be observed. Their occurrence is due to the fact that the female body adapts to the presence of a foreign body.

This phenomenon is especially common in nulliparous women. If, after installing the IUD, the volume of blood released sharply increases or the woman begins to experience severe pain in the lower abdomen, she should definitely consult a doctor.

Bleeding after insertion of an IUD can be caused by the following factors:

  • incorrectly installed intrauterine device;
  • gynecological diseases (including sexually transmitted diseases);
  • oncology of the genital organs;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • puncture of the uterus with a spiral;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

Possible complications after inserting an IUD

Before installing the IUD, a woman must pass certain tests and undergo an examination. This is necessary as there are some restrictions for its installation. Inflammatory processes and various pathologies (both genital organs and the whole body) are a contraindication to the use of an IUD.

If you ignore them, then in addition to uterine bleeding, a woman may develop quite serious health problems.

Even if the IUD was installed correctly, there are a number of complications that can arise as a result of its presence in the uterine body. The most common complication is spontaneous loss or rejection of the device by the body.

After the installation procedure, the woman is not recommended to lift weights or have sexual intercourse for 2 weeks. It takes quite a long time for the uterus to get used to the presence of a foreign body, which explains the presence of spotting in the first six months after installation.

It takes at least 3 months for the uterus to adapt to the IUD.

During this period, the risk of spontaneous prolapse of the intrauterine device remains as great as in the first days after its installation. Prolapse can occur unnoticed by a woman (during the process of defecation), so it is necessary to independently check its presence. You can determine whether the spiral has fallen out or not thanks to the antennae of the spiral, which are designed to remove it. Every time you carry out hygiene procedures, you need to check their presence in the vagina.

If the IUD was installed incorrectly or prolapsed, which can also be indicated by bleeding outside the menstrual cycle, the woman is at risk of becoming pregnant or suffering damage to the uterus.

After installing an IUD, the risk of infections entering the uterus increases, which leads to the development of various gynecological diseases. This is explained by the fact that the cervix is ​​constantly slightly open due to the antennae of the spiral.

Perforation or puncture of the uterus. This pathology is rare - in one out of 5 thousand women. Typically, a puncture occurs during installation or removal of the IUD, which requires immediate intervention from a doctor. In most cases, a puncture with timely treatment does not entail any undesirable consequences. It is considered dangerous if the perforation was not detected in a timely manner and proceeds without any symptoms. A spiral that pierces the uterus can damage other nearby organs. Such damage provokes various inflammatory reactions. Extensive inflammation of the peritoneum may occur.

Other complications that an intrauterine device can cause may include the following:

  1. The likelihood of pregnancy, since none of the contraceptive methods gives a 100% guarantee. Most often, pregnancy with an IUD is ectopic.
  2. An increase in the volume of blood released during menstruation and an increase in the duration of the cycle. The maximum permissible blood volume during menstruation should not exceed 80 ml, otherwise there is a risk of anemia.
  3. Irregular menstrual cycle. If there are no visible pathologies, then to normalize it they resort to the use of medications.

An intrauterine device is a good way to prevent unwanted pregnancy if it was installed in compliance with all the rules. After its installation, for preventive purposes, a woman is recommended to visit a gynecologist every six months. An examination by a doctor will allow timely detection of the presence of pathological processes, if any.

If a woman is bleeding, there is severe pain, cramping in the lower abdomen, or other symptoms that are caused by one of the complications, treatment begins with a diagnosis and removal of the intrauterine device, if necessary.

The intrauterine device is the most popular and effective female method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. In order to prevent complications, it is necessary to undergo all examinations and contact only a professional doctor; self-insertion of the IUD is not allowed. But even compliance with all conditions does not guarantee absolute smoothness. It happens that after the installation of the coil there is bleeding, this happens for various reasons. Everything about the IUD insertion procedure and complications is in this article.

An intrauterine device is a special device consisting of inert plastic and some metal (copper or silver), small in size. This device is inserted into the uterine cavity and does not allow the girl to become pregnant. When, fertilization with an IUD can occur, but the spiral will not allow the embryo to attach to the endometrium of the uterus; the principle of action is similar to an abortifacient. The IUD is inserted into the girl on the 3rd or 4th day of her period, while the cervix is ​​open.


Today, 2 types of intrauterine device are actively used:

  • Copper IUD. A copper coil inserted into the uterus releases copper ions, acidifying the uterine environment and reducing sperm activity. The lifespan of a copper IUD is no more than 10 years.
  • Hormonal IUD. After administration, the hormone progesterone is released. This hormone is released daily and inhibits egg maturation. You can use it for up to 5 years, then the spiral is changed.

In appearance, both pregnancy coils resemble the letter T, at the end of which there are two small antennae.

In addition to its main function, uterine devices protect against inflammatory diseases.


As noted above, the benefit of the IUD is not only the inability to get pregnant. The spiral is indicated for the treatment of various diseases, such as:

  • Problems with menstruation. Painful, difficult to tolerate periods, irregular, etc.;
  • Pelvic pain;
  • Uterine fibroids and endometriosis. Early endometrial cancer and precancerous condition;

The spiral produces a bactericidal effect, therefore it alleviates the condition of the disease and prevents deterioration.

The intrauterine device is highly recommended for women who have given birth and do not have STDs or cervical diseases.

Various complications

The most common period after the installation of an IUD when various complications appear is the first three months.

Spiral falling out. It is not necessarily accompanied by painful sensations and does not cause harm to the body. Sometimes a woman does not notice at all that the spiral has fallen out. Loss can occur either immediately after the procedure or for quite a long time after the insertion of the IUD. The cause of the IUD falling out can be heavy physical exertion and deformation of the cervix. Also, if an incompetent doctor installed the IUD incorrectly or chose an IUD that is unsuitable in size and type for the body. Sometimes prolapse occurs due to the harmless reason that the body does not accept a foreign object. In this case, after getting used to it, everything goes away.

Often in the first month after the procedure, girls experience a delay in menstruation. In this case, anti-inflammatory drugs are taken that normalize the cycle and protect against inflammatory processes in the uterus. Inflammation of the uterus occurs due to intolerance to the IUD as a type of contraceptive.

If there is heavy or prolonged bleeding after the IUD insertion procedure, you should immediately go to the hospital. The doctor prescribes tests and examination. The first thing the doctor will pay attention to is whether the woman has gynecological diseases. If it does not stop, and there are no serious diseases, the spiral is removed, otherwise a complication may arise in the form. During treatment, the patient is regularly examined and monitored for the course of the disease.

To prevent symptoms, the doctor prescribes medications containing iron and recommends eating more foods that are rich in iron.

Other complications

Common complications from starting to use an IUD are heavy bleeding and the IUD falling out at different times. But there are other, more rare complications.

The majority arises, as a rule, from a copper spiral.

  • Too painful menstruation;
  • Pelvic infections;
  • Damage to the uterus by the coil;
  • Irregular periods. Sometimes they disappear completely;
  • Ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, subsequent early birth.

Infertility. It is because of this complication that doctors recommend using spirals only for women who have given birth.


Before installing the IUD, a woman needs to undergo a short examination and undergo tests prescribed by the doctor, because the IUD is not suitable for everyone, and sometimes individual intolerance appears after insertion.

The IUD cannot be installed in case of cancer of the genital organs, if a woman suffers from cervical cancer, pelvic infections, cervical cancer, uterine bleeding, etc. Also with deformation of the uterus and if there are sexually transmitted infections. It is prohibited for a woman to use an IUD if less than 3 months have passed since the abortion and if the woman has had an ectopic pregnancy in the past.

An examination is necessary to identify possible problems and the doctor will decide whether the IUD can be inserted without harm to the woman’s body.


Before going to the IUD insertion procedure itself, you need to carry out a number of preparatory measures: take tests prescribed by the doctor, undergo an examination by a gynecologist and carry out the procedure.

Examinations that must be completed before the procedure:

  • Pregnancy testing;
  • Screening for STDs and other gynecological problems;
  • and other types;
  • The doctor must examine the genital organs: vagina, uterus, etc. and then select the best type of IUD for the woman.

Before the procedure, the gynecologist measures the size and depth of the uterus. The process of installing an intrauterine device feels like inserting a gynecological speculum during an examination. There is no severe pain during the procedure, but there is some discomfort. If a woman does not tolerate the slightest discomfort, the doctor may inject painkillers into the cervical area. Installing the spiral takes 10 minutes.


After installing an intrauterine device, you need a gentle daily routine, more rest, and you cannot strain yourself too much with work. The spiral is a foreign object for the body; it takes some time to get used to it and the body experiences stress, so extra stress during rehabilitation will only aggravate the condition. The rehabilitation period after installation of the IUD is different for all women. If there is no pain or heavy bleeding, you can perform the usual amount of work. Just don’t forget that any overvoltage can cause problems, the most common of which is the coil falling out.

Since the prolapse of the IUD from a woman’s uterus most often occurs during the first 8 months, a verification procedure must be carried out. The position of the spiral can be determined by the antennae. You can check this yourself with your fingers, but if a woman cannot check it herself, you need to entrust the matter to a gynecologist. You need to be examined by a doctor monthly. Then the dangerous period will pass easily and without complications.

When to see a doctor

Small or scanty spotting is a natural reaction of the body after insertion of the IUD, as it occurs in almost all women. The average period is 6 months, but the time for cessation of discharge varies individually and can vary from 4 to 8 months. It happens that there is no discharge at all, but this is very rare and harmless.

Only prolonged and heavy discharge becomes dangerous. It's like having a period that doesn't stop for several weeks. If there is heavy bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor. Also, if the discharge continues for quite a long time, it is better to visit the hospital, since severe bleeding and smears for more than 8 months can be caused by serious disorders in the body.

Sometimes the IUD in a woman can provoke various diseases of the uterus, then bleeding signals inflammation. If the examination reveals a negative effect of the spiral, it is removed and no longer installed. In this case, other methods of protection are prescribed.

Using the IUD during breastfeeding

An IUD can only be inserted after six weeks after birth. The ions released by the intrauterine device penetrate the mother's blood, but harmful substances make up only one thousandth of a percent of the daily volume of mother's milk. This amount is too small to harm the baby’s health, so using the device during breastfeeding is safe for mother and child.

Need for removal

There are many reasons why you need to remove the coil or replace it with a new one.

The need to remove the spiral may arise in the following cases:

  • The hormonal intrauterine device needs to be changed after every five years of use, and the copper one after ten years.
  • When using other protection against pregnancy, the IUD must be removed at the beginning of the menstrual cycle.
  • After removing the intrauterine device, the next installation is made only after a month.
  • If inflammation or infection occurs due to the coil, or if there is heavy bleeding, the coil must be removed.
  • In case of individual intolerance to the IUD. If, when using an IUD, a woman has constant abdominal pain in the area of ​​the uterus, or experiences discomfort, the IUD must be removed and another method of protection must be used.

Pregnancy with an intrauterine device

The IUD is the most popular method of preventing unwanted pregnancy, not only because of the simplicity of the procedure, but also because of its excellent effectiveness. There is practically no chance of getting pregnant with an IUD. And yet, pregnancy with an intrauterine device is possible, although it is extremely rare and for certain reasons. For example, an incorrectly installed device, or one that came off during too passionate intercourse.

To exclude a pathology such as ectopic pregnancy, if you suspect pregnancy, you should consult a doctor for examination. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, there are no complications, and the woman wants to carry and give birth to a child, the IUD is removed.

The doctor will remove the IUD without harm to the mother and child. But there are cases when, when the IUD is removed, the pregnancy is terminated.

If a woman does not trust doctors, the child can be carried without removing the intrauterine device from the uterus. But in this case, you need to be mentally prepared for the fact that the development of the fetus will not go so smoothly; complications in the growth and development of the child are possible.

By the way, there are very few known cases of successful pregnancy with an intrauterine device. But there is always a risk of pathologies for the child.

To avoid unpleasant consequences and make pregnancy comfortable and safe, it is necessary to remove the IUD. Or, if a woman does not want to give birth to a child, terminate the pregnancy, since the IUD and pregnancy cannot successfully exist at the same time, and for delay, both mother and child may lose their health.

Protection against unwanted pregnancy using an intrauterine device is considered one of the most reliable and effective. The risk of becoming pregnant in this case is reduced to an insignificant 2%. However, when choosing the most suitable means of contraception in each individual case, all contraindications and possible consequences should be taken into account. If, after a woman has inserted the IUD, bleeding occurs, it is necessary to be observed by a gynecologist to prevent the development of complications.

Contraindications to the use of an intrauterine device

This method of contraception, unfortunately, does not protect a woman from viruses, bacteria, and fungi that cause sexually transmitted infections entering the vagina. It is strictly prohibited for women who do not fully trust their sexual partners or who engage in indiscriminate unprotected sex.

An intrauterine device should not be installed in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • for benign or malignant formations in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • inflammation of the vagina, uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes;
  • deformation or underdevelopment of the uterus due to injury or surgery;
  • various types of bleeding;
  • tuberculosis.

In addition, doctors consider the use of intrauterine contraception possible, but undesirable in the following conditions:

  • any diseases of the blood system;
  • heart disease;
  • presence of HIV;
  • neoplasms of the mammary glands;
  • trophoblastic diseases (tumors);
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • uterine scars.

How and when to install and remove a spiral

Before inserting an IUD spiral into the uterine area, a doctor’s consultation, a gynecological examination, a vaginal smear for flora, histology and sexually transmitted infections, and an analysis of the woman’s general health are required. Based on the results of visual, laboratory and instrumental studies, the gynecologist makes a decision on the possibility of using intrauterine contraception and, if the result is positive, sets a day for the procedure.

Most often, the IUD is placed a few days before or during menstruation. This depends on the anatomical features of the patient.

As a rule, there is no need for anesthesia - local anesthesia is sufficient. To carry out the procedure, the doctor needs to use instruments to open the cervix, perform an examination, measure the depth, insert the spiral itself and secure it in the cavity. All this will take no more than 5-15 minutes.

Before the procedure, many people worry whether it will hurt to install and remove the spiral. In this matter, almost everything depends on the competence of the doctor. An experienced and attentive gynecologist will not cause pain, but only slight discomfort.

Indications for removal of the intrauterine device:

  • inflammation of the female pelvic organs;
  • detection of sexually transmitted infections;
  • heavy uterine bleeding;
  • persistent or unbearable pain;
  • expiration of the period of use.

In the absence of negative effects on the body, a copper coil can be kept inside for up to 10 years, a hormonal coil for up to 5 years. It needs to be removed a few days before your period, and a new one can be installed after a month. After removing the Mirena (the most popular hormonal IUD), the ability to conceive a child returns the very next menstrual cycle.

Feelings after the procedure

Rehabilitation after installation of an intrauterine device takes no more than 5 days. It is recommended during this period to reduce physical activity, rest more, lie down, eat right and completely abandon the following aspects:

  • intimate relationships;
  • taking acetylsalicylic acid with food or tablets;
  • douching;
  • use of tampons;
  • visits to the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool and bath.

Do not be afraid of mild and small bleeding. Scanty bleeding after installation of the IUD is quite acceptable at first. Unpleasant symptoms may appear for six months, then should gradually fade away and completely disappear by the 8th month. But if the discharge during the spiral becomes too abundant, prolonged, or accompanied by sharp pain, you should urgently go to the doctor.

Possible complications and side effects

Most often, a woman’s body tolerates the intrauterine method of contraception well. However, in some cases this method of contraception is simply not suitable for the patient. The development of complications can be triggered by the following points:

  • failure by the patient to comply with the gynecologist’s instructions;
  • carelessness and inaccuracy of the doctor’s actions during installation of the spiral;
  • use of a defective or unsuitable spiral;
  • ignoring a woman’s contraindications to this type of contraception.


Sometimes women go to the doctor with the following complaint: “I put in an IUD, it’s bleeding, what should I do?” Scanty uterine bleeding, not accompanied by severe pain in the pelvic area, is considered normal for 6-8 months after insertion of the intrauterine device. During this period, regular monitoring by a specialist is required to exclude the development of gynecological diseases, and if they are detected, immediate treatment is necessary.

If, after 8 months from installation of the IUD, there is still bleeding, the doctor concludes that the IUD has not taken root in the uterine cavity and must be removed. If the bleeding does not stop after removing the coil, it is necessary to undergo a full examination of the body.


Cervical rupture is a serious consequence of the unprofessionalism of the specialist installing the spiral, or ignoring one of the contraindications (underdevelopment of the uterus or cervical stenosis). This complication is quite rare and is treated conservatively; in case of a deep rupture, surgical suturing is possible.

Perforation of the uterus can occur if the correct technique for installing the intrauterine device in nulliparous patients is not followed. Symptoms of perforation are quite characteristic and easy to diagnose:

  • sharp, unremitting pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pale skin;
  • very low blood pressure.

If the above signs occur, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound examination, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, he immediately removes the coil and prescribes appropriate therapy.

Other conditions

The vasovagal reaction of a woman’s body is associated with emotional perception and can manifest itself directly during the procedure with pale skin, slow pulse and semi-fainting. The process of installing the spiral should be temporarily stopped and the patient returned to a normal psycho-emotional state.

Loss of the coil (expulsion) occurs quite often among nulliparous patients, usually in the first days or first 2-3 months after the procedure. Typically, rejection of the IUD is accompanied by severe pain, reminiscent of labor pains. If antispasmodic and painkillers do not alleviate the condition, it is worth doing an ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity to detect the location of the spiral.

The uterus can reject the IUD painlessly, so gynecologists recommend that women independently check for the presence of IUD tendrils in the uterus after each menstrual cycle. If there is no IUD in the uterus, a gynecologist recommends either installing another one or refusing to use intrauterine contraception.

Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system

Infections and inflammation of the pelvic organs are the most common complication after the IUD (15% of cases). The reason may be ignoring contraindications to the use of the intrauterine method of contraception (promiscuous sex life, the presence of minor inflammation). It is necessary to pay attention to the appearance of one or more signs indicating inflammation of the reproductive system:

  • pain, cramping in the abdominal area (may subside for a while, then intensify);
  • increased body temperature;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, bloody stools);
  • frequent or painful urination;
  • unusual vaginal discharge with a strong odor and nonspecific color.

Such diseases are treated with antibacterial drugs and local therapy. The acute course of the inflammatory process indicates that the coil needs to be removed urgently. The doctor who removed the coil takes a microflora test for sensitivity to various antibiotics and prescribes a course of treatment.

The most severe consequences of acute inflammatory diseases associated with the use of the IUD can be ectopic pregnancy and infertility.

Most of the above complications relate to the use of copper IUDs; hormonal IUDs, as a rule, are much easier to tolerate by the female body. Among other methods of contraception, doctors consider the intrauterine device to be the most preferable if the woman has a proven and only sexual partner.

Women who have an intrauterine device installed sometimes notice spotting. This causes some discomfort and may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor and pain. Let us consider in more detail which symptoms are normal and in which cases pathology should be suspected.

Doctors warn that after installing an IUD, side effects are possible in the form of pain in the lower abdomen and blood after the installation of the IUD. As a rule, discharge can normally be present for 1-2 weeks. Usually this phenomenon occurs about 5 days after the procedure. Menstruation may be more abundant and longer; some women experience pain during this period, which has the nature of a spasm. In the periods between menstruation, bloody discharge sometimes appears during the spiral.

When does bleeding occur with an IUD?

The intrauterine device is usually placed in the last days of your period, so a few days after the procedure, spotting after insertion of the device is completely natural and should not be a cause for concern. If after installing the IUD you have heavy periods that last longer than usual and cause severe pain, it is better to seek advice from a specialist. Let us consider in more detail the situations in which you need to consult your doctor:

  1. Heavy bloody or brown discharge that continues for more than a week after IUD insertion;
  2. Severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  3. Unpleasant odor from the vagina (may be caused by infection);
  4. Delayed menstruation.

If the discharge is scanty and there is no pain, this situation is normal, and in some cases it can last for several months. The first menstruation after installation of the IUD sometimes begins later than usual; to normalize the cycle, it is recommended to take anti-inflammatory drugs, which will be prescribed by the gynecologist after the procedure. In some cases, after installing such contraceptives, a cycle failure is observed, this is not a pathology, the cycle is gradually restored. Inflammatory processes in such cases occur quite often, so taking medications is mandatory. The drugs will not only restore the monthly cycle, but will also help avoid possible complications.

In cases where prolonged spotting is observed during the coil, the doctor will refer the patient for tests to rule out gynecological pathologies. If test results do not show the presence of diseases, the IUD is recommended to be removed due to the fact that prolonged bleeding can cause anemia in a woman. For preventive purposes, an additional course of treatment with drugs containing iron is prescribed. It is also important to follow a diet and proper daily routine; increased exercise is not recommended. You should include more foods that contain iron in your diet.

It is important to know that sometimes there are cases when the intrauterine contraceptive is not installed correctly. This can usually happen within three months of the procedure. In this case, it can fall out unnoticed by the woman, which may lead to an unwanted pregnancy. If signs of possible pregnancy appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Bloody discharge after insertion of the IUD is a normal process that can take from several days to several months. If the discharge is not accompanied by pain and other signs, this phenomenon is considered normal. In some cases, there may be virtually no discharge, but this happens quite rarely.

When is it necessary to visit a gynecologist after installation?

If the brown discharge with a spiral is scanty, you should visit your doctor a month after the procedure. The next visit is scheduled by the gynecologist, usually after one and a half to two months. If you bleed profusely and with pain after installing the IUD, it is better not to delay going to the doctor. The sooner the pathology is identified, the faster the doctor will prescribe the necessary measures for treatment and prevention of complications. If the cycle is disrupted for more than six months, it is better to consult your gynecologist. Experts say that in the first months after the IUD was inserted, cycle failure is caused by disruption of the endometrium of the uterus. This is not dangerous to the woman’s health and the process gradually normalizes without the intervention of a doctor.

In some cases, periods disappear for a long period of time, sometimes up to six months or more. In such cases, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy and do a test. If the result is positive, you should definitely see a gynecologist to rule out possible complications.

Brown discharge with a spiral appears most often during an inflammatory process. If they do not disappear after a few days, a course of anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed, which should be taken according to a clear regimen prescribed by the doctor. With proper and timely treatment, such discharge disappears within a few weeks.

Spiraling and spotting are normal if they are not accompanied by pain and the amount of discharge is small. If a woman notices that after installing the IUD there is bleeding, but not profusely and not for a long time, this process is normal and should not cause concern.

Possible consequences from the IUD

In some cases, an intrauterine contraceptive may cause discomfort in the abdominal area. It should be understood that it is a foreign body, the body must adapt to it, get used to it. Therefore, such pains are quite common; painkillers will help get rid of them. Aching pain may accompany several months, but does not appear in all cases.

Sometimes women experience mastalgia - an increase in the size of the mammary glands, which can be accompanied by pain and fever. Typically, such symptoms go away quickly without drug treatment.

In rare cases, the intrauterine device provokes bleeding, which persists for a long time. Some experts argue that the IUD is not suitable for all women and can be rejected by the body. In such a situation, it is better to remove it and choose another method of contraception. This is caused by individual intolerance to the spiral or to the material from which it is made. Modern medicine offers many methods of contraception, the intrauterine device is only one of them.