The procedure for registering ownership of real estate during its registration. State cadastral registration and registration of rights to real estate objects Cadastral registration register of rights to real estate

How long to wait after submitting documents - have the deadlines for registering property rights changed?

Service delivery times have been reduced. In the case of filing one application for registration of rights and cadastral registration, both actions are carried out simultaneously within 10 days. If the applicant applies for one of these services, then registration of rights will be carried out within no more than 7 days, and cadastral registration - no more than 5 days. In case of contacting Multifunctional Center"My Documents" service delivery period is increased by 2 days.

The new law also provides for a reduction in the time it takes to obtain an extract on a property. Information from the Unified State Register can be obtained within 3 days. The procedure for obtaining information from the Unified State Register does not differ from the existing procedure, that is, any interested person can request from it publicly available information about a real estate property in a way convenient for him.

Is it possible to submit documents for registration without registering the property with the cadastral register?

In accordance with the law, registering an object with cadastral registration is a prerequisite for registering ownership rights to it. Exceptional cases when it is permissible to register rights without registering an object for cadastral registration are determined by the law “On State Registration of Real Estate”.

This happens, for example, in cases when a piece of real estate, information about which is already contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, is sold, purchased, donated, or an encumbrance is placed (or removed) on it.

Cadastral registration without registration of rights is also possible in exceptional cases determined by law. For example, in connection with the termination of the existence of a real estate property, the rights to which are not registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN), or in connection with a change in the main characteristics of the real estate property.

What fundamental innovations have appeared in the procedures for registering rights and accounting?

The innovation of the legislation is that citizens now have the opportunity submit one applicationto conductregistrationAndrights and cadastresWowaccountingand in relation to the same object. In this case, both actions will be performed simultaneously.

This is very convenient, especially in the case of land plots. For example, if the owner land plot sells it not entirely, but a certain part. Previously, in order to sell, he had to either sell a share in the right to a land plot, or first allocate a part of his plot (carry out land surveying, register it with cadastral registration), and after registering part of the land plot with cadastral registration and making changes to the Unified State Register, sell the resulting part land plot. Now it is enough to allocate a certain part of the land plot by surveying it, and, together with the prepared boundary plan and purchase and sale agreement, submit documents for registration of the transfer of rights and cadastral registration.

House in law: how to register rights to a newly built country houseA country house must be built not only according to the mind, but also according to the law. Experts told the RIA Real Estate website about all the procedures for registering an individual house at each stage of its construction.

What documents do I need to collect to apply for property registration?

To carry out registration of rights and cadastral registration, you must submit an application and a package of documents. The list and form of required documents can be found on the Rosreestr website.

Sample list of documents:

Application for registration of property rights (filled out by an employee of Rosreestr or MFC);

Document basis for the transfer of ownership (Agreement of purchase and sale, gift, exchange, Court decision and others);

Power of attorney for representatives (when submitting documents through representatives);

Receipt for payment of state duty (2 thousand rubles for individuals, 22 thousand rubles for legal entities);

According to the new law, Rosreestr independently requests the constituent documents of the legal entity that has applied for registration of the object and state registration of rights to it. The organization has the right to submit such documents on its own initiative.

The exact list of documents depends on the type and subjects of the transaction.

Rosreestr will open online access to USRN information this weekInformation that Rosreestr was unable to fully comply with the law on the launch of the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) on January 1, 2017 appeared in the media on Wednesday, and the reason for the unrest was the closed access to a number of online services. Representatives of Rosreestr told RIA Real Estate that the agency decided to begin operating the system in the mode of component-by-component input of services, and access to USRN information online will be opened this week.

How has the procedure for submitting documents for registration changed?

The procedure for state registration of rights and cadastral registration for applicants and right holders has not become more complicated. Registration of rights and cadastral registration of real estate is carried out in the same manner as before January 1, 2017.

The new law provides several ways to receive services: in electronic format, as well as by personal contact to the office of the Federal Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr and the multifunctional center "My Documents".

In addition, you can receive documents under the new law remotely by courier delivery. To use this method, you need to make a special mark in the application at the time of submitting documents. In this case, the completed documents will be delivered to the property owner at any place and time convenient for him.

The changes affected the procedure for submitting documents for cadastral registration of real estate. If previously any person could submit an application for registration of a real estate property, now the new law establishes a list of persons based on whose applications real estate objects will be taken into account and the rights to them will be registered.

Yes, according to the provisions of the law An application in relation to a created (i.e. constructed) property can be submitted by the owner or other legal holder of the land plot on which such a property is located.

Application for cadastral registration or state registration and Required documents, as before, it will be possible to imagine:

IN in paper form- in person (to Rosreestr, through the MFC, during an on-site reception) or by mail (to Rosreestr);

In the form of electronic documents - through a single portal of public services or the official website of Rosreestr.

The issuance of a certificate of registration of ownership of real estate ceases in Russia from July 15. Rosreestr urges citizens not to be alarmed, because the document confirming the fact of registration itself is not canceled - an extract remains. Department specialists explained to the RIA Real Estate website how the new changes to the law will work and how to handle the issued documents.

Bachelor, student

  • Akhmadeeva Alisa Alekseevna, bachelor, student
  • Bashkir State Agrarian University

    The concept of cadastral registration of real estate objects and registration of rights has been studied. The amendments made to the existing regulatory framework were considered.

    • Foreign experience in physical education of students
    • Independence of the judiciary and constitutional reforms in the Republic of Armenia
    • Measures for the protection of land resources in the master plan

    The sphere of regulation of the turnover of property relations in its activities touches on a number of problems; the issues of state cadastral registration and state registration of real estate are particularly difficult.

    Since 2017, a number of changes have come into force in the rules for maintaining the state register in electronic form, the terms for the provision of public services, and duplication of functions has been eliminated.

    Let's take a closer look at the state cadastral registration system, with all the changes that have occurred in the legislative framework.

    Today, the Federal Law “On State Registration of Real Estate” (as amended on February 28, 2018) is in force, as well as the Federal Law “On Cadastral Activities” (as amended on February 28, 2018) 218-FZ. The Law “On Cadastral Activities” replaced the Federal Law “On State Cadastral Registration” - Federal Law No. 221.

    It should be noted that until 2017 there were two registries in operation. The first registered rights to real estate and transactions with it. The second register was the state real estate cadastre. Since 2017 they have been united. The Unified Real Estate Register is currently in effect.

    Many procedures for providing services have been significantly simplified, some of them began to be carried out using the Internet. Another important fact is the simplification of a number of procedures and reduction of processing time. The current deadlines (in working days) are shown in Table 1.

    Table 1. Deadlines for state registration of rights and cadastral registration

    Real estate objects for which state cadastral registration is maintained are structures, land plots, buildings and their parts, unfinished construction objects, premises, parking spaces.

    Only Rosreestr and its territorial bodies now have the right to carry out cadastral registration and registration of rights to real estate; powers in this regard cannot be transferred to subordinate institutions.

    According to the new legislation, it has become possible to simultaneously register with the state and vice versa. Accounting and state registration will be carried out simultaneously in the following cases:

    • creation of a real estate property (except for situations where cadastral registration can be carried out without simultaneous state registration of rights);
    • formation of a real estate object (except for the case of seizure of a land plot or real estate located on it for state and municipal needs);
    • termination of the existence of a real estate property, the rights to which are registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
    • formation or termination of existence of a part of the object, which is subject to restrictions on the rights and encumbrances of the object, subject to state registration.

    Having analyzed the statistical data, we compiled a chart indicating the number of applications for state cadastral registration and requests for information from the state real estate cadastre regarding land plots in the period 2015-2016 (according to the State National Report on the condition and use of land in Republic of Bashkortostan in 2016, 2017). According to the data, there is a decrease in the number of applications for the provision of information from the State Property Committee and requests for direct registration of real estate in the cadastral register.

    Figure 1. Providing information from the State Tax Committee

    An analysis of citizens' appeals to the Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr" in the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2017 allows us to classify them by topic (Table 2.).

    Table 2. Subjects of appeals to Rosreestr


    Number of requests

    Issues of state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it

    Issues of the state real estate cadastre

    Issues of organizing work in the provision of public services

    Real estate valuation issues

    Clarification of legislation on issues related to the established field of activity

    Other issues related to the scope of activity of the Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr" in the Republic of Bashkortostan

    Summarize. Cadastral registration recognizes actions carried out by special bodies that must enter information about the property in the state register. This information is recognized as official evidence of the existence of the property.

    Considering the gradual changes in cadastral registration using the example of the time frame valid for the Ufa region (it should be noted that for different regions this transition period had different durations). For the Ufa region, the transition period can be divided into stages: until September 1, 2012 and from September 2012 to January 1, 2013.

    At the moment, thanks to the changes legislative framework, there has been a significant simplification of the procedure for registering a property with cadastral registration with further registration of rights to it. Starting this year, this can be done at the same time.


    1. State (national) report on the state and use of land in the Republic of Bashkortostan for 2016. Ufa. – 2017
    2. State (national) report on the state and use of land in the Republic of Bashkortostan for 2015. Ufa. – 2016
    3. Federal Law "On State Registration of Real Estate" dated July 13, 2015 N 218-FZ (latest edition).
    4. Federal Law "On Cadastral Activities" dated July 24, 2007 N 221-FZ (latest edition)

    From January 1, 2017, registration rules real estate have changed. This is due to the entry into force of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 218-FZ “On State Registration of Real Estate”.

    Learning the new rules for registering real estate from 2017 will be of interest to everyone, and not just to lawyers practicing in the relevant field. After all, almost every person sooner or later is faced with the need to register rights to real estate. Buying an apartment, mortgage, inheriting an individual residential building - all this requires taking a number of actions to formalize your rights to real estate.

    Let's see what has changed and what the new law on real estate registration brings us in 2017 and subsequent years.

    General overview of the law

    Let's start with the basics - why do you need to register your rights to, say, an apartment?

    To answer this question, let us turn to Part 3 of Art. 1 of Law No. 218-FZ.

    “State registration of rights to real estate is a legal act of recognition and confirmation of the emergence, change, transition, termination of the right of a certain person to real estate or restriction of such a right and encumbrance of real estate.”

    After going through a procedure defined by law, the state recognizes a citizen, for example, the right to own, use and dispose of certain real estate (i.e., the right of ownership).

    After the sale of an apartment, the seller’s ownership of it is terminated simultaneously with the registration of the transfer of this right to the buyer.

    Also, not only the rights themselves, but also restrictions on rights and encumbrances are subject to registration. For example, a mortgage.

    All this is necessary to determine the legal status of real estate and ensure control over the legality of transactions made with real estate both in the interests of their participants and in the interests of everyone else.

    Law No. 218-FZ is notable for the fact that it approaches the registration of rights to real estate more systematically than it was before. It simultaneously regulates relations regarding cadastral registration and state registration of rights to real estate.

    Previously, these relations were regulated accordingly Federal law dated July 24, 2007 No. 221-FZ “On cadastral activities” and Federal Law dated July 21, 1997 No. 122-FZ “On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it.”

    The new law greatly simplifies registration procedures through the unification of the unified state register of rights to real estate and transactions with it (USRP) and the state real estate cadastre (GKN).

    On their basis, a unified state real estate register (USRN) is created, which consists of the following elements (Part 2, Article 7 of Law No. 218-FZ):

    1. register of real estate objects (real estate cadastre);
    2. register of rights, restrictions on rights and encumbrances of real estate (register of rights to real estate);
    3. border register;
    4. register cases;
    5. cadastral maps;
    6. books of documents.

    Procedures for recording real estate objects and registering rights to them are now carried out by one body - Federal service state registration, cadastre and cartography (Rosreestr).

    Previously, cadastral registration was carried out by cadastral chambers subordinate to Rosreestr. Accordingly, a person first had to contact the cadastral chamber and register the property with the cadastral register. Only after this could he start registering his rights by contacting Rosreestr.

    Two procedures, two organs, two sets of documents... It’s inconvenient, don’t you agree?

    And now the process of registering rights is simplified, there is one body, one set of documents, time is saved, unnecessary nerves are not wasted (there are no unnecessary nerves at all, I will say so).

    Now let's take a closer look at the registration procedure itself.

    Procedure for registering rights

    State registration of rights and cadastral registration of a property are becoming a single procedure. It is carried out on the basis of an application and a certain set of documents submitted to Rosreestr.

    In addition to the application, the grounds for registering rights may be:

    1. acts issued by state authorities or local governments;
    2. contracts and other transactions in relation to the property;
    3. acts on the privatization of residential premises;
    4. certificates of inheritance;
    5. judicial acts that have entered into force;
    6. acts on rights to real estate;
    7. boundary, technical plan, survey report, prepared as a result of cadastral work;
    8. scheme for placing a land plot on a public cadastral map when carrying out state cadastral registration of a land plot formed for the purpose of providing it for free use and located on the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District;
    9. other documents confirming the existence, occurrence, transfer, termination of rights, restrictions or encumbrances on the property, the occurrence of other circumstances provided for in federal law.

    Although Law No. 218-FZ provides for the procedure for simultaneous state registration of rights and cadastral registration of an object, they can be carried out separately. This is cadastral registration without state registration of rights and vice versa.

    Each of the three options is carried out in its own strictly defined cases.

    Not many cases have been established for the simultaneous provision of two services:

    • creation of a real estate property that does not require permission to put into operation;
    • formation of a real estate object (there are three exceptions provided for in clauses 8 - 10, part 5, article 14 of Law No. 218-FZ);
    • termination of existence of the property;
    • state registration of restrictions and encumbrances.

    In all other cases, actions for registration of rights and cadastral registration are carried out separately.

    For example, most real estate, particularly multi-apartment residential buildings, require an occupancy permit.

    In this case, the body authorized to issue the permit sends the permit itself, an application for cadastral registration and other necessary documents to Rosreestr.

    Based on these documents, Rosreestr registers the property for cadastral registration.

    After this, the copyright holder (for example, a developer) independently registers his right to the object.

    When transferring ownership rights, it is not necessary to register real estate in the cadastral register. Such accounting has already been carried out; all that is required is to register the transfer of ownership.

    Place and terms of registration of rights

    Previously, the application had to be submitted to the territorial body of Rosreestr or the cadastral chamber at the location of the property.

    Now this rule does not apply. An application for cadastral registration and registration of rights can be submitted to any convenient division of Rosreestr or a multifunctional center (MFC).

    Implementation deadlines registration actions the following:

    • with simultaneous cadastral registration and registration of rights through Rosreestr - 10 working days, through the MFC - 12 working days;
    • registration of rights through Rosreestr - 7 working days, through the MFC - 9 working days;
    • cadastral registration through Rosreestr - 5 working days, through the MFC - 7 working days.

    Also in Part 1 of Art. 15 of Law No. 218-FZ establishes deadlines for registration actions carried out on the basis of various kinds of judicial acts or acts of authorized bodies, certificates of inheritance, for registering mortgages, etc.

    Supporting documents and other innovations

    Certificates of state registration of rights to real estate are no longer issued.

    The document confirming the ownership of real estate is an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 20, 2016 No. 378 provides for several forms of statements:

    • about the main characteristics and registered rights to the property;
    • on the transfer of rights to a property;
    • about rights individual on existing or existing real estate properties;
    • on the date of receipt by the rights registration authority of the application for state cadastral registration, state registration of rights and documents attached to it

    The extract can be provided by Rosreestr both in paper form and in the form electronic document. The time it takes to receive statements has also been reduced. As a rule, an extract is issued within no more than three working days.

    This is a positive thing. Negative - you will have to pay for providing an extract from the Unified State Register, and the prices for them have increased compared to the prices for extracts from the Unified State Register.

    Tariffs are approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated May 10, 2016 No. 291. The cost of an extract on a real estate property is:

    • for a paper document - 750 rubles. for individuals, 2,200 rub. - for legal entities;
    • for an electronic document - 300 rubles. for individuals and 600 rub. for legal entities.

    If desired, you can order courier delivery of the statement. Of course for an additional fee.

    What else is worth noting?

    Appeared. What is it and how are rights to them registered? I have a separate article, there is a link, we won’t dwell on it here.

    Cadastral registration and registration of rights can be carried out without the participation of the applicant, since information will be entered into the Unified State Register, including through interdepartmental interaction.

    For example, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is obliged to send information about changes in information about individual, notaries - information about the issuance of a certificate of the right to inheritance, the Federal Tax Service of Russia - information about changes in information about legal entities And individual entrepreneurs etc.

    If Rosreestr receives relevant documents in the order of interdepartmental interaction, then it simply enters information into the Unified State Register on their basis and notifies the copyright holder about it.

    There have been a lot of changes. Many procedures have been simplified. On the other hand, some aspects have become more difficult. For example, there are more grounds for suspending registration actions than before. There are also grounds for refusing to accept documents from the applicant, which previously did not exist at all.

    These are the main changes in real estate registration since 2017, which will hopefully remain in effect for many years to come.

    If you have additional questions on the topic, ask in the comments (if there is no answer for 1-2 days, that’s normal, I’ll definitely answer within a week). Be sure to subscribe to mine. My Telegram channel also always at your service.

    See you in the next articles!

    State registration of rights - entering information about the right to a property in the Unified State Register of Real Estate ( The Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) appeared in 2017 as a result of the merger into one information resource The Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (USRP) and the State Real Estate Cadastre (GKN).

    ">EGRN) - are subject to ownership and other proprietary rights to real estate and transactions with it, restrictions on rights and encumbrances of real estate: easement, mortgage, trust management, lease, rental of residential premises and so on.

    Now the information entered into the Unified State Register of Real Estate is the only evidence of the existence of a registered right to a property, which can only be challenged in court.

    The owner must register the rights (regardless of who he is - a citizen of the Russian Federation, foreign citizen or stateless person). If the owner is a minor, a legal representative (parent, adoptive parent, guardian, trustee) can act on his behalf. From the age of 14, a child can register rights to real estate himself. On behalf of incompetent persons, an application for registration of rights is submitted by their guardians. If necessary, you can issue a notarized power of attorney for the representative.

    2. Is it necessary to register a property before registering it in the cadastral register?

    Previously, if a property was not registered in the cadastral register, it had to be first registered in the cadastral register and only then the rights to it had to be registered. Now, if necessary, this can be done simultaneously.

    You will only need state registration of the right if information about the property, the right to which needs to be registered, has previously been entered into the Unified State Register of Real Estate, that is, it is already registered in the cadastral register.

    State registration of property rights simultaneously with cadastral registration is required if the object was With the exception of previously unregistered real estate for which permission to put a capital construction project into operation was issued (for example, apartment buildings). In this case, the object is registered in the cadastral register by the state authority or local government that issued the permit.

    ">created (for example, built a private house) and, accordingly, was not previously listed in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, or was formed (for example, by dividing a plot of land), or ceased to exist (provided that the rights to it were previously registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate).

    At home

    Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people of groups I and II can register the rights to their real estate using the free “On-Site Service” service. A courier will come to them and accept the application for registration of rights.

    Property rights will be registered within 5-12 business days. To check the status of consideration of the application, you can use the electronic service “Checking the execution of the request online”.

    5. How is state registration of a right confirmed?

    Based on the results of registering your rights to real estate, you will be given an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the main characteristics and registered rights to the property. It can be received in the form of an electronic document, signed with a qualified electronic signature, by e-mail or in the form of a document on on paper, which can be received by mail or in person at the center. You can also order delivery of an extract from the USRN by courier (paid service). The method of obtaining the document must be indicated in the application when submitting documents for registration of rights.

    Certificates of ownership are no longer issued since 2017.

    6. How can I prohibit the registration of rights to my property without my presence?

    If you are the owner of real estate, you can apply to make a record in the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the impossibility of state registration of a transfer, restriction (encumbrance), or termination of the right to a property without your personal participation.

    In this case, Rosreestr will reject any attempts by third parties to register any rights to your property without giving reasons. Exception: change of rights to real estate based on a court decision that has entered into legal force or the request of a bailiff.

    Subsequently, such a record may be An entry in the Unified State Register about the impossibility of state registration without the personal participation of the owner of the property (his legal representative) is canceled on the basis of:

    • applications from the owner (his legal representative) to withdraw a previously submitted application about the impossibility of state registration;
    • a judicial act that has entered into legal force;
    • decision of the state registrar (without an application from the owner or his legal representative) simultaneously with the state registration of the transfer, termination of the ownership right of the specified owner.

    7. What should I do if I do not agree with the entry in the Unified State Register of Real Estate?

    If there is an entry in the Unified State Register of Real Estate that your property has a new owner, but you do not agree with this and are ready to challenge it in court, you can submit a statement to Rosreestr about whether you have any objections to the registered right to the property.

    Such an entry in the Unified State Register will not in any way affect the further registration of rights to this property, but may help reduce the number of subsequently contested transactions.

    Over time, such a record may be A record can be canceled without a statement from the previous copyright holder based on a decision of the state registrar in the following cases:

    • the previous copyright holder did not challenge this right in court;
    • the body carrying out state registration of rights received a document confirming that the previous copyright holder challenged this right in court simultaneously with the entry into the Unified State Register of Rights of an entry indicating the existence of a claim claimed in court;
    • the body carrying out state registration of rights has received or submitted a court decision that has entered into legal force and according to which this right has been terminated, the right of another person to the object has been established, or the termination of this right has been denied.

    8. Is it possible to complete all the documents necessary for purchasing a home in one package?

    From August 1, 2017, at the “My Documents” government service centers, you can draw up documents and receive services that you may need during the process or immediately after purchasing a home, for example:

    • provision of information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
    • conducting an inventory and providing technical accounting information;
    • address registration of real estate objects: provision of a certificate of identification of the address of a capital construction project;
    • provision of information and documents on rights to housing facilities registered before January 31, 1998;
    • disposal of maternity capital;
    • provision of housing accounting information;
    • state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of rights;
    • approval of reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings and execution by the acceptance committee of an act on the completed reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.

    All of them have the opportunity to receive documents in one package.

    Property registration under the new legislation of 2017 has become faster. But in addition to the reduction in terms, there have been other changes. Which ones exactly - read the article.

    Joint registry. Correlation between 221-FZ as amended for 2017 and 218-FZ

    The main innovation is the creation of the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN), which contains both cadastral data on real estate and information about rights, encumbrances and prohibitions. It was created by combining the State Cadastre and the Unified Register of Real Estate Rights.

    It means that:

    1. Now you can simultaneously register an object for cadastral registration and register the right to it. Previously, it was necessary to first register the property with the cadastral chamber and only then contact the registration chamber. To carry out these actions at once, it is enough to mark the corresponding item in the registration application.
    2. When making transactions with property already registered in the cadastre, it is no longer necessary to provide a cadastral passport (all cadastral data is visible to registrars in the Unified State Register of Real Estate).

    The Unified State Register is maintained exclusively by Rosreestr and its divisions. Accounting is carried out electronically (previously, the register and cadastre were kept on paper, which had priority).

    Both registration and accounting of real estate are now regulated by a single law - 218-FZ of July 13, 2015 on real estate registration. In 221-FZ dated July 24, 2007 - the Federal Law on the Real Estate Cadastre - 2017 introduced changes in the form of loss of force in terms of maintaining cadastral records. But this law still regulates the activities of cadastral engineers.

    New types of real estate that can be included in the cadastre and registered

    With the introduction of the new law on real estate registration in 2017, independent registration and accounting of such objects as:

    1. Parking places. Previously, the building in which the place is located was taken into account, and registration was limited to registering a share in this building. Now the owner of a parking space can allocate a share in kind and apply for registration of the right to this space.
    2. Enterprises ( property complexes). Registration of an enterprise is possible after accounting and registration of rights to all objects included in it.
    3. Unified real estate complexes (a set of related structures/buildings with a single purpose). Previously, it was impossible to take them into account in the cadastre as an independent object. At the same time, the law required them to be registered, which is impossible without registration.

    Filing an application under the new real estate registration law

    Another innovation is the ability to apply for registration and/or accounting at any territorial branch of Rosreestr (or at any MFC). Now registration and accounting are not tied to the location of the property. The applicant's place of residence remains irrelevant.

    Until 2017, cadastral registration was carried out only if an application was made to the cadastral chamber in the territory of the cadastral district in which the property was located. Registration was carried out exclusively at the location of the property in the registration district.

    Don't know your rights?

    An application can be submitted in several ways:

    1. In person (at Rosreestr or at the MFC). In addition, there is an on-site reception service - provided free of charge, but only to WWII veterans and disabled people, as well as disabled people of groups 1 and 2, if such persons are applicants.
    2. By post (however, you will have to notarize the documents).
    3. IN electronic form(via the Rosreestr website or the State Services Portal, subject to the applicant having an enhanced qualified electronic signature).

    After the introduction of the new real estate registration law 2017:

    • requirements for legal entities to provide constituent documents were abolished;
    • The only case of refusal to accept documents has been established - the inability to establish the identity of the applicant;
    • The grounds for returning an application have been clarified; for example, it is now permissible to pay the fee not immediately, but within 5 days from the receipt of documents by Rosreestr (previously, unpaid fees resulted in the immediate return of documents).

    New deadlines for registration of rights

    Registration of ownership of real estate has become faster since 2017, as has cadastral registration. The following deadlines are established (in working days):

    • 7 days for state registration of rights;
    • 5 days for registration in the cadastre;
    • 10 days for registration and accounting at the same time.

    There is also a shortened period - 3 days when registering a right on the basis of a notarial deed or a certificate of inheritance.

    Housing mortgages are still registered within 5 days. A mortgage on other real estate (land, buildings, structures, etc.) will be registered within a total period of 7 days.

    When submitting documents through the MFC, all deadlines are extended by 2 days. In addition, if you choose the MFC as the place to receive documents after registration, you will also have to wait 2 days.

    The maximum periods for suspension of registration, on the contrary, have been increased:

    • 3 months by decision of Rosreestr (except for cases of suspension on grounds with a special period);
    • 6 months at the initiative of the applicant; You can only declare a suspension once.

    Previously, these periods were 1 and 3 months, respectively. The periods for suspending registration have not changed and are 3 and 6 months.

    As you can see, the innovations are positive and are aimed, among other things, at saving applicants time and money.