Red bear-type Pomeranian. Bear type Pomeranian. Dog character, behavioral characteristics

The Pomeranian Spitz dog breed is very devoted to its owner. She is able to adopt the main traits of the owner, copying his behavior. An animal can be either active or calm, depending on the family structure. The bear-type Pomeranian adapts perfectly to the character of its owner.

Ancient breed

The Bear-type Micro Spitz Pomeranian was bred in Pomerania, Germany. Small puppies periodically appeared in the litter of German representatives of the breed. They were taken as the basis for breeding. In 1982, the first representative was presented at an exhibition in America for the first time. The animal was previously used as a shepherd and watchman. Its weight reached 14 kg, and then gradually decreased over generations to 5-6 kg. Such small dogs served as a “bell” when danger approached. Over time, representatives of the breed became friends and companions of humans. Spitz dogs were appreciated by great people. For example, Mozart, Empress Catherine and many other famous characters did not part with them. Sand and orange dogs were considered fashionable.

The bear-type Pomeranian has served man with devotion for more than four hundred years. In Europe, this breed is used in therapy for stress and depression. The dog closely monitors its owner in order to adapt to his character. The light weight allows you to take your pet with you and not be separated even on forced trips.

White Pomeranian Spitz

The coat color of the breed can be different: orange, cream, brown, red, sable, black and white. The Spitz's ancestors were originally white and medium in size. After numerous modifications, a whole range of various shades appeared, and this color became a rarity. To obtain white fur from the offspring, it is necessary to gradually breed the dog with dogs whose orange color is more pronounced. The yellow tint that appears is also gradually removed. It is not recommended to breed white dogs, as the quality of the animals' fur suffers. To comply with RKF standards, a white bear-type Pomeranian Spitz should not contain any impurities or shades. You can find out what color your pet will have by looking behind his ears. If upon examination a creamy, pale red tint is visible, then the dog will definitely not be white.

Dark Representative

The black bear-type Pomeranian is the most common type of this breed. A real representative should not only have a given coat color, but also a nose, eye rim and lips. On black wool, dirt is not very visible, but lint and colored debris will be immediately noticed.

Bear type Pomeranian. Breed characteristics

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their sociability. The dogs are extremely active, cheerful, devoted to their family, and enjoy playing with children. They will follow their owner throughout the apartment; they do not like loneliness. A cheerful, energetic, affectionate dog will easily cheer up the owner. The miniature bear-type Pomeranian is designed for apartment life. This breed of dog is not suitable for living on the street.

The aggressive nature of the Spitz is an exception that can only arise with improper upbringing. Therefore, it is important to train your dog with early age to avoid the occurrence of undesirable qualities.

Basic care

The bear-type Pomeranian Spitz requires careful attention. It is enough to comb it once a week. It is necessary to irrigate the dog's fur with clean water, and then use a massage brush. Scratch the Spitz against the grain, starting with the ears. You need to make sure that the comb goes through each strand from roots to ends so that tangles do not form. Dry wool cannot be scratched. You should not bathe your dog often, but rather take baths as soon as they get dirty. You need to dry the wool with a hairdryer, as natural drying can cause tangles to form.

To care for hair, you need to purchase tools such as:

1. Soft powder brush.

2. Metal combs: smooth, frequent and sparse.

3. Scissors with blunt ends are used to remove excess hair.

4. Single-sided for thinning wool.

These tools are a must to keep your bear-type Pomeranian looking beautiful. Care also involves the use of anti-tangle sprays, antistatic conditioners, and shampoos.


The mini bear-type Pomeranian is quite easy to train. This does not require the owner’s physical strength or other manifestations of aggression. It is enough to give a clear command or confidently prohibit an action. You cannot make concessions, as Spitz feel the weaknesses of their owners. It must be remembered that the animal will strive for dominance.

Spitz will happily carry out commands that contain elements of dance and a rollover. They respond less well to the “sit” command; most likely, this is due to the dog’s increased activity. The favorite command is “fetch”. The Spitz will happily run after an abandoned toy or bring the right thing. Already at seven months, a small dog is able to learn the following commands:

  1. "To me". The order is important especially in dangerous situations. When teaching this command, you should not approach the dog; you need to wait until it understands and comes on its own.
  2. "Near". Patience is required to effectively assimilate the order.
  3. "Ugh". When training a team, you need to observe some nuances. For example, do not pull the leash too hard, do not shout or use orders too often.
  4. "Give". This command is easy to teach using a ball.

The Spitz breed is suitable for breeding for both experienced dog breeders and beginners.

The “place” command and toilet training

It is necessary to teach your Spitz to lie down in a certain place from an early age. It is advisable that it is not in the hallway or in the kitchen, or near a radiator or in a draft. Ideally, if you can organize a place in the owner's bedroom. For a small dog, baskets with low walls and a plastic box with a rug are suitable. For successful training to the “place” command, you can leave some treat in the bed or a favorite toy.

Hygiene skills need to be instilled from the first days. As you watch your puppy, you may notice that before he eliminates, he will spin around and sniff around, looking for the right spot. At this point, it is necessary to transfer it to the tray designated for bowel movements. You need to put the puppy out after sleeping and eating. Be sure to praise your dog when he performs the action on his own and in the right place. Usually puppies quickly get used to emptying themselves in the tray, the main thing is to be patient and calm.

A few words about feeding

The bear-type Pomeranian is not particularly picky about food. He should not be given fried, fatty, floury, or spicy foods. You also need to exclude lamb, pork, sausage, and frankfurters. It is necessary to include in the diet sea ​​fish, various cereals, vegetables, dairy products, raw lean meat, offal is given from seven months. You should not overfeed your dog, nor should you indulge in whims and change food for something more tasty. In the latter case, if you refuse to eat your usual food, the bowl is removed until the next feeding.

The transition to dry food should be gradual. When choosing “drying”, you must carefully read the composition. Poor quality food can significantly worsen a dog's health. Whether “drying” is suitable or not can be determined by the condition of the animal’s teeth, fur, and stool. This kind of food, of course, has its advantages. For example, this is ease of feeding, storage, and the absence of the need to include additives in the diet. consumes from 50 to 80 grams of dry food per day.

Caring for offspring

A bear-type Pomeranian puppy requires careful attention to its safety. To do this, you must follow the following rules:

1. Be sure to remove all wires from reach, as a small dog will chew anything that attracts its attention.

2. It is necessary to hide all the cracks, for example, behind a refrigerator or sofa. This is due to the fact that the puppy may get stuck while exploring the area.

3. It should be covered with a special covering, because constant sliding can negatively affect the development of the dog’s paws.

4. Anything that has an odor must also be hidden so that the item does not attract the puppy’s attention. For example, fruit-scented dishwashing liquid, a bag of chalk, a garbage can, and so on.

5. It is necessary to protect the dog from drafts, since the Spitz does not tolerate them well.

6. You cannot leave the puppy on a hill; when jumping, it can damage its paws.

7. You need to pick up a small dog with both hands at the same time, since the muscles have not yet become stronger. You must hold it tightly so that it does not fall.

Of course, it is necessary to provide the puppy with proper sleep and, if possible, not leave him alone for a long time.

Newfoundland is a dog that looks like a bear cub. Most of us associate this breed with the image of a fearless protector and rescuer. For people in trouble, he was very often the only hope for salvation. The Newfoundland bear dog very well combines a gentle and kind disposition and excellent performance characteristics. In addition, this breed has very well developed protective instincts.

The Newfoundland breed can be called a bear-like dog breed. These are beautiful, fairly large animals that behave with dignity in almost any situation. They can be described as follows:

  1. Large head with a convex skull.
  2. Large, distinct nose with wide nostrils.
  3. Small, deep-set eyes.
  4. Small triangular ears with rounded tips.
  5. A square body, very similar to the physique of a bear.
  6. Wide well developed tail. When sailing, it is used as a rudder.
  7. The paws are large, with well-developed bones and interdigital membranes.
  8. A coat consisting of long guard hairs and a thick undercoat with water-repellent properties.
  9. The traditional color is pure black, but there are also variants of brown and black with white spots.

Behavioral characteristics

Diver dogs can be described as very peaceful; they are absolutely devoid of aggression. But at the same time, they are smart and very inquisitive. They have their own opinion on everything that happens and sometimes, taking into account their rather large size, this has to be taken into account.

Commands given to a Newfoundland must always be appropriate, otherwise the dog will simply ignore them and act in his own way. The behavior of these dogs is especially interesting when playing with children on the banks of water bodies. They always closely monitor everything that happens and never allow children to go into the water above their waist. Newfoundlands have a well-developed rescue instinct; they rush to a drowning person without any command.

All of the above behavioral characteristics are an average portrait of the breed. The character of each individual dog depends on the upbringing and hereditary qualities of the parents. The appearance of aggression towards other animals and humans is considered a very big breed defect. Such dogs are immediately discarded and are not used for breeding.

Features of care

A dog that looks like a bear needs a large enclosure and constant walking. To maintain good shape, they vitally need moderate physical activity. They should also be given the opportunity to swim and play in the water at least occasionally. For them it is like a native element.

Newfoundland coat care is standard. 1-2 brushings per week and bathing when soiled are enough. This breed sheds almost throughout the year and therefore “matts” often form in their coat. To prevent this, in addition to basic combing, the dog is combed daily with a special brush with stiff bristles.

The diet of this breed must be high in calories and strictly balanced. Large body weight requires large amounts of vitamins and minerals. When compiling a diet, the age, weight and health status of the animal must be taken into account. For more specific recommendations, it is worth visiting your veterinarian.

On the Internet you can find photos of other dog breeds very similar to bear cubs:

One of the oldest breeds bred by the Eskimos. Characterized by a strong build and coarse coat. The nature Alaskan Malamute a very active and playful animal. The height of males at the withers is about 65 cm and weighs 35-40 kg.

One of the oldest guard dog breeds. There are two varieties of Chow Chow: short-haired and long-haired. Among the interesting features, mention should be made of the blue-black tongue. Height at withers is from 40 to 50 cm.

Pomeranian Spitz

In fact, this dog looks more like a fox. However, among the Spitz there is a bright and famous dog Boo - a favorite of social networks. Thanks to his unusual haircut and funny expression on his face, he looks very much like a little bear.

Spitz is a decorative breed of dog. It is characterized by a round head and a flattened, rather wide muzzle. Thick fur on their cheekbones makes them look like miniature bear cubs. Height at the withers is from 18 to 20 cm. The weight of adult dogs does not exceed 2 kg. Pomeranians are great with children, but in some cases they can be very stubborn. The breed requires mandatory training, if this is neglected over the years, the Spitz will become harmful, completely uncontrollable and in some cases quite aggressive.

We invite you to cheer yourself up and look through a selection of photos where the puppies look very much like cute bear cubs.

In this article I will tell you about dog breeds that look like bear cubs. I’ll tell you what their cost is, characteristics and features, what they are called.

There are many bear-like breeds, so let’s look at the most popular ones:

  • oranges;
  • chow-chow;
  • miniature poodles.

The cost of a puppy depends on the class - from 20 to 150,000 rubles.

The appearance depends on its type. If the fox type resembles a fox, and the doll type resembles a plush toy, then representatives of the bear type resemble bear cubs.

This dog has:

  • rounded head with a wide and flattened muzzle;
  • fluffy fur on the muzzle, giving the cheeks a visible swelling;
  • round eyes set at a short distance from each other;
  • raised nose and raised chin.

Pomeranians cannot do without loud barking for any reason, so without training it will be difficult to deal with them.

The smallest representatives of Spitz-type dogs appeared thanks to the efforts of the Germans and the British, puzzled by Queen Victoria’s desire to obtain a decorative version of the Spitz.

The dogs are active, quickly become attached to their owner and are happy to learn new tricks.

The cost of a Spitz depends on the cleanliness of the exterior, so the price of a show class can reach 150 thousand rubles or even higher, and for representatives of the pet class - 20-40 thousand rubles.

The average cost of puppies is from 12,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Another representative of the Spitz-shaped species is distinguished by its large dimensions and even greater resemblance to a bear.

You can recognize the breed by:

  • black tongue;
  • curled shaggy tail with long hair, independent of the length of the overall coat, which can be short;
  • very thick undercoat.

The Chow Chow is an ancient, primitive breed whose history dates back more than one millennium. The animal was used as a guard, reindeer herder, hunter, and also as transport.

Buddhist monks were engaged in breeding bear dogs, and traditional look It was introduced to it by English breeders only in the 19th century.

The dog is popular among older people because it has an easygoing disposition and does not require constant activity.

An animal is devoted to its owner throughout its life, but responds with such affection and love to only one person.

Chow chow panda

An unusual version of the usual chow chow appeared in its homeland - in the southwestern Chinese province. Instead of the usual brown bear, people were presented with a completely new version of the pet - a black and white panda.

The color palette was achieved not through selection work, but through designer grooming using special paints. The founder of the “new fashion”, Mr. Chen assures that the paints used do not pose a danger to animals and can be reused after they are washed off.

The new-fashioned procedure takes 2 hours and requires correction after 6 weeks. The price for the service depends on the size of the pet. Despite the significant surcharge for the unusual color, Chinese dog lovers are happy to give their money to Chen to show off to his friends.

You can't get such services outside of China, so you'll have to travel to get the panda-themed colors.

The average cost for puppies is about 15 thousand rubles.

Another baby bear with an adorable look from his beady black eyes. Due to its size, it is well suited for apartment living and does not require a large area.

According to approved standards, the dog has:

  • flat, elongated ears;
  • narrow-set, almond-shaped, slanted eyes;
  • long and graceful limbs;
  • thin and fluffy wool with a soft undercoat.

The breed appeared only in the 20th century, so it is considered young. It was obtained during breeding work with the standard poodle and was also used in hunting, allowing it to be brought in with killed game.

TO characteristic features Toyev include:

  1. Flexible disposition. Dogs get along well with children and guests. Don't forget to explain the rules of behavior to your children. The fragile structure of the bones does not tolerate cruelty.
  2. High intelligence. Poodles are famous circus dogs. Even beginners can handle the training, as the pet loves the owner’s attention and praise.
  3. Devotion. Sometimes an animal can be too annoying, but you cannot punish it for this.
  4. Playfulness. The pet is happy with any ideas and will gladly support the children's pranks of its little owners.

In conclusion, I note that dogs that look like a bear cub have two general features– affection and natural charm.

When choosing such a pet, do not forget to study its features, since not all “bear cubs” are suitable for city life. Some representatives cannot do without daily physical activity, so it will be more difficult to cope with such dogs.

There are three types of Pomeranians. Only one of them meets the standard: dogs with a “fox” face; they are the ones who participate in exhibitions and become champions. But there are two other varieties that are becoming more popular every year: the baby doll, also known as the doll type, and the teddy bear.

Details about varieties

Standard Pomeranians, according to the description, have a fairly elongated muzzle, almond-shaped eyes, and a narrow lower jaw.

Less well-known in Russia, “baby dolls”, or toy dogs, have a wide muzzle, the rise is higher than that of standard dogs, but less than that of “bear cubs”. The length of the muzzle is less than that of the fox subtype. This is an intermediate option.

Looking at this photo, it is difficult to immediately understand whether it is a living creature or a plush toy.

And finally, bear-type dwarf Pomeranians are dogs with a round head, a shortened, flattened and wide muzzle, and close-set round eyes. They appear to have chubby cheeks, but this is an optical effect caused by the thick fur on their cheekbones. The chin is slightly raised and the tip of the nose is raised. They resemble a chow chow or a miniature bear cub.

The shape of the head is the only difference between the three types, otherwise they are absolutely identical. Some say that bears have smaller ears than other varieties, but this is not true for all representatives of this variety.

One of the first photographs of the already legendary Boo. Many dog ​​lovers get chills from such a creature :)

Spitz bear cubs have gained incredible popularity thanks to two representatives: the European Boo and the Japanese Shunsuke. The first one has facebook account(which has 18 million subscribers!), the second one is on Twitter, their owners delight fans of their pets with various photographs every day.

The price for such adult individuals in the West reaches tens of thousands of dollars. In Russia, this prefix in the vast majority of cases only helps to sell puppies.

No conscientious breeder will ever sell a doll or bear puppy - at a young age it is impossible to guarantee how he will grow up. Here is a swindler who is ready to do anything to make money, and it is best to avoid him.

Breeders' assessment of the popularity of the bear type

It would seem that breeders should be pleased with the growing demand for puppies. But they bitterly admit that the demand for cub puppies is harming the breed.

The muzzle length of most Pomeranians is 3-5 centimeters; they look very cute and do not have health problems. But in Pomeranian cubs, breeders strive to get extremely short muzzles, sometimes less than 1 centimeter, in order to best suit fashion. Such animals cannot breathe normally, they develop heart and tracheal diseases, and their life expectancy is significantly reduced. Such individuals suffer from syringomyelia, a disease that affects the central nervous system, and then affecting the entire body.

True Pomeranian connoisseurs consider the current situation a tragedy for the breed.

Spitz dogs suffer and die prematurely due to the fact that breeders sacrifice the health of the population in pursuit of a spectacular appearance. Many reputable nurseries that respect the breed have refused to breed such individuals, preserving the traditional exterior. They recommend that those wishing to obtain such dogs limit themselves to cutting traditional Pomeranians.

Grooming - how to get your teddy bear

All puppies in infancy look like miniature cute bears. But with age they change, while their owners would like adult dog continued to look like a bear. Moreover, they do not think that the spectacular appearance of the most famous Pomeranians is the result of not only selection, but also haircuts. Many representatives of the breed would look like their stellar counterparts if their owners took them to a grooming salon. This is especially true for individuals with round eyes.

First of all, groomers cut the top layer of coat so that the length of the coat and undercoat are the same. After shortening the guard hair, the hairdresser shapes the haircut, also paying attention to the head. As a result of competent work, even the eyes of poms look more round.

It is strictly forbidden to cut off the inner layer, which cannot be restored. Not acceptable short haircut under the machine or shaving. A mistake by a specialist in the salon or ignorance of the specifics of the coat can lead to the fact that your pet will remain short-haired all its life.

Dogs having a large number of breeds that have succeeded in resembling other animals in appearance, size or character the most.

To one degree or another, all dogs are similar to their closest relative, the wolf. In addition, there are dog breeds that resemble bears, foxes or even horses. Especially funny and interesting are dogs that look like bear cubs.

Little bear in the house

There are several breeds of dogs similar to the bear cub, but their differences are not so fundamental. The most important thing is their similarity in behavior and character. They are all extremely beautiful and sweet, kind and brave, loyal and gentle.

Dog breeds that look like a bear cub are Spitz, Chow Chow, Shar Pei, Samoyed and some others. They captivate with their devotion and tenderness and fascinate with their unique beauty. These lap dogs are distinguished by their docile nature and ease of training.

Pomeranian Spitz

Many users social network Facebook is familiar with the Pomeranian named Boo, who already has more than one and a half million friends around the world. The dog's owner constantly pets photographs of her in different outfits and in different moods. Boo appearance looks like a teddy bear not only due to its breed, but also because of the characteristic shape of the haircut.

Main characteristics:

  • miniature size and weight, reaching a maximum of three kilograms;
  • height at the withers up to twenty-two centimeters;
  • beautiful two-layer coat with a dense soft undercoat and hard, long outer fur;
  • shaggy tail curving along the back;
  • beautiful little muzzle and triangular ears;
  • Colors characteristic of this breed: brown, white, orange, black, sandy cream, sable, red, bicolor;
  • fluffy and thick wool;
  • Very energetic, smart and quick-witted.


A dog that looks like a bear cub easy to train and loves to work in a team. The main problem for owners keeping such a dog is its habit of reacting to everything with a loud, barking bark. Therefore, when raising a Spitz, it is necessary to include the “Quiet!” command.

For those who prefer peace of mind, another problem may arise - restlessness and increased activity orange True, this is more than compensated for by his perky, cheerful character and friendliness. The dog owner will definitely never be bored! She is ready to frolic and play all day long.

During a walk in rainy weather, your beloved pet turns into a dirty and wet ball of fur. To prevent this, it is better to walk your Spitz in special waterproof overalls.

Pomeranians are fearless. They attack everyone who crosses the threshold of your home. Because of his delusions of grandeur Pomeranians seem like menacing giants, which are much larger in size than any enemy. This should also be taken into account when raising them, otherwise guests will leave with torn trousers.

In order for your pet to be calmer, you need to exercise it and walk it more often.


  1. The long, thick coat of Pomeranians should be brushed two to three times a week. During molting, this should be done more often. What makes caring for the fur easier is that it never gets tangled.
  2. Spitz dogs need their nails trimmed from time to time. This procedure requires knowledge of the structure of the claw. If the pulp is accidentally touched during cutting, it should be disinfect with streptocide powder or hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Wash the little “bear cubs” once every three months or as needed. After the shower, the orange should be wiped with a towel and dried with a hairdryer.
  4. It should be borne in mind that the Spitz's neck is surrounded puffy collar. Therefore, in order not to damage the beautiful coat, it is better to walk it not on a metal chain, but on a thin leather collar.
  5. Dogs of this breed have very weak teeth. Therefore every day It is recommended to clean your mouth with toothpaste for dogs to exclude periodontal disease.
  6. The large eyes of oranges are wiped with a swab soaked in boiled water.
  7. Spitz can go to the toilet both on the street and at home in the litter box (like cats).


The feeding regime for oranges must be strictly adhered to. They should be fed meat products, cereals, eggs, and milk. Puppies are fed three to four times a day. Adult dogs should be fed no more than twice a day. Doing so preferably after a walk while giving food in small portions. Since dogs of this breed are prone to obesity, it is better to underfeed them than to overfeed them.

This dog, which looks so much like a bear cub, has excellent immunity. She has only a few health problems that are typical for all dwarf breed dogs. It is very important for Pomeranians to be dewormed and vaccinated on time. Necessary Be sure to follow your diet pet, and under no circumstances feed it sweets. In this case, the dog will live a long time, delighting its owner every day.