Multivitamin preparations. B vitamins in tablets Doppelgerz V.I.P. for pregnant and lactating women

And people who have undergone surgery. Today there are a large variety of multivitamin complexes, and in order to understand how necessary it is for you personally and which drug is better to choose, you should understand everything in more detail.

What is this

Multivitamins belong to. They contain minerals and additional substances. If a tablet contains more than one vitamin, it can already be considered a multivitamin.

The main task of such drugs is to provide a person with all the necessary nutrients that should be in the body, but which do not enter it or are supplied in insufficient quantities.

A person needs different substances at different moments of his existence. It depends on many factors: age, lifestyle and living conditions, past illnesses. Accordingly, the composition of the complexes differs.

Multivitamins are becoming increasingly popular these days. They consist of many components, often even containing a full range of minerals and substances necessary for the full functioning of the body. By taking such drugs just one tablet a day, you can protect yourself from the negative influence of the external environment and poor health.

Composition of multivitamins

Multivitamins differ in the names of the drugs, but most of them are based on similar, most common components. In general, 13 essential vitamins and 10 more vitamin substances are involved. The rest are variations of existing ones. If there is a need for a specific one, you can additionally take a drug with this element or adjust your diet in such a way as to get the required set of substances from food.
Most complexes include the following vitamins:

  • (responsible for good);
  • IN(this group is responsible for metabolism);
  • (corrects);
  • (factor of child growth and supporting function of adults);
  • (supports);
  • R or (feeds and ).
These are the most common elements, without which the human body cannot fully function. Entering the blood, they are very quickly exhausted, and, unlike, they are not produced by the body on their own. Therefore, it is very important to replenish their quantity on time. Also, multivitamin complexes use a variety of auxiliary components that help the vitamins themselves be better absorbed, and also give the tablets color, taste and smell.

The composition of such preparations necessarily includes various minerals, such as, and others. In addition to acting independently, they contribute to the proper absorption of vitamins.

The amount of one or another element in a multivitamin depends on its purpose. For pregnant women this is one dose, for children - another, for older people - a third. The main principle of dosage is to only supplement the daily norm of necessary substances, the rest of the amount must be supplied to the body with food.

Release forms

As a rule, vitamin preparations are obtained from natural products. Only in some cases are they synthesized in the laboratory, but mostly they are a product of natural origin. For example, vitamin A is obtained from fish liver, group B is obtained from, E - from grains and soybeans, and vitamin C, oddly enough, from rose flowers.
There are several forms of multivitamins for different ages. The most common of them are:

  • They are the most convenient to use, last longer, and do not require special conditions.
  • Capsules. Almost the same as tablets, only they dissolve in the body faster and are usually coated with a special coating, which makes them easier to swallow.
  • Powders. They are good because they mostly do not contain any additives that can provoke.
  • Syrups. This form is mainly used in children's vitamins, so as not to force children to swallow tablets or capsules.
  • Liquids. Liquid multivitamins can be dissolved in any other drink and used by people who have difficulty swallowing solid foods.
  • Jelly Bean. Gelatin jelly candies in the shape of animals with different flavors, usually produced for.

When do you need multivitamins?

We have already covered what multivitamins are and what they are needed for. Let's find out in what cases they need to be taken by children and adults.

For children

If we consider the ideal situation, then vitamins should enter the child’s body as a result of a balanced diet. The following products must be present in the diet:

  • and fermented milk products in the form of cottage cheese;
  • and fresh;
  • Protein-rich foods: chicken, eggs, ;
  • cereals: , .
But such an ideal situation, unfortunately, is very rare. It is not always possible to provide a child with adequate nutrition. It is in this case that pediatricians recommend using multivitamins with minerals for children.
In addition, they should be taken by children in the following situations:
  • when they do not regularly eat fresh food;
  • when they pick at food;
  • for diseases of the intestines and digestive organs, as well as asthma;
  • when a large amount of semi-finished or fast food is consumed;
  • if the child is a vegetarian or suffers from intolerance.
Separately, we can highlight cases when children need to take vitamins as a result of treatment. In this case, supplements support the body weakened by the disease and help it recover faster.

For adults

There are a number of indications for the use of vitamins by adults:

  • increase weakened as a result of past diseases;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • poor condition of the skin and;
  • constant ;
  • high physical activity;
  • elderly age;
  • chronic diseases.
And this is only a small part of the reasons from the entire list.
The following categories of adults should increase their immunity and take multivitamins:
  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • people with chronic diseases;
  • athletes;
  • people with difficult working conditions;
  • older people.
Elderly people especially need additional organism. This is due to the slow process of food absorption, age-related characteristics of the body, as well as existing chronic diseases.
  • “Multi Tabs Immuno Plus” with a full set of essential substances, vitamins A, B, C, D and folic acid;
  • "Vitrum", which contains 20 important microelements;
  • "Centrum" with 25 vitamins and excellent antioxidant characteristics;
  • “Revit”, “Complivit”, “Immunal”.

Basic rules for choosing multivitamin complexes

A person’s health depends on a properly selected drug, so when choosing a multivitamin, you should also take into account all the nuances, of which there are many.

There is a misconception that the more vitamins and minerals included in one tablet, the better. This is fundamentally wrong. It’s just the opposite: more vitamins are absorbed with minimal minerals. And vice versa - additional elements will be absorbed much better when paired with a minimum dose of vitamins. At the same time, it is better to drink the latter, and macroelements - in the second half of the day.
Doctors also advise choosing supplements that dissolve gradually. This is due to the fact that different substances are absorbed in different parts of the intestine, and if each element is dissolved in the right place, the effect of the drug as a whole will be much higher.

Popular drugs and their characteristics

Vitamins are needed by both children and adults, and especially the elderly. Pharmacological companies never tire of developing new drugs, taking into account not only the developmental characteristics of children and adults, but also physiological differences and genders. Let's look at the benefits and differences of vitamin complexes for men, women and children.

For men

Due to the fact that the male body is fundamentally different from the female, this is accordingly reflected in the nutrients needed by men. For example, the stronger sex does not have an additional need for iron because they do not experience blood loss like women. But they need to strengthen their musculoskeletal function more, and calcium and iodine are best suited for this. Vitamins K and B12 help provide male muscles with energy.
Men are at risk for developing heart disease as they age. Manufacturers of medicines took this point into account and included essential minerals in vitamin complexes for men that strengthen the heart and cleanse blood vessels. and directly depend on their reproductive system.

Such complexes necessarily include components that women, unlike women, especially need. These are zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorus, B and E vitamins.
There are also medications for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. They take into account the body’s increased need for certain elements and minerals at these stages of life.

First of all, it is worth mentioning such popular women's complexes:

Important! If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor before taking any vitamins.

For children

Children's vitamins are usually available in different versions for different ages:

  • from 0 to 2 years (mainly syrups and soluble powders);
  • from 2 to 5 years (in the form of lozenges, dragees);
  • from 5 to 12 years.
Among the popular complexes for children are the following drugs:

Taking multivitamins: precautions

When taking multivitamins, as when taking any medicine, you must follow the instructions and recommendations of your doctor. It is especially important not to exceed the required dosage, since in this case “more” does not mean “better”. An element that is in excess can replace another vitamin and thus disrupt proper metabolism, which in turn will lead to serious diseases.

Also, you should not rely on the fact that universal complexes will provide you with the required dose of essential substances. All nutrients must be supplied to the body with food, and multivitamins are used only as a supplement, a kind of insurance.
The daily dose of the medication is allowed only if the person’s diet is very meager, he adheres to a strict diet, has suffered a complex illness, or is taking medication.

Important!Some medications can completely stop the absorption of certain vitamins. In this casethis element can be taken as a tabletonly after consulting a doctor.

So, now you know what multivitamins are and how to navigate their diversity. Among the vitamin complexes existing on the market today, you can easily choose the one that is right for you. The main thing in your choice is to rely on common sense and carefully read the composition of the drug, and not be led by beautiful, bright packaging.

Multivitamin preparations, depending on the amount of vitamins in the dosage form, can be divided into: Containing a small amount (2-4) of essential vitamins and used for a certain pathology - “Ascorutin”, contains vitamins C and P; "Aevit" - A and E; “Aekol” - A, E and K; "Milgamma" - B, and B6; "Tetravit" - B, B2, R and S.

Preparations containing a large number (10-12) of balanced vitamins - “Dekamevit”, “Undevit”, “Aerovit”, “Glutamivit”, “Gendevit”. Such vitamin preparations are used for polyhypovitaminosis associated with impaired absorption and assimilation of vitamins in the body, as well as during extreme psycho-emotional and physical stress. Preparations containing multicomponent mixtures of vitamins with macro- and microelements - “Duovit”, “Vitanova”, “Materna”, “Centrum”, “Vitrum”, “Complivit”, “Unicap M, T, Yu”, etc. Children's vitamin preparations , which are produced in special dosage forms: drops, chewable tablets and lozenges, syrups, effervescent tablets. They are divided depending on age (for infants, from 2 to 4 years; from 4 to 10 years; for adolescents) and according to their therapeutic and prophylactic effect: for the prevention of rickets, caries, for stimulating hematopoiesis, increasing the body’s resistance to infections, etc. .
Interaction of vitamin preparations with other drugs

Interacting drug (group of drugs) Result
1 2 3
Vitamin A preparations Vitamin E Reduced vitamin A toxicity; in large doses - decrease in vitamin A reserves in the body
Vitamin D preparations Calcium supplements, thiazide diuretics Hypercalcemia
Phytomenadione Indirect anticoagulants (acenocoumarol) Antagonism, decreased effect of anticoagulants
Oral contraceptives, acetylsalicylic acid, fresh juices, alkaline drinks Impaired absorption and decreased effectiveness of vitamin C
Vitamin B preparations, Pyridoxine Difficulty converting thiamine into its active form
Antacids containing aluminum Folic acid malabsorption
Analgesics, carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, estrogens, oral contraceptives Increased need for folic acid

End of the table

Cytamins developed at the Military Medical Academy named after. CM. Kirov (St. Petersburg), are balanced natural nucleoprotein complexes with organotropic action. These are biologically active substances considered as cellular bioregulators. They are natural products, isolated from animal organs and tissues and do not contain any additional components, including preservatives.
The main mechanism of their biological action is the correction of cellular metabolism in damaged tissues.
Currently, 17 cytamins have been isolated from various organs and tissues of animals: cerebramin (brain bioregulator), vasalamine (vascular), coramine (heart), hepatamine (liver), pankramin (pancreas), ventramin (gastric mucosa), thymusamine ( immune system), bronhalamine (respiratory system), chondramin (cartilage), prostalamin (pancreas), testalamin (testis), epifamin (endocrine system), renisamine (kidney), tyramine (thyroid), suprenamine (adrenal), ovariamin (ovaries), ophthalamine (visual organs).
Cytamines in a biologically bound form contain physiological concentrations of minerals (Mg, Fe, P, K, Ca, Na, S, etc.), trace elements (Cu, Mn, Co, Mo, A1) and vitamins (B, B2, PP, A, E), and also contain proteins, fats and practically no carbohydrates, which is especially valuable for certain diseases (diabetes, obesity).
Cytamins are prescribed to speed up the rehabilitation of patients after serious illnesses (surgeries, burns, cancer, infectious diseases, etc.). The use of cytamines in various stressful and premorbid conditions (the state between health and illness) is effective.
Currently, cytamines are produced in tablets and capsules. It is recommended to take these drugs 10-15 minutes before meals, 1-3 capsules or tablets 2-3 times a day. The average course of treatment with citamines is 15 days. The exception is chondramin - the course of treatment is 30 days. Repeated courses of cytamines are carried out after 3-6 months.


  1. Choice of psychotropic drug Drug-related factors. Information about the drug
  2. Parathyroid hormone preparations Thyroid C-cell hormone preparations (calcitonin)
  3. Table 1. Doses of drugs for antibiotic prophylaxis Drug Recommended dose After how many hours is re-administration required during surgery Ampicillin/sulbactam 2g/1 g 2 Ampicillin 2g 2 Cefazolin 2 g, 3 g for weight >120 kg 4 Cefuroxime 1.5g 4 Cefotaxime 1 g 3 Cefoxitin 2 g 2 Ceftriaxone 2 g Not required Ciprofloxacin 400 mg Not required Clindamycin 900 mg 6 Ertapenem 1 g Not required Gentamicin 5 mg/kg Not required Levofloxacin 500 mg Not required Metronidazole 500 mg Not

Included in the preparations


A.11.B.A Multivitamins


The effect of the drug is due to the properties of its constituent vitamins and corresponds to the pharmacological effects of retinol, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, nicotinamide, rutoside, vitamin E

Retinol stimulates epithelialization, is necessary for the growth of bones and cartilage, and the synthesis of rhodopsin. Thiamine as thiamine pyrophosphate, it catalyzes carbohydrate metabolism and affects the functioning of the nervous system. Riboflavin activates tissue respiration; pyridoxine- exchange of amino acids, histamine, neurotransmitters. Cyanocobalamin participates in the process of hematopoiesis, myelin synthesis; nicotinamide- in the processes of tissue respiration, carbohydrate and fat metabolism; ascorbic acid- in redox processes, the formation of corticosteroids, hemoglobin, maturation of red blood cells, collagen, dentin, blood clotting, increases nonspecific immunoresistance, and together with rutin reduces tissue permeability. Tocopherol has antioxidant activity, stimulates the synthesis of heme and proteins, the processes of tissue respiration and proliferation. Folic acid ensures the normal course of amino acid, nucleic acid, choline metabolism, is necessary for normal hematopoiesis; calcium pantothenate- for the synthesis of acetylation coenzyme. Pyridoxine in the body it is phosphorylated into pyridoxal-5-phosphate - a coenzyme of the reactions of decarboxylation, transamination and deamination of amino acids. Replenishes vitamin B6 deficiency: participates in the metabolism of tryptophan, methionine, cysteine, glutamic acid, glycine, γ-aminobutyric acid, histamine, serotonin and others; ensures the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. Normalizes lipid metabolism. Rutoside- derivative of routine; effects on capillaries and veins, reducing the rate of water filtration in capillaries and the permeability of microvasculature vessels for proteins, reducing the spaces between endothelial cells, inhibiting aggregation and increasing the degree of deformability of erythrocytes.


Pharmacokinetics corresponds to those of retinol, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, nicotinamide, rutoside, vitamin E , folic acid, calcium pantothenate, ascorbic acid.

Retinol: V absorption in the duodenum and ileum requires the presence of bile acids, protein and fat lipases. Biotransformation in the liver. Plasma protein binding ‹ 5% (65% with increased consumption). Elimination in feces, excess by kidneys. Accumulates in the liver, kidneys and lungs.

Thiamine: A absorption is complete (in the duodenum), alcohol makes it difficult to absorb vitamin B1. Plasma protein binding is low. Biotransformation (phosphorylation) in the liver; active metabolite - thiamine pyrophosphate (). Elimination by the kidneys (metabolites and unchanged) and in feces.

Riboflavin: absorption is rapid (in the duodenum). Connection with plasma proteins 60%. Biotransformation in the liver. The half-life is 66-84 minutes. Elimination by the kidneys in the form of metabolites, in high doses - unchanged.

Pyridoxine: metabolized in the liver to form pharmacologically active metabolites (and pyridoxamine phosphate). Distribution is predominantly in muscles, liver and central nervous system. Penetrates through the placenta and into mother's milk. Excreted by the kidneys (with intravenous administration with bile - 2%).

Cyanocobalamin:absorption occurs in the distal ileum after binding to intrinsic factor in the presence of calcium ions and at pH › 5.4. Subject to hepatic-intestinal recirculation. The connection with plasma proteins (transcobalamins) is very high. The main reserves are in the liver (90%), partially in the kidneys. Biotransformation in the liver. The half-life is 6 days. Elimination in feces. When the drug is prescribed in an amount exceeding the daily requirement, it is excreted mainly unchanged.

Nicotinamide: absorption is fast and complete, 60-70% of the dose taken orally. Low-fat foods increase bioavailability. Biotransformation in the liver. Half-life 45 min. Elimination by the kidneys (in the form of a metabolite, to a lesser extent - unchanged).

Rutoside: after application of the gel, the active substances penetrate the skin and are determined in it after 30 minutes, in the subcutaneous fatty tissue - after 2-5 hours. The time to reach maximum concentration after oral administration is 1-9 hours. Elimination occurs mainly with feces and, to a lesser extent, by the kidneys. The half-life when taken orally is 10-25 hours.

Vitamin AE(tocopherol): when taken orally, absorption is 50%; during absorption, it forms a complex with lipoproteins (intracellular tocopherol carriers). Absorption requires the presence of bile acids. Binds to alpha 1 and beta lipoproteins, partially to serum albumin. When protein metabolism is disrupted, transport becomes difficult. The maximum concentration is reached after 4 hours. It is deposited in the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, testes, adipose and muscle tissue, red blood cells, and liver. More than 90% is excreted in the bile, 6% in the kidneys.

Folic acid : connection with plasma proteins is high. It is deposited in the liver, where biotransformation occurs (the active form is tetrahydrofolic acid). Maximum concentrationachieved through 30-60 min. Elimination by the kidneys (unchanged form, metabolites). Removed by hemodialysis.

Calcium pantothenate : well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Distributed in various tissues of the body (mainly as coenzyme A). The highest concentrations are in the liver, adrenal glands, heart and kidneys. Not metabolized. Elimination - by the kidneys (70% unchanged) and with feces (30%).

Ascorbic acid : absorbed in the duodenum, partially in the ileum (absorption decreases with increasing dose). Absorption 20-50% (when taking a dose exceeding 200 mg). Reserves in the body are about 1.5 g. Depot: leukocytes, platelets, endocrine glands, liver, ocular epithelium, lungs, kidneys, intestinal wall, heart, muscles. Communication with plasma proteins - 25%. Biotransformation in the liver. Elimination by the kidneys (in the form of metabolites).

  • Use of antibiotics
  • Hypovitaminosis
  • Improving metabolism and general condition in old age
  • Recovery period after illnesses
  • With increased physical and mental stress

IV.E50-E64 Other types of malnutrition

IV.E50-E64.E63.1 Unbalanced intake of nutritional elements

XXI.Z40-Z54.Z54 State of recovery

XXI.Z70-Z76.Z73.0 Overwork

XXI.Z70-Z76.Z73.3 Stressful condition not elsewhere classified

  • Hypersensitivity
  • Age up to 10 years
  • Hypervitaminosis A and D
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation

Retinol: Gallstone disease, chronic pancreatitis (possible exacerbation of the disease), first trimester of pregnancy.

Riboflavin: nephrolithiasis.

Cyanocobalamin:thromboembolism, erythremia, erythrocytosis.

Nicotinamide:severe forms of arterial hypertension and angina pectoris.

Rutoside:I trimester of pregnancy


Liver diseases , peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Retinol: Use with caution in acute and chronic nephritis, with cardiac decompensation.

Tocopherol: should be used with caution in severe cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction, and with an increased risk of thromboembolism.

Pyridoxine: With used with caution for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, coronary artery disease.

In case of severe liver damage, high doses may cause deterioration of liver function.

Pregnancy and lactation: Directions for use and dosage:

Orally after meals2 tablets 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 20-30 days, repeated course after 1-3 months.

For preventive purposes - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

Side effects:

Allergic reactions.

Thiamine: sweating, tachycardia.

Riboflavin: impaired renal function, visual impairment.

Pyridoxine: hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid

Cyanocobalamin: state of excitement, pain in the heart, tachycardia.

Nicotinamide: with long-term administration in high doses - the development of fatty liver degeneration.

Rutoside: dyspeptic symptoms, headache, hot flashes; rarely - skin rash.

Vitamin AE(tocopherol): diarrhea, epigastric pain.

Calcium pantothenate: nausea, vomiting, heartburn.

Ascorbic acid: headache, feeling tired, insomnia. Stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting. Hyperoxaluria and the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones. Feeling hot.


Not described, treatment is symptomatic.


Retinol: when used simultaneously with neomycin, the absorption of retinol may be reduced.

When used simultaneously with tetracycline, the excretion of ascorbic acid in the urine increases. It is possible to increase the concentration of ethinyl estradiol in the blood plasma when used simultaneously as part of oral contraceptives.

Special instructions:

Do not take simultaneously with other vitamin preparations.

Urine may turn yellow, which is explained by the presence of riboflavin in the drug. Do not take simultaneously with other vitamin preparations.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery not found.


International name: Multivitamin

Pharmachologic effect: Beviplex is a combination drug, the effect of which is determined by the vitamins included in its composition (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, calcium...

Indications: Complex treatment of neurological diseases (neuritis, radiculitis, neuralgia, peripheral paralysis, diabetic polyneuropathy); dermatological...


International name: Multivitamin

Pharmachologic effect: Multivitamin preparation. It has antioxidant and radioprotective properties, thanks to its ability to bind active oxygen it protects...

Indications: Preventively in adults (in all age groups): vitamin A deficiency; seasonal respiratory infections and influenza epidemics; unfavorable...


International name:

Pharmachologic effect: VitAE is a combination drug, the effect of which is determined by the properties of its constituent fat-soluble vitamins A and E. Retinol (vitamin...



International name: Retinol+Vitamin E

Pharmachologic effect: Vitaminel is a combination drug, the effect of which is determined by the properties of its constituent fat-soluble vitamins A and E. Retinol...

Indications: Hypo- and avitaminosis A and E, as well as states of increased body need for vitamins A and E and/or decreased intake of them into the body: gastrectomy, ...


International name: Multivitamin

Pharmachologic effect: A multivitamin preparation intended to replenish vitamin deficiencies in active and passive smokers. Ascorbic acid has...

Indications: Hypovitaminosis of “smokers”, hypo- and avitaminosis, increased physical and mental stress, unbalanced or insufficient nutrition, ...


International name: Multivitamin

Pharmachologic effect: A multivitamin preparation, the effect is due to the properties of the vitamins included in its composition. The basis for combining vitamins in the preparation...

Indications: In adults (as part of complex therapy) to strengthen hair follicles and nails; prevention of skin changes that occur against the background of hypovitaminosis, ...

Dr. Theiss multivitamins

International name: Multivitamin

Pharmachologic effect: A multivitamin preparation, the effect of which is determined by the vitamins included in its composition.

Indications: Hypo- or vitamin deficiency, increased need for vitamins (including the period of convalescence, unbalanced nutrition); period of intensive growth, prolonged overload and stress.


International name: Multivitamin

Pharmachologic effect: Macrovit contains a complex of vitamins that are involved in numerous biochemical processes in the body. B vitamins (B1, B2, B12), ...

Indications: Increased need for vitamins or lack of them in food: during physical and/or mental overload, intense sports, ...


International name: Multivitamin

Pharmachologic effect: Neurotropic B vitamins have a beneficial effect on inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nerves and musculoskeletal system. ...

Indications: As a drug for the symptomatic treatment of diseases of the nervous system of various origins: neuritis, neuralgia, polyneuropathy - diabetic, ...