Useful properties, composition, contraindications for the use of tahini halva. Tahini peanut halva: benefits and harms

Oriental sweets amaze with their diversity; there are several dozen types of halva alone, but most of them can only be found in the East. In our country, the most popular halva is, of course. But you can also see tahini halva - a delicacy made from a paste of ground sesame seeds. In the East, this paste is called “tahini”, hence the name of the delicacy. Tahini has a bitter taste, which is also felt in halva. Many believe that this gives it a special piquancy.

When it comes to sweets, many people immediately think of their dangers. But tahini halva contains many nutrients, so if consumed in moderation, it will only benefit the body. It is much healthier than caramel, chocolate bars and other sweets, which often contain a minimum of natural ingredients. Tahini halva contains ground, peeled sesame seeds, molasses, honey or caramel syrup and soap root, which serves as a foaming agent. It is the latter that gives halva its special layered structure. It is also possible to add natural ingredients such as poppy seeds, various candied fruits, vanilla, etc.

Benefits of sesame halva

Tahini halva is a healthy treat for children.

This delicacy contains vegetable protein, fats represented by unsaturated fatty acids and, of course, carbohydrates. The calorie content of tahini halva is very high; 100 g of product contains more than 500 kcal, so its abuse, despite its beneficial properties, is undesirable.

Tahini halva is perhaps one of the most useful delicacies for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Unsaturated fatty acids, which tahini paste is rich in, help normalize fat, including lipid, metabolism. This delicacy also contains a lot of sodium and a little less sodium. These macroelements are necessary to maintain normal functioning of the heart muscles.

This natural product is useful for bones and joints. Even 30 g of halva per day (it is not recommended to consume more) will cover the body’s daily need for calcium, magnesium and phosphorus by 20%. It should be noted that it is in this complex that they are much better absorbed and used by the body. These substances are involved in mineral metabolism and are necessary for the formation and growth of bone, cartilage tissue and teeth. That is why tahini halva can become not only a tasty, but also a healthy treat for children who have an increased need for these macroelements.

There are few microelements in sesame halva, but not every product can compare with it in terms of the presence of iron. This delicacy will be beneficial for, since the iron content in 100 g of tahini is 2 times higher than the recommended daily intake for an adult.

In terms of the amount of vitamins, sesame halva is inferior to many other products, but even in small quantities, vitamins A, E and group B have a beneficial effect on the body.

Sweets for joy

It is known that sweets help improve mood, and tahini halva copes with this task perfectly. This is due to the fact that the carbohydrates it contains are indirectly involved in the production of the so-called “joy hormone”. However, to produce this “happy substance” you need more than just sugar. The amino acid tryptophan and magnesium, which are abundant in tahini halva, are directly involved in the synthesis of serotonin. A piece of this delicacy with tea will not only lift your spirits just as well as chocolate, but will also give you strength and energy.

Harm of tahini halva

Tahini halva contains a large amount of sugar.

Sometimes there is intolerance to sesame and soap root, and, consequently, to products made from them. In children, halva can cause an allergic reaction, most often in the form of diathesis, which may be due to the high sugar content in the delicacy.

Halva is a high-calorie product containing a large amount of fat and easily digestible carbohydrates. That is why it is excluded from the diet in case of diabetes, obesity and other severe metabolic disorders. Even a healthy person should not overuse this delicacy, since excess intake of carbohydrates and fats, even vegetable ones, can lead to metabolic disorders.

When choosing tahini halva, you need to carefully study its composition and pay attention to the expiration date. A high-quality product contains only natural ingredients and is stored in vacuum packaging for no more than 6 months. An expired delicacy can be dangerous to health, since sesame halva contains a large amount of fats, which oxidize and go rancid over time. Spoiled tahini halva acquires a dark color (fresh sesame halva has a light creamy tint), an unpleasant odor and crumbles finely when cut.

How to prepare sesame paste - tahini. Recipe.

Recipe for sesame (tahini) halva:

Halva is a dessert made from ground nuts/seeds. The term is used to describe several types of confectionery products. There is halva based on ground oil seeds and sweet or sweet vegetables.

One of the varieties of halva is tahini. The sweetness is common in the former USSR, the Middle East, the Balkans and the Mediterranean region. The protein mass of tahini halva is prepared on the basis of crushed. Nuts, fruits, dried fruits, pieces and other components are also added to the sweet mass.

What do you need to know about tahini halva, what are the subtleties of its production and can the product be classified as a healthy food?

General characteristics of the product

Halva is an oriental dessert made from sugar, roasted nuts/seeds and caramel mass. The sweet mass is formed using sugar syrup and molasses. There are many variations of the dessert. The taste and nutritional value of the product is determined by the main component: nuts, sesame or a combination of several ingredients.

Natural flavorings are usually added to halva to complement the buttery, nutty taste. Most often this is chocolate, dried fruits or an additional portion of chopped nuts/seeds.

The calorie content of halva varies from 500 to 600 kcal per 100 grams of product. This is quite a high indicator for sweetness. Even a small piece of dessert will help satisfy your hunger and give you energy until your next meal.

The asteroid “518 halva” was named after the sweet. The celestial body was discovered by American astronomer Raymond Dugan in 1903. His gastronomic love for halva was so strong that he decided to immortalize the name of the sweet in cosmic history.

What are the benefits of sesame?

Sesame is considered one of the oldest seasonings known and revered by mankind. Historians found a fragmentary anonymous papyrus that contained medical texts and notes. One of the largest blocks of papyrus belongs to an ancient Roman healer. There he describes the most useful plants, which include sesame.

The plant contains phytosterols. They strengthen the protective functions of the immune system and prevent viruses from entering the body. Phytosterols build special protection that eliminates bacteria and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs.

Sesame is a real storehouse of calcium. 100 grams of seeds contain 1.4 grams of calcium. The composition is also rich in retinol (A), ascorbic acid (C), tocopherol (E), phosphorus (P), iron (Fe), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg). Nutrients help the body fight stress and harmonize the functioning of the heart and lungs. Vitamins are responsible for relieving bronchospasms and enhancing brain activity. Regular use of sesame will increase stamina and help you remember/analyze large amounts of information faster and more efficiently.

Sesame contains phytin. This is an important component that regulates internal mineral balance.

Another important element of the composition is sesamin. The component regulates metabolic processes in our body. It speeds up metabolism and improves the absorption of foods. Sesamin will help get rid of extra centimeters on the waist and tame physiologically unjustified appetite.

Useful vitamins will affect not only internal, but also external health. Sesame will make your hair healthier, your nails longer, and your skin cleaner. But don't overuse the supplement. Sesame is a very high-calorie food product. It’s enough just to add a pinch of seeds to a salad, hot dish or soup to saturate the body and get the desired effect.

Chemical composition of tahini halva

How to prepare halva

It is important to understand that industrial and home production of halva are fundamentally different. The output is products with different nutritional value, chemical composition, taste, aroma and structure.

Industrial production

The production of halva consists of the following processes: the formation of grated protein mass, cooking the caramel mass, preparing the sugar extract, kneading the nut mass and packaging.

Protein mass is a substance whose texture resembles. It is made from roasted sesame seeds. It is due to the protein mass that the halva crumbles into dense but tender pieces. Caramel syrup is made from sugar and molasses. Corn syrup is most commonly used because it is relatively inexpensive and gives a great texture to the halva. Before cooking the syrup, the sugar is passed through a special apparatus - it sifts and further crushes the crystals.

Caramel syrup is responsible for the flavor and moisture of the dessert. Most often, the syrup is prepared from soap root or licorice root. They are cut, soaked and only then boiled. The finished liquid is passed through a filter and added to the total mass.

The final stage is whipping and kneading the dessert. Both stages are strictly controlled by employees and are carried out according to specific rules. The mass is whipped and kneaded both manually and automatically - it depends on the specifics of production. Large enterprises use special concrete mixers to mix halva. Before packaging, the dessert is vacuum-treated and coated with chocolate or other ingredients.

The finished sweet is stored in warehouses at a temperature of 18°C ​​and below. Humidity should be around 70%. Under such conditions, sesame halva can be stored for no more than 2 months.

Homemade halva recipe

We will need:

  • sesame – 200 grams;
  • whole grain wheat flour (can be replaced with nut/sesame flour) – 200 grams;
  • sugar (use or coconut sugar to maintain the structure but make the dessert healthier) – 130 grams;
  • vegetable milk – 75 milliliters;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • spices and additives to taste.


Pour the sesame seeds into a dry frying pan and fry until golden brown. Sesame seeds will need 1-2 minutes in a dry frying pan without various additives. Place the roasted seeds in a blender and grind until smooth.

Also heat the flour a little in a frying pan. As soon as it takes on a golden hue, remove from the stove, add sesame seeds and blend the mixture in a blender again. Add vegetable oil to the finished mixture and mix thoroughly.

Mix vegetable milk and sugar in a saucepan and place over low heat. Bring the liquid to a boil, let simmer for 1 minute, then pour the milk into the sesame mixture and stir quickly.

Place the finished mixture on a damp baking sheet and give the halva the desired shape. Leave the dessert for 20-30 minutes until completely cooled. Cut the cooled milk-sesame mixture into pieces and serve.

Can halva be classified as a healthy food?

Most of the halva, which is prepared in large factories. contains an abundance of white sugar, stabilizers, flavor enhancers, flavorings and other achievements of the gastronomic industry. Why is this bad and what are the consequences of eating such halva?

Refined sugar

The product is empty calories that are devoid of vitamins, minerals and, accordingly, benefits. Consumption of refined sugar is fraught with:

  • development of metabolic syndrome;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • liver diseases;
  • internal inflammatory processes;
  • excessive accumulation of visceral fat, which interferes with the quality functioning of internal organs;
  • increasing the risk of developing cancer.

Nutritionists have long called sugar the main drug of modern humanity. The product is truly addictive, which is similar to drug addiction. Sugar stimulates the production of dopamine, which is responsible for feelings of pleasure and genuine happiness.

Industrial processing

The finished halva can be stored for a long time and contains sugar, trans fats, preservatives and flavor enhancers. The contradictory composition is also supported by the nutritional properties of the product. One bar may contain half the daily calorie requirement, but the product will lag behind in terms of BJU indicators. This is fraught with abnormal weight gain, deterioration in body quality, uncontrolled appetite and psychological problems with nutrition.

The danger of industrial additives lies in the consequences of use. These include: obesity, specific allergic reaction, diabetes, acne, internal inflammatory processes. The most dangerous preservatives that can be in halva: artificial colors E 102, 110, 124, 133, flavor enhancer E 621, taste/color fixer E 320.

Artificial sweeteners

The “sugar-free” label can be very tempting for the buyer and beneficial for the company. Instead of refined sugar, unscrupulous manufacturers may use artificial sweeteners rather than natural ones (coconut sugar, maple syrup).

To avoid being scammed, you need to carefully study the composition of the product before purchasing.

Artificial sweeteners can interfere with the body's natural response to. This will lead to disruption of metabolic processes and failure of the entire digestion. Moreover, sweeteners do not satisfy the psychological need for sweets. The components do not give the desired reaction to the brain, so it “does not notice” what it has eaten and demands more. The result is overeating, metabolic failure, eating disorders.

Is it really necessary to give up halva completely?

Fans of oriental desserts can easily exhale - there is no need to give up their favorite sweet forever. There are only 2 options that will satisfy the taste buds and will not affect your health:

  • prepare dessert yourself;
  • correctly incorporate the finished product into the diet.

The first point is extremely simple. All “harmful” foods need to be replaced with “healthy” ones and thereby reduce caloric intake. As a result, we get a portion of homemade sweets that surpass industrial ones not only in quality, but also in taste. Another advantage is that you can choose the ingredients, size, shape and even color of the finished dessert yourself.

How to correctly incorporate halva into your diet? Your daily menu should consist of 80% high-quality healthy foods and 15-20% of your favorite junk food. If the body has been receiving fruits, vegetables, meat, durum wheat pasta and cereals all day, then a few pieces of halva, pizza or fried pie simply cannot seriously affect digestion. The main thing is to adhere to the 80/20 rule, correctly calculate the acceptable BZHU and provide yourself with psychological comfort. Halva can be eaten at any time of the day; it will not affect the functioning of the body or waist size. Don’t create prohibitions for yourself that you want to break and be healthy!

Peanut halva is one of the most famous oriental delicacies, although recently it has been produced and consumed in literally every country in the world. But is there any benefit from such a dessert and can it be prepared at home?

Health benefits and harms of eating halva

The benefits and harms of peanut halva have been studied for many years. A dessert made from peanuts and sugar helps you feel full quickly. But is it possible to eat this oriental sweet often?

The benefits of halva are determined by its main ingredient, in this case peanuts. Additional ingredients (water and sugar) affect the body to a lesser extent. Oriental sweetness is rich in vitamins D, B2, B6, PP, which improve brain activity and strengthen the cardiovascular system. Peanut halva also has an excellent amino acid composition. Walnut-sugar paste contains 30% polyunsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, linolenic). Halva contains a lot of fiber, which will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the large amount of folic acid in its composition, peanut halva is recommended for consumption by women in early pregnancy.

Peanut vegetable oil is used to produce sweets on an industrial scale. The suspension is often prescribed by doctors to prevent cancer.

Unfortunately, this delicious dessert cannot be consumed in large quantities. The following should be treated with oriental sweets with special caution:

  • diabetics;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • people suffering from obesity.

Even if a person is not allergic to peanuts, one should not mindlessly enjoy halva. Sugar is the second main component of dessert, which means that a lot of “empty” calories will enter the body. Peanut halva, whose calorie content reaches 600 calories per 100 grams, is not suitable for those on a diet.

Without harming your figure, you can eat only 10-15 grams of treats per day.

Features of peanut halva with the addition of sesame paste

Of course, it is very difficult to limit yourself to a twenty-gram piece of dessert. Therefore, it is better to consume halva once a week, but in larger portions. The best option would be a treat prepared from proven products at home. But if this is not possible, then you should buy a natural store-bought dessert. Tahini-peanut halva contains almost 5 times more calcium than regular pasta. This means that this nutritious dessert can be given to children during a period of active growth. Sesame is also rich in copper, manganese, phosphorus and is a good source of iron and zinc. You don’t have to worry that sesame seeds will get stuck between your teeth, because a special tahini paste is used to prepare halva in industrial conditions.

The process of making tahini-peanut halva begins with preparing the paste. First, the sesame seeds are passed through a sieve to remove any foreign objects (debris). The seeds are then washed in fresh water, fried and then ground into a paste. Ground peanuts and sugar syrup heated to high temperature are added to the finished tahini. At the final stage, the resulting mass is left to stand for 24 hours.

How to make halva at home?

Peanut halva is prepared much faster at home than in production. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the taste, consistency and color of the dessert will differ significantly from the store-bought product. For example, for cooking you will need semolina, because it will not be possible to heat the sugar syrup as hot as in an industrial kitchen. It is semolina that will act as a thickener.


  • semolina (80 g);
  • fried (80 g);
  • sugar (200 g);
  • water (400 g);
  • melted butter (80 g).

Place a dry frying pan on the fire, add semolina and heat for 15-20 seconds. Add 40 grams of melted butter to the flour and fry the semolina until it turns golden brown.

At the same time, grind the roasted peanuts in a blender. Fry the resulting mixture in the remaining melted butter over medium heat.

Mix the two pastes with sugar and mix vigorously. Place over low heat and cook until the sugar has dissolved and all the water has evaporated.

In the end, you should get a tight mass, which you need to put in a mold and leave in a cold place for a day.

The recipe for peanut halva with the addition of sesame seeds is similar to the previous one. But only to the two initial ingredients will a third be added, namely, ground toasted sesame. The dessert turns out to be less sweet, but more healthy and aromatic.

No matter how delicious peanut halwa is, you shouldn’t get too carried away with it. A large amount of sugar in the diet will negate all the benefits that nuts and sesame seeds could bring to the body.

Video recipe for peanut halva

Tahini halva is an oriental delicacy, and very healthy. It contains many nutrients that help internal organs and systems function normally.

This delicacy is not so familiar to us, since it is common in the East. It is also called "tahini". It has an unusual bitter taste, but this is precisely the peculiarity of sweetness that distinguishes it from ordinary sunflower seed halva. To make the bitterness less noticeable, you should consume the sweetness with coffee or milk.

What is tahini halva made from? The product contains a paste of ground sesame seeds. This is the main ingredient.

Note. The paste obtained from sesame seeds is very thick and has a high level of fat content.

The preparation process is quite painstaking. If the technology is not followed, then instead of a dessert that melts in your mouth, you will end up with a bitter and sugary-tasting product.

Varieties of treats

Depending on the main ingredient in the composition, there are several types of sweetness. Of course, true tahini halva is made from sesame paste, but instead of sesame you can use peanuts or pistachios. The result is a tasty and also very healthy product.


Despite the fact that tahini is a sweet, it is much healthier than chocolate or marmalade. The beneficial properties are provided by the ingredients that are used during the preparation of the delicacy.

Basic composition of tahini halva:

  • sesame seeds and tahini paste are the main ingredients;
  • sugar, molasses, honey or caramel syrup - sweeteners;
  • citric acid – flavor enhancer;
  • soap root is a component that gives a layered structure.

But, in addition to the listed ingredients, nuts, raisins, candied fruits, cocoa, vegetable oil, and vanillin can be added to halva. Sometimes these components do not enhance, but only spoil the taste.


The product is healthy, has a rich taste and aroma, which is why it remains a favorite delicacy in the East. During the cooking process, peanut paste is used instead of tahini paste. The product turns out more friable and crumbles easily.

Peanut halva should be consumed for diseases of the nervous system, since the components in the composition have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system and brain. The treat improves memory and increases concentration, but it can also cause harm. Excessive consumption may lead to problems associated with excess weight.

With pistachios

Halva with pistachios is an unusual dessert that is hard to find on store shelves. It differs not only in its taste, but also has a very extraordinary appearance. The delicacy is very healthy and contains a rich vitamin and mineral composition. Thanks to the antioxidants in the product, it slows down the aging process, saturates with energy and increases vitality.

Calorie content of the product

Halva is very high in calories. 100 g of product contains 516 kcal, so you need to be careful when consuming this delicacy, especially for overweight people. If you overuse sweets, the kilograms will grow by leaps and bounds.

Note. By eating 100 g of the product, you can get a third of your daily energy needs.

The high calorie content of halva is based on a fairly high content of fats and carbohydrates.

The BJU ratio is as follows:

  • proteins – 12.7 g;
  • fats – 29.9 g;
  • carbohydrates – 50.6 g.

The benefits and harms of dessert for the body

The benefits of halva for the body are ensured by its mineral and vitamin composition. These are vitamins A, group B, E, PP, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, sodium. It also contains proteins, food acids, and antioxidants.

If you use the product in moderation, it will only bring benefits. Sweetness promotes healing and rejuvenation of the body.

The list of useful properties is quite extensive:

  • supports the functioning of the heart and the normal condition of blood vessels (due to potassium and magnesium in the composition, it strengthens the heart muscle and prevents stroke);
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • relieves iron deficiency anemia (the iron content in halva is 2 times the daily norm);
  • improves vision, memory and mental activity, increases concentration;
  • strengthens the immune system, helps the body resist ARVI and other infectious diseases;
  • maintains the normal state of the nervous system;
  • improves oxygen metabolism;
  • increases vitality, energizes, gives strength;
  • normalizes fat and lipid metabolism;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract, relieves heaviness and heartburn;
  • helps strengthen the musculoskeletal system;
  • improves mood;
  • normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system in men and women, has a beneficial effect on reproductive function (increases libido, improves prostate function, increases seminal fluid production).

The product should be used by everyone, regardless of age and gender (unless there are contraindications). It is especially useful for children and older people.

In pregnant women, the delicacy not only replenishes nutritional deficiencies, but also helps to avoid fetal malformations. Halva improves mood, protects against stress and frustration, and prevents mood swings that are typical for women in the first trimester of pregnancy. If you eat treats in doses, you can forget about anemia.

Due to its high energy value, halva allows you to maintain vigor and energy, despite physical activity. The product should be included in the diet of people leading an active lifestyle.

Note. For children, it is enough to eat 30 g of the product per day, for adults – 50-100 g.

Sesame halva allows women to stay young longer. It improves the condition of hair, skin and nails. For children it is a source of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. These are the 3 most important substances for the formation of strong bones, cartilage and teeth. Thanks to the presence of vitamin A, sweetness promotes the production of growth hormone, which is important in childhood.

But the product can be harmful. This primarily applies to people suffering from allergic reactions, especially to nuts. This sweetness is a fairly strong allergen. It is worth starting its use with small doses to monitor the body’s reaction. If allergy symptoms appear, you must discard the product and take an antihistamine. Children and nursing mothers need to be especially careful when consuming dessert.

The product should not be eaten if you have the following health problems:

  • diabetes;
  • pancreatitis;
  • severe kidney, liver or gallbladder disease;
  • cholecystitis;
  • obesity.

If you have chronic diseases, especially the digestive tract, the use of tahini should be discussed with your doctor.

During the manufacturing process, unscrupulous halva producers may use dyes and chemical components, so a truly healthy dessert should be prepared at home. When choosing a store-bought product, you need to pay attention to its appearance. It should have a yellowish-gray color, a pleasant smell and a bitter taste, and be a little loose. A quality dessert that melts in your mouth.

Tahini halva is a traditional oriental sweet. It amazes with its extraordinary taste and intoxicating aroma. Surely almost every one of you has already appreciated at least once the beauty of this delicacy. And for those who do not yet know what tahini halva is or what it is made from, we have prepared a short review.

Under the veil of secrecy

Tahini halva can be safely classified as a national dish of the peoples of the East and Central Asia. The first mention of this unusual dessert dates back to the 5th century BC, and Iran is considered its homeland. True, the delicacy reached our region only at the beginning of the 20th century, but it has already become a favorite among many. What is tahini halva made from?

The recipe for this dish is known for certain only to kandalatchi - specialists in the production of oriental sweets, and it is still kept in the strictest confidence. That is why in different countries of the world the delicacy has its own unique taste. The profession of shackles in Iran is considered extremely honorable and requires special training and skill. By the way, they do not recognize modern technologies and prefer to mix ingredients by hand. It is believed that this is the only way to make halva airy and preserve its extraordinary sweet taste.

The main ingredients of tahini halva are extremely simple:

  • sesame protein mass;
  • caramel nougat - honey, sugar or molasses;
  • foaming agent

It would seem that it’s so complicated - you can mix everything together, and that’s the end of it. However, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. The process of mixing and adding ingredients to halva in the East is not only an art, but also the application in practice of the special secrets of technologists. In Iran, if all the rules are followed, ready-made tahini halva is a layered delicacy that simply melts in your mouth. While the spoiled product freezes in pieces and has an unpleasant cloyingly bitter sesame aftertaste.

Read also:

In addition to the usual sesame delicacy options, you can find tahini-peanut halva, to which, in addition to sesame seeds, small nuts are added.

Biochemical composition of the product

In the original, tahini halva is an excellent and incomparable delicacy. In addition to its taste, sweetness has a generous biochemical composition. There are 509 kcal per 100 grams of product, which is 30% of the body’s daily needs. This energy composition of tahini halva is provided by:

  • 13 g proteins;
  • 30 g fat;
  • 51 g carbohydrates.

In addition to the usual elements, the delicacy contains in generous quantities:

  • protein;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • food acids;
  • potassium;
  • vitamins B2, A, E and PP;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium.

Agree, few sweets can boast such a set of micro- and macroelements. However, you should not get carried away with this product. Nutrition should be balanced and varied.

Is this oriental delicacy good for health or not?

The benefits of tahini halva, as well as the harm, lie in its rich biochemical composition. An invaluable storehouse of various vitamins and macroelements will provide the body with many benefits:

  • Zinc is essential for the male body. It increases the reproduction of sperm and male sex hormones, regulates the normal activity of the prostate.
  • Copper is necessary for the growth and maintenance of muscle tissue tone, normalization of blood circulation and oxygen transfer to organs.
  • Vitamin A or retinoic acid improves the condition of the skin, nourishes and moisturizes it, and is also directly involved in maintaining vision, immune function and the production of growth hormone.
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2) strengthens nails, hair and generally helps maintain the immune system and its ability to resist colds.
  • Potassium is essential for the heart and development of the human muscular skeleton. It helps maintain muscle tone and prevents the risk of stroke or other diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Iron takes an active part in the processes of oxygen metabolism and the functioning of the body's respiratory system. It is believed that halva is the best and most delicious fighter against anemia.

To summarize, we can safely say that tahini halva heals the body, rejuvenates the skin, helps prevent the risk of heart disease, strengthens the musculoskeletal system and the respiratory system. In addition, thanks to the caramel nougat included in the delicacy, halva improves mood, helps the brain produce “happiness hormones” and generally has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system.

The energy value and all the beneficial properties of halva will be appreciated by pregnant women and nursing mothers, athletes, schoolchildren and people leading an active lifestyle. But we should not forget that sesame is classified as an allergenic seed and, if consumed excessively, can cause an unexpected reaction in the body. Therefore, eat sesame halwa in moderation.