Poker sayings. Accurate statements from the best players about poker. To be the best at poker, you need to have a strong bladder. Jack McClelland

Like any other professional field, poker has a number of its own outstanding personalities, who throughout the history of our craft have expressed intelligent thoughts in a laconic and beautiful form. So, we have collected some of the best (in our opinion) quotes about poker or gambling as such.

Money won is twice as sweet as money earned. Paul Newman

The first in line will be a quote from the American actor Paul Newman in the film “The Color Of Money” (from English “The Color of Money”). Original quote: Money won is twice as sweet as money earned.

If you are not able to find a sucker in the first half hour at the table, then you yourself are a sucker. Matt Damon (Rounders)

Our selection will not do without famous phrase Matt Damon in the movie “Rounders”. Original quote: If you can"t spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, then you ARE the sucker

Texas Hold'em is a game that can be learned in a minute, but will take a lifetime to achieve perfection. Mike Sexton

66-year-old Mike Sexton, a professional poker player, member of the Poker Hall of Fame, who is now an official representative of PartyPoker, once said a phrase that is popular to this day. Original quote: The name of the game is no-limit Texas Hold’em, the game that takes a minute to learn but a lifetime to master.

Trust everyone, but always cut the deck. Benny Binion

Next in line will be some analogue of “Trust, but verify,” only applicable in cards. This phrase was said by Benny Binion, the founder of the World Series of Poker, without which the game would not have the scope and popularity it has today. Original quote: Trust everyone, but always cut the cards

The great thing about poker is that everyone thinks they know how to play. Chris Moneymaker

Tennessee accountant Chris Moneymaker is a man who was in the right place at the right time to become the 2003 World Series of Poker Main Event champion. After that fateful evening, his life changed dramatically. Original quote: The beautiful thing about poker is that everyone thinks they can play

To be the best at poker, you need to have a strong bladder. Jack McClelland

Jack McClelland, a man who has worked as a tournament director and sometimes even a commentator on hundreds of tournament series for a good ~30 years, really knows all the secrets and subtleties of this craft. Naturally, due to his profession, he talks about offline poker. Original quote: To be a poker champion, you must have a strong bladder.

One day in poker consists of 90% luck and 10% skill. One year in poker is 10% luck and 90% skill. Chris Ferguson

How can we do without the famous saying of “poker Jesus” by Chris Ferguson. Let us remind you that he is a five-time WSOP gold bracelet winner.

It’s not the “point” that usually ruins it, but the ace at eleven. Mikhail Krug

The appearance of this character in our selection may be a little sudden, but nevertheless, his quote carries some meaning. Mikhail Krug, in case anyone didn’t recognize it.

Share your favorite phrases about poker or gambling in the comments, because we haven’t mentioned all of them!

It has long been noted that poker sooner or later makes philosophers out of players, forcing them to talk at length about life and fate. Some poker players speak so accurately and beautifully about the game that others begin to quote their phrases. Here are some examples of such popular poker words:

1. “There’s more to poker than life”:

—: legendary poker player from the “old guard”, member of the Poker Gallery of Fame —: very accurately notices the desire of players to live within poker, measuring the cycle not by hours and days, but by hands and tables. This capacious phrase explains the tragedy of passion, obsession with it and the impossibility of living without playing!

2. “You can cut the wool from a sheep at least a hundred times, but the skin only once”:

This brought to the surface the importance of careful and careful handling of fish! And indeed, this is in the interests of any player: not to finish off a weak opponent, but to make sure that he returns to the table. It’s better to shear the “sheep” little by little, but steadily, than to take off too much from it, forever killing the desire to play with you or poker in general. Offending a fish may turn out to be the poker player's most costly mistake in the long run.

3. “:If there were no luck factor in poker, I would beat everyone always”:

Of course, only the emperor of poker could say this about himself! Who and what else can stop him from winning? Only fate! But jokes aside - there is luck and bad luck, no matter with what mathematical accuracy you calculate outs and odds, no matter what corrections you make for dispersion, Fatum will still show his grin. And I even came to terms with it myself...

4. “:If you can’t spot the fish at the poker table, then you’re the fish here”:

": Sharpie":

This apt phrase is a quote from the cult film ":Rounder":. The main idea of ​​the words is one hundred percent correct - you need to be able to find weak players at the poker table, otherwise who will you take money from! If you haven’t acquired this skill yet, more experienced poker players will slowly chip away at your bankroll. So, learn to spot the fish!

5. “:If a player accepts a loss with a smile, he is a loser”:

This phrase belongs to a brilliant poker player. The champion quite sincerely believed that once he sat down at the table, he needed to win. Everything else is secondary. Stu never set himself up for loss and believed that there was no need to look for the positive in a frankly bad thing: defeat.

Today we decided to take a look at the most interesting phrases that have ever been said at the poker table.

Check out the TOP 10 quotes and tell me which ones you liked the most or maybe you know some that are more attractive poker quotes? Then be sure to share with us!

10. "There's more to poker than there is to life." - Tom McAvoy (Tom McEvoy)

Wait... Go back and re-read the quote. There is a possibility that you read it wrong the first time. Too often, poker players forget this and allow the game to completely take over their lives. In this phrase, Tom McAvoy, a four-time gold bracelet winner and winner of the 1983 WSOP Main Event, ironically highlights this fact that exists in every average poker player.

9. "Limit poker is a science, but no-limit is an art. In limit, you shoot at targets. In no-limit, the target comes to life and shoots back at you." - Crandell Addington (Crandell Addington)

Of course, this poker quote would sound more convincing coming from a young poker professional than Crandell Addington, who played at a time when the assembled poker players rarely played no-limit poker. Addington finished second in the WSOP Main Event twice and made the final table of the event seven times in the 70s, making his quote prophetic.

8. “It doesn’t matter whether you win or lose, what matters is the number of bad beat stories you can tell.” - Grantoland Rice(Grantland Rice)

A remarkable sports journalist who left us in 1954, Grantland Rice was known for his pithy quotes that told people the truth about a game. The truth is that most of us won't get rich playing poker. The fact is that we put our failures first, so we will definitely have a few interesting stories about .

7. “Trust everyone, but always cut the deck.” - Benny Binion (Benny Binion)

(approx. “remove the deck” - shift top part shuffled cards (deck) to the bottom before dealing)

Benny Binion is a legendary poker player who founded World Series on Poker (WSOP). Benny was also once accused of murdering a gambling competitor, but had to shoot himself in the shoulder to get the charges dropped because he allegedly acted in self-defense.

6. “You can shear a sheep a thousand times, but you can only skin it once.” - Amarillo Slim Preston (Amarillo Slim Preston)

When playing poker, Preston knew that his efforts were not enough to win everything, so he had to look for options to keep his opponent coming back.

5. "Poker is like sex. Everyone thinks they're the best, but most don't even know what they're doing." - Dutch Boyd (Dutch Boyd)

Boyd is right here that almost every poker player exaggerates his abilities. Ask anyone at an average NL200 no-limit hold'em table who their most successful player is and you'll see a forest of hands. They don't lie to you, they don't want to face the truth. It is very easy to forget about five losing sessions if you have a winning, good gaming session.

4. “If it weren’t for luck, I would win every time.” - Phil Hellmuth(Phil Hellmuth)

Phil Hellmuth is a poker quote machine. It is very difficult to ignore such a quote. And he's right, luck makes poker more balanced. Luck is the reason why poker professionals don't win every tournament they enter. Even a novice poker player can easily win, say, the Sunday Million.

3. “If you don’t see a loser at the table, then the loser is you.” - (Matt Damon) in film " Shulera»

This quote has been interpreted in different ways, but for most of us this quote is associated with the film Rounders. This movie made us believe in ourselves, as if we could become the next Johnny Chan.

2. “Show me a good loser and I’ll show you a loser.” - Stu Ungar(Stu Ungar)

“Show me a good loser, and I’ll show you a loser” - this is the quote on English language, and these ten words have a deep meaning. Stu Ungar is a three-time WSOP Main Event winner who has always despised defeat and does not take well to it. But, frankly speaking, he did not live well with victories, leaving us from an overdose after receiving his fifth and final gold bracelet.

1. “Money won is twice as sweet as money earned.” - Paul Newman (Paul Newman) in film " Color of money»

If you are not familiar with the movie "The Color of Money" (The Color of Money), then you have lost a lot. Yes, this is not a film about poker, or even about cards, but in my opinion, the quote speaks for itself. We all want to be workaholics and enjoy life, but in reality it's always more fun to get rich the "easier way."

I hope you liked our collection of poker quotes, if you have your favorite quotes, we will be glad to read them.

People talk about poker all the time. And not only players - actors, writers and even philosophers - everyone can find a quote applicable in life. Or are we wrong? We have prepared quotes about poker for you, which, in our opinion, are much deeper than they seem at first glance.

Take a look at the list below. Perhaps we missed one of your favorite quotes? Comment and let us know!

Mary Austin:“People would be surprised to know how much I learned about prayer from playing poker.”

Rick Bennet: “There is no such thing as luck in the long term, but the short term is much longer than many people think.”

Steve Lipscomb: “Poker is to cards and games what jazz is to music. It's a great American thing, born and raised here. We love it because everyone can play.”

Benny Binion:“Trust everyone, but always cut the deck.”

Dutch Boyd:“Poker is a lot like sex. Everyone thinks they are the best, but no one has any idea what they actually do.”

Doyle Brunson

Mike Caro: “Aces are larger than life and higher than mountains.”

Sammy Farha: “Just play every hand—you can’t lose forever.”

Michael Gersitz: “Don't be angry because you lost. Be angry because you didn’t win.”

Phil Hellmuth: “It doesn't matter how much you view hold'em as a card game that people play; in many ways it makes more sense to think of it as a game between people played with cards.”

Anthony Holden: “Poker can be a form of psychological warfare, an art or a way of life. But essentially it’s just a game in which money is just an opportunity to keep score.”

Warren Karp: “Forget about the chip and the chair—give me the cards and I’ll stand.”

Lou Krieger: “I believe in poker like I believe in the American Dream. Poker is good for you. It enriches the soul, sharpens the understanding, heals the mind, and when played well, fills the wallet.”

Charles Lamb: “Cards are war disguised as sport.”

Joe Laurie Jr.: “If you're bad at bridge, your partner will suffer, but if you're bad at poker, everyone will be happy.”

Katy Lederer: “The cardinal sin in poker, which is even worse than playing with dead cards, even worse than calculating the odds correctly, is emotional infatuation.”

W. Somerset Maugham: “Poker is the only game suitable for a grown man. Because your hand is against everyone, and everyone is against you. ”

Jesse May: “Poker is a combination of luck and skill. People who think that honing a skill is difficult are mistaken; the most important thing is to have luck.”

Jack McClelland: “To be the best at poker, you need to have a strong bladder.”

Tom McEvoy: “No Limit Hold'em: hours of deathly boredom, permeated with minutes of animal fear.”

Johnny Moss: “Hold’em is no more like stud than chess is like checkers.”

Paul Newman: “Money won is twice as sweet as money earned.”

Mark Pilarski: “The better you play, the luckier you will be.”