Loader is black. The loader is white and black. Pogruzdok white and mushroom cracker

Not all russula are pleasant to look at: among them there are dark, almost black specimens that do not arouse appetite among lovers of “quiet hunting”. However, such russula as Black Podgrudok, although unappetizing at first glance, is quite suitable for consumption in salted form.

Loader black

Loader black– lat. Russula adusta

In another way, the mushroom is called Black Russula, Black Podgruzdem or Chernushka.

External characteristics

Mushroom cap

Nigella has a large hat, at a young age - convex, with curved edges, at a mature age - in the form of a wide, deeply depressed funnel, reaching 15 cm in diameter. The caps of old mushrooms have a wavy edge.

The surface is dry and smooth, except during rainy periods when mucus appears on it. The skin turns a dirty gray shade, and as it grows it becomes greenish-brown or olive-brown and slightly sticky.

Inside the hat (and stem) there is a pulp of sharp-sweet taste, which, when damaged, first turns red, then turns gray and black. The bottom of Chernushka's hat is decorated with attached or slightly descending narrow branching plates of different lengths. In young fungi they are colored white, in mature ones they are gray. If you press on the lamellar area, it will turn black.

Podgruzd black reproduces by white spores.


The black podgruzdok has a fleshy, smooth cylindrical leg of the same color as the hat, but lighter. If you press it, it will turn black. The thickness of the legs is 20-30 mm, height – 30-60 mm.

Black loader - lat.Russula adusta

Places of growth

Mushrooms prefer temperate climates, acidic soils and pine forests. They are found in Russia, Central Asian, North American and Western European countries.

Fruiting occurs in small groups or singly in July - October.

Similar species

Black Russula is similar to the following edible mushrooms:

  • Loader blackening. It is distinguished by its immediately blackening flesh, sparse plates, peeling skin on the caps, and the dirty yellow color of the legs.
  • Frequent plate loader. The species is distinguished from Chernushka by its yellow-brown color and frequent growing plates.
  • White loader. It has a fresh taste.
  • Black and white mushroom. His hat changes color as he gets older.


Despite the presence of a pronounced musty smell, Podgrudok black is considered an edible mushroom, suitable for pickling after pre-soaking. Salted mushrooms have a pleasant sweetish taste.

(black russula)

- edible mushroom

✎ Affiliation and generic characteristics

Loader black(Latin Russula adusta), just like the white podgrudok, belongs to the genus Russula (Latin Russula) from the family Russula (Latin Russulaceae) and the order Russula (Latin Russulales). For this reason, in some areas it is called Russula black.
It received the name podgrudok for its similarity to the common milk mushroom, differing from it (and from the white podgrudka) in the slightly blackish tint of the cap. Also, unlike a real milk mushroom, the black milk mushroom, like the white milk mushroom, does not contain milky juice at all in its pulp and does not have the characteristic fringe along the edges of the cap inherent in milk mushrooms, and the edges of its cap are not lowered down and not bent inward, like from a real milk mushroom. The cap itself on the black cap, unlike the white cap, becomes slightly sticky with age. Therefore, the well-known characteristic “dry milk mushroom”, which accompanies white loading, has nothing to do with black loading.
Podgruzki are considered a separate, independent and most noble group of mushrooms from the russula family, which includes:

  • white loader;
  • black loader;
  • loader black and white;
  • loader blackening;
  • the load is greenish;
  • short-legged loader;
  • white false loading pad,

of which edibles include:

  • white loader;
  • black loader;
  • loader black and white;
  • the loader is turning black,

conditionally edible include:

  • the load is greenish;
  • short-legged loader,

and inedible and slightly edible include:

  • the loading dock is often lamellar (thick-leaved);
  • white false loading pad.

The most famous among them are the white and black loaders. And if we are talking about black podgrudok, then it, like the white podgrudok, in appearance very much resembles a dark, dense, purebred russula (it’s not for nothing that it is part of its family), for which people named it accordingly -
Russula black.

✎ Similar species and nutritional value

If we consider the similarity of species, then loader black often confused with thick-leafed (frequently plated) podgruzdok, which grows from July to October in coniferous and deciduous forests, preferring low-calcareous soils, and is distinguished by its frequent, adherent plates, yellowish-brownish color, and having the same earthy smell, thick-leaved podgruzdok has too much hot taste, which is why it is classified as an inedible (or, at best, conditionally edible) mushroom; or with a greenish cap, which is in many ways similar to a black cap, differing from it in greenish shades in the color of the surface of the cap.
Also, the black cap, due to the similarity in names, is confused with the black cap, which differs from it at a young age in a dirty white, and in maturity - in a brownish-black cap with an easily detachable skin and very sparse, thick and attached to the stem has plates that are yellowish in young mushrooms, but dirty yellow in mature ones and usually turn red when damaged; a blackened leg, covered with brown spots and white flesh with a fruity aroma, a pungent taste at the cap and a sweetish taste in the leg, which, like the black cap, is an edible mushroom, however, like the white cap, it has a rather bland taste.
For the same reason, the black cap can be confused with the black and white cap, which got its name for the contrasting variability of the cap during growth and which is whitish, and when pressed or with age (especially in the center) darkens to dirty gray or almost black cap; relatively sparse and relatively thick plates, weakly descending onto the stalk, with darker edges; obverse-conical stalk, with age becoming covered with irregular blackish spots and pulp that turns brown in the air with a subtle fruity aroma and a pleasant mint flavor.
Well, most of all, the black milk mushroom is, perhaps, similar to the black milk mushroom (nigella), differing from it in more black and white tones in the color of the fruiting body instead of greenish-black, like the black milk mushroom, the absence of white milky juice on the cut or broken and, like usually due to the abundant presence of fungal worms in the pulp of the mushroom.
It’s good that the black podgrudka has no poisonous counterparts, unless, of course, you count the brindle row, which it is somewhat similar to only from afar, but up close:

As they say in Odessa, these are two big differences!..

According to its taste and consumer qualities, black mushrooms (together with white mushrooms) are classified as edible mushrooms of the fourth category. And all because of the musty smell, like mold, which is inherent in this mushroom and is removed from it (though not always) only by boiling or prolonged soaking. Therefore, it is recommended to eat it in the same way as white mushrooms, along with other mushrooms.

✎ Distribution in nature and seasonality

Black podgrudok, unlike most podgruzdok, ripens better in coniferous forests and likes to grow under pine trees in acidic soils. But just like all podgruzki, it can easily grow in mixed or even deciduous forests, right on paths or small forest clearings under and next to birch trees and, as a rule, in the northern half of the forest zone. It lives alone or in small groups, and is well distributed throughout the cool-temperate climate zone of the globe, from North America and Canada to Western Europe, Central Asia and the Far East of Russia. The main fruiting period for the black plant is from July to October.

✎ Brief description and application

Black podgruzdok belongs to the section of agaric mushrooms, which means that the spores with which it reproduces are located in its plates. Its plates are adherent or slightly descending to the stem, narrow, thin and frequent, of different lengths, sometimes branching, at first they are white, then grayish, and when pressed they always turn black. His cap is at first flat-convex, slightly depressed in the middle, fine-fibrous, velvety to the touch, and then it is funnel-shaped with straightened edges and depressed in the center; in young mushrooms it is grayish or fawn, and in mature ones it is brownish with a blackish tint, sometimes with brownish-yellow spots and slightly sticky. Its stem is dense and smooth, the same shade as the cap, but lighter, cylindrical, smooth, at first it is solid, then it is hollow inside, and turns black when touched. The pulp is white and dense, when cut it first turns slightly red and then gradually turns gray, not pungent, sweetish-spicy, without milky juice, but with a strong and characteristic smell of mold (or old wine barrels) and turns black when touched.

Black podgrudok (and white podgrudok) are perfect for pickling. But before salting it must first be boiled or soaked. When salted it always turns black. And in its salted form, it is mainly consumed, but sometimes, like white podgruzdok, it is fried with potatoes and onions or just with onions, but together with other mushrooms, for example with the same russula, row, chanterelles, mokrukha, hygrophores , plutea or oyster mushrooms.

Black Podgrudok is a mushroom of the Russula family. This mushroom is also known as black russula and nigella. This is an edible type of mushroom.

The Latin name of the mushroom is Russula adusta.

The shape of the cap of the black cap is at first convex, later becoming broadly funnel-shaped or deeply depressed. Its diameter is 5-15 centimeters, in rare cases it can reach large sizes - 25 centimeters. The color of the cap is dirty brown or dark brown. The surface of the cap is slightly sticky.

Under the cap there are narrow plates. They grow or run down the leg. The plates have different lengths. They are located frequently. The color of the plates is first white, and later grayish; if you press on the plates, they turn black. The color of the spore powder is white.

In young specimens the flesh is dense and thick, but in older specimens it becomes brittle. The pulp of the nigella turns red when cut, and then slowly turns gray. She turns black when touched. It tastes sweetish-sharp, not pungent, and has a strong, characteristic smell, reminiscent of old wine barrels or mold. Black russula does not have milky juice.

Places where black russula grows.

Mostly black russula grow in pine forests. They live in groups. Nigella grows under pine trees. Fruiting of nigella is observed from July to October. Black russula are common in mixed, deciduous forests and conifers.

Evaluating the edibility of nigella.

Black russula are edible, but they are not very tasty; they are classified in the 4th category. During salting they turn black. Their taste is sweetish and pleasant. They are also boiled and stewed. It is recommended to soak the russula before cooking. These mushrooms go well with fried and stewed vegetables. And salted russula are considered a delicacy. Salted russula are ready within 24 hours. They go well with other types of mushrooms.

Fried russula is not inferior in taste to many other types. Black podgrudki can be served as a separate dish or with side dishes. Some connoisseurs prepare chops from them. But it is not recommended to add russula to soups, as they give the dish a bitter taste.

Properties and benefits of black loads.

Black russula contains vitamins B2 and PP, as well as carbohydrates, fats and proteins. These mushrooms have an antibacterial effect. The calorie content of black russula is low, so they are suitable for dietary nutrition, but at the same time they are nutritious and satisfies the feeling of hunger well without creating discomfort in the stomach.

Russula is indicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases. They help with blood thickening and prevent the risk of developing blood clots. In addition, russula curdles milk, creating a healing fermented milk product from it. This product is useful for people with cardiovascular diseases.

Contraindications for the use of black loads.

Adults should consume no more than 150 grams of russula per day, and children under 10 years old should not eat mushrooms at all.

Related species.

Russula rosea is a conditionally edible relative of the black russula. Her hat is semi-circular in shape. Its surface is smooth, dry, velvety. The color of the cap can be dark pink or red. The leg is cylindrical, thick, white with a pink tint. The pulp is dense but fragile.

Rose russulas grow in deciduous forests and are rarely found in coniferous forests. These mushrooms can settle in mountainous regions. Fruiting of pink russula is observed in summer and autumn.

Russula Turkish is an edible mushroom. The shape of the cap can be convex, flattened or depressed. Its color is most often lilac, but can be gray-violet. The leg can be cylindrical or club-shaped, white or pink. The pulp is dense, white, with a sweetish taste and pleasant smell.

These mushrooms grow in coniferous European forests. Turkish russulas live under spruce and fir trees. They grow singly or in small groups.

The cap is 5-10 (15) cm in diameter, densely fleshy, semicircular, flat-spread, depressed in the center, usually with a drooping, sharp, smooth edge. The skin is adherent, slimy, bare, shiny in dry weather, umber, dirty brown-black, often with an olive tint, dark gray-brown in the center, lighter towards the edges. The plates are attached to the teeth, frequent, narrow, white, turning yellow with age and then acquiring the color of the cap, with darker brown spots. Leg (2) 3-5 (7) x 2-3 (5) cm, cylindrical, formed, hard, bare, smooth, whitish, then a shade lighter than the cap. The pulp is dense, white, slightly pinkish in air, then blackened, tastes fresh or slightly spicy. Under the influence of FeSO4 it turns pink, then turns green. The taste of the records is mild. The spore powder is pure white. Spores are ellipsoidal to round, (7) 7.5-9 (10) x (6) 5-7 (8) µm, warty-fine-mesh ornamentation. Basidia 40-65 x 8-10 microns. Cystids 50-80 x 5-7 µm, cylindrical, not frequent, stained blue from sulfovaniline. The cuticle of the cap is gelatinous, consists of hairs and rare dermatocystids, which are divided at the apex.

The black russula mushroom (black russula) forms an association with birch (Betula L.), oak (Quercus L.), spruce (Picea A. Dietr.), pine (Pinus L.) and aspen (Populus tremula L.). Grows in mixed and coniferous forests, in groups, often in June - September. Edible.

Russula white-black, podgrudok white-black

The cap is 4-10 (15) cm in diameter, fleshy, semicircular, then becomes flat-spread to funnel-shaped-spread, with a thick edge tucked or drooped. The skin is adherent, mucous in young specimens, dries out with age, becomes dry and matte. At first whitish, then dirty white-brown, white towards the edges, and when young, turns black when pressed. The plates are short descending, sparse (4-5 per 1 cm along the edge of the cap), whitish, with a blackish edge, darken when pressed and with age. Leg 3-4 (7) x 2-3 cm, cylindrical, made, hard, bare, smooth, the same color as the cap. The pulp is dense, white, turns brown when cut, then turns black, tastes fresh, slightly pungent in the plates, smells faintly fruity. When exposed to FeSO4, it first turns pink, then turns green. Spore powder is white.

White-black russula (white-black russula) forms an association with birch (Betula L.) and. Grows in coniferous and deciduous-coniferous forests, in groups and singly, often in July - October. Edible.

Russula blackening

The cap is 8-10 (20) cm in diameter, densely fleshy, convex, then flat-spread, slightly depressed, with a sharp, smooth edge. The skin is adherent, initially sticky, then dry, bare, smooth, matte when dry, grayish-brown, almost black. The plates are attached, sparse, thick, wide, forked, with plates and anastomoses, white, cream, turning black with age. The stem is 2-6 x 1-3 cm, cylindrical, initially hard, then brittle, made or with cavities, bare, smooth or thin felt, colored a tone lighter than the cap. The pulp is fragile, loose, white, reddens and then blackens in the air, tastes fresh, soft, without much odor. When exposed to FeSO4, it turns dark green. Spore powder is white.

Kira Stoletova

Many different types of mushrooms grow in the forests of Russia; the podgrudok mushroom is especially popular. It is edible and has a great taste and is used in both cooking and medicine.


Podgruzdok has the taste, aroma and description that real milk mushrooms have.

Product Features:

  • the surface is pleasant to the touch, dry and velvety;
  • a hat without fringe at the edges (milk mushrooms have such a fringe);
  • reaches a height of 20-22 cm;
  • young individuals have funnel-shaped caps;
  • the lamellar part has a bluish tint;
  • the pulp is brittle;
  • a low, hard, cylinder-shaped leg (5-7 cm in height and up to 4 cm in diameter).

White spore powder. There is no juice, like milkweeds, the flesh at the break remains white

Lovers of podgruzdki collect them in deciduous forests, in coniferous forests, the collection time is from July to October. The smoky, whitish-brown caps hide deep beneath the leaf litter at the base of trees.

All milk mushrooms belong to the Syroezhkov family, despite their external resemblance to milk mushrooms. The most popular types include:

  • often lamellar;
  • blackening and black;
  • white.

White loader

The edible fruit is white or dry and does not exude milky juice when cut.

Description of the organism:

  • dry cap with brown spots;
  • surface size reaches 20 cm;
  • thin plates;
  • the color of the plates is greenish, whitish or with a blue tint;
  • the color of the pulp does not change at the break;
  • the short leg reaches 5 cm.

The old mushroom has a hollow stem. The dry appearance is distinguished by the rarity of the plates.

Frequently plated

Often lamellar is sometimes called nigella because of its characteristic appearance:

  • brown cap, changing color with age;
  • cap diameter 10-12 cm;
  • the surface is dry in adults and covered with mucus in young ones;
  • the flesh turns red and black when cut;
  • The young leg is white, then darkens.

The aroma and taste are weak. A light edge on the cap is characteristic at any age of the mushroom. Most often, nigella is found from August to October in the European part of the Russian Federation. Prefers broad-leaved forests for the formation of mycosis.

Black and blackening loading

The popular black podgrudok mushroom is found in coniferous and deciduous forests of the temperate zone of Russia.

It differs from other species in the following description:

  • sparse and thick yellowish plates;
  • a cut of dense pulp is red or brick-colored;
  • the taste is pleasant, there is no unpleasant pungency;
  • the leg is dense;
  • The size of the leg is from 3 to 7 cm in height and in diameter up to 3 cm.

The black podgruzdka has red flesh when cut. The blackening variety has black streaks on the flesh. The cap changes color from gray to brown-black. This is where the name of the species comes from. It bears fruit en masse from late July to mid-October.

Beneficial features

Loading agents have a lot of beneficial properties for the human body, due to their chemical composition, which includes the following important elements:

  • vitamins A, B, P and PP;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • ergosterol;
  • amino acids;
  • cellulose;
  • stearic acid;
  • chitin.

Vitamins strengthen the body and support it during viral epidemics. Amino acids serve as a natural barrier against bacteria. Fiber contributes to normal intestinal function.


These forest organisms accumulate excessive amounts of chitin. There is especially a lot of it in the legs. Because of this, this product is considered difficult to digest. Therefore, people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract need to use it with caution.

When harvesting, it is important to adhere to simple rules, for example, not to collect loads near busy highways, populated areas, landfills and factories. Mushrooms are natural sponges and absorb all harmful substances from the environment, exhaust gases, radionuclides, etc. When harvesting in dangerous places, severe poisoning occurs, similar to poisoning with poisonous mushrooms.

For elderly people, pregnant women and young children, it is better to eat “forest meat” in moderation and after consulting a doctor.


Loading agents are widely used in various spheres of human life: in cooking, medicine, pharmaceuticals and dietetics.

In cooking

Mushrooms contain more phosphorus than fish.

Cooks enjoy using different types of them for preparing salty snacks and pickling. Soups with this product have a bright taste and aroma.

In the Volga region they like to dry-salt brisket and use such preparations all winter.

Mushrooms with onions, sour cream, fried in sunflower or olive oil, are served both as a main dish and as a side dish for meat or fish.

In medicine and pharmaceuticals

Scientists isolated ellagic acid from the loadings, which they called nigrikacin. It is a powerful anticancer agent and is used in the treatment of oncology.

To suppress the growth of Ehrlich carcinoma, use an extract of white pods infused with alcohol at a dosage of 300 mg/kg.

Pogruzdok is a white, edible, tasty mushroom.


It is important to take precautions when picking mushrooms. You can’t take mushrooms near roads, you can’t go into the forest without protection against mosquitoes and ticks, without a knife and a compass, you should carefully sort through all the specimens.