Why doesn't the formula editor work in Word? Insert or change a formula or expression. Inserting a new formula

Today, almost all people use Microsoft Word. This is especially true for office employees. In addition, this text editor is especially popular among students and schoolchildren, since they often have to write various coursework and independent work. But not everyone knows how to insert a formula in Word.

This article will discuss the basic principles and capabilities of working with equations. In addition, differences in different versions of the editor will be demonstrated. If you are still using Word 2007, after reading these instructions, you will understand that it is high time to upgrade.

In order to insert any equation, you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the “Tab” menu item. Click on the down arrow icon. Thanks to this, there will be more menu items.

  1. Then select the “Object” item.

  1. In the window that appears, select “Microsoft Equation 3.0”. To insert, click on the “OK” button.

  1. When you launch the editor for the first time, Windows will configure it. You must wait for the process to complete.

  1. After this, you will be able to create various formulas.

  1. To do this, you first need to click in the selected area, and then select a section of formulas and the appropriate option.

  1. Immediately after this, the selected element will appear in the formula input field. Here you can write whatever you want.

  1. Enter some number. To exit the editor, you need to left-click on the empty space.

  1. Thanks to these actions, the element will no longer be active and you will see the finished equation.

This editor has been preserved in subsequent versions of Word. You can read more about its capabilities in the online help on the official Microsoft website.

MS Word 2007, 2010

This release of the office suite was revolutionary for Microsoft. His appearance has improved significantly. In addition, a huge number of new features and functions have appeared.

In 2007, Word has a new formula editor, which is many times superior to Microsoft Equation 3.0. But you can’t abandon the old one either, since support for Word 2003 documents will be lost.

Ready options

One of the main innovations is a pre-prepared set of various mathematical equations. To see this list, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the "Insert" section. Click on the triangle next to the “Formula” button. After this, a large list of popular expressions will appear:
    • binomial theorem;
    • quadratic equation;
    • area of ​​a circle;
    • decomposition of the sum;
    • Taylor series;
    • Fourier series;
    • Pythagorean theorem;
    • various trigonometric identities.

  1. After you select one of the proposed options, you will have a new “Constructor” tab where you can edit any equation.

Inserting a new formula

In order to insert something of your own, rather than using a blank, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Click on the empty space (or where you want to insert the equation).
  2. Open the Insert tab.
  3. Click on the "Formula" button.

  1. Immediately after this, “Space to enter” will appear. Here you can write something by hand.

  1. In addition, you can insert some kind of structure.

The principle of operation in modern editors is almost the same as in Word 2007 and 2010. Of course, a number of changes have occurred. But the concept remains the same. Therefore, a more detailed review of the various capabilities will be carried out on modern versions.

Working with formulas in MS Word 2013, 2016

The first thing you should pay attention to is the change in the name of the function. Now it's called "Equations".

Built-in equations

In order to see template options, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the "Insert" tab.
  2. Click on the “Symbols” button.
  3. Click on the triangle icon next to the “Equation” item.
  4. Select any desired option.

The developers from Microsoft tried their best and made a selection of the most relevant expressions.

More equations from Office.com

But if this is not enough for you, then you can open the extended list. To do this, you need to repeat the steps described above, but instead of selecting a formula, click on the item of the same name below.

As a result, you will see the following list:

  • absolute value;
  • reproduction of fractions to powers;
  • reproduction of degree to degree;
  • the second law of actions with exponents;
  • fractional exponents;
  • negative exponent.

Insert new equation

If the options suggested above are not enough, you can always create something of your own. For example, the sum of squares or something else. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the "Insert" tab.
  2. Click on the "Symbols" button.
  3. Click on the "Equation" icon.

  1. This will result in "Equation Space". In addition, the toolbar will automatically switch to the Design tab.

If you have a small monitor resolution or the Microsoft Word application window is not full screen, then the panel will take next view. All elements will still be available, but you will have to make an extra click to get to them.

Formula structures

Thanks to these constructions, you can create equations of any complexity, since all known mathematical operators can be found there. For example, you can even build a matrix table.

Let's take a closer look at the structures. These include:

  • fraction;

  • index;

  • radical (roots);

  • integrals:
    • ordinary;
    • contour;
    • differentials.

  • major operator:
    • amounts;
    • works;
    • unions and intersections;
    • other large operators;
    • ordinary large operators.

  • bracket:
    • standard view;
    • brackets and separators;
    • separate brackets.

  • condition sets and brackets;
  • regular parentheses.

  • function;
    • trigonometric;
    • reverse;
    • hyperbolic;
    • inverse hyperbolic;
    • basic.

  • diacritics:
    • ordinary;
    • formulas within;
    • features above and below;
    • objects with regular diacritics.

  • limit and logarithm:
    • functions;
    • main functions.

  • operator:
    • basic;
    • structures;
    • basic structures.

  • matrix:
    • empty;
    • dots;
    • single;
    • matrices with brackets;
    • sparse matrices.

As you can see, thanks to this you will be able to create mathematical expressions and physical formulas of any complexity.

Using symbols in a constructor

In order to expand the capabilities, a “Symbols” section has been added to the “Design” tab. For example, a parenthesis, a hash mark, a greater than sign, a number, and so on - you can easily type using the keyboard. But the rest will be a problem.

In order to expand the list completely, you need to click on the triangle in the lower right corner of this block.

As a result of this, you will see the following list.

Character categories

Notice that there is a drop-down list at the top. If you click on it, you can see a list of all available categories. The default is "Basic Math Symbols".

Other sets include:

  • Greek letters;

  • letter-like characters;

  • operators;

  • arrows;

  • relationships with denial;

  • special letter styles;

  • geometry.

Inserting regular characters

In addition, it is possible to use standard characters that are intended for plain text. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Open the "Insert" tab.
  2. Click on the “Symbols” icon.
  3. Then select the “Symbol” option.
  4. A list of recently used items will then appear. To insert, just click on any of them.

  1. In order to expand the entire list, you need to click on the “Other symbols” item.

  1. As a result of this, you will see the following window.

  1. Here you can also change the content depending on the set. And there are a lot of them - the list is quite impressive.

In this tab, you will be able to see an additional list of symbols and corresponding keyboard shortcuts.

Assigning a new keyboard shortcut

If a certain character needs to be inserted very often, then you can always create your own combination of buttons on the keyboard. This method is much faster than numerous menu clicks.

To do this you need to take the following steps:

  1. Select the desired item from the list.
  2. Next, you need to click on the “Keyboard shortcut” button.

  1. This will open the “Keyboard Settings” window. Click on the “New keyboard shortcut” field.
  2. Press the desired combination of keys on your keyboard.
  3. After this, the “Assign” button will become active. To save the settings, click on it.

In addition, you can use the autocorrect function. To do this, click on the appropriate button.

In the window that opens, go to the “AutoCorrect with Mathematical Symbols” tab. Thanks to this, you will see a large list of different combinations.

If you enter regular text into the equation field, it will appear in italics. The editor has a large set of functions that are reserved and not highlighted because they are formulas.

If you want to add something non-standard, you need to click on the “Recognized functions” button.

Then in the window that appears, enter what you want and click on the “Add” button. To save, click on “OK”.

As a visual aid, let's try to create a formula for the period of oscillation of a mathematical pendulum. It looks like this.

To do this, you must perform the following steps.

  1. Go to the “Insert” tab. Click on the “Symbols” button. Click on the “Equation” item.

  1. This will result in "Equation Space".

  1. Enter the leading characters "T=2". Then, in the list of symbols, click on the “π” icon (how to do this was described a little higher).

  1. Then add the root. To do this, click on the “Radical” icon and select the most common option.

  1. In the element that appears, click on the square, which is an input field.

  1. After this, insert the usual vertical fraction.

  1. In the fraction that appears, we enter the letters we need into each square one by one. Then simply click in an empty area of ​​the document.

  1. As a result of this, you will see a ready-made physical formula.

Saving formulas

If you use an expression very often, then instead of entering it again each time, it is best to save it and use a ready-made template in the future.

This is done very easily.

  1. Right-click on an empty space in the formula. It is in the workspace of this object, and not on the page. This space is highlighted in grey.
  2. Then, from the context menu that appears, select “Save as New Equation.”

  1. As a result, the “Create a new building block” window will appear.
  2. Here you can specify:
    • collection;
    • category;
    • a description that you would like to specify (this field is empty by default, unlike all the others).
  3. To save, click on the “OK” button.

You can see the result of your efforts as follows.

  1. Open the “Insert” tab.
  2. Then click on the “Symbols” button.
  3. Click on the triangle under the “Equation” icon.
  4. After this, a large list of standard equations will appear.
  5. If you scroll all the way to the bottom, you'll see that there's a new General category. This is where all your saved formula options will be located.

For those who do not want to make a lot of clicks on different structures and symbols, Microsoft developers have come up with an option for manually entering formulas. To do this, open the “Design” tab and click on the corresponding button.

As a result, the following window will appear.

Here, in addition to the preview and the drawing field, you can see additional buttons:

  • write down;
  • erase;
  • select and correct;
  • clear.

Try to draw something and it will automatically transform into a beautiful expression.

Try to draw the symbols as neatly and clearly as possible. The editor is very smart, but he is not a psychic. It is impossible to make out unclear handwriting.

After you see the desired result, you will need to click on the “Insert” button.


As a rule, almost all objects can be edited in the Microsoft Word editor. And equations are no exception.


By default, all formulas have a professional look. But this can be changed.

  1. To do this, you first need to right-click on an empty area in the equation.
  2. Then select “Linear” from the context menu that appears.

  1. As a result of this you will see the following.

Sometimes it is necessary to highlight an equation to differentiate it from the main text. To do this, just increase the size of the characters by a few points.

In addition, you can (for convenience, keyboard shortcuts to call this function are indicated in parentheses):

  • select font (Ctrl +Shift +F);
  • specify the desired size (Ctrl +Shift +P);
  • decrease by a few points (Ctrl +[ );
  • change text color;
  • add various effects;
  • make some characters bold (Ctrl +B), italic (Ctrl +I) or underlined (Ctrl +U).

By default, they all have a vertical view. But this can be fixed.

  1. Right-click on the fraction.
  2. In the context menu that appears, you can select any of the options offered to you.

These include:

  • diagonal fraction;

  • horizontal option;

Working with degrees (indices)

If you click on the main square of the corresponding element, the following options will appear in the context menu.

If you right-click on the secondary squares, the menu will change.

When working with roots, the context menu takes the following form. For example, you can add a box to indicate the degree.

The result will be as follows.


It is important to understand that this way you can work with any element of the formula. Wherever you right-click the mouse, the corresponding context menu will always appear. Its contents will depend on where exactly you clicked.

Thanks to this, you can change the appearance of equations beyond recognition, compared to the default options. But don't overdo it. Try to adhere to generally accepted norms.


The Microsoft Word editor is a very powerful tool for creating and working with different equations of any complexity. This article covered all the basic possibilities of working with formulas. If things don't work out for you, you're probably clicking on the wrong things.

Video instruction

For those who still have any questions, a video with additional comments on the instructions described above is attached below.

Below are practical advice how to insert simple and complex text into text using the Word office package mathematical formulas.

Amount icon on the panel

Symbols for standard mathematical operations can be found on the tab Insert, toolbar Symbols.

For example, a sign Amounts you will find in this pop-up window.

If you don't find it, open it Other characters and look in the list.

Insert sum, subtraction, multiplication and division

A simple sum formula can also be written using this panel.



Division in three versions at once
Multiply in two variations

You will also find there root, integral, differential and many other useful symbols. Right drop-down list Set opens a list of character groups to insert.

If desired, you can configure the settings autocorrect And keyboard shortcut, to speed up the process of entering the required characters.

Making a complex formula

If you need to insert a complex formula containing fractions, degrees, indices or something else, then it is better to resort to another mechanism.

Microsoft Word specifically provides a comprehensive editor. This tool, integrated into a text editor, works with equations as text rather than images, and then, if necessary, any function can be easily edit, which is quite convenient.

The editor window looks like this.

How to write an equation

Let's see how to insert a complex equation in different versions of the Word office suite.

Formula editor in Word 2003

Place the cursor at the desired location in the document to insert and click tab InsertAn object.

In the pop-up window select Microsoft equation 3.0 and click OK.

In the editor window you can select any required signs and symbols to create an equation any complexity, among them: fractions, powers, roots, and so on.

To exit from input mode, click on any empty space outside this window, then continue to type your text.

Inserting formulas in Word 2007, 2010, 2013

In all these versions the principle of finding the editor is similar. On the panel at the top, go to the tab Insert.

There we find Formula or The equation.

We apply the necessary templates and create Formula.

The editor may not be installed. Then you will need to additionally install this component by running the installer in the category Facilities choose " Formula editor».

Making up formulas

For the convenience of working with a large number of mathematical values, we recommend attaching this panel to the main, simple drag and drop using the left mouse button (Word 2003). In older versions, this icon is already located on the panel.

Enter according to the required template. For example, upper And lower indexes are entered this way.

For recruitment fractions this panel is used.

Here, it should be noted that shaded rectangles mean that text is already contained in that part, and empty serve to enter new text.

Fractions can be in two versions; based on your tasks, you can choose both inclined and straight ones.

Window for enclosing expressions in parentheses.

In the same way, individual parts of an expression can be distinguished.

Input Panel greek symbols.

A similar window with capital letters is located to the right of this one.

Using the next panel, you can enter a space, since standard keyboard input will not work in this case.

Can customize font for naming functions, variables, vectors, text and everything else. To do this we use the menu Style.

In order for the text to be italic, it should be marked with the style “ text».

Program text editor Microsoft Office Word 2007 contains a built-in tool for writing and editing formulas. This tool is not a stand-alone application, it is a component of the Word 2007 text editor. There are some difficulties associated with importing formulas from earlier versions of the Word text editor, we will look at them later.


To create a formula, follow these steps:

  • Select tab Insert, in Group Symbols select line Formula. The panel will open Constructor, Working with formulas.
  • Now you can enter the formula in the space provided.

Rice. 1. Panel Constructor, Working with formulas


Let's get acquainted with the panel interface Working with formulas, the panel contains the following three groups: Service, Symbols, Structures.

Service Group

Line Formula groups Service will allow the user to create a new formula or select an existing formula from the collection.

Rice. 2. Submenu Formula with a collection of formulas

The user can add to this collection.

Line Professional will allow you to convert the selected formula into a two-dimensional form for display according to generally accepted rules for mathematical expressions.

Line Linear converts the formula to linear form for easier editing.

Line Plain text will allow you to enter text that is not a mathematical expression into the formula.

In the lower right corner of the panel Formula there is a pointer that launches the window

Formula options:

Rice. 3. Window pointer Formula Options

In this window you can set the font, location, formula alignment, automatic replacement parameters for mathematical symbols, names for symbol recognition of mathematical functions.

Group Symbols

Group Symbols contains basic mathematical symbols, Greek letters, operators, the figure shows the line:

Rice. 4. Group menu Symbols, line Basic Math Symbols

Group Structures

Group Structures contains templates Fraction, Index, Radical etc. Let's reveal the template Fraction:

Rice. 5. Template window Fraction

Rectangles are placeholders into which you can insert the required character or other pattern.

Formula set

Let's create a small formula to calculate the distance between two points:

Command order:

  • Select tab Insert, in Group Symbols select line Formula. The panel will open Constructor, Working with formulas.
  • Type the letter d and the “=” sign from the keyboard.
  • Expand group Radical, select a template Square root.

Rice. 6. Group Radical

  • Select placeholder, select group Bracket, select parentheses.
  • Click on the placeholder, the square will be highlighted.
  • In Group Index choose a template Subscript, the pattern placeholders appear in the formula, enter the symbol x and the subscript 1 in the appropriate fields.
  • Click on the template so that it is highlighted and put a minus sign.
  • Enter the symbol x and subscript 2 in the same way.
  • Click on the bracket template, it will be highlighted, then select the superscript template, fill the top field with the symbol 2.
  • Select the entire radical expression and put a plus symbol.
  • Enter the second term in the same way.

The typed formula can be added to the formula collection if you plan to use it in the future.


  • Open the list of formulas and select the item Save as new formula. A window will open Creating a New Building Block:

Rice. 7. Window Creating a New Building Block

  • In line Name give the formula a name, it will be displayed along with the formula in the collection, for example, “Distance”.
  • In line Description set the comment “Distance between two points given coordinates (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)”, press the button OK.

The new formula Distance will appear in the collection of formulas.

Autocorrect with math symbols

A small formula can be entered into a text document using AutoCorrect with mathematical symbols.

To enable automatic replacement with mathematical symbols, follow these steps:

Let's write the formula using the enabled autocorrect function.

Terminates code entry by pressing the spacebar, enter, or typing a comma.

All symbols for autocorrect can be viewed on the tab Autocorrect with math symbols window AutoCorrect.


Earlier versions of the text editor Word when writing formulas we used a separate application Microsoft Equation 3.0.

When opened in the editor Word 2007 document created using earlier versions of a text editor, compatibility mode is turned on, and the title bar of the document window displays Reduced functionality mode. New editor features in this mode Word 2007 not available. While in this mode, you can edit the formula using the application. Microsoft Equation 3.0. Apply new text editor features Word 2007, located on the Tooling with Formulas panel, for editing the formula created using the application tools Microsoft Equation 3.0, it won't work. The document can be converted to the new editor format Word 2007, but the previously created formula still cannot be edited with new tools; the text editor perceives the formula as a graphic object.

The functionality of the Microsoft Word text editor is in fact not limited to just working with text. So, this office application allows you to create tables, charts and graphs, add and change images and much more. One of the most interesting, although not the most obvious, functions is the insertion of formulas and equations, as well as the creation of them from scratch. We will tell you how this is done in this article.

As is the case with most objects that Word supports, adding and creating formulas in a text document is done in the tab "Insert". The user has four different options to choose from - from using ready-made templates to creating an entry yourself and even entering it manually. We will consider all this, as well as some additional features and nuances, in more detail later, but first of all, we will tell and show how to move on to the section of the program that interests us.

Method 1: Selecting template and frequently used examples

In the menu for creating equations in Microsoft Word there are several ready-made templates, to add any of which to the document you just need to click on it with LMB. These include the following:

Of course, this will not be enough for most users, and therefore it is not surprising that such a modest list can be supplemented with both your own formulas and additional equations on the Office.com website, which are actually available right in the program. To select them and then insert them, simply move the cursor over the corresponding menu item for adding a new entry.

Next, we will briefly talk about how to work with initially formatted, template mathematical records in Word.

Note: All formulas and equations, whether templated or hand-written, use the Cambria Math font and cannot be changed. All other parameters (changing the style type, size, color, etc.) remain available.

Immediately after adding a template equation (like any other) you will be redirected to the tab "Constructor"(do not confuse with the one that is not initially present in the Microsoft Word toolbar and is located between the tabs "Insert" And "Layout", previously it was called "Design").

Note: Tab "Constructor", through which all work with formulas is carried out, is active and open only at the time when the field for inserting a new equation is highlighted and/or you are interacting with it.

There are three main categories of tools, namely:

  • Transformations;
  • Symbols;
  • Structures.

Get access to opportunities "Transformations" You can also use the menu with the added formula block - just LMB on the downward-pointing triangle. Among other things, from here you can save the equation as a template, which we will talk about later, and determine the type of its alignment on the document page.

If you need to make changes to the added entry, use the Section Toolkit "Symbols" And "Structures".

When you're done with the equation, simply click on a blank area of ​​the page. If you then press the spacebar, the entry originally inserted in the middle will be aligned to the left (or whatever is set as the default alignment options for the current document).

Method 2: Create your own equations

Much more often it is necessary to add not a template entry to a text document, but an arbitrary one or one simply missing from the list "Built-in" the equation. This is done as follows:

  1. In the menu dropdown list "The equation" select item "Insert New Equation", after which a record field will be added to the page.

    Note: To insert a formula field called "Room for the Equation", you can use hotkeys, namely, the combination “ ALT+= ».

  2. To handwrite an equation, use the elements presented in the second and third group of tools on the tab. "Constructor""Symbols" And "Structures".

    The latter include the following:
    • Fraction;
    • Index;
    • Root;
    • Integral;
    • Large operator;
    • Bracket;
    • Function;
    • Diacritics;
    • Limit and logarithm;
    • Operator;
    • Matrix.

    Here's an example of how you can write a simple equation:

  3. After you enter the formula, left-click on an empty area of ​​the page.

    If necessary, align the position of the entry to the left by pressing the space bar or accessing the additional actions menu (drop-down list of the equation block).

  4. In comparison with the method of inserting template formulas discussed above, creating them yourself provides much wider opportunities. This is how you can add a record of any complexity and structure to a text document, although this procedure not always convenient.

Method 3: Handwriting equations

If the set of mathematical symbols and structures presented in the tab "Constructor" and intended for creating records yourself, for some reason you are not satisfied, you can add a formula or equation the good old way - by writing it by hand, or rather, using a mouse (or a stylus on devices with a touch screen). This is done as follows:

  1. In the menu for inserting a new equation, select the penultimate item "Handwritten Equation".
  2. A window will open , top part of which is the preview area, the bottom is the toolbar, and the largest part is occupied by the input area located in the middle.

    Just in it using a mouse (or a stylus, if supported by the screen) and a tool "Write" and the formula should be written by hand. Try to do this carefully, since the handwriting recognition algorithm is by no means perfect.

    Note: As you write the formula, the field for entering it will automatically expand.

    If you make a mistake, use the tool "Erase", which deletes the entire selected character at once.

    In addition to removal, error correction is also available, which is done by the tool "Select and fix". Use it to select a symbol by circling it, and then select from the drop-down menu what you want to replace it with.

    You can also select more than one character, for example, a letter and a degree, and in this case even more correction options will be available. All this is clearly useful in cases where the program algorithm confuses one character with another, for example, the number “2” and the Latin letter “Z,” or simply does not recognize it correctly.

    If necessary, you can also clear the handwriting field and start writing the formula again.

  3. To add a manually created entry to the page, click the button "Insert" located at the bottom of the window "Entering a Mathematical Formula".
  4. Further interaction with the formula is no different from template ones and those created using symbols and structures built into Word.

Saving your own formulas as a template

If you often need to write down the same formulas while working with documents, it would be wise to add them to the list of frequently used ones. This way you will create a ready-made template that will be available from the insert menu in just a couple of mouse clicks.

  1. Create a formula that you want to add to the list of templates, and then select it by clicking LMB on the “frame”.
  2. Click on the button "The equation" located in the group "Service"(tab "Constructor") and in the menu that appears, select “Save the selected fragment to the collection of equations...”.
  3. In the dialog box that appears, create a name for the formula to save. In the dropdown list "Collection" select item "Equations" and, if desired, define a category or leave the one that the program will automatically “select”.
  4. If necessary, define other parameters (add a description and select where the saved equation will be added), then click "OK".
  5. The formula saved as a template will appear in the Word quick access list, which opens immediately after clicking the button "The equation" ("Formula") in Group "Service".

Inserting a formula into a table cell

Despite the fact that in the Microsoft Office package Excel is responsible for working with tables, Word also allows you to create and process elements of this type. Yes, the capabilities of a text editor in this regard are much more modest than those of its brother, but the built-in functionality will be enough to solve basic problems.

Direct insertion of equations, templates or ones created independently, into the table is carried out using exactly the same algorithm as in all the cases we have considered, which can be understood from the screenshot presented above. However, in addition to this, the program has the ability to add a formula to any cell of a Word table, similar to how it is done in Excel. We'll talk about this further.

We have already written quite a lot about the capabilities of the advanced text editor MS Word, but it is simply impossible to list them all. The program, which is primarily focused on working with text, is by no means limited to just this.

Lesson: How to make a diagram in Word

Sometimes working with documents involves not only textual, but also numerical content. In addition to graphs (diagrams) and tables, you can also add mathematical formulas to Word. Thanks to this feature of the program, you can perform the necessary calculations quite quickly, in a convenient and visual form. It is how to write a formula in Word 2007 - 2016 that will be discussed below.

Lesson: How to make a table in Word

Why did we indicate the program version starting from 2007, and not from 2003? The fact is that built-in tools for working with formulas in Word appeared precisely in the 2007 version; before that, the program used special add-ons, which, moreover, were not yet integrated into the product. However, in Microsoft Word 2003 you can also create and work with formulas. We will tell you how to do this in the second half of our article.

Creating formulas

To enter a formula in Word, you can use Unicode characters, mathematical autocorrect elements, replacing text with symbols. A regular formula entered into the program can be automatically converted into a professionally formatted formula.

1. To add a formula to a Word document, go to the “Insert” tab and expand the menu of the “Equations” button (in program versions 2007 - 2010 this item is called “Formula”), located in the “Symbols” group.

2. Select “Insert New Equation”.

3. Enter the required parameters and values ​​manually or select symbols and structures in the control panel (Design tab).

4. In addition to manually entering formulas, you can also use those contained in the program’s arsenal.

5. In addition, a large selection of equations and formulas from the Microsoft Office website is available in the menu item “Equation” - “Additional equations from Office.com”.

Add frequently used formulas or those that have been formatted in advance

If you often refer to specific formulas when working with documents, it will be useful to add them to the list of frequently used ones.

1. Select the formula you want to add to the list.

2. Click on the “Equation” (“Formulas”) button located in the “Tools” group (the “Designer” tab) and in the menu that appears, select “Save the selected fragment to the collection of equations (formulas)”.

3. In the dialog box that appears, enter a name for the formula you want to add to the list.

4. In the “Collection” item, select “Equations” (“Formulas”).

5. If necessary, set other parameters and click “OK”.

6. The formula you saved will appear in the Word quick access list, which opens immediately after clicking on the “Equation” (“Formula”) button in the “Tools” group.

Adding math formulas and structures for general use

To add a mathematical formula or structure in Word, follow these steps:

1. Click on the “Equation” (“Formula”) button, which is located in the “Insert” tab (the “Symbols” group) and select “Insert a new equation (formula)”.

2. In the “Design” tab that appears, in the “Structures” group, select the type of structure (integral, radical, etc.) that you need to add, and then click on the structure symbol.

3. If your chosen structure contains placeholders, click on them and enter the required numbers (symbols).

Tip: To change an added formula or structure in Word, simply click on it with the mouse and enter the required numerical values ​​or symbols.

Add a formula to a table cell

Sometimes you need to add a formula directly to a table cell. This is done in the same way as with any other place in the document (described above). However, in some cases it is required that the table cell displays not the formula itself, but its result. How to do this - read below.

1. Select an empty table cell in which you want to place the result of the formula.

2. In the “Working with tables” section that appears, open the “Layout” tab and click on the “Formula” button located in the “Data” group.

3. Enter the required data in the dialog box that appears.

Note: If necessary, you can select a number format, insert a function or a bookmark.

4. Click “OK”.

Adding a formula in Word 2003

As mentioned in the first half of the article, the 2003 version of Microsoft's text editor does not have built-in tools for creating and working with formulas. For these purposes, the program uses special add-ons - Microsoft Equation and Math Type. So, to add a formula to Word 2003, do the following:

1. Open the “Insert” tab and select “Object”.

2. In the dialog box that appears in front of you, select Microsoft Equation 3.0 and click “OK”.

3. A small “Formula” window will appear in front of you from which you can select signs and use them to create formulas of any complexity.

4. To exit the formula mode, simply left-click on an empty space on the sheet.

That's all, because now you know how to write formulas in Word 2003, 2007, 2010-2016, you know how to change and supplement them. We only wish you positive result in work and training.

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How to insert (write) formulas in Word (Word 2007, 2010, 2013)

Every day a large number of schoolchildren and students are faced with the problem of inserting (typing) formulas into Word for Windows xp, 7, 8, 10, related to such subjects as mathematics, physics, chemistry and other specialized subjects. Complete laboratory assignments, as well as theses, etc. without knowledge of such special functions of Word (2003, 2007, 2010, 2013) it is impossible.

In this article we will look at two methods of inserting formulas into a Word document.

  1. Using Word's features for inserting objects.
  2. Using the available operating system Windows special Math Input Panel.

Inserting (fitting in) a formula using Word's insert object function

  • In order to insert a formula into a Word document, place the cursor in the required place and click “Insert” at the top, find the object insertion icon to the right and select the down arrow and click on “object” (if you have a different version, check the delay for a short time cursor and the appearance of a tooltip).

  • After the object insertion window appears, find “microsoft equation 3.0” in it and click on “Ok”

  • Now a window opens for mathematical symbols and formula elements, such as fractions, matrices, degrees, etc.

  • Write the formula by selecting the available symbols, those that you need and you can return by clicking on any empty space in the document.

This article describes the process of inserting in Word 2010. The principle of insertion in other versions of Word is the same, only the location and icon may differ slightly from this example (in version 2003, the selection is made by clicking at the top of the “Insert” tab and finding “object” in the list that appears). If you do not have such a function, then you need to update the version by downloading full version product.

Inserting a formula using the Math Input Panel

  • To do this, find “mathematical input panel” in the Windows search and open it

  • Use the mouse pointer to write the mathematical expression you need and the program will automatically recognize the entered characters.

  • After the written formula, you need to click the “Insert” button at the bottom right. Word must be open - it will be inserted into the place of the Word document where the cursor was placed.

I hope we were able to help you with the issue of inserting a formula into Word. We wish you success in your studies!

How to insert a formula in Microsoft Word

This material will be especially useful for schoolchildren and students who, when writing essays, tests and other works, it is necessary to insert mathematical formulas. Microsoft Word provides several convenient methods for these purposes, which we will consider below.

Inserting formulas using Microsoft Equation

This method is suitable for all versions of Microsoft Word, however, it is better not to use it on Word versions older than 2003, because 2007 already has a built-in formula editor.

To do this, go to the “Insert” tab and in the “Text” section, select the icon called “Object”. A list of objects will open, among which you need to find and select “Microsoft Equation 3.0”.

A toolbar will open, with which you can type the required characters. Latin letters must be selected from the keyboard.

Why shouldn't you use this method in versions of Word starting from 2007? The fact is that Microsoft Equation is a third-party application, so this may not have the best effect on the ease of entering formulas and the performance of the editor.

Inserting formulas using the built-in editor

Starting with Word 2007, Microsoft Office added a built-in formula editor that allows you to create formulas that fit perfectly into the body of the document. Unlike the Microsoft Equation application, the built-in formula editor works much better with the text part, because is its component, and also allows you not to waste time on separately setting up fonts.

Open the “Insert” tab, select “Symbols” and in the pop-up window click on the “Equation” icon.

The program will display the built-in formulas. If you don't find the one you need among the list, you need to create it yourself. To do this, at the bottom of the window, select “Insert new equation.”

A “Management space” column will appear on the sheet, which can be dragged to any part of the page. A new “Design” tab will appear in the Word control panel, which provides all the necessary tools for creating formulas.

Once you've finished entering the formula, click outside of it to pin it to your worksheet.


Inserting a Formula in Word - Step-by-Step Guide

Many users experience difficulties when they need to paste formulas in Word, since this function is rather unclear in Microsoft's text editor.

The situation is complicated by the fact that one of the most popular word processing programs in the world is completely updated every few years, as a result of which the interface is redesigned and the controls change their location.

Therefore, if you knew Word 2003 perfectly, then when working with newer versions you may have questions about how to do this or that action that you previously performed automatically. This statement is completely true for inserting formulas.

This version of the text editor was the last to create documents in the well-known DOC format by default (supported since 1997), and the first to undergo a commercial rebranding from MS.

As the future has shown, changing the design of the Office 2007 suite has become a very effective solution, as evidenced by the fact that many organizations and private users still use this particular version of the office software package.

A specific feature of Word 2003 is the use of a separate application, Microsoft Equations 0.3, for working with formulas, the window of which opens every time you insert a new mathematical expression.

  • To insert a formula, you need to find the “Insert” item in the top panel and select “Object” from the drop-down menu.

Insert context menu

  • After this, a window for selecting an insertion object will appear. You must click on Microsoft Equations 3.0

Inserting an object

  • After this, the formula editor will automatically launch and the main window of this subroutine will open in front of the user, in which you can write any possible formula construction.

Microsoft Equations 3.0 workspace

  • The program has a laconic interface, made in accordance with the design style of all Microsoft products of that period. At the top there is a control panel on which there are standard features. Below are categories of various mathematical symbols, after selecting one of which a list of available elements will open. In order to select the desired symbol, just click on it with the left mouse button.

    All the notation is intuitive, many of them have a dotted rectangle icon indicating that there should be some kind of mathematical expression in that place.

Selecting the infinity sign

  • The style function allows you to select the font and style type for certain characters. To define your own settings, click Style and then Define.

Custom styles window

  • The “Size” menu item makes it possible to adjust the size of various formula elements and also has the ability to set custom settings, for which you need to follow the “Size” - “Define” path.

Custom Size Window

  • When you have completed entering the formula, press Esc or close the window, as a result of which it will be inserted into the main element. Repeated editing is carried out by double-clicking LMB. The size of the formula field can be changed and moved by simply dragging the mouse.