Why can't you eat? What happens if you don't eat for a long time? What are the possible health consequences? Harmful health effects

In Europe, the fashion is for restaurants where you will never get fat. Moreover, you won’t even get full. People don’t come to such places for food, they have their own atmosphere. Portions are smaller than a thimble, dishes change once an hour.
Little, long and expensive - these are the three commandments of “slow food”.

Previously, only the French were guilty of this, but now it has spread to other countries. Deflope in Italy or the Czech Republic, who would have thought! In countries with good cuisine, sit and eat bread. The most popular dish on the tables. And also wine and water.

And so, you sit in a restaurant for half an hour, discuss all the topics with your colleagues, and they bring you a dish. And there...on such a huge plate lies a small something.

A piece of herring and some vegetables. Everything weighs thirty grams. And this is the portion. You swallow the fish and don't understand what happened.

Another forty minutes wait. The herring has long been digested, you have forgotten its taste. They bring the second dish. Chips, and a little more fish, something else. You've swallowed it, you haven't eaten enough, you chew the bread again.

When you are ready to eat the hair on your neighbor's head, the main course arrives. Pork with potatoes. The potatoes were put in so generously that you could overeat.

“Lonely dumpling.” This is not food, but some kind of modern art. The term “slow food” was coined for such establishments, as opposed to fast food eateries. All this is very expensive. Sometimes a visit to such restaurants costs a hundred or two euros per person.

While waiting for one of the dinners, I couldn’t resist and made a “stone in a plate” composition. You can imagine it as a baked potato. And the portion is normal.

The thing is that when eating, the human body experiences a certain load, which is placed on almost all internal organs. Throughout the day, while you lead an active lifestyle, your body also works with you. At night, when you rest, he also needs rest. But when you eat before bed, you keep your body busy throughout the night, leaving you feeling tired and irritable when you wake up in the morning. The level of work ability decreases and extra pounds appear.

To avoid all these “bonus gifts” from late-night meals, it is necessary to provide the body with complete rest, so that in the morning it is rested and ready for new achievements.

Let's now talk about why there is a feeling of hunger before bed and how to get rid of it?

Causes of hunger before bed

According to nutritionists, there are only three reasons why hunger occurs immediately before bed:

  • poor nutrition;
  • lack of sleep;
  • stress.

Poor nutrition

If during the day you drink more than 5 cups of coffee, food seasoned with various spices, and snack on buns, then do not be surprised that in the evening you will have a terrible feeling of hunger that does not allow you to sleep peacefully.

The thing is that all the above-mentioned foods contain light carbohydrates, which are quickly digested and the feeling of hunger quickly returns.

To solve this problem, you just need to review your diet and include foods high in complex carbohydrates, which take a long time to digest and also promote weight loss.

Try to drink coffee and tea before 3 pm, and do not season your dishes with various spices unless necessary. To improve the taste, you can simply use salt and ground black pepper.

Lack of sleep

If you wake up too early in the morning and don’t have time to have breakfast, your lunch is not complete, and in the evening, going to a cafe, you eat a small portion of salad, then it’s not surprising that before going to bed you feel very hungry.

You need to reconsider your daily routine. Wake up 30 minutes earlier to have a hearty and leisurely breakfast, be sure to eat a small piece of meat or fish at lunchtime, and don’t forget about vegetables and fruits. Dinner is also not to be missed; here you can eat a small portion of salad with some light meat dish.


Constant stress, dissatisfaction with oneself and one's own life, failures in one's personal life - all this leads to the fact that a person begins to seek comfort in food. Typically, the food in this case is a high-calorie food rich in carbohydrates and carbohydrates, which many believe helps improve mood and produce the “happy” hormone.

Here the problem needs to be solved only on. Ask yourself the question: “Will I eat a chocolate bar now and really become happy?” The answer is obvious. After abstaining from eating before bed for several days in a row, you will notice that the desire to “eat something tasty” will begin to decrease and eventually disappear altogether. You also need to try to cope with your feelings on your own, without involving food in this process.

Video about eating before bed

You can't overeat at night

There is a widespread belief that you should not overeat at night, as this is a direct road to obesity. However, American studies on the effects of food on health state that there is no evidence that eating late in the day leads to fat deposits to a greater extent than eating during the day. The calories gained from eating at night will still be used by the body when it needs it.

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Not allowed The first generations of COCs produced in the seventies were contraindicated for breastfeeding women; now they can be taken after lactation has been established; the remaining (except for the first obvious) contraindications are related to the blood system. Pregnant and suspicious of them. Also,

Eating lamb in an open hall in the covered part of the yard is happiness.

Eating pancakes or rice - portends unfulfilled desires.

Eating all the fruits portends misfortune.

Eating rotten vegetables portends a disease.

Eating ready-made meat is fortunate.

Eating a pear portends a loss of wealth and material condition.

Eating goose meat portends the wife’s illness.

There are chestnuts - portends separation.

Eating chicken or duck is fortunate.

Eating onions means there will be a quarrel or a fight.

There are Tangerines - a disease.

There is oil, vinegar, soy sauce, liquid seasonings - fortunately.

Eating Honey with a person portends happiness and benefits.

Eating vegetables and seeing vegetables that turn yellow portend misfortune.

There is one persimmon, oranges, tangerines - a disease.

There are donuts and manti - there will be a squabble, foreshadowing anger.

Eating pork is a disease, an illness.

Eating dog meat portends litigation, official proceedings.

Eating raw meat is bad luck.

Eating pumpkin seeds means the birth of a noble offspring.

Eating dates means the birth of a noble offspring.

Eating persimmons and peaches portends separation, followed by union.

Eating garlic portends a natural disaster, a catastrophe.

Eating mulberries - foretells the birth of a noble son.

A dead person eats - portends illness.

Eating the flesh of your own dead body is separation.

Killing a bull and eating its meat portends commercial profit.

A person offers you to eat curdled milk - portends joy.

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We would like to determine the time frame for a hypothetical famine. Long is a loose concept. For some people, skipping breakfast and lunch is already a tragedy, since it makes them feel bad, but for others, not eating anything even for several days does not cause any difficulty. Therefore, we will consider the topic from different sides and from different angles.

How long can a person go without food?

But these reserves are quickly depleted, and then the fats present in our body are used for food. But the trouble is that for the complete breakdown of fats, carbohydrates are required, and the body does not receive them during hunger. Therefore, toxic products gradually accumulate in the body - ketones resulting from incomplete oxidation of fats; the acid-base balance begins to shift towards the acidic side. This phenomenon is called acidosis.

Signs of increasing acidosis: weakness, headaches, smell of acetone from the mouth. Around the fifth to seventh day, the so-called person’s condition begins to deteriorate sharply. And then what will happen? “If you don’t eat for a long time, you can probably die,” you might think... But no! After the first crisis has passed, the body’s functioning is completely restructured, the feeling of hunger disappears and well-being improves. At this stage, the digestive system seems to be resting, and the body is adjusting to internal nutrition. Damaged, diseased cells and tissues are the first to be eaten.

A person can live in this mode for up to forty days, after which a second acidotic crisis occurs, which serves as a command that it is time to end hunger. What is described in this chapter is just a short answer to the question: “If you don’t eat for a long time, what happens?” If you plan to abstain from food for a long time, then you will need to study this topic in more depth, read books about fasting and be sure to consult a doctor.

The benefits of hunger

The benefits of hunger are undeniable for those people who want to rejuvenate, lose weight, and get rid of certain diseases. If a person does everything correctly, then after breaking the hunger strike he feels renewed and strong. Here is a small list of diseases for which fasting treatment is indicated:

  • obesity;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin diseases;
  • asthma;
  • allergy;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypertension, etc.

Harmful health effects

But not everything is so rosy. Not everyone can go hungry. Many are unable to give up food even for a day, as they begin to experience problems with their well-being. Sometimes this is facilitated by mistakes that a person makes out of ignorance or carelessness.

For example, while fasting, you should drink plenty of water and practice daily enemas to help the body remove toxins. If this is not done, then the intoxication will be too high, which cannot but have a negative impact on health. Very often people ask: “Why does my head start to hurt if I don’t eat for a long time?” This can happen for a number of reasons:

  • decreased blood pressure (this happens often during fasting);
  • a consequence of a cleansing reaction (especially if the body is heavily polluted);
  • drop in blood glucose levels, etc.

Fasting has many contraindications, which you can learn about below.

For whom is fasting contraindicated?

What will happen if you don’t eat for a long time, to a person who has heart disease, for example? Yes, nothing good, because during prolonged hunger the load on the cardiovascular system increases many times over. There are diseases and conditions in which fasting is prohibited. This:

  • diabetes;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • encephalopathy;
  • any disease in its acute phase;
  • blood diseases;
  • other diseases.

Also contraindications to hunger are pregnancy, childhood and adolescence, age after 60 years, menopause.


We hope you understand in general terms what will happen if you don’t eat for a long time. Try to observe moderation in everything - both in food and in fasting. This will help maintain health for many years.