Plans for individual speech correction work with children with special needs; methodological development on speech therapy on the topic. Individual plan for correctional work at a speech therapy center Individual plan for speech therapy work with a junior schoolchild

A plan for speech correction work is drawn up by a speech therapist for the school year based on an analysis of the child’s speech card.

The individual plan presents areas of correctional work that make it possible to eliminate speech disorders and gaps in the child’s knowledge, skills and abilities identified during a speech therapy examination.

Such a plan will allow us to systematize classes, increase their effectiveness and strengthen the correctional focus, as well as implement a person-centered approach to training and education.

Plan of individual logocorrection work for 200_/00__ academic year. Year

Last name, first name of the child - Ivanov S. Speech therapy conclusion: FFF, minimal manifestations of dysarthria.

Main directions of logocorrection work

Types of activities


Development of articulatory motor skills:

Articulation exercises;

Speech therapy massage;

Self-massage of tongue, lips


Formation of correct sound pronunciation:

Development of phonemic processes

Individual, group

Clarification and enrichment of the dictionary on topics: mushrooms;

Baby animals; Food;



Working on the syllable structure of unfamiliar and difficult to pronounce words


Improving the grammatical structure of speech:

The use of nouns in the genitive plural;

Agreement of numerals with nouns;

Use of indeclinable nouns in speech

Individual, group

Improving the psychological basis of speech:

expansion of the volume of visual and auditory memory;

Development of verbal thinking

The knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by the child in individual speech therapy sessions are reinforced by educators, specialized specialists and parents.

Plans for individual lessons with your child

The main task of individual speech therapy classes is the formation of the sound side of speech: normalization of articulatory motor skills, production of missing sounds, correction of distorted pronunciation and differentiation of mixed sounds. If necessary, in individual lessons, work is carried out on the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, coherent statements, as well as on the development of the psychological basis of speech and fine motor skills.

The speech therapist draws up plans for individual lessons based on an individual plan for speech correction work. When planning individual lessons, the structure of the speech defect, the age of the child, and his individual personality characteristics are taken into account.

An approximate record of a plan for individual speech therapy sessions

Last name, first name of the child - Ivanov S.

Speech therapy conclusion: FFN, minimal manifestations of dysarthria.


Performing articulation exercises to produce whistling sounds: “Fence”, “Bosom”, “Let’s brush the lower teeth”.

Self-massage of tongue, lips:

- “Let’s punish the naughty tongue”;

- “Let’s bite the upper and lower lips”;

Articulation exercise “Comb”.

Setting the sound [e] (mixed method).

Game "What has changed?" (Theme "Mushrooms")

Performing articulation exercises to make whistling sounds: “Fence”, “Spatula”, “Let’s brush the bottom teeth”, “Pussy is angry”.

Massage of the tongue and lips by a speech therapist.

Sound production [s] (mixed method).

Classification of painting material (Theme “Mushrooms”) based on: edible, inedible

In the “Results” column, the speech therapist evaluates the child’s activity after completing each type of task using symbols (“+”, “--”) or a short phrase (it doesn’t work, it’s difficult).

Individual plans

logocorrection work

for the 2016-2017 academic year

group "Cockerel"

teacher-speech therapist Kostenko N.V.

Last name, first name of the child – V.D.

Main directions

logocorrection work

Forms, methods, techniques



Development of impressive speech:

Games with objects



Series of pictures

(from 2 to 5)


Didactic games:

November – May

Develop fine motor skills:

Finger gymnastics;



Speech breathing:

Didactic games:


Games with objects

September - November

Plan for individual logocorrection

work for the 2016 – 2017 academic year. year

Last name, first name of the child – F.M.

Speech therapy conclusion: ONR level 1

Main directions

logocorrection work

Forms, methods, techniques


Development of articulatory motor skills:

Articulation gymnastics exercises: “Thin Man”, “Fat Man”, “Window”, Let’s Punish the Naughty Tongue”, “Spatula”, “Fence”, “Tube”, “Swing”, “Brush”.


Development of impressive speech:

Expand the scope of speech understanding;

Learn to follow the instructions “give”, “on”, “take”.

Demonstration material on lexical topics

Games with objects


Enrichment of the dictionary on lexical topics in accordance with the long-term plan

Design of a speech therapy album

Didactic games: “Three Pictures”, “The World Around Us”, “Educational Lotto”, “Who’s Whose Baby”, etc.


Create prerequisites for speech development:

Formation of language abilities, causing imitative speech activity in the form of any sound manifestations;

Develop the ability to answer questions correctly

Didactic games: “Fish”, “Cloud”, “Bubbles”, “Clock”, “Machine”, “Pyramid”, “Tell a story”, “Who is screaming”, “Whose baby”.

Series of pictures

(from 2 to 5)


Establishment and development of timbre-rhythmic organization of speech

Didactic games:

“Mosaic”, “House”, “Ant”, “Airplane”, “Clown”

November – May

Develop fine motor skills:

Finger gymnastics;

- “Magic strings and balls”



Speech breathing:

Didactic games:

“Breeze”, “Ships”, “Dandelions”


Games with objects

September - November

Plan for individual logocorrection

work for the 2016 – 2017 academic year. year

Last name, first name of the child – V.T.

Speech therapy conclusion: OHP level 2

Main directions

logocorrection work

Forms, methods, techniques


Development of articulatory motor skills:

Articulation gymnastics exercises: “Thin Man”, “Fat Man”, “Window”, Let’s Punish the Naughty Tongue”, “Spatula”, “Fence”, “Tube”, “Swing”, “Brush”.


Production of sounds of complex ontogenesis: s, s, z, z, sh, zh, h, sch, l, l, r, r

Nurturing self-control

(parents, teachers)

September - May LR

Development of impressive speech:

Expand the scope of speech understanding;

Learn to follow the instructions “give”, “on”, “take”.

Demonstration material on lexical topics

Games with objects


Enrichment of the dictionary on lexical topics in accordance with the long-term plan

Design of a speech therapy album

Didactic games: “Three Pictures”, “The World Around Us”, “Educational Lotto”, “Who’s Whose Baby”, etc.


Create prerequisites for speech development:

Formation of language abilities, causing imitative speech activity in the form of any sound manifestations;

Develop the ability to answer questions correctly

Didactic games: “Fish”, “Cloud”, “Bubbles”, “Clock”, “Machine”, “Pyramid”, “Tell a story”, “Who is screaming”, “Whose baby”.

Series of pictures

(from 2 to 5)


Establishment and development of timbre-rhythmic organization of speech

Didactic games:

“Mosaic”, “House”, “Ant”, “Airplane”, “Clown”

September – May

Develop fine motor skills:

Finger gymnastics;

- “Magic strings and balls”



Speech breathing:

Didactic games:

“Breeze”, “Ships”, “Dandelions”


Games with objects

September - November

Plan for individual logocorrection

work for the 2016 – 2017 academic year. year

Last name, first name of the child – S.F.

Speech therapy conclusion: OHP level 2 against the background of SGL.

Main directions

Forms, methods, techniques



Formation of correct sound pronunciation:

Production of sounds of simple and complex ontogenesis.

Automation of delivered sounds in strict sequence

Nurturing self-control

a) through external control from adults

(parents, teachers)

b) through the use of feedback signals

c) through systematic work

Introduction of choreographed and automated sounds into spontaneous speech.

Articulation exercises: Alternating “Fence” - “Tube”, “Spatula”, “Tongue steps over teeth”, “Who will drive the ball further”, “Cup”, “Swing”, “Steamboat”, “Focus”, “Sail”, “ Start the engine."






Didactic games:





Formation of coherent speech:




Plan for individual logocorrection

work for the 2016 – 2017 academic year. year

Last name, first name of the child – K.K.

Main directions

logocorrection work and tasks

Forms, methods, techniques


Development of articulatory motor skills.

Articulation exercises

Self-massage of tongue, lips.


Formation of correct sound pronunciation:

Production of sounds of complex ontogenesis: r, r.

Automation of delivered sounds in strict sequence

Nurturing self-control

a) through external control from adults

(parents, teachers)

b) through the use of feedback signals

c) through systematic work

Introduction of choreographed and automated sounds into spontaneous speech.

Articulation exercises: “Window”, “Spatula”, “Sail”, “Start the motor”.


Clarification and enrichment of the dictionary on lexical topics in accordance with the long-term plan

Demonstration material on lexical topics.

Didactic games: “The world around us”, “In the garden, in the field, in the vegetable garden”, “Whose baby”, “Whose house”, “Animals and birds. How they say it and what they eat.” “Cozy house”, “Three pictures”, “All year round”, “Autumn, winter, spring, summer”, “Educational lotto”, “Know all professions”, “The fourth odd one”, “Opposites”, “Smart machines”.



Work on the syllabic structure of words. Carrying out work on dividing words and highlighting stressed syllables

Determining the number of syllables in a word, drawing up syllable patterns.

Word analysis: reverse direct, with a confluence of consonants

Pronouncing and reading syllables with a combination of consonants and including these syllables in a word.

Didactic manual “Overcoming the syllabic structure of a word”,

Didactic game “Divide words into syllables.”

Various exercises such as “Remember - repeat”, “Say - repeat”, etc.


Formation of grammatical structure of speech:

The use of nouns in the genitive plural;

Use of dative plural nouns;

Prepositional form of a noun;

Agreement of numerals with nouns;

Agreement of adjectives with nouns;

Knowledge and use of spatial prepositions

Didactic games:

“Bus for animals”, “Count 1,2,3...”, “Fun geometry”, “Find by description”, “Plant a garden”, “One-many”, “Big-small”, “Whose baby”, “ What from what”, “All year round”.

Didactic manual: “Developing speech”, “Big book of exercises”


Development of phonemic awareness

Develop auditory attention and memory.

Learn to isolate a consonant sound from the beginning of a word under stress.

Learn to isolate a consonant sound from the end of a word.

Determine the delivered sound in different positions.

Didactic games: “Speech therapy lotto”, “Hunter cat”, “Fox and bun”, “Naughty dog”.


Formation of fine and general motor skills:

Learn to hold a pencil correctly, adjust the pressure of the pencil and pen.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Various exercises for the prevention of dysgraphia (“Fix the letter”, “Fashion the letter”, “Complete the letter”, “Fold the letter”, etc.

Work in the workbook “I will write correctly.”


Formation of coherent speech:

Learn to combine simple sentences into a short story. Compose elementary stories - descriptions.

To teach the ability to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures.

Compiling stories “My favorite vegetable, fruit, toy” and further on lexical topics.

Didactic games: “Stories in pictures”, “Fairy tales for little ones”, “Tell a story”.

Didactic manual “Stories in Pictures”




Plan for individual logocorrection

work for the 2016 – 2017 academic year. year

Last name, first name of the child – G.E.

Speech therapy report: OHP level 2 against the background of SGL

Main directions

logocorrection work and tasks

Forms, methods, techniques


Development of mobility of the speech apparatus.

Develop articulatory motor skills to the level of minimal sufficiency for producing sounds.

Articulation gymnastics exercises: “Thin Man”, “Fat Man”, “Window”, Let’s Punish the Naughty Tongue”, “Fence”, “Tube”,


Formation of correct sound pronunciation:

Automation of delivered sounds in strict sequence

Nurturing self-control

a) through external control from adults

(parents, teachers)

b) through the use of feedback signals

c) through systematic work

Introduction of choreographed and automated sounds into spontaneous speech.

Articulation exercises: Alternating “Fence” - “Tube”, “Spatula”, “Tongue steps over teeth”, “Who will drive the ball further”, “Cup”, “Swing”, “Steamboat”, “Focus”, “Sail”, “ Start the engine."


Clarification and enrichment of the dictionary on lexical topics in accordance with the long-term plan

Demonstration material on lexical topics. Design of a speech therapy album.

Didactic games: “The world around us”, “In the garden, in the field, in the vegetable garden”, “Whose baby”, “Whose house”, “Animals and birds. How they say it and what they eat.” “Cozy house”, “Three pictures”, “All year round”, “Autumn, winter, spring, summer”, “Educational lotto”, “Know all professions”, “The fourth odd one”, “Opposites”, “Smart machines”.




Work on the syllabic structure of words. Carrying out work on dividing words and highlighting stressed syllables

Determining the number of syllables in a word, drawing up syllable patterns.

Word analysis: reverse direct, with a confluence of consonants

Pronouncing and reading syllables with a combination of consonants and including these syllables in a word.

Didactic manual “Overcoming the syllabic structure of a word”,

Didactic game “Divide words into syllables.”

Various exercises such as “Remember - repeat”, “Say - repeat”, etc.


Formation of grammatical structure of speech:

The use of nouns in the nominative case, singular and plural;

The use of nouns in the genitive plural;

The use of nouns in the dative case, singular and plural;

Prepositional form of a noun;

Agreement of numerals with nouns;

Agreement of adjectives with nouns;

Knowledge and use of spatial prepositions

Didactic games:

“Bus for animals”, “Count 1,2,3...”, “Fun geometry”, “Find by description”, “Plant a garden”, “One-many”, “Big-small”, “Whose baby”, “ What from what”, “All year round”.

Didactic manual: “Developing speech”, “Big book of exercises”


Development of phonemic awareness

Develop auditory attention and memory.

Learn to isolate a consonant sound from the beginning of a word under stress.

Learn to isolate a consonant sound from the end of a word.

Determine the delivered sound in different positions.

Speech games: “Catch the Sound”, “Clap and Stomp”

Didactic games: “Speech therapy lotto”, “Hunter cat”, “Fox and bun”, “Naughty dog”.



Formation of fine and general motor skills:

Learn to hold a pencil correctly, adjust the pressure of the pencil and pen.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Various exercises for the prevention of dysgraphia (“Fix the letter”, “Fashion the letter”, “Complete the letter”, “Fold the letter”, etc.


Formation of coherent speech:

Learn to combine simple sentences into a short story. Compose elementary stories - descriptions (based on a diagram

To teach the ability to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures.

Compiling stories “My favorite vegetable, fruit, toy” and further on lexical topics.

Didactic games: “Stories in pictures”, “Fairy tales for little ones”, “Tell a story”.

Didactic manual “Stories in Pictures”




Plan for individual logocorrection

work for the 2016 – 2017 academic year. year

Last name, first name of the child – V. A.

Speech therapy conclusion: ONR level 2

Main directions

logocorrection work and tasks

Forms, methods, techniques


Development of mobility of the speech apparatus.

Develop articulatory motor skills to the level of minimal sufficiency for producing sounds.

Articulation gymnastics exercises: “Thin Man”, “Fat Man”, “Window”, Let’s Punish the Naughty Tongue”, “Fence”, “Tube”,


Formation of correct sound pronunciation:

Production of sounds of complex ontogenesis.

Automation of delivered sounds in strict sequence

Nurturing self-control

a) through external control from adults

(parents, teachers)

b) through the use of feedback signals

c) through systematic work

Introduction of choreographed and automated sounds into spontaneous speech.

Articulation exercises: Alternating “Fence” - “Tube”, “Spatula”, “Tongue steps over teeth”, “Who will drive the ball further”, “Cup”, “Swing”, “Steamboat”, “Focus”, “Sail”, “ Start the engine."


Clarification and enrichment of the dictionary on lexical topics in accordance with the long-term plan

Demonstration material on lexical topics. Design of a speech therapy album.

Didactic games: “The world around us”, “In the garden, in the field, in the vegetable garden”, “Whose baby”, “Whose house”, “Animals and birds. How they say it and what they eat.” “Cozy house”, “Three pictures”, “All year round”, “Autumn, winter, spring, summer”, “Educational lotto”, “Know all professions”, “The fourth odd one”, “Opposites”, “Smart machines”.




Work on the syllabic structure of words. Carrying out work on dividing words and highlighting stressed syllables

Determining the number of syllables in a word, drawing up syllable patterns.

Word analysis: reverse direct, with a confluence of consonants

Pronouncing and reading syllables with a combination of consonants and including these syllables in a word.

Didactic manual “Overcoming the syllabic structure of a word”,

Didactic game “Divide words into syllables.”

Various exercises such as “Remember - repeat”, “Say - repeat”, etc.


Formation of grammatical structure of speech:

The use of nouns in the nominative case, singular and plural;

The use of nouns in the genitive plural;

The use of nouns in the dative case, singular and plural;

Prepositional form of a noun;

Agreement of numerals with nouns;

Agreement of adjectives with nouns;

Knowledge and use of spatial prepositions

Didactic games:

“Bus for animals”, “Count 1,2,3...”, “Fun geometry”, “Find by description”, “Plant a garden”, “One-many”, “Big-small”, “Whose baby”, “ What from what”, “All year round”.

Didactic manual: “Developing speech”, “Big book of exercises”


Development of phonemic awareness

Develop auditory attention and memory.

Learn to isolate a consonant sound from the beginning of a word under stress.

Learn to isolate a consonant sound from the end of a word.

Determine the delivered sound in different positions.

Speech games: “Catch the Sound”, “Clap and Stomp”

Didactic games: “Speech therapy lotto”, “Hunter cat”, “Fox and bun”, “Naughty dog”.



Formation of fine and general motor skills:

Learn to hold a pencil correctly, adjust the pressure of the pencil and pen.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Various exercises for the prevention of dysgraphia (“Fix the letter”, “Fashion the letter”, “Complete the letter”, “Fold the letter”, etc.


Formation of coherent speech:

Learn to combine simple sentences into a short story. Compose elementary stories - descriptions (based on a diagram

To teach the ability to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures.

Compiling stories “My favorite vegetable, fruit, toy” and further on lexical topics.

Didactic games: “Stories in pictures”, “Fairy tales for little ones”, “Tell a story”.

Didactic manual “Stories in Pictures”




Marina Fomina
Individual plan for correctional work at a speech therapy center

After examining the child, we fill out a speech card and protocol for each pupil speech therapy center. Also compiled individual plan of correctional work for each child. This sample allows you to enter all the necessary data on work with children of senior preschool age. Designed by for children with physical impairment and functional disability. Easy to use, allows you to quickly see all the necessary information.

Individual plan for correctional work at a speech therapy center

Academic year

Last name, first name of the child___

Date of Birth___

Speech therapy report___

1. Development of articulation motor skills:

Articulation gymnastics___

Development of speech breathing___

speech therapy massage___

2. Formation of the right sound pronunciations:

Setting sounds___

Automation and introduction to independent speech___

Differentiation of sounds___

3. Development of phonemic awareness___

4. Work on correcting the syllable structure of a word___

5. Job over the lexical structure of speech___

6. Job over the grammatical structure of speech___

7. Job over coherent speech___

8. Preparing for literacy___

9. Development of mental processes___

10. Small development motor skills:

Finger gymnastics ___

Preparing your hand for writing___

Lacing, playing with objects___

Orientation on a sheet of paper___

Publications on the topic:

Individual plan of correctional work Individual plan of correctional work with a child for the school year. General information about the child. Misha K was born on June 21, 2010 in Konosha.

Individual long-term plan for the correctional work of a teacher-defectologist with a child of senior preschool age with mental retardation Individual long-term plan for correctional work in the senior group of a special education teacher for the 1st half of the ___ academic year. Child's full name:.

Individual work plan for a teacher for 2015–2020 Individual work plan for the Educator 2015-2020. Compiled by: teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 5 “Belochka” in the village of Oktyabrsky ZMR RT.”

Individual work plan for a teacher during the inter-certification period for five years Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 103" of a combined type with the Tatar language of education, etc.

Individual work plan to improve professional level 1. Full name of the teacher – Yakovleva Vera Aleksandrovna 2. Education – Secondary specialized. Bugulma Pedagogical School. 3. Category.

Individual work plan to improve the professional level of a teacher-psychologist Individual work plan to improve the professional level during the inter-certification period of a teacher-psychologist of the MKU “Education Department”.

Individual plan for working with the FFN ___ 1. Development of articulatory motor skills: Complex articulatory gymnastics.

Individual plan of correctional work. Teaching retelling to preschool children Individual plan of correctional work with a child for 20…. - 20…. academic year Child's last name: Date of birth: Group number:.

Option 1.

1. Improving fine motor skills

  • Remember the names of your fingers
  • Learn different finger movements
  • Accompany finger exercises with poetic texts (T. Tkachenko, I. Lopukhina, etc.)
2. Development of auditory attention, auditory perception and auditory memory
  • Carrying out various verbal instructions (2-, 3-, 4-step)
  • Guessing an object using a riddle-description
  • Games with rules (perform an action only under a certain condition): “Request”, “Show”, “It happens, it doesn’t happen”
  • “Pick up a word” (completing a verse in rhyme), “riddles - deceptions” (you need to choose the correct option from the picture, the wrong option rhymes). The child looks at the plot pictures and determines whether each sentence he hears relates to its content.
3. Formation and improvement of phonemic hearing (according to Tkachenko T.A., Lopatina L.V., etc.)
  • Development of phonemic perception based on the material of correctly pronounced sounds
  • Repetition of a combination of vowel sounds, with their clear articulation
  • Repeating a chain of syllables with easy to pronounce consonants
  • Repetition of a chain of syllables with contrasting loudness-voicelessness and easily pronounced consonant sounds
  • Repeating a chain of syllables with a combination of easily pronounced consonants
  • Rhymes are unfinished, rhymes are mixed up, rhymes are difficult to speak
  • Select from a number of words one that differs in sound
  • Repetition of 3-4 similar-sounding words, their clear pronunciation
4. Mastering sound analysis and word synthesis
5. Enrichment of vocabulary
  • Clarification of lexical topics proposed by Vasilyeva’s “Education and Training in Kindergarten” program, T.B. Filicheva’s program.
  • Generalizing words, synonyms, antonyms, parts and wholes, etc.
6. Clarification of the components of grammatical structure
  • Development of word formation, inflection, use of prepositions
7. Improving coherent speech
  • Description of the picture
  • Compiling a story based on a series of plot paintings
  • Retelling the text
8. Improving the functioning of the speech apparatus through mastering articulatory gymnastics
  • Mastering basic exercises
  • Performing a set of exercises that help produce this sound
9. Staging disturbed sounds
  • Explanation of sound articulation
  • Showing articulation of sound
  • Imitation performance
  • Staging using probes
10. Automation of delivered sounds
  • Isolated
  • In syllables (direct, reverse, confluences)
  • In words
  • In phrases
  • In sentences, tongue twisters
  • In poetic texts
  • In spontaneous speech
11. Differentiation with sounds similar in acoustic or articulatory characteristics
Option 2

Child's full name

1. Phonetic side of speech.

  • work on sound pronunciation - clarifying the pronunciation of simple consonants and vowels, staging, automation of vibrants. Differentiation of sonorous sounds.
  • Articulation gymnastics
  • Formation of a targeted and strong air stream.
  • Working on your voice power.
2. Lexica.
  • Clarification and expansion of the dictionary according to thematic plan.
  • Clarification of the names of geometric shapes.
  • Clarification of the names of colors and shades.
  • Expansion of the predicative dictionary.
  • Expanding the dictionary of features. Studying antonyms.
3. The grammatical structure of speech.
  • Formation of verbs - antonyms.
  • Formation of possessive adjectives.
  • Work on understanding and using simple prepositions.
  • Work on agreeing nouns with adjectives.
  • Work on the correct agreement of nouns with pronouns.
  • Work on correct agreement of nouns with verbs.
  • Work on the correct agreement of nouns with numerals.
  • Work on the formation of the plural of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases.
  • Formation of relative adjectives.
  • Formation of singular and plural nouns in the dative and prepositional cases.
  • Studying exception words in plural formation.
  • Formation of diminutive and augmentative forms of nouns.
  • Formation of diminutive forms of adjectives.
  • Work on understanding and using complex prepositions.
4. Phonemic side of speech.
  • differentiation of sounds by deafness and voicedness
  • development of auditory attention based on non-speech sounds.
  • Isolating vowel sounds among a number of vowels.
  • Isolating consonants among a number of consonants
  • Isolating the first stressed vowel in a word.
  • Emphasis on the first consonant in a strong position.
  • Phonemic analysis of two- and three-syllable constructions.
5. Coherent speech.
  • Compiling a story - a description based on a visual example.
  • Compiling a story based on a plot picture.
  • Compose a story based on your own experience.
  • Compiling stories based on simple and complex series of plot pictures.
  • Retelling fairy tales and simple texts
  • Learning poems, tongue twisters, riddles
6. Development of HMF and motor skills.
  • development of voluntary memorization
  • increasing the volume of auditory-verbal memory
  • development of all types of perception
  • development of auditory attention
  • development of fine and facial motor skills
  • development of kinesthetic perception
  • development of spatial concepts
  • development of imagination
  • development of visual and constructive activities
  • development of logical thinking

Option 3 (a + sign is placed opposite the required item)
individual speech therapy work
c ________________________________

1. Formation of correct sound pronunciation.

  • Speech therapy massage;
  • develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus;
  • production and correction of sounds:
  • group of whistlers - S, Sь, Z, ZH, Ts
  • group of hissing ones – Ш, Ж, Ш, Ш
  • sonorous group – L, L, R, Rb
  • labio-labial – P, B, M + soft.
  • labiodental – T, D, N + soft.
  • posterior lingual – K, G, X + soft.
  • Other __________________________
  • automate sounds in syllables, words, sentences, connected text.
2. Formation of phonemic perception:
  • identify sounds (vowels, consonants, hard-soft, voiceless-voiced);
  • determine the presence and absence of a sound, the place of a sound in a word.
3. Formation of phonemic hearing
4. Work on the syllable structure of the word.
5. Development of grammatical structure of speech
  • word formation;
  • inflection.
6. Development of the lexical side of speech
  • expand subject vocabulary;
  • expand the dictionary of features;
  • expand your verb vocabulary.
7. Formation of coherent speech
  • develop the ability to write a story based on a picture;
  • develop the ability to compose a story based on a series of paintings;
  • develop the ability to compose a retelling;
  • develop the ability to compose a story - description.
8. Development of mental processes, motor skills, intellectual activity:
  • develop visual attention, memory, perception, thinking;
  • develop fine and articulatory motor skills.


  1. preparatory stage

Careful and comprehensive preparation of the child for long-term and painstaking correctional work:

a) development of a motivational basis for further correctional work (establish contact with the child, arouse interest in speech therapy classes);

b) formation of a full-fledged psychological basis for speech (development of auditory attention, memory, phonemic perception in games and special exercises; development of articulatory, fine and general motor skills;

d) strengthening physical health (consultations with specialists, if necessary, drug treatment, massage, etc.).

  1. formation of a full-fledged sound side of speech

Elimination of incorrect pronunciation, development of the ability to differentiate sounds that are similar in sound and articulation; instilling the skill of self-control of speech.

a) production of sounds (k, g, d, t - s, s’, z, z’, c – w – l, l’ – zh – r, r’ – h, sch);

b) automation of sounds

In syllables (direct, reverse, with a confluence of consonants);

In words (with stress, without stress, complex);

In sentences;

Differentiation of sounds (s-z, s-s’, s-ts, s-sh, s-z-ts

F-z, f-sh,

Ch-s', ch-t', ch-sch,

Shh, shh, shh, shh,

R-l, r-r’, r’-l’, r’th, l-l’

c) automation of sounds in speech.

  1. development of phonemic hearing and sound analysis skills(the ability to isolate a sound from a word, find its place in a word / at the beginning, in the middle, at the end /, determine the hardness and softness of a sound, name the first, second, etc. sounds, determine the number of syllables in a word);
  2. expansion of vocabulary;
  3. formation of grammatical structure of speech(the ability to change words by gender, number, case, form new words using prefixes, suffixes, coordinate words with each other, use pronouns correctly, etc.);
  4. development of coherent, expressive speech (teaching storytelling based on plot pictures, a series of pictures; retelling, normalization of prosody);
  5. Development of mental processes(attention, memory, perception, logical thinking, sensation, imagination);
  6. Sensorimotor development(correct determination of the size, color, shape of objects, development of tactile sensations).

All stages go in parallel with pronunciation correction based on correctly pronounced sounds

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Individual plan for correctional work with a young child with congenital malformation of the maxillofacial area

An individual plan for corrective work with a young child with a congenital complete cleft lip, hard and soft palate in the postoperative period after cheiloplasty, who has a delayed ps...

Sample individual program of correctional work with a child in speech therapy

The program contains the direction of work with the child, goals, content of the material and planned results......


I. Elimination of defects in sound pronunciation. II. Development of phonemic hearing. III. Work on enriching, clarifying and systematizing the dictionary. IV. Improving the grammatical structure of speech.V. Development of St...

Individual plan of correctional work with a child for the school year.

An individual plan of correctional work, formed on the basis of a speech therapy examination, identified problems in both speech and general development, allows for a more differentiated arrangement of work...

Individual plan of correctional work with a child for the academic year (2nd year of study. Preparatory group)

An individual plan of correctional work, formed on the basis of a speech therapy examination, identified problems in both speech and general development, allows for a more differentiated work...