Pitbull Hulk - the largest pit bull terrier in the world, interesting facts about the giant dog, photos. “We bought a hamster”: The world’s largest pit bull Hulk His owners believe that the bigger the dog, the better

Pit bull terriers have a very fearsome reputation around the world. However, there are many reasons to say that these dogs are very calm and kind. Until they experience aggression or violence from a person. Dog handlers officially claim that pit bull terriers are one of the breeds whose genetics include a ban on aggression or causing harm to humans. And, if a pit bull attacks a person, then this can only have one explanation - there are significant mental problems.

Englishmen Marlon and Lisa Grennan are the owners of Dark Dynasty K9s, which supplies trained guard dogs to the rich, celebrities and law enforcement officers. Pit bull terriers are recognized in England dangerous dogs and there are strict rules for their maintenance.

However, the Grennan family are confident that this is an ideal family dog.

These dogs have great respect for people! And you are convinced of this when you see an unusually huge pit bull, whose name is Hulk.

Today, Hulk is the world's largest pit bull terrier, already weighing about 80 kg at 17 months! And, despite his enormous size, Hulk is an incredibly calm and kind dog.

The huge Hulk has somewhat disconcerted users social networks. An incredibly sized dog with impressively developed muscles and a terrifying jaw has blown up the Youtube environment. The Hulk eats about two kilograms of minced meat per day.

The giant dog fell in love with Youtube viewers not only with its huge size, but also with its friendliness and calmness, which does not really match its appearance.

Pitbull Hulk completed a security guard course at the Grennon firm. Perhaps thanks to the professionalism of the owners, the Hulk, despite his enormous size, remains kind and friendly.

Hulk loves to have fun with his owners' family, and especially with the couple's son Jordan.

Pit Bull Terrier Hulk is very disciplined. He is always ready to help his owners, even at the cost of his life, knows his place, is incredibly playful and kind!

Hulk is a huge pit bull who lives in New Hampshire. He is only one and a half years old, but he already weighs 80 kg and he is still growing. So that's it for today world's largest pit bull. "And the cutest one“- says the owner. It seems that such a “monster” could easily swallow a three-year-old baby, but no - this baby is riding a dog, as if on a friendly pony!

Hulk took courses as a professional security guard for his owners, Marlon and Lisa Grannan. They run the organization Dark Dynasty K9s, specializing in breeding and training pit bulls. And perhaps because they really know how to treat dogs, Hulk, despite his gigantic size (usually pit bulls weigh 20-40 kg), remains cute and affectionate dog. Hulk enjoys playing with his family, including the couple's 3-year-old son, Jordan.

"Many people consider pit bulls to be a dangerous breed. This is because they are bred to be fearless. They are excellent guards precisely because they are not afraid of anything at all. But this does not mean that they are dangerous for ordinary people. Pitbulls can be exactly the same as other breeds - affectionate and good-natured, all this depends not on the breed, but on how you raised them," - Marlon and Lisa say.

Marlon hopes they can help change the existing prejudices about pit bulls in positive side. In the video you can see the Dark Dynasty K9s team working with the Hulk, training him to “work” as a security guard. This organization trains dogs for police, celebrities, and basically anyone who would need a protective dog like that.

The Grannan family are not the only ones who want to soften the harsh public perception of fighting dogs. Photographer Sophie Gamand made a kiss from a completely unexpected angle, and all in order to debunk the myth about their viciousness and aggressiveness.

Hulk, that’s the name of this dog, very quickly won the love of many fans, and his Instagram page is constantly updated with new photos and videos telling about his life and new achievements.

The world's largest pit bull lives in New Hampshire in the home of Marlon and Lisa Grennan.

Its owners are professional trainers who train dogs designed to guard and protect people in various, sometimes extreme, situations. Their clients include prominent media figures, wealthy people from all over the world, as well as intelligence officers.

However, a red dog named Hulk became famous even more than his owners, turning from an ordinary dog ​​into a media personality, and all thanks to his enormous height for a pit bull, combined with powerful muscles and terrifying-looking jaws.

But, despite his rather impressive appearance, the Grennan couple’s pet is distinguished by an unusually good-natured and affectionate disposition.


The Hulk looks incredibly impressive - he is a huge and very powerful pit bull of a reddish-brown color with well-developed muscles, a huge forehead head and short cropped ears, giving him a particularly menacing appearance.

Regular training has strengthened the spirit and body of this animal, making it strong, resilient and energetic. Despite his large size and considerable weight, the Hulk is surprisingly mobile and dexterous, although, of course, he is somewhat inferior in this to pit bulls with a leaner and lighter build than him.

Origin story

Despite the fact that the Hulk has a metric, debate about his origin in the media continues to this day.

Most experts are confident that could not have grown so huge, which means dogs were among his ancestors large breeds, such as the English Mastiff or, for example, .

As proof that Hulk has Molossians in his family, in their opinion, evidence is that this dog has a head that is too large and massive for a purebred pit bull.

However, this does not take into account the fact that pit bull terriers are not only terrier, but also bulldog type and that such external features are just typical for them.

Some dog experts suggest that the Hulk grew so large due to some kind of genetic malfunction that allowed him to reach such a large size. It has also been suggested that the enormous size of this dog for a pit bull can be explained by the fact that when raising it, special drugs were used to increase height and muscle mass.

The presence of an official pedigree for Hulk gives every reason to consider him a very large, but still purebred pit bull of the bulldog type, at least until tests are carried out genetic research, which will confirm or refute official information about its origin.

However, it is doubtful that the Hulk's owners would be willing to conduct such research, since they are not at all interested in the origins of their pet. For them, Hulk is, first of all, a family member and friend, as well as a well-bred and trained dog, of whom they, as his trainers, can rightfully be proud.

Dimensions and weight compared to regular pit bulls

The Hulk is approximately twice the height of a standard medium-sized pit bull, and his weight, approximately 80 kg, is almost three times the height.

In addition, it should be noted the incredibly powerful muscles of the dog and the massiveness of its body, despite the fact that most standard pit bulls are distinguished by a rather dry, albeit strong, physique and a significantly smaller width of the chest.


The Hulk's cranial head circumference is 75 cm, which is also significantly larger than the head size of regular-sized pit bulls.

The size of a dog standing on all four legs is approximately equal to half the height of an adult. If the dog rises to hind legs, then its size will be only slightly less than the height of its owner, Lisa Grennan.

Character traits

Despite its threatening appearance, this dog is extremely friendly and affectionate. He treats his owners' children wonderfully, looks after them and even allows the kids to ride him like a horse.

At the same time, Hulk, being a well-trained guard dog, is a wonderful protector who will not allow anyone to offend his masters.

Like other pit bulls, this dog does not have aggression towards people at the genetic level.

Hulk is an incredibly obedient, loyal and very affectionate dog with his owners.

However, despite the fact that Hulk’s owners consider him an absolute good-natured dog, they constantly monitor their pet, because, being professional trainers, they perfectly understand the full extent of responsibility associated with keeping a dog of this size in the house.

Pet habits

The Hulk has a huge and at the same time incredibly kind heart - he loves to play with the sons of his owners, hug with Marlon and Lisa, and sing to the sound of a harmonica.

At the same time, such a good-natured expression is reflected on the dog’s face that, having seen at least one of his photographs, it is impossible not to fall under his incredible charm and not become one of the most devoted fans of this amazing beast.

To maintain muscle tone and obtain the required amount of energy, Hulk must eat a lot of protein foods.

Typically, his daily menu consists of two kilograms of ground beef, to which are added some chopped vegetables, fruits or fermented milk products. In addition, the owners feed the world's largest pit bull with high-quality dry food.

The dog's age and what's wrong with him now

Hulk, born in 2013, is about six years old and, of course, still lives in New Hampshire at the Grennan family home.

Despite numerous offers to sell the Hulk for any money, Marlon and Lisa never agree to part with their pet. After all, the Hulk is not just a dog for them, but a real family member, and selling him to the Grennan couple would be as unthinkable as if it were their own child.

However, the popularity of the Hulk on the Internet still brought his owners not only fame, but also material benefits in the form of fees for participating in various popular television programs.

In addition, the cost of his offspring significantly exceeds the price of puppies from other, less well-known dogs of this breed.

The world's largest pit bull gladly takes part in the show and simply loves to pose in front of photo and movie cameras.

Puppies from Hulk

The Hulk first had offspring at about the age of two, when he became the father of eight wonderful puppies. Then, in 2015, his owners constantly posted photos and videos of babies on the Internet.

Each of the Hulk puppies cost at least $30,000 at birth, and their owners undoubtedly expected the babies to grow up to be as large as their father. But, given that the Hulk still remains the largest representative of this breed in the world, none of his descendants managed to achieve the same impressive dimensions.

However, even in the photographs of his puppies, it is clearly visible that their sizes are almost comparable to the sizes of others of the same age.

The people who bought them wanted to become famous just like the Grennans, and so they must have been disappointed that they did not become the owners of new record holders for height and weight among pit bulls.

However, at the same time, each of them received a devoted friend and reliable companion, affectionate with his owners, but always ready at the cost own life protect them from any danger.

One of Hulk's first puppies, blue brindle and white Cob, was not sold by his owners because Marlon Grennan was going to raise him to be a new star.


He personally trained and trained Kob, however, although he grew up to be a strong and very muscular dog, his size turned out to be quite normal for a pit bull - the son of the Hulk, when he stands next to his famous father, looks almost half his size.

Conclusion and conclusions

Pitbull Hulk from New Hampshire, known throughout the world as the largest representative of this breed, is distinguished by a playful and good-natured disposition. He adores the children of his owners and is friendly towards strangers.

Until now, no one can say why this dog, being a purebred pit bull, grew to the size of a mastiff. However, the fact that none of the Hulk's children were able to reach the size of their father is confirmation that the matter is most likely due to some kind of genetic failure.

But, for whatever reason he grew so large, the Hulk was and remains living proof that it depends only on the owners how a pit bull will grow up.

After all, it is thanks to their care and love, as well as proper training, the largest representative of this breed in the world grew up not to be a ruthless machine for fighting with his relatives, but to be friendly, affectionate and playful dog- a real good-natured man and a true gentleman of the dog world.

Useful video

The video talks about the pit bull Hulk:

In contact with

Recently, a giant pit bull terrier with the characteristic name Hulk amazed the entire Internet. Videos of this huge beast have already been viewed by eight million users.

And in Lately The Hulk began to participate in television shows, and his owners (of course, along with their miracle pet) began to be invited to interviews.

He even managed to appear on such a super popular TV show as Good Morning America, which allowed the world to learn even more about the Hulk himself and the details of his life.

Pit bulls are not considered giant dogs. Normally (if you believe the standards for this breed), a pit bull male weighs 18-26 kilograms. This dog was bred specifically for dog fighting and therefore it combines very powerful jaws and a muscular, lean body, providing the dog with agility and endurance. Bred not so much for fighting as for admiration, the pit bull's siblings, American Staffordshire terriers (Amstaffs), practically no different from the pit bull in appearance, are already noticeably more massive and muscular, but even their weight does not exceed forty kilograms, and most often fluctuates from 26 to 35 kilograms.

But the Hulk is a real hero. Now he weighs almost eighty kilograms, and the width of his head alone is over seventy centimeters. And since the dog is only one and a half years old, it continues to increase in size and weight.

The owners of this extraordinary dog ​​claim that, despite the monstrous appearance and reputation of pit bulls as killer dogs, the Hulk is completely harmless and does not pose any danger to people.

By the way, experienced dog handlers claim that the reputation of pit bulls and amstafs as killer dogs is nothing more than a product of hysteria inflated with the help of mass media greedy for loud headlines. In fact, when pit bull terriers were still in their formation stage, one of the main criteria was the selection of dogs that, on the one hand, were extremely aggressive towards their fellow dogs, and on the other – extremely friendly towards humans. Therefore, if a pit bull rushes towards a person as fast as he can, then he is not driven by aggression, but by the desire, perhaps, to lick him to death.

I wonder how many times a day does such a “little guy” eat?

Statistics confirm that in the ranking of dogs that attack humans, pit bull terriers and amstaffs are far from the first places. And even then, according to dog handlers, these dogs were either persistently provoked by unreasonable bipeds, or were simply individuals with a psyche crippled by monstrous upbringing. Indeed, pit bulls are initially designed to partner with humans, and great efforts must be made to make them dangerous to people.

Moreover, pit bulls and amstafs are some of the best friends for children. And the Hulk is a perfect proof of this. They even trust him, despite his enormous weight, to carry their son, who is only three years old. The Hulk himself is simply happy when the boy rides him.

Hulk's owner claims that, in her opinion, the pit bull is simply an ideal dog for keeping in a large family with children, since it is extremely kind, balanced and does not create any trouble. The main thing is not to spoil all the good things in a pit bull that are inherent in it by nature. Therefore, even with minimal training, a pit bull becomes the kindest dog.

At the same time, the owners understand perfectly well that, being not only a lover of children, but also a responsible protector, such a huge dog as the Hulk is quite capable of killing anyone who threatens his family. According to them, he is capable of tearing off a person’s arm with one movement of his jaws. And this is not surprising, because the dog is about three times the size of an ordinary pit bull terrier. As long as the dog continues to grow, the owners continue to feed it as a “puppy”: that is, protein-rich food. Every day, Hulk eats about two kilograms of raw beef.

The Grannan family, which owns Hulk, argues that there should be many good dogs. Moreover, for the last ten years they have owned a kennel specializing in breeding these dogs. Marlon Grannan once practiced boxing, but after an injury he was forced to give up sports career. And then he decided to take up dogs. He not only breeds, but also trains dogs, primarily dogs intended for protection. Marlon argues that criticism of pit bulls usually comes from people who do not need protection or protection at all.

Pitbull Hulk is considered the largest representative of this breed in the whole world. The weight of this dog is 79 kilograms. Moreover, the width of his head alone is about seventy centimeters. Just recently became a father and eight adorable puppies were born.

This popular pet is distinguished by its colossal size compared to other representatives of the breed and is recognized as the largest in the world. Many experts involved in dog breeding agree that this is not a purebred representative of the breed and assume that the blood of mastiffs flows in its veins.

Pitbull Hulk is considered the largest representative of this breed in the whole world.

As practice shows, English mastiffs can weigh up to 105 kilograms and this is a very approximate parameter that this pet has achieved.

According to verified information, this giant already weighed more than 78 kilograms at eighteen months. With such an impressive size, it cannot be called scary at all, since the animal is the best friend three year old child, which the animal protects and loves to play with. During games, the pit bull giant Hulk takes great pleasure in giving the boy rides, although veterinarians are categorically against such a pastime. This is explained primarily by the fact that such games can provoke back injuries.

For a family that has the largest pit bull dog in the world, Hulk is loyal and faithful dog

For a family that has the largest pit bull dog in the world, Hulk is a dedicated and loyal dog. In addition, they claim that he is a very smart, well-trained and good-natured pet. The pet simply loves to spend time with family members and especially play with small children.

Hulk's nutritional characteristics

A dog named Hulk, as already noted, is considered in the world. Therefore, it is necessary to feed him in accordance with his needs.

The diet must include only natural products, enriched by all essential vitamins and microelements.

Note! This huge pet eats at least two kilograms of ground beef every day and this is not the limit, as the animal continues to grow, its needs only increase.

Currently, many Internet users follow the life of this giant, and he is always a welcome participant in all kinds of television programs.