Department of Pediatric Maxillofacial Surgery of the State Medical University named after. m.f. Vladimirsky Urology department Monica's department

A 14-year-old son developed a deep funnel-shaped deformity chest. We turned to surgeons in our city (we live in Tyumen), but since the deformation is also asymmetrical, they advised us to contact Moscow. That's what we did. We contacted Dr. Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kuzmichev, and after conducting a video session on Skype, he invited us to the operation. I couldn’t even believe that it would be so easy and simple to get an operation with a professor dealing with this issue. On November 21, 2019, we arrived at the pediatric surgery of the MONIKA clinic. There we were received by a young and, I’m not afraid to say, talented doctor Vladimir Vitalievich Gatsutsyn ( positive reviews which we also read about earlier) and already on November 22, they together performed a complex operation, as a result of which two titanium plates were installed on his son. A week later, having gone through the entire stage of postoperative adaptation, we returned to Tyumen. We were immediately shocked by the results of the operation. His chest became smooth, truly beautiful, and my son’s posture even straightened out. It is impossible to describe the feeling of gratitude that we feel towards Vladimir Alexandrovich and Vladimir Vitalievich for the professionalism and responsiveness that they showed to us after the operation. It so happened that a month later my son developed pleurisy, caused by the body’s allergy to titanium (I’ll say right away that this is an extremely rare case), and pleural edema began on the left side. We went to the local Tyumen hospital, and there we were given an erroneous diagnosis - left-sided community-acquired pneumonia. We began to treat her, and a week later the situation worsened, and my son began to experience shortness of breath. Then we were offered to solve the problem radically, remove the plates and the job was done. We were outraged and only now, having wasted a lot of time, did we contact our attending physician Vladimir Vitalievich Gatsutsyn. Having become aware of the matter, he urgently called us to Moscow. We took the first flight. Already here at MONIKI the correct diagnosis was made, and painstaking and diligent treatment began. In addition to a course of antibiotics, my son was given multiple punctures (pumping out fluid from pleural cavity), V.V. Gatsutsyn himself did it professionally. and Kuzmichev V.A. The son was eventually released from the hospital after 16 days. We're home now. We are fine. The plates have taken root. Breasts are still beautiful. Now the result: We express our deep gratitude personally to Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kuzmichev, Vladimir Vitalievich Gatsutsyn and other doctors for their highest professionalism, responsiveness, and close attention to all patients. It makes the country proud that we have such unrivaled specialists. Special thanks to all the nursing staff of the surgical department. Polite, kind and skilled nurses. Health to everyone and patience in your hard work. THANK YOU!

Official name: state state-financed organization Healthcare of the Moscow region "Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after. M. F. Vladimirsky"

Head: Semenov Dmitry Yurievich

Founded: 1773

Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after. M.F. Vladimirsky (MONIKI) is rightfully considered the successor of the anti-plague quarantine, founded in 1773 on 3rd Meshchanskaya Street. (now Shchepkina Street), which in 1776, by order of Empress Catherine II, was converted into a hospital. Since 1835, it was called the Old Catherine Hospital, which, according to contemporaries, at the beginning of the 20th century was the most popular and largest hospital in the city. In 1923, the hospital was transformed into MOKI (Moscow Regional Clinical Institute), and in 1930 into the Medical University, in 1940 into the 4th Moscow State Medical Institute, and in 1943 into the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute (MONIKI). During the Second World War, evacuation hospital No. 5020 operated on the basis of the institute.

Currently, MONIKI is a unique educational, scientific and medical complex with more than 3 thousand employees, including: 101 professors and doctors of science, 300 candidates of science, more than 100 doctors and 600 nurses.

Specifics of the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after. M.F. Vladimirsky is that, while carrying out all the functions of the research institute of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, at the same time it is the largest healthcare structure in the region and performs the functions of a multidisciplinary regional center for providing highly qualified advisory, diagnostic and therapeutic assistance to the population, and is also a training base for advanced training of doctors.

The structure of MONIKI includes: an institute (43 scientific units), a faculty (24 departments and courses), a clinic (consultations on 40 medical profiles) and a hospital (22 clinics).


At the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after. M.F. Vladimirsky you can get advice from highly qualified specialists, undergo different kinds research and hospital treatment as based on compulsory medical insurance policy, and on a paid basis. MONIKI provides medical care in the following profiles: cardiovascular vascular surgery, surgical and therapeutic endocrinology, urology, maxillofacial surgery, thoracic surgery, radiology, pulmonology, pediatrics, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, orthopedics and traumatology, oncology, nephrology, neurosurgery, neurology, cardiac surgery, cardiology and rheumatology, dermatology, hematology and gastroenterology.


You can get to MONIKA by metro to the Prospekt Mira station (radial), and then walk.

Nikitin Alexander Alexandrovich– leading specialist in the field maxillofacial surgery.

He has been working in the healthcare system of the Moscow region since November 1971, at first as a dental surgeon in the Moscow regional dental clinic, from 1972 - full-time resident, junior researcher, and from 1975 to 1989. – Senior researcher at the Department of Surgical Dentistry at MONIKI. In 1981 he was awarded the title of laureate of the USSR State Prize for the development and implementation of clinical practice method of orthotopic allotransplantation for defects and deformities of the lower jaw and temporomandibular joint. In 1987 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Alloplasty of the temporomandibular joint.” 1972-89 – Chief Scientific Secretary of the All-Russian Scientific Medical Society of Dentists, member of the Council of Scientific Medical Societies of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

In 1991, he was elected to the position of head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at MONIKI. Since 1994, he has been the head of the department of maxillofacial surgery and surgical dentistry of the faculty of advanced training of doctors, organized on the basis of MONIKI. During this period, about 1,950 dentists and maxillofacial surgeons were trained at the department.

Professor A.A. Nikitin has performed more than 12 thousand complex and sometimes unique operations; together with scientists from the Research Center for Laser Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, he conducts research on computer modeling and manufacturing of implants using laser stereolithography (complete restoration of the skull from bone fragments: first on a computer monitor , then in reality). Author and co-author of more than 500 scientific works, 43 proprietary methods (many of which have no analogues in world practice), 26 copyright certificates, 10 patents, 20 improvement proposals.

Full member of the European Association of Craniomaxillofacial Surgeons, member of the Council of the Dental Association of Russia (StAR), President of the Moscow Regional College of Dentists and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Awarded the USSR State Prize Laureate medal, the Honored Doctor medal Russian Federation", Order of Peter the Great, 1st degree

In 1999 he graduated from the Russian State Medical University them. N.V. Pirogova, Faculty of Pediatrics. From 1999 to 2001, he studied in clinical residency at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of MONIKI named after. M. F. Vladimirsky.

From 2001 to the present, he has held the position of junior researcher at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of MONIKI named after. M. F. Vladimirsky. In 2013 he defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “ Surgery and rehabilitation of children early age with sequence by Pierre Robin.

Full member of the European Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Author of more than 30 scientific papers in domestic and foreign publications, 3 patents for inventions.

The main activity is the treatment of children with birth defects development of the maxillofacial region, orthognathic surgery, reconstructive plastic surgery of the face and neck of children and adults.

Radvanskaya Svetlana Nikolaevna in 2002 graduated from Moscow Medical Academy them. I. M. Sechenov with a degree in general medicine. After graduating from the Academy, she completed clinical residency training at the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after. M. F. Vladimirsky, specializing in “surgery” and then in graduate school, specializing in “maxillofacial surgery”. In 2008 defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic: “Surgical correction and prevention of cicatricial deformities of the nasal passages in patients after rhinoplasty.” Author of more than 30 scientific papers, 3 patents for inventions. Since 2007, he has been working as a doctor at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after. M F Vladimirsky.

The main area of ​​activity is the treatment of children with congenital malformations of the maxillofacial area, crysurgery in the maxillofacial area, laser surgery, reconstructive plastic surgery of the face and neck of children and adults.

Karyakina Irina Alekseevna,Doctor of Medical Sciences, maxillofacial and plastic surgeon, 27 years of experience in the specialty. Graduated from Sverdlovsk State medical school, Faculty of Dentistry with a degree in Dentistry in 1988. From 1993 to 2001 worked as a surgeon in the department of reconstructive and aesthetic surgery of the Scientific and Practical Center for the Rehabilitation of Children with Congenital Maxillofacial Pathology and Severe Speech Impairments “Bonum” in Yekaterinburg. From 2001 to 2013 worked as a doctor plastic surgeon JSC "Institute plastic surgery and cosmetology" Moscow. From 2014 to the present, he has been working as an associate professor at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Dentistry of the Federal Institution of Healthcare of the Moscow Region Monika named after. M.F. Vladimirsky. In 2003, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Functional and aesthetic rehabilitation of patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate.” In 2012 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with defects and deformities of the outer and middle ear.” She took part in charity events held as part of the national program “Let’s give back children’s smiles.” He is the author of more than 100 published works and 4 inventions.