From a slave to a financially independent person. Financial independence - easier to achieve than it seems How to become independent from money

Many people want to be successful and rich, but only a few achieve their cherished goal. To achieve this, you must not only work hard, but also be mentally prepared. After all, everyone can earn money, but not everyone can keep it and increase it.

In this article we will describe 5 tips on how to become a financially independent person.

To succeed, first of all, you must like your way of earning money. Your work, the business you do every day, should bring joy and pleasure, but not be a burden at all. Once you decide to open your own business, you must decide exactly what you like and what works best. After all, later, having made the wrong choice, you will come to enormous moral disappointment.

To prevent this from happening, you should think about it before choosing a profession. You should not get an education in a specialty that you have absolutely no passion for, but which will bring you a lot of money. So over time you will turn into ordinary people working from Monday to Friday.

People who constantly think only about money day and night will never be able to become financially independent. You should learn how to properly manage your income and expenses. It is always necessary to lead.

Find and create sources of passive income, earn money not so that there is a lot of it, but so that you stop depending on it.

Money is a human resource that is necessary in order to achieve a goal. Remember that it is not the amount of your finances that matters, but how you treat them.

We should always remember that health is the most important asset in our life. It is necessary to constantly pay attention to it and give your body rest. When a person begins to work extremely hard, his health immediately deteriorates and various diseases appear.

As a result of this, your financial condition will get worse. Therefore, lead, get at least 8 hours of sleep, exercise physical exercise and eat right. If your health is always normal, then your capital will only bring profit.

Tip #4. Strive not for wealth, but for financial independence

Wealth and financial independence are completely different things. You need to understand that the pursuit of wealth can distance you from financial freedom. People who constantly dream of wealth depend on the amount of money. They always don’t have enough of them, no matter how much finance they have.

The desire for financial freedom gives a person the opportunity to properly manage his wealth and dispose of it correctly.

Many people don’t know the value of money at all, so they don’t have it for long. Even if we assume that they received a huge inheritance or won a million in the lottery, then all this money will soon leave them, since the vast majority will not be able to manage it correctly.

You will begin to appreciate money only when you yourself begin to earn it, invest it and increase it. After all, your subconscious will reveal how much effort and time you spent to earn it. All this will give you the opportunity to correctly create your financial goals and become financially independent.

Financially successful people... Who are they? What economic decisions do they make? How does a financially literate person behave? How to become a financially independent and successful person?

A financially secure person is significantly different from someone who lives below the poverty line. And we are talking not only about external differences, although they are obvious.

Financially successful people are different from total mass people with their views and behavior. They radiate reliability, calmness, and confidence. Financially successful people can afford to express their opinions, they are able to make decisions, take actions and are responsible for them.

Who are they - financially successful people?

It’s not difficult to create an accurate portrait of a financially successful person:

  • He has property (real estate) and financial (reserve, investment funds, etc.) assets.
  • He dresses expensively and tastefully.
  • His accessories are valuable.
  • He has a competent speech.
  • He is well-mannered and polite.
  • His handwriting is beautiful and confident.
  • He is surrounded by successful people.
  • Knows the value of his time and values ​​the time of others.

Uncover the secrets of financial behavior successful people much more difficult than describing them appearance. And it is this knowledge that is the key to a successful financial life.

Essentially, a financially literate person is not someone who knows a lot, but one who makes informed decisions and takes the right steps.

How to become a financially successful person (video):

Financially successful people:

  1. They effectively manage personal finances, live within their means, and minimize debts.
  2. Form financial reserves.
  3. Provide financial security for loved ones.
  4. Use the services of financial advisors. Knowledgeable about financial instruments.
  5. They carefully select financial partners and build long-term relationships with them.
  6. They learn themselves and pass on their knowledge to others: children, relatives, friends, etc.
  7. They know their financial goals for 3, 5 or more years.
  8. When planning for retirement – ​​have a pension plan.
  9. Invest wisely and increase capital

Which of the 9 points presented are missing in your life? Start working on them - and very soon your financial situation will change significantly.

An important feature of financially successful people is that they know how to live well TODAY while securing their FUTURE. This is the secret of their success. They already live according to the principle of the golden mean: that is, they have enough money for a good (quality life) today and they invest some of the money for the future.

The choice is yours: will you rely on existing non-working social programs or take a step towards financial freedom on your own. We and only we are responsible for our inaction or for our action.

20+ Habits of Financially Successful People

For some reason, many people think that financially successful people are superheroes who can and do everything. No, it's ordinary people with the right habits.

If you want to learn how to become a financially independent and successful person, study the habits of wealthy people.

Here are some of them:

  1. They have financial . They have a clear plan for the coming and distant years.
  2. From time to time they make up . Financially successful people take control of their success.
  3. It is mandatory to keep records of income and expenses. they know in detail.
  4. They spend most of their money on what is most important to them: their own home, children’s education, health.
  5. They don’t allow themselves to make emotional purchases. They have everything scheduled and planned.
  6. Stay positive. They are not interested in negative and depressed people, they do not absorb information filled with fear and horror (they do not read news in newspapers, do not watch TV).
  7. Constantly learn and improve themselves. For them, acquiring knowledge is a top priority. They do not finish their studies at school or college; they constantly learn financial literacy.
  8. . It motivates, energizes and gives pleasant emotions.
  9. Treat failures correctly. For them, mistakes are experience, an invaluable lesson.
  10. They work a lot. They make a lot of efforts today to have a bright tomorrow.
  11. Protect the family. They provide property, life and health insurance. Financially successful people are aware that misfortune, illness, and death can happen to everyone.
  12. They work tirelessly to create passive income.
  13. Minimum.
  14. They don't complain, they don't whine. They don't discuss government, get angry about the weather, the economy, or blame other people or circumstances.
  15. They know how. This “no” is said to their desires to take out a loan and to those who ask.
  16. Have no debts. Financially literate people are not slaves to money. They know, .
  17. Don't compare yourself to others. A financially secure person compares himself with himself, asks himself questions: “where was I a year ago,” “what’s wrong with me now,” “what will happen to me in the future.”
  18. They work to create value.
  19. They know how to manage personal time. Every minute, financially literate people make their choices. They ask themselves: How might this decision affect the future?
  20. Don't waste time on trifles. Successful people do not waste their time on trifles; they choose not small fruits, but serious results of big things.
  21. They enjoy the process of making money, not the moment of receiving it.

Fun fact: Most of the habits listed above are not directly related to money. However, they hold the secret to financial freedom. And these habits are available to everyone. Why then do 95% of people not live the way they want?

In your life, who is responsible for the current situation? How do you feel about financially successful people? Share in the comments.

I’ll tell you this: if at the age of 18 someone had shown me this article, and most importantly, if I had implemented everything that was in it, then now I would have a very decent capital.

Financial literacy where to start: I will tell you everything in detail in simple words and with a minimum of steps.

What separates you from becoming a financially independent and successful person is just 5 steps – here they are:

Financial literacy where to start: a 5-step checklist on how to become a financially independent and successful person

If you like the video more, please:

Changing attitudes and beliefs

The first thing you need to accept and what you need to imbue to the marrow of your bones is that there is a lot of money in the world.

Lack of money is easy false belief. If a person does not have money, this does not mean that there is no money in the world.

There is plenty of money, but to get it... you need to offer something in return. The amount of money you have is determined by the value you can offer to the world.

Think about what you can offer the world? If the answer is nothing, then... something needs to be done about it. Go to study, for example.

And then launch your own information business: read how to do it

A quote from Zig Ziglar comes to mind here:

If you want to get what you want, help others get what they want.

Money comes only in EXCHANGE for something that you give to the world - some value. If you have nothing to give, blame yourself and don’t complain.

There are many more negative attitudes about money ( money is evil, money comes from hard work, etc.) – you need to squeeze them out drop by drop.

In general, there are a lot of poverty attitudes. But there are also mindsets of wealth—the millionaire mindset.

If you are interested in learning about the millionaire mindset from a real dollar millionaire, then sign up for the super-useful

Because how can you want something that deep down you consider evil? The desire to get rich will be subconsciously sabotaged - after all, we don’t want harm to ourselves, right?

Cost optimization

Notice I didn't say saving. I said cost optimization. I can confidently say that 10-20% of what you currently spend can be saved without losing your quality of life.

In general, success in finance is... it's how you spend it.

And here mass culture trips us up again. A fashion for success has appeared (look through social networks) and now we are trying to LOOK rich, which leads to unnecessary spending: we buy what we don’t need.

On a note: Not all rich people look like the “rich” people on Instagram.

Well, okay, but how can we optimize expenses for what we regularly spend money on?

The easiest way is to start discount and discount cards in various stores. And cashback cards.

For example, I couldn’t persuade one of my friends to sign up for a discount card at a gas station. He told me: What am I, some kind of beggar?!

He just forgets about this math: if you put the money saved from a discount in the bank at interest, then in a year you can buy car insurance with it. It's a small thing, but nice.

And such little things come up so many.

The trouble is that people don't think about the long-term “consequences” of saving. They do not count on the long shoulder.

Now, if you were told that all the money you save on discount cards would be deposited in the bank at interest, that in 20 years you would be able to buy a new car - would you make such cards?

Most would say that 20 years is a long time. I'll say this: deferred compensation this is one of the main qualities of successful people.

There are hundreds of ways to optimize your expenses: just ask Google and you will get a long list. Choose what is right for you and act.

The trouble is that you have to “bother” to do something there... As for me, it’s worth it. Moreover, this leads to an increase in the quality of life.

There is one more thing that people really don't like: This is an accounting of expenses and income. But without this it is very difficult to optimize something.

Can you imagine a business that doesn't keep track of expenses and income? One day he will simply go bankrupt. So why then don’t people keep track of their income and expenses?!

Because it’s broken!

Although in reality such accounting takes at most 5 minutes a day. Sometimes even less. Especially in our time, when a whole bunch of different applications and services have appeared.

For example, I use the phone app. Here's what it all looks like.

Here you can even link a card and record all SMS with debits. Damn, you don’t even need to enter the amounts manually - how can it be a mistake if it’s only a matter of 1-2 minutes of time.

In short, it's a matter of habit.

Revenue growth

I'll say the obvious. The more sources of income you have, the better. It is very unwise to rely on just one trickle.

And now, more than ever, is the right time (the Internet era) to create another source of income for yourself. Why don't most people do this?

The answer is banal: laziness and habit.

Do you want additional income? Just set yourself this goal: to find a source of additional income in the near future.

State your intention to the Universe and you will receive an answer. I'm serious. Many people want to have sources of additional income, but do not focus their energy (at least in thoughts to begin with) in the right direction.

I don’t know ANY person who set himself the goal of finding a source of additional income and did not find it.

Learn, try, keep trying - and the goal will be achieved. I re-read the last sentence: banality is banality in the spirit of Captain Obvious. But, damn it, THAT’S SO IT IS!

Saving and investing

I am sure that most of you know about the basic law of how to become a financially independent person.

It reads: pay yourself first.

Withdraw some money from any income and do not spend it. What should we do with them? Invest. Even at a small percentage.

Because taking money out and investing it in something will not only cause you to accumulate a decent amount over time, but also cause you Train yourself to live on less than your income.

And that's what all rich people do.

The main thing in saving money regularity and discipline: To When you quit this game, you lose. All!

Where can I get money to save?

They will appear when you optimize your expenses. You don’t even need to earn money anymore - optimize your expenses and invest them at interest.

And if you add an additional source of income and invest from it, that’s absolutely cool.

How much to invest?

Start with what is comfortable for you and gradually increase it to 10%, and then further. Up to 20-30%. The amount is not so important here, but the regularity is important.

Where to invest money?

The answer is simple: there what you understand. If you don't understand something, don't invest money in it.

Don't give in to mass hysteria and don't chase big bets. Where there are big stakes, there are always big risk lose everything.

Behind Lately I probably received hundreds of offers to invest in Bitcoin. But I didn't do it - because I don't understand how it works.

By the way, when the cue ball collapsed, everyone who colorfully told me about its charms disappeared along with it 😉

I'll say it again: Don't chase big profits. Do you know what Warren Buffett, one of the richest investors in the world, thinks about this. He says this:

The basic rule of investment: the amount you invested should not decrease.

Notice that he didn’t say look for the largest percentage, no. The main thing is that it doesn’t get smaller.

Here is the structure of my investment portfolio.

I don’t play on the stock exchange, I don’t buy shares, I don’t invest in cue ball, I use the classics.

First. Airbag.

This cash amount is equivalent to 6 months of my monthly expenses. If something suddenly goes wrong, I will have 6 months to fix everything and I will not need anything.

Before you invest in anything else, build up a cushion. This pillow also gives emotional calm– you don’t worry so much about money when you know that there is a cushion.

Second. I'm investing in my information business.

And guess what? Over time, every ruble invested brings me 5 rubles or more.

I don't know ANY OTHER INVESTMENT IN THE WORLD that would give such a profit. Therefore, if you have all your business processes correctly structured, then invest in traffic and you will be happy.

About traffic for information business I

What if I don’t have a business?

Third. Accumulative pension insurance in foreign currency.

This is a small percentage, but I estimate that you can save $1,000,000 by the time you retire.

Don't let this number scare you. If you started saving some money for retirement at age 18, even if you worked a regular job, you would have a million bucks by the time you retired.

Time and discipline will make you a dollar pensioner 😉

$1,000,000 in pension fund means that every month after retirement for 15 years you will receive an amount of almost $5,000.

Do you know what else is the additional benefit of such a large pension? Like it or not, you will have to live longer, at least another 15 years after retirement 😉

There is no need to rely on the state - take the accumulation of your pension into your own hands.

Fourth. Bonds.

This is an investment, but only in other businesses. Even in our country, which is not at all an investment country, there are bonds at 10% per annum in foreign currency. This despite the fact that the bank has only 1.5%.

Find the bonds you need and buy them. Then you sell over time and receive your percentage on top.

That's it, nothing more. Bonds, information business, pension insurance and airbag.

There is one more thing where I invest money, but I don’t know what type to classify it as:


I have been donating money to charity for over 2 years now. The amounts vary - there is no fixed percentage, but regularly.

Most often I donate to various children's funds, sometimes I just go to churches and donate to them. Because part of the money is must be returned to God.

Tired of living paycheck to paycheck with no way out in sight? It's time to change the situation! Take control of your financial situation and start taking action!

1. Decide to be financially successful

This is very different from simply wishing, hoping, or even craving to be rich. Create such a state that this has already happened! Financial independence- it's your decision! Have you definitely decided to achieve this goal?

2. Understand how money works

Most people have never studied finance, either in school, college, or in everyday life. Most people have never made the effort to simply balance their monthly income and expenses.

To manage something, you must understand how it works. Read. Study what successful people do. Take lessons from them. Read books, take trainings.

3. Decide on your relationship with money

Many people are obsessed with spending and are quite careless in this regard.

No matter what your current relationship with money is, understand it and create a relationship of respect, recognition and gratitude. Use your money to manage own life, rather than letting them control you.

4. Set clear financial goals

They should be quite high, but not incredible. Challenge yourself to become financially free before a certain date. Decide to save and invest a certain percentage every month.

5. Develop a budget

How you really want to use money to benefit yourself and your family and manage your own life.

Create a budget to buy useful things that you really want. Eliminate fleeting “impulses” that waste a lot of income.

A budget is a map to your destination. Develop such a map and use it in moving towards your Vision of Life!

6. Try to reduce expenses

When you start managing your money, you have pretty good reasons to reduce your expenses.

Most self-taught millionaires live far below their means! You should do the same. Remember one thing. This is not a limitation! This is a reduction in useless spending!

7 Learn about investing and start investing

Invest in things you understand. Invest carefully, wisely, and regularly.

The goal is not to get rich instantly, but to get rich over time. Know and walk the fine line between gambling and investing your money to make it work for you.

8. Increase your assets

Most people try to increase their personal income, and this is a mistake. Making more money means creating and securing new opportunities. This takes time and hard work. And when wealth comes in the form of cash, it's easier to spend.

Millionaires buy stocks and houses, they invest in assets that will make them rich - and it's hard to spend on a passing fad!

9. Find a competent consultant

Most people pay too much in taxes. The poor and middle class don't realize how much they pay in taxes because it's simply deducted from their pay.

The rich know that there are legal and appropriate ways to protect their income. Explore tax law, and use it for your own benefit! This will definitely come in handy in your future wealth!

10. Share and give sincerely.

Someone once said, “The reason most of us are poor is because we spent it all on ourselves.”

Share. Help others. When you use money to make a difference in the world, you get the chance to do even more. Being greedy and selfish will not attract money for yourself.

These 10 principles are sure to make your financial life easier, brighter and more effective.

Today we were at important event dedicated to financial investing. It took place in Kyiv, Ukraine.


We listened to many lecturers all day and received very important information. We knew most of what was said, but only theoretically. Today I realized that I have already begun to forget a lot, since I don’t always apply it in my life.


As a person, financial literacy requires that you take care of yourself on three levels: protection, security and freedom. These concepts, at first glance, are very similar in meaning, but at the same time they are very different. Anyone who distinguishes between these three levels, as a rule, does not have problems with money.

Such people start from the first level - financial protection. After all, each of us may find ourselves without work, clients, markets, or become disabled. No one is immune from this.

This level assumes that you have at least six months of cash reserves while maintaining your normal lifestyle. These funds must be inviolable. This is your protection!


The second level is financial security. Everything is much simpler here. The amount of your monthly passive income should equal the amount of your monthly expenses. This money must come from somewhere outside without you investing yourself much. For example, apartment rentals or online products that automatically sell themselves.

Remember the simple arithmetic of the modern capitalist world: multiply monthly expenses by 150, and at 8% per annum you can ensure financial security for yourself. Whether you work or not, you will still have money.


The third level is financial independence or financial freedom. This is the amount of money that you don’t need for anything. If you have reached a level where your passive income exceeds $10,000, and you understand that the created system will continue to work for a long time, which means you have secured financial freedom for yourself. You don't have to work at all and do as you please.

Having money for a rainy day, saving so that each month you receive an amount equal to your monthly expenses, and gradually moving towards financial independence - these are simple, basic things that are very easy to implement.

One of the main rules of financially successful people is as follows: pay yourself first! You must save at least 10% of your earnings so that they turn into financial instrument, which will subsequently work for you!