Features of drinking mineral water for various types of gastritis. Carbonated mineral water for gastritis: how to use it for treatment How to drink water correctly with high acidity

Mineral water is called the source of life for a reason. For various ailments of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory processes in the bronchi and acute viral infections, you need to drink water throughout the entire therapeutic course.

It is also worth highlighting the composition of mineral water separately, because it is unique everywhere. It is this feature that determines the indications for the use of a particular drink. Drinking mineral water is also useful when the acidity level is high. But please note that not all water is suitable for this treatment. You will also need a special diet that excludes foods with high acidity.

For treatment purposes, low-fat dairy products have worked well, in particular cottage cheese and milk, propolis, sea buckthorn oil, and honey. For high acidity of the stomach, honey complements propolis and sea buckthorn fruits very well. Also, in more advanced cases, certain medications may be required. Further in the article we will talk about the types of mineral waters, as well as the rules for their use in order to get rid of high concentrations of gastric secretions.

Chemical features of mineral water

The composition of mineral water relative to its constituent microelements largely depends on the method of its production. Today, you can easily learn about the composition of water from the sticker on the bottle, which the manufacturer is obliged to apply to its “product.” You can also find out what recommendations for the use of water and contraindications exist. As we have already said, each natural mineral water has its own unique composition, as well as a different ratio of acids and metals. Because of this, water can be divided into the following groups:

  • Medical dining room.
  • Dining room (fresh).
  • Therapeutic.

But these are not all types of mineral waters. Depending on the predominance of ions, water can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Alkaline. This water contains the most bicarbonates, so it should be taken when there is a high concentration of gastric secretions and other gastrointestinal ailments.
  2. Sulfate. This water is usually used to normalize the functioning of the gallbladder and liver.
  3. Chloride. Such waters allow you to regulate intestinal function.
  4. Containing magnesium. Recommended for stress and disorders in the nervous system, as well as for improper functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Containing iron. This water allows you to normalize the functionality of the hematopoietic system.

Which water should you prefer if you have a high level of stomach acidity?

And so, let's talk further about which mineral waters are more preferable at high acidity levels. Of course, with a high concentration of gastric acid, it is necessary to choose alkaline medicinal table water or fresh table water, because, as we have already figured out, it contains a lot of bicarbonates and various ions. It is necessary to take this kind of water because of the following features:

  • Due to its ability to bind hydrochloric acid, water reduces its content. Also, due to the high content of bicarbonates, it is possible to reduce the levels of hydrogen ions, normalize acidity, and also get rid of heartburn and nausea.
  • If you use medicinal mineral waters, you can normalize metabolic processes and saturate the blood with the missing components. Thus, immunity increases, which promotes a speedy recovery.
  • The mineral water helps improve the functionality of the gastric glands, reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid, and increase the amount of mucus secreted, which protects the gastric walls.
  • If you drink water regularly, you can speed up the process of cleansing the stomach and, accordingly, the intestines. This way you can minimize stagnation and normalize the acidity level. This water therapy allows you to get rid of belching, a feeling of heaviness and frequent heartburn.

All manufacturers who sell medicinal mineral waters from springs make different types of products. For example, under the Essentuki brand, several varieties of mineral waters are produced that improve digestion processes. Thus, “Essentuki No. 2” and “Essentuki No. 17” contain a large amount of bicarbonate, which helps normalize the acidity level.

Types and characteristics of mineral waters

So is it possible to choose water yourself and not get confused by the information provided by the manufacturer that is not clear to everyone? Of course, it is better to initially consult your doctor, or pay attention to the permitted waters that you can drink with high acidity, listed in the table below.

Name of mineral water Characteristic
"Borjomi" This naturally mineralized water contains 6g/l salts and an increased amount of bicarbonates.
"Essentuki No. 4" This is medicinal table water, the mineralization of which is about 10 g/l.
Luzhanskaya These are not very mineralized waters, so they are allowed as a table drink. The salt content is no more than 7.5 g/l.
Svalyava This is boron-hydrocarbonate-sodium carbonate water, with weak mineralization. The drink makes it easy to get rid of heartburn and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.
Polyana Kvasova This is carbon-boron mineral water, which consists almost entirely of bicarbonates. It allows you to get rid of the feeling of heaviness, heartburn, increased gas formation, and also effectively relieves the increased acidity of gastric secretions. Please note that if you drink water immediately after a meal, it has a diuretic effect.

And so, we told you that you can drink with a high level of acidity, but the choice is yours. Let us only remind you that it is better to select water that contains the least amount of carbon dioxide. With timely therapy with mineral water, you can eliminate the symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases, and also forget about pills and medications to normalize the acid balance.

How to properly drink mineral water with high acidity?

Although you need to choose the right water, you also need to know how to drink it properly and what to eat. Many years ago, traditional medicine replaced many medicines with bee products. Propolis is considered the most popular today. Propolis is an absolutely unique substance that normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, softens the inflamed walls of the stomach, and improves immunity. Propolis for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract can be used both in pure form and as infusions, or added to dairy products, cereals, salads, etc.

Also, the diet should include dairy products, especially low-fat cottage cheese. It’s very good to start the day with cottage cheese cream or combine cottage cheese with fruit - it’s not only tasty, but also very healthy. Also, the patient’s daily diet may contain dairy products in the form of unsalted cheese, milk, yoghurt, etc. There are some recommendations, following which you can get rid of the symptoms of gastric diseases for many years, increasing the chances of a full recovery.

And so, let's talk in more detail about how to use water correctly in order to get a high therapeutic effect:

  • To achieve maximum results from drinking water, you need to drink it 1.5-2 hours before meals.
  • If the acidity level is elevated, it is necessary to “release” the gas from the mineral water. This procedure is very simple - just heat the water. But be careful and careful, because due to excessive overheating, salts may precipitate.
  • For greater effectiveness, mineral water in the form of medicine should be drunk warm.
  • To achieve positive changes that increase your level, treatment must be carried out in the form of a course, the duration of which should be up to 3 weeks. It is best to use such remedies before the aggravation of the disease, which provokes an increase in acidity.

In conclusion, I would like to warn you. It is best to buy medicinal water at a pharmacy, asking the pharmacist for a certificate that will confirm the quality of the product.

If, after consulting a gastroenterologist, you have been diagnosed gastritis with high acidity, then your treatment must include mineral water. This product must be taken in combination with medications, otherwise you will not get a positive result. But very often people do not consider such therapy effective and do not adhere to its use. And as a result, the patient’s condition worsens and the disease begins to become more complicated.

Characteristics of mineral water

Mineral water with increased stomach acidity contains a large amount of valuable substances, thanks to which it is possible to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidneys.

Mineral water of certain types contains natural trace elements that bring great benefits to the human body. In addition, the water contains those microelements that cannot always be obtained from the products of the ordinary diet.

Mineral water is classified according to the type of ions that predominate in its composition. Thus, we distinguish:

  1. Alkaline. It contains a large amount of bicarbonates. This mineral water is actively used for gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system.
  2. Sulfate. Prescribed to improve the functioning of the gallbladder and liver.
  3. Chloride. Serves to regulate bowel function.
  4. Magnesium containing. It is prescribed for stress when there are disturbances in the functioning of the nervous, vascular and cardiac systems.
  5. Glandular. It contains many iron ions and compounds with it, thanks to which the hematopoietic system is brought back to normal.

What effect is achieved with treatment?

What mineral water to drink if you have gastritis? If you have gastritis and high acidity, then you must definitely use alkaline medicinal table water or table fresh mineral water. It contains hydrocarbonates, as well as many ions of various metals. This mineral water reduces the amount of hydrochloric acid by binding it.

The body receives bicarbonates, which reduce the number of hydrogen ions in the body. But they are the ones that serve to produce stomach acid. As a result, the patient’s acidity level normalizes, and the feeling of nausea and heartburn decreases. The effect of mineral water is aimed at improving metabolic processes, because it saturates the lymph with essential microelements. Immunity improves and a speedy recovery occurs.

The healing liquid normalizes the functioning of the gastric glands, reducing the amount of hydrochloric acid secretions. It activates the process of mucus production, which protects the stomach from excess acid.

If you regularly use mineral water for gastritis, you achieve an accelerated exit of food from the stomach into the intestines. Thus, it is possible to prevent stagnation, which also normalizes acid levels. The patient does not feel nausea, there is no belching, no heaviness in the stomach, and heartburn goes away.

The right choice of mineral water

After diagnosis and consultation with a doctor, he prescribes a specific treatment, according to which the patient receives specific instructions about mineral water. In this case, the doctor will indicate the required brand, treatment regimen and required dosage. But most patients do not particularly remember these instructions, believing that this is not a mixture or a medical drug, and thus choose any product available on the store counter. It turns out there is a difference.


When there is an inflammatory process in the stomach, problems arise with acid formation, in this case it is in excess. It is necessary to choose water that can suppress the action of hydrochloric acid. In this case, you should pay attention to alkaline water. When choosing, temperature requirements play an important role.

For gastritis with high acidity, it is necessary to heat the healing liquid. Thus, it is possible to eliminate excess CO2. Consume quickly, in one gulp, at least 1 hour before meals. Doctors recommend buying Borjomi (allows you to eliminate frequent heartburn), waters from Matsesta and Arzni, and sulfide varieties.

Threat of increased gas formation

Sometimes when drinking mineral water with gas, increased gas formation is observed. In this case, you need to ask your doctor whether therapy can be carried out using carbonated liquid. If you neglect such subtleties, it will lead to flatulence. Flatulence is a condition in which there is bloating and severe gas formation.

For more detailed information about the disease gastritis and methods of its treatment, you can find out from the following video:

Review of manufacturers

Today, in the treatment of gastritis with high acidity, the following brands of mineral water are used:

  • Mirgorodskaya,
  • Luzhanskaya,
  • Zbruchanskaya,
  • Borjomi,
  • Polyana Kvasova,
  • Bukovina,
  • Shayanskaya,
  • Borjomi,
  • Polyana Kupel,
  • Essentuki.

Each water has its own effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to know the composition, dosage and therapeutic effect of each mineral water manufacturer.


This water belongs to the category of sodium chloride waters. It is used as table water daily. For people suffering from hypertension or those on a low-salt diet, Mirgorodskaya should be used with caution and in a small dosage. Mirgorodskaya is also suitable for pancreatitis, metabolic disorders, liver diseases, and biliary tract diseases.


This healing liquid contains fluorine and silicic acid. Luzhanskaya is an effective remedy for obesity. It helps people quit smoking, eliminates hangovers and simply lifts their spirits. Mineral water is useful for gastritis with high acidity and diseases of the digestive system. Cannot be used for hypothyroidism and gastritis with low acidity.


Hydrocarbonate water contains very few salts. But it saturates the body with many active elements: chlorine, magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron. It is useful to take for gastritis, kidney diseases, and gall bladder. But it is contraindicated for hypertension, kidney inflammation and diabetes.

Polyana Kvasova

It contains a large amount of mineral salts, as well as natural carbon dioxide. It is very useful to use it for ulcers, gastritis, colic, pancreatitis, and diabetes. Cannot be used if kidney function is insufficient, allergies, malignant tumors, or low acidity.


Despite the fact that this water is classified as hydrocarbonate, its overall mineralization is low. It is prescribed to patients with normal and high acidity of the stomach. With its help, it is possible to get rid of ulcers, colic, pancreatitis, and cure diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Do not use for heart disease, migraine, gout.


The water contains many minerals and vitamins. Essentuki is used as a medicine for various gastrointestinal diseases, as well as for gastritis with high acidity. With this treatment, it is possible to reduce acid, eliminate belching and the feeling of nausea.
Besides mineral water for gastritis Essentuki has the following effect:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • removes mucus from the stomach and intestines;
  • eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • normalizes the digestive process;
  • eliminates all toxins and other harmful components from the body.


Healing water of Borjomi is a product of carbon dioxide - sodium carbonate alkaline mineral waters. It is very often prescribed to people with gastritis, which is characterized by high acidity.
During gastritis, water has the following effect:

  • activates the secretory function of the stomach, secretion of mucus;
  • reduces acid levels in the stomach;
  • normalizes intestinal functioning;

This Georgian water is very rich in minerals. The total mineralization of water will be 5.5-7.5 g per 1 liter. It is useful to use the product for diabetes, ulcers, pancreatitis. Borjomi is often prescribed to patients for the treatment of joint pathologies, flu, colds and coughs. In addition, its use improves the condition when playing sports. People suffering from gout, arthritis, migraines, and heart disease should not abuse water.

Methods of therapy

If your doctor has prescribed mineral water for gastritis, then to get the maximum result, it is important to know the schedule according to which it will be taken. At the beginning, the dosage of water will be 50-100 g per day. It is necessary to understand that a high concentration of mineral components can provoke an inflammatory process that affects the gastric mucosa. The therapeutic course will be 1 month, and they should be carried out 2-4 times throughout the year.

Mineral water for gastritis with high stomach acidity

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Mineral waters are characterized by a high content of biologically active substances and have specific physicochemical properties, on which their therapeutic effect is based.

Depending on the quantitative ratio of anions and cations, acidic, neutral and alkaline waters are distinguished. Mineral water for gastritis affects the inner walls of the stomach in different ways. Each disease requires its own treatment regimen. You can find out what mineral water to drink if you have gastritis during a consultation with a gastroenterologist.

Chloride waters, which have an increased concentration of chlorine anions, improve metabolic reactions in the body and promote better bile formation. When taken regularly, it increases the concentration of acid in the stomach. Sulfate water has an anti-inflammatory effect on the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the gallbladder, and neutralizes intestinal spasms.

Which mineral water treats gastritis with reduced secretion

For low acidity, gastroenterologists prescribe:

  • Essentuki 4;
  • Mirgorodskaya;
  • Narzan;
  • Izhevskaya;
  • Tyumen;
  • Morshinskaya and others.

Water obtained by patients directly from the source has the most healing powers. Hydrotherapy is successfully carried out in such sanatoriums as Truskavets, Baden-Baden, Essentuki.

In this case, doctors recommend taking chilled mineral water 15-20 minutes before starting a meal. Remaining in the stomach at this point, it interacts with food, helping it break down and digest through the acid it contains.

You must drink the permitted type of water slowly in small sips, savoring it and rinsing your mouth for a long time, which has an irritating effect on the mucous walls of the stomach. In turn, due to this, the secretory and motor activity of the stomach is activated.

The speed at which water enters the duodenum directly depends on temperature. Hot liquid reduces secretion and smooth muscle tone, while cold liquid enhances gastric function.

Fresh water from the source is taken from a special container - a bowl. It is flattened on the sides, has a narrow throat and a long nose. This design allows you to drink water in small sips, stretching this process over time.

It is wrong to think that drinking mineral water in buckets will bring greater effect. On the contrary, excessive and regular consumption of water, moreover, with serious violations of the treatment technique, will only bring harm. You should definitely expect disturbances in acid-base balance, as well as water-salt metabolism.

The doctor determines what kind of water to drink if you have gastritis, and also recommends following a certain daily routine, dietary rules, avoiding excessive doses of alcohol, and quitting smoking. And also decides whether it is possible to use mineral water for prevention - if so, then drink only table water of low mineralization. It is taken on an empty stomach 3-4 times a day.

If for some reason you cannot drink water, treatment is carried out using the following procedures. Place mineral water in the mouth and hold it there for a couple of minutes. Then they spit everything out and repeat again five or six times. The healing liquid has a stimulating effect on the functioning of the stomach from the oral cavity. Baths, as well as drinking water, are best done before meals.

What to drink if you have high stomach acidity

In case of increased acidity, gastroenterologists, as a rule, recommend mineral water in addition to basic drug treatment and diet. In this case, it is correct to drink Borjomi, Essentuki 17, Smirnovskaya, Zbruchanskaya, Luzhanskaya, Polyana Kvasova, Slavyanovskaya and others.

Borjomi mineral water for gastritis can replace potent pharmaceutical drugs and bring the patient back to normal in a fairly short time. It has a rich natural composition that has a healing effect for many diseases. At the same time, doctors, for some reason, forget to explain to the patient how to drink mineral water correctly for gastritis. The healing properties of water also largely depend on the method of application.

It is not recommended to drink mineral waters, including Essentuki 17, during an exacerbation of gastritis. It is better to take it in the second phase of the disease or for preventive purposes. The water tastes a little salty, but is easy and pleasant to drink.

Rules for taking mineral water for gastritis with high acidity

To reduce gastric secretion, doctors recommend taking mineral water 1.5 hours before meals. By the time food arrives, water has completely passed from the stomach to the intestines. It is necessary to drink medicinal water when heated, up to 40-50 degrees. When heated, excess carbon dioxide is removed from the liquid, which stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.

In addition, warm water relieves spasms, softens pain, and increases the motor function of the stomach. If you are concerned about severe pain or heartburn after eating, then mineral water may be prescribed after the end of the meal. Painful symptoms are eliminated.

Another feature of using hydrotherapy for gastritis! Warm water should be drunk exclusively in one gulp. In this way, it gets into the intestines faster, and this is very important for the patient. It is from here that the inhibitory effect of mineral water on gastric secretion is fully manifested.

It is better to start taking medicinal water with 1/4 glass. As you get used to it, after a week, the amount of liquid is increased to 1/3 and so on. Over the course of a month, a single dose increases to one glass, but no more. Drinking too much water at once causes intestinal upset and overload of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and liver.

There are no templates in hydrotherapy! If the patient also suffers from a heart or vascular disease that causes edema, or is predisposed to diarrhea, the dose is reduced. In cases where the patient has metabolic disorders, for example, diathesis, or bladder disease, much more mineral water is prescribed.

Mineral waters should be treated as medicine. Only a doctor should prescribe a hydrotherapy regimen. Self-medication is dangerous even when using such seemingly safe remedies. Water therapy can be performed several times a year. The duration of one course is 3-3.5 weeks.

For diseases of the digestive system, mineral water is often used as an additional treatment. It is important to choose it correctly, taking into account the characteristics of the disease. For example, not all mineral water can be beneficial for high acidity of the stomach.

Mineral water contains a large number of microelements necessary for the human body. Moreover, the vast majority of them are almost impossible to make up by eating regular food. According to the amount of minerals and nutrients contained, there are the following types of water:

  • dining room, characterized by weak mineralization and having ordinary taste. One liter of this water contains less than 1 g of minerals;
  • medicinal table, which contains biologically active components and from 1 to 10 g/l of minerals;
  • medicinal, it contains various mineral elements and salts, the quantitative composition of which is more than 10 g/l.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, medicinal mineral water is used as additional therapy.

Water to reduce stomach acidity

After making a diagnosis, the doctor must advise the patient which mineral water to drink in case of high acidity. To reduce the amount of hydrochloric acid by binding it, it is preferable to use alkaline medicinal table water or fresh table water containing large amounts of bicarbonates and ions of various metals.

The human body receives bicarbonates, which reduce the number of hydrogen ions that take part in the production of stomach acid. At the same time, acidity is normalized, heartburn and nausea disappear. In addition, the blood is saturated with essential microelements, which improves all metabolic processes.

Regular consumption of mineral water speeds up the processing of food in the stomach, blocking stagnation - this also helps normalize acidity. A person gets rid of heaviness in the stomach, as well as painful and unpleasant belching.

Low acidity water

Gastritis, characterized by decreased secretory function, is a serious disease. It is dangerous because gastric juice, which is not produced in sufficient quantities, provokes the development of pathogenic microflora in the intestines. With low acidity after eating, a person experiences nausea and stool disturbances. In addition, due to insufficient breakdown of food in the stomach, the body may experience iron deficiency.

Mineral water for low stomach acidity is a popular and quite effective remedy. Doctors recommend drinking water with a pH< 7. Правильный приём таких минералок помогает лучше усваивать пищу и значительно снижает возможность пищевого отравления.


It is very important to consider the possible risks associated with the wrong choice of water, so as not to cause even greater harm:

  1. With high acidity, drinking “acidic” waters is strictly prohibited, and, conversely, people with low acidity are contraindicated to take alkaline ones.
  2. It is advisable to completely exclude sparkling water from your diet, since the carbon dioxide it contains causes bloating and provokes gas formation.
  3. To ensure that mineral water for gastritis does not harm the body, before you start drinking you need to make sure that it does not contain individually intolerable elements.

Mineral water is not only used for oral consumption. In medicine, gastric lavage with it is widely practiced. This procedure is indicated for patients suffering from chronic heartburn, constipation, nausea and frequent food poisoning. Gastric lavage removes inflammatory mucus.

The benefits of mineral water in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases are undeniable and tested in practice. The main thing is to choose it correctly and regularly use it in the required quantity.

Video about increased acidity