Sample wording for entries in the work book. Entries in the work book (sample). Changing the name of a profession or position, changing the name of a structural department

A work book is a document that informs all interested parties about the places and areas of a person’s work. Therefore, it is extremely important to follow all the rules for making entries in the employee’s work book regarding places of work and education. In addition, it is very important to correctly mark in work book the grounds according to which a person was dismissed from the enterprise or transferred to another position.

The legislative framework

The rules for making entries in the work book are regulated by various legal regulations. These include the following documents:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation: Article 66 - “On the concept of a work book and its contents”, Article 83 - termination of an employment contract due to circumstances that do not depend on the will of the parties, Articles 192 and 193 - application of disciplinary sanctions and their entry in the book.
  • Government Decree No. 225 on the rules for storing and maintaining work records (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 69 on the requirements for filling out various documents (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions).
  • Letter from Rostrud No. 656-6-0, revealing responsibility for improper storage of work records.
  • Code of Administrative Offences: Article 5.27, which deals with liability for non-compliance with labor legislation (including in relation to work records).

These acts to one degree or another regulate the rules for making entries in the work book. They must be strictly followed by personnel department employees of enterprises and organizations.

General requirements for maintaining work records

The procedure for making entries in the work book is defined in to a greater extent in Decrees of the Government and the Ministry of Labor No. 225 and 69, respectively. According to these acts, there are several requirements regarding the completion and storage of the type of documents in question.

The rules for making entries in the work book must meet the following requirements:

  • All information about the employee is entered into the document on the basis of an order or instruction issued by the employer within a week from the date of issuance of the act in the appropriate form. If we are talking about the dismissal of an employee, the date of entry in the work book is the day of dismissal.
  • All records of work activity entered into the book must correspond exactly to the text of the order or regulation issued for this purpose.
  • The deadlines for making an entry in the work book are indicated in Arabic-type numerals (two-digit for the day and month, four-digit for the year).

  • Making any abbreviations in the process of making various entries in the document is strictly prohibited. An incorrect example of making an entry in a work book could be the following example: “ex. dated 01.01.01 No. 001-ok.” It is necessary to write down “order dated 01.01.2001 No. 001-ok” correctly.
  • Entries of any nature are entered into the work book in the state language for Russia - Russian. Exceptions are cases when we are talking about any republic that is part of the Federation, if their official language different from Russian. In this case, the employing organization has the right to make entries in both languages, in accordance with the sixth paragraph of the rules for storing and maintaining work activity books. Due to the fact that neither legislative provisions for the design of work books and making entries, nor a sample have been provided, the rules for filling out work books are in Russian.
  • Each entry that is entered into the work book must be made subject to the employee's familiarization with it and signature. You must sign on a personal card form T-2, in which the information is duplicated. The specified card is drawn up and filled out in accordance with Resolution No. 1 of the State Statistics Committee of January 5, 2004, approving a unified form of primary documentation for accounting and remuneration (a sample of work books and entries is given below).

There are cases when information for various reasons is not entered into the work record book, that is, missing data is recorded. If corrections to a document are permitted by Russian law, and the procedure for these actions is fixed in the third section of the Rules, then there are no regulatory rules and requirements regarding the restoration of uninscribed (missing) information.

According to the twenty-seventh paragraph of the Rules, identified errors are eliminated by the employer who made them. The law allows that corrections can be made by the employee’s current supervisor if there is a document from the former supervisor who made the mistake. When making the appropriate entry, you must indicate the details of the document, which reflects data not included in the document.

List of information to be entered

Correct entry into the work book implies compliance with accepted standards for filling out a document of this type. The following information must be entered:

  • The first column (heading “Record number”) - enters the serial number of the corresponding recorded data.
  • The second column (heading “Date”) - records the day, month and year of entering the corresponding recorded data.
  • The third column (heading “Job information”) - a record is made of appointment to a position or hiring, indicating a specific structural unit, professions and specialties. The name (full) of the enterprise and the abbreviated name (if any) are also recorded in accordance with the statutory documents.
  • The fourth column (heading “Name, number and date of the document that is the basis for making the entry”) - details of the order are written down, on the basis of which a corresponding note is made in the work book.

If an entry about education is made in the work book, this information is indicated above the employment data.

Information entered into the document upon acceptance and translation

The rules for entering relevant information into the document in question include the employer’s obligation to enter basic data into the document and follow the procedure for their creation. These standards determine not only the recording of work shifts, but also the making of entries in the work book about education.

The main requirement for recording relevant data in a document is to meet the deadline for recording the necessary information. The period for making an entry in the work book is no more than five days.

Features of recording information are as follows:

  1. In the third column (information about work), information about the name and legal form of the enterprise should be recorded. If the organization has an abbreviated name, it should be indicated here in brackets. The abbreviated name must correspond to the statutory documents (for example, if the abbreviated name of the organization is indicated without quotation marks, it must be written in the same way in the work book). In some cases, organizations with a large staff use a stamp on which the full and abbreviated name of the enterprise is stamped. This is permitted by law.
  2. In the first column (the number of the corresponding record), the number is written in order. The main requirement for its recording is that the entry must be located opposite the empty cells under the name (that is, the number is not placed opposite the name of the institution, but on the line with the future content of the information).
  3. In the second column (date) - indicate the day, month and year of making the corresponding entry. Each number is written in a separate subgraph, according to the rules established by law.
  4. In the third column (information about work) - a record of appointment or hiring is made. Not only the position, profession and specialty are indicated, but also the type of work activity (main or part-time). In the second case, an entry about part-time work takes place in the work book.
  5. The fourth column (name, number and date of the document that is the basis for making the entry) records the basic data about the issued order (date, number and name).

An example of making an entry in the work book: Ivanov I. I. was hired at Comfortable Living Conditions LLC as the secretary of the manager, which is recorded in the employment order dated December 1, 2017 No. 312-ok. It is necessary to enter the specified information into the working document of I. I. Ivanov.

Entries in the work book about the specialty, position and profession are made in accordance with how the specified information is recorded in the staffing table. This paper is an integral document in any organization.

In some cases, federal legislation defines positions, specialties and professions that are accompanied by the provision of certain benefits. In this case, making an entry for registration of a work book is carried out in accordance with the qualification requirements specified in the relevant documents approved by the Russian government.

Qualification requirements are set out in the following legal regulations:

  1. A unified directory of tariff and qualification type in relation to professions and works that were previously approved in various resolutions of the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the State Committee for Labor in the USSR. The single document was approved by the general resolution of the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the State Committee for Labor in the USSR No. 31/3-30 of January thirty-first, 1985.
  2. Qualification-type directory for positions of managers, employees and specialists No. 37, which was approved by decree of the Ministry of Labor on August twenty-first, 1998.

If the entries in the work book of part-time workers and main employees do not meet the specified requirements, the employee may subsequently have problems with the assignment of a pension. This concerns controversial issues regarding the crediting of certain periods of work associated with harmful working conditions, which may arise due to the absence of a fixed position in the relevant lists.

Differences in the concepts of “profession” and “position”

Most often, the problem of making an erroneous entry in the work book is associated with a lack of understanding by personnel of the differences in the concepts of “profession” and “position.” In practice, such inaccuracies cause difficulties with further calculations of length of service and other indicators.

If there are usually no problems with making an entry in the work book about dismissal, then during employment, mistakes like “a lawyer was hired for a position” are often made, but this is not a position, but a profession (the position is legal adviser). In this case, it would be more correct to indicate “accepted as a lawyer” or “accepted as a legal adviser.”

In some cases, these two concepts are the same, but most often they are different. To differentiate, it is necessary to have at hand the above-mentioned unified directories for positions and professions. Also a useful legal normative act will be the All-Russian Classifier of Positions, Professions and Categories (Tariff) No. 367. The specified OKPDTR was approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December twenty-sixth, 1994.

Studying this document will allow you to avoid problems when making entries in the work book, issuing orders and concluding employment contracts.

Differences between "accepted" and "assigned"

Another problematic issue is the incorrect use of the words “appointed” and “accepted.”

The essence of this distinction is that the concept of appointment to a position is applied in cases where it is necessary and provided for by legal regulations or local documents of the organization (regulations or charter). For example, you can appoint the head of a branch or representative office of a particular enterprise. In other cases, the use of the term “appoint to any position” is unlawful.

Also, a serious mistake when using these words is that personnel workers do not encourage them when employing women. The correct usage for female employees would be "appointed" and "accepted".

In some cases, HR department employees, when making an entry in the work book about part-time work or hiring the main job, do not use any of the above words, indicating “enrolled” in the content of the text, which is fundamentally incorrect, since words with this semantics are used only if We are talking about entering an educational institution.

The next semantic error is indicating the form of the contract in the content of the order reflected in the work book. For example, an indication of the duration of the contract (if it is a fixed-term contract) or the signature “fixed-term contract”. Such an entry must be contained in the employment order, but not in the labor report. This is due to the fact that when making an entry in the work book about the dismissal, it will be clear that the contract was fixed-term.

Also common mistake semantic-stylistic type is an indication of the appointment of a probationary period for employment. This information should not be recorded in the work book, since it is superfluous for this type of document.

Despite the precise instructions in the instructions defining the content of the text when making entries in the work book, many employees involved in filling out work documents make mistakes and omissions.

Actions with old-style work books

Often, when hiring, employers are faced with the question of what to do if an employee wants to get a job at an enterprise with an old-form work book in hand. In this case, personnel workers should be guided by the Government Decree Russian Federation No. 225, published on April 16, 2003 regarding books on labor activity. This document in the second paragraph determines that new samples of work books are used from January 1, 2004.

If an employee is employed with an old document, it is valid and cannot be replaced. Books on labor activity were introduced in the late seventies of the twentieth century. Therefore, this rule applies to employees who were employed at their first job before the end of 2013.

When the work book of the old form runs out, an insert is issued for it. In this case, the insert is printed on a new form of the form.

List of information entered when moving

When within the same enterprise, personnel workers are required to record this in the work record book.

The following types of entries can be made in the work book:

  • Assignment of a new rank, category or class.
  • Transfer of an employee to another permanent job without changing employer.
  • Changing the name of the organization.
  • Changing the name of a profession or position, changing the name of a structural department.
  • Time of military service.
  • Training time during advanced training, courses, and so on.

Information entered into the book during the employee’s work activity

From the moment a person is hired until the moment he is fired, he can make changes to the work book entries or any intermediate actions for the personnel transfer of an employee within one enterprise.

A number of entries can be made in the work record book.

Assignment of a new rank, category or class. The employer issues an order or order, on the basis of which a corresponding entry is made according to the rules of clause 3.1. Instructions. For example: “Ivanova I.I. works as a legal consultant of the 2nd category at LLC “Comfortable Living Conditions”. By Order No. 533-ok dated December 30, 2017, she was assigned category 1, about which a corresponding entry was made in the work book of Ivanova I.I.”

In the same way, other employee promotions, acquisition of additional professions, specialties, advanced training, and so on are noted. For example, the following entry can be made: “Legal consultant of the 1st category Ivanova I.I., working at Comfortable Living Conditions LLC, received a second profession - clerk with the assignment of 2nd category.”

Transfer of an employee to another permanent job without changing employer. Such an entry is made in the case when, according to the norms of the first part of Article 72.1 of the Labor Code, a movement within the organization is carried out. Such a transfer is carried out in three cases: a change in the labor work function, a change in the structural department, and a simultaneous change in function and division.

In case of change labor functions An employee may change his profession, position or specialty, as well as be assigned a different type of work. An example of such a move would be a promotion. For example: “Legal consultant I.I. Ivanov has been transferred to the vacant position of head of the department.”

Change of structural department (division). Implies transfer to another department in the same position and with the same job responsibilities. For example: “The accountant of the settlement group of LLC “Comfortable Living Conditions” Ivanov I.I. was transferred to the department for working with third-party organizations to a position similar to the one occupied.”

A simultaneous change in function and division involves moving within the organization between departments with a change of position. For example: “Ivanov I.I. was hired in the operation department of Comfortable Living Conditions LLC as a driver. He was later transferred to the legal department as a legal adviser.”

In case of temporary transfer to another position, this is not recorded in the work record book. Some people mistakenly believe that all movements (even minor ones) must be noted in the work book, and failure to comply with this rule in the future entails making missing entries in the work book. This is fundamentally wrong. For example, if legal adviser Ivanov I.I. is appointed acting during the vacation period of the head of the legal department, this is entered into his personal file on the basis of an order, but is not recorded in the work record book.

If various changes in the employee’s work (change in salary level, change in work regime, movement to another place of work or to another department in the same area, change of place of performance of work activities, etc.) do not entail a change in the employee’s labor functions, they are not translation, therefore they do not cause the need to make changes to the document discussed in the article.

Changing the name of the organization

In this case, it is necessary to make an entry in the work record book. Otherwise, future employers and the pension department may have doubts about the legality of including the specified period of work in a given organization in the work experience. For example, an employee was hired by LLC “Law Company “Uspeh””, but was fired from LLC “Law Company “Comfortable Living Conditions”.

This situation may entail the need to search and provide documents that can confirm the fact and period of a person’s work in these organizations and the fact of the transition of one organization to another. Such documents can be certificates from work or from state archives, and so on.

An example of making an entry in the work book in such cases is the following entry: “Law Company “Success” LLC has been renamed LLC “Legal Company “Comfortable Living Conditions”” since 01/01/2016.” Such an entry can be made manually or using stamp with the corresponding imprint.

The last column records the order, order or other type of decision of the employer on renaming, as well as its details (number and date). If an entry is made using an embossed stamp, it is necessary that the size of the entry on the stamp completely fits in the third column and does not affect the fourth. Otherwise, the entry will be considered incorrect.

If the name change is not accompanied by a change in the organizational and legal form, there is no need to terminate the employment relationship with employees. If the organizational and legal form changes, then a new legal entity. In this case, the transfer is carried out by leaving one organization and joining another. Then a record of dismissal and hiring for another job is made in the work book.

There is no need to write an application to make an entry in the work book, unless the employee discovered that some entry was missing. Most often, information about previous education received is missed. In this case, the missing entry is entered into the work book. The sample looks simple. The entry is made under the latest data entered in the work book. A serial number or number is indicated. The content of the missing information is written. The number of the document (for example, an order) on the basis of which this adjustment is made is indicated. If the employee provided an extract from his previous place of work, indicate its number and the details of the person who certified this extract. As a rule, this is the head of the previous enterprise where the corresponding entry was not made.

Changing the name of a profession or position, changing the name of a structural department

In such cases, the entry is made similarly to other cases on the basis of an order or order of the employer, as well as on the basis of other documents.

Time of military service

According to the provisions of Federal Law No. 53 of March 28, 1998, regulating the specifics of military service and the performance of military duty. This also includes the time of service in the police department, in the fire-fighting service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, criminal-executive bodies and institutions, tax police, customs, and drug control agencies.

Training time for advanced training courses

An example is the following entry: “Legal consultant of LLC “Comfortable Living Conditions” Ivanov I. I. was sent by the employer to advanced training courses in Russian Academy vocational training and improving the qualifications of legal workers under the program “Innovations in Copyright Law.” After completing his training, he was given a certificate of advanced training No. 645 dated December 30, 2017.

In some cases, other entries are made in the work book if this is established by legal regulations. For example, if a citizen was accepted into an organization to perform correctional work without restriction of freedom, an entry is made in the book stating that this working period of activity is not included in the continuous work experience (22nd paragraph of the Rules).

Making entries during reorganization

If there is a reorganization of an enterprise in the form of annexation, merger, separation, division or transformation, when there is a change of owner (for example, a transfer from municipal to state jurisdiction), as well as a change in subordination (jurisdiction), it is necessary to make appropriate entries in the document.

The first part of the seventy-fifth article of the Labor Code determines that if the owner of organizational property changes within three months, termination of labor contracts with a certain circle of employees is allowed. Based on the fifth paragraph of the first part of the eighty-first article of the Labor Code, this circle includes the head of the enterprise, deputy managers and the chief accountant. Termination of employment agreements with other categories of employees at the initiative of the new owner is impossible.

According to the norms of the fifth part of the seventy-fifth article of the Labor Code, if we are talking about a change in subordination or jurisdiction, as well as reorganization, labor contracts with employees cannot be terminated on these grounds.

In any of these cases, the law gives the employee the right to terminate the work contract due to the employee’s refusal to continue work activity(based on the sixth paragraph of the first part of the seventy-seventh article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If the employee does not object to working for the new owner, an entry is made in his work record book, as when renaming the organization.

If, during a change of owner or for other reasons, the corresponding entry was not made in a timely manner, the personnel service employees make the missing entries in the work book.

It guarantees that when calculating continuous labor, insurance and general types experience there will be no questions or disagreements. Also, the absence of errors in filling out the work book will help avoid problems with Pension Fund when applying for the appointment and calculation of a pension. In addition, legal regulatory control over the maintenance and storage of these documents, if violations are detected, can lead to negative consequences for the manager and the organization as a whole.

Sometimes not all entries are included in an employee’s work book. For example, an employee was transferred to work in a separate department for the same position. The personnel officers did not record the transfer in the book. But after this, the employee was promoted and a new position was entered into the work book. In this case, you will receive a pass on your work record and this entry will need to be made. In the article we will look at how to make a missing entry in the work book.

The legislative framework

Accounting for the work activities of its employees who have been working at their main job for more than 5 years is the responsibility of the employer. According to Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the work book is the main document for such accounting. The work book form was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 “On work books” dated 04/16/2003, and the procedure for filling it out was approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 69 “On approval of the Instructions for filling out work books” dated 10/10/2003. Specified regulations also contain rules for making corrections to the labor document. And since an entry missing in a book is one of the most common mistakes, we will consider the procedure for correcting them.

Errors in work books

A work book is one of the important documents that a citizen will need when applying for his pension. All entries that employers make in the labor record are confirmation of the employee’s insurance record.

Let's assume that a citizen working in hazardous work or under difficult conditions is entitled to a preferential pension. And to formalize it, you will need evidence that the work was indeed harmful. In this case, it will be necessary that the name of his profession indicated in the labor contract coincides with the name contained in the ETKS. If the names of professions do not match, then the citizen may be denied a preferential pension. you will have to collect additional documents, certificates, contracts with employers and other papers to confirm your work experience.

The following errors are possible in labor:

  • incorrect information is included on the title page;
  • incorrect information was entered on other pages of the book;
  • an entry in the work book was missed.

Errors on the title page of a work book are unacceptable; in some cases, the form of such a work book is considered damaged. In this case, a corresponding act is drawn up, on the basis of which the book is destroyed. After this, a new work form is issued, and the costs are paid by the employer.

If errors are made on other sheets of the book, then corrections are permissible and have a certain order. Incorrect information is invalidated, after which the correct information is entered by making a new entry. The numbering of records must be continuous.

Great difficulties arise for the personnel officer when the error is a missing entry and needs to be entered into the book. Moreover, the following information may be omitted:

  • employer's name;
  • information about the employee’s transfer;
  • record of military service;
  • other information.

If this happens, the error must be corrected by making a new entry in the work book.

General rules for correcting errors made in work books

Important! You cannot make any corrections to the work report at your own discretion. To do this, special requirements must be met. And corrections without complying with these requirements can lead to undesirable consequences.

The general procedure for correcting errors in the work book is as follows:

  1. If an erroneous entry is contained on the title page, it must be crossed out.
  2. Incorrect information entered in the job information is considered invalid.
  3. Not only the employer who made it, but also the one who discovered the error can correct an error in the labor report.
  4. A forgotten entry can be added to the book, for example, about service in the army, about the reorganization of a company, about advanced training, about transfer, etc.

How to make a missed entry in a work book

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not prohibit, if necessary, making changes to the work book. The procedure for restoring missing records is not provided for by law. Therefore, you can use the general approved procedure for making entries in the work record and correcting errors in it.

The employer who made the mistake must correct errors in the labor report. However, this can also be done by the employer who discovered the error and for whom the employee currently works. However, for this as a basis, he will need a properly executed certificate.

The certificate must be provided by the employer who made this mistake. Witness testimony cannot be used as confirmation of this information. That is, the oral testimony of an employee or other persons is not the basis for making a missing entry in the book. Only an official certificate can serve as such a basis.

Important! You cannot make corrections to the book by simply crossing out an incorrect entry. This applies to both the “Job Details” section and the “Awards Details” section.

If we return to our situation, the book does not contain invalid information, but simply the fact that one entry was missed (in our example, this is the transfer of an employee to another department).

How to add a missing entry about military service to your work book

Important! If the employee served, then a record of this must be made in the work book. But personnel officers do not always remember this and, forgetting about the army record, immediately enter information about employment. This is a mistake and will require correction.

Both the previous employer who made it and the current employer can correct such a mistake. To correct the error, a record of the service is made in the section that contains information about the operation. For clarity, we provide an example of such a record.

No. Entry dateInformation about hiring, transfer to another permanent job, qualifications, dismissal Name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the entry was made
number month year
1 2 3 4
Limited Liability Company
"Continent" (LLC "Continent")
5 11 12 17 Accepted into the production department at Order from
foreman position 12/11/2017 No. 15
6 15 12 17 Service in the Russian Armed Forces Military ID
Federation from 10/01/2014 to 09/30/2015 NN No. 1234567

How to make a missing entry if there is no longer space in the work book

Sometimes there is simply nowhere to make an additional entry in the work book, since it has expired. In this case, you should create an insert for the labor document and enter the necessary information into it properly. After this, the insert will need to be attached to the work book. The work insert is a continuation of it, therefore for convenience it is recommended to attach it at the end of the book. This way, the chronological order of the entries in both the book and the insert will be maintained. The most reliable way is to sew the form into a book. To do this, use a strong thread and make 3-5 punctures.

After this, a stamp is affixed to the first page, and the details of the insert, its series, number and date of issue are also indicated. It should be remembered that without a work book, the insert will not have legal force.

Answers to common questions

Question: What should I do if, before recording the hiring of a new employee, the personnel officer forgot to indicate the name of the organization? Is this a bug and if so, how can I fix it?

Answer: Yes, if the personnel officer forgot to indicate the name of the employer’s company and immediately made a record of hiring, this is a mistake. It is necessary to indicate the company name in full, as well as in abbreviated form. But this error can also be corrected. To do this, you will need to indicate the name of the organization according to the specified rules, and then, under the next serial number, recognize the work record as erroneous. Then, under the next serial number, you will need to make a new entry.

The work record book is the most important document that is asked of the applicant first of all when he arrives at a new job. Therefore, it is very important that all records in it are kept very clearly and correctly, without any inaccuracies or man-made corrections.

What entries can be made in the work book?

The very first sheet of this document should contain information about its owner. In addition to the last name, as well as the first name and patronymic, the date of birth must also be entered. All these records are kept on the basis of the document that identifies the person (passport).

Further, based on the document on education, the presence of special knowledge and qualifications, other entries are made: education, specialty and profession. The remaining pages of the work book should contain detailed information about the beginning of taking up the position, the dismissal of the employee, as well as about the organization that hired the employee.

All this must be described in great detail. So, if a person is hired, the number must be indicated employment contract and its date. If we are talking about the dismissal of an employee, then there must be records that are indicated based on whether the person was fired, that is, articles from the Labor Code must be indicated.

Labor activity

The work book may contain entries that a person is being transferred to another job, as well as successes in work and awards, if any. No records of any penalties are made in this document. The exception is those cases when a violation becomes the reason for dismissal, but then a specific article is indicated.

No later than a week, all orders based on a specific order on dismissal, qualification, or transfer to another position are entered into the work book. All entries must have their own serial number and must be included in the document without any abbreviations.

In addition, the personnel department must have a personal card for the employee, where he must sign that he is familiar with all the entries made in the work book. At the place of work, records must also be made about the terms of service in the customs authorities, the internal affairs department, as well as in the bodies that control the circulation of psychotropic and narcotic substances.

If an employee underwent any training or advanced training courses while working, then there must also be corresponding records about this. If the owner of the work book was on correctional labor without being deprived of work, then the work book should contain an entry stating that this period is not included in the continuous work experience.

E.A. answered questions. Shapoval, lawyer, PhD. n.

We make correct entries in the work book

If you have to deal with personnel records and fill out work books, then you may be interested in some situations that cause difficulties when making entries when hiring, issuing a duplicate work book, as well as correcting erroneous entries in work books.

You cannot write over the seal of your previous employer.

M.A. Sokolova, Tver

In the work book of the employee being hired, there is a seal of the previous employing organization, which occupies almost all the remaining empty lines in the “Work Information” section. Is it possible to make a new entry over this seal?

: No you can not. The seal certified the entries made in the employee’s work book by the previous employer. (hereinafter referred to as the Rules). Therefore, you need to enter the full and abbreviated name of your organization in column 3 “Information about hiring ...” of the “Information about work” section of the work book below on the free lines not occupied by the seal of the previous employer clause 3.1 of the Instructions, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated October 10, 2003 No. 69 (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions).

If the empty lines on the last page of the “Job Information” section are not enough to make a record of hiring, you need to sew an insert into the employee’s work book. Then at the top of the title page of the work book you must put a stamp with the inscription “Insert issued” and indicate the series and number of the insert pp. 38, 39 Rules.

There is an error - make a correction

Yu.M. Deserted, Tver

We incorrectly indicated the date of the order in the employment record. How can I fix this error?

: Inaccurate or incorrect entries, including the incorrectly indicated date of the employment order, are prohibited from crossing out in the “Work Information” section of the work book. To make a correction, you must invalidate the employment record and make the correct entry clause 1.2 Instructions. It will look like this.

(1) Do not cross out the incorrectly indicated date of the order.

(2) Make a single entry regarding the invalidation of the incorrect entry and the hiring with the correct date of the employment order.

An employee who has lost his work book must be issued a new book.

A.E. Smirnova, Kazan

We are hiring a new employee. He wrote a statement that he had lost his work book and provided us with certificates from his previous places of work to fill out a duplicate of the work book. How to correctly make entries in a duplicate work book?

: In such a situation, you should not issue the employee a duplicate work book and restore the entries that were in the lost work book. The fact is that the list of cases when an employer is obliged to issue a duplicate work book to an employee is exhaustive. It includes the following situations and pp. 31, 33, 34 Rules:

  • the work book was lost by a former employee who has not yet found a job new work y;
  • the work book was lost by the employer;
  • the work book has become unusable (burnt, torn, stained, etc.);
  • the work book contains a record of dismissal or transfer to another job, which is declared invalid if the employee submits a written application for the issuance of a duplicate work book.

You need, at the request of the employee, to issue him a new work book from Art. 65 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in which the first job entry is to indicate work in your organization. You do not need to make records of working for other employers. This was confirmed to us by Rostrud.

From authoritative sources

Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment

“ If a person applying for work does not have a work book due to its loss, damage or for any other reason, the employer is obliged, upon a written application from this person, to issue a new work book from Art. 65 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the new employer is only responsible for issuing a new work book for the employee.

In case of its loss, a duplicate of the work book is issued by the employer at the last place of work before the loss of the work book, including in the case when the employee has already taken a new job.

That is, if an employee is interested in restoring entries in the work book, it makes sense for him to contact his previous employer for a duplicate. If you have already issued him a new work book, and he brought you a duplicate from the previous employer, then make a record of work in your organization in it, and destroy the new work book issued to him. clause 42 of the Rules.

You cannot “supplement” documents on the basis of which a duplicate is issued.

I.N. Dolgikh, Ryazan

The work record book of one of our employees was damaged, and not all entries in it can be read. To issue a duplicate, he brought us certificates from previous places of work. These certificates indicate periods of work, positions held, numbers and dates of hiring and dismissal orders, but do not indicate the grounds for dismissal. How can we fill out column 3 of the “Work Information” section of the duplicate work book? Do we need to certify the restored records of previous places of work with the seal of our organization?

: First, you must indicate in column 3 “Information about employment...” of the section “Information about work” of the duplicate work book, the employee’s documented length of service before joining your organization in total, without breakdown by individual employer. clause 32 of the Rules; clause 7.2 Instructions. After this, transfer individual periods of work with other employers to the duplicate in accordance with the entries in the work book, in exchange for which you are issuing a duplicate, and the certificates submitted by the employee.

Issuing a duplicate involves restoring all entries contained in the work book, but if the certificates of work submitted by the employee from previous employers contain incomplete data (in your case there is no information about the basis for dismissal), then you do not need to enter additional information from the employee’s words when filling out the duplicate O clause 32 of the Rules; clause 7.2 Instructions.

Then enter information about hiring in your organization and transfers (if any).

Additionally, there is no need to certify the recovered records with the seal of your organization.

You will put your stamp only after the employee resigns. clause 35 of the Rules, approved. Government Decree No. 225 dated April 16, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules). Then you will certify all the entries made in the work book by your organization, including restored ones.

The entries in the work book will look like this.

(1) You do not number recovery records.

(2) If the reason for dismissal is not indicated in the certificate submitted by the employee, then you do not indicate it either.

(3) If you make a recovery entry based on a certificate submitted by an employee, indicate its details once opposite the dismissal entry, since the certificate simultaneously contains information about hiring and dismissal and clause 7.2 Instructions.

(4) Indicate the full and abbreviated name of your organization.

(5) Place the serial number “1” next to the entry for employment in your organization clause 7.2 Instructions

A record of work as an entrepreneur is not entered in the work book.

A.I. Sinitsyna, Bryansk

We hire an employee who has made an entry in his work book about working as a individual entrepreneur since 2009. What should we do?

: The work book reflects only periods of work under the employment contract Art. 66 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. An entrepreneur cannot make an entry in his work book about conducting business activities.

Rostrud explained to us how to correct an incorrect entry in such a situation.

From authoritative sources

“An entry in a work book can be declared invalid, but not the work book itself. Correction of incorrect entries is possible, but only on the basis of the relevant document clause 27 of the Rules.

If an entrepreneur has entered into his work book information about the period of his entrepreneurial activity, then in this case there is no document on the basis of which a correction can be made.

The new employer may continue to maintain such a work record.

In addition, if an entrepreneur was employed before starting entrepreneurial activity, he can apply to his previous place of work with an application to issue him a duplicate work book and “.


Therefore, make a record of this employee's employment in your organization as a matter of routine.

The branch must have a person responsible for work books

E.V. Kryukova, Volgograd

Our company opens a branch in another city. Where should we store the work books of branch employees if there is no personnel service?

: Work books for all employees are required to be kept and kept by the employer Art. 66 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The branch is not the employer Art. 20 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, it is not advisable to store all work books in the personnel department or in the accounting department of the parent organization. The fact is that situations may arise when an employee needs to be fired without working off. This means that a work book must be issued to him on the day of dismissal (for example, upon dismissal due to the reinstatement of an employee who previously performed this work, by decision state inspection labor or court clause 2, part 1, art. 83 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is unlikely that this can be done if work books are stored at the organization’s head office in another city.

Since your branch does not have a personnel service or accounting department, the head of your organization needs to appoint by order one of the branch employees responsible for maintaining and storing the work books of the branch employees (for example, the office manager of the branch) clause 42 of the Rules.

He will certify with his signature the entries in the work books upon dismissal of the employee.

Rostrud explained to us what kind of seal can be used to certify entries in the work books of branch employees in such a situation.

From authoritative sources

“In the case where personnel records are carried out in a separate structural unit, it is allowed to certify the records with the seal of a separate structural unit, provided that the name of the organization itself is also indicated in the seal.”


A record of military service time can be made after a record of employment

I.N. Belousova, Perm

We hired a demobilized employee who had never worked anywhere before serving in the army, but we did not record his military service in his work book. Can we make this entry after the hiring entry?

: Yes, you can. Unlike the Soviet Instructions for maintaining labor records, clause 2.17 of the Instructions, approved. Resolution of the State Committee for Labor dated June 20, 1974 No. 162 (lost force) There is no requirement in the current Rules that a record of military service must be made before making an entry for employment with subp. “a” clause 21 of the Rules. The fact that the chronology of the records will be disrupted will not in any way affect their correctness. Rostrud also agrees with this.

From authoritative sources

“ Information about the time of military service, in accordance with Federal law dated March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”, are entered into the work book at the place of work. Since the Rules for maintaining work books do not provide for a strict sequence for making such entries, they can be entered into the work book at any time before the dismissal of the employee and by any employer.

Thus, a record of military service can be made even after a record of employment with ".


Soviet labor books issued in the CIS countries are valid in Russia

Yu.I. Pesotskaya, Voronezh

We hired an employee - a citizen of the Russian Federation, who was previously a citizen of the Republic of Belarus. He presented us with a work book issued in this country, with work records in Russian. This is his first time getting a job in Russia. Can we continue the entries in the work book presented to him or should we get him a Russian work book and transfer into it information from a work book issued in a foreign country?

: It all depends on whether the document presented to you is a work book under Russian law.

This can be either a Soviet-style work book for an employee (for example, approved by Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers dated April 21, 1975 No. 310), or a new-style work book approved in this CIS country after the collapse of the USSR. If this is a Soviet work book, feel free to make entries about work in it, since these books continue to be valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. If this is a work book of a sample approved by the Republic of Belarus, then it is a foreign work book and is not recognized on the territory of the Russian Federation. Then the employee needs to have a Russian work book. This was confirmed to us by Rostrud.

From authoritative sources

“In the Russian Federation, when applying for a job, work books of the Russian standard are drawn up and maintained, or work books of the Union standard continue to be maintained. clause 2 of Government Decree No. 225 of April 16, 2003.

Maintaining work books of a foreign type, including the type approved by the Republic of Belarus, is not allowed. An employee hired in Russia must have a Russian-style work book issued.”


An employee’s Russian work book does not need to indicate information about work experience in a foreign country. That is, there is no need to transfer entries from a foreign work book to a Russian work book. Letter of Rostrud dated June 15, 2005 No. 908-6-1.

Education information can be entered at any time

Z.I. Bunchuk, Stavropol

This year we hired an employee whose work record did not indicate his education. Diploma of higher education was issued to him in 2010, when he was still working in another organization. Can we make a record of education on the title page of his work record book now?

: Yes, you can. In principle, a record of education on the title page of the work book is made when an employee enters work for the first time with a document on education and subp. “b” clause 9 of the Rules; clause 2.1 Instructions.

But since the employee presented a diploma when applying for a job in your organization, you need to fill out the “Education” column on the title page of his work book, indicating “higher education” there professional education" Also, based on the diploma, you need to indicate the profession and specialty received by the employee. If the column “Profession, specialty” on the title page of the work book was filled out by the previous employer, and the employee received a new profession, specialty, then this column must be supplemented without crossing out the previously made entry and pp. 2.1, 2.4 Instructions. Do not forget to attach a copy of the diploma to the employee’s personal file.

a) last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth (day, month, year) - on the basis of a passport or other identity document;

b) education, profession, specialty - on the basis of documents on education, qualifications or the presence of special knowledge (when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training).

10. All entries about the work performed, transfer to another permanent job, qualifications, dismissal, as well as awards made by the employer, are entered into the work book on the basis of the relevant order (instruction) of the employer no later than a week, and in case of dismissal - on the day of dismissal and must correspond exactly to the text of the order (instruction).

11. All entries in the work book are made without any abbreviations and have their own serial number within the appropriate section.

12. The employer is obliged to familiarize the owner with each entry made in the work book about work performed, transfer to another permanent job and dismissal, against signature in his personal card, which repeats the entry made in the work book.

(see text in the previous edition)

13. The work book is filled out in the manner approved by the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

14. Entries in the work book about the reasons for termination of the employment contract are made in strict accordance with the wording of the Labor Code

15. Upon termination of an employment contract on the grounds provided for in Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (except for cases of termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer and due to circumstances beyond the will of the parties (clauses 4 and this article)), an entry is made in the work book about dismissal (termination of employment contract) with reference to the relevant paragraph of part one of this article.

(see text in the previous edition)

16. When terminating an employment contract at the initiative of the employer, an entry about dismissal (termination of the employment contract) is made in the work book with reference to the relevant paragraph of Article 81

17. When an employment contract is terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, an entry is made in the work book about the grounds for termination of the employment contract with reference to the relevant paragraph of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

18. When terminating an employment contract on other grounds provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal laws, an entry about dismissal (termination of the employment contract) is made in the work book with reference to the relevant article, paragraph of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal law.

19. Upon termination of an employment contract with an employee who, in accordance with a court verdict, has been deprived of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities and has not served his sentence, an entry is made in the work book about on what basis, for what period and what position he was deprived of. the right to occupy (what activities one is deprived of the right to engage in).

20. Information about part-time work (about dismissal from this job), at the request of the employee, is entered at the place of main work in the work book on the basis of a document confirming part-time work.

21. The following entry is also made in the work book at the place of work, indicating the relevant documents:

A) on the time of military service in accordance with the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service", as well as on the time of service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, institutions and bodies of the criminal-executive system, tax police bodies, drug control agencies and psychotropic substances and customs authorities;

(see text in the previous edition)

22. Relevant entries made in the work book of persons released from work (position) in connection with an illegal conviction or removed from office in connection with illegal prosecution, established respectively by an acquittal or a resolution (ruling) on ​​the termination of a criminal case in absence the events of the crime, due to the absence of corpus delicti in the act or the lack of proof of their participation in the commission of the crime, are recognized as invalid. The employer, upon a written application from the employee, issues him a duplicate work book without the entry declared invalid. A duplicate of the work book is issued to the specified persons in the manner established by these Rules.

In the work books of persons who have served correctional labor without imprisonment, an entry is made at the place of work stating that the time worked during this period is not counted towards continuous work experience. This entry is made in the work books at the end of the actual term of serving the sentence, which is established according to certificates from the internal affairs bodies.