Should cats be washed? Can I wash my cat with regular human shampoo or soap? What can you use to wash your cat with shampoo?

Any domestic cat, even those who do not participate in exhibitions, washing is necessary. A long-haired cat should (ideally) be washed once a week. If possible, never skimp on cat shampoo. A good shampoo is quite expensive, but it is economical. Try to use only shampoo specifically designed for cats (their fur is thinner and more delicate than human hair).

As a last resort, in the absence of one, you can use baby shampoo “without tears” good quality, ideally organic. “Everyday” washing is different from “show” washing, and this is natural. It has a completely different purpose. Your goal here is to improve the health of your cat's coat and skin. Washing helps to shed dead hair faster, improves skin condition, unclogs pores, which promotes the growth of new healthy hair, of course, provided that the shampoo and conditioner you use are selected correctly, taking into account the characteristics of your animal's coat.

During washing, during the soaping process, under the influence of warm water and massage, dead hair is more easily separated and blood flow to the skin is stimulated.

In addition, during “everyday” washing, you do not set the goal of “pre-show” degreasing of the wool and do not water it with all sorts of antistatic agents and fluffers, which, to put it mildly, are not very useful for either its stomach or its fur, but, on the contrary, carry out various healing and restorative procedures. You don’t do “10” soaps; one or two are enough. You have the opportunity to treat the wool with a restorative, healing conditioner, which should be selected individually for each animal, depending on its coat structure.

To do this, before the last rinse, add a certain amount of conditioner to a bowl of water or apply it diluted (1 part conditioner to 5 parts water) directly onto the animal’s fur, leave for 1-2 minutes and rinse thoroughly. As a rule, after this the wool no longer requires additional treatment with an antistatic agent or powder; it is enough to dry it with a towel and finally dry it with a hairdryer. An important positive factor frequent washing, is to get the cat used to this process, which will relieve her of stress before the exhibition.

Note: After vaccination, you can wash your cat no earlier than two weeks later.


If you think that preparing for a show consists only of the activities that you should do with your cat on the eve of the show, you are mistaken.

Exhibition preparation is a very important - the final stage of daily cat care.

It begins with your kitten’s first acquaintance with water, his first bath at the age of 1.5-2 months, during which it is very important not to frighten the baby, so as not to turn the subsequent “ bath days” into a difficult test for both sides. It is equally important to introduce him to the comb, as well as to develop in him such necessary qualities as contact and trust in your hands. All these qualities are instilled in the animal during daily care.

So, taking into account all of the above, the beginning of the “final stage” is at least 3-4 weeks before the exhibition.

A month before the exhibition

During this period, you no longer set yourself the goal of combing the cat to the ground. Now your only grooming tool is a metal comb that is gentle on her fur. Now you protect, cultivate and cherish EVERY hair. For the same purpose, for “wool” cats, it is recommended to use conditioner every day to stimulate hair growth after shedding.

Along with this, right now, if necessary, you should remove excess hair, which sometimes negatively affects the appearance of the cat.

Trimming done too late can result in an animal exhibiting a "plucked chicken" appearance, which will result in a lower score and, in some cases, disqualification.

In addition, right now, 4 weeks before the exhibition, you have the last opportunity to try out the “innovations”. Now, on the pet goods market, there is a considerable selection of shampoos and cosmetics for exhibition grooming of animals, with the availability of which it is much easier to achieve the desired success.

Which ones are the best? Of course, those that are optimal for your animal. They are found only experimentally, purchasing them taking into account the quality and color of the cat’s fur.

Therefore, if you are going to use an unfamiliar shampoo for the first time for the final exhibition preparation of an animal, do not use it without first checking it. Try washing your cat with it in advance, about a month before the exhibition. Make sure there is no allergic irritation and look at the quality of the animal's washed hair.

It is very important, now, to pay special attention in advance to the cleanliness of the outer surface of the tail root, where the ducts are located sebaceous glands(in cats).

One week until the exhibition

And now everyday life is over, the most important period lies ahead. In order to show off your cat in full force, you need to “prepare” it. Each breeder has his own training method and there is simply no universal “best” one.

We are all learning, trying to achieve better results. Let's try different kinds shampoos, antistatic agents, powder, etc. Sometimes our experiments are successful, sometimes not so much, because the structure of the coat and colors of our cats are so diverse. What is great on one animal is absolutely not suitable on another - everything should be selected individually.

Don't be afraid to experiment, but listen to sound advice PERSONAL experience, never try out new cosmetics just before the exhibition.

Show washing of a long-haired cat

It can be such a shame when a beautiful, undoubtedly outstanding animal does not become a participant in the final show of an exhibition. Although the best among its competitors, it is “unworthy” of a beauty contest due to poor exhibition preparation. However, the cat is worthy. Its owner is unworthy if he prepared the animal for an exhibition, guided by the principle “it will do just fine.”

If the washing process seems too labor-intensive to you, and “it will do as it is” turns out to be stronger than you, powder your cat’s nose. It's not difficult and very effective when combined with unwashed wool.

Washing the cat plays a vital role in preparing for the exhibition. After all, unlike everyday exhibition wash a more labor-intensive and multi-stage event and its goal is to maximally emphasize the advantages of each color, fluff it up, add volume, shine, in general, present it in at its best all the indescribable virtues of the adored creature. What's the best way to do this?

Where should you start?

Of course, with the preparation of everything necessary. First of all, from the washing products you have tested in advance.

The washing process consists of equally important steps.

1. Preparation for washing (where to wash, what to wash with, what to wipe with, dry, comb, water, sprinkle, spray).

2. Preparing the animal (claws, fur, ears). At this stage, you should carefully remove any stray, protruding hairs from your cat's face, giving her face a clean, round shape (please don't overdo it - leave the cat at least a whisker!)

3. First soaping (the goal is to clean problem areas).

4. Second soaping (the goal is to degrease the wool).

5. Third soaping (the goal is show coat condition).

6. Fourth soaping (the goal is to emphasize the advantages of the coat color). At this stage, fluffing agents, adding volume, shine, silkiness, antistatic properties, and conditioners are used.

7. Final rinsing.

8. Drying - grooming.

Now in details:

1. Place for washing. This can be a basin so deep that the cat's entire body is submerged in water. Remember, after each soaping there are 3-5 rinses, which should not be neglected, so the location of the basin is very important so that the procedure of draining and collecting water is not too tiring for your animal. It is convenient to wash the cat directly in the washbasin, if its size allows, in this case there are no problems with changing the water.

Place everything you need while washing so that it is within your reach and out of your cat's reach.

2. Preparing the cat. Trim her nails. Gently clean the ears, giving them the desired more rounded shape so that they look smaller, and pluck out the tufts on them (growing at the tip of the ear, but not inside). Pluck tufts of hair in the form of “horns” between the ears (ears should be set wide apart!).

Comb your cat with a wide-toothed comb to remove tangles; areas under the arms, collar, pants, and belly require special attention. Gently comb the tail.

Place cotton balls in your ears to prevent water from getting in there while washing your hair.

Remember that your animal is nervous and is facing a difficult and unpleasant test, so be calm and affectionate, do not fuss, your movements should be confident and unhurried. Talk to your cat, don’t forget that she feels more confident when she has support under her feet.

It is very good if you have an assistant who will support her.

3. First soaping. Having placed the “object of torture” in a container of water, pay attention to thoroughly and deeply “blotting” (to the base of the hairs) the entire body of the animal.

To achieve the best result, you should first dissolve a little Fairy or degreasing shampoo in a container of water in which you will wash the cat. The dirtier the animal, the more saturated the solution should be. Immerse the cat in it for 10-15 minutes (only the head is above the surface) and in order to degrease the hairs as much as possible - carefully, using a metal comb with wide teeth, comb the fur over the entire body under water.

Next we move on to soaping. First of all, lather the most contaminated areas (behind the ears, chin, paws, pants, base of the tail, at the location of the gonad). At this stage, it is best to use a product for degreasing and deep cleaning of wool. For example: specially designed for particularly contaminated fur and washing problem areas, degreasing and whitening shampoos from well-known and proven companies producing cosmetics for animals “House of An-Zhu”, “8 in 1”, etc. In the absence of such, again use Dishwashing detergents that have proven themselves to be excellent for this purpose: Fairy, Brillo, etc.

When washing your cat's hair, rub a small amount of grease-free Super Cleansing Shampoo (or Fairy) on damp hands to create a little lather. Rub the shampoo thoroughly, all the way down to the skin, across the back of the cat's head (avoid getting the shampoo on the facial area, as this is not a tear-free shampoo). Remember to apply the foam to your cheeks and chin (avoid eyes, nose).

Note: It is very convenient to soap the head, ears, cheeks and short fur of the paws with a toothbrush.

After holding the foam for 1-2 minutes, proceed to one of the most important moments of washing - rinsing.

RULE #1!!! Rinsing should be thorough after EVERY soaping.

Do not skimp on water, the temperature of which should be slightly higher than for your own bathing.

Add vinegar to the rinse water at the rate of 4-5 tbsp. spoons per 10 liters of water. For light colors, it is better to replace vinegar with a previously diluted solution (1-2 tsp per 1 liter) citric acid. This will soften the water, make it easier to wash out the shampoo, and give the coat softness, silkiness, and shine.

4. Second soaping: Again, we use a specially designed concentrated, wool-degreasing shampoo, or a high-quality dishwashing detergent, such as Fairy, Brillo, etc.

Note: It should be remembered that any detergent with the addition of lemon slightly lightens the animal’s coat, therefore, unlike white and other lightened colors, for rich and tabby colors you should choose a product that does not contain lightening additives. Special attention again - problem areas.

5. Third soaping carried out with a special “exhibition”, pre-tested shampoo. During this soaping, carefully wash the cat's face (using a small sponge or small brush).

This soaping can be repeated 1-2 times.

6. We do the last soaping with a special shampoo, which is selected according to the color of the animal. Tinted shampoos or conditioners are applied to the animal’s fur in pure or diluted form, kept warm for 10-15 minutes and rinsed off thoroughly.

Note: Without experience, you might think that shampoos intended for different colors (red, black, etc.) have coloring properties. This is wrong. These shampoos revive, add richness to the color, they are color intensifiers, only with an effect aimed at a specific color.

7. During the final rinsing, pay attention to giving the wool the required volume.

At this stage, conditioner is applied. The choice is very important and INDIVIDUAL. An excellent volume effect can be achieved using Styling Gel from Ring 5. To create the highest effect of thick, fluffy and at the same time fluffy, light, flowing wool, it is recommended to dissolve a few tablespoons of the Gel or conditioner in a basin of warm water and immerse your losing patience martyr in there for 1-2 minutes so that his fur is soaked from roots to tips. The concentration of the solution is very important. It is selected individually, taking into account the structure of the fur of a particular animal, and its testing is carried out long before the exhibition wash.

After using conditioners, do not forget about rule No. 1 - be sure to rinse thoroughly multiple times. During the last rinse, respecting your work and the patience of your animal, rinse it a couple of extra times at once - this is much easier than rushing and then washing it completely. Such washing should be carried out 2-3 times during the last week before the exhibition (interval - 1-2 days). Last date washing is individual not only for each color, but also for each animal. If you are sure that you can preserve all this beauty in its original form, it is advisable to leave an interval of 2-3 days before the exhibition day. During this time, the wool will have time to acquire a natural appearance.

8. Drying - grooming. Having wet the cat well after washing, we give it a “styling.” Drying with a hairdryer, we give the coat the desired shape, emphasizing the inherent features of the breed. It is important, during the drying process, not to leave a single wavy hair on the cat’s body.

Let's start with the paws. We lift the wool (with a thick comb or brush) from the bottom up, directing the air flow to the base of the wool. Drying it in this mode, using a brush we give the paws the fullest shape.

Pulling the wool with a comb so that there is no wave, we dry the collar, giving it volume. Particular attention should be paid to the shirtfront and soft wool in the area of ​​the ears. It is in these places that the wool stubbornly refuses to straighten. To speed up the drying process, you can apply a little powder to slightly damp coat (only for light colors). Gently combing with a thick comb, we dry the face, adding volume to the cheeks, forehead, and chin.

We comb the back against the grain, lifting it with a hairdryer from the base of the hair. In the same way we add volume to the sides.

We pull the fur on the stomach and pants down, straightening it along its entire length.

Using a wide-tooth comb, carefully dry the tail.

Antistatic agents can be used on both wet and dried wool (in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations). It is important to dry the wool completely. The remaining wet areas will ruin your work.

It is better to immediately powder light-colored animals, especially critical areas, this will slightly protect them from contamination. Excess powder can then be blown off with a hairdryer.

After drying, apply Visine drops to your eyes to relieve irritation. I think they won't hurt you either

The final preparation of the cat is carried out in the morning, on the day of the exhibition. The cat is “combed” against the coat, treated with show powder, antistatic agent, show foam - any product that helps give your animal’s coat volume, a special shine, has an antistatic effect, in general, gives the “finishing touch” before the show, and must be previously tested on your cat .

There is a large selection of these products available. The main thing here is a sense of proportion. Remember, the wool should be lively, soft to the touch and flowing, and not stick out like hard, over-powdered, over-varnished tow.

You are alive?!!

Place your unearthly beauty on a cleanly washed floor, having first removed everything that could help it acquire its original appearance.

Good luck, victories and pleasant impressions. And even if the judges at the show do not evaluate your child's type in the desired way, his preparation will certainly impress them. And the admiration of the audience will be a worthy reward for your efforts. And you can rightfully say to your cat - you are the most beautiful, you are the best. Because she needs it and because it's true. After all, for each of us, our child is the best.

After the end of the exhibition, you should definitely wash off from your champion everything that you “dirty” him with during the last week. Use a restorative conditioner.

Washing show cats

Here I hear a surprised question: Why wash them? The cat licks her clean anyway. It is not without reason that they say that there is some truth in every joke.

One day at work we were talking with the girls about how often they wash the stove (for cooking). And one of the employees asks in bewilderment: Why wash the stove? I will water it with valerian, and the cats will lick it until it shines. We laughed together, no one understood whether it was true or a lie. But I remember this conversation.

I think every housewife has her own opinion: how often to wash dishes, what detergents to use. But when it comes to cat dishes, doubts arise: is it possible to use detergents, dishwashers, and how often to wash?

Let's listen to the opinions of experts on this issue:

Can you use detergents to wash cat bowls?

It turns out that not only is it recommended to wash cat bowls hot water with soap (preferably baby soap, without using detergents) after each animal meal. But according to William Bill of the Center for Veterinary Medicine, you should definitely wash your hands with soap before and after handling your cat's bowls (especially if you're pregnant).

Can cat bowls be washed in dishwashers?

Cat bowls can be washed in the dishwasher, but first clear the bowl of any remaining food. If you have small children at home or people with weak immune systems (sick, elderly), then it is not recommended to wash your cat’s dishes together with yours.

How often should you wash your cat's bowls?

Why you need to wash your cat's bowls immediately after eating. The answer is simple: in cat food, just like in human food, bacteria appear after long storage. This applies to all food, even dry food.

If it can be stored room temperature, then it must be stored in the refrigerator after opening the canned food. It is not recommended to leave such food in your pet's bowl for more than two hours.

Because pets eat straight from the bowl, the germs and bacteria that normally live in your pet's mouth can remain on the bowl (even if your cat has licked it).

I won’t list what bacteria are formed in a cat’s bowl; if you’re interested, read the article: that’s not the point.

It is recommended to treat the area where cat bowls are kept with a weak chlorinated solution. I’ll add on my own, don’t overdo it, many cats don’t like the smell of bleach! There must be moderation in everything. Otherwise, your pet will refuse to eat altogether.

Pay special attention to the bowl for drinking water. The film that forms on the surface of the water contains a number of bacteria that cause water spoilage. It is recommended to change the water and wash the bowl daily, and in hot weather twice a day.

Additionally, if you feed your pet raw food, you will need to take special precautions, including thoroughly sanitizing any surface used to cut up raw ingredients. Since raw food can be contaminated with salmonellosis (intestinal infection).

According to the Center for Control and Prevention intestinal infections Children under 5 years of age, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems are most likely to be at increased risk of severe illness from salmonella.


If you don't wash your cat's bowls for several days, you risk spreading dangerous bacteria and contracting foodborne illnesses. If you want to be healthy, wash your cat’s bowls after each meal. If you don't have this option, purchase several bowls for food and water.

And don't forget to wash your hands every time you come into contact with animal feed.

Meaaaaaaaaaaaaa Love cats.

It is no secret to most cat owners that if they decide to wash their pet, they need to purchase a special product for animals. But how can you bathe a cat if there is no special shampoo? Is it possible to use human cosmetics or is it worth washing a cat without shampoo? Let's try to understand these issues.

Why can't you wash your cat with human shampoo?

The structure of skin and hair in humans and cats is very different. There are very few sweat and sebaceous glands on the surface of a cat's body. The skin reaction is 4.5–6 (as opposed to the human pH level of 3–4.5). The upper keratinizing layer is thin and sensitive - such skin can easily be dried out with alkaline soap and irritated by artificial additives.

A cat's fur coat is a complex multi-level system that is involved in regulating the animal's body temperature. At the same time, its important element is the guard hairs, which, adjacent to each other, create a dense layer.

Violation of the hair cuticle with aggressive detergents leads to the fact that the hair becomes dull, disheveled, and tangles easily form in it. She cannot cope with her protective and thermoregulatory properties.

The difference between cat shampoos

In this regard, human and cat shampoos differ greatly in appearance and composition. For example, it is easy to see that cat detergents have different pH values.

In addition, cat shampoo should be completely rinsed off so as not to cause the risk of poisoning, since the cat will lick itself thoroughly after bathing. As a rule, such products do not contain strong-smelling fragrances so as not to irritate the animal’s sense of smell.

How to wash a cat when there is no special shampoo at hand?

If the cat is not very dirty, you can simply wipe its fur locally with a cloth dampened warm water. But there are situations when a cat requires urgent bath procedures, for example, she is heavily soiled with something, or her fur is contaminated with some toxic substance (which is not advisable to lick off).

In this case, one of the acceptable solutions is to use shampoo or liquid soap for newborns, or children under 3 years of age, with a neutral pH level and a minimum content of artificial additives, dyes and fragrances.

You can also use hair detergents intended for adults, just choose the most gentle one. These can be so-called soft shampoos intended for dry and damaged hair (they are distinguished by a low pH level), as well as alkalis.

Can I wash my cat with regular shampoo? It is not advisable to do this. After all, the skin of a cat and a person is different. It is no coincidence that special detergents have been created for pets. These pet shampoos are made taking into account all the characteristics of animal fur and skin. Chronic use of human hygiene products may lead to deterioration appearance fluffy pet. But there are times when the animal needs to be washed urgently, and a special detergent not at hand. Can I wash my cat with regular shampoo or soap? This can only be done in exceptional cases and very rarely. However, not just any shampoo or soap can be used for people.

Why is it not advisable to use human shampoo?

Cats and humans have different acidity (pH) of the skin. In addition, the composition of animal fur and human hair is not identical. That is why, to the question: “Is it possible to wash a cat with regular human shampoo?” veterinarians usually give a negative answer. Using human detergents can cause deterioration in coat quality, skin irritation and dandruff.

In addition, human shampoos often contain fragrances. Cats may find their smell unpleasant. Animals often begin to mark their territory in order to get rid of someone else's scent.

Of course, if you wash your cat with regular shampoo or soap once, it will not cause harm. But this cannot be done constantly and systematically.

When you urgently need to wash your cat

Cats are capable of taking care of their own cleanliness. They lick their fur several times a day; this behavior is inherent in them by nature. However, there are times when a pet requires additional water procedures. Sometimes the animal needs to be washed urgently. Then the owner is faced with the question: “Is it possible to bathe a cat with regular shampoo?”

Which shampoo to choose

How to use regular shampoo correctly? Can I wash my cat with any human hair product? Only baby shampoo is suitable for animals. This tool has the following advantages:

  1. Baby shampoos do not contain dangerous allergens.
  2. Shampoos for babies do not have a strong and pungent odor.
  3. Baby shampoos do not contain dyes that can cause poisoning for your pet.

Can I wash my cat with regular shampoo and conditioner? This is highly undesirable. Products with conditioner negatively affect the condition of your pet's coat. It is better to choose shampoo intended for small children under 3 years old. It is the safest for animals.

How to choose soap for a cat

So, we found out that it is only allowed to occasionally wash a cat with ordinary human shampoo. Can soap be used for water procedures? This should also only be done in exceptional cases. Human soap is harsh on your pet's fur and skin.

For water procedures, you can use baby liquid soap. It is the most harmless. You need to pay attention to its smell. A suitable detergent should not have a strong strong aroma. It must be remembered that cats are very sensitive to odors.

Some cat owners use laundry soap for washing. However, doing this is highly undesirable. This soap contains a lot of alkali and can cause skin irritation and itching. In addition, the cat can lick the remaining detergent from the fur, and this can cause stomach problems. You can only wash the soles of your paws with laundry soap when your cat comes in from outside.

How to wash an animal

How to properly wash a cat with regular human shampoo? Is it possible to use undiluted detergent on wool? Even the most gentle baby shampoo must be diluted with water before use. It cannot be applied to wool undiluted.

You need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of baby shampoo in 1 liter of water. This composition is applied to the wool and cleans it of dirt. It is important to rinse off the foam very thoroughly. To do this, the wool is washed three times with clean water.

It is known that cats do not like the process of bathing. This is due to the fact that when the animal gets wet, it freezes. Therefore, immediately after washing, the animal must be dried and covered with a towel. You should not dry the fur with a hairdryer; its sound can greatly frighten your pet. The cat should dry naturally. Towels need to be changed when they get wet.

When water procedures are contraindicated

Always regular shampoo? Sometimes any water procedures are contraindicated for pets, even with the use of cat detergents. You cannot bathe an animal in the following cases:

  1. If the cat is pregnant or nursing babies. During this period, animals are susceptible to colds. In addition, unnecessary stress is contraindicated for a pregnant pet.
  2. Old animals should not be washed. In older cats nervous system especially vulnerable.
  3. You should not wash cats that have undergone surgery.

You should also avoid water procedures if the room is too cold. Swimming is allowed at a room temperature of at least +22 degrees.

Washing a cat with human hygiene products is only possible in exceptional cases. It is better to stock up in advance on a sufficient number of cat shampoos that are made taking into account all the characteristics of the animal’s fur and skin.

In fact, cats are not as afraid of water as they say. There are cats who happily climb into the water like jungle cat. My Murka happily climbed into the pond and even swam across it several times. There are cats that calmly accept water procedures using detergents and are not at all afraid to be in the bathroom up to their necks in water. What cats are afraid of is splashing. If you want to give your cat a bath without ending up in the emergency room, try not to scare the animal with splashes or make noise.

Prepare a couple of buckets very warm water(a cat’s body temperature is slightly higher than a human’s and is 38-39.5 °C; in kittens it is even higher) and fill the basin in which you will bathe in advance. When there is a cat, do not open the shower; water from medium-sized saucepans almost end-to-end so that there is no splashing. Be careful not to let water get into your ears. If you need to wash your cat once, and not carry out any water procedures, then you can use Fairy as a detergent. Yes, that’s right, dish soap. It will do an excellent job not only with cat grease on the fur, but will quickly and effectively wash away more serious dirt. For example: machine oil, which not every shampoo can handle. Try not to use Fairy with a citrus scent, cats don't like it.

Another factor that frightens a cat is the ghostliness of the support. The animal will be ready to endure a lot of abuse if it feels support under its feet. Most often, the cat will have enough of the bottom of the basin under the hind legs and the edge of the basin under the front legs. If you bathe your cat in the bathtub, place a board across the bathtub into which the cat can sink its claws. This is not just a support - it is a pre-launch position. Be prepared for the fact that the animal may lunge forward. Constantly hold at least one front paw, clasping it with your palm above the knee, with your hand coming from the side of the animal’s back. When trying to run, grab the scruff of the neck with your other hand and shake it from side to side. You can do this alone, but it’s better with two people.

If you are washing a cat for the first time or already know that your cat cannot tolerate water procedures, then you only need two people to wash it - one holds it, the other washes it and brings the cat out of shock if necessary. Both are wearing long sleeves and are closed at the neck. It will drape over your arms and onto your shoulders. It is advisable to trim the claws in advance; there will be fewer deep cut wounds (but more torn, not deep ones) if the cat pulls out.

Hold your hand under your chest, your index finger between your paws, above your knees. Clamp it so it doesn't break out. Don't loosen your grip. For hind legs the same thing - stick your hand under the butt above the knees with the index finger between the paws. In this state, slowly place the cat in a basin of water so that he feels that he is standing on a support with all his paws, this way he will be calmer. Lifting for soaping is also slow.

The one who washes must ensure that the cat does not panic and begin to rush around and bite the person holding it. If something happens, he should hiss at the cat, take it by the scruff of the neck and shake it from side to side, this will disorient and calm the cat. If he starts biting, flick your hand on the nose. The palm may be wet, but in no case soapy. It is much more difficult to calm a cat with water in its nose or soap in its eye.

After rinsing, wrap the cat tightly in a towel like a baby. After a couple of minutes, when the towel has absorbed most of the water from the wool, change the towel. After another couple of minutes, you can loosen your grip and, if the cat wants to get out, let the cat out - let him lick himself.

If you think that the cat is offended by you after bathing and you doubt his intentions towards you, use