The toenail became yellow and dry. Causes of yellow toenails and methods of treatment. Internal reasons why toenails turn yellow

Overuse of nail polish and fungal infections are the most likely causes of yellow toenails. However, yellow nails can also be a sign of more serious medical conditions.

Nails are usually colorless and translucent, so people can clearly see the pinkish flesh underneath the nails in most cases. However, sometimes the toenails take on a yellow tint. This can be caused by a number of factors.

  • nail plate - hard outer shell;
  • nail bed - the flesh located under the nail plate;
  • nail folds - the skin surrounding the nail plate;
  • cuticle - skin tissue that covers the base of the nail and protects it from the penetration of bacteria;
  • lunula - a light semicircle at the base of the nail.

Nails grow as living cells under the cuticle replace and push older dead cells forward. These dead cells form a hard nail plate that protects the fingers.

Parts of the nail may turn yellow due to the natural aging process. As people age, the color, thickness and shape of people's nails change. In such cases there should be no cause for concern.

However, yellowing of nails can also occur for other reasons that require medical attention. The most common of them are listed below.


If the nail comes into contact with a harmful fungus, it can lead to the development of a fungal nail infection, which is commonly referred to in medicine as onychomycosis.

Onychomycosis can affect any part of the nail and cause it to turn yellow. This infection causes discomfort that makes it difficult for people to walk.

Fungal infections are a common cause of yellowing nails.

Yellow nail syndrome

Yellow nail syndrome is a very rare medical condition that causes the toenails and fingernails to turn yellow. Other symptoms include slow nail growth, weak cuticles, and an increased tendency of nails to become damaged.

Yellow nail syndrome can cause more serious consequences, including respiratory problems and swelling of the lower extremities. The exact cause of this pathology has not been established, but it is known that it often affects people over 50 years of age.

Nail polish

Excessive use of polish can cause discoloration of your nails. In particular, using polish that is red, yellow or orange can cause your nails to turn yellow.

Such nails, as a rule, have an unaesthetic appearance, but they do not cause any harm to human health.

Medical conditions

Some people's nails may turn yellow due to medical conditions, such as:

  • psoriasis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • sinusitis;
  • jaundice.

If the cause of a person's yellowing nails is the listed conditions, then he will most likely experience other symptoms.

When should you see a doctor?

A doctor should investigate the symptoms that accompany yellowing nails

If a person is confident that the cause of yellowing nails is not related to the use of varnish, then he should consider meeting with a doctor who can diagnose and offer effective treatment.

A visit to a specialist is especially important for those who experience other symptoms, which may include the following:

  • pain;
  • bleeding;
  • change in the shape or thickness of the nail plate;
  • swelling.


Yellowing toenails are usually caused by fungal infections or overuse of nail polish. In the latter case, the nail may return to its natural state if you do not use polish for at least a week.

Fungal infections are treated using oral or topical antifungal medications. The therapeutic course can be long - sometimes it lasts up to a year.

If yellowing toenails are caused by underlying medical conditions, then the best path to solving the problem is through treating those conditions.

However, there are several home treatments that may be helpful for people with yellow toenails. These methods include the following:

  • applying tea tree oil diluted with a carrier oil to the affected nail;
  • soaking the affected nail in hot water with diluted baking soda;
  • applying vinegar to the affected nail;
  • including sufficient vitamin E in the diet;
  • soaking the affected nail in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water;


Proper foot hygiene will help prevent yellow toenails.

It is not always possible to prevent the development of yellow toenails, but people can reduce the risk in the following ways:

  • regular washing of nails, direct soaping of nails while taking a shower;
  • keeping nails dry, drying them thoroughly after washing;
  • using clean scissors to trim nails;
  • wearing clean shoes that fit well and do not put undue pressure on the nails;
  • refusal to constantly wear shoes that completely cover the feet in regions with a hot climate;
  • refusal to swim in contaminated water;
  • wearing clean socks;
  • airing sports shoes after training;
  • regular exercise that ensures good blood circulation.


A person's toenails can turn yellow for various reasons. In most cases, these causes are fungal infections or excessive use of nail polish. However, sometimes yellow nails can indicate hidden medical conditions that require professional attention.

If the cause of yellowing nails is not related to varnish, then in such a situation a person needs to visit the hospital.

Proper foot hygiene, keeping your toes dry, and treating medical conditions can all help prevent yellow toenails.

Having noticed the first signs of the appearance of yellow nails on the hands or feet, everyone experiences great concern because they look ugly. An attribute of a successful person is beautiful and well-groomed nails. Yellow toenails bring a lot of trouble to their owners, the reasons for this can be different. However, many consider the yellow color of the nail plate to be just an annoying cosmetic nuisance. Few people realize how serious such a complex problem is. Clean pink horny transparent plates on the fingers of the limbs are an indicator of good physical health

An intact plate has a pink color, flexibility, moderate density, and a smooth, even surface. An important sensitive part of the nail is the lunula, which is located at the base of each nail. The growth of the plate occurs here. This pale pink or white hole on the nails has the shape of a crescent.

Why might toenails turn yellow? You need to promptly seek help from a specialist. An experienced diagnostician can tell a patient a lot by studying the changes in color and texture of ungnis, which have a complex anatomical structure. In order for the treatment of horny plates located on the nail bed to be as effective as possible, it is important to immediately determine the etiology of yellowing of the nails.

Causes of pigment abnormality ungnis

If a yellow color appears in the horny plates, it is necessary to determine the problem. Why do my toenails turn yellow?

If a person has unsightly yellow nails on his big toes, the cause of such disorders may be a painful condition of the body. Under the influence of internal diseases, the structure and color of the ungnis often change. This is due to damage to various organs. Yellowness of the nail plate is a clear visible symptom of various ailments. What diseases are accompanied by a transformation in the appearance of nails?

The horny plates turn yellow due to such serious health problems as:

  1. Multiple sclerosis is a progressive neurological pathology. This is a dangerous chronic autoimmune disease. The patient's nervous system is seriously affected. The nutrition of all tissues in the body is significantly disrupted.
  2. Tabes dorsalis is a progressive syphilitic lesion of the central nervous system. At the late stage of syphilis, pronounced autonomic disorders and sensory disturbances are observed. Since the nervous system is affected at various levels, serious problems arise. The horny plates on the toes lose their healthy appearance.
  3. Infantile spinal paralysis - polio. Clinical manifestations of this infectious disease are accompanied by significant impairment of muscle function and tissue damage. Blood supply to the extremities deteriorates. Usually, parents do not immediately pay attention to defects in the transparent plates on the legs.
  4. Diabetes. One of its striking manifestations is the yellowness of the nail plates, since with this disease small capillaries are gradually destroyed. Blood circulation in the lower extremities is severely impaired. Fungal infections often affect the ungnis and diabetic feet. Damage to the nail plates is very dangerous for patients with diabetes.
  5. Skin diseases. Psoriasis is a common cause of sudden yellow discoloration of affected nail beds. Yellowed ungnis flakes greatly and quickly fades. Numerous noticeable depressions appear throughout the entire area of ​​the plate.
  6. The thickness and color of the nail plate are always affected by varicose veins, previous jaundice, diabetes and erythroderma, serious problems with the myocardium, liver, lungs, and taking certain medications. Congenital disorders often cause changes in the normal structure and color of the nail plates in children.

Onychiae is the general name for all diseases of the horny plate on the fingers. A congenital disease of ungnis is onychogryphosis. The nail plate thickens and becomes dirty brown or yellow. It rises and bends to the side, acquiring a claw-like shape, which is characterized by a striated, uneven surface of an unusually hard plate. Several deep transverse and longitudinal grooves appear here.

A disease of fungal origin - mycosis. Different types of fungi can affect the condition of your nails. Pseudomonas infects the base of the nail. Trichophyton is one of the most common pathogens. Horny plates affected by a fungal infection take on a characteristic unkempt appearance. In the center, on the sides of the dense horny plate, yellowish spots and stripes appear. Such disorders most often appear on the legs. Yellow nail plates become loose and flake. The nail on the big toe is gradually destroyed. Often the foot is also affected by a dangerous pathogen.

Due to dangerous fungal infections, the nail plate acquires a greenish or yellow color. Fungus is a common cause of destruction of the nail plate. Its tissues become denser and pathologically change. The nail plate affected by candidiasis becomes thinner at the lateral edges. Mycosis cannot be started. You need to contact a mycologist who treats fungal tissue infections.

Trophic changes in the nails (onychodystrophia) are common. In this case, a change in their natural color is observed. Various abnormalities appear in the nail matrix area. The nail folds and the bed of the horny plate are affected. Why do toenails often peel and turn yellow?

A very rare disease is yellow nail syndrome. Hypoplasia of the lymphatic system is another name for this pathology. Middle-aged and elderly men most often suffer from this disease. In such patients, nail growth slows down significantly. Due to the growth of horny masses on the plate, the ungnis thickens. Toenails are yellow. The edges of the nail plate may darken, its surface acquires a greenish-yellow tint. Only in rare cases can the normal shape and structure of the fingernails be restored.

Smoking always harms the entire human body. Nicotine turns a smoker's fingers and nails an unpleasant yellow color because every cigarette contains tar. Damage to the body caused by tobacco can be very severe. Due to the effects of nicotine, smoker's nails do not receive enough oxygen. They look extremely unpleasant and become very weak.

Food also has an impact on this problem. Even in healthy people, carotenoderma can occur with an excessive intake of beta-carotene from food. If the carotene content exceeds the norm by 3 times, clinical manifestations of this pathology occur. With these disorders, there may be a yellow-orange pigment in the nails, mucous membranes and the entire surface of the skin. Keratin scales are visible on yellowed nail plates, causing the nails to become rough. In severe cases, carotene jaundice develops.

The influence of various toxic chemical compounds is negatively affected by the frequent use of household chemicals and low-quality nail polish removers.

Nails become yellow and brittle as a result of constant painting with varnish. Coloring pigments based on nitrocellulose intensively tint the nail plate, penetrating deep into the tissues. The nutrition of nails under a dense layer of decorative coating on the hands is significantly impaired.

Visible yellowing of the nail plate is often the result of a long course of treatment with arsenic drugs, quinol group drugs, and tetracycline antibiotics. Yellow-brown stains remain on the affected nails.

At the first symptoms of a change in the appearance of your nails, you should immediately seek help. Problematic nails need to be properly examined. If yellowness appears, the cause is determined by the doctor after examination. Consultation with an endocrinologist is required.

It is necessary to determine the etiological factors of the abnormal color of the nail plate. Serious internal disorders can only be treated by a specialist. The doctor will prescribe a course of treatment or advise you to change your lifestyle. It is useful to give up bad habits. The treatment regimen must be strictly followed.

Nail fungus is treated with turpentine salt baths. It is necessary to disinfect shoes with chloramine or formaldehyde solution. A dermatologist can prescribe Lamisil in the form of a gel or cream, antimycotic varnish Loceryl, Terbinafine in tablet form. It is required to undergo a full course of treatment in advanced cases of fungal infection.

It is necessary to use special cosmetics for the base coat and high-quality decorative cosmetics. Do not use manicure polish for more than 5 days in a row. Why is this necessary? Since the nail plate has a porous structure, the ungnis tissue must be able to “breathe”. Professional types of manicure are safe for the healthy growth of ungnis.

Supportive and symptomatic treatment is usually prescribed to patients suffering from yellow nail syndrome. Damaged areas of the horny plate must be lubricated with antimycotic agents. Special preparations with zinc and vitamin E in oil are carefully applied to damaged areas of ungnis. Nail plates should always be protected from the slightest damage. Daily warm baths with baking soda are helpful.

If the untidy yellow color of your nails is not associated with internal diseases, you can return the horny plates to their normal pink color at home. A sea salt bath is effectively used for this purpose. You can lubricate your nails with a piece of lemon every day. When doing housekeeping, you should always use gloves to protect the nail plates on your hands.

A yellow toenail is not normal. A change in color should always be a reason to seriously think about your health. Yellowed plates on the leg can be both a sign of a serious disease and an annoying cosmetic nuisance. Self-medication can do a lot of harm. It is necessary to include a visit to a qualified medical specialist in your plans in a timely manner. It is necessary to consult an experienced dermatologist. If necessary, he will refer the patient to other specialists.

If you start to notice that your toenails are turning yellow and changing, this may be a sign that you have contracted an infection, or it may be a sign that there is a problem in your body, one of the organs is not working properly. This will make you feel uncomfortable. Because it will not be possible to wear it open and visit public places. You need to solve the problem, and not try to hide it with varnishes or extensions.

Reasons for appearance

The appearance of yellowness can be influenced by various factors, not only internal, but also external. Sometimes this happens if you have previously had jaundice. And it, as you know, has a great influence on all systems of the body, because we are talking about the work of the liver. This not only causes the nails to turn yellow, but also causes hepatitis or cirrhosis.

It also happens that you have been taking antibiotics for a long time, in which the main component is tetracycline. And this drug causes yellowness. Then we can talk about metabolic disorders and stomach problems, diabetes, kidney disease, stress, chronic immunodeficiency can be a prerequisite for the appearance of yellow nails. But the most common problem is still considered to be a fungal infection, which actually affects the toenails.

Although even a solarium or harmful sun rays cause yellowness. Just like bad and low-quality coatings. Therefore, to determine the cause, you need to consult a doctor. He will collect all the tests and draw a conclusion, then treatment will be prescribed. If your problem is not medical, but cosmetic, then it can be solved quickly at home or in a salon.

Yellow nail syndrome

One more strange phenomenon can be identified, which concerns the yellowness on the hands of middle-aged men or women. Often this indicates a malfunction in the body’s system, but without an examination nothing can be established for sure. If we talk about external factors. Even using water and detergents without gloves can lead to this problem. After all, the nail plate absorbs everything, but a lot of it is also washed out with water.

How is the treatment carried out?

If the problem is in the care products, then simply change them or completely abandon them. After all, low-quality varnish or acetone will not only dry out the nail, but also make it brittle, yellow and thin. Most experts advise applying a protective treatment coating before using varnish. It will not only prevent it from affecting the nail, but will also keep the polish on much longer. Wearing nail polish or shellac should be limited to five days and take a break on weekends.

Between this, you can do revitalizing baths, masks, or apply cuticle and nail oils. They will not only give you freshness and well-groomed appearance, but will also nourish your nails with moisture, nutrients and vitamins.

If the problem is a fungus, then you cannot do without the help of a doctor. Because individual treatment will be developed for you according to the degree of infection and type. Local remedies are often used in the form of gels, creams, and patches. But sometimes this is not enough, and then you also need to use pills or serious antibiotics, but this only happens in the final stages, when you have really started the infection. Folk remedies made from infusions of herbs, garlic and honey also help in this matter; baths with salt and; iodine rubbing; usage .

If you are not yet sure that you have a fungus, then take a closer look at your toenails; yellowness, dark spots, scales, softness or noticeable thickening of the nail, an unpleasant odor, and nearby skin inflammation indicates that... That's why you need professional help. Especially if you already have a serious stage of infection. When iodine alone is not enough. This will require a more global set of procedures.

It should be noted that you will have to disinfect all your things, towels, shoes and even the floor, because fungal spores live for a very long time even in sand or soil. This means that you or your loved ones can become infected again.

You will need to take care of your diet and include more meat, dairy products and minerals. Avoid bad habits, especially smoking, because this can also cause your nails to turn yellow. Always use closed slippers on the beach or in the pool or sauna.

Traditional methods of treating yellow nails

If the problem has already been solved and the symptoms have been eliminated, then you can deal with the aesthetic side of the issue and remove yellowness from nails at home:

  • Lemon juice when rubbed into the plate or used in baths with it, it perfectly brightens the nails and returns them to their former shine;
  • Tea tree oil not only treat nails, but also disinfect them, can overcome the initial stages of fungus (how to take it for nail fungus in detail);
  • Vinegar, oil and raw egg Not only will they restore the nail, but they will also be able to whiten it and prevent the appearance of bacteria or fungal spores on your nails. Just mix it all and apply it on your nails at night. Put on cotton gloves on top and go to bed. In the morning, rinse off the composition and apply moisturizer;

  • Salicylic ointment It also whitens the nail well and takes good care of it, disinfects and restores it. Just apply it at night, put on socks and go to bed. A few weeks of such procedures and there will be no trace of fungus and yellowness;
  • Tinctures of oak bark, calendula and celandine They help a lot with problems like this. You can make baths or lotions with them for a couple of months;

Moreover, you can combine all these methods and change them. At the same time, from time to time, do a manicure and file off the yellow part of the nail, but do it carefully and accurately. Because you can damage the inner layers of the matrix and the problem will get worse. After all, the nail may completely stop growing and renewing itself. In general, you will have to wait about three months until the cells are completely renewed and a new nail grows.

Whatever the reason, always carefully monitor the condition of your feet and hands to avoid such situations. Because they not only lose beauty, but also complicate life and cause discomfort.


Are you really happy with life with this disease? With its side effects? Are you ready to endure itching, hiding your feet from others, suffering from pain, losing your nails?

Yellow nails are a common problem faced by both women and men. Color does not affect general well-being, but is considered a cosmetic defect and leads to moral discomfort. If a person has yellow toenails, it is necessary to visit a specialist to find the cause of the problem. A change in their shade does not necessarily indicate the presence of a serious disease. Often yellowness is provoked by external factors. In such cases, it is permissible to bleach the plates at home. If the situation is accompanied by additional symptoms, for example, the nail begins to peel or come off, then consultation with a doctor is required.

Among the most easily eliminated causes of discoloration of the keratin layer is an incorrect diet. A number of herbal products can lead to staining of the nail plate. It turns yellow-orange if a person consumes too many carrots. When the situation is related to nutrition, it is enough to reduce the amount of the provoking product, and the yellow color will soon disappear on its own.

What else can a pathological shade mean:

  • Smoking abuse. Nicotine tar passes through the nails and changes their color. It is possible to get rid of yellowness only by giving up a bad habit;
  • Using household chemicals. Some cleaners penetrate into the nail beds. The little finger especially suffers, since the keratin layer there is very thin. For protection, you can use rubber gloves and cream;
  • Long-term use of antibiotics. Tetracycline drugs accumulate in these tissues, gradually changing color;
  • Lack of nutrients. An incorrectly structured diet can affect the appearance of nails. Vitamin deficiency causes brown spots. A lack of calcium causes the plates to begin to thin, crumble and turn yellow.

Also, nail color may change due to excessive consumption of caffeine-containing products or prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. In the latter case, the nail partially turns yellow, for example, spots appear on it.

Often, damage to the structure of the keratin plate occurs during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that all the vitamins and minerals in a woman’s body are used for the development of the fetus. Nails restore their color on their own after childbirth and breastfeeding.

If women's nail color has changed, it is necessary to examine the varnish used. A poor quality product may adversely affect the condition of the plate and lead to stains. It is recommended to choose acetone-free options and use a base coat before coating.

If none of the above reasons could lead to yellowing, then you need to consult a doctor to look for the disease.

Nail whitening

When yellowness develops from external factors, it is permissible to carry out bleaching at home. This method receives positive feedback from both doctors and their patients. Two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and five tablespoons of soda are used. A cotton pad is soaked in the solution and applied to yellowed nails for four minutes. You can buy olive oil and clay. This mask also removes plaque from the plate. Whitening should be done 2 times a week.

Diseases that lead to yellowing of the nail plate

Pathologies that cause yellow nails to appear are divided into congenital and acquired. The first type is represented by onychogryphosis, a type of onychodystrophy. The disease gets its name because as it progresses, the nail becomes deformed. It takes the form of a griffin's claw.

Onychogryphosis is a rare pathology that affects the horny plates and nearby tissues on the legs. Scientists have not established exactly why this disease occurs. Potential causes include:

  • tight shoes;
  • frostbite;
  • mechanical damage;
  • careless nail treatment;
  • skin infections;
  • problems with blood supply;
  • anhidrosis;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • disruptions in skin metabolism;
  • excessive sensitivity of the epidermis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • keratoses;
  • chronic type dermatoses;
  • aging process.

At the onset of onychogryphosis, while wearing tight shoes, a subungual hematoma forms. It puts pressure on tissues, preventing them from being saturated with nutrients. Intracellular exudate accumulates in one zone, which leads to thickening of the horn cells. The layering of keratinocytes causes changes in the shape and color of the nail plate.

If the disease is caused by metabolic or hormonal disorders, then tissue thinning and a decrease in fat and water content are observed. As the blood vessels become empty, the nutrition of the skin is disrupted and the content of chemical elements in the nail composition changes. Any inflammation at such a moment leads to improper development of horn cells.

Symptoms and treatment of onychogryphosis

The first signs of onychogryphosis are pain in the plate area. The problem usually begins on the big toe, so discomfort is felt while walking, and the shoes become uncomfortable. As the pathology develops, the nail becomes thickened and an unnatural growth forms. The disease is easily diagnosed if the increase is more than one millimeter. Secondary symptoms: the nail thickens, becomes dark, difficult to handle and sometimes grows into the skin.

The second stage is characterized by the appearance of longitudinal-transverse stripes. The plate of the thumb may turn black or acquire a dirty yellow tint. The stratum corneum hardens so much that wearing shoes provokes pain. As the disease progresses, the nail takes on the shape of a bird's beak and becomes covered with bumps and roughness.

The disease is easily diagnosed due to its characteristic clinical manifestations. Treatment consists of reducing the thickness of the nail. For this, the podiatrist chooses the method of removing the plate. First, conservative drugs that soften the tissue are used. After treatment, part of the nail is removed by scraping. In the case of an advanced stage of the disease, it is permissible to resort to complete removal.

The last stage of onychogryphosis is often observed in older people. But this does not mean that a teenage and middle-aged person cannot encounter it.

It is possible to cure onychogryphosis after identifying the cause. It is necessary to treat it with oral agents, take vitamins and use restorative external preparations. Patients are recommended ointments that are made from gelatin and retinol. Keratolic patches are also used.

Acquired nail pathologies

If a person's nails turn yellow, this may be due to trophic changes. Acquired dystrophic onychia is associated with disorders of the epithelium of the plate bed. When the process of cell division in a given area is disrupted, tissue functions change, but inflammation is not observed. Diseased nails become dull, yellow and covered with arched grooves. Point depressions form on the surface.

In rare cases, dystrophic onychia provokes splitting or separation of the plates. The nails begin to peel off in the direction from the front edge to the hole. Such changes are provoked by the following infectious diseases:

  • typhus;
  • measles;
  • dysentery;
  • scarlet fever;
  • malaria;
  • rubella;
  • pneumonia;
  • leprosy;
  • syphilis;
  • tuberculosis.

The condition is caused by pathologies of the nervous system, such as tabes dorsalis, neuritis, multiple sclerosis and poliomyelitis. Other provoking diseases include hypothyroidism, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, Raynaud's disease, intoxication and nutritional dystrophy. Pellagra results in the formation of a dull, grayish-yellow surface with grooves or white stripes.


If the nail turns yellow and becomes thicker, it may be caused by a fungus. Onychomycosis develops due to the activity of trichophytons, dermatophytes and microsporia. There are three types of the disease, which differ in symptoms:

  • Normotrophic. The nail turns yellow, spots and stripes appear on it, but other features do not change;
  • Hypertrophic. The plate becomes pale, thick, begins to thicken and partially collapses at the edges;
  • Onycholytic. Onychomycosis leads to tissue rejection, the diseased area atrophies.

Mild pathology is treated with specialized medications. Products based on ciclopirox, naftifine, fluconazole, terbinafine and itraconazole are used. The disease must be treated over a long period of time. The minimum period is three months. Onychomycosis recurs as it persists inside the plate. To get rid of the pathogen, the tissues must be completely renewed.

Fungus treatment methods

Preparations based on naftifine hydrochloride are produced in the form of creams, solutions and sprays. The substance has antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Naftifine destroys dermatophyte fungi, yeast and mold. The medicine is indicated for:

  • onychomycosis;
  • mycosis of the ear canal;
  • fungal skin infections;
  • mixed forms of mycosis.

The solution should not be used to treat open wounds. The drug should be used with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Individual allergic reactions are possible. Before therapy, you need to clean the diseased area and remove affected tissue, and then apply the product. Spray or solution is used twice a day

There have been no cases of overdose of naftifine hydrochloride. But it still needs to be used under the supervision of a doctor.

Iodine can be used to treat nail fungus. The product deprives the pathogen of its nutrient medium. Recovery is possible only in the initial stages of the disease and with the use of a small amount of the drug. It is enough to dip the tip of a cotton swab in iodine and cover the previously prepared nails with a thin layer. However, it is important to remember that an excessive amount of the substance will harm the condition of the horny tissue.

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Changes in the appearance of the nail plates - thinning or thickening, dullness, discoloration, etc., indicate health problems. Nails turn yellow for various reasons, these include external influences and internal failures - liver/kidney diseases, central nervous system.

In women, yellow nails are often caused by the use of low-quality varnish. They contain a coloring pigment that reacts with the structure of the nail. In this case, no special treatment is required. But the recovery process is quite long - from 3 months to six months.

If your toenails turn yellow and thicken, a fungal infection is suspected. Yellowness is not the only symptom. The plate crumbles, lumpiness appears, the soft tissue next to the nail becomes inflamed, swells and turns red, and it is possible that the nail may “depart” from the bed.

Why thickening of toenails occurs, the reasons for the yellowness of the nail plates, medication and alternative treatment - we will consider in detail in our article.

What is this article about?

External causes of yellowing nails

Yellow nails are the result of many reasons. In some cases, the etiology is based on external influences - coating with low-quality varnish, shellac, acrylic. Cheap varnishes contain chemicals - toluene, camphor oil (negatively affects the liver), formaldehyde resin.

Since these components negatively affect the functionality of the liver, this is reflected in the appendages of the skin. Of course, the reaction only appears after prolonged use. Nothing will happen just once.

It often happens when girls' nail gel turns yellow. Reasons: presence of nitrocellulose in the composition, use of household chemicals without gloves. In the latter case, the components react, which leads to yellowing. If the reason lies in the use of low-quality varnish or acrylic, then there are no other symptoms.

External causes of yellowness:

  • Frequent use of products that contain acetone (nail polish removers are made based on this substance);
  • When your toenails turn yellow, the most common trigger is shoes. It may be made from low-quality cheap materials, or it may be too small, which leads to yellowing. Other symptoms: dystrophy, appearance of ribbing. Usually the thumb or little finger is “sick”;
  • Eating habits affect the condition of your nails. Black tea and coffee have a detrimental effect on their color. Drinks contain special pigments that change the natural shade;
  • Using certain medications for a long time.

People who smoke develop a yellowish tint to their nails. The middle, index and thumb “suffer”. There is also an unpleasant odor from the hands, which is difficult to get rid of even with soap.

Sometimes yellowness on the nail plates of the hands is normal. In most pictures it is an aging problem in both men and women.

Diseases that change the color of the nail plates

If the reasons are external influences, it is easy to get rid of the problem. It is necessary to exclude the provoking factor. For example, stop wearing extended nails, using polish, household chemicals, etc. This also applies to uncomfortable shoes.

Onychogryphosis is a hereditary pathology. The nail becomes yellow, hardens, loses its natural shine, and rises above the bed. Sometimes only one nail is “sick”, and sometimes the pathological process affects everything. Most often it appears on the little fingers.

Acquired onychodystrophy. The pathology is accompanied by impaired blood supply to the nails. Reasons include:

  1. Scarlet fever, pneumonia, measles.
  2. Venereal pathologies.
  3. Multiple sclerosis.
  4. Deficiency or excess of vitamins/minerals.
  5. Vascular atherosclerosis.
  6. Varicose veins

With this disease, yellowness may be the only symptom, or it may be supplemented by others. The nail begins to crack, peel, and its thickness changes. The color ranges from light yellow to dark and dirty.

Dystrophic onychia manifests itself as follows:

  • Toenails become thick and hard;
  • The plates began to peel off and become rough;
  • Deformation is observed;
  • A yellow tint clearly appears;
  • Increased plate fragility.

If such symptoms appear only on one finger, then the cause is most often a trauma to the bed. For example, wearing very tight shoes, or not knowing how to trim your nails.

Psoriasis is not only a skin disease. The pathology also affects the nail plates. Symptoms include:

  1. The nail plate becomes cloudy.
  2. Ribs and bumps appear.
  3. The skin peels off next to the nail.
  4. There are spots under the nails - red, black.

These are the symptoms of the initial stage. In advanced cases, the color of the nails is dull and cloudy, the plates feel rough to the touch, and are concave inward.

Yellowish nails due to fungal infection

Why do my toenails or fingernails turn yellow? If there is no history of trauma, serious chronic pathologies, and the patient has not used questionable varnishes, then we can assume.

The fungus can appear at any age, regardless of a person’s gender. The clinical manifestations of mycoses are extensive. The most common signs include thickening of the nail plate and discoloration. In severe cases, when fungal activity is high, the nail may become deformed and curled.

Consider the symptoms of fungus depending on the type of disease:

  • With the hypertrophic form, the nail becomes very thick, the color is brown, yellow. The surface is matte, without shine, the edges are sharp.
  • The normotrophic appearance is characterized by pathological thickening. The shape of the plate, as a rule, does not change.
  • With the atrophic form, thinning of the nail plate is detected and it is destroyed.

With the pathogenic activity of fungi, the process spreads to the skin. Your feet begin to smell unpleasant. The picture gets worse in summer.

Why does yellowness appear under the nails?

In some cases, the color change occurs at a deeper level and the yellowness is revealed through the nail. It's like she's from inside him. If this happens, it will mean that the reason is internal.

This is how jaundice manifests itself. The main reasons include liver dysfunction, alcohol addiction, age-related changes, and problems with blood vessels. If red blood cells disintegrate in the blood, then there will be yellowness under the nails.

There is no growth, thickening or thinning with yellowness under the plate. But other symptoms are present. The patient's eye sclera becomes stained, sleep is disturbed, and attacks of nausea and sometimes vomiting are detected. Also bitter in the mouth.

Other causes and their symptoms are presented in the table:

Kidney pathologies In addition to the yellow color under the nails, the patient complains of swelling, a change in the amount of urine (there may be an admixture of blood in it). My lower back still hurts and my back is cold.
Respiratory system diseases Yellow color of nails, blue lips, difficulty breathing, coughing attacks.
Diabetes Frequent urination, constant thirst, and copious amounts of urine are released. The condition of the skin, hair and nails worsens.
Decreased thyroid function Weight increases, appetite decreases, dry skin, hair loss, lethargy.
Vascular problems Spider veins or spider veins on the legs, cramps, pain.
Acromegaly Headache, fatigue, pathological changes in nails and bones.

To make a diagnosis, you need to see a doctor. Based on the test results, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Before visiting a doctor, you should not scrape off scales from your nail or cover it with varnish - such camouflage makes diagnosis difficult. In addition, if it is a fungus, then it will multiply even more actively under the varnish.

Treatment methods for yellow nails

If yellowness is a consequence of some past illness, then nothing needs to be done. Over time, the nail will grow back on its own and become a normal color. To speed up the process, you can take vitamins.

Drug treatment

Treatment always depends on the cause. So, for subungual melanoma - a growth or neoplasm of a malignant nature, aggressive therapy is used - chemotherapy or radiation exposure.

If the cause is pathology of the central nervous system, due to which the patient independently contributes to the destruction of his nail (bites), then therapy is prescribed by a neurologist and psychotherapist. Sedative medications are used. In severe cases, the use of antidepressants is required.

When diagnosed with onychomadesis, yellowness must be eliminated in a comprehensive manner. For this purpose they prescribe:

  1. Antifungal medications in the form of tablets and ointments (Clotrimazole, Terbinafine, etc.).
  2. Antibacterial agents.
  3. Hormone-based medications.
  4. Antihistamine tablets.

If the cause of severe yellowness is a violation of blood circulation, then massage the fingers at home. It is best if a specialist shows you how to do it correctly.

They also prescribe pills to restore blood flow.

Traditional methods

Unconventional methods will not help get rid of the cause, but they can whiten the nail plate. Folk remedies are allowed to be used only after consultation with a doctor; it is not recommended to combine pharmaceutical ointments and decoctions with herbs at the same time.

Good recipes:

  • Add 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide to 100 ml of warm water. Mix. Pour into a metal bowl. Soak your nails in it for two minutes, then rub the yellow spots with a toothbrush. Next, use a moisturizing cream. This manipulation is carried out once a week. A positive effect is detected after 1 month.
  • Squeeze the juice of several lemons. Make a bath for your nails. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Then scrub well with a toothbrush. Next, wash your hands, but without soap.
  • Combine apple cider vinegar and plain water in equal proportions. Place your feet or hands in the bath. Keep for 20 minutes. After washing your limbs with warm water, apply cream to the skin and nails. You can repeat up to three times a day.

Diet is recommended as a healing method. If there are no contraindications, you need to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, include olive oil in the menu - it is rich in various vitamins. You need to eat whole grain bread, red meat and chicken liver - they compensate for the deficiency of B vitamins.