A few secrets on how to diversify your intimate relationship with your husband. Do you know exactly how to please your man? How to please your loved one from a distance

How long have you been paying attention to your loved one?

Despite being very busy and having a very busy schedule modern woman, you can always arrange a small, pleasant one that will make him happy and make him feel important. A surprise can also be made by those who do not dare to speak openly about their feelings. Remember that all the things that you manage to do during the day are not as important as your loved one and your feelings for each other. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen, a phone or a computer.

  1. Romantic letter. Write to your loved one about your feelings, without any reason. He will be very pleased to receive such a letter just like that. The letter should not be written in in electronic format. On paper it will be more romantic and tender. You can choose paper in a soft pastel color in the store.
  2. Tickets for the match. Does he like football, basketball, boxing or another sport? Buy two tickets to the match of the team he supports and go to the match together, he will definitely appreciate it! If you really hate sports matches, give tickets to him and his friend.
  3. Cover the beautiful festive table with delicious dishes. Invite his mom. During her stay, be polite and tactful with her. However, this attitude towards his mother should always be. Believe me, such self-sacrifice is impossible not to appreciate.
  4. Call to the radio station. Call the radio he listens to. Confess your love to him publicly, order your song. Surely, you have a song that will remind him of the moments spent together. Such a surprise will be extremely pleasant for anyone.
  5. Package with sports channels. Buy a sports package with additional channels. Each viewing will remind him of his beloved, who gave him such a surprise.
  6. Create a website dedicated to it. Upload photos and your songs. Write about your feelings for him, memories of the minutes spent together.
  7. Paraglider. If your city has such a service, be sure to use it. Your loved one will be delighted and will remember this surprise for a long time.
  8. Bachelor party. One of best options- organizing a party for the company. The effect will be better if there is a match of your favorite team on this day. Tell his friends about the party, don't forget to warn him - it's a surprise! It is necessary to provide them with enough beer or other drinks and snacks. During the match, go about your business in your room, relax, or go for a walk with a friend.
  9. Stars in the sky. Buy glow-in-the-dark figurines. They are glued to the wall or ceiling. You should not choose hackneyed figurines of hearts. From these stars and figures, write his name (you can also post a declaration of love).
  10. Fireworks. Organize a fireworks display for your loved one. When he looks at this surprise, hug him and whisper pleasant words in his ear. For example, “This is what happens in my heart when you look at me,” etc.
  11. Have his name engraved on a watch, metal pen or tie pin. You can also engrave his name on the ring if he wears one. You can write his name in a beautiful font on a T-shirt, shirt or towel. Now almost every city has a monogram service.
  12. Dinner under the stars. Everyone knows that a candlelit dinner is a very romantic event, however, it is no longer so original. Organize an outdoor dinner. Dinner under the stars will be an unforgettable experience. Arrange with the janitor to have dinner on the roof of the house, for example. Stars, blue sky, flowers, a huge city that stretches below - all this will be yours for one evening.
  13. ATV ride. Rent ATVs, choose a travel route for two and go for it! The feeling of freedom and extreme will remain in the memory of your loved one for a long time. You can end the day in nature with a picnic. Don't forget to take photos for future memories!
  14. Name in the sky. All you need is a large sheet of paper, markers, fishing line and balloons. On paper, write his name or the words you want to tell him, secure balloons along the edges of the paper with fishing line, otherwise your surprise will fly away. Seeing such an “airy” surprise, your loved one will be delighted.
  15. “A list of reasons for my love for you,” compiled on beautiful paper, will make it clear to your lover how much you appreciate all his positive qualities, and most importantly, you know about them.
  16. The history of your loved one's surname will be a pleasant surprise. IN modern world a few people, knowledgeable about history your family. By preparing the history of his surname, you will let him know how important your loved one and his family are to you.
  17. Registration for a webinar or seminar. You probably know what issues interest him and what he does. Choose a seminar that he likes (not you!), sign it up. Any person is pleased to know that his partner attaches importance to his activity.
  18. SPA for two. Now all salons offer a relaxation program for two. Such relaxing, amazing procedures will make you forget about stress and hard everyday life. Choose a procedure that helps you get into a romantic mood.
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Every woman in love dreams of seeing her beloved man happy. Fortunately, it is much easier to please him than a woman. It is not necessary to make grandiose surprises every day; it is enough to arm yourself with small feminine techniques and put them into action at every opportunity.

Well, and, of course, every girl should know how to please the man she loves, and if your ideas have already dried up, then here are new ones.

Ideas on how to please your loved one

  • Men are big children. Remember the boys you played with as a child, what delighted them or what toys they played with. Some played active games, built, broke, others loved board games. Invite your man to play a board game, this way you will awaken the spirit of competition in him, and decide the prize for the winner yourself.
  • If it’s your custom to welcome your man home from work with a hot dinner, treat him to a new dish or something he loved to eat as a child. You shouldn’t have a romantic dinner by candlelight every time; perhaps your man just wants to watch his favorite TV series and have dinner.
  • Write a beautiful note with a declaration of love or a wish Have a good day. Place the note discreetly in your jacket pocket or stick it to your bathroom mirror. Such a surprise will not cause great delight, but it will create a good mood for the whole day.
  • Invite your loved one on a non-date. Remove the responsibility for the success of the evening from him and give him the opportunity to simply relax. Imagine how hard it is for men to come up with new places and scenarios for dates with you, worrying every time whether you will like it or not.
  • If you have massage techniques, offer to give it to your loved one. Massage is very relaxing and brings great pleasure to the opposite sex.
  • Organize a computer game competition. Men need a friend to play with computer games, distracting from problems. If you can become such a friend for him, he will never be late from work.
  • Please your loved one with new techniques in sex. Men love not only to teach, but also to learn something new.
  • Not only women want to hear compliments addressed to them. Men also have moments of despondency and they worry no less than women about their appearance. Support him nice words and compliments.
  • Give a gift to your loved one, not for a holiday, but just because. Men love surprises too! Think about what he is missing, what he has been dreaming about for a long time. It all depends on your finances. If you are not short on money, then this could be like a horse ride, which he simply adores, or a trip abroad. But don’t despair if you don’t have a large amount for a gift. Buy him a good perfume, cufflinks or a wallet, which you can order here trade-city.ua/catalog/purses/p114/37/ Use your imagination, buy something interesting or do it yourself. The main thing here is to approach it based on what he loves and the effect of surprise.
  • Take the initiative to spend your weekend actively. Offer to have a blast at a nightclub or go to the bathhouse. Vacationing together and pleasant memories about it have a good effect on relationships.

And one more piece of advice, sometimes a man just wants peace, you need to give him a break from everyone. Don't take the desire to be alone to heart. In the modern world, being a good, successful man is very difficult. He also wants to jump off the white horse, take off his crown and just lie on the sofa.

Use the tips “How to please your loved one” and enjoy a wonderful relationship!

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But how to surprise a man with a regular SMS? Is it possible in principle to hit a representative of the stronger half of humanity with a short text message?

We must remember that a man, first of all, is also a person, but a special person, with his own history, evolution, nature. It is not for nothing that they note that a man is from Mars, and a woman is from Venus. Mars and Venus are two planets of different character. There are no sharp changes in climatic conditions on Mars; it is a warlike and hot planet, spinning on its axis in the same way as all other planets.

Venus is an unusual planet, it can change its climatic conditions in a few minutes: from storm to calm, from intense heat to terrible cold, and it spins in the opposite direction, counterclockwise - this otherness attracts Mars the conqueror.

What do our real men love? (Now we are talking specifically about those who behave like a representative of the strong half of humanity, and not a home-grown narcissist.)

Their love is connected with all feminine manifestations that touch the strings of the leader's instinct. Having such knowledge about a man, we can easily surprise him, unobtrusively and briefly, even in one message.

Technique No. 1. Praise. Better sudden...

They (men) must definitely be the best for you. Smart compliments will always put him on a pedestal. Leave compliments like “affectionate”, “gentle”, “kind” for your cats and remember that real men are not passionate about cats and bee-bee-bears, they do not produce the same amount of the hormone oxytocin as you do in order to appreciate their attractiveness .

An example of the right compliments via SMS that will surprise your man:

“Yesterday you shone with your confidence and uniqueness at the party.”

“Yesterday you had no equal at dinner. I admire your sense of humor."

“I admire your self-confidence and assertiveness. You will move mountains."

Technique No. 2. Request for help with a problem. Best of all – solvable! Ideally, it can be solved in 5 minutes.

They want to help you, they like to solve problems, but problems must be solvable. The request may not amaze your chosen one, but it will make him really think about you, and not about third-party things. You can ask him for anything, but don’t be arrogant, there must be moderation in everything. Let him do for you what he would be happy to do, and then you will thank him with your favorite compliment, paying attention to his reaction speed, professionalism and ambition.


“Could you explain to me what software is?”

“Can you tell me which car is the most reliable at a reasonable price?”

Technique No. 3. Carrot and stick

They love to tame, so you have to be different and unpredictable. Men do not tolerate monotony, everything becomes boring, and you already become a “read book” for him.

Don’t be afraid to be capricious now and agree to everything the next. Allow yourself to become a girl and then transform into a bitch.

If you are offended by him for something, be offended, tell him about it in the first text message, then in the second, and in the third write about how good you are with him, or invite him to the cinema. Just don't do this if he doesn't answer you.

Technique No. 4. Laughter. But only over his jokes!..

They appreciate your sense of humor. But in your couple, he should be the king of humor. And here is a whole unplowed field for surprising your partner. You can write a great anecdote, a joke, just test it on several other men so that it really turns out to be funny.

Send him an MMS with a funny photo that appeared in front of you on the street, or in the subway, or anywhere else today. If he responds with a joke and you don’t think it’s funny, laugh anyway and praise his sense of humor again.

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Technique No. 5. Showing interest in his hobbies

They like it when you are interested in their hobbies. You will really surprise better man in your life by knowing about his claims.

He loves football - find recordings of matches and invite him to watch them with chips and drinks. If he's excited about playing sports on his own, invite him to go snowboarding or river rafting. If he is not a sports fan, invite him to the shooting range. Imagine!

Technique No. 6. Errors in messages

They will rightfully appreciate your lightness and self-irony. It's similar to impermanence, but it's special; you have to be able to laugh at yourself.

If you make a mistake in something, a man will be pleasantly surprised if you joke about your mistake. So you can justify your feminine logic with a calm soul.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes in SMS; sometimes you can make interesting mistakes on purpose to cheer him up.

Technique No. 7. Surprise

Men are straightforward, they cannot and do not want to understand hints, but they will agree to a lot if you clearly state your desires.

Write to him that you want to see him, and he will come right away, write to take spare socks with you, and he will come to you twice as fast with spare socks. And your imagination itself will tell you what to do to make the surprise successful.

You may not come up with anything, it will speak about your sense of humor, but be prepared that he will answer you in the same way in the future.

Hello, dear girls! What is the main reason for discord in relationships? That's right - gray everyday life, mediocre life and boredom. Therefore, today I want to talk to you about how to surprise your beloved man for no reason. How to choose the right gift, make a surprise that he will definitely like and what is the secret of a successful gift. Paying attention to each other, taking care of each other's needs - this is what will help you maintain awe and tenderness in your relationship for many years.

All eyes on him

When a girl wants to do something nice for her man, most often she makes one terrible mistake - she makes a surprise that would please her, and not the man. This is why it is so important to understand what your husband really wants.

One of my clients arranged a whole day of massages, spa treatments, and a bathhouse/sauna for her boyfriend. Yes, undoubtedly, a very pleasant surprise. For herself. As it turned out, her boyfriend hates such procedures and would be very happy to stay at home, have a delicious dinner and watch.

Therefore, before you arrange something magical for your man, make sure that it will really bring him pleasure and joy, and not the other way around. Think carefully in what conditions your partner will feel comfortable, what will definitely bring him pleasure and what will delight him.

How to find out? Very simple. Start a casual conversation with him about his desires, something he has been dreaming about for a long time, but has not yet been able to achieve. Tell us about some of your ideas and carefully monitor his reaction. It might even make sense to ask his friend or brother for advice.

Don't get hung up on your dreams and fantasies. Remember that they may be completely different for you and your partner. You dream of a romantic dinner on the roof, and he wants to go to the sauna with beer and fish.

Another option for finding out what he dreams about is to listen carefully. Did he recently say that he was tired of the bustle of the city and would like to go out of town? Great. Use this to please him. Or he mentioned that a concert of his favorite band will soon be held in your city.

What are the options

So, you found out that he would like to spend the evening in a calm home environment. Or he talked about his old dream of skydiving. Or you found out from his friend that they were recently discussing karting and your man’s eyes lit up at the idea. Let's look at several options on how you can please your lover.

Evening of rest. You decided to spend time at home, give him a quiet and relaxing evening. Cook his favorite dish for dinner, or find a new one interesting recipe. What does he like? Maybe your man is crazy about burgers? Cook him a homemade burger, buy him a delicious expensive beer and arrange an evening of his favorite movies with Deki Chan, for example.

In addition, try not to swear at him, don’t make a scandal, and don’t make your usual complaints. Be sweet, gentle and kind. Since you decided to please him today, then do everything to the maximum.

If this is a day off, then bring him breakfast in bed in the morning, take a bath together or go into the shower. In the evening, give him a relaxing massage. And if on this day he wants to play his favorite console, so be it. After all, this is his evening of rest.

Extreme surprise

Has your lover been dreaming of going karting for a long time or does he like paragliding? Great idea. This will be especially cool if your man has a sedentary lifestyle, works in an office, and you don’t pay much attention to sports.

Remember that the strong emotions and sensations experienced together will still be for a long time keep you warm on cold evenings. Be sure to take a video recording and a lot of photographs so that the memories are not only in your memory, but also in photographs.

There's no such thing as too much sex. The more you surprise your loved one in bed, the longer your relationship will retain its sparkle. But we should not forget that a man does not always want and is ready for love pleasures; this is an old stereotype.

Agree, after a hard day at work or a long business trip, he would rather just lie in your arms, watch a movie or read.

If you decide to please your loved one in bed, then all your imagination will come in handy. You can arrange a romantic dinner by candlelight, an erotic massage and more according to plan. Or it could be a new sex game, with a costume and a script. Or maybe you just decided to go to a late movie and had a moment of passion in the parking lot. Give free rein to your imagination and don't be afraid of anything.

If you want to prepare properly and study the intimate side of relationships, I recommend contacting trainings and video courses by Alex May, who is an international expert in this field.

Shared hobby

If your man loves to cook, then you can go to a master class together. And in the end, this can turn from an ordinary surprise into your common favorite hobby. Or he draws or plays the guitar. You can present any of his favorite activities with a new sauce.

Nice little thing. Don't forget that you can make a gift with your own hands. Knit warm woolen socks, a scarf, a hat or a sweater. Such gifts have always been and rightfully still considered the most sincere. What could be better to warm you up on a cold winter evening? Of course, a sweater knitted by the loving hands of a caring girl.

What else can be classified as such gifts? Pen with personal engraving. Keychain for car. Phone case with inscription. You can engrave anywhere: watches, cufflinks, your wedding rings and so on. Such gifts will even remind you of you.

Evening of friends. Does your loved one support a football club and like to watch all the matches? Have a real man's get-together with beer, shrimp, chips and other manly snacks. Or make a reservation for them at a sports bar.

Don't limit it by time. Don't call every five minutes. Let him spend this evening in peace. Even if they want to continue after football, treat this calmly and with understanding. You are arranging a surprise for him, so you shouldn’t spoil it.

Sherlock Holmes

If your friend is a fan of solving riddles and is interested in logic puzzles, then you can arrange a real quest for him. It all depends on the time you have, the place where you will conduct the quest, and the scale of your event.

If this is a simple surprise at home, then you can write a few notes with hints, hide them throughout the house and prepare the final surprise that will be received at the end of the quest.

If you can arrange a larger quest, then be sure to hide the clues in those places that are relevant to your man great importance. For example, you know that as a child he really loved going to the zoo with his dad. One of the clues must certainly be there.

Comedy show

Why do we only fool around on the first of April? Give your lover a real day of humor. In the morning, wake him up with a stupid alarm clock, prepare something funny and stupid for breakfast, and when he goes to wash, arrange a soap bubble show.

Moreover, you can hand him a summons with a completely serious look, and it looks like the real thing. Only after being drafted into the army will there be an invitation to the cinema, bowling alley, or restaurant. And at the end of the day, you can dress up in a funny costume (with erotic overtones) and give your beloved man a mini-performance, which is clear how it should end.

Dear ladies, remember that you are organizing a surprise for a man, and not for yourself. Focus on his desires. Don't expect anything in return. If you just want to please your boyfriend, then his smile and words of gratitude will be enough. If you make a surprise initially with the goal of getting something in return, then this is a losing strategy.

A very convenient way is to create magic envelopes. In these envelopes you and your loved one will put pieces of paper on which all your wishes, dreams, gifts that you would like to receive, and so on will be written.

What's the most unusual surprise you've received from a man? Which one did you arrange yourself? How often do you make each other happy?

Be attentive to your other half and then you will definitely be able to give him the best surprise.
All the best!

22 Feb 2018

As sad as it may be, over time, any passion subsides, and family gray everyday life, everyday life and boredom turn relationships into routine. To strengthen a marriage, it is necessary to introduce notes of diversity, passion, to saturate the life of your loved one and your own with bright colors and new emotions.

Show attention to him and his interests

Many girls, thinking about how to surprise a man, often make the mistake of trying to make a surprise that would be pleasant for her. In other words, when making a decision, we do not always have an idea of ​​what our husband really wants.

If a girl loves a spa, bathhouse or sauna, this does not mean that such procedures are acceptable for a young man. Therefore, before you arrange something magical, you need to make sure whether the man will really appreciate your efforts, whether it will bring him joy or, conversely, disappointment.

How to find out your partner's preferences? Everything is simple here. Have an unobtrusive conversation with him about his desires and dreams. Try suggesting some interesting idea and see his reaction.

If you still can’t figure out how to surprise a guy, you can take the advice of his friends or relatives. You shouldn’t get stuck on your fantasies and dreams, as they can fundamentally diverge from the desires of your chosen one.

Another way to find out “what he breathes” is to listen carefully. The other day, your man complained about being tired from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and that he wouldn’t mind relaxing outside the city. Amazing. You can safely use this information and organize a weekend in nature. He accidentally mentioned his favorite band, whose performance will soon be held in your city. This is a good reason to please your beloved guy.

Praise your significant other more often, because it is very important for a man to understand that he is valued and respected.

Even small signs of attention after a difficult working day are able to make you smile and give you the opportunity to feel the care of a loved one.

Give a sexy surprise

It is unlikely that any man will react with indifference to an intimate surprise. How to surprise a guy in bed? Here you will have to show all your fantasy and imagination. According to experienced ladies, just one passionate evening is enough to rekindle the former passion.

To begin with, you can organize a romantic dinner by candlelight, and then everything will go according to plan. Erotic massage, costumed sex game or home-grown striptease. It doesn’t hurt to find out how your spouse feels about such events, so as not to look funny or ridiculous in front of your loved one.

If you are convinced that such an initiative will be received with joy by your partner, you can immediately begin implementing your plans.

Prepare an unexpected gift

Giving a gift is a great way to do something nice. How to surprise your beloved man with a gift? Pay attention to his area of ​​interests and hobbies.

If your spouse likes music, then a CD with his favorite artist is a great idea. Can he play the guitar? Then he will definitely appreciate a set of high-quality strings or beautiful picks.

Let's consider what gifts can surprise a man:

  • a book with your autograph and oath of allegiance;
  • poems you have invented dedicated to him;
  • T-shirt with your portraits;
  • a photo album or collage with his best images;
  • evening with a magnificent dinner in a luxurious hotel.

There are many options, but it is you who can choose the best gift for your loved one. If you don’t know how to surprise your beloved man for no reason, give him a present on Monday and his mood will last the whole week.

You need to give gifts not only with material things, but also with emotions, which are always so lacking.

Change your image and appearance

There is another proven option on how to surprise your husband: dramatic changes in your appearance. In this case, it is not enough to just get a haircut or extend your nails. It’s unlikely that most men pay attention to such little things.

Therefore, to impress him, you will have to make some effort. An unsurpassed effect can be achieved in the following way:

  • change your hairstyle, become blonde if you are a brunette (or vice versa);
  • buy yourself a new perfume that emphasizes femininity;
  • change your everyday home outfit;
  • get a tattoo with his initials;
  • get a piercing;
  • braid dreadlocks.

It is very important not to overdo it with changes in appearance, so as not to look like a caricature.

Organize a delicious dinner

As you know, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Although this wisdom is quite old, modern young housewives often forget about it. They complain that they already spend too much time in the kitchen. But in vain! Let's face it, how often do you have a romantic dinner?

How can you surprise your loved one in this case? It is better to create an unforgettable atmosphere at home rather than go to a restaurant. Take care of a delicious dinner using new original recipes or an upgraded version of your husband's favorite dish. Amaze him with a true masterpiece. And don't forget about the delicious dessert.

Remember that this is not a simple meal, but a wonderful and bright event, so show tenderness and care. Over dinner, it will be nice to remember the first movie you saw together in the cinema, and then watch a romantic comedy.

You can arrange a theme evening. Prepare foreign dishes. Play appropriate music. It’s good if you can get hold of traditional national outfits.

Throw a party with his friends

How can you surprise your boyfriend so that he not only has a good rest, but also understands that you respect his personal space and interests.

A friends night is perfect for this idea. Is your chosen one a fan of a football club and does not miss a single match? Organize men's get-togethers. Beer, shrimp, chips and light snacks will please not only your loved one, but also his friends. You can book a table for them at a sports bar.

You shouldn’t limit your spouse’s time and call endlessly. Let your husband rest peacefully among his friends. After all, you wanted to give him a surprise, not spoil it.

Organize unusual leisure time

If your lover enjoys cooking, take part in a master class together. This interesting idea in the future it can develop into a joint hobby.

Is your chosen one a born Sherlock Holmes who loves secrets, riddles and logic puzzles? Surprise your beloved man and organize a real quest for him at home. Prepare notes with clues and hide them throughout the apartment, and at the end make a final surprise.

You can arrange a “Humor Day” for a guy not only on April 1st. Prepare a funny breakfast, arrange a soap bubble show in the bathroom.

Love is a very fragile feeling. So that she does not fade away throughout her married life, but only becomes warmer, it is necessary to look after her, feeding her with affectionate words, kind attitude, kisses and spend more time together, arranging original dates. It can be anything:

  • romantic trip to nature;
  • going to the cinema, hockey or football match;
  • boat trips;
  • journey.

Show attention and care to your soulmate, and then you will certainly be able to give him the most unique surprise in the world.