Impaired gastric motility. Stomach atony: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment Stomach atony treatment

A decrease in the tone of muscle tissue of any organ in the human body is called atony. The stomach is one of the internal organs that has walls consisting of smooth muscles. Gastric atony is loss of gastric muscle tone.

The stomach, which has the property of peristalsis, pushes food further when contracting. When tone is lost, it also loses the ability to contract. The stomach can no longer perform its main functions, which provokes stagnation of food. Because of this, inflammatory processes may begin to develop.

Atony is considered a difficult disease. Often its development is preceded by a disruption of the normal functioning of the nerves of the gastric tract. When food enters, the stomach walls contract due to peristalsis. If it is disturbed, food stagnates and is not digested. There is discomfort and sometimes pain in the stomach.


This disease is considered rare, but there are many reasons for its occurrence.

The most common:

  1. Blood clots;
  2. Peritonitis;
  3. Injuries;
  4. Gastritis;
  5. Myocardial infarction;
  6. Consequence of burns, poisoning;
  7. Pneumonia;
  8. Operations;
  9. Binge eating;
  10. Prolonged diarrhea.

People of an asthenic type are at risk. Factors predisposing the stomach to lose tone are eating too much food and not eating enough fiber. The occurrence of the disease is provoked by irritation of the stomach from rough, insufficiently crushed food, and various toxins.


Signs of the disease are similar to those of infectious diseases in the abdominal cavity.

Main features:

  • heartburn;
  • increased stomach volume;
  • fast saturation;
  • nausea;
  • feeling of fullness;
  • vomit;
  • belching;
  • pallor;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • smell from the mouth;
  • cold sweat.

Signs vary depending on the form of gastric atony: mild, called hypotension, and severe, called obstruction.

With obstruction, instant satiety occurs and appetite disappears immediately. A feeling of nausea appears. These phenomena are especially strongly provoked by fatty foods and large volumes of drinks. The pain feels dull and bursting. With severe expansion of the stomach, cold sweat appears and pallor appears.

Tachycardia begins and blood pressure rises. Poor circulation can lead to gastric rupture. Stagnation of the contents can lead to gastritis. Acidity in gastric atony is normal or moderately increased. Manifestations of gastric atony quickly increase, so at the first appearance of symptoms, you must immediately consult a doctor to establish the correct diagnosis.

Questioning the patient

The doctor interviews the patient and listens to his complaints. Having assumed a diagnosis, he asks clarifying questions.

When examining a patient, atony of the stomach manifests itself as a bulge in the gastric zone. When palpated, a “splashing” sound is heard, and when tapped, a characteristic “drum” sound is heard. You can determine how dilated the stomach is using a device designed for this purpose. Assuming atony, the doctor performs probing. This brings immediate relief due to the fact that when the tube is inserted, the stagnant stomach contents are released.

The main method is gastrography. This study is endoscopic and helps to detect the presence of inflammation.

Fluoroscopy using a contrast agent makes it possible to see the changed shape of the stomach. With atony, peristalsis is weakened or absent altogether. As a result, the contrast agent, entering the stomach from the esophagus, is not retained in it, but is immediately sent down the stomach.


Patients with this pathology should consult a gastroenterologist, nutritionist, psychotherapist and physiotherapist. First of all, when using a gastric tube, the gastric contents are evacuated to prevent rupture.


The following drugs are used:

  1. Designed to improve motor skills.
  2. If gastric atony appears in patients with an asthenic structure, take anabolic steroids and hydrolyzed proteins.
  3. Medicines for the regeneration of mucous membranes, for example, solcoseryl.
  4. For mild hypotension, use calcium and potassium, and for higher levels, proserin.
  5. According to indications - antiemetic drugs - dopamine receptor blockers.
  6. To improve the general condition, it is recommended to take medications that enhance immunity, vitamin and mineral complexes.
  7. Insulin.


Table No. 2 is assigned. Food should be liquid, light, crushed. You need to eat in small portions and often. All food for the day should be divided into 7-10 servings. It is important to consume fiber in large quantities. It is advisable that the food you eat contains many vitamins. Drink in small sips and small portions. Take a break between solid and liquid meals. Food, both hot and cold, is excluded.

Do not eat food that irritates the gastric mucosa. This is smoked, fatty, fried food. You need to eat foods that can stimulate the stomach: fermented milk, prunes, eggs, black bread. Honey is beneficial. Lean fish should be steamed. Cook oatmeal in water. The diet is selected individually by a nutritionist.


It is necessary to strengthen the abdominal walls. This is achieved through physical therapy exercises. It should be aimed at strengthening the abdominal press. As physiotherapy for asthenia, you can use a cold shower in the morning.

An effective measure is to wear a bandage, especially if you have a sagging belly.

Exercises that restore muscle tone:

  • Lying on your back, spin your legs “bicycle”;
  • Lying down, wrap your arms around your legs and pull them as close to your stomach as possible;
  • Lying down, try to throw your legs behind your head, while supporting your lower back with your hands;
  • While standing, bend in different directions;
  • Raise your hands, clasping them, imitate “chopping wood”;
  • Kneel down and lean on your hands, pulling your legs back one at a time.

Physical education will only be beneficial if you do it regularly. Don't neglect breathing exercises.

Strengthening the nervous system

“Relaxing” techniques are welcome. You can use hypnosis and autogenic training. Breathing exercises are useful, in which you need to inhale through your nose, hold for a short time, and exhale through your nose. Classes can be conducted individually or in groups. Psychotherapy begins from the very beginning of communication with a doctor. With asthenia, psychotherapy is a mandatory component of treatment.


It is a method that complements the main treatment. The main task is to enhance gastric peristalsis. Decoctions of the following herbs help well: yarrow, coltsfoot, oregano, plantain, dandelion, chamomile, rose hips, ginseng. Prepare the infusion as follows:

For one tablespoon of dried plant - a glass of boiling water. Cook over low heat for some time. Cool without removing the lid. Strain and consume.


Gastric atony requires preventive actions:

  • normal nutrition to prevent relapse;
  • fulfillment of all assignments;
  • avoiding long-term immobility;
  • replacing bad habits with useful ones;
  • therapy of inflammatory diseases;
  • stability of the nervous system;
  • drinking mineral water;
  • phytotherapy.
  • lifestyle – active,
  • taking care of your muscles, keeping them in good shape;
  • competent eating behavior;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • avoidance of stress.

Smoking and alcohol make the disease more severe and create preconditions for its relapse. Spa treatment is recommended.

Gastric ulcer is a chronic disease characterized by local damage to the gastric mucosa. The disease is a relapsing type; during the course of the disease, periods of remission and exacerbations alternate. A healed ulcer leaves a scar - a scar on the mucous membrane where epithelium does not form. According to statistics, 70% of cases of the disease occur among men aged twenty to fifty. Less commonly, the disease is diagnosed in women and children.

There are several types of stomach ulcers. The forms of peptic ulcer directly depend on the causes of its occurrence. Stress ulcers have been studied, where the main cause of the disease is stress (80% of cases). Drug ulcers are caused by taking certain medications (10% of cases). Gastroduodenal gastric ulcers occur with metabolic disorders and other endocrine diseases or diseases of internal organs (10% of cases). The listed types of disease are symptomatic forms of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Causes of the disease

Stomach ulcers have reasons for their development and occurrence.

Scientists have proven that the causes of stomach ulcers are:

  1. A spiral-shaped bacterium living in the pylorus of the stomach is the main cause.
  2. Unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, alcohol).
  3. Genetic predisposition.
  4. Poor nutrition.
  5. Psychosomatics (emotional disorders, stress).
  6. Chronic stomach diseases (pancreatitis, gastritis).
  7. Metabolic disorders.
  8. Taking certain medications.

A bacterium living in the pylorus of the stomach is responsible for ulcers in 95% of cases. The microorganism causes gastritis and cancer. The bacterium that causes stomach ulcers is transmitted from a carrier to a stranger through household means; it is quite easy to become infected with the microbe - by kissing or using shared cutlery.

An unhealthy lifestyle provokes the development of bacteria and is the root cause, the basis of the disease. Smoking and alcohol create favorable conditions for the development of stomach ulcers.

Genetic predisposition means that the disease is embedded in the human genome; under favorable conditions, the disease will “wake up.” Scientists continue to debate why ulcers appear.

With improper nutrition, there is a violation of the ratio of enzymes and mucus produced by the stomach. As a result, the mucus fails to cope with its protective function; enzymes, including hydrochloric acid, have a detrimental effect on the walls of the stomach, provoking an ulcer.

Psychosomatics plays a huge role! In a normal emotional state, the human body is rarely at risk of disease. Under stress, a disruption occurs in the functioning of the nervous system, causing muscle spasms, leading to a negative effect of gastric juice on the mucous membrane of the stomach walls, provoking the occurrence of ulcers.

Gastritis and pancreatitis turn out to be defects in the gastric mucosa. If the disease is not controlled in time, other causes of ulcers are added here; diseases of the stomach and duodenum cannot be avoided.

Metabolic disorders include endocrine diseases, such as diabetes. With such disorders, insufficient nutrition of internal organs occurs, which leads to pathologies

Selected medications have a bad effect on the gastric mucosa, provoking the production of acid that destroys the mucosa.

The main causes of stomach ulcers are listed, on the basis of which doctors make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. When diagnosing a disease, doctors are required to take into account the signs of the disease in order to exclude the possibility of making an incorrect diagnosis.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of gastric and duodenal ulcers are varied, similar to the symptoms of other diseases, and together they signal the occurrence of an ulcer. The disease manifests itself with signs: pain, heartburn, belching, nausea.

Symptomatic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum are diagnosed without difficulty. The manifestation becomes the reason to begin the examination. The causes and symptoms of ulcers are similar to other gastrointestinal diseases; after examination, the diagnosis is confirmed or removed.

It should be remembered that the symptoms of a stomach ulcer in the early stages of the disease are sometimes not clearly expressed.

Pain syndrome

Pain is a protective reaction of the brain to disturbances in the functioning of the body. With gastric and duodenal ulcers, pain occurs due to the action of gastric juice directly on the muscle, breaking the barrier that the mucous membrane forms.

With a stomach ulcer, the pain is concentrated in the upper abdomen, reminiscent of the pain of an empty stomach. If a person eats food or drinks a drink, the pain goes away. True, not for long. Pain syndromes with stomach ulcers are divided into three types:

Occasionally, a mixed pain syndrome appears - this indicates the location of the ulcer “at the junction” of two sections of the stomach and duodenum.


This is a reaction of the esophagus to gastric juice - it represents a burn of the esophagus with hydrochloric acid. A stomach ulcer appears as heartburn.

Heartburn with peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum occurs for a number of reasons:

  • Increased acidity.
  • Decreased contractile function of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Stagnation of food.

If the cause of heartburn is high acidity, when eating food and secreting gastric juice, the mucous membrane of the esophagus is severely damaged, causing heartburn.

If the cause is a decrease in the contractile function of the stomach or duodenum, the food eaten remains in the stomach longer than necessary, and the active secretion of gastric juice begins to quickly digest food, causing heartburn.

Stagnation of food occurs when the duodenum is narrowed - stenosis, when the food eaten is unable to pass further through the gastrointestinal tract. The described causes heartburn, belching, vomiting.

Heartburn is often accompanied by pain or a burning sensation in the chest area.


The first indicator of the disease. Nausea can signal not only an ulcer. For example, pancreatitis, gastritis, indigestion - diseases are also accompanied by this symptom. The state of nausea is observed during pregnancy in the first trimester.

Inflammatory processes of the stomach have similar symptoms; concomitant signs of the disease and the time of onset of nausea help diagnose an ulcer specifically. With stomach and duodenal ulcers, the symptom occurs as a result of eating fatty, fried, spicy foods or as a result of overeating. Nausea is a reaction of the stomach to a spasm.

More often, the condition occurs on an empty stomach or immediately after eating food, accompanied by severe salivation and acute pain in the stomach area.

Loss of appetite

Decreased or loss of appetite due to gastric ulcer is not uncommon. This is more of a psychosomatic symptom; the human brain, in response to constant pain when eating food, stops sending signals about hunger, avoiding subsequent pain. Loss of appetite can be a symptom of depression or a reaction of the brain to a certain event (loss of loved ones, conflict at work or at home). This sign indicates that the patient has developed a stress stomach ulcer.

If the loss of appetite is not caused by other diseases (anorexia) and is not a reaction to an emotional state, the loss of appetite must be stopped, anticipating a loss of strength.

The human body is wise at the level of instincts, a little fasting is useful for ulcers, reducing the load on the digestive system. If appetite does not return, action must be taken.

One way to regain your appetite is to eat food strictly according to the clock. After some time, the body will get used to eating at a certain time and will begin to demand a portion.

If you have a stomach ulcer, you cannot stimulate the production of gastric juice to stimulate your appetite. This is fraught with perforation (perforation) of the stomach.


Frequent reaction of the gastrointestinal tract to food consumption. During the digestion of food, gases are formed in the stomach and exit through the mouth. The phenomenon does not pose a danger; it may signal disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and intestines. For the mentioned reason, the patient often does not perceive belching as a manifestation of an ulcer.

When the gastrointestinal tract malfunctions, many times more gases are formed, causing bloating, belching and flatulence. Periodically, during belching, a small amount of gastric juice or stomach contents comes out.

When determining a disease with a symptom of belching, the taste left in the mouth after gas leaves the stomach through the mouth is important. The taste of rot is characteristic of slow digestion, a bitter taste indicates problems with the biliary tract, and a sour taste indicates increased acidity, gastritis and peptic ulcers.

If after belching a sour taste remains, the symptom is accompanied by pain and nausea - there is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.


Developed increased formation of gases in the stomach. Gas formation is not dangerous; gases should form in the stomach during proper digestion. When gases are produced in large quantities, the process leads to frequent belching and bloating. Flatulence is accompanied by unpleasant, often painful sensations.

Flatulence becomes an independent disease, the body’s reaction to the type of food (legumes, foods with a high starch content, baked goods, certain dairy products). Provided that increased gas formation is accompanied by other symptoms of a peptic ulcer, doctors diagnose a stomach ulcer.

Heaviness in the stomach

An unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the stomach usually occurs after eating heavy food or when overeating. The cause of the condition is sometimes psychosomatics. A one-time sensation is not dangerous; if it occurs, it is enough to take a tablet of a medication that helps digestion. If the heaviness in the stomach does not go away, accompanied by other symptoms, a signal is given about a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, a possible stomach ulcer.

Stool disorders

Abnormal bowel movements are important when diagnosing gastric ulcers. The physician needs to determine whether internal bleeding is present. This is usually signaled by black feces. If the black color of the excrement is described in the treatment protocol, the attending physician must make sure that the blood loss is directly related to bleeding of the stomach or duodenum.

Black feces with a stomach ulcer are accompanied by vomiting blood. With severe bleeding, the melena is viscous, resembling tar; with a slight loss of blood, the stool is formed, due to the lack of reactive movement of split blood through the intestines.

Complications of gastric ulcer

When a peptic ulcer is treated incorrectly or insufficiently, various complications of the disease develop. Most complications lead to surgical intervention, even death.


A common complication of peptic ulcer disease is penetration of the ulcer. This means that a peptic ulcer spreads to the tissues of nearby organs. In fact, destruction of the tissues of the walls of the stomach occurs; the role of the wall is taken by the organ closest to the source of the ulcer.

The pancreas is most often affected; the ulcer can affect the liver, gallbladder, and other internal organs, depending on the location of the ulcer. Hydrochloric acid corrodes the tissues of the internal organ, leading to its destruction.

During penetration, the pain syndrome intensifies, which ceases to depend on food intake and begins to be permanent. Body temperature rises. In a blood test, the level of alpha-amylase increases. There are 4 degrees of penetration:

  • The first stage (partial destruction of the wall of the stomach and duodenum).
  • The second stage (destruction of the wall of the stomach and duodenum without the release of the ulcerative process, the formation of a fusion of the internal organ with the stomach and duodenum).
  • The third stage (complete destruction of the wall of the stomach and duodenum, spread of the ulcer to nearby organs with the formation of defects, compaction of the affected organs, deformation of the stomach and duodenum).
  • Stage four (formation of deep cavities in nearby organs, formation of an inflammatory tumor).

Perforation (perforation) of the stomach

Perforation of a gastric ulcer is the most severe complication of the disease, leading to inflammation of the abdominal cavity.

Perforation of the stomach can form due to the lack of normal nutrition of the edges of the ulcer, causing necrosis and death of tissue cells. Perforation occurs suddenly and develops reactively. Sometimes psychosomatics—stress, experiences—become a catalyst for perforation. This is the danger of complications - it is impossible to predict when the lesion will occur, whether it will be possible to localize the development of pancreatitis.


A serious complication of peptic ulcer disease is bleeding. With a stomach ulcer, small blood loss is the norm for the course of the disease. In some cases, bleeding occurs, causing death. Usually bleeding opens from a destroyed artery, less often from the capillaries and veins of the stomach. This can happen when the disease progresses completely well; the bleeding cannot be stopped. If it is impossible to provide prompt medical assistance, the patient dies.

The causes of bleeding are identified:

  1. Incorrect diet of the patient;
  2. Ineffective treatment of the disease;
  3. Infection;
  4. Mechanical damage;
  5. Peritoneal strain;
  6. Aggressive medications or food;
  7. Lack of treatment for exacerbation of the disease.

Pyloric stenosis

Pyloric stenosis with a gastric ulcer means a narrowing of the junction of the stomach into the duodenum, which occurs after the formation of ulcer scars.

When stenosis forms, food stagnates in the stomach, not being able to pass further to the duodenum. Vomiting begins.

Stenosis is divided into three stages:

  • The first stage is compensated. The passage between the stomach and intestines is slightly blocked. Usually covers an ulcerative scar. Compensated stenosis is characterized by feelings of heaviness in the stomach, belching with a sour taste, the general condition of the patient is satisfactory.
  • The second stage is subcompensated. The passage between the stomach and duodenum is half blocked. Food stagnates in the stomach, but has the opportunity to pass through the intestines. There is a persistent feeling of heaviness in the stomach, pain occurs, and after eating the patient vomits, which alleviates the condition. The patient begins to lose weight.
  • The third stage is the decompensated stage. At this stage of development of stenosis, the passage between the intestines and the stomach is almost completely blocked. Food accumulates in the stomach, unable to pass into the intestines. Vomiting becomes more frequent. The patient's stomach is greatly distended, the body is extremely dehydrated and exhausted.


Malignancy of a stomach ulcer means the formation of malignant tumors in the stomach, leading to the development of stomach cancer. Rarely seen. The reasons for the degeneration of stomach ulcers into cancerous tumors have not been fully studied.

With the described complication, the patient’s general condition worsens, the patient loses appetite, refuses meat, and belching, nausea, and vomiting become more frequent. The pain syndrome changes its character, ceases to depend on food intake, and becomes permanent. The patient experiences exhaustion and weakness. Without medical care, malignancy of peptic ulcer leads to inevitable death.

Diagnosis of the disease

The first signs of a stomach ulcer appear early; at the initial stage it is difficult to identify the disease. Diagnosis occurs in several stages. Initially, the patient needs to donate blood, urine and feces for analysis. A general blood test reveals anemia and a low number of red blood cells - signs of inflammation. The patient also gives stool to detect hidden blood. Diagnosing gastric ulcers in the early stages involves identifying a reaction to Helicobacter pylori.

The second stage of diagnosis is examination of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum using fibrogastroduodenoscopy, which helps to see the image of the ulcer on the screen. A tube with a camera is inserted into the patient's stomach, and the walls of the stomach and duodenum are examined for ulcers. At this stage, the doctor looks at what the stomach ulcer looks like, and at the same time they take materials for biopsy analysis.

The next step will be an ultrasound examination of the internal organs to identify the source of inflammation and make a correct diagnosis.

Then the pH of the gastric juice is monitored throughout the day. This diagnostic stage is the most painful and unpleasant; the doctor determines the degree of aggression of the gastric juice.

It is necessary to get tested for Helicobacter pylori as soon as possible. This is a bacterium that causes stomach ulcers.

At the stage of diagnosing the disease, the symptoms and treatment of the ulcer are established.

Treatment of the disease

In the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, several different approaches are known. The symptoms of stomach ulcers in adults and children solve a lot. It is impossible to quickly cure a stomach ulcer; the body needs a lot of time to restore damaged tissue. It is not feasible to treat peptic ulcer disease with a single medication.

The doctor decides how to treat a stomach ulcer; a number of general directions are provided. Treatment requires an integrated approach. When a bacteria causing an ulcer is detected, the microbe is removed from the body first. When treating a stomach ulcer, the doctor must take into account the symptoms of the manifestation. After this, medications are prescribed to reduce the secretion of gastric juices to allow the stomach walls to heal. The doctor decides what kind of drugs they will be, taking into account the medical history.

The next step is to relieve the inflammatory process and stimulate tissue regeneration, especially in acute ulcers. Treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers takes place under the supervision of a doctor, ideally in a hospital. In difficult and ambiguous cases, a council of doctors decides how to cure the patient.

Antibacterial therapy

Therapy is aimed at expelling Helicobacter pylori. For treatment, antibiotics from the penicillin and tetracycline classes are prescribed. The difficulty is that it is impossible to completely get rid of the bacteria: once settled in the stomach, the microbe is able to “hibernate.” A cured patient with a stomach ulcer caused by a bacterium is susceptible to relapses. For this reason, a patient with a bacterial form is prescribed regular prevention and treatment of ulcers.

Drug therapy

With such treatment, drugs are prescribed that increase the resistance of the mucous membrane to gastric juice, which are included in the complex treatment.

These are medications containing sucralfate, carbenoxolone, bismuth subcitrate, entrostil and other substances. The drugs help in the destruction of Helicobacter pylori, which causes ulcers, and in the regeneration of damaged cells.

Antisecretory agents are prescribed:

  • Antacids.
  • Proton pump blockers.
  • Histamine receptor blockers.
  • Cholinergic receptor blockers.
  • Prostaglandin analogues.

Naturally, in the treatment of peptic ulcers, medications are used that relieve spasms, improve motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract, sedatives and antidepressants - depending on the manifestation of the disease.

The full course of treatment takes from two weeks to one and a half months. The attending physician takes into account the treatment protocol, symptoms and condition of the patient. An important role is given to the patient's diet. It should be remembered that preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. Be healthy!

Causes and treatment of gas formation in the stomach

Increased gas formation in the stomach, the causes and treatment of which will be discussed below, is not a very pleasant phenomenon. Surely the problem of gas formation in the stomach is known to most people, and although gas formation in itself cannot be fully called a disease, it is still worth paying attention to such changes. Gases can accumulate in the stomach in any person, regardless of their gender and age. In general, this is even normal if the amount of gas does not exceed 200 ml.


Excess air in the stomach can accumulate for many different reasons, but one thing is clear: gas formation brings with it discomfort and unpleasant sensations. Treatment for increased gas formation should be started only after the true cause of the disturbances has been determined. Most often they are as follows:

  • swallowing air when eating;
  • bacterial activity;
  • gas diffusion.

When eating or drinking drinks, including carbonated drinks, a person involuntarily swallows air, which enters the stomach along with food. After some time, it may come out as a burp, or it may go down into the intestines and exit through the anus. Often, air is swallowed when a person smokes, which is also partly the reason for the formation of gases in the stomach.

In addition, the cause of increased gas formation can be the activity of bacteria inside the intestines. The fact is that, when breaking down pieces of food, microorganisms release gases, which can also accumulate and cause discomfort in humans.

An increase in gas formation is associated, for example, with a woman’s pregnancy. As the fetus grows in the female body, the internal organs, rising, slightly change their position. In this case, compression of the stomach occurs, which cannot but affect its normal functioning.

Frequent belching also occurs in very tiny children. Newborns, for example, also swallow a large amount of air when sucking; it is for this reason that it is recommended to hold the baby upright for a while after feeding to help the air come out.

Stomach diseases

Of course, there are still a considerable number of reasons for increased gas formation in the stomach, but special attention should be paid to possible diseases. Quite often, during examinations it turns out that increased gas formation is only a symptom of more serious diseases, of which, by the way, there are many. Here are some of them:

  • imbalance in the intestines;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • colitis and enterocolitis;
  • irritable stomach syndrome;
  • blood stagnation in the intestines;
  • obstruction of intestinal patency;
  • gastritis, ulcers and other stomach diseases.

It happens that microorganisms that break down food die or fail to cope with their functions, so the internal balance in the intestines is disrupted. At the same time, food begins to decompose in the intestines, which causes increased production of gases.

Stomach bloating can also occur due to impaired fermentation, for example, with colitis or pancreatitis. It also noticeably impairs digestion.

The cause of gas formation can also be considered irritable stomach syndrome or various types of stagnation and obstruction inside the intestines. Stagnation of blood in the intestines or its obstruction partly interfere with the normal removal of gases from the body. Therefore, they can linger in the stomach itself.

It is very important to pay attention in time to the fact that a person has increased formation of gases in the stomach, since it is timely diagnosis and, accordingly, the clarification of the cause that can be the key to subsequent treatment being successful and effective.

Therapy for bloating

Finding out the true causes of gas formation in a person and prescribing the right treatment is the job of a qualified specialist. Meanwhile, a lot also depends on the patient himself. The doctor can prescribe medication, and the patient is able to adjust his lifestyle. Only this approach will help you forget about stomach discomfort for a long time.

When getting rid of gas formation, the doctor has 3 types of therapy at his disposal:

  • etiotropic;
  • pathogenic;
  • symptomatic.

Etiotropic therapy involves fighting the very cause of the phenomenon. It allows the use of a number of medications. These include probiotics, designed to normalize the balance of bacteria in the intestines, laxatives and drugs whose action is aimed at enhancing intestinal motility.

Pathogenic therapy consists in the fact that the increase in gas formation in the stomach is extinguished by the action of special drugs. First of all, these are enzymatic products with a high content of enzymes necessary for the digestion of food.

Antifoam agents are also used, the action of which is aimed at reducing the surface tension of gases inside the intestine.

As part of the same therapy, sorbents are also used, the main purpose of which is to remove toxins from the body.

But, as noted earlier, a lot also depends on the patient himself. First of all, we are talking about normalizing the diet and giving up bad habits.

It is important to follow simple diet rules. For example, you should avoid drinking sugary carbonated drinks. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of foods containing large amounts of lactose and fiber. You should not include fried or fatty foods in your diet. But the consumption of steamed vegetables, on the contrary, should be increased.

It would be wise to stop smoking or constantly using chewing gum.

It is important to understand that the general condition of the body, and therefore the functioning of the stomach, can be positively affected by leisurely walks in the fresh air, physical exercise, avoiding stressful situations, and observing the rules of personal hygiene. It is the implementation of these preventive measures that will help you forget about recent unpleasant sensations and make you feel more comfortable.

Getting rid of stomach pain due to gastritis: medicines and folk remedies

The most common gastrointestinal ailment in our time is gastritis, which causes inflammation of the gastric mucosa. As a result, the organ ceases to effectively perform its functions. The main symptom of a serious disease is the appearance of pain, which manifests itself sharply and can be cramping. This symptomatology makes the patient feel discomfort. After the diagnosis, the attending physician prescribes complex therapy, which includes medication and a special diet.

Self-administration of painkillers is prohibited.

Gastritis without pain is rarely observed. So, during a disease that is accompanied by high acidity, the solar plexus area hurts. And during low acidity, most often the patient suffers from pain after eating.

Elimination of symptoms

Many patients wonder how to treat the disease, but before using various medications on the advice of friends, you need to visit a gastroenterologist. The doctor, based on the form and course of the disease, will select safe and effective drugs. It is also necessary to realize that the disease can occur individually in each person; the attending physician also pays attention to this when prescribing comprehensive treatment. So, let’s figure out which drugs that relieve pain in gastritis are most often used:

It is important to understand that all of the above drugs can only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, so it is worth looking for the cause of the development of the disease and actively combating it. Medicines should be selected by the attending physician, this is especially important during pregnancy. Since at this time, treatment of any disease in a woman should be carried out with caution.

In addition to taking medications, you should adhere to the basic rules, non-compliance with which leads to irritation of the stomach, and as a result, pain appears:

  • the patient should avoid food that is too hot or cold;
  • You can’t add spices or a lot of salt to your food;
  • alcohol abuse is prohibited;
  • It is worth eating fractionally, up to six times a day, and each portion should be small;
  • you should forget about fatty, fried foods.


Recipes from traditional medicine will also help eliminate pain from gastritis:

Every person should know that the periodic occurrence of pain in the stomach is a signal to visit a doctor. The disease should not be neglected; treatment must be timely. And in order to never encounter gastritis, it is better to take preventive measures. To do this, give up junk food, alcohol and cigarettes, and don’t eat dry food. Only healthy eating and an active lifestyle will help you stay healthy!

Gastric hypertension is a disease in which the tone of the organ is increased, and cramps occur in the stomach, which makes it difficult for food to pass from it into the duodenum.

General concept

With hypertension, the stomach does not stretch well and cannot do this completely. Most often this is a secondary symptom, but primary hypertension can also occur. As a secondary disease, a hypertensive attack can manifest itself in the following cases:

  • the onset of vitamin B1 deficiency due to gastric or renal colic;
  • heavy metal poisoning (zinc, lead);
  • gastritis that arose due to nervousness;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • long-term advanced inflammation in the pelvic organ in a woman;
  • formation of adhesions in the pelvic cavity;
  • hysteria.

Hypertension is characterized by the fact that the gas bubble shortens and becomes wide, the wave during peristalsis is deeper than usual. The stomach takes on a horn-like shape (the upper and lower parts are disproportionate).


A hypertensive attack of the stomach occurs against the background of increased tone in the muscles of the organ. Causes of hypertension:

  • stressful situations;
  • swallowing air;
  • disturbance of gastric motility;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • organ neuroses;
  • hypocalcemia;
  • insufficient number of parathyroid glands;
  • general human neurosis;
  • smoking (nicotine negatively affects the muscle tone of the organ);
  • excessive physical activity;
  • overwork.

Local hypertension can be triggered by a peptic ulcer of the stomach, pyloric spasms due to peptic ulcer of the pylorus or duodenum.

Symptoms of hypertension in the stomach

Symptoms of gastric hypertension occur against the background of defects in peristalsis. Symptoms of the disease are most often mild. Mostly they are similar to the signs of a peptic ulcer:

  • pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • pain may periodically worsen, especially during times of stress or strong emotions;
  • nausea;
  • gagging.

Since a hypertensive attack is most often secondary, its symptoms are justified by the underlying disease.


Diagnosis of the disease using gastroscopy.

When conducting an X-ray examination, hypertonic fluid lingers inside for a long time in the upper part. It can be seen that a spasm occurs in the pylorus, the festoon frequency is symmetrical, the folds are thickened, the size of the stomach is larger than usual. Smooth muscle tone is reduced. If a disease occurs against the background of impaired peristalsis, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out, which can determine the primary problem. Possible diagnostic procedures for hypertension:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • biochemical laboratory tests;
  • endoscopic examinations (gastroscopy, colonoscopy, etc.);
  • MRI and others.


Therapy of hypertension requires special therapeutic and preventive nutrition. This may be the only treatment if hypertension is caused by a psycho-emotional state. If during the examination it was found that a hypertensive attack develops against the background of another disease of the gastrointestinal tract, complex therapy for the underlying disease is prescribed.

Scientists have identified a new pathology called gastric atony. This disease is closely related to the state of the human nervous system and develops against the background of its constant disorders. Let's consider the main symptoms of this disease and the method of its treatment.

Gastric atony is one of the serious diseases accompanied by loss of muscle tone in this organ. Typically, gastric atony occurs due to asthenia or damage to the nerves located in it. With atony, the peristalsis of the stomach muscles is disrupted, which significantly affects its functioning.

Gastric atony is a rather rare and little-studied disease. The disease receives a significant impetus for development as a result of the patient undergoing complex operations or as a result of complications of existing pathologies in the body. In medicine, cases have been described in which the disease developed against the background of a person’s experiences.

Gastric atony develops according to the same scenario as many diseases affecting the organs of the digestive system. Therefore, it is sometimes quite difficult to make an accurate diagnosis of the disease based on the existing symptoms. Gastric atony most often affects people who are underweight and exhausted by various weight loss diets. Excessive overeating also contributes to a decrease in muscle tone of the stomach, as does food with a lack of plant fiber.

Treatment of gastric atony is aimed at restoring lost muscle tone in the walls of the stomach. If you follow all the recommendations of your doctor, you can get rid of this disease in a short time.

Why does gastric atony develop?

The main reason contributing to the development of gastric atony is one of the categories of complex diseases that can affect the body. Such diseases are:

  1. Myocardial infarction;
  2. Digestive organ injuries;
  3. Various infections;
  4. Rapid weight loss.

Gastric atony can also develop against the background of constant stressful situations to which the body may be exposed. A factor contributing to the occurrence of gastric atony is surgical intervention in the area of ​​this organ. Atony also develops when innervation by nerve fibers of the gastric walls ceases. This condition is possible during the course of a person suffering a myocardial infarction. Most often, people who are underweight or on a diet suffer from atony. In this case, the tone of the muscular walls of the stomach is significantly lost and some expansion is observed. People with a congenital diagnosis of an elongated stomach can also become victims of atony. Patients susceptible to this disease also include citizens who have been diagnosed with prolapse of the stomach.

The occurrence of gastric atony is facilitated by the irritating effect on the walls of the stomach of unchewed food and toxic substances. With such influences, disruptions in muscle and secretory work are observed in the stomach.

Course of the disease

Gastric atony is characterized by nausea and belching of air or food. Many patients complain of deterioration in health as a result of eating. Atony causes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure in patients and a feeling of fullness in the gastric zone. Against this background, severe pain in the abdominal area may appear. Gastric atony is accompanied by a feeling of heartburn, as well as the appearance of a specific odor from the oral cavity. In some cases, patients experience vomiting containing a certain amount of green liquid.

Patients experience a feeling of rapid satiety while eating. Externally, patients with gastric atony are quite pale and complain of cold sweat. Many of them experience attacks of tachycardia or arterial hypotension. Based on the manifestation of these symptoms of the disease, it is quite difficult to give the patient an accurate diagnosis of the existing disease.

A thorough examination of the patient reveals a slight bulge in the gastric zone, and upon palpation there is a sound of liquid splashing from the abdominal zone. By tapping (percussion) above the location of the stomach, patients hear a “drumming sound” inherent in this disease. A detailed examination of the stomach using special equipment diagnoses the expansion of its sides.

By introducing a gastric tube, patients experience some relief in their overall well-being due to the movement of liquid contents from the affected organ.

Timely assistance to the patient prevents the occurrence of blood circulation in the area of ​​the gastric walls, thus eliminating the possibility of ruptures. With gastric atony, food stagnates in its area, which is


In case of gastric atony, it is not recommended to perform surgical intervention in its area, but to be guided by taking special medications, following a special diet and undergoing a course of physiotherapy. The treatment of gastric atony is carried out by a whole group of specialists, including a physiotherapist, nutritionist and psychotherapist.

Having confirmed the diagnosis of the development of this disease in the body, the patient is given a gastric tube to remove food debris from the area of ​​this organ in order to prevent ruptures in its walls. The patient is recommended to follow a special diet based on liquid and light foods taken in small portions up to seven times a day. The food you eat should contain an increased amount of plant fiber and the maximum number of various vitamins.

Patients with gastric atony are prescribed to help restore gastric motility. Also, people suffering from this diagnosis are advised to limit the body from excessive worries and stress. Compliance with all recommended standards will help restore the muscle tone of the stomach and promote a speedy recovery of the entire body.

Are you an absolutely healthy person? Three tests for the stomach in the video:

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Read along with this article:

Atony is the loss of muscle tone in a particular organ. A disease that affects the walls of the stomach can cause congestion in the organ and lead to death. Therapy for the disease consists of several stages, the completion of which is mandatory for a complete cure.
The pathology recurs in 60% of cases due to incorrect post-therapeutic actions and lack of qualified examination.

general information

Gastric atony is a rare disease characterized by loss of muscle tone. The atonic process in the stomach is characterized by the inability of the organ to perform basic functions, resulting in stagnation of food. Due to such stagnation, diseases such as gastritis, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, and problems with the nervous system can develop.

Patients with an asthenic physique (thin people for whom weight gain is difficult) are most susceptible to this disease.

Factors that can influence the development of pathology are considered to be constant stress, surgery, serious illnesses, and an irrational attitude towards food (constant overeating, unbalanced diet).


One of the features of atony is the absence of pronounced symptoms. Patients seek medical help at late stages of the disease, which makes diagnosis and treatment difficult. In some cases, people simply confuse the symptoms and mistake atony for gastritis or an ulcer. Therapy consists of the therapeutic actions of the patient himself. Surgery is considered ineffective because the disease constantly recurs.

Gastritis can cause gastric atony.

  • Atony develops under the influence of the following factors:
  • Damage to the nerve cells of the organ.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Gastritis and other inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • General exhaustion of the body.
  • Prolonged overeating, lack of a balanced diet.
  • Infectious processes in the body (typhoid, botulism, etc.).
  • Long-term depression, unstable psychological state.
  • Peritonitis.
  • Blood clot formation.
  • Spinal cord injuries.
  • Anorexia/dystrophy.
  • Congenital elongation of the stomach.
  • Eating disorders, intake of heavy, coarse, carbohydrate, fatty foods in large quantities.

Impaired motor/secretory functions.


An enlarged stomach is one of the signs of the disease.

  • The symptoms of this disease are similar to infectious/inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity (gastritis, ulcers, erosion, etc.). The main complaints of patients are as follows:
  • an increase in the volume of the stomach (intragastric pain, which seems to stretch the organ);
  • frequent manifestations of heartburn;
  • nausea/vomiting (contains green substance);
  • increased blood pressure;
  • belching air;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • increasing the level and time of saturation;
  • pallor of the epidermis;
  • cold sweat;
  • sensation of a large amount of fluid upon palpation;
  • circulatory disorders (in the later stages of the disease in the absence of medical care);
  • stagnation of food in the body (provokes the development/exacerbation of gastritis);

moderate increase in acidity or complete absence of changes in pH levels.

Stomach atony is one of the most dangerous diseases. The symptoms of this pathology are constantly growing, increasing, the infection affects the body and, in some cases, is incompatible with life. The disease constantly recurs in the absence of qualified medical care and proper care for the patient.

One of the complications during the disease is additional focal inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract and pancreas. There may be problems with normal blood supply to internal organs. If the body does not transport enough nutrients through the blood, the walls of organs may burst or rupture.

Diagnosis of gastric atony

Atony of the stomach on palpation.

The most common methods for diagnosing atony are gastrography (endoscopic examination of the abdominal cavity for the presence of inflammatory processes), MRI, and CT. Data obtained during the diagnosis of atony:

  • The activity of muscle contractions of the affected organ decreases. Due to the lack of contractions of the required strength, the contents of the stomach begin to move.
  • The shape of the stomach is deformed. It has an uneven surface, may narrow in some places, and takes on an oblong vertical shape.
  • The fundus of the stomach is lowered.
  • The contrast (the substance used to carry out the procedure) can remain in the stomach for about 6 hours after the end of the diagnosis.
  • A large amount of stagnant food residues.

Treatment and preventative actions

Treatment of gastric atony should be carried out under the supervision of a specialized gastroenterologist, nutritionist, psychotherapist and physiotherapist. Accordingly, treatment consists of several blocks:

  • classical (medicinal);
  • diet;
  • physiotherapy;
  • control over the psycho-emotional state.

The primary action after diagnosing the pathology is the installation of a gastric tube. The stomach should be cleansed before the tube is inserted to avoid rupture and damage. Based on the tests obtained, the doctor determines the root cause of the disease and selects the appropriate medicinal complex. Drug therapy includes taking medications aimed at:

  • improvement of gastric motility (normalization of muscle contraction);
  • enrichment with vitamins and minerals;
  • regeneration of damaged mucous tissues;
  • general strengthening of the immune system and all body systems.

In severe cases, proteins (due to limited independent synthesis), anabolic steroids, potassium, and calcium are prescribed. Gastric atony requires the following preventive actions:

  • normalization of diet (in the absence of proper nutrition, the possibility of relapse increases);
  • taking prescribed medications;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, erosion, ulcer);
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • eliminating the root cause of the disease;
  • additional therapy such as treatment with mineral water, etc.