Folk signs about cats. Signs about cats - the secrets of mustachioed and tabby cats How can you find out who killed a cat

Hi all!
Everything is bad...I’ll probably never forgive myself for this. Yesterday I killed a cat. Yours. Because of his anger, he had long been afraid of me, because I was punishing him, and sometimes he wet himself out of fear. Yesterday this particularly infuriated me; I did not calculate the force of the blow. A few minutes later he died in front of my eyes... Lord! Now I can’t even sleep, I can’t tell this to anyone, because I’m ashamed, it hurts terribly and I despise myself. What a bastard I am! But he was only half a year old...
Now I have before my eyes his dying face and look... Help, whoever! I went to church, prayed, repented, but won’t let go... What should I do now? What to do? Help...
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Vladimir, age: 20 / 11/12/2012


Offending an animal is as easy as shelling pears. It’s easy - the cat won’t give you change, will he? Right? And to kill, not to calculate the force of the blow... I am disgusted for your action, no less than you, honestly. I read it, and it jars me to realize that this is true. It would be easier if you wrote that you lied, made it up...

Surely, if stronger and older guys were hitting on you, you would write on this site “help, I’m being bullied at school/college.” Let me say right away that I am not on your side. Purposefully killing an animal is the lowest thing a person can do.

What can I say? How can I help you? Yes, nothing... be patient and suffer - that’s what you need, next time, before you get an animal, you’ll think about what purpose it is for you - to assert yourself or to love.

Although I am not a girl, although I am not a teenager, your action killed me. How innocent an animal you are.

D.Yu. , age: 31/11/12/2012

Well... I hope you repent sincerely. This is your only advantage.

Anna, age: 18/11/12/2012

Oh, yes... it’s hard for you to write “I didn’t calculate the force of the blow”????? WHAT THE KICK??? How??? Explain???
The best a pet deserves is a newspaper hit on the butt. And you KILLED the cat, asserting yourself at his expense. I also have a cat and she sometimes misbehaves, sometimes we scold her, but in order to HIT... my husband, 130 kg in weight and 190 cm in height, adores her and the maximum that allows him is to shout and EVERYTHING.

Were you bullied at school? Beaten? Where does so much aggression and cruelty come from? Even now? Come to your senses!

You know, I sincerely wish that the cat that died at your hands will be in your dreams for a long time. As a warning, you should not offend those who are obviously weaker than you.

Olga, age: 26 / 11/12/2012

There is no point in despising yourself! This should just be a lesson. But such attacks of rage and cruelty are somehow completely abnormal, to be honest... Something is wrong here. If you are really twenty already and you understand everything. For the love of God, don't have any more pets. I would even highly recommend undergoing some kind of serious psychological examination, getting some recommendations from specialists, because you are quite dangerous for others and yourself (admit it), or at least go to a neurologist or psychotherapist, if possible.

Alexey, age: 26 / 11/12/2012

It’s good that they didn’t kill a person. But imagine
instead of the cat there would be a man. What would happen then
You? Of course, not the best example. But life is not
Sometimes such lessons are taught. The main thing is the right ones
draw conclusions. Try getting another kitten
and love.

Sergey, age: 40 / 11/12/2012

Vladimir, go to church again and again, change yourself, continue to repent.
The trouble is not in the death of the cat, but in the level of anger that “covers” and
severe irritation when you need to do a simple job:
wipe up the puddle... Fight anger and irritation, because
they will probably accompany you to Everyday life. Just
we are designed that with the strong we still maintain ourselves somehow, but
we take it out on the weak... Fight, repent, change yourself, because you have
there will probably be (or already is) a girlfriend, someday there will be children...
And children pee more often and longer than the cat, and even cry at night.
Some parents lash out at their children, yell, hit, break
psyche...Elderly parents also require care, patience,
participation. To be happy you need to be kind and
patient. It is possible to succeed in this. With God's help I have
managed to get rid of rabies outbreaks. It is necessary strongly
want, and the Lord will help you, Vladimir.
Don't engage in self-criticism. Direct your energy not against yourself, but
against your shortcomings. Let the cat's eyes be remembered when
someone or something is starting to really piss you off...

Elena Ordinary, age: 35 / 11/12/2012

Vladimir, try to calm down. We all get angry and sometimes we can't stop. Sometimes the Lord allows us to see our obsession with passions, but we can also benefit from this. You have seen how fragile the life of a living being can be, and now the memory of this will stop you from outbursts of anger. It happens that good comes out of evil.
Try to fight anger and work on yourself. We are all obsessed with sin to one degree or another, only sometimes we don’t see it, and we dream something about ourselves. And such cases help us take a more realistic look at ourselves and assess the state of our own hearts.
I wish you God's help in all your affairs, patience, do not lose heart!

Olya, age: 40 / 11/12/2012

First of all, try to calm down, inhale slowly and exhale calmly, watch a nice movie, listen to a song, if you live alone, of course it’s harder to cope, well, I dare to reassure you, you’re not the only one who did this, about two years ago I also killed a puppy, but I love them madly dogs and cats are just sometimes so annoyed by their parents or someone else that there is no place to release their anger, you can’t release it on your loved ones, besides, I was reproached many times for being too much of a babysitter for dogs and puppies, so they hounded me with his theory of “there is no good”, and he was just superfluous, that is, that year my girls gave birth to too many puppies and we could not feed them all, so I cut off the head of one with a shovel, it was very difficult, I did it in a state of passion, so I have depression, of course, not only because of this, but this moment in my life hit me hard, although when you look at how many people kill animals every day and they don’t care, not to mention those who kill people, it becomes quite scary. But you have to live. We are unable to return anything. Although there is a way to take a kitten from the street and warm it up, feed it, take care of it, but remember that you are doing this in memory of your friend. and try to take out your anger on uninspired objects.

Dima, age: 20 / 11/12/2012

I have a long-standing sin like this. Oh, how it gnaws.
It’s very difficult. I’ll say one thing for the church. Be careful with
this. The devil pulled me into something Buddhist
visit the temple at TsKPiO (St. Petersburg).
For some reason I started crying so much. It’s just
hysterics. Soon my son will have a black cat
the yard was crushed by stray dogs. Here's a temple for you
.here is “help” for you. I think that it is still not
recovered from this grief.
We have a wild society. Treat people like wild animals
attitude is not the same as towards animals. but this is
a very, very delicate matter. It is dangerous for the animal
You will definitely pay for cruelty and
However, mentally ask your cat for forgiveness.
Take a long time to explain and tell everything
to him.Talk about your pain and regret.Pray and
ask Higher power so that he comes to you in a dream
and talk to him. Pray for his soul. Pray for that
so that after punishments comfort comes to you
some day.

Sergey, age: 39 / 11/12/2012

I won’t console you that you made a mistake and so on. you killed Living being, defenseless, which physically cannot fight back. Do you know how we differ from animals? The fact that we can control ourselves. But you couldn’t, you’re an animal, why did you start it in order to mock him, beat him, and so that the cat would pee in fear when it saw you? You should NEVER, remember, NEVER take animals into your home. And you don’t need to get someone else to atone for your sin, no, cruelty to animals is enough.
Go to church, the advice is banal. Talk to the priest, tell him what you did. And then contact a specialist to treat you for unmotivated aggression. You are dangerous to others, forgive me.

Tamanna, age: 34 / 11/13/2012

You yourself understand that you have done a terrible thing.
I can’t judge you, but in all seriousness - treat
nerves if you do this for any reason
“get mad”, what else could this lead to?

Oh my God... I read your story, read all 10 comments. Oh, it’s not for nothing that you’ve been sanded here. I'll join.

Many people here advise going to church, praying... But I would advise going to the hospital for treatment. But! Your illness does not justify what you did. Remember this.

Look at yourself from the outside: get an animal, BEAT it until it starts to pee out of fear, and then kill it. You are a monster, a simple beast. This is not an insult - it is a statement of fact, albeit a rude one. I don't even feel sorry for you, by God. And the fact that you are suffering now is GOOD, it’s just EXCELLENT! This means that all is not lost, not completely. If only your torment lasted longer, as long as your cat had. Although it’s more difficult for him - you can’t ask for help in a church, you can’t write on a website...

I think this tragedy, this murder will touch something in your soul, or just at least show you that you have a soul, even though it is hidden behind a bunch of complexes of a stupid teenager.

Think about something else now. You are now 20 years old. You probably just graduated or are still studying. What will you grow into? What will you become? A criminal? Will you take away children's phones? And if you have a child... you will also beat him until you kill him, and then you will go to prison. By the way, children also misbehave and pee. Even more often than cats.

Your poor animal, I can’t even imagine what the cat went through. And most importantly - for what? You can’t say that, but I think it’s good that he’s no longer there - to live with a monster like you, dear, it’s better not to live at all, in principle.

Olya, age: 25 / 11/13/2012

Vladimir, a lot has already been written to you here... For the most part, the things are correct, that you should not offend those who are weaker, because an animal cannot fight back... Animals should be treated like children, because you won’t flog a small child for what did he write? It’s good that your conscience is tormenting you, it means not everything is lost, it means you have a heart and a conscience... Advice - go as a volunteer to shelters for homeless animals, extra hands are always needed there. With this you will partly atone for your bad deed, maybe and the heart there will thaw at the sight of these unfortunate creatures.

Kinglet, age: 27 / 11/13/2012

I will repeat what was said above - you need to see a psychiatrist about unmotivated aggression. The cat is just the beginning - then you will mock your family, children, who will not only pee but also poop out of fear. And you can “miscalculate the force of the blow” and kill everyone at the moment. And then lament - oh, what have I done? Don’t delay this until people have suffered from your aggression. And please don't have any more animals!

Sonya, age: 28 / 11/13/2012

What should you do now? Live with it. Remember about
about what I did - and how I felt after
this. The power of emotions will weaken over time -
only their general outline will remain. Sincerely
repentance will lead to a change in your position on
this issue - so when you again
you will find yourself in a situation of dissatisfaction with behavior
the weakest of you - if you succeed, and
repeatedly, curb your anger, relying on
memory of what was done before and felt
after this, - that means, even from such a terrible
of your action you are for yourself - and for others -
benefited. And this, by and large, is
the only meaning of our life.

I wish you nothing worse than this
I didn’t do anything in my life.

Maria, age: 21/11/13/2012

Volodya, there is no need to despise yourself. but, of course, there is something to think about... advice - get yourself a confessor. and you will begin to grow up with him. you must understand why this is happening to you. Unfortunately, time erases all our acute experiences - this too will be forgotten. but it’s a pity... because next time something more reasonable might come to hand. Your whole life is ahead. Your desire to change is very important here. GOD'S HELP to you.

Larisa, age: 48 / 11/13/2012

Blessed is he who also has mercy on cattle.
Vladimir, did you go to confession? if not, then
Be sure to GO TO CONFESSION. Deed
the most vile... how so... poor cat.
In anger a person loses his mind. There must be anger
directed against our sin, first of all we
must hate their sins.
When we want to take some action or
say some harsh word, then don’t do it
this on the first impulse. Gotta try it
hold back, at least for a short time. Somewhere
go away to pray, reason, and then,
Having calmed the seething passion, decide whether it is worth it
to say or not to say. Draw conclusions from
Start raising stray animals and birds in
memory of an innocently killed animal. Do
good deeds to neighbors. Lord strengthen you

Snail, age: 29/11/13/2012

Vladimir, you will have to live with this: not sleep, repent, cry, remember again and again... Only time will ever help you.
This is what happened to me: I took a kitten from the street (although everything was against it: both people and circumstances), and a few days later, because of my negligence, he fell from the balcony and crashed. Five years have passed, it doesn’t hurt so much anymore, but I can’t forgive myself. No one thought that I was to blame; God had probably already forgiven me, but not I myself. So maybe you will never forgive yourself. Your main enemy is anger, it is he who needs to be killed, not the cat, let the pain help you cope with anger every day. Let it be ashamed, bad, you have to live with it so that the worst doesn’t happen. And to those who judge too harshly: which of you is without sin?

Margarita, age: 43 / 11/14/2012

Oh, Vladimir... People kill each other, they kill their unborn children... And they live with it, tormented by their conscience. Since conscience torments, it means that God is with us all, because conscience is CONSCIOUSNESS, that is, the voice of God in us. As long as we have a conscience, God is with us. Let us rely on Him. Fine?

Have you been to confession? The priest was asked for advice on what to do? Ask, the priest will give penance - instructions on how to heal the soul. You didn’t harm the cat so much as you harmed your soul. I feel very sorry for you because you are in a lot of pain. But the soul can be healed! That alone makes life worth living! If you killed a cat, at least let the man live! For yourself and your mother!

God help you, friend!

Elena, age: 55 / 11/15/2012

Look for videos of how animals are killed for food. How long does it take to drain blood from a dying cow? We are all up to our ears in blood, and we show pity for cats and dogs. Rivers of blood are shed so that respectable families can eat pork. To taste turkey meat, hundreds of turkeys die from being hit on the head with a stick.

And you have yours for the future. Don't have children or animals. You can't control your anger, so just avoid those who are weaker and more defenseless than you. You've punished the cat before. And he is an unintelligent creature. I'm exhausted. Well then.

Everything will be fine, just don’t get other animals, or better yet, in order to atone for your guilt, help from a distance. For example, you can transfer money to an animal welfare fund. Anyone - she will do the job. Feed the mongrel, for example. But don’t start one yourself, so as not to offend in a fit of rage. Watch a movie about wildlife- everything is cruel there too, so don’t be tormented by your conscience, just don’t get other animals, but help animals from a distance. How - see above.

Sasha, age: 28 / 26.11.2012

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There are numerous signs and superstitions about cats: for example, a tri-colored cat brings wealth to the house, and black cats warn of obstacles. Also, a cat in the house creates signs for the whole family. If there are diseases in the house, then the black cat collects them. Signs about cats are always numerous and varied, because... cats have long lived next to humans. Signs say that if a cat comes into the house on its own, then it cannot be kicked out. Signs about cats can help you avoid misfortune and bring good luck into your home.

If a cat comes into the house on its own, it means that it brings happiness and wards off misfortune;

Man, loving cats, will always love his wife;

The cat washes itself with its paws - it washes guests into the house (invites);

If a cat reaches out to a person, it promises renewal or benefit;

The cat is considered the keeper of wealth;

If a cat sneezes in the morning next to the bride on the eve of the wedding, her marriage will be successful;
Newborn kittens cannot be called and compared to mice - otherwise the cat will strangle them;

If a cat begins to sniff the air exhaled by a person near the nose, this means the onset of the disease;

When a cat lies near a sick person, it takes away the disease from him. The cat has healing powers. She feels when a person is in pain and reaches out to that place, trying to warm him up. And in most cases it promotes healing!;

When a cat is angry, get ready for a family quarrel;

Whoever tortures cats will be tormented by them in the next world;

To kill a cat means to endure seven years of misfortune;

A cat cannot be killed, since it will be the first in the next world to meet its owner;

It is impossible to offend cats, as they help their former owner climb a steep mountain to the kingdom of heaven;

You cannot pick up a cat by the tail, otherwise it will shit everywhere in the house;

Meet skinny, pathetic and dirty cat- bad news: one of your friends or relatives will get sick. But if you adopt a cat, your friend or loved one will recover;

Hearing cats squealing and meowing means a false friend seeks to harm you;

The appearance of a beautiful white cat in a dream promises wealth;

I dreamed of a cat (not white) - to betrayal of friends or loved ones;

A cat with a chopped or short tail from birth brings prosperity to the home;

Cats cannot be given as gifts, i.e. give without money. It is necessary to give a ransom so that the animal takes root and does not die;

Whoever takes care of cats, she protects him from misfortunes;

If a cat purrs when a visiting guest pets it, it means that this person is sincere with you;

A cat will never approach a proud, selfish person;

During the housewarming of the first new house they let the cat in. And where she falls asleep, you should put a sofa or a bed for people, since in this place there is a favorable bioenergy zone;

Adopting a stray cat or kitten will attract good luck and happiness for many years;

If luck and money have left your home, pick up a stray cat or kitten on the street with a pure heart - everything will work out in the house;

Feeding homeless cats and cats - to alleviate the suffering of deceased relatives;
TO a stray kitten has nailed your front door - you should definitely take it in; if you throw out such a kitten - 7 years of bad luck for the residents of the house;

Among all the animals that humans once tamed, only cats were able to maintain their independence. No matter how much they love their owner, they are not afraid to show their character, which can sometimes be very obstinate and capricious.

At the same time, they sincerely love their owners, come to the rescue in difficult times and diligently catch small rodents, protecting the house from them.

Cats have always been considered special animals, mysterious and mystical, and among some peoples, sacred. Because it exists a huge number of signs associated specifically with these animals.

Cat in the house - signs

If you want to have a cat in your house, you should listen to the signs about which animal to choose. If you believe the most popular opinion, it’s worth taking tricolor cat.

Ginger the shade of the cat's fur will bring you financial success. White cat will become a talisman of family happiness, while black will protect from negative energy and otherworldly forces. If you want to have a universal assistant at home, choose a tricolor cat.

What black cat capable of bringing misfortune - an absolute untruth, and very unfair. These cats are not only beautiful, but also strong in terms of their intuition and energy, they are especially close connected with the other world. Therefore, by choosing such a cat, you will protect yourself from all kinds of problems, negative energy, envy and the evil eye. It is these cats who feel the owner’s need for support better than others.

By the way, if a black cat leaves the house, perhaps he is taking away a very serious danger that threatened you. One of folk beliefs says that you shouldn’t adopt a cat just like that. Even if they give it to you for free, in good hands, give it for it symbolic amount- then she will take root in your home.

A very well-known sign says that a cat that washes itself warns you that guests will arrive soon(washes the guests).

It is worth paying attention to your beauty's paws. If they are cold, the guest may be either unexpected or not come with the best intentions. But the cat’s warm paws indicate that your relatives or close friends will be guests.

It is also believed that cats are able to sense people well. Therefore, when someone comes to visit you, pay attention to the behavior of the animal.

Cats do not like proud, angry and selfish people - as a rule, they simply do not approach them. If she began to purr and rub against the guest’s legs, then this sincere, kind person.

Cats are known to be able to sense human pain. Therefore, do not be surprised that immediately after you felt pain in some part of the body, the cat came and lay down exactly there. And don't be surprised if discomfort passed - these animals really capable of treating Auger.

It is a very, very bad omen to kill a cat. According to it, the person who did this will suffer from failure and illness for seven years. Thank God, not everyone is capable of taking such a sin on their soul. Another sign says that the one who was able to kill a cat is also capable of killing a person.

Cats that got nailed

If the cat came to the house, then this sign is good in all respects. So, if someone in the family has recently died, do not be surprised that a kitten may soon come to the house. In this case, he is considered a messenger from your deceased loved one, who sends the cat with a piece of his soul and wishes you only happiness. Do not drive the animal out under any circumstances.

If you have been dreaming of having a child for a long time, and a cat comes to your house, the sign states that your wish will come true. Of course, provided that you leave the kitten, otherwise you will have to say goodbye to the dream of adding to the family for a long time.

A particularly lucky sign is when a kitten comes to you on some church holiday. You can be sure that the fluffy handsome man will become best patron your home, which will help you achieve comprehensive well-being.

While everyone is afraid of black cats, such an animal, nailed to your house, is considered good sign. A calico cat- this is a special happiness that will bring you well-being and protect your home from all sorts of troubles. In any case, the animal must be greeted with honor. Then it will become your lucky talisman.

Cats and children: folk signs

Many people believe that cats and children cannot get along in the same house. But this is fundamentally wrong if the cat is docile and does not perceive the child as an enemy.

On the contrary, the animal is capable of taking upon itself all negative energy, leaving the baby with all the purest and best.

In addition, there is an ancient Slavic tradition, according to which, before putting your baby to bed for the first time, you should put a cat there. It is believed that the baby will then sleep well.

Cats and pregnancy

There is a popular belief that a pregnant woman you can't play with a cat and take her in your arms, because otherwise the child will have many enemies in the future.

In fact, this is absolute stupidity, because a good-natured domestic cat can only bring positive emotions to the mother, and, accordingly, to the child.

But from a scientific point of view, caution towards cats is quite justified. This is due to the fact that cats can carry toxoplasmosis, which is very dangerous for pregnant women. Therefore, you should not touch other people’s animals, and it would be a good idea to show your cat to the veterinarian.

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Cat signs about the weather

Since cats are very sensitive, they can sense what the weather will be like next and show it through their behavior.

  • Pay attention to how the cat sleeps. If cold weather is coming, she will curl up and hide your nose.
  • If the cat stretches out on his back, leaving his face open, wait for warmth.
  • If a cat scratches the floor with its claws, then windy weather is coming, probably a storm.
  • Cats usually sneeze when it rains, and they fluff up their tail when there is a snowstorm or blizzard.

Housewarming cat: popular belief

One of the most famous folk signs is associated with housewarming. So, when moving to a new home, let The first one on the threshold is the cat. It would be great if it was black.

People believe that a furry pet can remove from your new home all the negativity and negative energy that may have remained from the previous owners.

It is also worth paying attention to the place where the animal goes to sleep. Under no circumstances should you place your bed in this place, since it is believed that cats choose places to sleep that are energetically dangerous for humans. And it's better to listen to your furry friend.

There are many other beliefs associated with cats. These magical animals capable of more than meets the eye. Therefore, if you don’t have a cat yet, think about becoming its owner.

We will not reveal a secret to you if we say that throughout the entire existence of mankind, cats have been considered creatures tightly connected with magic and the subtle world. Living side by side with people, they walk on their own and independently decide who to bestow their friendship on and whom to ignore. And these incredible animals even die in their own way. No other animal is surrounded by so many signs during life and after leaving it.

Signs associated with the death of a cat

Mysterious in her earthly incarnation, the graceful beauty remains the same even after she leaves this world. Where exactly the light cat souls rise, the legends do not know. But this place must be located not far from human heaven and hell, otherwise the superstition would not have warned: do not harm cats! Small predators, scratchy and fanged, will patiently wait for their offender on the other side. If you treat cats on the ground inhumanely, hold on! The retribution will be severe.

However, not all animals in the other world are busy with thoughts of revenge. The same legend says that a grateful cat will definitely try to pull a loving owner who has sinned in earthly life into heaven. The main thing here is not to exceed the measure of your bad deeds, so that the load does not turn out to be too large for the small animal.

Of enormous importance is how exactly the animal left this world. If its natural time has come, it’s one thing. If the pet suffered from an accident or illness, different. We'll talk more about this below. And it’s really bad if someone purposefully contributed to the death of the animal. The omens predict seven years of misfortune for a killer cat, and loneliness and poverty for those who drown kittens. If you don’t know how and don’t want to place little fluffies in good hands, don’t skimp on sterilization - it’s in your best interests.

If he dies in the house

Cats are mysterious creatures, and the signs associated with them are ambiguous

In former times, not a single domestic animal had the habit of sitting in the master's house all year round. This was especially true for cats! Free in both spirit and graceful body, the purrs darted around wherever they pleased, left, returned, hunted mice... and went to die in a hidden corner known only to them. Cases when an animal gave up the ghost of a house were rare and were perceived as something out of the ordinary. Naturally, with a negative connotation. Who would think to expect good luck after such an incident? In England there is still a saying: “Don’t let a cat die in the house - there will be trouble.”

Nowadays everything is different. In times of high-rise buildings and tightly locked doors, animals no longer have the opportunity to freely leave their owner’s house and go on their last journey. Sad events happen to pets all the time and bring nothing but sadness to their owners. In fact, who today would think of suddenly throwing a dying pet into the trash?! Even if a person does not care about moral standards, such an act will not be approved and folk signs: after all, in this case, the animal will suffer at your hands, which means that it will wait for the hour for fair revenge. And you can no longer count on a friendly “helping paw” to climb to heaven.

Moreover, the sign has an impressive camp of opponents who are sure: everything is quite the opposite! A cat dying in the house does not bring misfortune, but takes it away from the family. Fluffy esotericists do their best to protect the peace of their owners: they clean the energy of the home, ward off the evil eye, and extinguish negativity directed at the family. If there is too much of it - for example, something really bad was about to happen - the animal may not be able to cope with the situation. But these brave creatures won’t stand up to the price! If necessary, they will sacrifice all their nine lives just to keep trouble away from those they love.

In Rus', every domestic animal was entrusted to the patronage of the Brownie

Have you tried to get a cat several times, but the animals died one after another? There are three explanations:

  1. You are a careless owner who does not cope well with your responsibilities. Having a pet is a big responsibility. For those who are not ready for it, it is better not to injure either the cat or their psyche.
  2. There is too much negativity in the house. Control your behavior and thoughts more carefully, avoid quarrels, and finally, consecrate your apartment!
  3. The Brownie did not approve of the new residents, although usually the house spirit is not at all bloodthirsty and survives unwanted animals in more humane ways than sudden death. You can try to appease him with a treat and a gentle request not to be angry and to take the new cat under your protection.

Seeing outside the apartment (dead animal on the road or somewhere else)

If you find a dead animal somewhere on the street: you find it crushed to death by the side of the road, or you come across it while walking in the park, there is nothing to be afraid of. It is not your fault that the cat died. Some even manage to see a good omen in the event, and what a good one! According to them, a dead cat portends:

  • Financial profit.
  • Journey.
  • Love - if the animal had a white color.
  • I will meet the enemy - if he turns out to be black.

And only English fishermen, having noticed a drowned cat before going out to sea, immediately reel in their fishing rods, literally and figuratively. It is believed that there is still nothing to expect for a bite on such a day, but there will be plenty of troubles.

If you threw a dead cat into the yard or on the threshold

Cats have long been used in magical rituals

The belief in the magical power of cats is so great that sometimes they try to use the animal’s corpse for witchcraft purposes. There is a whole ritual designed to deprive the victim of peace, punch a hole in financial well-being, or drive love out of life. Such “magicians” are supposed to strangle or otherwise kill the poor animal, and then throw adversity at the desired object.

Of course, it’s unpleasant to find a dead animal on the porch or under the window that was clearly planted. A realist, and he will feel out of place. And a mystically inclined person will immediately lose sleep and help the “curse” work. And it doesn’t matter that it was sent by a quarrelsome neighbor who knew nothing about magic. The main strength of such corruption is that they believe in it.

Sometimes it happens that a dead cat is secretly buried in the yard of someone they are going to harm on a mental level. However, here you have a serious advantage: you know nothing about the sabotage that occurred, and it will be difficult for it to influence you.

Moreover, people with serious knowledge of subtle matters do not bury cats in other people’s yards. And a home-grown magician will not have enough strength to seriously harm you.

How to neutralize negativity

Take the cat’s corpse that was thrown near the house further away and bury it. Do not touch it with bare hands! And not only for magical reasons - who knows where they took this cat and why she died?

When you return home, wash your face from the tap, or better yet, take a shower. While you wash, imagine a mirror sphere that surrounds you on all sides, and repeat: “From whom it came, to whom it went.” Get rid of the obsessive mania that the dead cat was planted on purpose and forget about what happened.

If you are a believer, wash yourself with holy water and say a prayer. No damage can get through such protection.

And the most important thing. The first and main thing that is required of you is to think less about bad omens and curses. Don’t be afraid of dead animals accidentally found on the street. Let your pet go in peace. He gave you many pleasant moments during his short life, why spoil those memories by expecting bad things to happen? If cat heaven really exists, only good things will come to you from there.

I killed my cat, he was a year old, yesterday out of anger, they beat me up near the house, I came angry, he got under my arm, I beat him, kicked him and took out all the anger, he is dead, he was my parents’ favorite, I threw him in the trash, His parents are looking for him, they think he’s gone somewhere, now I don’t know what will happen to me for this, is this a big sin?

So this is how it all begins: first a cat, then a dog, then a homeless person... and then two life sentences. If you don’t want to end badly, restrain yourself and drink a sedative. We are all human and we all exhibit cruelty. Think about it and if your conscience torments you even a little, then calm down and never do that again. Tell your parents that the cat died from something or jumped off the windowsill and make sure your parents don’t see this question.

Well, wait now... it’s like a boomerang - they beat you, but you didn’t stop the evil, but multiplied it - ruined an innocent soul... Wait for the boomerang to return to you... and it’s good, if only to you, but not close ones to get you through them... Live and wait your turn...

My observations show that not a single person who killed a cat lived long after the murder. And as a rule, it dies the same death as a cat. A neighbor's boy hanged the cat, Vaska, and he himself died from lack of air. He asked his neighbors for help and said that he did not have enough air (may the kingdom of heaven be his). Another neighbor boy got his head smashed in street cat and he himself was found in the river with his head broken. Rest in peace. The neighbor collected all the cats in the yard, stuffed them into a bag and threw them into the trash car. She died from vinegar poisoning. When the husband opened the sheet to look at his wife and say goodbye, he was horrified and asked: “Did the cats scratch you?” Her whole body was scratched. She scratched herself in pain. She screamed that she wanted to live and scratched herself. Probably those cats also died in agony. (The kingdom of heaven be hers). I am not God or a judge, these are just my observations.

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