The beginning of the main roads. “We’ll know how I survived... Solovyov EMERCOM

The Far Eastern District Military Court in Khabarovsk accepted for consideration an appeal in a sensational criminal case in which the former head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Amur Region, Viktor Bukhta, was convicted. Her hearing is scheduled for August 26 at 10:00. Meanwhile, witnesses are already saying that they fear for their lives.

In that high-profile case, the head of the Far Eastern Regional Center (FERC) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Lieutenant General Alexander Solovyov, acted as a witness, even at the trial in Blagoveshchensk, having arrived from Khabarovsk. It was there that the journalists noticed that in court it seemed to them as if the general had been received in a special way. As the media wrote: “The judge even shook his hand... and took him to undress in the office.” Why is this happening all of a sudden?

Trial and verdict

Two months ago, on June 6, on the facts of holding a “black cash register,” a verdict was passed against the now former head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Amur Region, Colonel Viktor Bukhta. The Blagoveshchensk Garrison Military Court found him guilty of abuse of power and official forgery, punished with a fine of 50 thousand rubles and was released on all four sides.

In that court it turned out that the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations had come up with a certain scheme according to which, one might say, they “laundered” public money. Thus, employees were given exorbitant bonuses or financial assistance, which they, having received in their hands, immediately handed them back to the local financial unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, to the so-called “reserve fund,” and as if voluntarily.

In fact, it was a “black cash fund”, the funds of which were used by the managers at their discretion, including for receiving dear guests. This scheme was discovered by investigators from the military investigation department of the Investigative Committee for the Eastern Military District. But they could not even imagine where those threads lead from the glorious city of Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region!

For example, Amur journalists doubted that the Khabarovsk general remained in the dark about the affairs of his subordinate, especially since Mr. Solovyov himself comes from the Amur region, and from 2000 to 2006. In general, he was the head of the regional Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Shouldn’t he know about what’s going on in the department?

In court, meanwhile, from the lips of the accused Viktor Bukhta it was said: “The reserve fund, due to savings in monetary allowances, existed on an ongoing basis since the mid-2000s...” (quote from the court verdict). Pay attention to the years!

And the current head of the department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Amur region (since November 2013), Matvey Gibadulin, a witness in the case, continued: “...When the head of the Far Eastern regional center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Solovyov arrived, breakfasts were always organized for him with money from the reserve, and once purchased for Solovyov air ticket..." (another quote from the court verdict). But in court the matter did not go further than these words.

General Solovyov himself, after the trial, explained to our editors:

The information of a number of witnesses in the criminal case, who reported that I had received gifts (including shower cabins and faucets), was not confirmed either during the preliminary investigation or during court proceedings. In addition, based on these facts, the military prosecutor's office of the Eastern Military District carried out separate checks, during which the testimony of witnesses about the receipt of gifts by me was also not confirmed...

And he continued: “There were no facts of my committing extortions or spending illegally obtained funds either during my service in the Main Directorate or in the Far Eastern Resource Center. The presence in any documents, including in the defendant’s diary, of entries about faucets and shower cabins, as well as about the general and gifts for him, has nothing to do with me, since it has not been confirmed by anything...”

Yes, what kind of plumbing products is the general talking about? It turns out that we are talking about a service apartment, which he was given as the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Amur Region in Blagoveshchensk, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe street. Zeyskaya-Lazo, which has not been handed over to the governor. In this apartment, the neighbor downstairs often drowned, she complained to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the logistics rescuers went there - they changed the pipes, installed Italian faucets, a shower cabin - with funds from the “reserve fund” - the “black cash register”.

It’s strange, but what else should be used to confirm the testimony and the facts of the offerings? Maybe with a signature for them, they say, “the gift was accepted by... general such and such...”?

Quiet - loud

This “quiet” case in Blagoveshchensk would have remained “quiet” if exactly a month later, on July 6, the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - 11 witnesses who were involved in the criminal case and testified against their former boss Viktor Bukhta - were threatened with dismissal, and at on a legal basis.

It turns out that on the same day, June 6, in the place with the verdict, the judge of the Blagoveshchensk Garrison Military Court, Alexander Agapov, wrote out a private resolution addressed to the head of the DVRTs, General Alexander Solovyov (no one knew about it, it was not announced in court, as the participants themselves stated process). And in it, the general was given a deadline - a month - to pay attention to the witnesses - participants in the criminal case, who “knew, but did not take timely measures” about the suppression of corruption by their superiors.

Alexander Solovyov himself, even before all this fuss, explained to our editors: “Based on the results of the consideration of the criminal case, the officials of the Main Directorate, who were victims during the investigation, were not recognized as such by the court... In addition, the court revealed in the actions of these persons signs of committing corruption offenses ..."

True, the general was wrong here! In the verdict, which is available in the editorial office, and the process was open, at the very beginning of this document all participants in the case appear. In particular, it is written there (we quote verbatim): “trial with the participation of the victims: Zolotareva V.V., Sapuntsova L.V., Kikotya M.V., Gvozdovsky, S.V., Rubakha D.N., Chertykova Yu S.S., Sergeeva S.V., Sevostyanova N.V., Savenko, S.N., Yursky O.A., Lementa A.I.”

The wave of dissatisfaction among EMERCOM employees reached the governor of the Amur region, Oleg Kozhemyako, who turned directly to the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov, for protection.

And the head of the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations reacted quickly, declaring that “there will be no persecution or persecution against officers who cooperated with the investigation, spoke in court, or addressed journalists...”

But he doesn’t know everything. Including the fact that it is no coincidence that the general paid such attention to the former head of the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations, Viktor Bukhta. They studied together at the same military school. In 1976-1980 were cadets of the Far Eastern Combined Arms Command School - DVVKU - in Blagoveshchensk.

The story of one of the witnesses, whose words can make your hair stand on end, was also left outside the scope of the trial. So who in the emergency department invented, maintained and used the “black cash register”?

“On a pencil” from management

Our interlocutor, who was a witness in the Emergencies Ministry case, was advised by investigators not to talk about the general at trial. This is the current head of the personnel department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Amur Region, Colonel Sergei Savenko.

He has been working in the emergency department of the Amur region since 2004 (he came to the search and rescue squad from the police). From December 2013 to July 14, 2014, he had a forced break. He was fired after he decided to speak in court on the same case about the “black fund” of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (the case itself was initiated in February 2013).

First, he was removed from the staff for six months, his salary was reduced, then they found a reason - “he was fired due to health restrictions” with a “terrible” diagnosis of “stage 2 hypertension,” which was suddenly discovered at the police department clinic. But Colonel Savenko managed to be restored to his previous position through the court. This happened on July 14 this year.

Last year, on July 6 (at that time the investigation into the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Bukhta was in full swing), Savenko was attacked. But first, he was confused with a neighbor in the garage; that neighbor was already being “kneaded” when, hearing the noise, Savenko returned. In that fight they said “hello... from the Bay” to him. The inspection materials were “hushed up”, no matter how much Sergei Savenko wrote or appealed.

Speaking with him late last week, he said that he was “removed from the state again until September 16th.” The order was signed by the acting head of the Department of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Erem Harutyunyan.

It turns out that the DVRC went against its leadership - the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov? After all, he promised that none of the witnesses in the case would be transferred or fired!

I remember that Alexander Solovyov himself convinced our editors: “The presence of someone’s last name on my pencil is not true. I have never sent or voiced any threats or warnings to the participants in the criminal process.” Then how to understand this?

Talk about a general

Sergei Savenko has many state awards (including the medal “For Courage”, the medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, 2nd degree, etc.), a combat veteran, was in “hot spots” four times, in the North Caucasus, cooked special forces OMON and SOBR for dangerous missions, in short, a real combat officer.

Sergei Savenko had to serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the region under four leaders: Alexander Solovyov - from 2000 to 2006. (remember, now the head of the DVRC), Nikolae Prilipco - from 2006 to 2010. (he died in office), Victor Bukhta - from 2010 to 2013. (we repeat, he is now convicted) and Matvey Gibadulina - from November 2013 to the present (before his appointment he was first deputy).

It was Sergei Savenko who contacted the editor and agreed to tell what his investigators asked him not to talk about. We will explain why there was such a request during the conversation. Well, the most important reason to talk about many things that Sergei Savenko knows is that he is being threatened again.

According to him, “the reports for financial assistance in the Ministry of Emergency Situations were not written by 11 people who were involved in the case, and handed over the money to the deputy head of the department for financial and economic work of the Main Directorate of the Emergency Situations of the region Lada Sapuntsova (she, by the way, was also a witness in the criminal case, so how she accepted money. - Ed.), and almost 95% of employees...". But Sapuntsova was so intimidated that now she is afraid to say too much. He says: “I’m afraid to leave the house in the evening to go to the store and take out the trash...”

For the last four years, I have warned the management of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the same Bukhta, that it is impossible to “squeeze out” money - bonuses and material assistance that were issued to the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and then they gave the money back,” continues Sergei Savenko. - It started under Solovyov. Although now some are blaming the late boss Prilipko. But he didn’t seem to really delve into this scheme...

Already to us, Sergei Savenko admitted: “In court, we did not say anything against Solovyov. The investigators immediately told us: “Soloviev is too tough for us.”

After I agreed to cooperate with the investigation and the FSB, I was removed from my post by order of the head of the DVRTs Solovyov and for seven months I was at the disposal of the chief. Firefighters from the Ministry of Emergency Situations came to me, right at home, and said that they were now forced to write that they paid me bribes, supposedly, for getting me a job. They refused. But others wrote. Then one of them admitted that he was “forced, intimidated into dismissal...”

Come to me, see how I live, what kind of furniture I have in my apartment, which I bought in the 90s. I’m paying a loan for the garage... - Savenko invites.

It was he who suggested that some “reserve funds” where the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees donated money could be in any other department.

According to him, “the deputy head of the DVRC, who, just like here in Blagoveshchensk, also wrote out bonuses. Just not 40-60 thousand, but half a million - a million..."

The daughter of one deputy, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, received a bonus of 2 million rubles. This is also recorded in the order,” says Savenko. - How much do you think she handed over? The DVRC financiers themselves told me about this. And a major from the supervisory activities of the DVRC received a prize for Rescuer Day of half a million. So this “reserve fund” most likely worked in Khabarovsk, but not like in Blagoveshchensk for 60-80 thousand, but probably millions?..

Mr. Savenko says that last year Vladimir Zolotarev, deputy head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Amur Region, wrote a letter of complaint to the President of the Russian Federation, in which he described the work of the department from the inside. He also asked Savenko: “Will you support me, if anything?” The answer to him was prepared by the head of the DVRC Soloviev! Now Zolotarev does not serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. No one else wanted to follow his example.

The witness recalls how once he refused to hand over money - more than 80 thousand rubles of financial assistance (he had to give 60%) back to the cash register. So, as he recalls, the head of the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations, Viktor Bukhta, told him: “Write a letter of resignation and take all the money.”

The interrogation report about this episode contains my testimony, - the words of Sergei Savenko. - I then needed money for treatment (I have a concussion, shrapnel wounds to the head, back, compression fracture of the spine). As a result, I handed over 40 thousand rubles to the cashier.

Savenko was sent five (!) documents to Moscow, to the main directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, to reduce his position.

They called me from the main office and said: “Here they want to lay you off...”, our interlocutor continues. - But I was left to serve all five times, since I am the best personnel officer in the department.

Sergei Savenko plans to leave Blagoveshchensk, and in general, the Far East. “I understand that Soloviev will not let me live in peace...” were his words at the end of our conversation.

And then we asked him: Well, what can Soloviev do? Yes, he is the head of a large department, a general, maybe he didn’t know everything, maybe his name was used, but he, like no one else, is interested in fully understanding this whole scandalous story. Is not it?

Colonel Savenko shook his head: “You just don’t know him... One businessman, I remember, said: “Wow, how dear your general is to me...” What did he mean then? I won’t give his last name because it could end badly...”

Konstantin Pronyakin, Andrey Mirmovich.
Please consider this publication an official appeal to the Minister of Emergency Situations of Russia V.A. Puchkov with a request to look into all the facts.

From the verdict of the Blagoveshchensk Garrison Military Court dated 06/06/2014:

« Bukhta, having assumed the position of head of the Main Directorate on September 2, 2010, did not organize a “criminal scheme”, but only continued the practice of forming and using a reserve...

On the circumstances of the payments, Bukhta showed that the reserve fund, due to savings in monetary allowances, existed on an ongoing basis since the mid-2000s...

The existence of a reserve fund, into which employees donated money voluntarily, was necessary for the implementation of representative functions, meetings of inspection commissions, receiving delegations, improving and maintaining the material base, maintaining internal order, giving gifts, paying for trips to China, organizing sporting events, and carrying out various repairs , purchasing household appliances, car repairs... »

By the way

Between past and future

And here is General Solovyov’s response to the phrase that “hooked” him: “With this decision, the court freed the hands of the head of the DVRC, General Alexander Solovyov. In the recent past, he himself led the commander-in-chief and also did not disdain funds from the reserve fund...” from Art. “Corruption cases of the Amur elite” in the newspaper “Amurskaya Pravda” dated June 26, 2014 (

« Taking into account the literal interpretation of some phrases in the form of “untying my hands,” I would like to note that no one has ever tied or untied my hands, and the court verdict would not physically be able to untie my hands (even if they were tied) since it represents a set of neatly folded and stitched sheets in the amount of 21 pieces. At the same time, the sentence does not have the ability to make any movements without external influence, much less untie something...

If the correspondent meant to provide me with a certain freedom of action related to the creation and expenditure of “reserve funds” when passing a verdict against V.A. Bay, this fact is not true, since in this criminal case I acted only as a witness. There are no facts indicating that I have committed such illegal acts in the past, present or future...”

If, while in St. Petersburg, you start looking for the location of the Military Transport University of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation (VTU ZDV RF), they will tell you - near the Potseluev Bridge. Where does such an original name come from? Under Peter I, the city border passed here, and it was here that wives and brides kissed goodbye their husbands and grooms leaving for military campaign. Now the embankment of the Moika River, 96, is the center of the city, the sights of which are clearly visible from the window of the office of the head of the Military Technical Institution of the Railways of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Sergei Solovyov. It is no coincidence that the first question he asked was about his cadet memories.

– Sergei Nikolaevich, you also graduated from the university that you now head – at that time the Leningrad Higher Military School of the Order of Lenin, Red Banner School of Railway Troops and Military Communications. You are probably comparing cadets of the 70s and today. What is the most significant difference?

– Today's cadets have become more liberated, they no longer accept unproven theories - we need to conduct a serious, reasoned dialogue with them. The level of training of the majority of cadets has noticeably increased, which is also encouraging - mastering all specialties requires deep and versatile knowledge.
But, perhaps, the most important thing is that officers who are truly dedicated to their difficult profession are sent to the troops. Remember, today’s fifth-year students made their life choice and became cadets in the late 90s, when the prestige of military service was low and dreaming of an officer’s path was considered almost bad form. But they, not paying attention to the comments of skeptics, went to the lieutenant stars. Loyalty to military duty, patriotism, honor are truly sacred concepts for them.
By the way, on the territory of our military camp in Petrodvorets we carefully preserve the buildings of the former Life Guards Dragoon Regiment, which more than once showed miracles of courage and heroism in the battles for Russia. We have a wonderful, recently reconstructed museum - we give an important place to education in the traditions of the troops. Moreover, they originated here, on St. Petersburg soil, back in 1851. For many decades now, graduates (there are already more than 35 thousand of them), with dignity and honor, through selfless labor, have been increasing the glory of those who fought the enemy near Moscow and Leningrad, on the banks of the Volga, who, in incredibly difficult conditions, defended the freedom and independence of the Motherland. The names of many graduates are inscribed in golden letters in the history of national construction projects; with their labor, thousands of kilometers of railways were laid and hundreds of bridges were erected; they often participated in the elimination of severe accidents and disasters at the risk of their lives. Among the most difficult were the tasks of restoring bridges destroyed by the elements on Sakhalin, across the Umluk River on the Trans-Baikal Railway, eliminating the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, and the earthquake in Armenia. Today our graduates show courage and heroism while fulfilling their military duty in the North Caucasus region. 19 of our pets became Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of Socialist Labor, and Captain Timur Sirazetdinov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

– You took an active part in the anti-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus and were awarded the Order of Military Merit. To what extent is the experience acquired there in demand in the educational process?

– Not only me, many teachers from the leading departments of the VTU Railways of the Russian Federation went on business trips to the North Caucasus, where they often carried out important command assignments in a combat situation, side by side with their recent students. Through the efforts of military railway workers, destroyed bridges on the Gudermes-Khasavyurt section, a railway station in Grozny were restored - you can’t list everything that was done in Chechnya. Naturally, this experience is truly invaluable - our teachers constantly refer to it during lectures and practical classes. We adjusted the methodology for conducting field trips accordingly - we have a well-equipped training center in Luga. By the way, many St. Petersburg universities can envy the scientific potential of the university’s teaching staff: 18 doctors and professors, over 130 candidates of science.

– Tell us, who does the Military Transport University train?

– Our university is the leading university of the Russian Railway Troops, the only educational institution of its kind in the country. Therefore, the range of specialties is quite wide. Training is conducted in six areas of vocational education for various ministries and departments, primarily for the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation, the Military Communications Service of the Ministry of Defense, the Strategic Missile Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as for the CIS armies. After five years of study, graduates receive a state diploma and are awarded the military rank of lieutenant.
The educational process is brought into compliance with the requirements for the training of certified specialists, defined by the state educational standard of higher professional education and qualification requirements for military professional training. I can say with full responsibility that in terms of the level of education received, our graduates are in no way inferior to the most prestigious St. Petersburg universities.

– In this regard, are there any temptations for some cadets to “defect” to a civilian institute? It’s no secret that we have to face this problem, especially in capital cities...

– We do not close our eyes to it, but we strive to take measures in advance. What I mean? We study applicants during admission, and during further studies we evaluate the individual characteristics of each - in a military team, already in the first years it becomes clear what a person is like. As a rule, those who come to us with a “civilian aim” do not bother themselves with conscientious performance of internal service or study of individual subjects. We part with such people without regret, saving state money - let them serve in the troops.
At the same time, it should be noted that the specialties that VTU provides, plus the acquired service experience, allow officers, after being transferred to the reserve due to age, to easily find employment in civilian life.

– What can you say about the social portrait of current cadets?

– In short, more than half come from the so-called middle class: from families of employees, intellectuals, and military personnel. Approximately three quarters lived in cities, the rest in rural areas. For many young men from working-class and peasant families, entering our university is a good opportunity to receive a good higher education and achieve certain heights in life.
We receive good reinforcements every year from the Railway Cadet Corps, located in the same town as us in Petrodvorets. Throughout their studies, cadets purposefully prepare for subsequent studies at the university; many become junior commanders.
Within the walls of the university, we strive to ensure that cadets understand the main thing: the combat readiness of a military team depends on the commander, on his knowledge, skills, will, and ability to achieve the goal. Therefore, from the very beginning we aim not to stop there, since studies to obtain a diploma have not been completed. Ahead of each of our graduates is independent work on themselves, constant and continuous improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities, and raising their professional level. In other words, there is a big, interesting life ahead, worthy of real men.

In the pictures: Lieutenant General S. SOLOVIEV; cadets in class.

Head of the Far Eastern Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Lieutenant General of Internal Service

Alexander Vitalievich Solovyov is a native Far Easterner. He was born on April 10, 1959 in the city of Raichikhinsk, Amur Region. A graduate of the Far Eastern Higher Combined Arms Command School, he studied at the Military Engineering Academy named after. V.V. Kuibyshev and at the faculty of management of the Academy of Civil Defense, and in 2002 he graduated from the Higher Academic Courses of the Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

He came to civil defense in 1987 after serving in the Armed Forces of the USSR. Since 1993, he held senior positions at the headquarters of the Amur Region for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, which was later reorganized into the Main Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Amur Region. Since 2000, he headed the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Amur Region, which he successfully managed for 6 years, achieving the best results in the region in the field of civil defense and protection of the population from emergency situations. In April 2006, he moved to the position of first deputy head of the Far Eastern Regional Center of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, and 4 years later Alexander Solovyov was appointed head of the Far Eastern Regional Center of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

During his many years of service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Alexander Vitalievich more than once took part in the elimination of various emergency situations. In 1989, he performed official duties to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant as part of an operational group in a special zone. During his years of service in the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, he more than once became the leader or direct participant in search and rescue operations and headed the operational headquarters for coordinating work to eliminate the consequences of various emergency situations in the Far Eastern region. Thus, he was repeatedly the organizer of work to eliminate ice jams in the upper reaches of the Amur River, took a direct part in eliminating the consequences of an explosion at a distillery in the city of Blagoveshchensk, and supervised work to eliminate forest fires in the Tyndinsky and Skovorodinsky districts of the Amur region. In addition, as part of operational groups, he traveled and on-site managed the liquidation of the consequences of devastating earthquakes in the Koryak villages of Korf and Tilichiki, in the city of Nevelsk, Sakhalin Region. In 2007, he took charge of rescue work in flooded areas in the area of ​​the Zeya hydroelectric power station. In 2012, he was directly involved in eliminating the consequences of a fire at an ammunition depot in the village of Sungach, Primorsky Territory, and a fire in the village of Tygda, Amur Region.

For his impeccable service, Major General Alexander Solovyov was awarded many state and departmental awards, as well as the medal of the People's Republic of China "For rescue and assistance in overcoming the consequences of the earthquake."

Photo: General of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Alexander Soloviev turned out to be a witness in a high-profile corruption case. Photo

A general from Khabarovsk, the head of the Far Eastern Regional Center (FERC) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Alexander Solovyov, got into a corruption scandal. He was involved in the criminal case of his colleague from the Amur region, Viktor Bukhta, as a witness. But this status also allowed the public to learn much that, by the standards of honor and dignity, in our opinion, does not suit an officer.

The former head of the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Amur Region, Colonel Viktor Bukhta, was sentenced by the Blagoveshchensk Garrison Military Court (judge Alexander Agapov) for abuse of power - a fine of 50 thousand rubles.

The witness in the case was the head of the Far Eastern Radiological Center, Lieutenant General Alexander Solovyov, who came to Blagoveshchensk from Khabarovsk, where the department’s headquarters is located.

A judge without a robe and a general in uniform

This is how Amurskaya Pravda correspondent Irina Voroshilova describes one of the general’s visits to court in Art. "Corruption cases of the Amur elite."

“One day the court had to interrogate General Solovyov, who was a witness in the case,” the victims, officers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, told the editors. - The judge questioned one of the witnesses and announced a break in the trial. He headed to his office, took off his black robe, went out into the corridor, walked up to Solovyov and shook his hand, and allowed him to take off his clothes in his personal office. Then he put on his robe again and continued the interrogation.”

Also: “Before this, the judge did not shake hands with a single participant in the process, not a single witness or victim. And after that too. Even when a high-ranking officer from another federal district, acting head of the regional headquarters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and a witness in one of the episodes, came to the meeting. Although this person was equal in rank to the head of the Far Eastern Regional Restoration Center, the judge did not come out of the courtroom to see him and did not greet him.”

Irina Voroshilova writes that the judge’s action, in the opinion of the victims, before whose eyes everything happened, was incorrect and incomprehensible.

And further, the most important thing: “It’s not even the general rank of the witness with whom the judge exchanged a friendly handshake. This is the person against whom the victims testified and who received gifts from the defendant Bukhta. According to the employees of the Amur Ministry of Emergency Situations, he did not disdain shower cabins, bathroom faucets... Was the general’s salary really not enough?! The Soviet times, when imported sanitary ware was in terrible short supply, are long gone, but they still appear in the “you - for me, I - for you” scheme.”

Witnesses: “Gifts were taken to Khabarovsk”

From the same article we learn from unnamed people in uniform who express their conviction: “Soloviev, it seems to us, was really interested in the outcome of the trial, because his name constantly appeared in the criminal case. If Viktor Bukhta defended his superior manager in every possible way, then other witnesses confirmed: “Yes, gifts were actually given to him, tables were set for him... All this happened.”

With this decision, the court freed the hands of the head of the DVRC, General Alexander Solovyov. In the recent past, he himself headed the commander-in-chief and also did not disdain funds from the reserve fund, employees of the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations frankly tell Amurskaya Pravda.

At the same time, the court did not make any private ruling addressed to the Minister of Emergency Situations in relation to Solovyov himself. Although in court the prosecution presented the diaries of Viktor Aleksandrovich Bukhta, in which he mentioned certain faucets and shower cabins for the general, and other gifts. Witnesses who purchased all this property and transported it to Khabarovsk were interrogated. Apparently, the court considered the handwritten notes to be Buhta’s fantasies, having no significance and not even worthy of being included in the verdict.

According to some participants in the process, they have already been given to understand: everyone who dared to cooperate with the investigation and tell the truth will receive “what they deserve,” the newspaper concludes.

A case study from ten years ago

There hasn’t been such a scandal in the Ministry of Emergency Situations for a long time. The last one, I remember, happened in 2006, when the head of the department for civil defense and emergency situations of the Khabarovsk administration, Alexander Kostylev, was arrested. Exceeding his authority, if we adhere to the version of the investigation, he “for several years received gifts from his subordinates for their promotion.”

In 2007, the court of the Khabarovsk military garrison found Kostylev guilty, but released him from custody immediately after the verdict was announced, which took place behind closed doors, since it did not see anything dangerous for others in his actions... Although Kostylev did not agree with this verdict either and promised to appeal the case. But we know nothing about the results of the appeal.

How to fight corruption?

What's in the bottom line? What lesson did all those individuals who were involved in various unpleasant corruption cases receive?

We believe - none! The court, for some reason favoring the defendants, did itself a disservice: everyone sees that there is no inevitability of punishment, which means there is no faith in the judicial institution. Well, why then all these laws, since you can step over them? And how then to fight corruption, as the head of the country Vladimir Putin constantly calls for? Through what institutions, if the most important one is the judicial one, is this a dead end... And where is the way out?

Konstantin Pronyakin,
Andrey Mirmovich

P. S. This article from the website Hab .mk .ru was prepared for publication when Lieutenant General of the Internal Service A.V. Soloviev sent his letter to the editor stating that “the information concerning him contained in the article does not correspond to reality.” The editors will definitely bring his position to the attention of readers and the public.

Solovyov Ivan Vladimirovich - commander of the 132nd Rifle Division (129th Rifle Corps, 47th Army, 1st Belorussian Front), colonel.

Born on January 22 (February 4), 1908 in the village of Dyatlovo, Prechisto-Kamensk volost, Novotorzhsky district, Tver province (now Kuvshinovsky district, Tver region). Russian. He spent his childhood and youth in St. Petersburg, where he graduated from high school. Worked at the Baltic Shipyard.

In 1926 he graduated from propagandist courses at the Tver Provincial Party Committee. He worked as the executive secretary of the volost Komsomol committees in the village of Strazhevichi and the village of Zarechye (now Torzhok district, Tver region). From 1928 - Chairman of the Board of the Torzhok Workers' Cooperative, in 1929-1930 - Secretary of the Torzhok City Council of Deputies. In April-September 1930 - deputy chairman of the district executive committee in the village of Litvino (now the village of Sosnovoborsk, Penza region).

In the army since October 1930. In 1931 he graduated from the one-year team in the Moscow Proletarian Rifle Division. In 1931-1932 - military commissar of the combat training department of the Volodarsky district council of Osoaviakhim in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg).

From September 1932 he served as assistant inspector of the personnel department of the plenipotentiary representative office of the OGPU in the Leningrad Military District. In 1933-1937 - assistant to the head of the outpost and chief of staff of the commandant's office in the 5th Sestroretsk border detachment. In 1937 he graduated in absentia from the Higher Border School of the NKVD Troops. In 1937-1938 - commandant of the 5th Sestroretsk border detachment.

In 1938-1940 - department inspector, junior and senior assistant to the head of the operational department of the Main Directorate of Border Troops of the NKVD of the USSR. From June 1940 - head of the 24th Balti border detachment (in the Moldavian border district).

Participant of the Great Patriotic War: in June 1941 - May 1942 - commander of the 24th border detachment (from September 1941 - 24th border regiment) of the NKVD troops. He took part in border battles in Moldova, protecting the rear of the Southern Front during defensive battles in the south of Ukraine and the Rostov direction. In August 1941 he was shell-shocked.

In September 1942, he graduated from an accelerated course at the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze, which was evacuated in the city of Tashkent (Uzbekistan). In October 1942 - February 1943 - deputy head of the operational department of the headquarters of the NKVD Separate Army, which was being formed in the rear.

From February 1943 - Deputy Chief of the Operations Department of the 70th Army Headquarters, in March 1943 - October 1944 - Chief of Staff of the 175th Infantry Division. He fought on the Central, 2nd and 1st Belarusian fronts. He took part in the battles in the Sevsk direction, the Battle of Kursk, the Oryol and Chernigov-Pripyat operations, the battle for the Dnieper, the Gomel-Rechitsa, Polesie and Lublin-Brest operations.

In October 1944 - May 1945 - commander of the 132nd Infantry Division (1st Belorussian Front). Participated in the Warsaw-Poznan, East Pomeranian and Berlin operations.

He particularly distinguished himself during the Warsaw-Poznan operation. On January 15, 1945, he skillfully organized a breakthrough of a heavily fortified enemy defense line in the area of ​​​​the city of Legionowo (Mazovia Voivodeship, Poland). The division under his command crossed the Vistula near the village of Czonstkow Mazowiecki (commune Czosnów, Nowodwór County, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland) and, building on its success, advanced 80 kilometers in 4 days with fighting. At the same time, 110 settlements were liberated, 800 prisoners were taken, 60 guns, 30 mortars, 100 machine guns, 12 tractors and 90 enemy vehicles were captured. After this, the division, together with other units of the 129th Rifle Corps, quickly maneuvered to the rear of the enemy group defending Warsaw, which contributed to the liberation of the city. In subsequent battles, the division immediately broke through the enemy’s heavily fortified line along the Bzura River, capturing 500 prisoners.

For skillful command of the division and personal courage and heroism shown in battles with the Nazi invaders, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 6, 1945, Colonel Solovyov Ivan Vladimirovich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

After the war, until June 1946, he continued to command the 132nd Rifle Division (in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany).

In November 1946 - May 1947 - Deputy Chief of Staff of the Border Troops Directorate of the Lithuanian District. In 1947-1949 - assistant to the head of the Main Police Department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In June 1949 - April 1960 - head of the Leningrad City Police Department. Since June 1960, Police Commissioner 2nd Rank I.V. Solovyov has been retired.

Lived in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Died December 18, 1971. He was buried at the Serafimovskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Police Commissioner 2nd rank (1959). Awarded the Order of Lenin (04/06/1945), 2 Orders of the Red Banner (08/20/1943; 05/23/1952), Suvorov 2nd degree (05/29/1945), Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree (02/20/1944), Red Banner of Labor ( 06/21/1957), 2 Orders of the Red Star (02/14/1941; 05/2/1946), the medal “For Military Merit” (11/3/1944), other medals, the American Order of the Legion of Honor officer grade (06/1945), the Polish “Cross of the Brave "(04/24/1946), other foreign awards.

Honorary citizen of Warsaw.

Note: In 1973, the rank of police commissioner of the 2nd rank was equal to the rank of police lieutenant general. Therefore, in a number of publications and on the tombstone of I.V. Solovyov, the rank of police lieutenant general is indicated.