At what year of life did Lyudmila Gurchenko die? The true cause of Gurchenko's death. Lyudmila Gurchenko in the film "Station for Two"

The cause of death of the famous actress Lyudmila Gurchenko has become known. Her life was interrupted due to pulmonary embolism.

Among the versions initially put forward in the media, there was an assumption that Gurchenko’s death was caused by the delay of the ambulance team, which allegedly arrived late when called. It was reported that doctors tried to resuscitate the artist for half an hour, but were unable to do so.

However, Gurchenko’s friends denied this data. “Lyudmila Markovna died almost instantly. Therefore, the rumors and gossip that appeared on the Internet that the ambulance doctors did not have time to save her are idle speculation,” one of the actress’s friends told Komsomolskaya Pravda, emphasizing that the doctors did everything they could in their power."

Earlier it was reported that doctors allegedly could not get to Gurchenko’s house on time due to traffic jams. However, it soon became known that the ambulance driver violated the rules traffic and crossed the Garden Ring in the wrong place in order to quickly arrive at the actress’s house in Trekhprudny Lane.

The preliminary cause of the actress’s death was announced by the head of the capital’s health department, Leonid Pechatnikov. “Based on the nature of death, I, as a doctor with 30 years of experience, can assume that Lyudmila Markovna died from late thromboembolism of a large trunk of the pulmonary artery,” Pechatnikov said.

As the actress’s husband Sergei Senin told reporters in an interview, Lyudmila Gurchenko told her last program, filmed in Kyiv. “Lyudmila Markovna was happy about how well everything turned out. Unfortunately, out of the 12 songs that were in this program, Lyudmila Markovna managed to listen to two. And she died suddenly, in one minute, on the third song,” Senin said, noting that there was no The artist had no premonition of death.

Let us remind you that People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Gurchenko was born on March 30 at the age of 76. Relatives, following the last will of the actress, refused to have a funeral service in the church. She was buried on April 2 at the Novodevichy cemetery, next to the graves of actors Tatyana Shmyga and Vyacheslav Tikhonov. The great artist was seen off on her last journey by thousands of people - her relatives, friends, stage colleagues and numerous admirers of her talent.

A few months before her death - in November 2010 - Gurchenko celebrated her 75th birthday. On the eve of the anniversary, she finished filming feature film“Motley Twilight”, in which she played the main role, she sang herself to the music she wrote. Until her last days, Lyudmila Markovna performed on stage.

Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a sudden blockage of the branches or trunk of the pulmonary artery by blood clots (esbolas). As a result, the blood supply to the lung tissue is stopped. The development of pulmonary embolism often occurs rapidly, leading to the sudden death of the patient. According to medical statistics, pulmonary embolism kills 0.1% of the world's population every year.

Today, November 8, 2017, Lyudmila Gurchenko’s daughter, Maria Koroleva, died - the cause of death was sudden cardiac arrest at the entrance of her house. We will describe your biography, personal life, relationship with your mother below. Maria died at the age of 58, a little short of her mother’s birthday. Lyudmila Markovna would have turned 82 this year. Having lived a difficult life, unlike her star mother, devoid of glory, worship, triumph, Maria left suddenly, suddenly.

Photo: Maria Koroleva - daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko

Childhood of Maria Koroleva

The biography of Lyudmila Gurchenko’s daughter, Maria Koroleva, was intense. Maria Koroleva (nee Andronikashvili) was born in 1959, in the capital of Russia. All her life she had to be in the shadow of her mother’s glory, bearing the title “daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko.” Her father was also a creative person. Film scriptwriter Boris Andronikashvili was born into the family of the popular prose writer Boris Pilnyak. His cousins ​​were famous directors - Georgiy and Eldar Shengelaya.

Childhood photo of Maria Koroleva with her mother

Maria's mother, a popular theater and film actress, needs no introduction. She was a favorite of the public, giving audiences roles in such famous films as:

  • "Carnival Night";
  • "Love and pigeons";
  • "Mother";
  • "Station for two";
  • "Five Evenings";
  • “The Secret of Her Youth”, etc.

Many people still like to watch these films, both in our country and abroad. Lyudmila Gurchenko's acting talent is undeniable.

PHOTO: Maria's mother. Actress Lyudmila Gurchenko

However, her talent for being a mother turned out to be much weaker.

Lyudmila met Boris at a theater university. A dizzying romance broke out between the young people. Lyudmila accepted Boris's marriage proposal. Despite her young age, this was Lyuda’s second marriage.

She married for the first time at the age of eighteen to director Vasily Ordynsky. The marriage lasted one year.

For the second time, Lyudmila decided to show an example of a wife and mother. She became pregnant and a year after the wedding gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Maria. However, it was not possible to become an ideal mother and wife. Since she had just graduated from university and was starting an acting career, Lyudmila gave her daughter to her grandmother. I visited her extremely rarely.

Childhood photo

Gurchenko had a flighty character. Therefore, my husband could not do without betrayal. Boris, as an Eastern man, was prone to hot temper and insane jealousy. Having learned that his young wife turned out to be unfaithful, he broke up with her, setting up a stormy scene of jealousy.

For Lyudmila it was a blow. She loved her husband very much. The couple separated when Masha was one year old.

When the girl was three years old, her grandmother returned her to her mother. But due to a lot of filming and rehearsals, Lyudmila had no time to take care of her daughter. Masha rarely saw her mother. In addition, as her daughter grew up, Lyudmila showed extreme hostility towards her for some unknown reason. She called her daughter a “Georgian cow,” hardly caressed her, and laughed at her in every possible way.

In response, Masha’s reciprocal rejection of her mother grew. She tried to be unlike Lyudmila Gurchenko in everything. If the mother took care of herself, she constantly did plastic surgery, then Maria rejected all kinds of cosmetics. Mother dyed her hair light color, the daughter deliberately painted herself a dark color.

The daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko died

In addition, the negative point was that Maria had to constantly endure her mother’s boyfriends and new stepfathers. Nobody asked the girl if she liked her new dad.

The first stepfather was Alexander Fadeev, the son of the writer Fadeev. Then he was replaced by the famous singer Joseph Kobzon. Masha was then seven years old. Three years later the marriage broke up.

Mary's youth from her biography

Official sources: The cause of death of Lyudmila Gurchenko's daughter, Maria Koroleva, was heart problems.

When Masha turned fourteen, her mother married her accompanist Konstantin Kuperweis for the fifth time. The actress lived with him for eighteen years.

Maria grew up as a pretty girl, slender and shy. When she became an adult, her mother’s hostility towards her was expressed in the fact that she became jealous of her husband for Masha. Lyudmila was afraid that her daughter would fight off her husband. The fact is that Konstantin was fifteen years younger than his wife. Then she began to have plastic surgery almost every year and preen herself even more.

But her stepfather treated Masha exclusively like a father. Masha felt a kind attitude and began to call him “dad.” She didn't call any of her stepfathers that.

Lyudmila hoped that her daughter would follow in her footsteps and continue the acting dynasty. But Masha entered medical school. school. She was always a mediocre student. After graduating from college, Maria began to work nurse at the oncology center.

Personal life of daughter Lyudmila Gurchenko

Maria got married early to her peer Alexander Korolev. A mother gave her daughter an expensive diamond ring for her wedding. Soon Maria gave birth to a son, Mark, and a year later, a daughter, Elena.

Lyudmila Gurchenko’s relationship with her son-in-law did not work out. They often quarreled. Maria Koroleva claimed that this was the reason for her divorce from Alexander. Although later the couple got back together.

Lyudmila was not entirely happy that she was made a grandmother so early. She asked to name her grandson after her father. Grandma hardly saw her grandchildren. She had no time. The news of the death of her grandson Mark was a strong blow for the actress. He died at the age of sixteen from a drug overdose.

Photo: Maria Koroleva with her granddaughter

Maria's daughter, Elena, soon got married and gave birth to two girls.

Before her death, Lyudmila Gurchenko had a major conflict with her daughter. The reason was the division of the apartment. Popular talk shows began talking about this. Maria Koroleva was loyal and ready to give in to her mother. But new husband actress Senin increasingly fueled the conflict and demanded monetary compensation.

On nervous soil The elderly actress's health broke down, and she soon died. She didn't even have time to make peace with her daughter. They didn't speak for several years.

Death of Lyudmila Gurchenko

After the death of her mother, Maria Koroleva went through a rather unpleasant trial dividing the apartment with her ex-husband. The health of Lyudmila Gurchenko's daughter was getting worse - her heart was bothering her. The woman looked bad, much older than her age. She developed swelling on her face and limbs. She smoked often.

On November 8, a woman fell in her own entrance and died. The neighbors called ambulance, which recorded death. The cause of death of Lyudmila Gurchenko's daughter, Maria Koroleva, was heart attack.

As the Indian proverb says, only after the death of a person can one say whether he was happy. Looking at the bright, complex life of Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko, we can confidently say that she lived a happy life.

She had loving parents, she knew the happiness of motherhood, although there was a fly in the ointment in this motherhood (the daughter and mother quarreled over an inheritance), but it was an everyday matter and at the end of this story the daughter said the words: “Forgive me, mom.”

There was love and more than one. And Lyudmila Gurchenko died in the arms of her beloved Sergei Senin, who was her husband and director and who until the last days of his life took care of his Lucy. And, of course, Lyudmila Markovna’s happiness cannot be imagined without her favorite work. Cinema made her popular and beloved. How many roles, how many bright, unforgettable images! In her work, Gurchenko manifested herself not only as an actress. She released several discs, songs of the war years were especially popular. In addition, Lyudmila Gurchenko published autobiographical books: “My adult childhood” (1982), as well as “Applause” and “Lucy, stop!” (2003). And she even tried herself as a director. This talented woman could have done a lot more, but her heart could not stand it. Her last words were: “It hurts to breathe.”

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko was born in Kharkov on November 12, 1935. The actress herself considers her childhood to be very musical. Her father, Mark Gavrilovich, studied at the Music and Drama Institute in his youth and played the button accordion professionally. Together with his wife (when they met, she was 16 years old and in school), he performed as an accordion player at various public events and school matinees. When their daughter was born, her mother, Elena Aleksandrovna Simonova-Gurchenko, was only 17 years old. By the way, the name Lyudmila (or simply Lyusya in the family) was given by my father in honor of the heroine of the film “New York Sharks.”

Since childhood, Lyudmila was very artistic, already in kindergarten at matinees the future star played the Snow Maiden on New Year. However, her cloudless childhood ended when she was only five and a half years old - the war began. Lyudmila's father, Mark Gavrilovich, went to the front, while mother and daughter remained in occupied Kharkov. During the war years, Gurchenko, as she herself said, went to work for the first time - she sang to the Germans, for which she received food, which she took home.
In 1944, Gurchenko took the first step on the path to great art - she entered a music school. After graduating from school in 1953, she set off to conquer Moscow and was immediately accepted into the Institute of Cinematography.

Two years later, Lyudmila Markovna received her first invitation to the cinema - to the drama “The Road of Truth”. The first phrase spoken in the movies was glory: “I didn’t come here to be silent!” These are truly prophetic words!

In 1956, Lyudmila Gurchenko played a role after which she woke up famous. This is Lenochka Krylova from Ryazanov's film "Carnival Night". Gurchenko herself calls this film “the result of her life with her parents, her youth.”

In 1958, Lyudmila Markovna found her first personal happiness (she had five “happiness” in total, that is, spouses). True, Gurchenko lived in marriage with Boris Andronikashvili for two years. The result of their marriage was Gurchenko’s only daughter, Maria (born 1959).

Lyudmila gave birth to a daughter in Kharkov, then returned to Moscow and plunged into work. The daughter stayed with her grandparents in Kharkov. Gurchenko had to be torn between home, filming and his daughter. The husband could not stand such a busy schedule and they separated.

In 1962, Gurchenko met her second great love, Alexander Fadeev. To this day, the actress speaks fondly of her ex-husband. The reason for the breakup is that “she wanted to go into music, into cinema, into a dream,” but with this person she had to stay on earth. Gurchenko believes that Alexander was a good man, but chose the wrong profession - many failures awaited him in the acting field, which, according to the old Russian custom, he “drowned in wine.”

The mid-1960s became quite successful for Lyudmila Markovna - she wrote the first song in her career, and also began playing at the Sovremennik Theater. Gurchenko worked at the theater for a short time - soon she wrote a statement “of her own free will.” But her film roles, despite the tense relationship with the authorities, were excellent - in the films “The Man from Nowhere”, “The Marriage of Balzaminov” and many others.

By the way, despite the failure at Sovremennik, in 1967 Gurchenko tried to come to the theater again - this time she chose the Theater of Satire, where, however, she was not accepted.

1968 brought Gurchenko another unsuccessful marriage (the actress later called it “one of the worst mistakes of her life”) - she married Joseph Kobzon and soon divorced him. After the breakup, Lyudmila Markovna fell into depression - she hardly left the house and did not work. Mark Bernes helped her get out of depression - it was he who supported Gurchenko in difficult times. And soon support came from the government - she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1969).

Since 1973, Gurchenko began actively acting again - this year alone four films with her participation were released (including “Old Walls,” for which the actress was awarded the State Prize). A year later, she had even more projects - the famous “Straw Hat” dates back to that period. True, the year still turned out to be tragic - in 1973, Gurchenko’s father died, and Lyudmila Markovna took the death of her closest person very hard. In 1976, there was another break from acting. This time he was caused by an injury - Gurchenko broke her leg while filming.
In 1977, she was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR, and a year later she began writing her first autobiographical book, “My Adult Childhood.”

In 1978, Andrei Konchalovsky shot one of the most famous Russian films abroad of the late 1970s - “Siberiada”. The main roles in it were played by Natalya Andreichenko, Vitaly Solomin, Sergei Shakurov, and Gurchenko also starred in the film. The film created a real sensation in Cannes and won the Grand Jury Prize. Gurchenko traveled to Cannes along with other members of the film crew. Just a few years later, in 1983, she again found herself on the Cote d'Azur, this time with Eldar Ryazanov's film "Station for Two."

Even before the release of "Station..." Lyudmila Markovna had a grandson. At the same time, she released her first record "Benefit", she was awarded the honorary Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and she also received a prize for the best female role at the Manila World Film Festival. And, of course, she starred in many wonderful films - “The Beloved Woman of Mechanic Gavrilov”, “An Ideal Husband”, “Flights in a Dream and in Reality”.

After the premiere of “Station for Two,” Gurchenko was awarded the title of People’s Artist of the USSR. And soon another joy happened in the family - Lyudmila Markovna had a granddaughter.

In 1984, the comedy “Love and Doves” was released, as well as the film “Applause, Applause...”. Well, then perestroika began. In the late 1980s, Gurchenko did not act as much as before, but she gave her first solo concert in the Rossiya hall, played in a play at the School of Modern Play theater, and also released her first solo disc.
It would seem that the 1990s were not the best simple time even for young artists, but twice grandmother Lyudmila Gurchenko continued to work - she acted a lot, and in 1997 the play "The Bureau of Happiness" started. A little earlier, in 1994, Gurchenko received the State Prize and also married Sergei Senin. With whom she lived the rest of her life.

If work and personal happiness go well during this period, then a huge disaster has occurred in the family. In 1998, 16-year-old grandson Mark died of a drug overdose, and six months later his mother Lyudmila Markovna passed away.

Having survived difficult times, Gurchenko returned to work in 1999. She agreed to star in Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Old Nags.” Together with her, Liya Akhedzhakova and Svetlana Kryuchkova starred in the film.

And now a new century has come - Gurchenko said goodbye to the departed with the program “Farewell, Twentieth”. And she continued working. In 2010, the actress presented her directorial debut, the film “Motley Twilight”.

The year 2011 started poorly. At the end of January, the actress went to the clinic where she underwent treatment. coronary disease hearts. On Valentine's Day - February 14 - I asked to go home to spend the weekend at home. But she slipped at the entrance and was urgently taken to the hospital with a femoral neck fracture. She underwent a long-hour operation, returned home, and believed that she would return to the stage to her audience. But, on March 30, she had a heart attack, and the ambulance was delayed in Moscow traffic jams... Lyudmila Gurchenko passed away... She lived a happy, bright life, as she wanted - to play and sing until she died.

To help readers understand Gurchenko’s life, we bring to your attention her interview with Smena magazine:

It’s hard to believe, but Eldar Ryazanov’s favorite New Year’s comedy “Carnival Night” with a song about five minutes performed by Lyudmila Gurchenko, who was born in the Year of the Pig, is turning 50 years old. In an effort to celebrate the glorious anniversary, television people are filming two remakes of “Carnival Night” at once. One is being made in Kyiv and is being prepared for showing on the Rossiya channel, and the other is in Moscow, for Channel One, and Ryazanov himself is filming it. And although the role of Lenochka Krylova in “Carnival Night-2” will be played by Alena Babenko, Gurchenko is still invited to sing her brilliant hit.

- Lyudmila Markovna, could the magical “Carnival Night” really not have happened in your biography?

Lyudmila Markovna, by any chance, did you have an affair with Ryazanov? How do you generally feel about star-office romances? Have you ever found love with directors and actors while working on films or plays?

No, you know, I somehow never started romances with Ryazanov or other directors and artists. For some reason, I always wanted my partner to remain at least some kind of mystery to me on camera or on stage. And Ryazanov and I generally experienced a feeling of mutual misunderstanding, and even rejection. He didn’t like my “stuff,” as he called it, “my mannerisms,” my penchant for sensual jazz harmonies. In general, we worked and went our separate ways, only to be surprised later that “Carnival Night” would be a huge success, breaking all box office records.

You would be welcome at any New Year's presentation, any prestigious party, but you won't be invited to social events...

I’m structured differently - I don’t party, I don’t “glow,” I try not to do stupid things. Yes, I made a lot of mistakes in my time, sang a lot of empty songs, played a few stupid role-plays, but I also drew conclusions, having learned not to fuss, not to fuss.

- Maybe after many years of such close attention to your person, you are simply tired of people?

Yes, they disappointed me so much. If I say that I am not afraid of anything, it will not be true. I'm very afraid of people. Why do they betray so often? Especially when success comes to you.

- Many people believe that Gurchenko was destined to shine. People still envy your figure...

And I don’t take care of my figure at all. Why do I need diets, if by nature I can eat what I want and as much as I want, without getting fat or losing weight.

- What about fitness centers and exercise machines?

To my shame, I don’t even do exercises. When we were rehearsing and then playing the musical “The Bureau of Happiness,” I was scared to look at my partner Taranda (Gediminas Taranda is a famous dancer, ex-soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, who also plays dramatic roles. - Approx. M.A.) - that’s whose the body is constantly in motion, in training! And I, looking at him, thought: “God, I have to jump!”

In the film “Love and Doves” your heroine prepares a wonderful salad... They say that everything turned out so delicious for you because it is your signature dish!

No, I came to that shoot with everything ready, did two takes and left.

- Will you prepare something for the New Year yourself?

Olivier salad! This is a required program. And then - according to your mood and inspiration. When we first met Sergei Mikhailovich (the actress’s husband and her producer Sergei Senin. - Note by M.A.) and I was experiencing the moment of first love, I made such breakfasts that he licked his fingers and went crazy. I was amazed at myself how I did it.

- Do you have a favorite sofa at home?

You know, even lying on it, I can’t rest... I even scroll through something on the sofa, line it up, play. I often don’t get enough sleep, but for any woman, especially an actress, proper sleep is important.

You have had your share of many trials, one of which was a blood disease... How did you manage to endure this and return to an active life?

When I got to the clinic for a planned operation, I did a thorough examination - I wanted to find out what was happening to me. And I found out! Everything I have comes from my profession. A broken leg, and hence four operations, five hours each. My nose stopped breathing normally after filming “Twenty Days Without War,” where not only me, but the entire film crew, including Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin, earned serious illnesses. But after a skillfully performed operation (by the way, without anesthesia!) I am breathing!

It has become a tradition year after year to watch on New Year’s TV shows how Gurchenko not only sings, but also dashingly (there’s no other word for it!) dances! It’s impossible to believe that back in 1975, when you broke your leg on the set of the film “Mom”, the doctors pronounced the verdict: “Darling, you’ve done your dance”...

As you can see, I remained unconvinced!

- When were you one hundred percent happy?

But happiness is now!.. And for some reason many people see happiness as something global, permanent. Nothing like this! I met a person who was pleasant for me, he smiled at me: “Lyudmila, you are wonderful!”, and I fly onto the stage. This is happening right now. One moment I’m happy, but the next moment I wouldn’t say it... Suddenly I feel like I can’t walk along the corridor - I want to run, and I run! A sudden overabundance of feelings is happiness.

- Does New Year’s Eve always bring you happiness?

But you can’t program this even on New Year’s Eve... Although you always want to!

- A bright Christmas is coming after the New Year... Is this a significant holiday for you personally?

I'm not a religious person, although I've always been interested in that. IN Soviet time I went to church quietly, my dad taught me prayers, although not too seriously... For me it’s sacred, but it’s more on the inside.

- Is your family religious?

I wouldn't say so. However, my husband became the producer of the play "Apostle Paul". We've been blessed His Holiness Patriarch for this project. The premiere was played in the hall of church cathedrals of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Although I was not involved in that performance, I attended the premiere and was very worried.

-Are you not fasting?

No, although we respect faith and rituals.

The death of Gurchenko is described here. With events last day life, the cause, date, time and place of death are indicated. Post-mortem, funeral and grave photos are included. Therefore, this information is strictly not recommended for viewing by all people with unstable mental health, as well as persons under 21 years of age.


Cause of death

Officially stated reason: “thromboembolism” pulmonary artery”, colloquially called “heart failure”. A month and a half before her death, Lyudmila Markovna broke her hip, after which she was operated on, and after some time she was discharged from the hospital, and all subsequent time she was at home. However, the elderly man's health was broken. In fact, a hip fracture was the cause that led to Gurchenko’s death.

Date and place of death

Lyudmila Markovna died at the age of 76, on March 30, 2011, at home, in her apartment on Trekhprudny Lane, in Moscow. Time of death 19:30.


On April 2, 2011, a civil memorial service and farewell ceremony took place at the Central House of Writers. The funeral took place on the same day. There was no funeral service in the church.

Funeral of Gurchenko. Video.

Burial place

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko is buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.


Death of Gurchenko. Circumstances.

There was no premonition of death; according to eyewitnesses, Lyudmila Markovna died suddenly while watching a TV show with her participation. Despite resuscitation efforts, the ambulance doctors could only record Gurchenko’s death at 19:31.

It is known that Lyudmila Markovna kept notes in a paper notebook, which, in particular, describes the tragic moment of a hip fracture.

March 12, 11.

And on February 12, 11, I broke my leg. Stupid, I was walking the dogs. No, if I were wearing heels, I step in them carefully. But no, I put on soft fur ankle boots, given as a gift... - and I rode in them on the ice, heavily and thickly powdered with snow. And, feeling that I was falling, I grabbed the air with my hands - and my hip fell hard on a pile - a sharp one with a tip - like drops falling and freezing.

My vision darkened and I immediately realized that something terrible had happened. This is true. The car attendant and some driver carried me through my screams and moans to the elevator, into the apartment - I don’t remember anything - everything was in a fog - as I opened the door myself. They sat me down on the bed and left. Seryozha in Voronezh (I was at a friend’s wedding) - where to go. It’s Aslan’s birthday and he wants to pick me up - but I don’t like being there - his friends, I don’t know anyone. I called Misha - he doesn’t have the keys. Aslan says: throw the keys out the window. How? I can't move from the pain. And I crawled on my left side, wearing a fur coat...

The sore leg, clenching her teeth, her heart, trembling in her body - as Maresyev crawled, scattering all the paths and objects on the way - she crawled towards the door. The dogs became quiet and walked next to me, in front of my face, understanding something, and even with Pepa’s toothless mouth he pulled me by the collar of my fur coat. Horror. I crawled to the door, but how to get to the handle? She's high. I decided to gather my strength and stop shaking and moaning.

To the question: Why did Gurchenko die? given by the author Help the best answer is they say it’s from heart failure, besides, she broke her hip before, and older people don’t tolerate it well.

Answer from Natalia Zakharova[newbie]
It's just her time! Gurchenko is a STAR!!!

Answer from Squander[guru]
SHE WAS SURVIVED A LOT, her heart was torn, and then something bad happened.... I feel very sorry for her. Great artist.

Answer from European[expert]
heart attack... I feel sorry for her... I can’t even believe it...

Answer from Yergey from planet Earth[newbie]
everyone dies and she is no exception, death always finds its reason for a person’s life to end. She died at the age at which everyone usually dies. So there is nothing to regret, except that all living people should feel sorry for themselves, that we will not see something that she did not manage to do in her work.

Answer from Oly[guru]
I didn’t even know... but after the previous answers I can say that it’s better to die of love

Answer from Karim_Qa[active]
Information has appeared on the Internet that People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Gurchenko has died, reports.
Information about the death of Lyudmila Gurchenko appeared on Sunday, February 27, on the Twitter microblog of one of the news portals. The message said that the 75-year-old People's Artist died in her Moscow apartment. However, a few hours later the information was refuted.
Information about Gurchenko's death is a little exaggerated
The editors of the news portal apologized, stating that information about the death of Lyudmila Gurchenko appeared prematurely due to a technical failure. It is reported that the news was created by a microblog hacker, and the portal employees had nothing to do with it.
Information about Gurchenko’s death appeared in the news feed without the knowledge of the editors, so it has nothing to do with reality. In the near future, representatives of the site will find out who took such a step and for what purpose. Lyudmila Markovna’s husband Sergei Senin said that the people’s artist is feeling well, but she will have to stay in the hospital for another week. recalls that on February 14, Lyudmila Gurchenko broke her hip and was taken to the hospital. However, there was no reason to talk about the death of the people's artist. It’s difficult to say about the timing of discharge at the moment, because Lyudmila Markovna needs to undergo rehabilitation procedures. Most likely, she will stay in the hospital for another week.

Answer from Kasandra[guru]
Lord accept her soul. Very, very sorry.

Answer from Andrey Klapshin[guru]
From life

Answer from Igor[guru]
From another plastic surgery

Answer from Lyudmila Didenko[guru]
From old age.

Answer from No clique[guru]
they wrote over the net that she took a young lover and you write that she died, but what about the lover - to the grave?

Answer from ***NS***[expert]
I've already come of age)

Answer from Marina Korchneva[guru]
Lyudmila Gurchenko died
30.03 18:50
The legend of Soviet cinema, People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Gurchenko died on Wednesday at the age of 76. Her husband Sergei Senin told reporters about this.
According to him, the actress died at home - she felt bad, they called an ambulance, but the doctors were powerless.
According to preliminary data, actress Lyudmila Gurchenko died of a heart attack.
Lyudmila Gurchenko was born on November 12, 1935 in Kharkov.
Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko was born on November 12, 1935 in Kharkov (Ukraine). She starred in more than 80 films. Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2000) and III degree(2005) and the Badge of Honor "Public Recognition" (1998). Winner of many film awards.
Lyudmila Gurchenko made her film debut in Jan Fried's film "The Road of Truth", but her role in the New Year's comedy "Carnival Night" brought her fame and love from the audience.
Among her best works also include roles in such films as “Twenty Days Without War” by Alexei German, “Five Evenings” by Nikita Mikhalkov, “Station for Two” by Eldar Ryazanov, “The Beloved Woman of Mechanic Gavrilov” by Pyotr Todorovsky, “Flights in Dreams and in Reality” by Roman Balayan .
In 1982, Lyudmila Gurchenko’s book “My Adult Childhood” was published. Later, the actress published the books “Applause” and “Lucy, Stop!” In addition, several records were released with songs performed by her.
Last November, Lyudmila Gurchenko celebrated her 75th birthday. On the eve of the anniversary, she shot the film "Motley Twilight", for which she wrote the music herself, played the main role and sang herself. Until very recently, the actress continued to perform on stage and star in videos.
The place and time of farewell to Lyudmila Gurchenko is currently being clarified.