Peppermint candies during pregnancy. Can pregnant women drink mint tea, and in what dosages is it safe? Why is mint dangerous for pregnant women?

Mint during early pregnancy. Is it possible to drink mint tea late in pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a condition that is always accompanied by the emergence of new sensations and new addictions. The expectant mother may have a craving for products that she previously looked at with complete indifference. So, if she has always loved it, now she may only want to brew it and drink it with lemon balm or thyme. Perhaps a lady in pregnancy will have a love for or become an ardent fan of ginger. And someone will start brewing mint at any opportunity.

  • Mint during early pregnancy
  • Can pregnant women drink mint in later stages?
  • Which variety is best to use for making tea?
  • In what cases is it forbidden during pregnancy and why?
  • Help with toxicosis in the 1st trimester
  • Is it possible to drink mint tea often: what are the dangers?
  • Why does a pregnant woman want mint?

Mint during early pregnancy

Can the expectant mother consume this herb or not? In what form is it better to consume it, how much tea to drink with the addition of this fragrant plant? Let's figure it out.

The properties of mint that can be beneficial in the early stages (and indeed throughout the entire period of pregnancy) include:

  • the ability to have a relaxing effect on the nervous system and overcome overexcitation;
  • act as a mild laxative;
  • “ability” to cope with the loss of strength characteristic of the 1st trimester.

In the first 3 months of gestation, a woman’s body gets used to the new state. There is an intensive production of progesterone, a hormone due to which the fetus is fixed in the uterus and continues to develop. , alas, does not have the most pleasant “side effect” - the expectant mother often experiences fatigue, she constantly wants to sleep. In the first trimester, treat yourself from time to time with a decoction or tea with mint - and you will feel a surge of strength.

Peppermint during early pregnancy helps relieve headaches, also caused by hormonal changes.

In the second trimester it becomes easier, but other not very pleasant symptoms appear:

  • constipation;
  • bloating;
  • slight swelling.

By making yourself tea with mint, you can significantly reduce the brightness of their manifestation. The 2nd trimester is the time when you can indulge in more tea with mint, as well as with the addition of other herbs: the fruit is already well established, the body has adapted to the changes, the likelihood of any unexpected reaction is minimal.

Mint during late pregnancy

During late pregnancy, mint helps cope with pregnancy and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The 3rd trimester is characterized by complaints of heartburn, flatulence,... The intestines become “lazy”, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, making it difficult to digest food.

Aromatic fresh herbs will cope with this. Drink it in the third trimester, 1-2 cups a day (but not every day - you shouldn’t replace tea with it), and it will become easier for the gastrointestinal tract to work.

An incredibly useful plant with calming, antispasmodic, analgesic, and antiemetic properties is used everywhere in cooking. However, the popular belief has taken root that during pregnancy it can cause serious complications, including miscarriage and premature birth. Is it so? I suggest we figure it out together. So, can pregnant women eat mint?

Peppermint, or simply mint, as we used to call it, is useful for people of any age. Simply because it has a rich vitamin composition. Judge for yourself: the aromatic plant contains vitamins B, A, C, which are concentrated in the leaves.

Peppermint essential oil is a concentrate with a huge amount of tannins and organic acids. Consuming it in its pure form is extremely dangerous for both the expectant mother and her child, but diluted, for example, in tea, it is just right.

Interestingly, you can also add not only leaves and flowers to tea, but also the stems of a unique plant. It is known that it:

  • Calms and relaxes, having a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Thanks to him, a woman gets rid of panic and anxiety before childbirth, thereby calming her baby. The product also eliminates insomnia and helps with physical and mental stress.
  • Mint relieves toxicosis in the first trimester. Thanks to it, nausea, heartburn, bloating and indigestion disappear. In addition, it effectively fights constipation, improving the digestion process.
  • It has a positive effect on female libido, which decreases in many people due to hormonal changes during early pregnancy.
  • Successfully fights dizziness.
  • Increases immunity, has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic properties, therefore it is often used in the fight against colds and viral diseases.
  • Mint is useful for women, as it improves the condition of their teeth, bones, hair and skin, thanks to the vitamin A it contains.
  • Promotes tissue restoration and strengthens blood vessels.
  • Improves the functioning of the pancreas and liver.
  • Stimulates growth processes.
  • Relieves muscle spasms, eliminates numbness of the limbs.
  • Thanks to vitamin B9, it participates in the process of creating new cells, therefore ensuring the full development of the fetus.
  • Successfully fights manifestations and swelling.

Such healing properties could not go unnoticed by scientists and doctors, which is why the latter often recommend pregnant women to drink tea with mint. True, in moderation. Simply because excessive consumption of the drink can bring complete harm to the expectant mother.

Why is it dangerous?

Some believe that drinking mint during pregnancy is possible and necessary, since the aromatic plant has no contraindications. However, in reality everything is far from so rosy. In order to eliminate the risk of complications, you should always consult your doctor before drinking mint tea. In the end, good intentions and the most useful vitamins and microelements under certain conditions can play a cruel joke on us.

Just imagine:

  • The leaves, flowers and stalks of mint contain estrogens - hormones that in large quantities can cause miscarriage or even premature birth.
  • Mint is also contraindicated in the third trimester, even in the last weeks, when a woman exhausted by heavy weight is ready to give birth. Simply because tea made from it can affect the hormonal system and reduce milk production. Interestingly, for the same reason, it is not recommended to drink drinks containing mint for nursing mothers.
  • Substances contained in the plant reduce blood pressure, so hypotensive patients should not drink mint tea without first consulting a doctor.
  • People with liver and kidney diseases should drink it with extreme caution, since in some cases the substances contained in mint can cause complications.
  • Individual intolerance and the occurrence of severe allergic reactions to mint have also not been canceled, so before brewing tea from it during pregnancy, you should make sure that they are absent.

In the absence of contraindications, it is usually recommended to drink 1 cup of weak mint tea per day for 3–4 days, then taking breaks of 1–3 days.

It is strictly forbidden to use mint essential oil while pregnant, not only in the first or third, but also in the second trimester, since its main component is menthol (up to 70%), which can, at best, cause a serious allergic reaction, and in the worst is to affect the course of pregnancy. The oil also contains large quantities of estrogens.

How to brew correctly

Making green tea with mint is not at all difficult, especially since the technology for preparing such a drink is practically no different from the technology for preparing black tea.

1 tbsp. l. peppermint leaves (without a slide) and 1 tbsp. l. green tea leaves are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left to steep for 7 - 10 minutes.

After this time, the drink is filtered, adding sugar, lemon, lime or honey if necessary. By the way, due to the fact that the latter is also a strong allergen, it would not hurt to consult a doctor before consuming it.

There is also an express way to obtain a flavored drink. To do this, place one green tea bag and 3-4 fresh mint leaves directly into the mug. All this is poured with boiling water and infused for about 5 minutes. As a result, we get green tea with mint quickly and without any hassle!

Recipes for drinks with mint for pregnant women

To relieve signs of toxicosis, you can prepare a decoction of mint and some medicinal herbs. To do this take:

  • 2 tsp. mint leaves;
  • 2 tsp. valerian roots;
  • 2 tsp. marigold flowers;
  • 2 tsp. yarrow herbs.

The mixture is steamed with 2 tbsp. boiling water and leave for 25 - 35 minutes. After this time, filter and consume 50 ml up to 5 times a day.

Tea with mint and lemon is also popular among pregnant women. To prepare it take:

  • 1 tsp. mint (if desired and approved by a doctor, you can replace it with 2 sprigs of washed fresh mint);
  • 2 slices of lemon;
  • 1 tsp. green tea (you don’t have to add it);
  • boiling water.

The mixture is poured into a kettle and poured boiling water to the top, let it brew for 5 minutes. Mint brewed in this way is consumed with sweets.

To improve the taste, you can add lemon balm (1 tsp) and black currants to mint tea before steaming with boiling water. Together, they have anti-inflammatory and sedative properties, helping to cope with attacks of toxicosis in the early stages.

By the way, other mint products, such as lollipops and candies, are not prohibited in this interesting situation. Treats perfectly relieve nausea and eliminate signs of toxicosis. The main thing is to use them in limited quantities. And the point here is not only that the mint contained in them can harm the expectant mother and baby. It’s just that in addition to it, manufacturers sometimes add dyes and flavor enhancers, which negatively affect the fruit.

In general, my dears, you already understand that mint is an aromatic and healthy product that is widely used during gestation. You shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying it, especially if you really want to. The main thing is not to abuse or neglect the consultation of a doctor.

In conclusion, catch a tip on cool online store products for expectant mothers and newborns, in which I bought myself some awesome “little elephant” maternity pajamas (in these you immediately look cute, and not oversized and huge), as well as a hypoallergenic, really high-quality pillow for sleeping during pregnancy (then her used for convenient feeding of a newborn). The quality of things in this store is at the highest level, and in our position we deserve only the best, don’t we?

Mint tea is a very pleasant and healthy drink. It has a beneficial effect on human health, but you can often hear that pregnant women should not consume mint. Whether this is true or not, whether mint tea is harmful during pregnancy, or whether you can drink it without fear, we will tell you in this article.

There are 25 types of mint, but we typically use peppermint either by adding it to black or green tea or simply brewing it on its own. Many tea manufacturers now use mint leaves to create their products, mint essential oil is used in cooking, it is also sold in pharmacies as a medicinal plant, and gardeners themselves grow mint in their plots.

Useful properties of mint

Mint is a medicinal plant, and its spectrum of action is very wide:

  • It is an antispasmodic. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps with flatulence and constipation.
  • Calms the nervous system. It is used as a mild natural sedative for neuroses, physical and nervous fatigue, and also helps with insomnia.
  • Eliminates dizziness, headaches, stimulates cardiac activity, helping with angina and atherosclerosis. The well-known Corvalol contains mint extract.
  • Relieves inflammation, relieves pain (therefore, a mint drink is useful for colds, ARVI, laryngitis).
  • Has a diuretic effect. Regular consumption of mint tea helps fight swelling.
  • Acts as an antiseptic and antimicrobial agent. Helps fight a range of bacteria and even fungi.
  • Rinsing with mint helps with toothache, and lotions with its decoction relieve inflammation due to acne, dermatitis or insect acne.

People who practice herbal medicine call mint a woman's herb and do not recommend its use for men - it is believed that mint reduces male libido.

Agree, the properties of mint are very useful for pregnant women. Moreover, every expectant mother usually tries to avoid taking medications and replaces them with folk remedies, so mint would be perfect. So what is so dangerous in this plant that doctors do not recommend using it during pregnancy?

Why is mint dangerous for pregnant women?

The leaves and stems of peppermint contain a whole range of different substances: flavonoids and tannins, carotene, essential oil, phytoestrogen, menthol.

The most serious danger among these substances for the expectant mother is phytoestrogens. For a non-pregnant woman, these natural substances are very useful: they normalize the cycle, improve heart function, reduce the risk of breast cancer, etc. During pregnancy, the picture is different, because phytoestrogens can cause premature birth, stimulate labor, that is, they have the same effect as the hormone estrogen (it is used in medicine to stimulate labor). This is the main reason that you need to be very careful when consuming mint products during pregnancy, but doctors do not categorically prohibit it. On the contrary, sometimes they themselves recommend that a woman drink mint tea. How does it affect pregnant women at different stages?

Peppermint tea in early pregnancy

At the beginning of pregnancy, many women do not feel very well: in addition to toxicosis, they are also worried about dizziness, fainting, and headaches. And some doctors advise their patients to drink mint tea. How it works:

  • Reduces nausea and vomiting.
  • Eases headaches.
  • Eliminates heartburn and unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  • Helps calm down during stress.
  • Relieves insomnia.

At the same time, every doctor will tell you that you cannot abuse mint tea, and you should not drink it more than 1 - 2 cups a day. In addition, be sure to take breaks, for example, you drink mint tea for 3 days, and then take a break for 1 - 2 days. In this case, it is almost impossible to cause harm, but nevertheless, you definitely need to monitor your feelings.

When not to drink mint tea in early pregnancy:

  1. You have low blood pressure. Peppermint tea is contraindicated for people with hypotension, because mint lowers blood pressure. During pregnancy, especially at the beginning, blood pressure usually drops in many women, and drinking mint tea can lower it even more, and as a result, the expectant mother will not feel very well.
  2. You have increased uterine tone, there is a threat of miscarriage or bleeding. In this case, you should absolutely not drink mint tea, because this drink can worsen the condition.
  3. You have problems with your liver or kidneys. Mint acts as a diuretic and choleretic agent, and if you have any diseases of these organs, it is better to refrain from drinking mint tea.

Peppermint tea in the second half of pregnancy

In the second half of pregnancy, a woman usually relaxes a little, because the baby inside her is already big enough, and it seems impossible to harm him by drinking harmless mint tea. When doctors recommend drinking peppermint tea to women in the second 20 weeks of pregnancy:

  • Insomnia. Many expectant mothers suffer from it, especially when the stomach already interferes with getting comfortable in bed. In addition, the woman’s nervous system is preparing for the sleepless nights that await the mother in the first months after childbirth, so night awakenings become frequent, and falling asleep after them can be difficult. Drinking mint tea helps you calm down and fall asleep.
  • Heartburn. As the fetus grows, it takes up more and more space inside the woman and puts pressure on the stomach, which is why the expectant mother constantly feels heartburn. Peppermint helps to slightly reduce these unpleasant sensations.
  • Intestinal problems. Mint has a very gentle effect, helps improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, relieves cramps, eliminates bloating, and helps with constipation and diarrhea.

Contraindications for drinking mint tea after 20 weeks of pregnancy:

  1. Threat of premature birth. If there is reason to fear that labor will begin ahead of schedule, you should not drink mint tea. Phytoestrogens act as labor stimulants. In general, there are not so many of them in one cup of mint tea to cause premature labor, but if the situation itself is threatening, you should not take the risk.
  2. The gestation period is more than 36 weeks. Peppermint is a remedy that reduces lactation. To ensure that you have enough milk after the birth of your baby, you should not drink a lot of mint tea in the month before giving birth. However, sometimes you can treat yourself to a cup of aromatic mint tea; it will not harm your breastfeeding.
  3. Allergic reactions. If you are allergic to mint, of course, you should avoid taking this tea. You also need to remember that a pregnant woman’s body can react to familiar foods in a completely unpredictable way. Even if you have always drank mint tea with pleasure and without problems, still, while pregnant, you may encounter allergic or other undesirable reactions for the first time - for example, from the gastrointestinal tract.

The highest concentration of substances hazardous to pregnant women is in mint essential oil. Therefore, you should not use it for food, rinsing or cosmetic procedures.

How to replace mint tea during pregnancy

There are quite a few drinks that a pregnant woman can drink every day. For example:

  • Compotes
  • Fruit drinks
  • Tea (green and black, although you should not abuse it either)
  • Chicory drink

But many pregnant women say that they have an irresistible desire for a certain product, sometimes even prohibited during pregnancy. What to do if you really want to drink mint tea:

  1. Drink tea not from mint, but with mint. If you add a couple of mint leaves to your regular cup of black or green tea, a very small dose of substances that are dangerous for pregnant women will enter your body. In such a microscopic dose, these substances cannot harm.
  2. Take breaks. After 3 to 4 days of drinking mint tea, stop for at least one day.
  3. Don’t forget that doctors consider one cup a day to be a safe dose of mint tea for pregnant women! If you have a problematic pregnancy, mint should be used with great caution.

Can mint be replaced with other herbal teas?

In the old days, our ancestors were treated only with herbs, and many plants have an effect comparable to the effect of drugs. This is why you should use any herbal teas with caution during pregnancy. You don’t need to drink them all the time, and before you buy or prepare them, be sure to study the contraindications.

Even potentially dangerous herbs are practically harmless in small quantities, and excessive consumption of plants that are considered harmless can cause, for example, allergic reactions.

Herbs you can drink instead of mint:

  • Melissa. Some people confuse it with mint, but they are not the same thing. You should also use lemon balm with caution during pregnancy, but you can easily alternate it with mint.
  • Blooming Sally. This plant was used to make tea in Rus'. It has a very good effect on health, does not contain caffeine (unlike regular black tea), and is considered safe during pregnancy.
  • Raspberries. It is not recommended to drink it in the first trimester, but closer to childbirth, tea with raspberries is even useful for the expectant mother - raspberries soften the cervix, gently preparing it for the birth of the child. But even at the beginning of pregnancy, tea with raspberry leaves will not harm if you use it in moderation.
  • Linden. The leaves and flowers of this tree are used to brew tea; during pregnancy, they can be consumed only carefully, like any other drinks.

Delicious tea is obtained if you add a little dried or fresh ginger to it. It also helps fight the symptoms of pregnancy toxicosis.

Are all mint products dangerous?

Many expectant mothers use mint candies during toxicosis or relieve unpleasant taste in the mouth with mint chewing gum. Are all these products dangerous for a pregnant woman?

Doctors say that mint in this form does not harm either the woman’s health or the child she is carrying. On the contrary, doctors themselves, instead of taking medications, often recommend mints to women as a means of helping them survive toxicosis. Of course, they should also be consumed in reasonable quantities.

You should also not forget that chewing gum and candies contain many other substances that are not at all beneficial for you and your child.

The most important thing is to listen to your feelings and understand that herbal tea in small quantities will not harm you. You should not perceive pregnancy as a time of serious restrictions, when you should give up all the joys of life for the benefit of your unborn child. You can also drink mint tea, the main thing is to follow the moderation, and then everything will definitely be fine!

It has long been known that mint during pregnancy can have a positive effect on the body of the mother and fetus. You just need to use this plant correctly. It is used in gastronomy, cosmetology, and medicine.

Smells during pregnancy during pregnancy
Medicinal properties of antiseptic Medicinal

There are probably few women in the world who did not use mint during pregnancy. Some people simply like its smell and taste, while others use the plant as medicine. You can use shoots, flowers, mint leaves. They contain vitamins with mineral salts, essential oil, sugar, phytoncides, and biologically active substances. Peppermint tea has magical properties during pregnancy. The drink can cope with a cold and calm an anxious mother.

But the plant can be not only useful, but also dangerous if you do not follow the rules of use. Some foods are strictly prohibited while pregnant. Let's figure out whether healthy mint can be used during pregnancy.

Why is the plant dangerous?

Peppermint is allowed to be used during pregnancy, but with caution. Exceeding the dosage can have serious consequences, which many expectant mothers have already experienced. There are several contraindications to using mint during pregnancy:

  • low pressure;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • individual intolerance.

Useful plant

For these diseases, using mint can only make you feel worse. In the early and late stages of bearing a child, the plant can affect a woman’s body in the following way:

  • contraction of the uterus due to a large number of estrogens;
  • provoking premature birth;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • decreased tone of venous vessels;

During pregnancy, tea with lemon balm and mint is very useful. It is useful for bloating and constipation, effective for normalizing the gastrointestinal tract and relieving nausea. However, even here there are pitfalls. The period of bearing a baby is always very unpredictable, so some women may become allergic to this plant. It sometimes causes:

  • dizziness;
  • rashes;

In addition, many people use a drink from a medicinal plant to relieve excitability, but there have been cases when tea caused irritability. Therefore, during pregnancy, no one will answer your question whether you can drink mint tea. You only need to focus on your own well-being. Is it possible?

Many girls are fans of mint essential oil, but during pregnancy it can cause allergies. The main component of the essential oil from this plant is menthol. Its use is extremely undesirable during pregnancy, especially during the first months.

In any case, everything here is very individual. There are no reliable facts that could confirm the harm of the plant. During pregnancy, mint helped a lot during pregnancy for some girls, while in others it caused allergies. The plant can be used, but very carefully, especially if you have not practiced its use before. It is best to consult a gynecologist who will instruct you in detail and tell you how to use the plant correctly so that no problems arise.

Useful properties of the substance

Be sure to ask your doctor if you can drink mint tea during pregnancy. This medicinal plant has many beneficial properties. It has a sedative, analgesic, antiemetic, vasodilator, antispasmodic, choleretic, antiseptic, and diuretic effect. The plant is also known for the following properties:

  • eliminates pigmentation; the skin of the face and body can be wiped with an infusion of leaves as a treatment and prevention.
  • mint effectively relieves severe nausea during any period of pregnancy;
  • helps remove kidney stones;
  • helps eliminate stomach cramps;
  • relieves colic;
  • relieves skin inflammation;
  • relieves constipation, treats diarrhea;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • removes unpleasant odor;

  • helps with laryngitis, varicose veins, heart and muscle pain;
  • During pregnancy, brewed tea with mint is effective during insomnia, mental, physical, and nervous stress.

For normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

Despite the listed properties for which mint is famous, used during pregnancy, it should be used with caution in the early stages. Be careful with the dosage and be sure to consult your doctor. This is the only way to achieve the desired result and not get various side effects.

Permitted and prohibited means

The plant can be both indicated and contraindicated for expectant mothers. It all depends on the type of product used. Be careful when using lollipops, which may contain harmful chemicals. Don't abuse them. But chewing gum perfectly relieves the symptoms of toxicosis.

During pregnancy, you can drink mint tea in any trimester. The drink is very healthy and saturates the body with useful substances. You can brew the leaves of the plant yourself or buy ready-made green tea with mint, which is also useful during pregnancy.

Many people like to use the essential oil from this plant. It copes well with nausea, symptoms of colds, increases appetite, and improves intestinal motility. But during early and late pregnancy, mint essential oil is prohibited. As already mentioned, the product contains a large amount of menthol and estrogen, which is extremely dangerous for expectant mothers.

It is useful to inhale and rinse with a decoction of the plant. We'll talk about this a little later. Thus, there are several ways to consume the plant.

  1. Delicious tea.
  2. Gum.
  3. Solution for rinsing and lotions.
  4. Inhalations.
Traditional recipes for colds

To relieve cold syndromes during pregnancy, you can make tea with mint. The drink is very easy to prepare, and its warming properties will be useful for a cold body. Required:

  • 5 mint leaves;
  • glass of water.

The product should be consumed hot. It is best to drink healing tea at night.

  1. Brew tea.
  2. Add sugar or lemon (optional).

The rinse solution works effectively. All you need is:

  • a glass of mint tea;
  • a teaspoon of salt.

You need to gargle with the product several times a day. The procedure time is about 5 minutes.

  1. Add salt to tea.
  2. Stir.

Inhalations will be very useful for inflamed respiratory organs. Take:

  • a handful of mint leaves;
  • a couple of glasses of boiling water.

Relieves severe nausea

It will take about 10-15 minutes to prepare the product. It couldn't be easier to prepare.

  1. Place the ingredient in a small saucepan and add boiling water.
  2. Bring the water to a boil, let stand for 2-3 minutes.

Mint is a popular aromatic plant used in folk medicine, cooking and even in cosmetology. A fragrant mug of freshly brewed herbs can relieve tension, help cope with stress or heaviness in the stomach. Due to the minimal number of contraindications, it can be used by almost all people without restrictions. However, in the case of pregnant women, the situation is somewhat more complicated. During this important period of time, it is necessary to observe the drinking regime especially scrupulously. Is it possible for pregnant women to drink mint tea? This is a controversial question and causes a lot of controversy. Let's try to figure out how and when mint is useful, and under what conditions it is best to exclude it.

What are the benefits of mint?

Thanks to its rich chemical composition, mint is used for an impressive list of diseases, and during pregnancy it can be an excellent analogue of synthetic drugs.

Peppermint tea is an excellent remedy for toxicosis in the early stages. Thanks to the active components included in the tea, the functioning of the digestive system is restored, nausea and bloating disappear, and constipation disappears. In case of frequent dizziness, a mug of aromatic drink will also become an invaluable helper.

Aromatic tea has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, bringing it into a balanced state and helping a woman cope with panic attacks, anxiety, headaches, and insomnia. This effect has a pronounced beneficial effect on the emotional state of both the pregnant woman and the unborn baby.

Mint herb contains copper, which stimulates the absorption of iron and eliminates oxygen deficiency, thereby reducing the risk of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy.

For colds in pregnant women, mint also finds its use. The use of medications, especially in early pregnancy, is not always acceptable. Peppermint tea has excellent anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diaphoretic, and analgesic effects. In addition, mint is an excellent immunomodulator, so it can also improve the condition of the immune system, helping to prevent catching a cold.

With severe swelling and varicose veins that accompany pregnancy, a healing drink can greatly help and alleviate the condition.

Harm and contraindications

Everything is good in moderation, and mint in this case is no exception. Despite its apparent harmlessness, in some cases its use is unacceptable. Due to its rich composition, mint reduces heart tone and can promote miscarriage by stimulating the uterus. The latter is the main reason why some gynecologists recommend that a woman eliminate or reduce the use of mint during pregnancy.

Contraindications for use:

  • increased sensitivity;
  • hypertonicity of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage;
  • low blood pressure;
  • kidney disease;
  • liver disease;
  • risk of bleeding;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • vomiting not caused by toxicosis.

Peppermint herb contains phytoestrogens - a plant analogue of female sex hormones. During pregnancy, these components help increase the tone of the uterus. In late pregnancy, if you overuse mint, premature birth can occur.

Is it possible to drink mint tea during pregnancy?

In the absence of contraindications, mint tea during pregnancy will be extremely useful and will improve a woman’s condition with a variety of ailments. Just do not forget that the safety of its use in each specific case should be decided by a doctor.

Do not overuse mint tea. To saturate the body with the necessary nutrients, it is enough to drink 3 cups a day. Increasing the specified number of cups is not recommended as it may lead to undesirable consequences.

What mint to use for cooking

Both dry and fresh leaves of the plant are suitable for brewing tea. Although it is worth noting that the taste and color will be slightly different. This is due to the fact that when drying, some of the essential components and vitamins are lost, which does not critically affect the benefits of the drink itself.

If it is not possible to grow mint on your own plot or on the windowsill, then it is best to buy it at the pharmacy. This will allow you to avoid low-quality raw materials, which may turn out to be not only useless, but also dangerous. Sometimes fresh mint can be found on supermarket shelves.

Peppermint is the most popular. It has a distinct specific aroma and is one of the medicinal herbs used in traditional medicine. You can buy it at any pharmacy in filter bags or loose form. Mountain and swamp mint are a little less known. Both types do not have such outstanding characteristics as pepper, however, they are excellent in helping with loss of strength and coughing with phlegm.

It is best to store dried herbs in a ceramic or glass jar, which will preserve all the valuable components included in its composition. Fresh mint can be placed in a container of water like a bouquet of flowers and used as needed.

Drink recipe

To get maximum pleasure and benefit from drinking tea, you should follow a number of rules when preparing the drink:

  • It is necessary to brew tea in glass or ceramic containers (this will give a richer taste to the drink);
  • the water should be hot, but you should not use boiling water (due to too high a temperature, all the beneficial components of mint will be destroyed and the drink will become useless);
  • Mint tea must be steeped for at least 20 minutes.

It is not recommended to brew mint in a metal container, as this will lead to an undesirable chemical reaction between the drink itself and the walls of the container. As a result, the beneficial components of the plant will be destroyed.

Now let's move on to the recipe for classic mint tea used during pregnancy. To prepare it you will need to take:

  • chopped mint - one tablespoon (can be replaced with one sprig);
  • a glass of hot water.

Preparation is simple - you just need to add water to the mint and let it brew under the lid for 20 minutes. A healthy and tasty drink is ready.

Views: 1976 .