There is more meat in duck or goose. What tastes better: goose or duck? We are preparing the New Year's festive table. From apples and prunes

Very rarely does a feast go without meat products. This is a nutritious product that satisfies hunger well and saturates the body with protein. Each type of meat has its own positive and, even, negative qualities. Poultry meat is most often present on our table. Chicken or turkey fillet is considered dietary. Goose or duck is traditionally cooked on holidays, for large banquets. There is a difference between these birds, but not so significant. What tastes better, goose or duck? Let's discuss this issue in this article.

Benefits of duck

The main advantage of duck meat is the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids. The body needs them for good functioning of the heart and brain. Omega-3 makes skin smooth and radiant. Duck meat has a very high content of vitamin D, so its consumption promotes the absorption of calcium, strengthens bones, muscles and improves immunity. This product also contains vitamins E and B and minerals. However, the fat content of duck sometimes goes off scale, and the calorie content leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it must be used with caution.

The benefits of goose meat

To understand what is tastier than goose or duck, we also need to talk about the benefits of goose meat. This is a very valuable product. The meat has a slightly sweet taste and contains many vitamins and minerals: zinc, iron, calcium, etc. Goose meat is rich in fatty acids. It helps normalize the functioning of the stomach, eliminates toxins, diarrhea and heals the spleen. Both products have their positive qualities. Speaking of benefits, it is impossible to determine the difference between a goose and a duck. Let's look at what the difference in taste is next.

What to cook

Very often, housewives are faced with the question of what to choose for a traditional holiday dish: goose or duck. Everyone, of course, may have their own preferences. The famous Peking duck is considered a delicacy dish served in the best restaurants. The Chinese value this bird very much. They believe that duck fat is beneficial for the human body. Duck is cooked with vegetables, and the result is an amazing culinary masterpiece. Goose meat is very fatty. Nice bird has up to 40 percent fat. But how can we do without the traditional goose with apples for Christmas? After baking, goose fat permeates the fruit and gives it an incredible taste and aroma. Therefore, it is very difficult to choose which is tastier, goose or duck.

How to make a choice

Duck meat is very flavorful. But for it to be truly tasty, you need to choose an adult. Only the meat of such a duck develops a special taste and aroma. Goose meat is considered no less nutritious. Its taste is no worse than that of duck. It is better to take a carcass of 6-8 month old geese.
Dishes from goose, duck, turkey and any other bird are delicious if prepared correctly. Therefore, the chosen recipe and cooking technology play a big role here. It is also very important to choose quality meat. The carcass must be fresh or chilled. The skin should be dry and the meat should not have a specific odor.

What are we frying?

To understand whether goose or duck is tastier, you need to try both of these products. We offer a recipe that is suitable for any bird. First we prepare the carcass. Peel the apples from seeds and cut into slices. Lubricate the goose or duck with the necessary spices and sauces. We stuff the carcass with apples and sew up the belly with thread. Place the bird on its back on a greased baking sheet. Add a little water to the bottom to prevent the carcass from burning. Place the baking sheet in the oven, which we preheat. Goose or duck is roasted for a long time, about 2-2.5 hours. In the process, fat will be rendered, which needs to be poured over the carcass. This will make the meat juicier and more flavorful. To make the bird cook faster, you can bake it in a special sleeve. When the meat is ready, it must be removed from the oven and the thread tying the belly must be removed. Then place the whole carcass on a dish or cut it into pieces. We put baked apples around them, which turn out very tasty. Duck meat is more juicy and fatty, but goose has a sweetish taste. To understand whether roasted goose or duck is tastier, you need to try both cooking options. Everyone has their own opinion on this. The taste of meat also depends on the selected additional ingredients, which can give it new notes and a unique aroma. Cooking a goose or duck is not difficult, but it takes a long time, and there is not a lot of meat in these birds. Therefore, this is more of a festive dish than an everyday one.

Very rarely a feast is complete without meat products. This is a nutritious product that satisfies hunger well and saturates the body with protein. Each type of meat has its own positive and even negative qualities. Poultry meat is most often present on our table. Chicken or turkey fillet is considered dietary. Goose or duck is traditionally cooked on holidays, for large banquets. There is a difference between these birds, but not so significant. What tastes better, goose or duck? Let's discuss this issue in this article.

Benefits of duck

The main advantage of duck meat is the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids. The body needs them for good functioning of the heart and brain. Omega-3 makes skin smooth and radiant. Duck meat has a very high content of vitamin D, so its consumption promotes the absorption of calcium, strengthens bones, muscles and improves immunity. This product also contains vitamins E and B and minerals. However, the fat content of duck sometimes goes off scale, and the calorie content leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it must be used with caution.

The benefits of goose meat

To understand what is tastier than goose or duck, we also need to talk about the benefits of goose meat. This is a very valuable product. The meat has a slightly sweet taste and contains many vitamins and minerals: zinc, iron, calcium, etc. Goose meat is rich in fatty acids. It helps normalize the functioning of the stomach, eliminates toxins, diarrhea and heals the spleen. Both products have their positive qualities. Speaking of benefits, it is impossible to determine the difference between a goose and a duck. Let's look at what the difference in taste is next.

What to cook

Very often, housewives are faced with the question of what to choose for a traditional holiday dish: goose or duck. Everyone, of course, may have their own preferences. The famous Peking duck is considered a delicacy dish served in the best restaurants. The Chinese value this bird very much. They believe that duck fat is beneficial for the human body. Duck is cooked with vegetables, and the result is an amazing culinary masterpiece. Goose meat is very fatty. A good bird has up to 40 percent fat. But how can you do without the traditional one for Christmas? After baking, it soaks the fruit and gives it an incredible taste and aroma. Therefore, it is very difficult to choose which is tastier, goose or duck.

How to make a choice

Duck meat is very flavorful. But for it to be truly tasty, you need to choose an adult. Only the meat of such a duck develops a special taste and aroma. Goose meat is considered no less nutritious. Its taste is no worse than that of duck. It is better to take a carcass of 6-8 month old geese.
Ducks, turkeys and any other poultry are delicious if cooked correctly. Therefore, the chosen recipe and cooking technology play a big role here. It is also very important to choose quality meat. The carcass must be fresh or chilled. The skin should be dry and the meat should not have a specific odor.

What are we frying?

To understand whether goose or duck is tastier, you need to try both of these products. We offer a recipe that is suitable for any bird. First we prepare the carcass. Peel the apples from seeds and cut into slices. Lubricate the goose or duck with the necessary spices and sauces. We stuff the carcass with apples and sew up the belly with thread. Place the bird on its back on a greased baking sheet. Add a little water to the bottom to prevent the carcass from burning. Place the baking sheet in the oven, which we preheat. Goose or duck is roasted for a long time, about 2-2.5 hours. In the process, fat will be rendered, which needs to be poured over the carcass. This will make the meat juicier and more flavorful. To make the bird cook faster, you can bake it in a special sleeve. When the meat is ready, it must be removed from the oven and the thread tying the belly must be removed. Then place the whole carcass on a dish or cut it into pieces. We put baked apples around them, which turn out very tasty. Duck meat is more juicy and fatty, but goose has a sweetish taste. To understand whether roasted goose or duck is tastier, you need to try both cooking options. Everyone has their own opinion on this. The taste of meat also depends on the selected additional ingredients, which can give it new notes and a unique aroma. Cooking a goose or duck is not difficult, but it takes a long time, and there is not a lot of meat in these birds. Therefore, this is more of a festive dish than an everyday one.

Attention, TODAY only!

Juicy, tender, aromatic meat with a thin golden-brown honey crust on the outside and tender, slightly spicy sweet and sour apples with a hint of orange inside. Traditional baked with a not-so-traditional approach.

A true miracle on the holiday table, and especially so ruddy, juicy and aromatic if you approach the matter skillfully. A dark meat lover's dream, because this is what this muscular waterfowl consists entirely of! Thanks to regular exercise Goose meat is almost as red and rich in iron as beef. And also, like all waterfowl, geese are birds with a very large amount of fat, 90% of which is contained under the skin. Oddly enough, it contains a lot of flavor, but at the same time heavy calories, so we will persistently and as much as possible try to remove it from the bird.

I’ll say right away that this is not a friend for white meat lovers, you will like it better

And yet, after the fat from the goose is rendered, it will lose a lot of weight, so you shouldn’t expect to squeeze more than 5-7 servings of meat out of it.

I will also note that everything that is prepared from goose can equally be applied to. The latter is no less tasty, but much cheaper.

I will write, as always, a lot and thickly; those who come here often already know that this does not mean at all that the dish will be exorbitantly complex, although I must admit that the bird is truly royal, and therefore a little capricious. And since we have already decided, we will have to spend a little time on it and stock up on a couple of tricks. But I firmly promise you, if you delve into the details, you will easily prepare it no less tasty and beautiful!

So, first, let's define our goals.

What we want: cook a fragrant, beautiful goose with a thin crispy golden brown crust and juicy tender meat.

What we don't want: thick oily skin and a smoke screen in the house from fat burning in the oven, especially before guests arrive.

Now let's outline an action plan:

  1. Preparation: Defrost the goose if it is frozen, wash, dry, tie
  2. Degrease
  3. Preparing the apple filling
  4. Stuffing
  5. Bake

Absolutely necessary conditions:

  • Availability of a kitchen thermometer
  • Time to “rest” the meat before slicing

Let's start looking at the points:

1. Preparing the goose.

If you have it frozen, place it in the refrigerator 3 days before cooking. There it will slowly but surely defrost smoothly, gradually and most correctly.

If it so happens that you find yourself in a situation where in front of you is a block of ice weighing 4-5 kilos, and guests will arrive today, here is my completely incorrect advice from a culinary point of view, but life-saving in those very rare cases: dial the full a bath of very warm (not hot) water, so that you can easily hold your hand in it, and directly in an airtight package (or pack it yourself in several bags) let the goose swim for several hours, periodically adding to the bath hot water. This should speed up the process a lot. I strongly advise against defrosting goose in the microwave.

We carefully trim off all the internal fat and save it; it can later be rendered and used in other dishes.

Wash the goose thoroughly under the tap and then dry it inside and out using a clean towel. If time permits, put it in the cold overnight to let the skin air and dry, this will help the crust to be crispier.

After drying, we make multiple punctures or cuts in the oily areas of the skin so that the fat can be more easily rendered and drained during cooking. There are two options here: a thick needle or a sharp fork or slits with a knife, choose what you like best. I made notches in the form of a lattice. When making punctures and cuts, it is important not to go deep into the meat; prick and cut only the layer of skin and fat.

The fattest areas on the skin of goose and duck are located on the breast, under the wings and behind the legs, where they attach to the back. They also need to be pierced, otherwise fat will accumulate in these places.

Now salt and pepper the bird inside and out, generously! I use white pepper, it will not stain the skin and the blush on the crust will not be dirty brown, but brownish-orange, cleaner and more beautiful.

We turn the wings back, under the back. So that they are pressed more tightly to the carcass and burn less, and to make it easier to bandage the bird, we stick a long wooden skewer through them through the body.

Now we will tie the bird with thick cotton twine or thread. This will help make it more compact, giving it a more rounded shape and allowing it to bake better.

We tie the legs tightly so that they do not stick out.

We turn the flap of skin on the neck back and tuck it under the rope so that the neck is hermetically closed.

The preliminary preparation is completed, you can start degreasing.

2. How to degrease a goose or duck

Rosy duck and baked goose, with a crispy crust and juicy filling, look solemn and appetizing on the festive table. And the aroma emanates from them is extraordinary, it just makes your mouth water. Before the hostess even has time to “blink an eye,” the delicious food disappears from the plates. But the guests are happy and well-fed, and for her this is the best praise and gratitude.

Carcass preparation

For some reason, old cookbooks do not advise immediately cooking a beaten bird. It is recommended to keep it on ice in the cellar for at least two days. The frozen carcass is thawed at room temperature and washed with cool water, outside and inside.

Goose and duck meat is a bit fatty, so excess subcutaneous fat from the tail and neck is cut off. Sometimes the skinniest ones, especially ducks, are treated the same way. The fact is that it contains glands that must be removed. Otherwise, the meat will acquire a specific and unpleasant taste, and the dish will be spoiled. If you couldn’t find them, the glands look oblong and yellow, it’s better to cut off the tail. Goose and duck take a long time to bake in the oven, so the last third of the wings often burns. It is cut off in advance. They also get rid of excess skin on the neck.

The prepared carcass is marinated, that is, rubbed with salt and coated with a special mixture. For example, from 1 tablespoon of white wine (natural vinegar), 2 tablespoons vegetable oil and spices. Black pepper, garlic powder, paprika, basil, marjoram take a pinch. Or mix a couple of tablespoons of warmed honey with a spoon for the marinade lemon juice and mustard. You can rub the bird carcass with gruel from fresh ginger root (garlic), soy sauce(3 tablespoons) and 1 tablespoon honey. By the way, poultry meat is kept in the marinade from three (if time is pressed) to 12 hours. The longer it is marinated, the softer and juicier the finished dish will be.

How to prepare the filling?

The filling for stuffed goose or duck can be varied. My favorite is apples, and I cover the bird itself with potatoes, salted, peppered and drizzled with fat. Particularly good wild goose or duck cooked in this way. The apples should be sour, they give such tenderness and piquancy to the bird, and the potatoes are browned, soaked in duck fat and very good! You can also use this cooking method for domestic duck or goose. During baking, you need to open the oven and pour the fat flowing out of the bird over it, and half an hour before the end of cooking, brush it with sour cream - an unforgettable experience of the taste of this bird baked in the oven!

But there are other fillings, let’s look at them in more detail.

From sauerkraut and apples

Sour cabbage (800 g) is thoroughly squeezed. Five apples (ideally Antonovka) are peeled and cored, cut into slices. Finely chop 3 onions and lightly fry them in butter. Cabbage is added to the onions, and after 5-7 minutes, apples. Pour 80-100 ml of dry white wine into a saucepan, pepper the cabbage and, if necessary, salt. Simmer covered for 15-20 minutes.

From apples and prunes

For the filling, 6-7 sweet and sour apples are cut into large pieces (quarters) and mixed with 150-200 g of pitted prunes.

From potatoes

1.5-2 kg of potatoes are washed and peeled. Large tubers are cut into 2-4 parts, small ones are boiled whole until half cooked. 5-6 medium onions are cut into half rings, 2-3 cloves of garlic are cut into circles. Fry the onion and garlic in a frying pan until golden brown. Mix with potatoes.

From liver and mushrooms

Cut 400 g of mushrooms (white or champignons), 2 onions, 500 g chicken liver, finely chop parsley and 3-4 cloves of garlic. Fry the onion half rings and increase the flame of the burner; the heat should be high. Place liver pieces in a frying pan with onions, fry them for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly. Then add the mushrooms and cook for another five minutes. Salt, sprinkle with black pepper and herbs, add garlic. The minced meat is mixed and removed from the heat. When it cools down, add 2 pieces of milk soaked in it. white bread or buns, one a raw egg and knead again.

How to bake a bird in the oven?

The bird's belly is stuffed with stuffing and sewn up with thick thread. Place the remaining cabbage, apples or potatoes on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, and place the duck or goose on top. If the bird was stuffed with liver, pour a little water onto the leaf. Bake the carcass in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Then the temperature is reduced slightly. The remaining time (3-3.5 hours) the bird is cooked in the oven at 180 degrees.

If the bird starts to burn, cover it with foil and add hot water to the baking sheet. To prevent the meat from drying out, water the carcass every half hour with the juice and fat released during frying. You can bake stuffed poultry in a special sleeve, but you need to open it half an hour before it’s ready. Then the dish will brown and the skin will become crispy.

And for such a wonderful bird, you can prepare a delicious one for the holiday table and consider that the feast was a success!

Chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys... the choice is huge. Moreover, you can add partridges, quails, pheasants and even ostriches to this list. Choose according to your taste and wallet. And cook whatever you want - after all, poultry meat is so versatile that it is suitable for almost any dish. It is used to make roasts, shish kebab, chops, cutlets, zrazy and casseroles, in general - just a housewife's dream!

It is worth mentioning the high nutritional properties of poultry meat. This tasty product is a source of valuable proteins, vitamins and minerals. It is dietary and easily absorbed by the human body due to the presence of fusible fat in the meat in fairly small quantities. Breast is considered the most dietary - it has the least fat, but dark leg meat is healthier, as it contains more minerals, such as iron. Special praise to the giblets! It is impossible to imagine Russian or, for example, Mediterranean cuisine without them.

Different birds are tasty and healthy in their own way. Let's figure it out. Which poultry meat should you choose?



In terms of the ratio of protein and fat in meat, chicken is a recognized leader. In lean chicken meat, the fat content does not exceed 10%, but the protein content is as much as 22.5%.

Chicken meat has a fairly high content of zinc, as well as copper and magnesium.

Chicken meat is the most affordable. The choice in the market is huge, and the price of chicken meat is the lowest.


Turkey meat is rightfully considered the most dietary: it is low in calories and contains extremely little cholesterol. The fat found in turkey meat is rich in vitamins A and E.

Turkey meat, unlike chicken meat, does not contain allergens, so those can eat it. who is allergic to chicken protein.

Turkey meat has a fairly high phosphorus content. calcium and iron. It also contains sodium, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, iodine and manganese.


The meat of these delicious birds is very fatty and high in calories (the calorie content of 100 g of duck meat is 350 kcal, and that of goose meat is 412 kcal). But fat. contained in the meat of these waterfowl is more beneficial than harmful: it contains virtually no cholesterol, but contains a large number of unsaturated fatty acids.

Duck meat is rich in vitamins, especially vitamin A. Duck meat contains twice as much of it as other types of meat.

Duck and goose liver are a very exquisite delicacy. Famous dish Foie gras is traditionally prepared from the fatty liver of waterfowl - geese and ducks.

These birds are not cheap, and it is not profitable to buy them - although the meat is tasty, it is not enough. Their dishes are more festive than everyday.

We eat dishes made from chicken and turkey most often. At the same time, it is useful to know how many calories we absorb from this or that part of the bird.


Thigh...................140 kcal per 100 g

Shin .....................................140 kcal

Wings...................................160 kcal

Ham.........................150 kcal

Liver...................................162 kcal

Carcass........................................190 kcal

Fillet...................................107.7 kcal

Breast with skin...................115 kcal


Thigh........................209.3 kcal per 100 g

Shin .....................................200 kcal

Stomachs........................143 kcal

Wing........................212.4 kcal

Ham...........................205.8 kcal

Liver...................................162 kcal

Heart...................................150 kcal

Carcass................................183 kcal

Fillet...................................113.8 kcal

Breast with skin...................140 kcal


Thigh........................142.8 kcal per 100 g

Shin...................................134.3 kcal

Wing........................147 kcal

Liver...................................276 kcal

Shoulder...................................176.8 kcal

Carcass........................................276 kcal

Fillet...................................134.2 kcal

Quality is above all!

1) On sale, carcasses are classified as: cooled - temperature no higher than 25°C, chilled - from 0 to 4°C and frozen - no higher than - 8°C.

2) Try to buy chilled rather than frozen poultry. There are several very good reasons for this. Keep the following in mind:

Firstly, sometimes it is frozen not just with water, but with a special moisture-retaining chemical solution(for example, phosphoric acid), and even increase the fluid rate from 4% to 20%;

Secondly, as a result of freezing, the structure of meat fibers is disrupted:

And finally, thirdly, during the defrosting process, juice flows out of the meat, taking with it a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients.

3) When buying poultry, be sure to pay attention to the production date and shelf life. Recommended period - 5 days; if a larger term is indicated, it means the meat is stuffed with preservatives.

5) If the carcass is sold without packaging, pay attention to the skin - it should be dry, without bruises, pale yellow with a pinkish tint. The presence of foreign unpleasant odor, bruises, dark spots, scratches, tears, remains of feathers or fluff.

6) Pink ice crystals on a frozen carcass are evidence of re-freezing.

7) A benign goose or duck has clean skin golden in color, the bird should also have clean legs and a fleshy chest.

8) One more nuance: when choosing a goose or duck, find an opportunity not only to inspect the carcass, but also to touch it. The meat on the throat of a fresh bird should move freely under your fingers.

9) Separately, mention should be made of such a concept as “broiler”. Contrary to popular belief, these are not mutants at all, specially injected with hormones for rapid growth, but a meat breed of poultry. An undoubted advantage is that only young birds go on sale - at the age of approximately 6-8 weeks. The quality of meat is much more influenced not by the name, but by the feed and the conditions in which the bird is raised. Meat breeds of chickens are successfully raised in farmsteads, producing tasty and safe meat, which is suitable both for broth and for roasting whole (which cannot be said about tough laying hens). “Broilers” are not only chickens, but also ducklings and goslings.

Culinary subtleties

Cook fatty poultry by stuffing it with sour fruits, vegetables or grains. This way you will significantly increase the dietary value of the dish.

The meat of adult birds is too tough, so it is recommended to buy only young geese and ducks.

To ensure that the meat is baked better while remaining juicy, place the carcass in the oven room temperature, and not straight from the refrigerator.

The roasting time of the bird depends on its weight and oven temperature. With an oven preheated to 190°C, calculate 20 minutes for every 450 g of weight. In a stuffed bird, add more filling weight.


Do not defrost any meat, including poultry, in hot or cold water. The best way to defrost meat is to leave it sealed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.

Wash the carcass thoroughly before cutting. The causative agents of salmonellosis wait in the wings on the skin, when cutting they get into the meat and infect it.

Fatty meat of ducks and geese should be consumed with great caution by patients diabetes mellitus, obesity, as well as people with diseases of the stomach, liver and pancreas.