Male doctor: what is the name of a “gynecologist” for men? What is the name of a male doctor? Preventive examinations in gynecology

For many women, a gynecologist and going to see him is a kind of taboo that cannot be discussed out loud, but only in a whisper, and even then alone with girlfriends. And if, God forbid, you manage to get to a male gynecologist, all is considered lost - not every woman can openly tell such a specialist about her problems. Meanwhile, for representatives of the fair sex, a gynecologist is almost the most important doctor. After all, there is nothing more important for a woman than her women's health. We were convinced of this by talking with a gynecological surgeon. Although anonymous, he spoke frankly about why women from the regions have the most “women’s problems”, why you need to think before deciding on IVF, which is now popular, what it’s like to tell a 17-year-old girl that she will never have there will be children, and why he has not reacted to a naked female body for a long time and never treats his own wife.

Many surgeons go gray early. Perhaps this is due to nervous and mental stress: night shifts, the need to quickly make decisions, unusual operations. The body of the operating doctor is in a long forced position; the surgeon has to strain his vision, tactile sensations, and hearing. The impact of anesthetic drugs that are concentrated in the air also causes harm. At the same time, a successfully performed operation gives a certain emotional charge that is incomparable to anything else!

Sometimes the result of an operation is similar to a verdict, although I believe that if a person managed to save a life, he always has a future. Before discharge, I am obliged to have a conversation with the patient and clearly explain what the consequences of surgical intervention are. For example, we had to report the results of a histological examination that revealed oncology, or tell a seventeen-year-old girl who came to us too late that she would never be able to get pregnant. The reaction to such news usually does not appear immediately: the person listens to the doctor calmly, without emotion. Experiences and suffering begin later, therefore I believe that such patients definitely need psychological help after discharge.

Some people believe that surgeons just want to cut something off, but sometimes surgical intervention is the only way to maintain and improve the patient’s quality of life. I remember a patient who for many years complained of severe bleeding during her menstrual periods, which caused her to suffer a lot. The local gynecologist literally tortured the woman with referrals for an ultrasound, which showed nothing, and for some reason she did not prescribe a more in-depth examination - an x-ray - and did not send the woman to the hospital. Yes, the patient had normal hemoglobin, but this was only because she was taking iron supplements. Finally, driven to hysteria by accusations that she was faking it, the woman finally came to us, where she was given an x-ray, which showed that she had long needed surgical intervention.

Before the operation, I told this woman: “For some people, having a hysterectomy is fraught with psychological problems.” And the patient replied: “Doctor, cut it out at last - I will feel like the happiest person in the world!” And so it happened: a year later she came to us with two cakes, thanks and a story about how much her life had changed after she got rid of her problem. Moreover, before the operation she managed to give birth to a child. By the way, in the vast majority of cases, removal of the uterus does not in any way affect the sex life, much less the appearance of a woman, which many of them are so afraid of.

Dear women, if you feel an incomprehensible malaise, don’t ask friends for advice, don’t look for a diagnosis on the Internet! Thus, one patient, suffering from severe pain in the lower abdomen, but terribly afraid of the hospital, took a hot bath every day for a week! When she felt really bad, she still called an ambulance. The patient discovered a purulent tumor in the appendages: a few more hours of delay, and the woman would have died. There are many cases of unsuccessful use of traditional medicines.

Sometimes representatives of the fairer sex, in my opinion, literally abuse their bodies. I mean not only abortions, but... the desire to bear children! Once upon a time, a patient with a frozen pregnancy came to us over and over again. That is, she could get pregnant, but after some time the fetus inside would die. She had complex hormonal problems. Of course, you have to have the character to endlessly repeat attempts to give birth to a child, and yet I wanted to tell her: “Your women's health is more important. Dedicate your life to something else. “Many couples are happy without children.”

You should never be a fanatic about anything, including the desire to have offspring.. IVF is popular now, but it is an expensive method, and the result is not possible on the first try. In addition, IVF is fraught with complications due to hyperstimulation of the ovaries by hormones: accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity when the woman experiences certain pain, increased blood clotting, and even much more dangerous side effects. I am in no way calling for abandoning such methods, but I suggest that you seriously think about what it sometimes costs.

The human body gives surprises in both good and bad ways.. It happens that during an ectopic pregnancy the egg attaches to the intestines and even to the liver, and you have to look for it! And sometimes women carry and give birth with huge intrauterine nodes!

A woman needs to take care of herself, regardless of what her life partner thinks about it.. Men have a different physiology and psychology, some women's problems are incomprehensible, and often the stronger sex simply does not want to delve into them. In general, in recent years, the education of the population has improved, although the health of women from the regions is still very poor, and this has been a problem for many decades. There are still a lot of abortions performed there, and there is a problem with routine examinations.

Touching on the topic of weight lifting, I would like to say: “Dear ladies! Do not do that. That’s what men are for.” The female body is unique and complex, it can endure a lot, but it is not designed to carry heavy things. Because of this, many patients suffer from uterine prolapse and are forced to agree to surgery. Most often this is a problem for trade workers who have to carry boxes of goods, as well as elderly women. By the way, age is not always an obstacle to surgical intervention. It happened that women over eighty lay on the table, and nothing happened, they were alive.

Many people are interested in how I treat women. In the hospital - only as for patients. There I don’t react at all to a woman’s body like an ordinary man. It happens that during examination women are embarrassed, but they try not to show it. Regarding the question of who are the best gynecological surgeons, men or women, in my opinion it has little to do with gender. Each has its own advantages. However, I would like to note that strong passion for the profession and heavy workload can cost a woman surgeon her personal life. This doesn't usually happen to men.

I had to learn interesting versions about my personal life from patients. One day my wife came to pick me up at work. She was waiting for me at the entrance, and we went together. Most hospital patients like to look out the window. The next day, walking along the hospital corridor, I heard: “Yesterday we saw him and his wife. They were jealous: everything was probably fixed there!” You know, I “don’t fix my wife.” If some mortal danger were to happen, then yes, but otherwise I’d rather entrust it to a colleague whom I know well. For me, my wife is a beloved woman, not a patient. I don’t want to talk to her about work, and not because I see female organs almost every day. Sometimes you get tormented and tired, so what else can you pass on to a loved one? At the same time, the doctor’s wife must understand the burden on her husband and understand the peculiarities of his profession.

About students. Some surgeons don't like it when future doctors are brought into the operating room. But this is our shift! Unfortunately, I heard that the hours of studying, for example, anatomy are being reduced: isn’t this a detriment to the quality of doctor’s training? And it is not the teachers who are to blame for this, but all sorts of “reforms” of education, invented by officials who are far from medicine and who do not have time to do anything useful.

Finally, I would like to appeal to men: be more attentive to the companions of your life, do not harass a woman if she cannot give birth to a child, because in this case your lazy sperm may also be to blame, and if she complains of abdominal pain, do not brush it off, but call an ambulance. After surgery on the female organs, do not allow her to lift weights under any circumstances: the internal sutures may come apart. Let women come to us as rarely as possible!

Not all men know which specialist to entrust their intimate health to. Many people ask the question: is there a “gynecologist” for men?

Ignorance of this issue leads to the fact that representatives of the stronger half of humanity postpone visiting a specialist, and in the meantime the symptoms increase and the disease enters the stage of neglect. Diseases of the genitourinary system should not be treated indifferently, as well as problems of a sexual nature.

What does urology do?

The male doctor is called a urologist. This is the doctor most people have heard of. Not everyone fully understands what he treats and what issues he deals with. But everyone needs to know about this.

People come to see a urologist if they have the following unpleasant signs:

  • Painful urination;
  • Burning during urination;
  • Blood is found in the urine;
  • Very often I want to go to the toilet “in a small way”;
  • Lower back pain;
  • Unable to hold urine.

This male doctor treats diseases associated with problems:

  • urethra;
  • Kidney;
  • Ureters;
  • Prostate gland.

Urology is based on mixed sciences. This includes pediatrics, urology, and andrology. In addition, this medical direction is divided into several other movements. Children are treated by a pediatric urologist, women by a female urologist, and men by a male urologist. Among themselves, these specialists differ only in the gender of the patients.

As for male urology, this area is also called andrology. This branch of medicine deals with issues that relate exclusively to the health of men and their sex life. The andrologist treats infertility, prostatitis, as well as urolithiasis, inflammation of the bladder and sexually transmitted infections: chlamydia, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis.

But you need to know that a specialist such as a urologist treats not only men, but also women. But andrology, as a separate field, has specifics aimed exclusively at men. If the patient’s genital organ is suffering, the doctor will definitely pay attention to this and prescribe appropriate treatment.

When to visit a doctor?

You need to know the cases in which you should not postpone visiting a urologist:

  • If your bladder feels full but you are not urinating;
  • If discomfort is felt during urination, pain is noted;
  • If urination is intermittent, with delays, the direction of the urine stream is weakened;
  • Worried about pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Urine has changed its color or consistency;
  • If urine is excreted with impurities (blood, pus, mucus).

With these signs, the patient’s body temperature may rise, the general condition may be dejected, irritability appears, and appetite disappears. It is also worth visiting a specialist if the penis has changed, a curvature has appeared, or the organ has another defect. If you are concerned about changes in erection or ejaculation, there is no need to postpone visiting a specialist.

If you hope that you can be cured without the help of a doctor, this is a big misconception. There is no need to risk men's health. A urologist or andrologist has dozens of visitors a day, his goal is to help the patient and eliminate the disease. Also, if you treat the disease yourself, there is a risk that the disease will go into a chronic stage, and this can have serious consequences.

If a urinary tract infection has affected internal organs (kidneys, ureters), it will be more difficult to treat the disease. This can result in impotence, infertility, frigidity, and cancer.

How do you know where to find a good urologist?

If you have symptoms, you need to quickly go to a specialist. But many do not know which specialist to choose, because they want to find the best. Recommendations will help you choose a good doctor.

The main problem is that not everyone is ready to talk out loud about what is happening with intimate health. In this case, you can visit a paid clinic. As a rule, a male doctor at a paid clinic is very considerate and values ​​his reputation. Such institutions, as a rule, employ the best specialists. They are invited from outside only based on positive reviews.

What you need to know about a urologist?

To choose the best specialist, you need to find out whether this male doctor has work experience. It is advisable to have several years of relevant practice under your belt. Then the doctor will be more discerning about diagnoses, symptoms, and proper treatment will not be long in coming. Such people, as a rule, strive for new knowledge, they want to improve, because they have already seen and know a lot. A good male doctor will not prescribe treatment based solely on what the patient complains about. The specialist will ask long and detailed questions about the symptoms, prescribe tests, and only then will he be able to make a diagnosis.

A good doctor always takes into account that such signs may indicate the development of a tumor in the prostate gland, so he insists on special examinations. This does not happen in every case, but only if there are some suspicions. All this will have a very beneficial effect on a man’s health, because detecting the disease in the early stages and curing it is much easier than when irreversible processes have appeared in the body.

When the urologist knows exactly the patient’s diagnosis, he will choose the entire range of treatment methods. A good doctor will always tell you about preventive measures for certain diseases. Urologists are specialists in the sexual sphere. If a male doctor detects inflammation, he will prescribe tests for the presence of sexually transmitted infections.

A professional doctor is oriented in such a direction of medicine as sexopathology. After all, problems with the genitourinary system are directly related to the patient’s sexual activity. A specialist in his field is someone who never takes information outside his office.

In most cases, men do not pay due attention to their health. Any woman knows that for all problems of her reproductive system she needs to see a gynecologist. And, in fact, he does so quite often. For men, everything is much more complicated: some of them do not even know that there is a special male doctor, what his specialization is called and what diseases exist in this area.

Why don't men like doctors?

There are many diseases of men that cause varying degrees of discomfort. They can be expressed by erection, pain, etc. Not every man experiencing such symptoms, especially if they are mild, will decide that he needs a doctor for men’s problems. What is the name of such a specialist, mainly only those representatives of the stronger sex who have quite serious deviations are interested.

Many women accuse their spouses of not being afraid to leave the family without a breadwinner. However, the reason for this attitude towards their own health is often precisely their concern for their relatives. A man, realizing how much depends on him, cannot, or rather, does not want to allow himself to get sick. Health problems negatively affect their sense of self-worth, which is why they ignore them.

Who solves the problems of male genitalia?

Some representatives of the stronger sex still willingly visit doctors, others run to them under duress, exhausted from suffering. However, for both of them, the first task that needs to be solved on the path to recovery is to find an answer to the question: what is the name of the male genital doctor?

The main specialist in this field of medicine is an andrologist. This specialist deals directly with the problems of the male genital area. However, due to the specific structure of the human body, namely the close connection of its systems, the andrologist cannot limit himself only to knowledge from the narrow focus of his activity.

What other specialists can help?

The knowledge of an andrologist should include information from such areas of medical science as sexology, genetics, endocrinology, psychology, immunology, genetics, venereology, microsurgery and others. If during the examination it turns out that the disease is directly related to one of the listed specializations of medicine, it is not always effective if only a male doctor deals with the treatment. The andrologist must tell the patient what the specialist who will provide additional assistance is called.

For example, if a sexually transmitted infection is detected, the help of a venereologist may be needed. Problems in the area of ​​sexual relations are sometimes able to be solved by a psychologist or sexologist. In case of prostate adenoma, a visit to the surgeon will be mandatory, to whom the patient will be referred by a male doctor. What is the name of the disease that affects the man, the treatment and prognosis will be told by the appropriate specialist.

How can a urologist help?

An andrologist can be found in almost every city. They usually see clinics that specialize in men's health or family planning. Repeated visits to such a specialist along with treatment can significantly affect the family budget. But is it possible to get free help if you need a male doctor? What is the name of such a specialist?

Almost any public clinic sees a urologist. It is he who can help diagnose and cure the disease, since his specialization partially includes knowledge from andrology. But it is possible that ultimately you will have to consult an andrologist or other highly specialized doctor.

From a young age to old age, every man and woman should be monitored by doctors. If a woman, if she has problems, goes to a gynecologist, then who is the male doctor?

Who treats various diseases of the genital area and infertility?

Who can solve various men's problems?

And is it necessary to go to such a doctor?

It is imperative to know the answers to these questions so that you don’t have to decide who to tell about your symptoms and ask for help.

Men's problems

A urologist diagnoses and treats diseases of the genitourinary organs.

An andrologist is a urologist who treats and diagnoses urethritis, varicocele, prostatitis, sexual disorders and other diseases. If there are no problems with kidney inflammation, then you can simply contact an andrologist.

In addition, the andrologist understands endocrinological diseases, sexual disorders and valeology. Conducts ultrasound examinations and performs operations on any of the genitourinary organs except the kidneys.

Similarity of profession:

  • Both are surgeons;
  • Both of them deal with diseases of the genitourinary system of men;
  • Any of them can make a diagnosis and perform an operation.

Differences between specialties:

  • A urologist treats and diagnoses both men and women, while an andrologist deals only with men.
  • The urologist is more responsible for diseases of the genitourinary sulfur, and the andrologist for his consistency in bed.
  • A urologist is an extended medical specialization, and an andrologist is a narrow specialty.

Preventive examination

When a man goes to see a doctor, he is usually asked questions regarding personal problems. Are there any disturbing symptoms, have you had urological diseases, does the patient have any chronic forms.

An external examination of the genital organs is carried out. The shape and size of the genital organs are determined, and a rectal examination of the prostate can be performed.

In addition, analyzes and various laboratory studies are carried out:

  • Urine and blood analysis;
  • Level of testosterone in the blood;
  • Analysis of prostate secretions;
  • Ejaculate analysis;
  • If cancer is suspected, tumor markers are prescribed;
  • If you complain about infertility, give up;
  • In addition, tests for sexually transmitted infections (HIV, AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.) may be prescribed.

The order of tests will depend on the reason for the patient’s visit, his age and health complaints.

After 40 years, it is advisable to be examined at least 2 times a year, since prostatitis and other diseases affecting men have recently become dramatically younger.

Pediatric urologist - andrologist

Patients under 18 years of age are invited to be examined by a pediatric andrologist-urologist. It treats various disorders of a physiological, endocrine, psychosexual nature. If necessary, the doctor performs surgery.

Boys are monitored for the following problems:

  • Various bulges and formations in the scrotum area;
  • Undescended testicle;
  • Incorrect location of the urethra;
  • The glans penis does not open;
  • Excess weight and, as a consequence, disruption of hormone production;
  • Enuresis over 4 years of age;
  • Pain or difficulty urinating;
  • Pain in the groin;
  • There is a big difference in the size of the testicles.

With a timely correct diagnosis, various problems can be avoided in the future. In addition, a boy may be sent to see an andrologist after a boy has suffered from an illness (for example, mumps).

So that later in adulthood a man does not encounter problems that were unresolved in childhood, timely examination and, if necessary, treatment of various problems of the genitourinary system are necessary.

For complete men's health and prevention of various diseases and abnormalities in the genitourinary area, do not forget to visit a male doctor. It is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later.