Is it possible to do physical therapy for endometriosis? Methods of treating endometriosis in women. Individual selection of treatment regimens

Endometriosis is one of the most common pathologies of the female reproductive system. When treating it, any effective and safe methods are used that can reduce pain and improve the patient’s quality of life. Physiotherapy for endometriosis is considered the best option for additional treatment to complex pathogenetic therapy. This method is good because it enhances the effect of the main method of treatment.

When are physiotherapeutic procedures prescribed?

Physiotherapy has many positive properties that make the treatment of any pathology, including endometrial growth, comfortable and painless. This method of therapy for endometriosis is the safest; patients do not feel discomfort or pain during the procedure.

The devices directly affect the part of the body in which the pathological process occurs. But physical therapy is not an independent type of medical care. It is part of a whole treatment complex and helps enhance the effect of other treatment methods.

In most cases, physiotherapeutic procedures for endometriosis are prescribed as an additional method of treatment to hormonal drugs for women who have the initial stage of this disease. Typically, this method is necessary after surgery to reduce pain, eliminate inflammation and avoid adhesions. The peculiarity of alternating physiotherapeutic procedures and hormones is that it helps reduce the hormonal load on the female body.

Physiotherapy is widely used in cases where doctors detect endometrial growth at a young age. Surgical treatment in such situations is performed quite rarely, and the procedures make it possible to delay surgery for a long time and normalize the patient’s mental state.

There are also other indications for which this harmless and effective method of treatment is used. These include intolerance by the female body to hormonal drugs, as a result of which physiotherapy comes to the fore. Such intolerance may occur due to the presence of concomitant pathologies in a woman.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are excellent in preventing the process of adhesions in the abdominal cavity during the postoperative period. They also cope well with chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Typically, this procedure is combined with medications.

Only the attending physician can say for sure whether the patient has indications for treating endometriosis with physiotherapeutic procedures. In addition, he must explain why this or that type is so necessary, and how it affects the female body.

Types of physiotherapy for endometriosis

Electrical treatment

There are low frequency currents that can relieve pain and produce a calming effect. This method of physiotherapeutic procedures does not cause the formation of estrogen, so its use is harmless for women with endometriosis.

The use of electrophoresis for endometriosis, carried out using pulsed currents, helps accumulate the active substances of drugs and gradually distribute them in small doses throughout the body. This plays a huge role in the treatment of chronic processes.

This method of procedure can be performed on all women, with the exception of those who have:

  • kidney and gallstones;
  • suspicion of the formation of a malignant tumor.

Magnet therapy

Biological tissues of the human body are characterized by high magnetic permeability. This gives the magnetic field a chance to penetrate to almost any depth. The method does not produce a thermal effect, and also does not promote the production of estrogen in endometriosis.

Magnet treatment for endometriosis in women helps:

  • eliminate the process of inflammation and swelling of tissues;
  • reduce spasm and pain;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • stimulate trophism and nutrition of tissues and blood vessels.

If patients regularly use physiotherapeutic treatments for endometriosis, it will have a pronounced calming effect on the female body due to the stabilization of blood flow in the central nervous system. Magnetic therapy is often prescribed after surgery in order to speed up the recovery process of the female body.


This therapeutic method for endometriosis involves taking radon and iodine-bromine baths. Radon has a special effect on the central and peripheral parts of the nervous system, which allows a woman to overcome the sensation of pain. Treatment with radon baths is carried out in combination with radon microenemas and vaginal irrigation using radon water.

Baths are also filled with iodine-bromine water, which reduces blood pressure, normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland, eliminates the inflammatory process, and has a calming effect. When treating with baths, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime, which should not be higher than 35-36 degrees. This is necessary because heat exposure is prohibited for endometriosis.

Short-wave ultraviolet and laser radiation

Short-wave ultraviolet radiation for endometriosis in women is used after surgery. Its effect is directed to the wound area. As a result, physiotherapy helps fight pathogenic bacteria, activates the activity of leukocytes, leads to short-term spasm of capillaries, and promotes the rapid process of wound healing.

Laser radiation directed directly at the wound eliminates the process of inflammation and tissue swelling, eliminates harmful microorganisms, alleviates pain, ensures stable blood microcirculation, and activates the metabolic process at the site of inflammation.

Doctors also often combine laser treatment with magnetotherapy for endometriosis. Thanks to this combination, a double therapeutic effect is produced; the rays penetrate more deeply into the tissues of the organ. Typically, this method of treating endometriosis is used in the first time after surgery.


This physiotherapeutic procedure is the treatment of endometriosis using pine and bischofite baths. They affect skin receptors, causing thermal, mechanical and chemical irritation. Also, their effect is based on reflex changes in blood vessels in the body.

Healing baths for endometriosis in women help relax, reduce pain, and eliminate spasms. Such effects are achieved due to the fact that water is used with substances such as pine extract or bischofite.

During the treatment of endometriosis with physiotherapeutic procedures, indifferent baths are used, the water of which has a temperature of 33–36°C. They have less influence than others on metabolic processes, heat balance and thermoregulation. The therapeutic effect after them lasts 3–4 months.

Disadvantages of physical therapy

The use of physiotherapy for endometriosis has some negative aspects, which lead to an increase in estrogen levels and increased development of the disease. One of them is various thermal effects on the female body.

There is an entire branch of physical therapy called climatotherapy that helps women avoid such effects. It contains recommendations on what should be taken into account by patients with specific pathologies in a certain climate zone.

The hormonal and reproductive systems of the female body are a very delicate mechanism, the activity of which can be disrupted due to any sudden changes in temperature and other environmental factors. It is especially important that this does not happen during physiotherapy, otherwise the effect of treatment may be reduced to zero. Therefore, the attending physician is obliged to tell his patients how they can rest and what should be avoided in everyday life.

Some physiotherapeutic procedures for endometriosis can lead to hyperestrogenism in a woman. These include:

  • healing mud;
  • paraffin;
  • baths with hydrogen sulfide and turpentine;
  • currents of subtotal frequency, ultra- and superfrequency;
  • diathermy and inductothermy;
  • visiting baths and saunas;

Physiotherapy is not performed for women who suffer from pathologies requiring immediate surgical intervention. Usually they are various endometrioid cysts, as well as severe growth of the endometrium in the abdominal cavity, accompanied by pain and partial obstruction.

If a woman is diagnosed with late stage endometriosis, she is also not allowed to undergo physical therapy treatment. This is explained by the fact that such procedures can only worsen the patient’s health or increase the likelihood of malignancy in the process. Also, such treatment is not prescribed to women with profound mental disorders or nervous disorders. Basically, these pathologies accompany an advanced form of endometriosis.

Recommendations for the treatment and prevention of the disease

During physical therapy treatment for endometriosis, women should reconsider their lifestyle. This will help you quickly cope with pathology and improve your health. To do this you need:

  • to live an active lifestyle. Physical activity helps reduce estrogen levels in women, which helps prevent further progression of the disease;
  • refuse to use tampons, because they can disrupt blood circulation in the female body, increase pain during menstruation, and contribute to the reflux of blood with endometrial cells into the uterine tubes;
  • adjust your daily diet. Food must provide all the necessary elements. You need to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible, but coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks need to be limited.

Women can not only help their body get rid of the disease, but also prevent the occurrence of pathology at all. To do this, you should adhere to the following preventive measures:

  • be sure to regularly visit a gynecologist, at least once every six months;
  • do not have sex during menstruation;
  • do not have abortions;
  • timely treatment of chronic pathologies related to the field of gynecology;
  • take measures to combat excess weight, such as diet, exercise;
  • give preference to hormonal contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Preventive measures for endometriosis should be carried out not only by women who have not yet had endometriosis, but also by those who have coped with this disease.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are an effective method of treating endometriosis. They have both positive and negative sides. But with the proper competence of experienced doctors, this method of therapy can become a reliable assistant in the fight against female pathology. The most important thing is that treatment is started on time, then the prognosis for recovery will be favorable.

Physiotherapy for endometriosis is not used as an independent method of treatment. Physiotherapeutic techniques are used as an additional remedy in parallel with hormonal therapy or surgery. The main goal of physical therapy is to relieve pain and accelerate postoperative recovery.

Indications for use

Endometriosis is a disease of the female reproductive system. With it, the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterine epithelium) is not rejected during menstruation and is not excreted as part of bloody discharge, but remains in the body and begins to grow into the pelvic and abdominal organs. The disease has 4 stages, differing in the number and depth of lesions. From stage to stage, the severity of symptoms increases.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed for endometriosis of 1 or 2 degrees (for more severe degrees of the disease, when it affects the abdominal cavity, physiotherapy is ineffective and surgical intervention is necessary). The main tasks in this case are:

  1. Take off .
  2. Prevent the formation of adhesions.

For young patients, physical therapy can partially and sometimes completely replace hormone therapy, which can be dangerous for a teenager’s body.

In case of individual intolerance to hormone therapy, emphasis is also placed on the use of physiotherapeutic treatment methods.

In the early postoperative period, physical therapy promotes faster recovery; with its use, inflammatory processes are completed earlier. The postoperative period is easier, and the chances of limiting yourself to minimal drug therapy are increased. Physiotherapy prevents the formation of adhesions.

In the long-term postoperative period, physiotherapeutic methods are used to treat adhesions and prevent relapses of the disease.

Physiotherapy for the treatment of endometriosis

There are several types of physiotherapy that are prescribed to patients with endometriosis.


This type of physiotherapy uses a low-frequency magnetic field with different characteristics:

  • variable;
  • permanent;
  • pulsed;
  • pulsating;
  • running.

The magnetic field does not have a thermal effect, which is contraindicated for endometriosis. It also does not promote estrogen production, which could interfere with hormonal treatments.

In this case, magnetic therapy has a local anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The influence of magnetic fields improves metabolism, which helps eliminate swelling and accelerate healing after surgery.

Since magnetic fields have the ability to penetrate deeply into tissues, not only local magnetic therapy is used for the pelvic organs, but also general magnetic therapy for the entire body. General magnetic therapy produces a sedative effect.

This method plays a special role in the postoperative period.

In this type of physical therapy, electrodes are placed on appropriate areas of the body. Currents promote muscle tension, followed by periods of relaxation, or act on sensitive nerve fibers connecting organs with the central nervous system. It appears to have primarily an analgesic effect. This therapy also provides a general sedative effect.

Like other physiotherapeutic methods, low-frequency current therapy does not have an estrogen-stimulating effect, which is important in the treatment of endometriosis.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) effectively blocks pain impulses coming from the pathological focus to the brain. Since this method does not involve the use of chemicals, it is preferable in many cases.


When using this method, the drug is introduced into the body through the skin using low frequency currents. In the case of endometriosis treatment, iodine is most often used.

Electrophoresis allows you to administer any small doses of the drug. The active substance can accumulate in the skin and then enter the blood gradually, a similar effect is felt for 20 days after the procedure.

This method of physiotherapeutic treatment is of great importance in the chronic course of the disease. It is better to start treatment on days 5-7 of the menstrual cycle, if the patient still has it (due to hormonal effects, the cycle may be blurred).

The effectiveness of physiotherapy

Due to the fact that physiotherapeutic methods for endometriosis perform an auxiliary function, their effectiveness lies in accelerating the action of other methods: in faster removal of swelling and healing after surgery, in relieving pain and inflammation.

Today, despite progressive trends in the treatment of many female diseases, the choice of effective methods for treating adenomyosis remains relevant.

Adenomyosis (endometriosis of the uterus) remains one of the leading causes of female infertility, and given that the incidence among women of reproductive age increases every year, this should “activate” the scientific medical community to introduce new treatment methods.

Now, in addition to the main methods of treatment, such as hormonal therapy and surgical correction, complex treatment regimens for adenomyosis also include additional methods - physiotherapeutic treatment, which is most often prescribed in parallel with medication.


Physiotherapeutic treatments are supportive and can help:

  • Increasing the interval between courses of treatment with hormonal drugs;
  • Reducing inflammatory changes;
  • Improving blood circulation processes;
  • Prevention of adhesions in the pelvic organs, but primarily in the fallopian tubes (prevention of infertility);
  • Reducing pain in the projection of the pelvic organs;
  • Reducing muscle tone and eliminating hypertonicity of the smooth muscles of the uterus;
  • Acceleration of tissue regeneration processes after surgical correction methods.

At the present stage, there are many methods of physiotherapy for gynecological diseases, but not all of them can be used for any specific disease, this also applies to physiotherapy for adenomyosis. The selection of the appropriate method should only be carried out by a qualified specialist. You need to understand that any methods with a warming (thermal) effect are not used for adenomyosis.


Treatment of adenomyosis through physical therapy is not recommended for all women with this disease. There is a list of contraindications, including:

  • The spread of foci of endometriosis into the abdominal cavity, which is accompanied by severe pain, since the peritoneum is a powerful receptor organ containing a huge number of pain receptors, in this case
  • surgical treatment is required;
  • Severe stage of uterine endometriosis;
  • Mental illnesses.

Types of physical procedures

Among the methods of physiotherapeutic treatment for women with uterine adenomyosis, the following are recommended for use.

Magnetotherapy is the effect of a low-frequency magnetic field on affected tissues. The method proves its effectiveness only in cases of I – II degrees of adenomyosis.
Positive effects of magnetic therapy for adenomyosis:

  • Normalization of metabolic processes in tissues;
  • Bacteriostatic effect – inhibits the growth of bacteria;
  • Elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • Removing excess fluid and eliminating tissue swelling;
  • Reduced pain.

Electrophoresis is a method of exposure to pulsed low-frequency current, with the introduction of medicinal substances into the body, in this case, iodine. The advantage of such administration of drugs is painlessness, minimizing side and allergic reactions, and direct impact on the desired area of ​​the human body.

The course of treatment is prescribed after the end of menstruation; during the course, it is recommended to abstain from sexual activity or use condoms in order to avoid pregnancy.

Positive effects of electrophoresis for adenomyosis:

  • Production of anti-inflammatory biologically active substances in tissues, which has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Elimination of hypertonicity of smooth muscles, which simultaneously eliminates pain;
  • Removing excess fluid;
  • Regeneration of uterine tissue (iodine effect);
  • Regulation of hormonal activity (iodine effect).

Balneotherapy - radon and iodine-bromine baths are allowed. Radon and iodine-bromine water can be used for vaginal irrigation in combination with balneotherapy.

Positive effects of radon baths:

  • Sedative;
  • Analgesic;
  • Balancing hormonal status - decreasing the concentration of estrogen and increasing progesterone;
  • Acceleration of tissue regeneration processes, which is due to the preservation of the effect of baths for 6 months.
  • Positive effects of iodine-bromine baths:
  • Decreased vascular tone (lowered blood pressure);
  • Calming effect on the nervous system;
  • Analgesic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Maintaining hormonal balance – reducing estrogen;
  • The effect is maintained for 4 months after the course of treatment.

Fluctuations in the light range (AF, laser treatment). The methods are indicated after surgical interventions for adenomyosis. They have the following positive aspects: they promote rapid wound healing, reduce the risk of secondary bacterial infection (bactericidal effect), and eliminate swelling and inflammation.
Physiotherapy methods prohibited for adenomyosis

These include:

  • Paraffin applications;
  • Treatment with peloids (therapeutic mud);
  • Sand therapy using warm sand;
  • Ultrasound treatment;
  • High frequency currents;
  • Saunas and baths;
  • Inductothermy;
  • Balneotherapy (hydrogen sulfide baths).

The correct choice of method of physical therapy for adenomyosis, with a timely start of the course of treatment, will allow you to achieve the desired therapeutic result and minimize the risk of possible complications from physical procedures.

Health is a wonderful state in which a woman is able to harmoniously use all her potential inherent in nature.

However, this state is so unstable. In recent years, the incidence of damage to the female body by such processes has increased significantly:

  • endometriosis
  • fibrocystic mastopathy
  • uterine fibroids
  • papillomas
  • condylomas, etc.

Causes of the disease

According to many researchers, the reasons for the development of these diseases are associated with high levels of estrogens or their certain forms, which, in addition, significantly accelerate the aging process, reduce the quality and shorten life expectancy.

Endometriosis is a “mysterious” disease. The problem of endometriosis, even in our turbulent time of numerous scientific discoveries, remains completely unsolved.

Although endometriosis has been known for 120 years, none of the proposed theories still explains the reason for its unexpected occurrence in women, both young and older. However, one position remains unchanged: endometriosis is fundamentally a hormonal-dependent disease, which develops, as a rule, against the background of a violation of the body’s immune state. It is not easy to briefly and clearly describe the essence of the processes occurring in a woman’s body that lead to endometriosis.

Development of the disease

Endometriosis occurs from the moment elements of the internal mucous layer of the uterus, the endometrium, which is shed during menstruation, penetrate into the thickness of the adjacent muscular layer of the uterus - the myometrium. In this case, endometrial cells not only penetrate into the adjacent muscle layer, but can go further throughout the body, but also remain there to function in their usual rhythm of the menstrual cycle. The inner lining of the uterus, the mucous membrane, has enormous growth potential, the inexhaustible vitality of the glands and the aggressive ability to grow quickly even on “foreign soil.” It is still impossible to grasp what is the main impetus, but at some point the unauthorized penetration of endometrial glands into the layers between the bundles of muscle fibers occurs. The positive side of endometrioid pathology is the extremely rare cancerous degeneration. The negative side is the uncontrollable desire for the growth and spread of endometrioid heterotopias throughout the body. When a woman begins her period, in the formed and separated endometrioid foci - heterotopias, in full accordance with the rhythm of the cycle, as it should be during menstruation, desquamation and disintegration of the epithelium occurs, followed by bleeding, but only in closed cavities. There is some evidence of the leading role in this process of estrogenic hormones - female hormones that predominate in the first phase of the cycle.

Treatment of the disease

If their influence in the body begins to prevail, then a woman has a tendency to progressive growth of endometrial tissue and the muscular layer of the uterus, as well as other hormone-dependent tissues, primarily in the mammary gland and thyroid gland. This process can only be stopped by stopping the cyclic synthesis of hormones, followed by blocking the menstrual cycle - this naturally occurs in the body during lactation and menopause. In such an environment, hormone-dependent tissues and, in particular, endometriotic lesions begin to steadily regress. However, it should be noted that adenomyosis, internal endometriosis of the uterus, does not develop in all females. During their observation of the course of the disease, gynecologists identified a group of women who were particularly susceptible to the development of endometriosis. Adenomyosis occurs with greater frequency in women with a high infectious index: frequent infections, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, rheumatism, mumps, chicken pox. And also in women who have had an abortion, inflammatory processes in the genital organs, complicated childbirth, and mental stress. Determining the severity of adenomyosis The frequency, duration and intensity of uterine bleeding are the main criterion for assessing the severity of internal endometriosis. The consequences of bleeding for the entire body are also taken into account:

  • anemia
  • disruption of tissue trophism
  • deterioration in general health

The rate of growth of the volume of the uterus, the prevalence of the process and the intensity of pain are also very important criteria for deciding the issue of tactics for the management and treatment of adenomyosis. There are two main forms of internal endometriosis of the uterus: diffuse and nodular. In the diffuse form, the uterus increases in volume evenly due to the involvement of all the muscle tissue of the uterus in the process. With a nodular - focal form of endometriosis - single or multiple endometriotic foci are formed in the thickness of the muscular layer of the uterus, sometimes reaching quite large sizes. In the nodular form of uterine endometriosis and endometriosis of the uterine isthmus region, the leading complaints of patients are pain that does not go away even with analgesics.

Use of hormonal drugs

This test is very specific for relieving pain associated with endometriotic tissue lesions. Before prescribing treatment for women with endometriosis, gynecologists prescribe the necessary scope of examination for each individual woman in order to clarify the diagnosis and exclude a malignant process. After all the manipulations, the patient is transferred to long-term hormonal treatment. The key to effectiveness is the correct choice of hormonal drug.

Many factors influence the solution to this issue. In everyday practice, the gynecologist mainly takes into account the following points:

Woman's age

The presence or absence of concomitant somatic pathology, as well as its severity.

The presence or absence of concomitant pathology of the cervix and uterine appendages and their nature: tumors, inflammatory processes, etc.

Is there a need to restore generative function (does the woman want to get pregnant?

Condition of the endometrium, the presence of hyperplasia and its severity

Indicators indicating the presence or absence of pathology in the menstrual cycle.

The presence of contraindications to hormone therapy in general is individual intolerance or to any type in particular: hirsutism, coagulopathy.

Currently, the arsenal of hormonal drugs allows for rational hormonal treatment in a wide range of patients with internal endometriosis of the uterus.


Physiotherapy for endometriosis is not an independent method of treatment. Its use is especially effective simultaneously with a course of drug therapy; this complex of effects enhances the effect of treatment and significantly prolongs the period of remission. In addition, physiotherapy can reduce the intensity of the side effects of hormonal treatment, which is carried out for endometriosis.

Human tissues and cells have high magnetic permeability, which allows the magnetic field to penetrate to almost any depth necessary for treatment. This method of physiotherapy does not act in a thermal way and does not stimulate estrogen synthesis. The healing properties of magnetic therapy cause anti-inflammatory and decongestant effects, relieve spasms and pain, normalize blood flow and stimulate nutrition of tissues and blood vessels.


Magnetic therapy is successfully carried out in the early postoperative period to accelerate the body's recovery processes.

Using oral contraceptives, progesterones and androgens, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, combining them if necessary, gynecologists manage to obtain a good and lasting clinical effect in most cases. The diet of patients with endometriosis is determined in accordance with concomitant somatic pathology, especially the gastrointestinal tract. In any case, gynecologists strongly recommend long-term intake of vegetable and fruit juices - carrot, plum, beetroot and, in the presence of fibroids, against the background of increased levels of estrogen hormones, with concomitant increased secretion of the stomach - potato juice.

According to the observations of doctors, regulation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract is an important component of the success of conservative therapy in this group of women.

At endometriosis there is a proliferation of tissues similar in structure and function to the endometrium of the uterus in various internal organs. Foci of the endometrium are found in the thickness of the walls of the uterus, in the fallopian tubes, on the cervix, in the vagina, ovaries, as well as on the rectovaginal septum, pelvic peritoneum and other internal organs.

Endometrial cells attach to places unusual for them, grow there and begin to function in the same way as the endometrium. With each new menstrual cycle, the lesion increases in size and bleeds. The secreted liquid has no outlet. As a result, nearby tissues turn into adhesions, and persistent inflammation and pain occurs. The spread of the process depends on the activity of the ovaries and during menopause, natural or caused by hormonal drugs, the foci of endometriosis calm down.

Unfortunately, today endometriosis has risen to third place in prevalence among female gynecological diseases. Women of reproductive age are susceptible to the disease. According to statistics, endometriosis is found in 70% of women who consult specialists for pelvic pain. Endometriosis is often the cause of infertility.

Types of endometriosis

Depending on the location of the foci of endometrioid tissue, several types of endometriosis are distinguished:

  • Genital endometriosis – affects the genitals.
  • Extragenital endometriosis – determined by the presence of foci of endometriosis in any other organs.

Genital endometriosis occurs external – endometriosis of the ovaries, vagina, cervix, fallopian tubes, etc. and internal – damage to the uterine body, in which endometrial foci are located in the muscular layer of the uterus (adenomyosis).

Based on the depth of damage to the muscular layers of the uterus, they are distinguished four stages of adenomyosis:

  • Stage I – the mucous membrane of the uterus up to the myometrium is affected;
  • Stage II – the pathological process extends to the middle layers of the myometrium;
  • Stage III – the entire wall of the uterus is involved in the pathological process;
  • IV stage – characterized by deep penetration of the pathological process with the involvement of neighboring organs.

Symptoms of the disease

These symptoms may accompany other diseases, so the final diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after a comprehensive examination, which includes examination, ultrasound, analysis of tumor markers, colposcopy, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and other additional studies.

Sometimes endometriosis does not manifest itself in any way, and a woman finds out about its presence after an examination for infertility .

Without timely and proper treatment, endometriosis progresses with each new menstrual cycle. Therefore, it is so important to visit a gynecologist 1-2 times a year and undergo preventive examinations.

Causes of the disease

The exact causes of the occurrence and development of endometriosis have not yet been established. There are several theories, but none of them have yet been fully confirmed.

The most popular explanation for the occurrence of endometriosis is theory of retrograde menstruation. According to this theory, during menstruation, menstrual blood with particles of endometrioid tissue is thrown into the abdominal cavity. There, engraftment of endometrial cells occurs, after which they begin to function cyclically in the same way as in the uterus. But if the blood in the uterus comes out, then in endometriotic foci microhemorrhage occurs in the adjacent tissues. An inflammatory reaction begins, and then the formation of adhesions.

In contrast to this theory there is metaplastic theory origin of endometriosis. Its essence lies in the fact that endometrial particles do not engraft on their own, but stimulate the tissue to transform into cells similar to the endometrium.

Unfortunately, none of the proposed theories explains why endometriosis occurs only in some women. Possible explanations include the following:

  • structural features of the fallopian tubes in women susceptible to the formation of endometriotic lesions;
  • predisposition to the disease due to heredity;
  • immunity disorders, in which the engraftment of “foreign” tissue in the abdominal cavity becomes possible.

The background for the development of endometriosis is frequent inflammatory diseases in childhood, inflammation of the appendages, and hormonal disorders.

The causes of endometriosis also include any surgical intervention on the uterus: abortion, cesarean section, “cauterization” of cervical erosion, diagnostic curettage.

Other factors in the onset and rapid progression of the disease include poor environment, reduced immunity, abortion, and stress.

Treatment of endometriosis

Today there are several methods of treating endometriosis:

Medication (conservative)– which is based on long-term therapy with hormone-containing drugs.

Surgical– surgical removal of foci of endometrioid tissue. Surgical treatment most often means laparoscopy, which allows for minimally traumatic manipulations.

Combined The method combines surgical intervention followed by conservative treatment. This approach is considered optimal today.

However, at present, despite the abundance of hormonal drugs aimed at treating endometriosis, doctors admit that the effect of conservative treatment is low. Some forms of endometriosis cannot be treated with pills. In addition, there are more and more women for whom treatment with hormonal drugs is contraindicated, for example, due to allergies. A number of chronic diseases, such as diseases of the digestive system, diabetes, as well as heart and vascular diseases, are contraindications to conservative treatment.

Surgery (removal of foci of endometriosis by surgical methods) often does not guarantee a complete recovery; endometriosis can recur, which requires repeated operations.


Physiotherapy methods are indispensable in the prevention and treatment of many gynecological diseases, including endometriosis. For example, for chronic pelvic pain in women as a result of adhesions caused by endometriosis, physiotherapy methods are recognized as the most effective. Physiotherapy methods also help well after surgery. They avoid the formation of scars and adhesions and accelerate tissue regeneration. After physiotherapeutic treatment, there is a reduction in recovery time, a decrease in pain and a decrease in drug load, and also prevents complications and relapses.

All physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the body and previous diseases.

  • Radon baths. They calm the nervous system and have an analgesic effect, help increase immunity, normalize metabolic processes in the body, stimulate tissue regeneration processes after surgery, and prevent the formation of adhesions.
  • Electrophoresis with zinc, potassium iodide used to relieve inflammation and pain. These procedures activate microcirculation and accelerate the reverse development of infiltrates.
  • Phonophoresis(ultrasound on the lower abdomen) helps relieve pain symptoms.
  • Magnetotherapy. Allows you to improve blood circulation and tissue nutrition, normalize the conductivity of nerve fibers, activate metabolic processes and improve immunity.

Unconventional methods of treatment

Today there are many alternative methods for treating endometriosis, but they cannot replace conservative or surgical treatment. Most methods are effective in the initial stages of the disease and can also be successfully used in addition to the main treatment.


There are methods of hirudotherapy (treatment using medicinal leeches) that help patients with endometriosis. The secretion secreted by leeches contains biologically active substances of natural origin that have a beneficial effect on the body - they increase immunity, activate blood microcirculation, and also help eliminate stagnant processes, discomfort and pain. This method of treatment is absolutely painless and safe; each medicinal leech is used once, which completely eliminates the possibility of infection of the patient. You just need to overcome your own feeling of disgust.

Acupuncture (acupuncture)

One of the saddest consequences of endometriosis, especially in young patients, is the impossibility of pregnancy. Endometriosis can cause disruption of both the maturation of the egg and the union of the sperm with the egg, as well as the attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. In the course of research, experts came to the conclusion that acupuncture can increase blood flow to the uterine area; in addition, acupuncture can affect the hormones that are responsible for strengthening the embryo in the uterus. Thus, this method can be used in addition to other types of treatment for infertility caused by endometriosis.

In addition, acupuncture can be used to reduce pain due to endometriosis, as this method has a relaxing effect on the pelvic organs.


This method was proposed and tested by scientists from the Institute of Herbal Medicine under the leadership of Professor V.F. Korsun. The method is based on the idea of ​​​​regulating different phases of the menstrual cycle by taking herbal infusions. In the first phase (follicular), determined by the peak of rectal temperature, an infusion of herbs is prescribed: birch buds, poplar, celandine herbs, juniper berries, calamus root, tansy flowers and plantain leaves in a strictly defined ratio (5:2:4:2: 2:4:2). In the second phase of the cycle (luteal), another collection of herbs is prescribed: sage, fireweed, licorice, currants, clover, eucalyptus and anise (2: 5: 2: 4: 4: 2: 2), 1 teaspoon per tbsp. boiling water, take 70 ml 3 times a day. In addition, in the first phase it was recommended to drink tincture of peony, which has immunomodulatory properties, and in the second phase - Eleutherococcus extract. The duration of treatment depends on the size of the endometriosis lesions and the general condition of the body.

As a result of therapy, a significant improvement in condition was observed in almost 90% of patients. There were no side effects from the treatment. The proposed method promotes effective resorption of tumor-like formations in endometriosis.


Classical homeopathy views any disease not as a lesion of a single organ, but as a manifestation of a violation of internal balance in the entire body. The goal of a homeopathic doctor is to select a medicine for the patient that will suit the sick person and give the body strength so that it can cope with the disease on its own.

During the consultation, the homeopathic physician determines the individual characteristics of the patient as a whole, finds out the nature of the disorders present in the body (past diseases, vaccinations, temperature reactions, food preferences, fluctuations in well-being and mood, etc.) and selects a medicine based on the principle of Similarity . A properly selected homeopathic medicine gives the body strength, helps restore weakened immunity, and then the body itself begins to actively fight the disease and recovers. In this case, not only the disease itself disappears, but the condition of the entire organism as a whole improves.

The medication is taken according to the schedule prescribed by the doctor. The duration of treatment is individual and can last up to 6 months.

Folk remedies

With endometriosis, heavy and painful periods are common. To reduce pain, you need to eat more polyunsaturated fatty acids, for example herring, salmon, sardines, red and black caviar.

Eating food has a positive effect on the body flaxseed oil(up to 2 tablespoons per day).

For women during menstrual disorders, beet juice is recommended, which contains lysozyme, which has an antimicrobial effect. The juice has an anti-inflammatory effect and also contains many vitamins.

Beet juice should be taken in small portions (50–100 ml) twice a day. You need to be careful, because at first, drinking 100 ml of beet juice at a time can provoke a cleansing reaction in the body, expressed in nausea and dizziness. Experience shows that it is better to start taking beet juice in a mixture with carrot juice, where carrot juice predominates, and then gradually increase the proportion of beet juice in the mixture.

To reduce pain in endometriosis, herbal preparations and herbal decoctions are used, indicated for dysmenorrhea (painful periods).

For heavy bleeding, herbal decoctions are used:

Nettle, dead nettle. Brew 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flowering tops in a glass of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, covered, then strain. For severe bleeding, take 1/2 cup of herbal decoction 4-5 times a day.

Shepherd's Purse. Brew 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry raw materials in a glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, covered, then strain. Drink 1 tbsp of decoction before meals. spoon 3-4 times a day.

Borovaya queen and cinquefoil. Brew 1 tbsp. spoon of medicinal herb boron uterus in 0.5 liters of water. Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool the broth and divide into three parts. Separately brew cinquefoil herb: 1 tbsp. spoon of raw materials per 0.5 liters of water. Cool the broth and divide into three parts. Take both herbal decoctions according to the following scheme: 1 hour before a meal, drink 1 part of the boron uterus decoction, and after eating, 15–20 minutes later, drink 1 part of the cinquefoil decoction instead of regular tea.

Cucumber whips, ogudins. After harvesting the cucumbers from the garden, collect the cucumber vines, dry and chop. Take 50 g of dry raw material for 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and let simmer for 5 minutes. Leave for 1 hour, covered, then strain. Drink 1/2 glass three times a day. The bleeding stops within the first few days and you feel better.

Viburnum common. Pour 4 teaspoons of crushed viburnum bark with 1 cup of boiling water. Boil for 30 minutes and strain immediately. Then add water to the original volume and drink 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day before meals.