Can there be depression during... Depression. Cases, symptoms, therapy. Internal state monitoring

Diet for depression is an important part of the treatment of this mental illness, since its menu contains many foods that improve mood and tone.

Depression is a psychological disorder characterized by depressed mood, constant feeling of fatigue, pessimistic outlook on life, low sex drive, anger, panic and crying for no reason.

Most often, depression occurs against the background of serious physical illness, the loss of a loved one, problems in your personal life, loss of a job, the birth of a child, rape, or a hereditary predisposition. Also, a depressive state often worsens in spring and autumn, without significant reasons for this.

Do you need a diet for depression?

Psychotherapists do not always prescribe a therapeutic diet for depression in addition to antidepressants, but it has been scientifically proven that foods containing amino acids, zinc, dopamine and vitamins can improve brain function and increase levels of serotonin, the happiness hormone.

  • Dates, almonds, peanuts;
  • Bananas, cheese;
  • Beans, seeds;
  • Fish, dairy products;
  • Soya beans;
  • Wheat sprouts;
  • Brown rice;
  • Eggs;
  • Meat;
  • Cereals;
  • Seafood;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Radish;
  • Asparagus;
  • Vegetables and fruits.

Very often, when following therapeutic nutrition for depressive states, people are drawn to sweets: they want to eat ice cream, chocolate, etc. In this case, you should observe the measure and consume no more than one chocolate bar per day.

Caffeine lovers should get rid of the habit of drinking coffee regularly, because... it only makes the condition worse. The same applies to those who have bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol only create a feeling of calm for a while, but then the mood can worsen significantly, because. Alcohol and cigarettes harm the body.

Using an effective diet for depressive disorders together with the use of medications prescribed by a doctor gives positive results if, in addition to sweets, you limit the consumption of fried and too fatty foods.

Diet for depression: menu and features of therapeutic nutrition ^

Diet for depression: treatment menu, recipes

Diet rules for depression:

  • It is recommended to eat 5 times a day: eat more densely 4 times, and drink tea, decoction or kefir before going to bed;
  • Use more fruits in the menu, and the diet itself can last no more than two weeks.

Diet for depression: menu

Most often, this sample menu option is used for depressive disorders:

  • We have a breakfast of fruit and nut salads, drink tea with a piece of chocolate;
  • We have lunch with a salad of tomato and cheese, eat a banana;
  • We have a cup of tea with some jam in the afternoon;
  • 1 hour before bedtime, drink an infusion of St. John's wort.

Diet for spring depression

In spring, it is best to use an example of this menu:

  • In the morning we eat oatmeal with milk and an orange. Drinking tea;
  • We eat grapefruit for lunch;
  • We have lunch with bean soup and yogurt;
  • For an afternoon snack we eat a banana;
  • We have baked chicken with garlic sauce and steamed broccoli for dinner.

Diet for autumn depression

  • For breakfast we eat an omelet, drink coffee and bread;
  • Snack on a baked apple;
  • We have lunch with vegetable salad, baked chicken and juice;
  • We have an afternoon snack with cottage cheese with the addition of berries;
  • We have dinner with fish baked with vegetables and drink tea.

Diet for postpartum depression

After childbirth, young mothers very often experience anxiety and depression. You can successfully combat this, and at the same time increase your baby’s immunity during breastfeeding, using the following menu:

  • In the morning we eat oatmeal with fruit, drink tea with a diet flatbread;
  • For lunch we eat fruit salad and drink juice;
  • We have lunch with bean soup, vegetable salad and a piece of sturgeon;
  • We have an afternoon snack with fruit smoothies or yogurt;
  • For dinner we cook steamed cutlets and pilaf.

Diet for depression in children

Children experience depression for the same reasons as adults, but in this case it is necessary to include as many fruits and protein foods as possible in the diet:

  • We have breakfast with boiled eggs, yogurt and tea;
  • We eat apples for lunch;
  • We have lunch with soup with meat and fruit salad. Wash it down with orange juice;
  • For an afternoon snack we eat yogurt with banana;
  • We have dinner with seafood salad, cutlets and tea.

Chocolate diet for depression

The essence of this method is that you need to eat up to 80 g of any chocolate per day, but preferably dark. You can eat from this menu:

  • In the morning we eat cottage cheese casserole and drink tea;
  • For lunch we eat 40 g of chocolate;
  • We have lunch with seafood soup, salad and juice;
  • For an afternoon snack we drink tea with 40 g of chocolate;
  • We have dinner with a vegetable salad and a piece of jellied fish.

Color diet Down with autumn depression

The main principle of this technique is to eat foods of a certain color on specific days:

  • Day 1: we eat only red vegetables, berries, fruits and fish;
  • Day 2: eat orange foods: carrots, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, peppers;
  • Day 3: eat yellow fruits, vegetables and berries;
  • Day 4: go green;
  • Day 5: blue;
  • Day 6: eat blue foods;
  • Day 7: Finish with purple.

Diet to prevent depression

To prevent depression, it is recommended to drink a decoction of St. John's wort, consume more vitamins and foods containing folic acid:

  • We have breakfast with milk oatmeal with pineapples or bananas, drink a cup of tea;
  • For lunch we eat fresh or baked apples;
  • We have lunch with fish soup and seafood salad;
  • We have an afternoon snack with fruit yoghurt;
  • We have dinner with mashed potatoes, cutlets and St. John's wort decoction.

Diet for depression: recipes

Seafood salad recipe

  • We wash and clean 1 kg of mussels, boil them in boiling water. Cool, remove the fringe and antennae, select the desired meat;
  • Chop onions, tomatoes, red peppers, olives, basil, parsley, garlic;
  • Mix garlic with olive oil, spices and salt;
  • Mix all ingredients, pour lemon juice.

Fish soup recipe

  • We wash and clean the carp, gut it and cut it into pieces;
  • Cook the broth from the bones, head and skin, also add bay leaf to it;
  • Cut the fillet into pieces, add salt and put in the refrigerator;
  • When the broth is ready, strain it, add chopped pepper and tomatoes;
  • Cook for half an hour;
  • Blend in a blender, then set to cook again, add fillet and paprika;
  • After 10 minutes, remove from the stove.

Fruit smoothie recipe

  • Cut the avocado pulp into pieces, do the same with the peeled kiwi;
  • Place in a blender, beat;
  • Pour in the yogurt and stir again.

As a result of a diet for depression, it is possible to achieve an increase in mood, since the body receives the substances it lacks for this.

Tips to avoid worsening depression:

  • Do not drink coffee, quit bad habits;
  • Plan your schedule of important tasks for the day in advance;
  • Include mood-boosting foods in your diet;
  • Visit the pool;
  • Take warm baths daily with soothing aromatic salt;
  • Keep a diary in which to record joyful events for several days: in the future this will help you look at life in a new way;
  • Do meditation;
  • Take antidepressants under the supervision of a doctor.

People with depression may experience symptoms of varying nature and severity, and the number of these symptoms may also vary.

There are four general areas to which the features of the depressive syndrome can be attributed. This is action, knowledge, behavior, physical functioning.

Changes in sleep patterns disrupt the daily life of a person suffering from depression. Along with them, daily allowances also appear mood swings. It worsens significantly in the morning, and is better in the afternoon and evening. Problems with falling asleep and lack of continuity of sleep (waking up at night) affect the patient’s well-being.

Fear in depression

Fear is a persistent symptom of depression. Anxiety can have varying degrees of severity (from mild fear to panic attacks). Patients often “feel fear” in the area of ​​the heart or abdomen. No clear cause has been found for its occurrence. Accompanies patients throughout the entire period of illness.

Less common symptoms of depression include:

  • dysphoria(the phenomenon is quite common, manifested by impatience, irritation, anger, and is often a source of self-harm and suicide attempts);
  • so-called “depressive judgments”– belong to thinking disorders; manifested by a negative opinion about oneself, one’s future, health and behavior; patients are pessimistic about both their current situation and prospects in life;
  • intrusive thoughts or actions(constant thoughts appear against the will of the patient, and there is also a desire to repeat any actions);
  • dysfunction in a social group(family, workplace) – as a rule, due to a decrease in interest in the outside world; they can lead to a complete severance of contact with the environment;
  • feeling constant fatigue.

The process of depression occurs differently in individual patients. The severity of symptoms varies significantly from patient to patient. Age also plays an important role: in young people depression often proceeds smoothly, but in later life the disease gains strength. Depressive episode can last for different lengths of time - from several days to several weeks, months and even years.

Our life does not always consist only of bright and pleasant moments. When you are depressed, you cannot allow yourself to think whatever you want, because thoughts at such moments are often our main enemies.

Psychologists call many thoughts during depression intrusive because they appear out of nowhere. They are the ones who cause the greatest destruction. If you do not remove them from your consciousness in time, then they can become negative attitudes that are firmly written in our head. Viruses of consciousness can be incredibly difficult to get rid of, so it is necessary to always maintain purity of thoughts. A cool head is a source of psychological comfort and peace.

How to Diagnose Depression

Many people mistakenly think that sadness and depression are the same thing, but this is absolutely not the case. Sadness is a symptom of depression, not a defining factor. When a person is sad, they can live with it for quite a long time, but this may not cause the appearance of other symptoms and causes of depression. On the other hand, almost always depression diagnosed by a specialist in a person leads to the fact that he is in a state of permanent sadness.

Usually this disease does not begin like an avalanche, suddenly. An incorrect lifestyle leads to the fact that people and events cease to be bright. Of course, more than just disaster must happen for depression to set in. You need to understand since when you started having symptoms of this disease. This is very important if there was nothing bad in life, but depression appeared.

Here are the main symptoms:

  • anxiety, irritability, sadness, decreased self-esteem;
  • overeating, hunger, insomnia;
  • social phobia;
  • low level of concentration, fatigue.

If you have these symptoms, then you simply cannot put off going to the doctor. Before you go to the doctor, and after you do, you need to start paying attention to your thoughts. Many of them are the result of the development of the disease.

What thoughts can't be trusted when you're depressed?

Slowly, terrible judgments and thoughts begin to appear in your head, from which there is only one salvation - common sense. Here are the main negative thoughts of people with depression.

Nobody needs me. You understand perfectly well that this is not so. Each of us has at least one person in our lives who needs us. If this thought were true, then you would not have time for depressive thoughts. You should not impose false loneliness on yourself. From the outside it looks simply terrible. You are not alone - there are thousands, hundreds of thousands and millions of people around you, among whom you can always find your soul mate. The main thing is desire.

Everything will work itself out. This is a false and very painful optimism that many people suffering from depression suffer from. Nothing is formed by itself. Only you yourself can change your life and attitude towards it. Your willpower can work wonders, as can your thoughts, which you can control without too much trouble. The fact is that modern people cannot believe in themselves. This is a disease of all people. Some people can help themselves, others cannot. Unfortunately, there are much more of the second type of people.

I'll listen to sad music. Many people suffering from this disease complain that they are addicted to sad music. Some even think that it helps with depression, but no, it doesn’t help. It only worsens the symptoms. If you can't listen to more fun music, then it's better not to listen to it at all. The same applies to books and films. Depressing films can make you suffer many times more. . This is the right choice.

I won't be able to get out of this. This is the essence of man. We always think about the bad, about our weakness and infirmity. It’s much easier this way, because we are in a comfort zone. You can do anything, because man is capable of almost anything. Stop driving yourself into a corner and hurting yourself with your thoughts of hopelessness. Depression is a treatable illness. You just need to want it.

I feel good now, but what if the depression comes back? It will be very bad, and most likely she will return. If the disease has been cured, but thoughts about it remain, it means that you need to move from one thing to another. Change your life - go shopping, get a new hairstyle, find a hobby.

I annoy everyone, I'm an outcast. You are not an outcast, but a member of society. There are quite a lot of people who allow this thought to live in their heads. Even if you are not accepted, it only means that you are not an ordinary person. Society is afraid of everything unusual. On the other hand, many people simply don’t care about everything that happens around them. Very often, people who think that they annoy everyone and attract a lot of unnecessary attention, actually do not do this. This may be a figment of your imagination.

It's unlikely that this person will like me. When you are sick with depression, then a streak of blackness comes in love, because the first thing we think is “what a nice person”, and then - “nothing will work out for us.” You have a chance to please anyone. If you are honest, then you will have the most powerful weapon in your hands, because honesty is discouraging and makes you admire a person.

I dont want to sleep. This thought comes at about two in the morning, when you can no longer think normally and perceive reality sensibly. Don't believe her, because you need to fight insomnia by any means. This is a direct path to recovery and at least partially maintaining a good mood. In fact, you can’t believe these thoughts, because healthy sleep is a big deficit even for many healthy people.

I'd rather stay at home and not go anywhere. There's a corporate party at work, and you're tormenting yourself with the question of whether you should go. Of course it is necessary, this is quite obvious. You may think that no one is waiting for you anyway, no one needs you there, but these are again just your guesses, aggravated by depression. It is dangerous to believe them.

I don't deserve a normal life. Very often, with this illness, people simply refuse to accept the fact that they can be happy. Many people find this so difficult to accept that they tell themselves they don't deserve anything. This is partly due to envy, which also worsens with depression. You look at other people's happy photos, videos, observing how good a person can be. You hurt yourself on purpose.

I'll be fired. Performance and efficiency decrease when you are depressed. Your anxious thoughts won't help matters, so stop worrying about your job.

Nobody cares about me. Sure, there are people who don't care about you, but there are also those who may care deeply about you. You just have to notice it. Those who are depressed notice only the worst.

All negative thoughts can ultimately lead to suicidal tendencies, which is the pinnacle of the disease, its apogee. Thoughts are our life, because this process never stops. The flow of thoughts cannot be stopped. It is endless and like a hurricane when everything around is annoying. Control your thoughts if you have the opportunity. It is better to do this through sports, physical activity and hobbies. Force yourself to get away from your worries by changing your environment.

Depression is a problem of the 21st century that spares no one. What to do during depression worries everyone. And the point here is not the reasons that we think provoke the disease depression. What to do in this situation? You need to think, understand your life (maybe I’m living wrong?) and find your meaning in life. There is always a way out of depression, and there are no exceptions to the rules. Ask yourself: do I want to live? Maybe I'm living wrong? Do I want to rejoice, laugh, smile? What should I change in my life to make my soul happy? Answer yourself the question, what is your meaning in life? And you will understand that the lack of meaning in life leads you to depression. The meaning of life cannot be the pursuit of material wealth, career growth, or a favorite job. In this case, a person drives himself into a corner, and the reason lies not in this, it is deeper. This only acts as a signal, a cry from your soul, which dictates you to change. A bad mood signal tells you to change something in your life, tells you to look around, analyze your life, and figure out what exactly you want from this life.

Depression, what to do? Change your course of life, find your meaning in life.

What to do during depression? Well, don’t lie down, don’t cherish, don’t feel sorry for yourself and don’t cultivate this nasty, gray-black state. Depression leads to the point where a person stops wanting to live, just lies there and doesn’t want anything, can’t do anything, but by changing his life, as well as finding his main values, everything will change. The main misconceptions about the meaning of life are the desire for big money, work, raising children, caring for parents, adrenaline sports. This is not the meaning of life. You can earn a lot of money, afford everything, but still feel unhappy. You can devote yourself entirely to your work, receive recognition from your colleagues and one day find yourself without a job. So, has the meaning of life been lost? No. Raising children ends at a certain point when they, growing up, leave their parents' home. Caring for your parents cannot last your entire life because they die. Extreme sports give adrenaline, but create problems for both you and your loved ones who worry about you. All of the above points are not the meaning of life, they are a misunderstanding of the meaning of life. The meaning of life is one - to be happy! And your task is to do what makes you happy. A happy person makes the world kinder, happier, but do not confuse the meaning of life with pleasure (alcohol, overeating, etc.) The true meaning of life is happiness. How to achieve this? True happiness can be earned through your emotional development, developing your soul, being positive, and letting love, friendship, gratitude, and respect into your life.

What to do during depression? Treatment with pills drives the problem deeper and only makes it worse. Taking pills will not make you happy, it will only make you feel better for a while. And if you are unhappy, then you will not make others happy.

What to do if depression is prolonged, terrible, terrible? Admit it to yourself: I'm doing something wrong. And start living again. How? Show stubbornness of spirit. Viktor Frankl was the first to note that the cause of depression is the lack of meaning in life. And the reasons that people accept as true act as catalysts that accelerate the process of depression.

Depression, what to do? Say yes to life. Turn to nature, love it, experience the beauty of life and you will feel a surge of strength, because life is beautiful, bright, light.

Severe depression, what to do? No matter how hard it is, you have to move, walk. Movement is life. Choose an acceptable sport for yourself: swimming, walking, skiing, cycling. Any physical activity promotes the production of endorphins, which improves your mood. Many experts claim that regular jogging has a beneficial effect in the fight against this mental illness. At the same time, not only biochemical processes change, but also the attitude towards oneself changes, and self-confidence grows.

What to do during depression? Take control of your emotions, a person must control himself, control his energy. When you are overcome by despondency, fear, and inaction, horror fills your body. At these moments, mentally leave your body and look at yourself as if from the outside. And you will see that your depression is not you, you are striving for happiness and joy.

Depression, what to do and how to cope? Force yourself to smile, laugh, tell yourself that you are the happiest person in the world. Mechanically smiling, the human body also releases endorphins - hormones of happiness. The brain doesn’t care whether you are sincere or not when you smile, and it releases hormones of happiness.

Tormented by depression, what to do? Take control of your body. Raise your head higher, straighten your shoulders, smile and walk springily through life. Take control of your words. Words have great power. Words shape thoughts, actions, deeds, destiny. It all starts with words. You need decisive help for your beloved self. Program yourself for recovery by saying: I am becoming even more energetic every hour, every day, every year. Or change the words, enter your own verbal formulations depending on what you want for yourself. Repeat the words many times, like a mantra.

Depression, what to do? Scientists have found that up to 50 thousand thoughts fly through your head a day, and 40 thousand of them are negative. Drive away more negative thoughts from yourself. Thoughts, like seeds, sprout our destiny. Think before you think and then you will become the master of this life, it is you who will drive your destiny. This will happen without any pills. In this case, not only you will be happy, but also your family. Develop your soul and energy. By changing your life, you will find happiness, discover incredible opportunities, and want more. Live in a new way. To make this happen, put a rubber band on your wrist and as soon as a negative thought comes to you, pull it until it hurts. Perform these steps in the system. This will train your brain to think positively.

Autumn depression, what to do? In this case, light therapy will come to the rescue, since with the onset of seasonal changes a person does not have enough sun. During this procedure, a person feels the influence of the lamp's light. Its power is 10 lux, which is equal to the amount of light that enters the window on a sunny spring day. Thus, this method compensates for the lack of natural light. Treatment is carried out over 4 weeks, and noticeable improvement is felt from the third day. The duration of the procedures is from half an hour to several hours a day.

Depression, what to do? There are many areas of psychotherapy that help in the fight against depression, but two main ones are popular. The first category includes psychodynamic, which includes psychoanalysis. This method helps the patient achieve insight by fully understanding the causes of the problem that led him to depression. The second direction is behavioral (cognitive) therapy, with the main focus on changes in a person’s thoughts and behavior.

Severe depression, what to do? In this case, maintenance therapy is used. This type of therapy focuses on the person himself and does not involve changing thoughts. There is no clear answer about the ability of psychotherapy to completely cure depression. Therefore, there is no firm guarantee of getting rid of this disease.

Depression, what to do? Resort to the help of aromatic oils, which can penetrate the blood through the skin and disperse throughout the body, then through the membranes, as well as the base of the nose and into the brain. The mood improves as soon as the signals reach the parts of the brain that are responsible for emotions. There are a wide variety of ways to use essential oils: inhale the scent directly from the bottle, or sprinkle it in the room, use it for massage, or as an aroma lamp. There are a large number of oils used to reduce mental illness. These are anise, basil, orange, bergamot, jasmine, oregano, spruce, coriander, cedar, tangerine, lavender, lemon, lemon balm, rose, peppermint, rosemary. Aromatherapists advise changing the oil or mixture of oils periodically to avoid addiction. The beneficial and calming effects of oils during baths have been noted.

Depression, what to do? Spit out your negative emotions, don't keep them to yourself. Suppressed emotions have destructive effects. To do this, you can use an ordinary pillow on which you will drive away your anger. The next way to give vent to emotions is tears.

Depression, what to do? Pets can greatly change your life and bring joy to your life. Music therapy treats serious disorders. Listening to music can restore a person's appetite for life. Music therapy treatment involves listening to three different pieces of music. The first is consonant with a sad mood, the second is neutral in mood and the third has the power of emotional impact and improves mood.

Depression, what to do? Pay attention to a diet filled with vitamins B, C, Magnesium, Zinc and other beneficial vitamins.

Vitamin A - carrots, green vegetables, pumpkin, apricots.

Calcium - dairy products and milk.

Vitamin C - vegetables, fruits, berries.

B vitamins - cereals, liver, yogurt, pumpkin, avocado, lean meat, fish, bran bread, brewer's yeast, nuts.

Vitamin E - vegetable oil.

Magnesium - grapefruits, herbs, tomatoes, peas, carrots, nuts, green vegetables, buckwheat, oatmeal.

Zinc - seafood, lean meats, eggs, nuts, yogurt, cheese.

Choline - beef liver, egg yolk, sprouted wheat grains.

Glucose - sweet fruits, bran bread, honey.

It is not customary to talk about this. It is not customary to admit this. This is often considered a sign of weakness, although it often affects the strongest. Depression... A disease not recognized in our state.


When this happened to me for the first time, I didn’t even have time to get scared. Knowing nothing about the disease, like many others, she began to treat the consequence with “plantain”: she swallowed light sedatives and drowned her melancholy with coffee, spending hours talking with her friends about “life.” Sometimes stronger drinks got into our cups, but my own “fad” did not allow me to get carried away with them. Although, I will not hide, there was a temptation - alcohol really relieves stress, which has ruined a lot of good people who are prone to reflection.

In order not to bore the reader with long discussions, I structured the article in the form of brief recommendations for those who believe that they have postpartum (or regular) depression. The advice is based on my experience and does not claim to be scientifically true.

So let's get started. What can and cannot be done during depression?

It is forbidden. Confuse the usual blues and depression. The first is treated with walks, tea with a friend and good comedy. The second is antidepressants and psychotherapy.

It is forbidden seek help from dubious specialists - shamans, psychics, sorcerers and fortune tellers. And even a psychologist will not help here. Depression is a serious illness, the diagnosis and treatment of which is the responsibility of a psychotherapist.

Can take the medications prescribed to them, but they should not drink them without supervision and prescription.

It is forbidden rely only on pills, but Can regard them as a “crutch” - a kind of support that allows you to stand on your feet and move towards recovery.

It is forbidden Blame yourself for what happened and consider depression a sign of weakness. Many people suffered from this disease, including very strong personalities - W. Churchill, A. Lincoln, J. Rowling, Princess Diana, Mark Twain, etc. Do not listen to those who are trying to convince you that you have driven yourself into this the state that you are stressing yourself out and “running around” with your sore, while it is enough to just look at life positively, hug a hot mug of chocolate and watch the sunrise. Most likely, these people have no idea what exactly you were faced with. Guilt is already a common accompaniment of depression, so avoid people who increase it.

It is forbidden give up and think that it will always be like this. This condition is very exhausting, but it almost always passes. Yes, it tends to return, but for an experienced person it is easier to fight the disease. Consider your current state as an experience. Later, feeling the approach of the disease, Can and we must use all available means to prevent its development. It will be enough to remember what brings special joy and fill your life with such events as much as possible.

N no way force yourself to feel happiness. Being sad is normal and healthy (remember the movie “Inside Out”). A person needs the whole range of feelings. Often, so-called “polar explorers”—people prone to displaying extreme emotions—demonstrate a tendency toward depression. Imagine a pendulum swinging from sadness to joy. The greater the scope, the closer it is to the peak of happiness. However, you need to understand that the mechanism will sooner or later swing in the other direction. And then it will be sad. Happy are those whose mood pendulum swings slightly, making small, almost even movements. This is not easy to learn, but it is possible.

It is forbidden trying to eat or drink depression. This will only make the condition worse. The pleasure that food or alcohol brings does not last long, but then repentance sets in, aggravating the already poor state of health. If you resort to such “treatment” for a long time, you can develop obesity or alcoholism, which in themselves are a reason for depression.

Can help yourself in any other effective ways, be it prayer, meditation, breathing exercises, etc. But it is forbidden in such a state, make serious decisions that radically change your life. It is better to postpone entering a monastery or joining a sect until your condition has stabilized. The same applies to dismissal, divorce from your husband and other sudden changes, which may well be caused by the current state, and not by objective reasons.

It is forbidden knock out wedge with wedge and throw yourself into work. In this state, you will soon be exhausted, and then there will definitely be no time for her. Vice versa, Can and you need to treat yourself with attention and care. If possible, you should slow down the pace, or even take a vacation at your own expense. How to spend it is up to you. Here it is very important to trust your intuition, listen to yourself and understand what truly makes you happy. For some people, exhausting tourist trips help (just remember the author of the book “Wild”, for example), while for others it becomes easier to watch stupid comedies non-stop. There is no universal recipe - everyone has their own methods.

Can and you need to read different works, both special and simply life-affirming. My reference books are “Eat, Pray, Love” and “Chicken Soup for the Soul.” And my friends find spiritual and psychotherapeutic literature very helpful. Cinema, theater, exhibitions - anything goes. But in small doses.

In no case it is forbidden rape yourself, constantly listen to yourself and wait for a miracle. It may not happen - healing will not happen instantly, and if you try very hard, pain and despair can cover you completely. But Can and you need to rejoice at even small positive changes and the faintest reflections of happiness.

Can play any sport. If depression is deep and there is no strength, at least five minutes of gymnastics is enough. Yoga helps a lot. While taking care of your soul, do not forget about your body. You don’t need to force yourself, but you shouldn’t indulge your condition either. By overcoming yourself, you will experience satisfaction and pride. In addition, physical activity promotes the production of endorphins, which helps relieve the condition. It is also very good to do work that does not require mental effort. Painting the fence, painting by numbers and cooking saves me. Sometimes (who am I kidding? Often!) it’s so nice to just do something with your hands, turning off your mind.

It is forbidden“burden” others with your problems, but Can count on the support and understanding of loved ones. Agree with your household that you will be out of active life for some time, that they need to tolerate your mood swings and emotional instability. However, avoid manipulation and abuse. It is forbidden carry the disease like a banner. But Can entrust your thoughts to paper, and not to the people around you. They will most likely very quickly get tired of listening to whining and complaints and will not be able to hide it, which will only increase their already poor state of health. But the diary will endure everything. Make a habit of sharing your experiences with him. This really helps.

And remember! It is forbidden think it's forever. Everything passes, will pass, and this too. You cannot prevent the onset of depression, but it is up to you to decide what kind of experience you will have in the end.