My soul in a past life. Who were you in a past life? What to do in order not to step on the same "rake"

Although today it is said from all sides that you need to live a full life, some people believe that a person can have several lives. This is the so-called theory of reincarnation. Everyone has their own opinion on this matter, I personally am skeptical of such an idea, but here is a list of signals that may indicate that “there was a boy after all” and you have already experienced existence on this planet somewhere in the heart of England in the Tudor era.

1. Recurring dreams

In general, there are many explanations for recurring dreams, but they say that if you have the same dream all the time, then perhaps this is the key to your past. The plot may be a different historical era, a different area. This is one of the signs that you existed before at a different point in history.

2. Deja vu

Each of us, at least once in our lives, has been seized by a sudden and strange feeling ... We know for sure: this is what is happening now for the first time. But suddenly we realize that this has already happened once: I have already been here, I saw the same person, heard the same words, and the light fell in the same way. The present seems to meet with the past... Scientists explain this by the phenomenon of paramnesia, parapsychologists - by a past life.

3. You remember events in the past

Key point: you were not a member of them. That is, you have memories that should not be in your head. And, perhaps, you remember it in rather bright colors. Some people claim that these are fragments of your past memory.

4. You have incredible intuition

People who believe in reincarnation claim that you are in amazing connection with time. Both past and present and future. You can often predict the outcome of an event, feel how and where to act, which often surprises others.

5. Unfounded fears and phobias

We are all afraid of something: water, heights, spiders or snakes. But where did these fears come from? Some believe it is the result of painful events in the past. If, for example, you are afraid of snakes and don’t know why, maybe this is your answer?

6. Mystical pains

This, of course, is a controversial point, but have you ever had phantom pains in healthy areas of the body that disappeared in a moment? Perhaps in a past life you were, for example, a soldier and your leg was torn off, and now an old injury is responding to you ...

7. You found your soul mate

It's kind of like the movie The Notebook. But it is possible that if you feel with all the fibers of your soul in someone a kindred spirit (maybe even in a stranger), it is possible that this is no accident. Such a beautiful romantic theory confirms that everyone has their own soul mate in this world.

8. You feel like you have an old soul.

This phenomenon can occur when it seems to a person that his soul lives longer than himself. If you are wise beyond your years or feel more mature than you should, it is possible that you have a past behind you, and now is one of the “present”. Well, that's great. Whether it was real or not, isn't it time to apply your wisdom to life in order to achieve more?

On the complex issue a test can answer - who I was in a past life, what I did and what lifestyle I led. Below are numerological tests about past lives and reincarnation.

In the article:

Quick test - who was I in a past life

Most of the tests about reincarnation are rather complex numerological manipulations. If the answer to the question about is only needed to satisfy curiosity, a simple test may be sufficient. In order to pass it, you need to know the date, month and year of birth. These figures must be summed up among themselves, and then reduced to a single-valued form.

Suppose we need to find out everything about the past life of a person who was born on August 28, 1996:

After carrying out simple arithmetic operations it remains only to find the value of the number that resulted. One of the nine numbers will indicate several options for the direction of activity in a past life.

  1. - in any way you were connected with the world of art. Not the fact that they were one of the outstanding artists or writers. With a high probability, you were a wealthy person who could afford a luxurious library, an art gallery, or an outstanding collection of sculptures. As for work duties, they were related to the exact sciences - construction, mechanics, invention.
  2. - most likely, you acted in the interests of the state in which you lived in a past life. Perhaps you were involved in charity in any of its forms - you built a temple with your own money, for example. Your life could also be connected with stage performances - dancing or theater. True, the craving for the performing arts could remain a dream or a hobby.
  3. - you could be a teacher or speaker, as well as a military man. In any case, your success depended on the level of intelligence, knowledge in the chosen field, as well as the charm and ability to express your opinion. If you can boast of a developed intuition, most likely you were seriously interested in esotericism and magic in a past life.
  4. - your activity was connected with the exact sciences and inventions. You could be a mechanic, a physicist who created new devices and conducted experiments with them. Activities could be related to money. By the way, luck in money matters could stay with you after the transition to a new incarnation.
  5. - most likely, you were closely connected with the law. In a past life, a person who got this number could be a lawyer, judge or other representative of the law of the state in which he lived. In addition, he could be a traveling artist, perform in a circus or engage in trade.
  6. - your past life was dedicated to serving people. You were a doctor or a clergyman. The activity brought not only benefits to others, but also a good income. It is unlikely that you were a poor person. Perhaps you were a wealthy aristocrat who had every opportunity to help others.
  7. - curiosity is not just the main feature of your character. In a past life, you secretly studied alchemy or were a scientist. Perhaps you taught at one of the educational institutions the city in which they lived. Love for luxury could make you an apprentice jeweler, and a penchant for experimentation and a passion for delicious food - a cook.
  8. - career and high income were the main goals of your past incarnation. You have been involved in politics or have held a high and prestigious position as a representative of the law, such as a judge. Selling or renting real estate is another area in which you may have been involved in a past life.
  9. - your profession was related to fashion or art. You could be a tailor or a jeweler, or maybe you were the daughter of a rich man who led a secular lifestyle. Your family was famous and rich, it owned an expensive collection of jewelry or other valuable items.

Gender and place of residence in a previous life

There are many ways to find out who you were in a past life. it , meditation, automatic writing and many other rather complex techniques. There is an easier way - the test "Who was I in a past life." It is believed that these numerological tables were found in the East. For a long time, their meaning was kept secret, but now with their help you can easily get an answer to the question of how to find out who any person was in a past life.

In order to pass this past life test, you will need the date, year and month of a person's birth.
In addition, a piece of paper and a pen will come in handy - you will have to write a lot. This test consists of several stages of numerological calculations. The first stage is devoted to the gender and place of residence of your past incarnation.

In the first table, the first three numbers and the last digit of the year of birth should be compared. Suppose you want to know everything about the past life for a person who was born on September 9, 1997. At the intersection of the corresponding columns and rows of the table, in our case, there was the number Y. By itself, this letter does not mean anything, but it will come in handy in further calculations. Write it down to remember.

Below are two tables. Your goal is to find the letter in the first table in the row that corresponds to your birth month. In our case, the letter Y for September was found in the table of men, which means that this person was a man in a past life.

Write down on the sheet the symbol of the type that you got, the number of the profession and the sign of the type of profession. In our case, these are ll, 2 and B. These data will be useful to you if you wish to take the test further to find out about the profession in a past life.

Below are tables with numbers of places from which you need to choose the one that matches your type symbol. Find the birth number in it. It includes a planet that should be written out on a sheet - it will talk about the destination, more on that later. In our case it is the Moon. On the left there are two columns - for men and women. Our example was a man, and he corresponds to place number 58. According to the table that tells about the places of life in the last incarnation, he lived in the east of Australia.

How to find out who you were in a past life - profession

In order to find out the profession or line of activity in a past life, one should remember number and letter of profession. They were calculated in the second table, at the stage that talked about the gender of the person you were in a past life.

In our example, we got a profession under the code B-2. This means that the eastern Australian-born man in the example was an astrologer, road builder, astronomer, or map maker. In addition, he could also be a foreman.

Often, what seemed interesting in a past life could pass into a new incarnation. If you have a certain profession, think about what side of it you are interested in in this life? Perhaps this will give you some thought. For example, the person cited as an example is interested in astronomy and in this life, most likely, in the past this was her profession.

Past Incarnation - Destiny Test

Below are three tables that reveal the secret of the current incarnation and tell about its purpose. These are the lessons you didn't complete the last time you lived in this world. In order to move further on the path to the development of the soul, you must fulfill the main goal of being in this world. Such working off of karma will be useful in any case. It is believed that working on it seriously improves the quality of life.

Each of the three tables corresponds thirds of the month and planets. In our example, this is the Moon and the first table, which is intended for those born from the 1st to the 11th, inclusive. It always seemed to this person that he perceives the world differently than the people around him. In the last incarnation, he failed to deal with the cause of this sensation. So, you will have to do this in a new incarnation, and this time it is worth bringing the matter to the end.

Do some aspects of our personality persist after physical death?

Reincarnation Vedic doctrine of life cycle- birth-death-birth. Do some aspects of our personality persist after physical death?

Some believe that nothing from the previous incarnation is preserved. But there are good reasons for an affirmative answer. Some of these will be discussed in the reincarnation series.

We present the foundations of Vedic philosophy, a teaching born of centuries-old Indian wisdom and set forth in ancient manuscripts.

According to the Vedic literature, our psychophysical essence, with which we identify ourselves, is not our true self. Our true essence is neither physical body, neither consciousness nor a combination of both. The Vedic sages tell us that the body and mind are only gross and gross, respectively. thin shell our essence.

Hidden under this temporary shell, our real essence is a spark of spiritual consciousness, eternal and unchanging. It is this essence of our being that does not die after death and continues life.

If this true self of ours does not die, where does it go after our physical death?

Eternal Heaven or Eternal Hell?

It is definitely impossible to answer this question. Moreover, even more questions arise here.

If a person goes to hell, does this mean that God is cruel and deprives him of a second chance?

Or maybe He is unjust, distributing favors to some and depriving others of his favor? For example, a person was born into a Christian family. He lives a worthy life and comprehends the questions of life, based on Christian teaching, and thus will be "saved"? And if you were born into an atheistic or unenlightened family, then why are you just unlucky?

This does not give any reasonable explanation why people (or rather, living beings) are born in different life circumstances.

Why did one have to be born into a rich family, the other drag out a beggarly existence, one is healthy, the other is sick? If we come into this world only once, then the only possible answer to all these questions is that our life is a matter of chance. But then it can't explain anything at all.

Or maybe we merge with some higher spiritual substance?

Maybe. But then it can be assumed that the soul originates in this spiritual substance. It acquires a human essence and then returns to its spiritual origins again.

Here again many questions arise. How and why does the human personality emerge from the highest spiritual substance? Why should a multitude of human personalities emerge from a single substance? And why such a unique diversity? And what should determine this diversity?

And why do all living beings automatically return to this higher substance after death? It can be assumed that not all of us return; "not everyone deserves this blessing."

But then again a natural question arises, where do the rest go? And in general, if our personal essence is preserved, then what happens to it? Does humanity have clear answers to these fundamental questions?

The answers are in the ancient Vedic sources. And the main answer is that after the completion of this life incarnation, we move on to the next one. And the quality of this new incarnation directly depends on our own deeds.

Who were you in a past life?

There are many different empirical evidences in favor of the existence of reincarnation.

For example, Deja vu. Probably, each of us at least once had the feeling that this has already happened to me or, having visited a place for the first time, you are sure that you are familiar with it. Can this be without the experience of a previous life? Possibly, but there are practically no reliable ways to find out.

There are a number of people - sometimes called mediums, psychics, clairvoyants, or the latest modern term - channels that are able to transmit messages to us from the souls of dead people.

The medium can enter into contact while in a trance, or his hand suddenly automatically begins to record information received from outside. This area is today intensively studied and researched by parapsychology.

How does the transformation process take place? How does the soul move from one body to another?

For those who have not been engaged in a purposeful practice of cleansing the subconscious throughout their lives, the most urgent problem in the process of reincarnation is post-mortem shock. Let's think about why it happens.

The astral world of a person is full of information that the subconscious mind is filled with. Let's imagine the subconscious as an accumulation of material objects, "thin" material objects. The true Ego, while we are alive, is in the heart. Those who have practiced correctly meditation , the subconscious is cleared, and thus, when the True Ego goes to the Astral world, such people will have a clear subconscious or only a small number of subtle material objects in it.

But ordinary people possess a large amount of information, a large number of subtle material objects. When the True Ego is heading into the world of the subconscious, into the Astral world, a state with more information will have a more shocking effect on it. The more information, the stronger the shock. A common person loses consciousness or gets shock after death due to the huge amount of information. Basically, this is a subtle matter, but among the fine particles there are quite a lot of particles of information that are close to coarse. When the True Ego plunges into this current, it experiences a shock.

There are two types of meditation. One type allows you to satisfy desires, for example, to expand the subconscious. The other destroys information in the Astral world through the practice of repentance and the accumulation of merit. If you practice the second type of meditation (which also clears the subconscious), then your shock will be mild. It may not exist.

Let's assume that when you died, you didn't have post-mortem shock. This will give you certain benefits. One advantage is that you will be able to perceive things as they are. The second advantage is that you will be able to take the knowledge acquired in this life with you into the next life. For example, you learned the meaning of light, meditative experience, visions. This information will be very useful in the world after death. With this knowledge, you will not make mistakes in the process of reincarnation. .

Attempts to give scientific rationale the pre-existence of the soul has been attempted more than once. The famous American researcher Frederick Lenz conducted a survey of several hundred people who believed that they used to be soldiers. civil war or knights of the Middle Ages. Some imagined themselves in the form of a bird, an owl, a turtle. The person hears a high-frequency ringing, then feels the vibration of the body, and finally loses the feeling of being in own body, sees himself from the side. The vision begins to fade, but the person remains impressed by the experience.

In the ancient Vedic text Markendeya Purana there are signs human personality who came to this world from the lower world, i.e. who was in a non-human incarnation:

1. Addiction to excessive criticism of everyone and everything

2. Lack of genuine gratitude

3. Manic passion for other people's secrets

4. Betrayal

5. Rudeness and cruelty

6. Tendency to adultery, infidelity.

7. Deception with cunning

8. Uncleanliness

9. Contempt for the feelings of believers

10. Stinginess

11. Murderous tendencies

Here is what the famous researcher Joseph Campbell says about reincarnation: reincarnation shows that you are something more than you used to think, and there are unknown depths in your being that have yet to be known and thereby expand the possibilities of consciousness, to cover what is not included in your idea of ​​yourself. Your life is much wider and deeper than you think. Your life is only a small part of what you carry within yourself, what gives life - breadth and depth. And when you once manage to comprehend it, you will unexpectedly understand the essence of all religious teachings.

Death is inevitable. No matter how powerful you are, no matter how rich you are, no matter how much you love someone, no matter how honored you are, no matter how prosperous you are, you will still die. And the only thing you can do to one day plunge into eternal happiness is not to make mistakes in the process of rebirth.

Many people around the world, including Buddhists and other religions, believe in reincarnation (or rebirth). They are convinced that every person has a soul, which is constantly reborn and manifests itself again in new life forms. She travels her karmic path and her goal is to reach the state of "perfect enlightenment".

If the soul comes to this, then it will no longer be reborn, because it has already completed its mission and reached perfection.

Have you ever felt like you have an "old" soul? Maybe you are the person who has been reborn many times? These 6 convincing signs indicate that your soul has repeatedly appeared in this world in different life forms.

recurring dreams

You tend to have the same dreams often, especially about people and places that you have never met or visited in real life but somehow they seem extremely familiar? This may be due to the fact that the subconscious reminds you of the experience of previous lives.

You have a very developed intuition

It is believed that intuition comes from the ability to use wisdom and knowledge that is not always available to all of us. If your intuition is very strong, this may be a clue, a sign that the soul is enjoying a rich experience that you can take advantage of.

Do you often experience deja vu

Memories of past lives don't just come to people in their dreams. If you often experience deja vu with sensations, sounds, tastes, or smells that seem incredibly familiar for reasons you are not aware of, they may be memories from a former life.

You are a very sensitive person

Buddhists, in particular, believe that if a person has a high ability to experience, sympathy, then there is a high probability that he has a more “adult” soul. Such individuals tend to be more sensitive to their own and others' emotions, as they have had much more time to experience them.

You are tied to certain events, time periods, cultures

If you have a strong attachment to any event or holiday, or certain periods of time, cultural features are close and pleasant to you, what does this mean? This may be due to memories from a past life and probably very happy.

Do you have unexplained fears?

Do you have a strong fear of something for no reason? Perhaps you are mortally afraid of water, for example, but you have never had an event in your life that would lead to this fear. This may mean that you drowned in a previous life or had certain negative experiences.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Questions of life and death are before each person. While you are young, it seems that you will live forever. After forty years, a sad thought about the frailty of life gradually comes. Old age puts the question squarely: who needed my life? What will happen to me after death? Will my soul reincarnate into another person or is it all a fairy tale? Optimists believe in the immortality of the soul, in reincarnation, pessimists believe that there will be nothing after death...


Buddhists have found the answer to the question: what will happen to us after death. The theory of reincarnation is one of the postulates of Hinduism and the basis of Buddhist teachings. The spiritual body of a person after the death of the physical body rises to heaven, and there, according to earthly merits, it is sent to different "floors".

There is a law according to which the soul returns to Earth, and this does not happen when she would like it to. Also, according to a higher law, a body is chosen for the further life of the soul.

The main idea of ​​Buddhism, according to which a person performs a certain number of reincarnations in order to improve to the state of nirvana, that is, the desired and well-deserved rest, deserves special attention. The theory of reincarnation, like the astrology of karma, was developed by the sages of Tibet. It is there that international conferences gather, where people interested in this topic can ask burning questions.

There are works where it is calculated who a person was in previous lives, but the principles of calculation vary greatly. According to the Chinese Book of Changes, it is fairly easy to calculate what kind of lives you have lived in the past. However, one can believe this or not, because the approach in this work is quite lengthy and clearly not scientific.

In the arsenal of researchers there is also a scientific method with which you can "look" into a past life. This is a hypnosis-based method of regression analysis. A person is offered training, in which, through affiteration (phrase-persuasion), lucid dreams and three levels of the astral one can "get in touch" with a past life.

It remains to seriously consider whether you are ready for such a test. Regression is unsafe for both the physical and mental health of a person.

But how interesting! There is a lot of factual evidence that people put into deep hypnosis begin to describe places of their past residence, buildings, streets, living conditions, names of people, in a word - the smallest details! Verification of the past life data obtained by regression analysis leaves no doubt about the authenticity of the description. Those subjected to the experiment often begin to speak in unfamiliar languages, dialects and dialects that have long sunk into the past ...


Astrology does not stand aside and in its own way illuminates the issue of past and present lives. It does this with the help of the location of the Lunar nodes in the horoscope of birth. It is the Lunar nodes that show the path of reincarnation, the program of further spiritual development associated with human karma. According to Professor S. A. Vronsky, “this is the intersection of the past (Moon) with the present (Earth) and the future (Sun). Lunar knots connect one reincarnation with another with invisible threads.

The descending node (“vase”) is a source of information about what a person has accumulated in past lives. The ascending node ("dragon's tail") is a hint on how to properly use the current life. There is only one goal - redemption or mitigation of karma. Every eighteen and a half years a person is given the opportunity to eliminate or mitigate karma, to be reborn where required, and to correct where he made mistakes in his previous life. However, this can be done in very rare cases. Almost all of us are karmic debtors... Even A.S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, V.V. Mayakovsky, B.C. Vysotsky.

The latter presciently noted the cleansing time at 37 years (twice 18.5). He managed to slip the number 37, but he could not pass a serious milestone of 42 years ...

By studying the horoscope for the position of the descending lunar node, you can find out that you "choose a hard fate." This is due to mistakes in a past life, from which the soul must be cleansed. It is assumed that the addictions of the former life, addictions and thoughts still live in the subconscious. That is why it is necessary to protect life, to strengthen the temple of the spirit - the body, to strive for moderation and mitigation of karma.

For example, if a person in a past life was physically strong, loved women, believed that everything was bought and sold, now he is faced with the task of becoming strong spiritually, giving strength and knowledge for the benefit of society. In a past life, he did not know how to make friends, he divided people according to ranks, estates, wealth, now like-minded friends are needed, an understanding that all people are brothers, a manifestation of generosity and selflessness. This is the verdict of astrology, which is worth listening to.

A lot of interesting things on the topic of reincarnation can be read about many famous talented people. For example, about members of the Roerich family. Z.G. Fosdick was a long-term assistant and collaborator of the Roerich family, and at the same time she enjoyed unconditional trust, which is why memories acquire special value. In her diary "America 1922-1923" we read that "N.K. (Roerich) voluntarily incarnated after being the Dalai Lama in Tibet.” In the explanation we read: "The fifth Dalai Lama (1617-82) - Aghwan Lobsanjamtso."

The issue of reincarnation is also touched upon in the case of a conversation between N.K. Roerich with a certain Russian worker who asked: “What will happen in the future with different nations Russia? Roerich replied that "Solomon was later Sergius of Radonezh, and with this the whole question of nationalities was resolved." As for the greatest artist himself, the author of the book testifies that "He automatically painted portraits of our former incarnations."

It remains to be concluded that in order not to be responsible for your mistakes in future lives, it is better to live in harmony with your conscience now.