Cat bowls: pros and cons of different types. What are the best bowls for cats? Choose the best bowl for cats

The windows of pet stores are filled with dishes for every taste: here are simple plastic bowls, there are shiny metal ones, and here are ceramics. On the central shelf is an expensive one automatic feeder for cats, in the backyard - cheap double things that are unlikely to accommodate my Sweetie's breakfast. Colors, sizes, shapes, volumes – what to choose?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the size of the container. Dishes for cats should not only hold a portion, but also be convenient during use: a plate that is too large will spread the entire meal, and food will fall out of a plate that is too small.

Some pets do not like deep and narrow bowls for cats, as the whiskers touch the edges of the dishes. The height of the sides depends on the type of food: canned food is more attractive in a low “bowl”, and dry food is in a plate with high sides so that it does not crumble and does not lose its attractive smell.

Cat bowl shape

Designer cat feeders in the shapes of stars, butterflies, fish and birds look tempting, but are inconvenient to use. This bowl is difficult to clean as pieces of food get stuck in the corners. And it’s not always convenient for a cat to eat from an intricately shaped plate, because of the same pieces stuck in hard-to-reach places. It remains to decide which bowls are better for cats: round or oval?

Before purchasing, you need to remember where your pet eats: if it’s on the floor, countertop or other wide surface, round bowls will do, but on a windowsill or in a cramped hallway it’s more convenient to place narrowed oval ones. Double bowls are impractical because the food constantly falls into the water, which can be dangerous in the summer (the water spoils in a matter of hours).

High-quality, correct and beautiful cat dishes are not only about the aesthetics of the feeding area, hygiene and ease of eating for the animal, it is also about preserving the health of your pet, as well as saving money. Therefore, the main criteria for choosing dishes for cats are not cost and beauty, but quality and safety, which can only be provided by reliable manufacturers of cat accessories.

If you decide to buy beautiful dishes for your pet, choose according best prices high-quality bowls for cats in the Zooshef online store, made of safe plastic, ceramics, and metal.

A wide range of choices includes cat bowls produced by the world's leading manufacturers, the quality, durability and safety of which have been proven extensively positive feedback pet owners and in wide demand.

Why is the quality of dishes for cats so important?

Low-quality materials used in the production of dishes for cats, especially cheap plastic, are:

  • A very unpleasant smell that cannot be overcome by even the most exquisite delicacy, and cats are known to be very sensitive to odors and may refuse to eat from foul-smelling dishes.
  • In microcracks that form during intensive use, pathogenic bacteria accumulate and remain there, even if you wash the bowl after every meal.
  • Over time, low-quality material begins to release substances harmful to the animal, which pass into food and drink, poisoning the pet’s body.
  • Larger cracks and sharp broken edges can injure the animal.

An additional disadvantage of cheap, low-quality plastic is its fragility, which, in comparison with the above disadvantages, has no significance.

Leading European and domestic brands of pet accessories use only modern and high-quality materials in their production, which guarantee safety and durability of use. The range of large selection offers both classic simple bowls for cats at an affordable price, as well as beautiful and very original designs in a wide range of shapes and sizes. And these are not necessarily expensive accessories - most manufacturers create a wide price range in which you can choose inexpensive, but very stylish and high-quality attributes of a prosperous cat’s life.

Material for making bowls for cats

The main materials for making cat bowls are:

  • High quality food grade plastic;
  • Metal;
  • Glass, ceramics and porcelain.

Each type of bowl material has its own advantages and disadvantages, but it is safe for your pet’s health.

Food grade plastic

Even high-quality food-grade plastic is the most inexpensive and widely used material used in the production of dishes not only for pets, but also for humans. You can understand that dishes made of plastic are safe by a special emblem in the form of a triangle with an arrow, which means that the material is suitable for contact with food.

Plastic convenient bowls for cats have the lowest possible price, and are relevant during long trips or travel, but can also be used at home. However, due to the fact that they are light in weight, they can roll on the floor, so it is better to purchase a special rubber mat for them, which will provide stability. Plastic can also accumulate static electricity, therefore not particularly suitable for long-haired cat breeds.


Metal bowls are one of the most practical and durable feeding accessories; they are quite heavy and stable on the floor, but they can also roll (especially if they do not have a special rubberized material on the bottom) and make not entirely pleasant sounds.

The best solution is metal bowls for cats on a stand that are securely attached to it, or a mat that will ensure stability, hygiene and cleanliness of the feeding area.

The benefits of metal bowls are:

  • Strength and durability of use;
  • Safety for animal health;
  • Easy to care for – metal utensils are easy to wash and clean;
  • Metal does not accumulate static electricity, so it is suitable for all cats, including long-haired ones.

Before you buy a bowl for a cat, you should find out what metal the cat dishes are made of. It is preferable to choose bowls made of stainless steel; simple metals tend to rust, which is not aesthetically pleasing, unhygienic and harmful to the pet’s health.

Glass, ceramics, porcelain

Glass, ceramics and porcelain are the most expensive, but safest materials used to make cat bowls. At the same time, porcelain, glass and ceramic bowls are considered the most versatile option:

  • Do not emit toxic substances;
  • They have no odor;
  • Do not oxidize;
  • Do not accumulate static electricity;
  • Easy to clean even in the dishwasher;
  • Durable if used carefully.

An additional advantage is that it is quite heavy in weight, which does not allow dishes to move around the entire kitchen, and the pet will not be able to accidentally turn over a bowl of food or water.

In the Zooshef online store you can select and buy a ceramic bowl for your cat, as well as choose metal or safe plastic dishes for your pet at the best affordable price. All accessories for domestic cats presented in the catalog are manufactured by the world's leading brands, certified and have a quality guarantee from the manufacturer.

The shape, size and depth of the bowl matter

When choosing a bowl for a cat great importance has the shape, size and depth of the dishes, because even from a beautiful, and, in the owner’s opinion, correct bowl, the cat will pull out food and eat from the floor. Why is this happening?

The irregular, most often narrow, shape of the bowl is a factor in irritating the cat’s most sensitive sensory organ – the whiskers, scientifically called whiskers. Each cat's antennae, despite their apparent thinness, have hundreds of nerve endings Moreover, each vibrissa has its own part of the cat’s brain.

  • The main function of the vibrissae is tactile; they sense (catch) even slight fluctuations in air currents reflected from objects standing around, which allows the cat to see in the dark without even using vision. She sees objects standing ahead in the pitch darkness with whiskers! But what does this have to do with the food bowl?

The thing is that touching the tips of the whiskers makes the cat very discomfort, in some cases even stress. For comparison, it’s worth imagining that you ran your finger not over smooth fur, but over hard sandpaper - unpleasant sensations are guaranteed even when visualizing such an action. A cat feels the same way when its whiskers constantly touch the narrow walls of a bowl that is too deep. That is why she either pulls food out of the bowl and eats from the floor so that nothing interferes, or waits for food to be added to her, preferably with a slide.

In order to find out the correct size of the best bowl for a cat, you just need to measure the “span” of your pet’s whiskers - the result obtained using a ruler with a small increase will be the ideal diameter of the cat’s dishes.

Choosing the right bowl is the key to comfort and convenience for your cat.

The shape of the bowls, which are presented in a wide range of leading manufacturers, offers a wide variety of interesting designs and bright colors, but such richness satisfies more the aesthetic tastes of the animal owner than the cat itself. It is much more important for her that the bowl is convenient to eat from.

The most ideal shape of bowls is round and oval; original bowls in the shape of different animals are relevant only if it is an additional design, the so-called shape in which a round or oval bowl is dressed.

In the Zooshef online store you can choose beautiful bowls for cats from the Dezzie brand, which have a round shape, but are dressed in original nubuck covers made in an interesting design of a cat’s head and a fish. The original design of Ferplast ceramic bowls of a classic round shape with a cat pattern on the bottom, the edges of which are decorated with small ears, looks no less attractive.

  • Many cats, unlike dogs, eat on bent paws, as if reclining, so a container with high sides is extremely inconvenient for them. Utensils that force them to reach for food and make other efforts can cause problems with digestion and posture.
  • If your pet is large and tall, it is recommended to purchase dishes on a special stand - a bowl securely fixed in the bottom of the stand, regardless of the material of manufacture, will not move on the floor, and the pet will eat in correct posture, safe for health.
  • The height of the sides should depend on the type of food you give your pet - if it is dry food, then the sides should be relatively high, if it is wet, then it is recommended to choose low dishes (such as a regular plate/saucer) and preferably with sloping rather than straight sides .
  • The water bowl should be wide, but with sides of medium height - the cat may mistake water in a flat bowl for a puddle of standing water and refuse to drink.

Features of the breed - how do they influence the choice?

Few animal owners think that it is best to choose dishes based on the individual characteristics of the breed, but this is the most optimal solution. Different breeds mean different sizes and faces of cats, that’s the whole difference.

What criteria should be taken into account when choosing a bowl for the individual characteristics of the breed:

  • Cat breeds Maine Coon, Serval, Ragdoll, Caracal, Savannah and others are among the largest representatives of the cat family and they require a bowl that matches their size, that is, large in diameter and deep enough.
  • For small bobtail-type breeds, shallow bowls with a medium diameter are suitable.
  • British, Persian and exotic cats (Snoopy) have a flat nose and a small “retracted” jaw, so they require a bowl with low sides.
  • Norwegian fluffy cat and other breeds of long-haired beauties will constantly get their luxurious fur dirty, especially if it is wet food, if you buy them a shallow bowl with low sides. Bowls on a small stand are ideal for them.

Don't forget about kittens. If you have taken a small kitten into your home, the pet's bowl should increase in size in proportion to its growth - a dish in which the kitten can sleep is clearly not suitable for it.

The best brands are a guarantee of the quality and safety of pet products

The Zooshef online store offers a large assortment of high-quality dishes that are attractive in appearance and safe for your pets, made by the world's leading manufacturers. By choosing pet supplies from a reliable manufacturer with a good reputation, whose products are well-known and in great demand, you get a guarantee that your pet will eat from a safe, beautiful and durable bowl.

With a wide range of choices, you can order practical cat bowls on a stand in Moscow and buy double bowls or original bowls at an affordable price, which will decorate your kitchen interior.


The German manufacturer's product range includes a unique collection of beautiful, strong, durable, and most importantly, safe dishes for cats. Durable metal bowls on a non-slip backing, original ceramic and double bowls, metal saucers, bowls on a stand - the manufacturer offers not only a large selection, but also affordable prices for the entire range


For true aesthetes and people who madly love their pets, Dezzie offers stylish, incredibly beautiful and practical food and water bowls that are safe, durable and easy to care for. The range of choices includes inexpensive single and double bowls on gracefully curved stands, bowls in original shapes and many other accessories for comfortable eating


Ceramic bowls for cats from an Italian brand of different sizes and depths are a good opportunity to choose and inexpensively buy comfortable dishes for your pet that will last a long time. The range of products includes classic designs and original shapes with ears, which will decorate the interior, regardless of where the food bowl is located.


The range of products from the German manufacturer includes bowls, plates and saucers, which make it possible to choose dishes according to the individual characteristics of each cat. All products are made of ceramic and covered with a glaze that is resistant to chips and scratches. The glaze penetrates into all the pores of the ceramic, making the material resistant to the appearance of microcracks in which pathogenic bacteria can accumulate, and this guarantees the complete safety of accessories for the health of your pet

The Zooshef online store offers quick search, convenient online ordering, and affordable prices from the manufacturer, which become even more profitable during promotions and sales. All products presented in the cat accessories catalog are sold wholesale and retail with delivery to any region of Russia.

Cat bowls- this is not something you should skimp on. An incorrectly selected bowl can cause serious illnesses for the cat and constant worry for its owner.

Cat bowls: shape

Bowls are usually round or oval, and these shapes suit most cats. However, some animals do not like the sides of dishes to come into contact with their whiskers. For these picky eaters, you need to opt for wide rectangular bowls. You should not buy shaped designer bowls, because it will be difficult for your cat to get food out of the corners, and it will be difficult for you to wash them.

The most stable bowls are those that widen towards the bottom and seem to be recessed into their own sides. A rubber buffer on the bottom will also add stability to the dishes.

Cat bowls: sizes

The optimal bowl for a cat should hold one portion of food and, of course, should fit the cat's face into it.

For kittens, you should choose small bowls and change them as they grow, because... Kittens can choke in a container that is too deep if liquid food is poured into it.

It is difficult for flat-faced cats (Persians, exotics, Britons, etc.) to eat from deep bowls; they need to buy flat dishes or adapt their own saucers and plates for feeding.

Cat bowls: materials

Today, cat bowls are made of metal, ceramic/porcelain and plastic.

Plastic bowls are the cheapest and lightest, so they are suitable for shows, travel and small kittens. However, with prolonged use, microcracks form in plastic bowls, and indelible plaque adheres to the walls; low-quality plastic can also emit harmful substances, especially if you put warm food in such a bowl - all this is completely unhealthful for the cat, because contributes to the occurrence of food poisoning of various types. In addition, plastic bowls do not retain temperature and, due to their lightness, often become objects for cats to play with. They also accumulate static electricity, which can be a problem for long- and semi-long-haired cats. However, if you feed your cat only dry food, then you can safely use plastic bowls, changing them once a year.

Ceramic and porcelain bowls are stable, durable and safe. They retain temperature well and are suitable for any type of food, however, such bowls are quite expensive and inconvenient to move.

Metal bowls oxidize and rust unless they are made of stainless steel. At the same time, they are quite light and very loud, so much so that they can frighten the cat itself and prevent its owners from getting enough sleep. But otherwise they are suitable for feeding cats.

There are also bowls made of waterproof fabric; as a rule, they are used when moving, traveling and at exhibitions. They are lightweight, and unlike plastic ones, they are foldable, and therefore take up little space. However, such bowls are not suitable for constant use, since they are short-lived and unstable.

Cat bowls: quantity

Usually cats need 2 bowls: for water and for food; but if the animal is on a mixed diet (dry + wet food), then you should also have a separate bowl for canned food. The water bowl should be larger than the food bowl or the same size.

You should not buy double bowls, since they are inconvenient to wash, and the food will always get into the water, which is why the latter will quickly deteriorate.

Bowls for cats: stands\trays\mats

Cats love to pull food out of bowls, in addition, they can overturn dishes, prevent the owner from carefully putting food, etc., so a mat or tray for bowls is a must. Instead of a mat, you can use a plastic napkin for a human table, but a tray with sides in which bowls are placed is certainly more convenient.

As for the stand for bowls, this accessory is primarily necessary for dogs; they may develop problems with the spine due to feeding from the floor. Cats are more flexible animals than dogs, and therefore, as a rule, they do not require a stand. However, for large cats (Maine Coons, Savannahs, etc.), veterinarians recommend purchasing stands. Only in this case you should avoid overly moving “legs” and opt for a small “podium” in which the bowls will be recessed.

Bowls for cats: where to put them?

Bowls should always be in the same place

The cat should have 24/7 access to bowls (especially the ones with water)

It is best to place bowls on the floor, and not on the windowsill/table, so that they do not fall

Bowls should not be placed next to the tray

Bowls should not stand in the aisle or interfere with movement or approach to anything (window, work surface, refrigerator, etc.)

Cat bowls: how to wash?

If you feed your cat canned food or natural food, then the food bowl should be washed after each feeding; The water bowl should also be washed frequently, but the dry food bowl can be cleaned once a week.

The best way to wash cat bowls is to simply warm water without using any detergents, as a last resort, you can use laundry soap, soda or a gentle dishwashing detergent.

Remember that sometimes the reason for a cat’s disgust and pickiness in food is not in the food and its composition, but in the unfortunate bowls in which it is placed.

Probably all cat owners have once wondered how to choose a cat bowl. Most often, the animal does not care about the decorative finish of the tableware or its color. But this does not mean that a cat can be fed from absolutely any dish. When choosing bowls for cats, pay attention to:

  • Size;
  • Shape;
  • Material of manufacture.

Choosing the size and shape

When buying a bowl, first of all pay attention to its depth and height. Consider the anatomical details of the animal's breed. Otherwise, your cat may remain half-starved even when fully filled with food.

For representatives of some breeds (for example, Persians and Britons), too deep ones are absolutely unacceptable. A flattened muzzle does not always manage to reach the bottom of the plate, especially if the wet food has time to dry slightly to the bowl. High sides in this case are only suitable for dry food.

An excellent option for a bowl and feeder in one item is. It performs several functions at the same time: a large bowl with rounded edges serves as a place from which food can be received. The second compartment is a water tank; it holds up to a liter of water.

The situation is completely different with the long-haired beauty - the Norwegian forest cat. This animal may get its fluffy fur dirty if fed from a small, shallow bowl.

When determining the optimal plate size, do not forget about your pet's whiskers. Many cats do not like miniature bowls because the sides of the bowl touch their whiskers.

We recommend forgetting about non-standard variations in the shape of fish, various vegetables, birds or stars. Sharp and narrow corners, multi-level recesses in the product prevent the cat from eating all the food. Please note that washing such a product is also inconvenient.

Cats are particularly flexible, but even they have a hard time eating when the feeding dish is on the floor. Veterinarians advise buying or building a separate stand for cat bowls. At the same time, feeding “from the floor” is fraught with serious consequences for cats, including deformation of the limbs.

Material of manufacture

In any pet store you can find bowls made of plastic, metal or ceramics. How to choose the best option and not harm your pet’s health?

Plastic plates are particularly inexpensive and have a variety of shapes (since the material used is very plastic). Despite these advantages, these bowls are not suitable for constant feeding for the following reasons:

  • Plastic quickly absorbs odors, which are subsequently difficult to get rid of;
  • Over time, an unwashable coating from food appears on the walls of cheap products;
  • Low quality plastic can release harmful substances into the feed that poison the animal’s body;
  • Some cats are allergic to this organic material;
  • Plastic has increased lightness, which is why an animal can accidentally turn over the “feeder”.

Despite these disadvantages, you should not completely abandon plastic. A cheap plate is useful for feeding an animal during a long trip, at an exhibition, and is suitable for kittens that grow quickly.

One of the most modern and effective options is an interactive bowl. allows you to rationally distribute the amount of food your cat eats, thanks to its appearance and material, it brings the cat closer to natural conditions, while the material is absolutely safe. They are ideal for both wet and dry food.

For long-term use, many cat owners choose metal dishes. It is safe for the health of the animal, durable and, due to its weight, more stable. The only downside to this bowl is its sparse design.

No less popular among owners of friendly animals is an enamel-coated cat bowl. It is very practical and relatively inexpensive. Unfortunately, enamel tends to crack and peel even from minor impacts. Therefore, regularly inspect your pet's plate for cracks in the enamel coating. Otherwise, a piece of chipped enamel may get into your pet's food and cause serious injury to it.

If you care about the health of your cat, but prefer to “set the table” for your animal with colorful dishes with a bright design, buy ceramics. In most cases, ceramics are more expensive than metal, but look much more impressive. This material is absolutely safe for the cat's health, but has increased level fragility. If you miss such a bowl, you risk, if not breaking it, then finding a couple of cracks in the product.

Double and triple bowls

Many models of custom bowls are very impractical. This is due to food that can get into the water and trigger the fermentation process. Therefore, when choosing such dishes, pay attention to the distance between double and triple plates.

Buy only those structures that can be easily disassembled into their component parts. Then, in order to clean one plate of stale food, you do not have to wash the entire dish. When choosing such bowls, do not forget about all the above tips - pay attention to the shape, size and material of the structure.

The choice of bowl is important, but you will still need to try to create a favorable atmosphere. It will be an excellent addition to the bowl. It is made of durable, harmless material. Decorated with a cute, original design. Thanks to the coating, it allows the bowl to remain stable when the cat comes to drink water.

Automatic bowls - know-how for mustaches

Many cats get used to multiple feedings and eat three to four times a day. What to do if you are at work almost all the time and cannot often give your pet fresh food? In such a situation, an automatic feeder comes to the rescue.

This very unusual product is equipped with a dispenser, several feed compartments and a timer. Such a device can operate on batteries, from an external battery or from an outlet. Some feeders are equipped with a voice message function.

An automatic bowl is indispensable for travelers or for those who are on frequent trips. With such an electric assistant, you can safely leave home and not worry about your pet being fed!

Pets, and especially cats, are found in almost every home. Every owner, when getting a pet, thinks not only about what to feed the mustachioed one, but also from what. Dishes specially designed for this purpose will ensure comfort during drinking and eating. So what should cat feeders be like and how to wash them - we’ll talk about this today.

What are cat dishes made from?

Modern cat feeders are made from plastic, metal and ceramic. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages.


These bowls are quite practical. They have enough weight to prevent your pet from turning them over, but at the same time, metal dishes are quite light.

Another plus is the inability of metal bowls to accumulate static electricity. And this will avoid discomfort in long-haired cats.

Important! When choosing, you should pay attention that the cookware is made of stainless steel. If the metal oxidizes, it is not suitable for cookware.

The disadvantage of metal bowls is the noise that occurs when they tip over or collide with other objects. This can cause fear or suspicion in the animal towards the utensil, as well as discomfort in the owners when the pet eats at night.

Dishes made from this material are not entirely desirable for cats, as some may develop an allergy to plastic. It manifests itself as a rash around the mouth and hair loss.

Besides, plastic plates can cause beard fungus in pets, itching and some oral diseases.

Among the advantages are the low cost of the dishes and the fact that they do not break when dropped.

However, no matter how carefully the owners wash plastic bowls, the smell of food will remain. Such dishes are easily scratched, and food particles remain in the scratches, which favors the growth of bacteria.

Ceramic dishes (glass, porcelain) are very popular. The price of such feeders varies widely and depends largely on the ambitions of the cat owner.

Ceramic and glass bowls are the most versatile. They will last a long time, do not wear out and mustachioed pets like them.

If your pet likes to climb into the feeder, then it is better to buy heavy dishes with a massive base that will not allow the mustache to turn it over.

Important! When purchasing ceramic cookware, be sure to ensure that the glaze does not contain lead.

The main advantages of ceramic, porcelain and glass feeders can be described as follows:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • do not absorb odors;
  • easy to clean;
  • do not oxidize;
  • do not accumulate static voltage.

What else should you pay attention to when choosing

It is unlikely that mustachioed pets will appreciate the design of the dishes. But the correct dimensions are a guarantee that the fluffy will be happy, the bowl will be licked, and the food will not spoil before the due date.

Size and depth

The main thing you need to focus on when buying a feeder is its size. It is better to choose dimensions, taking into account the individual characteristics of the cat. The plate should hold such a volume of food that is enough for a mustachioed pet for one meal, and for water - enough for a day.

It will be uncomfortable for your cat to eat from a narrow and deep feeder. The dishes need to be selected so that the muzzle fits into it without any obstruction. Kittens need to choose a saucer-like feeder.

Some cat breeds are uncomfortable eating from regular bowls. For Persians and other flat-faced breeds, it is better to buy wide and flat feeders.

You should also consider what kind of food you feed your cat. If this is a dry option, then it is better to choose a bowl with raised sides so that the food does not spill out. If you feed canned food, you can purchase low plates.


Imagine, the shape of the bowl really matters. A funny plate in the shape of a fish or a cat's head will amuse the owners more. But it will be inconvenient for a mustachioed one to choose food from its corners.

Important! The best design for cat dishes is an ellipse or circle.


Dog owners know that feeding their pets directly “from the floor” has a negative impact on their health - curvature of the spine, arthritis, deformation of the limbs.

Cats are flexible and dexterous animals. Therefore, they do not develop such health problems only from feeding from low bowls.

At the same time, many owners consider a dish stand to be a more convenient option - the pet does not have to bend over to eat.

If the mustachioed man is not bothered by the stand, then it can remain. This will be especially true if the pet is quite large. However, when choosing a support, focus on the stability of the structure.

How many bowls should there be?

Your furry pet should have at least two bowls in his set: one for food and one for water. If a mustachioed one is given mixed food, then there should be 3 feeders. It is not recommended to buy paired options: if water gets in, the food will spoil.

Do you need a mat under the bowl?

Since cats have a habit of removing pieces from the plate to chew on later, food particles remain in place near the bowl. It is unnecessary to say that it is quite difficult to wash off dried residues from linoleum or tiles.

To keep your home clean, it is ideal to place a rug under your pet's plate. After all, it is much easier to wash (or replace) than to scrape dried food or milk residues from the floor.

Did you know? A cat cannot climb a tree upside down - this is how its claws are designed. But to get down from the tree, she will have to back away.

Automatic feeder: what is it?

Such feeders will save mustachioed owners from unnecessary worries.

The need to leave for long time occurs for everyone. And there are situations when there is no one to feed the cat. The animal must not die of hunger. Some leave a large amount of water and food for the pet. But this is wrong, because the animal can eat everything at once and seriously undermine its health.

What if the cat is used to eating 3-4 times a day in small portions, but the owner does not have the opportunity to feed it this way? It is in such cases that an automatic feeder comes to the rescue.

The design is equipped with a timer, a dispenser and several departments and operates both from an outlet and from batteries or accumulators. There are also automatic feeders with a voice message option.

Where to put the bowl in the room

Inexperienced owners do not know where it is best to place a cat feeder.

The following rules will help you choose a territory for your cat's dishes:

  • the dishes must be in the same place;
  • the pet must have constant access to feeders (especially the drinking bowl);
  • the dishes should be on the floor (not on the table, windowsill or other elevated places);
  • the feeder cannot be located next to the tray;
  • the place must be accessible for cleaning;
  • plates should not be placed in the aisle or interfere with them.

Did you know? A cat's jaw is designed so that it cannot move from side to side. Therefore, mustachioed animals cannot chew large pieces of food.

How often and what to wash cat bowls with?

If you feed your mustachioed canned food or natural food, then the dishes need to be cleaned after each feeding. The drinking bowl also needs to be washed regularly. But after dry food, it is enough to wash the bowl once a week.

It is best to wash feeders only with warm water, without detergents. If the plate is very dirty, you can use laundry soap, soda or a non-aggressive dishwashing detergent.

The feeder is part of a pet’s cozy life. Don’t forget this when choosing dishes. After all, it will be the cat who exploits it, not the owner. Therefore, you need to select dishes so that it is comfortable for your mustachioed pet.

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