Mgsu admission. Mgsu. passing score, competition, benefits, dormitory

Frequently asked questions of applicants entering the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU)

1. In what areas and specialties can you study at MGSU?

At MGSU, training is possible in programs of different levels: bachelor's, specialist, master's.

Upon admission to the first year, it is possible to study in the following areas of bachelor's training:

and specialties:

For persons with higher education, admission is possible to study in master's programs in the following areas:
Direction 080100 “Economics”.
Direction 080200 “Management”.
Direction 151600 “Applied mechanics”.
Direction 230100 “Informatics and Computer Science”.
Direction 270800 “Construction”.

2. Is it possible to study at MGSU on a contract basis?

At MGSU it is possible to study both on a budgetary and contract basis. The number of allocated places, as well as the cost of training, is approved annually by MGSU.

3. What exams do I need to pass to enter the areas of training and specialties at MGSU?

Direction 151600 “Applied mechanics”.
Direction 190100 “Ground transport and technological complexes”.
Direction 220400 “Management in technical systems”.
Direction 220700 “Automation of technological processes and production.”
Direction 221700 “Standardization and metrology”.
Direction 230100 “Informatics and Computer Science”.
Direction 231300 “Applied Mathematics”.
Direction 270800 “Construction”.
Direction 280100 “Environmental management and water use”.
Direction 280700 “Technosphere safety”.

as well as in the following specialties:
Specialty 190109 “Ground transport and technological means.”
Specialty 271101 “Construction of unique buildings and structures.”
Specialty 280705 “Fire Safety”

written entrance tests have been determined: Russian language, mathematics and physics.

For applicants applying for bachelor's degrees:
Direction 080100 “Economics”.
Direction 080200 “Management”.

written entrance tests have been determined: Russian language, mathematics, social studies.

The minimum scores that must be achieved to participate in the admission competition are determined by the annual order of Rosobranadzor.

For applicants entering all areas of master's training, written entrance tests are determined for the area for which admission is being conducted.

Entrance tests for persons with higher professional education, as well as certification tests for admission to the second and subsequent courses, are carried out in the form of an interview.

4. What were the passing scores?

The passing and average scores of those enrolled in 2011 are shown in the table:

Please note that these data reflect the situation only in 2011 and cannot serve as a basis for predicting scores for the current year.
5. What are the deadlines for submitting documents to MGSU?

Admissions to full-time and can submit documents starting June 20 at 12°° Moscow time.

Applicants who do not have Unified State Exam results counted as entrance tests must submit documents to MGSU by July 5 and register to take the Unified State Exam at approved Unified State Exam registration points.

Applicants to MGSU who need to pass additional creative exams in the subjects "Drawing" and "Architectural Graphics" must submit documents to MGSU by July 5.

Applicants to MGSU, based on the results of entrance tests conducted by MGSU, must submit documents to MGSU and register for exams conducted by MGSU by July 10.

Acceptance of documents for full-time And Full-time and part-time (evening) forms of education ends July 25 at 12

°° by Moscow time.

Documents are accepted at the MGSU admissions office on weekdays (Monday – Friday) from 10

°° to 17 °° by Moscow time. Saturday and Sunday are non-working days.

Acceptance of documents for distance learning is carried out year-round.

Acceptance of documents for external studies is carried out in July-August.

6. What are the validity periods of Unified State Examination certificates and Olympiad diplomas?

Unified State Exam results are valid until December 31 of the year following the year the Unified State Exam was taken. The validity period of the Unified State Examination certificate is increased by 1 year in case of military service. If there are several valid Unified State Exam certificates in a subject, the certificate with the highest score in that subject is selected.

Olympiad diplomas are valid only in the year of participation in the Olympiad.

7. Is it possible to enroll in several directions and specialties?

You are allowed to apply for admission to no more than 5 universities, and no more than 3 applications per university. Separately, applications submitted for different forms of education (full-time, part-time, part-time) and study conditions (budget, contract) are taken into account.

8. When are exams taken at MGSU?

Entrance tests for the main part of applicants are carried out in the form and according to the materials of the Unified State Exam (for more details, see the Admission Rules)

Entrance tests in the form and based on materials from MGSU are carried out according to a separate schedule, approved additionally:

Indicative timetable (exam schedule in 2011)

9. Is it possible to appeal against exams at MGSU?

An appeal on the issue of changing the grade received in the entrance test taken at MGSU in the form and according to materials determined by MGSU is submitted personally by the applicant the next day after the announcement of the exam grade only after the applicant has familiarized himself with the results of the work check. The application for appeal is submitted personally by the applicant in handwritten form directly in the audience in which the results of the work were presented, and is transferred to the Executive Secretary or his representative in this audience (appeals submitted after the applicant leaves this audience will not be considered). The appeal must indicate specific reasons why the applicant does not agree with the grade assigned (appeals without specifying specific reasons, i.e., for evaluation of work “in general”, “in general”, etc., are not considered).

The consideration of an appeal against the assigned grade is carried out by a commission consisting of the Executive Secretary of the MGSU Admissions Committee, the Chairman of the subject commission or their deputies and the teacher who checked the work, within a day after the day of familiarization with the examination papers.

The applicant has the right to be present during the consideration of the appeal (if he has an identification document and an examination sheet). One of the parents or legal representatives has the right to be present with a minor applicant (under 18 years of age), except for minors recognized in accordance with the law as fully capable before reaching adulthood.

The results of the appeal are communicated to the applicant

10. What benefits are there for the winners of school Olympiads?

MGSU takes into account the results of the winners and prize-winners of the final stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, Olympiads for schoolchildren approved in accordance with the law, the Construction Olympiad of MGSU, as well as membership in national teams of the Russian Federation, formed in the manner determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, participating in international Olympiads .

Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of national teams of the Russian Federation, formed in the manner determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, are admitted to MGSU without entrance tests for areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, the international Olympiad.

The results of the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of national teams of the Russian Federation, formed in the manner determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, are recognized as the highest results of entrance tests (“100” points) in these general education subjects for areas of training (specialty) , which do not correspond to the profile of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, the international Olympiad.

The results of the winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren of levels I, II and III, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, are recognized as the highest results of entrance tests (“100” points) in these subjects.

11. What documents are needed when applying to MGSU?

Identity and citizenship document (passport)

Education document (certificate, diploma)

Photo 3x4 when passing internal exams (4 photos are required for enrollment)

Military ID (if admitted based on the results of the Unified State Exam after military service)

Documents confirming special rights upon admission

12. In what order is enrollment carried out at MGSU for the first year of full-time and part-time study?

July 30 – orders for the enrollment of persons ( upon admission without entrance examinations or out of competition), about enrollment targeted places.

July 30 – publication of lists of applicants, ranked in descending order of competitive scores, highlighting those recommended for admission and reserve.

August 4 – end of reception originals documents about the education of those recommended for enrollment.

13. Where can I see the list of Olympiads for schoolchildren?

Official information

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering has the opportunity to provide students with places in student dormitories. Today, MGSU student dormitories are a large complex consisting of multi-storey, well-appointed ten buildings, united into three campuses located in Mytishchi, the North-Eastern, Central and Southern administrative districts of Moscow.

The complexes are located at the following addresses:
Moscow, Yaroslavskoe highway, no. 26 (buildings OS-1, OS-2, OS-3, OS-4). Buildings No. 1 and No. 2 are of corridor type, No. 3 and No. 4 are of block type. The dormitories were put into operation in the mid-70s and 80s. International students from near and far abroad live on campus.

Moscow, st. Golyanovskaya, 3a (buildings No. 1, 2). Corridor-type dormitories were put into operation in the 1930s. A major overhaul of two buildings was carried out in 1998-2002. In one of the dormitory buildings there is a small grocery store, a cafe and a medical diagnostic center where you can receive first aid, diagnosis and treatment.

Moscow, Borisovsky proezd, 19. 16-storey building of block type. The block has a separate bathroom (bathtub, washbasin, toilet). Shared kitchen on each floor.

Moscow Region, Mytishchi, Olimpiysky Prospekt, 50 (buildings M-1, M-2, M-3). Dormitories No. 1 and 2 are corridor-type, put into operation in the mid-70s, dormitory No. 3 is a block type - in the early 80s. On the campus located in the city of Mytishchi there is a first aid post that allows you to provide first aid.

Dorm rooms are designed to accommodate two or three people. The kitchens are equipped with all necessary equipment and are located on the floor. For temporary accommodation of parents and relatives who come to visit, there are special “guest rooms”, which have a refrigerator, TV, and electric kettle.

Student dormitories have a developed area of ​​improvement, washing machines, storage lockers, several shops, buffets, cafes and canteens. In order to create modern learning conditions on campuses, an Internet connection program is being implemented.

Certificate of provision of hostel accommodation in 2016

Places are provided on a competitive basis (based on the amount of points scored). For nonresident students in need of a dormitory, the following is allocated:
- bachelor's degree: 700 places (575 places within the admission quotas, 125 places for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services),
- specialty: 149 places (129 places within the admission quotas, 20 places for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services),

Cost of living (as of 09/01/2016).
for students of budget education:

Dormitory address


Rubles per month

Moscow, Yaroslavskoe highway, 26, building 12 (OS-1)

Corridor type

Moscow, Yaroslavskoe highway, 26, building 13 (OS-2)

Corridor type

Moscow, Yaroslavskoe highway, 26, building 14 (OS-3)

Block type

Moscow, Yaroslavskoe highway, 26, building 15 (OS-4)

Block type

Mytishchi, Olympic Avenue, 50, building 21, (building M-1)

Corridor type

Mytishchi, Olimpiysky Prospekt, 50, building 22, (building M-2)

Corridor type

Mytishchi, Olympic Avenue, 50, building 23, (building M-3)

Block type

Moscow, st. Golyanovskaya, d.Za, building 1, 2

Corridor type

Moscow, Borisovsky proezd, 19

Block type

for students of paid education:
- Yaroslavskoe highway, 26 (buildings OS-1, OS-2, OS-3, OS-4) - 1100 rubles/month.
- Olimpiysky Prospekt, 50, building 23, buildings M-1, M-2 - 1050 rubles/month, building M-3 - 1100 rubles/month.
- st. Golyanovskaya, d.Za, building 1, 2 - 1100 rub./month.
- Borisovsky proezd, 19 - 1150 rub./month.

Dear applicants! Please note that when applying to areas of training (specialties) where the entrance test "Mathematics" is indicated, only the profile level is taken into account. BASIC LEVEL MATH IS NOT CONSIDERED FOR ADMISSION TO HIGHER EDUCATION!


Federal Law No. 93-FZ of May 1, 2017 excludes the requirement that a disabled person have a conclusion from a federal medical and social examination institution stating that there are no contraindications for studying in educational organizations.

Federal Law of May 1, 2017 N 93-FZ “On Amendments to Article 71 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”

Introduce into Article 71 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2014, N 23, Art. 2930; 2015, N 1 , Art. 53; N 29, Art. 4364; 2016, N 1, Art. 78; N 27, Art. 4160) the following changes:

1) in part 5, the words “for which, according to the conclusion of the federal medical and social examination institution, study in the relevant educational organizations is not contraindicated” should be deleted;

2) in paragraph 2 of part 7, the words “which, according to the conclusion of the federal medical and social examination institution, are not contraindicated for studying in the relevant educational organizations” should be deleted.

Acceptance of applications and documents in electronic form at the RSSU and branches of the RSSU is not provided

The possibility of taking entrance tests in the language of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the RGSU and branches of the RSSU is not provided

The possibility of passing entrance tests for admission to master's programs with a foreign language (languages) of education in the language of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is not provided for at the RSSU and branches of the RSSU