Methods of teaching folk dance. Exercises for training "rope course" A set of isometric exercises with a rope


This course is called ropes course. Why? Because the main idea is that everything is together, as if tied by one rope. In addition, the rope will be useful to you in some exercises. So, stock up not only with rope, but also with patience, and most importantly, desire!

Rope course (rope) is a series of specially prepared classes, psychophysical exercises for small groups, as well as individual classes.

During the course, an atmosphere of creative exploration is created, opportunities for making non-standard decisions are explored, and mutual assistance and support within the team increases. Using the example of fascinating, but rather difficult exercises, the group learns to solve common task, develop tactics and strategy for solving it. By participating in the “Rope Course,” the guys begin to overcome barriers in communication, get to know each other better, thanks to this, a natural and quick unity of the group occurs. Analysis of each exercise gives the guys the opportunity to understand how the task was completed, a decision was made, who took an active position and how this influenced result. They also think about what could be done differently and better next time, how to overcome difficulties in life more effective way. "The ropes course is a peer-to-peer learning program in which participants learn everything from their own experience, according to their actions. The main goals of the "ropes course are teamwork and leadership. But you can add what this gives:

    group strategy development;



    effective leadership;

    self confidence;

    problem solving;

    overcoming oneself.

From our own experience, we have seen the effectiveness of this course in working on team building. We recommend using it during the organizational shift period.

It is necessary to comply with all conditions of the “Rope Course”.

    The group undergoing the test should not exceed 12 people.

    Exercises are performed under the guidance of a counselor who is familiar with the course.

    The time for preparing the task is not limited.

    The task is considered completed if everyone completes the task without error.

If at least one participant makes a mistake, the group returns to its original position.

The rope course is a self-study program in which participants learn everything themselves, from their own experience, their own actions. The presenters do not say what to do and what not to do. The guys will get valuable experience yourself. It is the facilitator's job to guide them toward that experience.

What does a child need? Finding new adventures, overcoming obstacles of varying difficulty, prizes for victory, real friends... and of course a fairy tale! Let's make these dreams come true!!!

Adult and children's ropes courses differ from each other. The exercises are very similar, but it is advisable to approach this process in a completely different way, namely, we create an ADVENTURE - a difficult and fun overcoming of Giant webs, mountain rivers, overcoming enchanted caves, etc.

For children, VK takes place in the form of a game, the essence of the exercises and the rules for passing are explained in a very accessible and understandable language, children can begin to apply the training lessons in communication with their peers immediately!

Purpose of the program:

    Creating a team spirit among the squad;

    Manifestation of creative and communicative qualities in every child;

    Collaborative problem solving and strategy development;

    Development of the child's imagination;

    Development of non-standard thinking (ability to find non-standard solutions);

    Developing effective communication skills in children.

This means the ropes course for children is:

    an exciting game in which participants can have fun and relax while enjoying the game itself;

    curriculum that allows you to try different models behavior and interaction with their peers, gain teamwork skills, contribute to achieving the team goal;

    a school of individual growth, which makes it possible to better know yourself and your other peers, feel your strengths and weaknesses, go out, discover new opportunities, gain experience, collective interaction, participation in the game, gain experiences and various emotions, triumph of victory, trust, feeling elbow;

    awareness and discovery, awareness of the experience gained and the feelings experienced during collective discussions or individual communication;

    lessons and conclusions, experience gained in some simulated situations and transferring it to real life situations.

It is advisable to conduct the program outdoors.

Warm-up - during the warm-up, participants get to know each other and the instructor while performing simple tasks. Experience of interaction and first victories appear.

A set of exercises - the whole team needs to get from point A to point B, overcoming a variety of fairy-tale obstacles that pirates, goblins and other fairy-tale characters have piled up.

The peculiarity of this program is that children gain invaluable experience of interacting with each other in practice. As practice shows, as a result of such a program, intra-squad conflicts disappear, children become more sociable kinder friend to a friend, teamwork skills appear.

It is not necessary to do complex exercises; all tasks are given taking into account the age of the group.

The Children's Rope Course is not only exercise, it is also a journey into a magical world that will last a lifetime, and of course, a VICTORY for every young participant and his TEAM!!!

It is possible to conduct training both in the hall and in the fresh air.

And also, do not forget in any case that the course can only be conducted in a warm, friendly atmosphere. And it depends only on you, dear colleagues! Good luck!



Participants form a circle and join hands. Now ask them to unhook and grab the guys opposite by the hands so that the hands of one person are clasped with the hands of different people. Once this is done, announce the task: without releasing your hands, unravel the knot and form a circle again.

    This exercise gives everyone the opportunity to participate in strategy development.

Electrical circuit

The team is divided into pairs. The partners sit opposite each other, where they connect their hands and feet, thus forming an electrical circuit through which current flows through the clasped hands and feet.

The participants’ task is to stand up without breaking the electrical circuit. Now combine two pairs with each other to make an electrical circuit consisting of four people. The task remains the same - to stand together without breaking the chain. When this stage is safely completed, combine the groups again to form an electrical circuit of 8 people. In the end you will have an electrical circuit formed by all the participants that must rise.

Two main conditions for this exercise: 1) electric current must flow unhindered through a closed electrical circuit formed by clasped hands and feet; 2) at each stage, participants must leave the ground at the same time. Tip for the counselor: don’t forget to support the children, because it’s very difficult for them!

As a simplified version of the electrical circuit - Initial conditions: participants sit in a circle on the ground (floor), touching those sitting next to them with their feet and holding hands (i.e. they closed the circuit with their hands and feet). Task: “Let’s start the current” - all participants rise up simultaneously (synchronously), without releasing their arms or changing the position of their feet. Limitations: if the arms are uncoupled or all participants lift asynchronously, the exercise is performed by the whole group from the beginning.

Big Mac

Organize a big circle. Divide the team into pairs and ask each pair to choose a phrase from two words that are traditionally used together (for example, one partner says: "Big", - the other: "Poppy", one: "Nut", - the other: "Butter", Carpet -plane, etc.). Then explain that according to the conditions of the game, you need to close your eyes and not open them until the end of the event (exercise), and, in addition, you can only say your chosen word. Now the leader shuffles the team so that the partners are far from each other. Partners with their eyes closed, shouting their word, find each other. Once the couple is reunited, move them out of the way of those whose eyes are still closed. Upon completion of the task, each pair tells all participants their word combination. For this exercise, the platform plays a very important role, which should be large.

sitting circle

The team forms a tight circle (shoulders touching). After this, ask the guys to turn 90 degrees to the right. Task: You need to slowly sit on each other’s laps and touch the shoulder of the person behind you with your hand. End this exercise on a high note with everyone laughing and clapping.

Push ups

Break into groups of 4 people. Your task is to do push-ups from the ground so that only your hands rest on it, and hold on for at least 5 seconds.

    Tip for the counselor: it will be most convenient to do push-ups if the group lies face down on the ground so that a square is formed, the sides of which are formed by the bodies (the legs of one lie on the back of the neighbor).

The counselor needs to ask the children if they have back problems? In this exercise, such children can be involved as judges.

All aboard

Equipment: any designated area (banquette, chair, block). The participants' task is to fit the whole team into a medium-sized area. You need to remove both feet from the ground and hold for at least five seconds. Second stage: you need to do the same on a smaller area. There may be a third stage, etc.

Log (Cliff)

Equipment: any beam (a tree lying on the ground, a gymnastic beam, etc.) or any other side, a bench, 20 cm wide and such a length that 10-11 participants, standing like a train, fit end to end. The team lines up on a log. Assignment: group members - change places so that the first from the end becomes first from the beginning, the second from the end becomes second from the beginning, etc. So, starting with the first person, the team moves to the opposite end of the log. The result should be the same line, in the same order. Restrictions: When any participant touches the ground, the entire group performs the exercise from the beginning.

    Tip for the counselor: it is better to arrange the team, alternating boys and girls.


Equipment: trolls - a small board, block or other auxiliary object. Mark two parallel lines located at a distance of at least three meters from each other. The team's task is to cross from one line to another without touching the ground, using trolls.

Walk of the Blind

The whole group stands as a “train”, with the leader standing in front. Everyone except the leader closes their eyes (or blindfolds them). When all eyes are closed, tell the guys that we are going on a journey through an inviolable land that our gaze cannot touch. Ask them to put their right hand on the shoulder of the person in front (or put their hands on the belt of the person in front). . Only the leader can see the road. If there is an obstacle ahead (near the right leg), then the leader slaps the person standing behind on the right leg, he steps over the obstacle and slaps the right leg of the person behind him, similarly with the left leg. If you need to turn right or left, then the leader hits the corresponding side of the person standing behind and turns. That, in turn, transmits the signal further back. Slowly begin traveling along the chosen route, including climbing stumps, hills, crawling under low-hanging trees and branches, squeezing between trees, etc. Finish in some cramped (but safe!) place.

    Tip for the counselor: this exercise should be performed in complete silence. You should choose a sign to indicate danger (shrug, tap on the shoulder, etc.).


Equipment: rope, bucket of water. A “pendulum” is prepared in advance (the rope is attached to a support). The task is to cross the entire team beyond the designated line without touching the ground. In addition, each team member needs to carry a container of water without spilling a single drop. Insurance required!

A platform, at a distance of 3 m from it there is an infinite straight line. A rope with knots and loops hangs vertically between them, not touching the ground. Behind the straight line there is a jar of water and a handle. Your group is behind the line. Your task is to move to the platform with the whole team and move a jar of water there. If you touch any point on the ground or spill even a drop of water, the whole team returns behind the line and the exercise starts over. Any jumping is prohibited.

Crossing - the team is transported from one point to another, using one intermediate transfer point (several narrow short logs) and two wide boards.

Parallel crossing - Two cables 10-15 m long are stretched between the trees, one above the other, the lower one at a height of 1.5 m. You need to walk along the lower rope, holding onto the upper one with your hands. The harness is put on and the harness is fastened. The maximum number of participants on the track is 2 people.


Crossing/swamp - The team's task is to cross from one edge of the swamp to the other over hummocks (sheets of paper). Moreover, 1) when crossing, the participant’s foot must stand on each hummock (starting from the first), if at some point there is no foot on the hummock, the hummock disappears; 2) When re-righting, no two legs should be on any bump at the same time, otherwise there will be a fine.

Participants need to cross two ropes stretched between two trees. Note: You can only pull one rope, but climb over it on your hands to the other side.

Initial conditions: a strong rope is stretched between two trees at a height of 3.5-4 meters.

The distance between trees is 2.5 meters. A strong rope hanging vertically with knots at the bottom is tied to the middle of the rope. The lower end of the hanging rope is at a height of 0.5 meters above the ground. Parallel to the rope stretched between the trees, two lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of 1.5 meters from the trees. The distance between the lines is 3 meters. The group is behind one of the lines.


    you cannot touch the ground between the lines;

    you can’t go around trees;

    you cannot jump over;

Electric fence

Equipment: rope, pole (board, stick, etc.). The goal is to get the whole team over an imaginary electrical wall without touching any visible or imaginary part of it. If anyone touches the wall, the whole team goes back and starts the exercise again.

    Tip for the counselor: the pole can be used by the whole team or by the last participant.

Trust - foul

(Confidence Fall) Line up the team in two lines with both groups facing each other. Ask them to take off their watches, rings, bracelets, stretch their arms forward, bend them at the elbows (90 degree angle). The hands alternate with each other, forming a “cradle” for the falling one. The palms are facing upward and in no case are clasped either with each other or with the hands of a neighbor on the side or opposite. The belayer's knees are slightly bent. The leader stands in a line at the place where the greatest weight of the falling person will fall and, no matter what happens, do not remove his hands while the participant is falling. Place strong guys next to you. As the line progresses, you can change the order of the line so that each participant experiences the moment of the catch, but keep the strong ones in the middle. If you have a large strong team, you can be the leader of the fall (outside the line), but if you feel that the team needs you for the safety of the fall, ask the guys to choose a leader (Maestro) themselves.

Prepare the Maestro so that he can check the falling one.

    The torso and legs should be absolutely straight, like a string;

    Hands are crossed on the chest and clasped;

    The head is slightly thrown back;

8 Ask to remove glasses and remove items from pockets.

Words that must be said before falling:

    FALLER: “Are the spotters ready?”

    INSURED: "Insurers are ready"

    MAESTRO: "Fall."

After landing, rock your friend in your arms - show affection.

Conclusion: this is an exercise in trust and removal of complexes (liberation of the inner “I”).

    How did you feel just before the fall, during the fall and after?

    What can be done to create a trusting atmosphere in the team?

Base your discussion on your experience.

This completes the Rope Course. You have received the results of this program. Was everyone able to complete the exercise? Is no one left out? And at the evening "light". Ask the children what they learned during this course?

and further...


A small square is drawn on the site (select according to the number of people). The team's task is to fit on the square in a certain time (10-30 seconds), and to stand for the same amount of time without touching the floor outside the square with any parts.

Initial conditions: a square with a side of 1 meter is drawn on the ground.

Task: fit the whole group inside the square.


    do not stand on his side;

    hold in this position for at least 10 seconds.


You need to overcome obstacles blindfolded, holding on to each other. Only the one completing the chain has his eyes open. He sees all the obstacles and must explain with gestures how to overcome them, without uttering a word. For example, a clap on the right shoulder means a step to the right, on the left - a step to the left.

Participants agree on these conditioned signals before starting the movement.

The rope is stretched horizontally at knee level, between 4 trees, at a distance of 2-2.5 m. 2-3 ropes are intertwined in the form of a web. Participants, holding hands, go through all the cells of the maze together. Each cell must contain the leg of the participant in front and the one following.

Description: a curved path is outlined on the ground (for example, with colored tape), its width varies from 0.5 to 2 m - this is a labyrinth. In the labyrinth there are no more than two obstacles - ropes stretched along the way, so that you can step over one and bend over under the other. At the end of the labyrinth there is an egg suspended, and scissors lie on the floor. The team's task: choose one person who will blindly walk through the maze without hitting the fences and obstacles, cut off the egg and break it. The team, distributed along the maze, can tell the blind man where to go, using only one word each in a pre-selected order (one after the other, when everyone has said a word, starts the first one again, etc.) Props: rope 40 - 50 m, 3 eggs (one per team), scissors.


Cables are stretched between the trees at a height of 1-1.5 meters, which form a triangle (gradually diverge). Participants need to go through this triangle in twos, holding hands.


Blindfolds for all team members, a wide room (6x6 sq.m.), a rope 6 m long. Blindfold all team members, only after that let them into the room and read the rules. The rope lies somewhere in the room.

There is a rope somewhere in the room. Your task is to find it and make an isosceles triangle out of it. Don’t forget that when you ask the presenter to evaluate your figure, the whole team should hold this triangle in their hands. If players ask you to evaluate their figure, first ask: “Are you sure this is an isosceles triangle?” If they agree, ask them to carefully place the rope on the ground and then untie their eyes and look at the figure.

Hummocks (swamp)

The playing area contains so-called “bumps” - these can be circles on the asphalt, bricks, etc. The participants' task is to cross from one side of the field to the other through this swamp. Participants can only cross over bumps, and there must always be two legs on the bump at the same time - the person in front and the one following him. The only exceptions are those at the beginning and end. The leader, the first player counts “And one, and two..”. Participants must simultaneously move their legs from bump to bump while counting. For breaking hands, touching the floor outside the bumps, the team starts again.


Everyone stand on the blanket and turn the blanket over to the other side, while no one from the team leaves the blanket.


The mug must travel a certain path according to the route drawn on the blanket


Hold 6 pieces of inflatable balls in a circle so that they do not fall to the floor; do not pick them up in your hands, just beat them off.


cuddle together with balloons between people


Initial conditions: ropes in the form of a web are stretched between the trees. The distance between trees is 2.5 meters. The top rope is 1.5 meters above the ground. The lower one is at a height of 0.3 meters. The cells of the “web” are such that a participant can somehow get through them. Number of cells for two - three less number participants. The group is on one side of the "web".

Task: climb through the “web” for the whole group from one side to the other. Restrictions:

    Only one person can fit through one cell;

    two participants can crawl above and below the “web”;

    you cannot go around the “web” in either direction;

    a participant who has crossed to the other side cannot return, bypassing the web, and help the team;

    you cannot touch the “web” (rope);

    When any participant touches the “web” (rope), the exercise is performed by the whole group from the very beginning.

Note to presenter:

Using the “Web” cells a second time is allowed if there are more participants than cells, and only after all the cells have been used once.

Vertical web

The same as a horizontal web, only the web is stretched vertically. The kids' task is to go through the web one by one.

Horizontal web

Between several trees that stand 2-3 meters from each other, a rope is stretched and a web is woven. The holes in it should be made in such a way that you can step on it without touching it. This web is stretched from the ground 20-30 cm - approximately at knee level. The task of the squad is to join hands and go through the entire web without catching it. If there is an error, the task starts over again. As a rule, on average, a squad completes the web in 30-50 minutes.



Initial conditions: a rope is stretched between three trees at a height of 1.5 meters. The distance between trees is 2 meters. Inside the “triangle” lies a strong stick 1.5 meters long, capable of supporting an adult. The group is located inside the "triangle" ("well").

Task: the whole group gets out of the “well” through the “top” above the ropes.


    you must not touch the rope or crawl under it;

    When any participant touches the rope, the exercise is performed by the whole group from the beginning.


Initial conditions: a vertical wall 2.5 meters high and at least 3 meters wide. The group is on one side of the wall.

Task: the whole group gets over the wall.


    you cannot go around the wall;

    Several participants cannot touch the wall at the same time.

Wall - the team must cross a high wall (usually about 4 meters) without using any available means. In this exercise, the division into teams is usually removed.


Initial conditions: participants sit on the ground (floor) closely behind each other, with their legs extended to the sides. The participants' arms are raised above their heads and bent at the elbows. The first participant stands up and lies with his back on the hands of those sitting behind him, crossing his arms over his chest. Participants hand it over to the “tail” of the group. Task: transport all participants in this way. Restrictions;

    the ferrying participants must not stand up;

    the participant being transported must not touch the ground (floor);

    If the person being passed on falls or touches the ground (floor), the exercise is performed by the whole group from the beginning.


Everyone becomes a train. One by one, the guys must drag their hands across the top. In other words, each person must go through the entire detachment, and the detachment must be helped by hand.

swinging log

Initial conditions: a log 2.5 - 3 meters long and 0.4 meters in diameter is suspended by the ends with strong ropes at a height of 0.2 meters above the ground. The ropes are attached to trees, the distance between which is 3.5-4 meters. A strong stick 1.5 meters long is leaning against the tree near which the group is located.

Task: the whole group cross the log to another tree.


    you can use a stick 1.5 meters long;

    you cannot touch the ground between the trees;

    you can only move from tree to tree along a log;

    when any participant touches the ground between the trees, the exercise is performed by the whole group from the beginning


Initial conditions: two parallel lines are drawn on the ground, the distance between them is 25 meters. Along one line lie three poles 4.5 meters long and 10-15 cm in diameter. In front of this line there is a group.

Task: the whole group to cross the other line.


    three poles can be used;

    When any participant touches the ground between the lines, the exercise is performed by the whole group from the beginning.


Initial conditions: participants stand in a column close to each other. The leader, using one rope, tightens the loops on the right leg of each participant (at ankle level). The length of the rope is 10 meters. Task: without breaking the loops, walk 100 meters.

Pole vault

Initial conditions: a hole (ditch) 1 meter deep and 2.5 meters wide. Two parallel lines are drawn along the edges of the pit, the distance between which is 3 meters. The group is located behind the line, next to which lies a wooden pole 2.5 meters long and 10 cm in diameter.

Task: the whole group crosses the pit to the opposite line using a pole.


    you cannot jump over the pit;

    When any participant touches the ground between the lines, the exercise is performed by the whole group from the beginning.


Initial conditions: participants stand in a column one after another. Each participant places his feet shoulder-width apart and places his right hand between them to the person standing behind, while with his left hand he takes the right hand of the person standing in front.

Assignment: the whole group sit on the floor and then rise without releasing their hands.

Restrictions: when the hands of any participants are released, the exercise is performed by the whole group from the beginning.


Initial conditions: a soccer ball is placed at a distance of 10 meters in front of a 3-meter wide football goal.

Task: the group kicks the ball into the goal 15 times in a row from a distance of 10 meters. Restrictions: if they miss, the count of goals scored starts from the beginning.


Initial conditions: the group is on the basketball court.

Task: each participant throws a basketball into the basketball basket twice from the free throw line.


Initial conditions: the group is in front of the horizontal bar.

Task: do 100 pull-ups for the whole group, with each participant trying to do a pull-up.


Initial conditions: participants stand in a circle facing each other. The host hands them a volleyball.

Assignment: the group makes 25 touches according to the rules of volleyball.


    the participant cannot touch the ball two times in a row;

    each participant must touch the ball;

    If the ball falls or the terms of the task are violated, the count of touches starts from the beginning.


A platform or something like it (you can simply draw it) lying horizontally. Its dimensions depend on the number of participants (for 9-10 people: 1x1 m). Your task is to fit the whole group on this platform without stepping over its edges and stay on it for 5-10 seconds.

Wax stick

The group stands in a circle, shoulder to shoulder. One of the participants stands in a circle, closes his eyes, hugs himself by the shoulders and, trying to keep his heels off the ground, falls evenly, like a stick, in any direction. Participants standing in a circle hold their hands in front of them and gently push away the falling person with their palms, causing him to swing inside the circle like a pendulum. Feel your unity, the hands of your friends, trust them! After going through the circle of all participants, have a discussion about your feelings.

Participants stand in a tight circle, shoulder to shoulder, arms bent with palms facing the center of the circle. In the middle, a person stands up, presses his hands to his chest, closes his eyes, relaxes and smoothly falls into the hands of the participants. Their task is to pass the person in a circle, and at this time he should completely relax, but not bend his knees or trample. This is not quite a standard VK track, but it’s good to do it at the beginning so that the group can “touch each other” and learn to trust, so to speak.

Confidence drop

For this exercise, the group is independently divided into pairs. One of the participants stands behind the other - he is the belayer, at a distance of 1.5 m. At the belayer’s command “Fall!”, the person standing with his back to the belayer begins to fall backward without lifting his heels from the ground. The belayer catches the falling person under his arms. Fall straight, it will be easier for the belayer to catch you. Trust a friend, and then switch places with him.


This task reveals the level of trust in the squad. One person stands with his back to the squad and must fall, and he must be caught. The squad lines up behind them in two ranks and extends their arms forward.

It’s the same... A fall on trust means a fall on the hands of all team members with their backs forward. The main thing here is to develop trust in the team, the people who will insure you.


A thin long stick or reed is selected. The children's task is to lift this stick above their heads from the ground using only two index fingers.


Materials: felt-tip pens - according to the number of people in the group (felt-tip pens can be replaced with paper tubes).

Venue and starting position of the participants: the room is divided by a straight line into 2 playing zones - “discussion zone” and “silence zone”. In the “silent zone” there are markers on the floor.

Task: lift all objects from the floor at the same time, while:

1 person can only touch one item,

Only one object can be in the air at a time.


The group has 20 minutes to complete the task.

When the group is ready to complete a task, it signals the leader. The presenter gives the command: “Time.” The group moves into the “silent zone” and begins to complete the task.

If the task is violated, the leader speaks about it, the group moves to the “discussion zone”, the leader brings the materials to their original position (connected felt-tip pens are separated).

Group members can only talk when they are all in the “discussion zone.” Violation of this rule will result in a time penalty of 1 minute.

When the task is completed, the leader tells the group about it.

Note to facilitator: two or more markers firmly attached together are considered one item. Participants must figure this out on their own.

Monster (Goblin)

A group of 10 people needs to cover a distance of 10 steps using only 6 limbs or support points.

The group's task is to take four steps, but on the condition that the entire group stands on a certain number of supports. A group of 10 people for 4, it can also vary depending on age. There is an option that the “monster” does not go, but costs, for example, 10 seconds.


The group becomes a chain behind each other, each trying to hold a pencil (or any other small object offered by the leader) inserted between him and the one standing in front. The person completing the chain needs to cross the finish line. If someone drops a pencil, everyone moves back to the start.


Support points task. The group stands in a circle and ensures that only 10 feet are on the ground. Raise someone, stand on one leg for someone, etc. As a result, only 10 legs should remain. And hold out for the specified time.


Stand in a circle, freely without touching each other. Heads are lowered. Task: calculate, that is, each participant must say one number (one, two, three, etc.). But under the condition - you can’t agree in advance how to count, you can’t speak at the same time, you can’t call the next number next to each other. If mistakes are made, they start counting all over again.


The group holds hands, the task is to climb over a rope stretched just below the waist level of the average participant. If the group becomes uncoupled or touches the rope (clothes count), then they start over.

There is a more severe option when you can’t even talk.

Jump from a height

There are options: jumping forward onto the trapeze and falling backwards (I haven’t tried the second, it’s probably really tough).

Stretch marks

A pair exercise in which participants walk along diverging cables suspended at a low height, leaning on each other with outstretched arms.


The team is transported from one point to another, using several transfer points (several small logs) and two long narrow poles for crossing.


The team crosses several narrow planks, folded in a zigzag pattern, from one point to another without touching the ground. Roles are sometimes introduced: one-armed (the participant cannot use one hand), blind (the participant completes the exercise with his eyes closed with the help of other participants), mute (the participant cannot speak during the exercise)


Participants are divided into pairs, one of the pair is blindfolded and released onto a field with obstacles, which, with the help of the commands of the other member of the pair, the “blind” participant must overcome.


A field of 20–30 cells is laid out on the ground, some of them contain mines. Only the presenter knows where the mines are. The team's task is to pass through the field without running into mines. They try one at a time. When a participant runs into a mine, the leader says “BEEP!”, the participant leaves the path, and the next one starts over.


The whole team holds on to each other in the following way: with the left hand - the thumb of the neighbor's right hand, the right hand is clenched into a fist with the thumb extended. The first participant in the chain acts as a joystick, controlling the finger of his right hand like a joystick. The team’s task: to convey the movements of the joystick as accurately as possible along the chain, so that the last person in the chain with his right hand makes specific action(up, down, left, right) in order to achieve the goal - pick an apple, cut a rope, touch a target, etc. Everyone's eyes are closed except for the first participant (joystick).


A rope about 15-20 m long is tied at one end to a tree, the other end is in the hands of the team (each person holds the rope with one or two hands). The team stands at such a distance from the tree that the rope is taut. The team's task is to reach the tree so that the rope is always taut; you cannot move your hands on the rope.


The team stands in a circle holding hands. On one side of the circle there is a large hoop hanging on the hands, on the other side there is a smaller hoop. The team's task is to go through the hoops so that they both complete a full circle.


The team squats in a circle. The team's task is to pass a plate of water around. You cannot: touch the ground with your hands, spill water, stand up.

Cotton swab

The team forms a “train” in the chain. A cotton swab, etc. is placed between the back of the person in front and the stomach of the person following. throughout the "locomotive". The team's task is to complete a route without dropping a single stick.


A rope with a board (swing) is attached to a firmly tied branch. The team needs to take turns using the swing to cross to the other side, a distance of 3 meters.

A loop

Tie a hanging loop of rope onto a tree branch. Participants take turns, from a distance of 2-3 meters, throw the javelin through the loop, trying not to touch the rope. Spears can be made from straight branches.


The judge stands in the center of the circle formed by the team members and begins to unwind the rope. In the interval between individual rotations of the rope, everyone must have time to run into the circle, take the object located there and return to their place so that the rope does not touch it.


Description: There is a glass with a ball on a hill, away from the team. At the launch site, a lot of uninflated balloons and tape are prepared. The team's task is to inflate the balloons and, fastening them with tape into one long pointer, knock the ball down. At the same time, you must not step into the territory limited by the warning tape; you must not knock down the ball with rolls of tape.

Props: 50 balloons, thread, 2 pieces of tape - for each team; a metal glass (mug), a paper ball, slightly larger in diameter than a glass.


Description: At this stage, a rug (fabric) is prepared of such a size that all team members fit closely on it. All team members stand on the mat, the team’s task is to turn the mat over to the other side, without leaving it. You cannot step on the ground (floor) while performing the task. You can take each other in your arms, on your neck, support each other in any way.

Props: rubber mat or piece of thick fabric.


Description: All team members grab one long rope with both hands, evenly distributed along its entire length. The team needs to tie a knot in the middle of the rope without letting their hands go and without moving them along the length of the rope.

Props: Rope or tight rope at least 5 meters long.


Description: At this stage, 4 “islands” (tires, hemp) and 2 boards are prepared. Using boards, you need to cover the distance from start to finish. You cannot step on the ground (floor), you can only walk on the boards. This is a logic task. The “islands” are located as shown in Fig.a. Start at point 0, finish at point 3. The distance between the “islands” 0 and 1, 0 and 2, 1 and 2 is the same, and is equal to the length of the board. The distance between “islands” 1 and 3 and 2 and 3 are equal to each other, but the boards are longer. Both boards are equal.

The solution to the problem is shown in Fig.b. The first board is laid between points 0 and 1 or 0 and 2, the team or part of the team is transported to point 1 (or 2). It is impossible to reach point 3 from here, but you can, by laying a board between points 1 and 2, from the center of this board to reach point 3. This solution cannot be suggested to the teams; they themselves must guess the solution to the problem. When completing a task, teams must not jump from point to point or step over boards or islands. You can only step on boards and islands. The boards should not touch the ground; they can only be supported on “islands”.

Props: 4 tires (hemp), 2 boards 1 – 1.5 m long.

Corridor of Love

Children in camp often lack attention and care; this game can help relieve homesickness away from their mother’s body. Participants line up in a narrow corridor facing each other, a person with his eyes closed slowly begins to move along this corridor, and all other participants must do something nice for him while he moves along this corridor: hug, pat him on the head, kiss him on the head. cheek, etc. It is necessary to set the children up in a certain way in advance so that the game does not turn into poking and tripping.


Description: At the stage, a section of web is stretched parallel to the ground in the form of a grid at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground. A team gathers on one side of the web, and one of the participants stands on the other, who will need to be saved. He can only be rescued by transporting him to the other side of the web on which the team has gathered. To do this, the other participants will also have to climb into the “web”. But at the same time, the following rule must be observed: The web consists of 4-5 rows, each of which has from 2 to 6 cells. As soon as a participant enters the cell, he also becomes entangled in the web and can only leave it when the main captive is rescued. This means that the team only has access to the two rows closest to them, so how can they reach the rest? Algorithm: When a participant places his foot (or hand) in any cell, he also “gets entangled” in the web and can no longer get his foot out of the cell. But he can put his second foot in a more distant cell. Thus, he will approach the person being rescued, but he himself will “get stuck” in the web. The next participant stands opposite him in the same way. Next, they carry the next participant in their arms to the rows closest to the prisoner. And another one opposite him. Another pair is formed. Now these two pairs can transport the next pair almost right next to the prisoner. Thus, a number of pairs are lined up from the free side to the captive and he can be transported to freedom in his arms. You can’t tell the teams the algorithm; they have to figure it out themselves.

Props: 30 m of rope 18 pegs (based on a web of 4 × 5 cells measuring 50 × 50 cm).

River of Memory

Description: The following pattern is marked on the ground with a rope: Thus, two lines converge and diverge approximately parallel to each other. The team lines up in front of these lines facing each other and clasps their hands with their palms in a checkerboard pattern. That is: the right palm of the first participant with the left palm of the second participant, the right palm of the second participant with the left palm of the third participant, etc. The team's task is to follow these lines from beginning to end. Hands must be connected throughout the route from start to finish. If one of the participants separates their palms, the team starts all over again. This can be done if the participants, trusting each other, rely on each other equally. If someone falls or unclasps their palms, the task starts over.

Props: rope or signal tape 20 m


Description: On level ground, two lines are marked at a distance of 10 m: strata and finish. Between them is “quicksand.” The team needs to go from start to finish, touching the ground with as few limbs (i.e. arms or legs) as possible. First stage: you can use as many limbs as there are people in the team. The second stage is minus three legs.

Props: rope or signal tape - 4 m (long sticks can be used).


The challenge is to get the wooden frame from here over that line over there. One person should touch the rack throughout the exercise, but should not touch the ground. All other participants cannot approach the frame closer than 5 meters. The frame can have at least one and no more than two points of contact with the ground. When it is between two lines, the ropes should not touch the ground.

Statue of Goodness

The whole team becomes clay from which a statue must be sculpted, where everyone is some kind of element. In addition to the image, you can add sounds (optional), and then this statue is discussed: who was which element? What did you want to depict? Are you happy with your place in big picture


A wooden hexagonal platform is installed on a flat area, on which a log is placed vertically in the center with ropes tied to it from above and below. The participant holding the bottom rope must drag the log around the circle of the platform counterclockwise. Participants holding the top ropes must keep the beam balanced.


The rope course (hereinafter referred to as “Rope Course”) is a series of training exercises. "VK" is a group self-study program in which its participants find solutions, guided only by their own experience. There is no place for competition in VK. Success and experience gained are important. "VK" can be carried out simultaneously for several groups. In each group, the exercise is conducted by a specially trained facilitator.

Goal: to unite the group in the process of overcoming difficulties, to create an atmosphere of mutual trust and support in the team.

Participants: the optimal number of participants in the group is 15 people.

Participants are dressed in sportswear.

Time: the time for performing the exercises is not regulated. The group decides independently: to continue the exercise or start doing the next one. If desired, the group can always return to an uncompleted exercise.

Venue: a large area including forest areas and a sports ground. Equipment: trees, ropes, football, basketball and volleyball, horizontal bar, poles.

Mandatory requirement of "VK": ensuring security for its participants.

Presenter functions:

    at the beginning of each exercise, reads its task and rules to the group. If participants have questions, the task and rules are read again without further explanation. When completing the task, the principle applies: “Everything that is not prohibited is permitted,” but the participants must figure this out for themselves;

    during the exercises does not help or hinder the group, remembers that the group must achieve everything itself through its own experience;

    During the group's passage "VK" maintains a good mood in the group, provides insurance and organizes it with the help of the participants themselves.

    the organizers of the "VK" must be adults who have passed the "VK" as participants;

    in order to ensure safety, involve specialists who work with camping equipment in equipping exercise areas;

    In order for group members to understand the process of its development, self-analysis of the group’s actions should be organized.

Discussion of exercises (memo for the facilitator):

    exercises for participants must be spoken out precisely and clearly, as they are set out in the rules;

    the presenter should speak slowly, clearly and calmly, repeating the conditions of execution for the participants if necessary;

    the presenter must be friendly and neutral towards the participants;

    if participants ask questions, the presenter should not give hints; the best option is to speak the text of the exercise again;

    The leader must ensure that there are no spectators in the group - outside participants, or those who refused to perform the exercise (either we work or leave);

    the leader should vary the difficulty of the exercise depending on the level of the group - so that the group does not doubt its success;

    if the group decides to refuse to perform an exercise, it has the right to do so - subject to a unanimous decision to refuse;

    The completion of tasks must be recorded by conducting a group analysis after each exercise.

When conducting a group analysis, the leader needs to draw the group’s attention to teamwork, changes in mood, changes in the degree of participation, distribution of roles, decision making, individual reactions (predominant emotions, reaction to failures, reaction to the complexity of the exercise, etc.). It is important not to insist on your point of view, leaving the group freedom for analysis.

Sample questions for analyzing the exercise:

    How did you feel when...?

    What changed when...?

    Why did you choose this solution?

    How did the situation arise that...?

Safety precautions: when performing exercises, it is necessary to insist that the group observe the necessary safety rules. This is especially true for exercises of the second (air) level, where the risk of injury is quite serious. If the group does not comply with the facilitator's requirements, you have the right to remove the group from completing the task - but this condition must be discussed with the participants before the start of the course.

Options for organizing self-analysis:

    After each exercise. This option is most acceptable when using “VK” as a training, when the greatest attention is paid to the psychological aspects of relationships in the group. During the discussion, group members share their impressions and note the difficulties they experienced while performing the exercise.

    In the middle of "VK" and after it. This option is most common among organizers and is used when conducting “VC” in order to unite a team that is at the initial stage of formation. During the discussion, group members share their impressions, identify and analyze the difficulties that the group experienced while performing the exercises, and determine ways to overcome them when performing subsequent exercises. After the “VK”, the group members sum up its results and note the changes that occurred with the group during its passage.

    After all the "VK" This option is recommended to be used only when the time to conduct a “VC” is very limited. During the discussion, group members share their impressions, note the difficulties they experienced while performing the exercise, which in the group’s actions prevented them from quickly overcoming them. For this version of self-analysis to be effective, it is important to give the group the opportunity in the near future to use the conclusions drawn in other collective activities.

Address to participants before the start of "VK"

Dear friends! Now you have to go through a series of tests called the “Rope Course”. The tests are quite difficult, and in order for your group to successfully overcome them, each of you will have to make every effort.

Some challenges carry the risk of abrasions and more serious injuries, so you must always be aware of safety precautions, protect and support each other.

At the beginning of each test, I will read the task and rules to you. If you have questions, ask them. But according to the terms of the “ropes course,” I only have the right to re-read the task and rules without additional explanations.

If one test fails for a long time, you can move on to the next one. If you wish, you can always return to a failed test.

You need to try to pass as many tests as possible in the allotted time. It won't be easy, but I'm sure it will be very exciting.

Remember that the success of the group depends on everyone's contribution to achieving a common goal. You can handle it ifyou will be one team.

Good luck!


Establishing physical and emotional contact between participants, involving participants in the training process, creating a working mood in the team.


The two lines (logs) are the banks of the swamp, points A and B, respectively. There are three hummocks in the swamp. Participants have 2 poles at their disposal.

Cross from point A to point B, moving only over poles and bumps.

Additional terms:

  • execution in complete silence,
  • with a glass of water,

In case of violation of the rules

  • the whole team returns.
  • Before you is a poisonous swamp with crocodiles, other cute creatures and toothy, ever-poisonous plants...
  • Before you is an endlessly poisonous swamp in the fantastic country of Hippopotamus, which...


  1. For overall result, concentrate on completing the assigned task.


Two logs with a diameter of 15-20 mm and a length of 2.5 m are located opposite each other at a distance of 12 m. Between them, at a distance of 3 m from each other, three logs of the same diameter but only 1.5 m long are laid out. Two poles 3.5 m long. 5 m with a diameter of 50-70 mm. Pegs in the amount of 20 pcs. (to fix the logs on the ground).

Crossing Pendulum

Enable the team to feel comfortable performing a task in close physical contact, in a confined space.


Two areas bounded by lines represent points A and B. Between them a rope hangs from a tree. The participants are at point A, the rope is hanging freely. Participants have 2 pairs of gloves and a glass of water at their disposal.

Get the entire team from point A to point B with a glass of water without spilling a drop.

Additional terms:

  • execution in complete silence;
  • for the team.

In case of violation of the rules:

  • the whole team returns;
  • The last participant who completed the exercise returns.
  • Average time: from 15 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Record: minimum - 7 min. 15 sec., maximum - 1 hour 26 min.

Simulation of a game situation

During an earthquake, you find yourself on the roof of a skyscraper; a helicopter is waiting for you on another roof. There is a live electrical cable hanging between the roofs. In order for the helicopter to pick you up, you need to go to the roof of another skyscraper and transport a glass of fuel.


  • assess the risks of your own behavior for the team, be able to entrust the completion of part of the task, independently ask the team for help in completing it;
  • be able to find non-standard methods of implementation and choose the most suitable one, taking into account the resources and capabilities of each team member;
  • trust each other to complete some important part of the task;
  • learn to constantly maintain concentration on the goal;
  • learn to listen to the rules and honestly monitor their implementation on your own.


Ropes with a diameter of 10-12 mm and a length of 20-25 m. Steel carabiner. Thin rope or adhesive tape with a diameter of 1 - 2 mm in order to mark the boundaries of points A and B, nails to mark the corners. When hanging, the figure eight, bowline, noose, and riding loop knots are used.

Tall Log

Awareness of a personal sense of responsibility for each team member and for the overall 100% result.


Get from point A to point B by climbing over a log under a boundary rope.

  1. It is prohibited to hold on to the ropes on which the log is suspended or to the boundary rope.
  2. It is prohibited to stand up and stand on each other’s shoulders and heads.

Additional terms:

  • execution in complete silence:
  • execution time limit;
  • limit on the number of attempts.

Criteria for stopping the exercise

  • inappropriateness of further execution for the team.

In case of violation of the rules

  • the whole team returns;

Simulation of a game situation

You find yourself on the bank of a stormy river. A log is suspended from poisonous vines. Your task is to move from one bank of the river to the other.

Exercise safety rating: 5


  • learn
  • tune in to effective joint work for a common result;
  • be able to support another participant during the task;
  • learn how to show care in a team;


A log suspended on cables. A restraining rope is tied above the log on cables. Under the log, a thin rope marks a forbidden area separating point A from point B. A log with a diameter of 20 mm and a length of 1.5-1.7 mm. Two ropes with a diameter of 10 mm, 10-15 m long. And also a thin rope with a diameter of 1-2 mm in order to mark the boundaries of the prohibited area and the limiting rope. When hanging the exercise, the knots used are stirrup, bowline, bayonet and prusik.

Horizontal Web

The ability to concentrate team attention and constantly maintain it during the execution of a task until the final, 100% overall result is obtained.

  1. Teach participants to pay due attention to the process of completing the exercise, and not just victory as a result, to learn in the process of completing assigned tasks.
  2. Emphasize the importance of each participant in the overall victory.


A horizontal web is stretched between the trees, separating point A from point B. The participants are in point A.

Cross from point A to point B, supporting the cells of the web physical contact together.

; It is prohibited to jump over the web, transfer participants, or use improvised means.

Additional terms:

  • execution in complete silence;
  • execution time limit;
  • the second web is stretched above the first at shoulder height;
  • conduct 1 or 2 people with their eyes closed.

Criteria for stopping the exercise

  • violation of safety rules or;
  • health problems of some of the participants.

In case of violation of the rules

  • the whole team is returning
  • Average time: from 5 minutes to 1.5 hours.
  • Record: minimum - 1 min. 20 sec., maximum - 2 hours 40 min.

Simulation of a game situation

  1. In a dark forest, a huge spider spun a poisonous web to catch unwary travelers in it. Touching its threads is fatal. You cannot cross the web alone - the team must move without breaking physical contact with each other, because anyone who remains in the web without support will never get out of it...



Thin rope with a diameter of 1-2 mm to mark the contours of the web and tie it to the trees. Inside the outline of the web, a multi-colored elastic band is used, which can be bought at the Costume Jewelry store. The web is “woven” once and then easily removed and hung on each new TKV.

Vertical Web

Awareness of the importance of constant care and trust in each other as the basis of teamwork for results, the ability to entrust personal safety to your team in a timely manner.

  1. Create closer physical contact between participants to increase the level of trust in the team.
  2. Indicate the importance of the initiative of each team member in providing mutual assistance in completing a common task.


There is a vertical web stretched between the trees, separating point A from point B. The participants are in point A.

Get from point A to point B through the cells of the web.

  1. It is prohibited to touch the web threads with any parts of the body, clothing, hair, etc.
  2. It is prohibited to stand up and stand on each other’s shoulders and heads.

Additional terms:

  • execution in complete silence;
  • execution time limit;
  • limit on the number of attempts;

Criteria for stopping the exercise

  • unsafe execution method;
  • inappropriateness of further execution for the team;
  • excessive fatigue of participants;

In case of violation of the rules

  • the whole team is returning
  • the participant who violated the rules returns;
  • The participant who broke the rules and the previous participant return.
  • Record: minimum - 9 minutes, maximum - 4 hours 10 minutes.

Simulation of a game situation

  1. In a dark forest, a huge spider spun a poisonous web to catch unwary travelers in it. Touching its threads is fatal.
  2. In front of you are randomly stretched power lines under high voltage.


  • Assess the risks of your own behavior for the team and monitor the safety of each participant.
  • Rely on your team members as needed to complete a task, regardless of their gender, physical strength, or stereotypes.
  • Learn to recognize every person’s right to make mistakes.


Thin rope with a diameter of 1-2 mm to mark the contours of the web and tie it to the trees. Inside the outline of the web, a multi-colored elastic band is used, which can be purchased at the Jewelry store. The web is “woven” once and then easily removed and hung on each new TKV.


Systematize and consolidate basic team skills: hear each other, speak only to the point, focus as much as possible on the result.

  1. Assess team cohesion.
  2. Learn to take responsibility for leadership in the team, for every word spoken.


On the ground, lines indicate the contours of the labyrinth. The maze has an entrance and an exit - points A and B, respectively.

Guide one participant through the maze.

The participant going through the maze walks with his eyes closed, in complete silence. He cannot step on or step over the contours of the maze. Other participants located outside the maze direct its actions in the following way: each participant pronounces only one word in order of priority, the sequence remains constant. Participants may not touch a participant going through the maze.

Additional terms:

  • execution time limit;
  • limit on the number of attempts.

Criteria for stopping the exercise

  • violation of safety rules;
  • inappropriateness of further execution for the team.

In case of violation of the rules

  • the participant leaves the maze and the exercise begins again;
  • Average time: from 15 minutes to 2 hours.
  • Record: minimum - 6 minutes, maximum - 3 hours 5 minutes.

Simulation of a game situation

One of the team members is trapped in the Minotaur's labyrinth, you can only watch him and guide his actions to save him.

Exercise safety rating: 2

A participant walking with his eyes closed may fall. In addition, often the participant going through the maze takes off his shoes - this is unacceptable in cold or wet weather. Often during the exercise, participants outside the maze sit on the ground, which is also unacceptable at low temperatures.


  • Be able to concentrate on the goal;
  • Concentrate on one participant, do not be distracted during the task and do not create difficulties for the team;
  • Evaluate the importance of every word spoken;
  • Completely trust the team, do not take any actions on your own;
  • Be prepared to work effectively together;
  • Make your own decisions on which the completion of the exercise depends;
  • Trust each other to complete the team task.


Thin rope with a diameter of 1 - 2 mm to mark the contours of the labyrinth and nails. When performing the exercise in the gym, you can use adhesive tape.


Establishing physical and emotional contact between participants, creating a working mood in the group for further work.

  1. Give participants the opportunity to (redistribute roles and responsibilities in the team.
  2. Determine the main possible exercises for further work.
  3. Bring the guys physically closer.


On the ground, lines (logs) mark the boundaries of points A and B, between them there is a zigzag. The participants are at point A.

Zigzag from point A to point B.

Participants performing the exercise are prohibited from touching the ground (floor) between points A and B with any parts of the body.

Additional terms:

  • execution in complete silence;
  • execution time limit;
  • limit on the number of attempts;
  • In the team, a certain number of people walk with their eyes closed and in silence.

Criteria for stopping the exercise

  • violation of safety rules;
  • inappropriateness of further execution for the team.

In case of violation of the rules

  • the whole team starts the exercise again.
  • Record: minimum - 16 minutes, maximum - 2 hours 40 minutes.

Simulation of a game situation

Let's remember the cartoon about "Winnie the Pooh". There are such heroes there - Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore and the wise Owl. Surely there are people on the team who are as energetic as Winnie the Pooh, who love to give advice, like the wise Owl, who prefer to keep quiet and watch from the sidelines, like Eeyore, who are ready to do something, like Piglet. The team is divided into four groups. Since after a hearty lunch, Winnie the Pooh is so full that his eyes close on their own and there is no strength to even speak, the “Winnie the Pooh” group goes through the exercise with their eyes closed in complete silence. The group “Eeyore” sees everything, but doesn’t speak. And, of course, they don’t see owls during the day, so the “Wise Owl” group closes their eyes and leaves their main weapon - the ability to give advice. Only the Piglet group sees everything and can speak.

Exercise safety rating: 2


  • Focus on the goal;
  • Listen to the rules and independently honestly monitor their implementation;
  • Complete trust in the partner;
  • Support each participant;
  • To trust each other;
  • Gain new experience (the boss, who is used to managing, walks with his eyes closed and in silence).


On the ground, the boundaries of points A and B are marked with rope, logs or tapes; between them lies a “zigzag”. Five to six logs with a diameter of 15-20 mm and a length of 2 m are laid. Three logs of the same diameter, but only 1.5 m long. Two poles 3.5 m long and 50-70 mm in diameter. Pegs in the amount of 20 pieces to fix the logs to the ground.

Air crossing

  1. Auxiliary rope (diameter 5-6 mm, length 1 - 1.5 m) - 1 pc.

Description of the game situation: Between two large trees with a diameter of at least 0.5 m, located at a distance of 5 - 6 m from each other, the main ropes are stretched and securely fastened using a pulley or winch with a significant force of 600-800 kg. The ropes are stretched obliquely to each other (X - like), the lower rope bindings are tied on trees at a height of 0.5 m above the ground, the upper ones - at a height of 2.5 m. At the intersection of the main ropes, they are fixed with an auxiliary rope, grasping with knots. On the ground under the “air crossing”, lines (thin colored ropes, ribbons, tourist rugs, etc.) indicate the prohibited area separating point A from point B, the lines are drawn perpendicular to the conditional axis of the “air crossing” at a distance of 0.5 m from the trees to the middle (Fig. 2.).


  1. One by one;
  • Players are prohibited from touching the ropes with bare hands;
  • When playing with two groups moving towards each other from opposite points, the player (pairs, groups) simultaneously begin and complete the movement along the “air crossing”;

Variant of the adventure presentation: "While traveling through the jungle, you meet a tribe of aborigines who worship spiders. They offer you a test. If you pass it, you will be treated as the most honored guests, otherwise you will be sacrificed or eaten. The test is next... "

Safety. The main danger for players in this game is loss of balance, slipping of legs and hands falling out of the ropes at the intersection, and falling. Usually, to restore balance and ensure a stable body position, players simply need to hold onto the ropes with their hands or jump off the rope to the ground. However, in the case when the player has a mug of water in one hand or when pairs or chain groups are playing and the players are holding each other’s hands, the option of additionally challenging some of the players to complete the game task with their eyes closed is selected; loss of balance can lead to a fall. It is also necessary to take into account that when players are pulled out of ropes that are stretched with significant force, they will suddenly struggle. Therefore, to ensure the safety of players, it is necessary to use external insurance.

  • Assistants or players who provide insurance are positioned in groups of 3 - 4 people. on both sides of the “aerial crossroads” ropes at a distance of about 1 - 1.5 m. Their task is to insure players from falling from the log;
  • During the safe performance of a game task, assistants (or players belaying) are prohibited from touching the ropes, supporting or assisting players in any other way.


Goals: developing team interaction skills, developing creative thinking, developing creative actions, developing leadership qualities, developing communication competence, developing self-insurance and self-reliance skills, developing vestibular sensitivity and balance content.

Execution: by a general group.

Equipment, equipment, game props:

  1. Pole (diameter 8 - 10 cm, length 3.5 - 4 m) - 2 pcs.
  2. Auxiliary rope (diameter 5 - 6 mm, length 1.5 - 2 m) - 4 pcs.
  3. Thin colored rope or tape (diameter - 3-5 mm, length 1.5 - 2 m) - 2 pcs.
  4. Cotton gloves with rubberized palms - 2 pairs;
  5. Stopwatch or countdown timer - 1 pc.
  6. Plastic water bottle (1 - 1.5 l) - 1 pc. (Required only for the complicated version of the task);
  7. Water mug (plastic or metal 0.3 l) - 1 pc. (Required only for the complicated version of the task).

Description of the game situation: Within a court 20 m long and 5 m wide on the ground, lines (thin colored ropes, ribbons, etc.) mark the prohibited area separating point A from point B. The lines are drawn perpendicular to the long central axis of the court at a distance 10 m from each other and 5 m from the extreme limits of the site. At point A there are two poles (“skis”) at the ends of which auxiliary ropes are attached (Fig. 5.).

Task: move to the opposite point.


Playing with one group (all players are at point A, movement occurs from point A to point B):

  1. The whole group.

Additional call options:

Preparing for the game: a) players take a certain time to develop and test a game plan (you can discuss and try), b) players take a certain time only to develop a game plan (discussion only, trying is prohibited) c) a game without preparation.

Silence: a) in part of the group (by gender; by age, according to the serial numbers of the calculation, by lot, etc.) b) personally c) complete for all players, between points A and B.

Closed eyes: a) in part of the group (by gender; by age, according to the serial numbers of the calculation, by lot, etc.) b) personally.

A difficult task: carry a mug of water with you without spilling a drop.

  • Players are prohibited from touching the ground within the restricted area with any part of their body;
  • Within the restricted area, players can only be on poles (skis);
  • Poles can only be moved in the direction of movement towards the opposite point;
  • Players are prohibited from holding the auxiliary ropes with bare hands;
  • In case of violation of the rules, all players return to their starting position and perform the game task again.

Option for an adventure performance: “While traveling through the desert, on the way to a beautiful oasis with crystal spring water, your group found itself in quicksand sands. You managed to get to the island, but you lost absolutely all your equipment, equipment and food. Only two trees grew on this island ", once long enough for all the players to stand on. You managed to weave four short ropes from the bark of trees. You can only get to solid land by crossing a strip of quicksand."

Safety. The main danger for players in this game is loss of balance, feet slipping from the poles, poles twisting to the side, pushing the player in front, players falling from the poles. Usually, to ensure a stable body position, players simply need to put their hands on the shoulders of the player in front and hold on to each other. If you lose your balance, simply stand on the ground. However, in the case when the players cling to each other, the group carries a mug of water with them, or the selected option of an additional challenge to perform a game task by part of the players with their eyes closed, loss of balance can lead to the players falling from the poles. Therefore, to ensure the safety of players, it is necessary to use external insurance.

Basic methods and rules for providing insurance for players:

  • Assistants or players who provide insurance are positioned in groups of 3 - 4 people. on both sides of the players at a distance of about 1 - 1.5 m. Their task is to insure players from falling from the poles;
  • Belaying is carried out with your hands extended forward. For elasticity, the arms are slightly bent at the elbows, the palms are open to the players and turned to the sides and up;
  • During the safe execution of a game task, assistants (or players belaying) are prohibited from supporting or helping the players in any other way or touching the poles.


Goals: developing team interaction skills, developing creative thinking, developing creative actions, developing leadership qualities, developing communication competence, developing self-insurance and self-reliance skills, developing vestibular sensitivity and balance content.

Execution: individual; pairs, small groups; general group.

Equipment, equipment, game props:

  1. Log (diameter 30 - 35 cm, length 3.5 - 4 m) - 2 pcs.
  2. Main rope (diameter 10 - 12 mm, length 2.5 - 3 m) - 1 pc.
  3. Thin colored rope or tape (diameter - 3-5 mm, length 1.5 - 2 m) - 2 pcs.
  4. Cotton gloves with rubberized palms - number of pairs, according to the number of players;
  5. Stopwatch or countdown timer - 1 pc.
  6. Plastic water bottle (1 - 1.5 l) - 2 pcs. (Required only for the complicated version of the task);
  7. Water mug (plastic or metal 0.3 l) - 2 pcs. (Required only for the complicated version of the task).

Description of the game situation:

Two decks are installed as a D-shaped rafter. The upper ends of the logs are installed in the fork of two trees at a height of 1.5 - 2 m and tied together with the main rope. The lower ends of the logs are installed with emphasis on the ground, dug and secured with stakes to prevent movement. On the ground under the "rafters" lines (thin colored ropes, ribbons, tourist rugs, etc.) indicate the prohibited area separating point A from point B, the lines are drawn perpendicular to the conditional axis of the "Rafters" at a distance of 0.5 m from the lower ends of logs in the middle (Fig. 3.).

Task: move to the opposite point.


Playing with one group (all players are at point A, movement occurs from point A to point B):

  1. One by one;
  2. Couples constantly holding hands;
  3. In small groups (threes, fours, fives, etc.), constantly holding hands in a chain;
  4. The whole group, in a chain, constantly holding hands. Game in two groups (players are evenly distributed into two groups, one of which is located at point A, the other at point B, movement occurs from their point to the opposite one):
  5. One at a time, towards each other, meeting in the middle;
  6. Couples constantly holding hands, towards each other, meeting in the middle;
  7. In small groups (threes, fours, fives, etc.), in a chain, constantly holding hands, towards each other, meeting in the middle;
  8. In two groups, in a chain, constantly holding hands, towards each other, meeting in the middle.

Additional call options:

Preparing for the game: a) players take a certain time to develop and test a game plan (you can discuss and try), b) players take a certain time only to develop a game plan (discussion only, trying is prohibited) c) a game without preparation.

Time limit: a) for developing and testing a game plan b) for developing a game plan c) for the game d) for everything together. Limitations on the number of attempts: a) in part of the group (by gender, by age, according to the serial numbers of the calculation, by lot, etc.) b) personally c) for the entire group.

Silence: a) in part of the group (by gender; by age, according to the serial numbers of the calculation, by lot, etc.) b) personally c) complete for all players, between points A and B.

  • Players are prohibited from touching the ground with anything within the restricted area;
  • Players are prohibited from touching the logs with their bare hands;
  • When playing in pairs, small and large groups, players constantly maintain physical contact by holding each other;
  • When playing with two groups moving towards each other from opposite points, the player (pairs, groups) simultaneously begin and complete the movement along the logs;
  • In case of violation of the rules, the player (pairs, small groups, everyone in general) returns to the starting position and performs the game task again.

Adventure presentation option: You are caught in a terrible earthquake. In your sixteen-story building, all the stairs and part of the roof have collapsed. The only way to escape is to walk along the rafters of the roof of your house and the roof of the neighboring surviving house, where a rescue helicopter is waiting for you. By the way, any sound during the crossing of blood can cause a collapse."

Safety. The main danger for players in this game is loss of balance, slipping of the legs and hands falling off the logs, sliding down the logs, twisting on the side of the log, falling from the log. Typically, players need to engage the beam with their arms and legs to ensure a stable body position, and in the event of loss of balance, simply closing the arms and legs usually securely fixes the player on the beam. However, in the case when the player has a mug of water in one hand or pairs or chain groups are playing and the players are holding each other (hands on hands, hands on legs, etc.), the option of additionally calling part of the players to complete a game task is selected With your eyes closed, loss of balance can lead to slipping and falling from the logs. Therefore, to ensure the safety of players, it is necessary to use external insurance.

Basic methods and rules for providing insurance for players:

  • Assistants or players who provide insurance are arranged in groups of 4 - 6 people. on both sides of the logs there are “rafters” at a distance of about 1 - 1.5 m. Their task is to insure players from falling from the log;
  • Belaying is carried out with your hands extended forward. For elasticity, the arms are slightly bent at the elbows, the palms are open to the players and turned to the sides and up;

During the safe execution of a game task, assistants (or players belaying) are prohibited from supporting or helping the players in any other way or touching the logs.

Mobile town

Goals: developing team interaction skills, developing creative thinking, developing creative actions, developing leadership qualities, developing communication competence, developing self-insurance and self-reliance skills, developing vestibular sensitivity and balance content.

Execution: individual; pair; small groups; general group.

Equipment, equipment, game props:

  1. Log (diameter 30 - 35 cm, length 3.5 - 4 m) - 1 pc.
  2. Main rope (diameter 10 - 12 mm, length 30 - 40 m) - 1 pc.
  3. Thin colored rope or tape (diameter - 3-5 mm, length 1.5 - 2 m) - 2 pcs.
  4. Cotton gloves with rubberized palms - number of pairs, according to the number of players;
  5. Stopwatch or countdown timer - 1 pc.
  6. Plastic water bottle (1 - 1.5 l) - 2 pcs. (Required only for the complicated version of the task);
  7. Water mug (plastic or metal 0.3 l) - 2 pcs. (Required only for the complicated version of the task).

Description of the game situation: A log is freely suspended by its ends on the main ropes parallel to the ground (floor) at a level of 0.5 m. Under the deck on the ground, lines (thin colored ropes, ribbons, tourist rugs, etc.) indicate a prohibited area separating the point A from point B. Lines are drawn perpendicular to the axis of the log at a distance of 0.5 m from the edges of the log to the middle. Above the log, for self-belaying, at a height of 1.5 m, the main “railing” rope is stretched parallel to it (Fig. 1.).

Task: move to the opposite point.


Playing with one group (all players are at point A, movement occurs from point A to point B):

  1. One by one;
  2. Couples constantly holding hands;
  3. In small groups (threes, fours, fives, etc.), constantly holding hands in a chain;
  4. The whole group, in a chain, constantly holding hands. Game in two groups (players are evenly distributed into two groups, one of which is located at point A, the other at point B, movement occurs from their point to the opposite one):
  5. One at a time, towards each other, meeting in the middle;
  6. Couples constantly holding hands, towards each other, meeting in the middle;
  7. In small groups (threes, fours, fives, etc.), in a chain, constantly holding hands, towards each other, meeting in the middle;
  8. In two groups, in a chain, constantly holding hands, towards each other, meeting in the middle.

Additional call options:

Preparing for the game: a) players take a certain time to develop and test a game plan (you can discuss and try), b) players take a certain time only to develop a game plan (discussion only, trying is prohibited) c) a game without preparation.

Time limit: a) for developing and testing a game plan b) for developing a game plan c) for the game d) for everything together.

Limitations on the number of attempts: a) in part of the group (by gender, by age, according to the serial numbers of the calculation, by lot, etc.) b) personally c) for the entire group.

Silence: a) in part of the group (by gender; by age, according to the serial numbers of the calculation, by lot, etc.) b) personally c) complete for all players, between points A and B.

Closed eyes: a) in part of the group (by gender; by age, according to the serial numbers of the calculation, by lot, etc.) b) personally.

A difficult task: carry a mug of water with you without spilling a drop.

  • Players are prohibited from touching the ground with anything within the restricted area;
  • Players are prohibited from touching the railing rope with bare hands;
  • When playing in pairs, small and large groups, players constantly maintain physical contact, holding each other's hands;
  • When playing with two groups moving towards each other from opposite points, the player (pairs, groups) simultaneously begin and complete their movement along the log;
  • In case of violation of the rules, the player (pairs, small groups, everyone in general) returns to the starting position and performs the game task again.

Option for an adventure presentation: “Your group explored the lost cities of the Mayans, and by chance, among the tropical thickets, met a tribe of aborigines. They led you to their mysterious city in the central temple. The priests of the tribe offer you tests. Walk over the sacrificial pit with sacred rattlesnakes. If you endure it, you will be treated as the most honored guests, otherwise you will be sacrificed."

Safety. The main danger for players in this game is loss of balance, feet slipping from the deck, hands being torn off the railing rope and falling from the log. Usually, to restore balance and ensure a stable body position, players simply need to hold onto the railing rope with their hands or jump off the log to the ground. However, in the case when the player has a mug of water in one hand or pairs or chain groups are playing and the players are holding each other’s hands, the selected option additionally requires some of the players to complete the game task with their eyes closed; loss of balance can lead to a fall. It is also necessary to take into account the oscillatory movement of the log, which can sharply deviate to the side when players are pulled out of it. Therefore, to ensure the safety of players, it is necessary to use external insurance.

Basic methods and rules for providing insurance for players:

  • Assistants or players who provide insurance are positioned in groups of 3 - 4 people. on both sides of the log at a distance of about 1.5 m. Their task is to insure players from falling from the log;
  • Belaying is carried out with your hands extended forward. For elasticity, the arms are slightly bent at the elbows, the palms are open to the players and turned to the sides and up;

During the safe performance of a game task, assistants (or players belaying) are prohibited from supporting or assisting players in any other way, or touching ropes and logs.


  1. Support and insurance of each other by participants.


Two logs placed with their upper ends crosswise at the fork of a tree. Under the logs, lines indicate a forbidden area that separates point A from point B. The participants are in point A.

  1. Participants performing exercises are prohibited from touching the ground between points A and B with any part of the body.
  2. It is forbidden to stand on each other's shoulders and heads.
  3. The participant who violated the rule returns to point A and performs the exercise again.


Practicing team interaction skills.

  1. Support and insurance of each other by participants
  2. Diagnosis of relationships to the “opposite person.” Model of perception as an “enemy” or as a “partner”.
  3. Developing coordination of actions. Contents of the exercise:


Two ropes are stretched crosswise between trees and fastened together at the intersection point. Participants have gloves.

Get from point A to point B.

  1. Participants performing the exercise are prohibited from touching the ground.
  2. Do not touch the rope with bare hands.
  3. The team ensures the safety of the participants by holding them with raised hands.

Execution options:

  1. Performed by one command
    • one by one
    • in pairs
  2. Execute two commands towards each other


  1. Track the distribution of roles in the team.
  2. Pay attention to the accuracy of the participants’ fulfillment of the assigned tasks by the coordinator.
  3. Show status struggle. Contents of the exercise:


The whole team will be placed on the raft.

Balance the raft so that within 30 seconds, the ends of the raft do not touch the ground.

  1. The whole team is on the raft.
  2. The raft is not allowed to touch the ground.

King's finger

Increased team interaction.

  1. Track the generation of ideas in the team
  2. Pay attention to the distribution of roles
  3. Motivate participants to support and insure each other Contents of the exercise:


A pillar is buried in the ground. There is a tire on the pole.

Remove the tire from the base of the pole, place it on the ground, turn it over and return the tire to the pole.

  1. It is forbidden to touch the pole with the tire.
  2. It is prohibited to touch the pole with any parts of the body, clothing, hair, etc.
  3. It is prohibited to stand up and stand on each other’s shoulders and heads.


Goal: Development of communication within the team, development of creative thinking.

  1. Assess team coherence
  2. Note the level of communication within the team
  3. Motivate participants to “hear” each other4. Emphasize the importance of each participant
  4. Maintain constant generation of ideas
  5. Make participants responsible for their words
  6. Position the team as one


Participants stand in a circle, close their eyes and pick up a rope ring.

The task is to make a square or any other shape from a ring.

  • it is forbidden to open their eyes; when participants consider that the exercise is completed, they place the resulting figure on the ground and say “ready”

Criteria for stopping the exercise:

  • breaking the rules
  • inappropriateness of further implementation


  • weigh your words
  • be responsible for your actions
  • act harmoniously
  • adapt to the team be flexible in finding a strategy

Trust fall

Goal: Independently make a personal decision to trust the team in a critical situation

Exercise objectives:

  1. Take personal responsibility for your decisions within the team, and understand what team responsibility is
  2. Honestly assess your strengths, motivation, your personal efforts
  3. Find and understand your inner fears that prevent you from trusting your team and developing with it, achieving a common result.

Preparation for the exercise:

Group readiness:

  • The group is ready to take risks as a team,
  • Trusted relationships have been established
  • In the team, care and support are shown between the participants.
  • There was an appropriate conversation about trust, care and support in the team. For example: “How do you understand the word (care, trust, support)”?
  • After the general discussion, it is imperative to give each participant the floor to speak;
  • Preparatory exercises on concentration and composure were carried out;
  • Conducted safety briefing;
  • The team has already developed a discussion plan after completing each exercise;
  • The conduct of one of the exercises and monitoring of compliance with the rules was delegated to the participants themselves;

The number of team members is at least 9.

Step 1. Completion time: 12-15 minutes

Description. A preliminary passage to the place where the exercise is performed is performed by participants with their eyes closed.

Exercise. It is spoken by the trainer at the same time as the participants perform the actions specified in the task:

  • Turn to the right, put your hands on the shoulders of the person in front, close your eyes, we begin to move.
  • Your task is to reach the end point without breaking the chain
  • ...and now the movement continues in complete silence
  • Feel your friend's shoulder
  • Start trusting the person ahead
  • You can move faster
  • You can move even faster
  • You can completely trust the person ahead and take this task seriously.
  • Stop
  • Now you must turn 180 degrees and put your hands on the shoulders of the person in front
  • Continue moving with your eyes closed and in complete silence.
  • And stop without opening your eyes
  • put your hands down
  • turn in a circle
  • You are in complete silence
  • Open your eyes.

Discussion and results:

  • trust in your team
  • concentration and inner composure
  • feeling ready to do the exercise
  • "shoulder feeling"

Step 2: Completion time: 10-15 min.

Description. Now one of the members of your team will climb onto the court, stand with his back to the team, place his hands in a special way and fall into the team’s hands.

During the fall, he must keep his back straight and not throw his arms to the sides. He will fall into your arms and end up in the “cradle” that you, his team, will create for him. It will fall evenly so as not to break your hands, and then its entire weight will be distributed in equal shares among the belaying participants.

Exercise. Correctly form a safety command “cradle” for the participant who will perform the fall.

  • The team stands in two lines facing each other
  • Take the hand of the person standing next to you, now bend your elbows, palms up
  • Your hand and the hand of the participant standing next to you should be at waist level in the center of the body of the participant standing in front of you.
  • The belayer's palms are straight; their arms should not cross, so as not to injure the participant performing the fall.
  • Step your right leg back to support
  • Raise your heads by lifting your chin slightly and look at the back of the participant's head
  1. All commands and the response of the participant performing the fall are spoken loudly and clearly
  2. It is forbidden to congratulate participants with shakes
  3. Remove watches and other jewelry from your hands so as not to cause scratches and bruises to the participants performing the exercise.

Discussion and results:

  • Understanding the rules - why you need to keep your arms straight, why you need to raise your head, etc.
  • Understanding how important it is to be collected and concentrated during exercise
  • Willingness to trust your team during a fall

Step 3. Completion time for one participant: 10-15 minutes.

Description. The participant performing the exercise stands on a stump 1.2-1.6 meters high, straightens his back, puts his hands in a “lock” or in a special way.

Exercise. Fall off the court backwards into your team's arms.

  1. The participant makes a personal decision to perform the exercise
  2. Stands with his back to the platform from which the fall will be performed, in a circle with the entire team
  3. Tells the team honestly and directly about his decision: “I’m doing this exercise because ____________”
  4. Selects a member for personal support, a link between himself and the entire team, and tells him: “You will be my support.”
  5. Receives a response from the member he has chosen for personal support
  6. Selects at least 8 participants for insurance: approaches the insuring participant and asks the question “Will you be my belayer?”
  7. Climb onto the platform and stand with his back to the belayers
  8. The supporting participant stands at a distance of 1.2-1.5 meters from the participant performing the fall, facing him
  9. The participant performing the fall folds his arms in a special way so as not to harm the belayer during the fall
  10. Ask loudly the question “Are the insurers ready?”
  11. Hear the answer from your team, which should be clear and loud: “Ready”
  12. Loudly tell the team your decision: “I’m falling”
  13. Hear a loud and clear response from the “Fall” command
  14. Trust the team 100%
  15. Fall straight into the hands of the belayers

After that:

  1. The team carefully lowers the man to the ground
  2. The participant stands in a circle and talks about his personal feelings to the team
  3. The participant who completed the task thanks the team
  4. Other participants can talk about their feelings
  1. The participant who will perform the fall can only answer his questions in the circle by nodding his head
  2. It is prohibited to touch the participant, shake hands, or hug before performing the fall.
  3. The participant who is selected for individual support can verbally help the participant completing the task to make a decision

Discussion after the participant performs the fall:

  • How did you feel while doing the exercise?
  • Share with your team what helped you decide to fall.

Security level: 9

Conditions for safety check before each fall:

  • The team forms two lines that face each other
  • At least 8 people in the process of insurance
  • The hands of the participants are at the same level for all team members
  • The line must be equal to the participant performing the fall
  • Each belay participant must put his right leg back, remove all jewelry from his hands, raise his head and chin, look at the back of the head of the participant performing the exercise.
  • The participant and or technical instructor is at the end of the line, catching the head of the person performing the exercise
  • Perhaps, if the participant performing the exercise is heavy, the technical instructor should stand in the middle for safety
  • The team’s readiness to perform the exercise and the concentration of each participant is 100%

General discussion and results:

  • Feelings when performing each step of the exercise, changes in personal feelings
  • Trust in the team, trust in all team members
  • Personal personalized trust
  • Fears that arose during the exercise, their cause
  • What helped each participant complete the exercise?

Flight to a dream

High individual breakthrough exercises.

These are exercises in which the emotional stress and personal experiences of each participant are very great. High exercise is an individual challenge to most of a person’s fears, which are associated with the possibility of failure, actions in a situation of real or illusory danger, loss of familiar guidelines, situations when there is no one else to count on except yourself.

High individual breakthrough exercises are performed with special climbing equipment at heights of up to 20 meters, and are often an opportunity for participants to confront and overcome their real and imagined fears.

Participants independently make their own individual decisions, and learn to honestly assess their strengths, motivation, their personal efforts that they are ready to make to solve a problem, find and understand their internal fears that prevent them from working in a team and developing with it, achieving a common result. .

Flight to a dream

Participants perform an individual jump from a special platform (usually this platform is attached to a tree at a height of about 12 - 14 meters from the ground, a ladder is attached to the trunk, then “steps” are nailed to the bar on the trunk). He should grab the bar with his hands and hang on it. The participant must climb to the site independently.

After this, he is lowered down using a safety rope.

The high exercise “Flight to a Dream” can be performed by all healthy participants only if they choose, but as a rule they jump. In the case of this exercise, the participant’s choice is: “to jump or not to jump?” depends on the quality work of the coach.

It is important to prepare the maximum number of participants for the exercise.


The coach invites the team to choose a goal for each participant as part of the development of the enterprise. For example: “My goal: by January 1, 2008, open two new branches in Ukraine with a profit of $15,000 per month.”

After the team has decided on its goals, the coach lines up the team in one line, facing him. All participants close their eyes. They must remember everything they have achieved during the training and think about their goal.

The trainer gives the participants the following task: “If you have connected with your goal and choose to do this exercise, then take three steps forward.”

Those participants who took three steps forward put on climbing systems, the rest of the participants remain in the team and support those performing the exercise.

The coach leads the team to the place where the exercise is to be performed and talks three times about how they will perform the exercise.

“Now you will go towards your goal on your own. The bar symbolizes the goal, so you will need to climb the tree, go to the platform, jump and grab the bar. For each participant performing the exercise, the bar is set at a different distance.”

  • Tell your team loudly about the purpose for which this exercise is being performed.
  • Choose a way for your team to support you and ask for support from your team.
  • You put on a helmet and gloves, after which the technical instructor or trainer fastens you to the safety rope using a carabiner.
  • Before the climb, you must ask the belay instructor: “Is the belay ready?”
  • Only after the answer: “Ready” can you begin to climb the tree trunk.
  • You go out onto the platform, stand on its edge and stretch your arms forward towards the bar.
  • On the site, you ask the belay instructor: “Is the belay ready?” After the instructor answers “Ready!”, he asks you “What is your choice?”
  • You say loudly about your choice: “I’m jumping.”
  • At this moment, your team on the ground responds just as loudly, “Jump!”
  • You jump onto the bar.
  • Then you release the bar, spread your arms to the sides, and the belay instructor lowers you down on the safety rope.
  • The team below meets the participant after completing the exercise, congratulates him, after which the participant tells the team his feelings about the exercise performed.


  • Was it easy or difficult to do the exercise? Why?
  • What was the most difficult moment in completing this task?
  • Did team support help you complete your individual task? Why?
  • Why is it difficult to achieve important goals, what kind of goals are there in life and business?
  • Why do some of the goals seem more difficult than they actually are?

Exercise safety:

The instructor, who is belaying the participant, supports with simple and short commands where to place his foot at the moment, makes sure that the safety rope is always between the participant’s two hands, so that the safety rope does not cling to branches or other elements, and congratulates the participant on the completed path.

When a participant enters the site, it is very important to support him about his first achievement. It is very important not to give the participant performing the exercise any opportunity to rest. After rest comes fear and the conviction that the jump is impossible to complete. Therefore, the coach must require the participant to stand on the edge of the court immediately. When the participant places his hands in front of him and stands on the edge of the platform, the bar becomes closer.

One of the main conditions for high-quality performance of the exercise is the readiness of the belaying instructor or coach, his well-being and focus on the results of other people.

Not all participants perform the high exercise “Flight to the Dream” only in three cases:

  1. if team selection processes are important to the team (for example, the team selects 30% of the participants who will perform this exercise on behalf of everyone);
  2. if team members are not ready to perform this exercise due to health reasons;
  3. the weather does not allow you to safely complete the exercise (icing of the tree trunk, heavy rain, hurricane, etc.).

Equipment and materials:

  • A rope is stretched between the trees at a height of 14-16 m; a platform for the participant is attached to the tree; a trapeze hangs from the rope.
  • Rope diameter 10 mm. length 100 m, another to provide insurance, diameter 10 mm. length 50 m, as well as two ropes with a diameter of 5 mm. length 50 m.
  • A stationary platform, a structure made of steel or a lightweight alloy; it is possible to construct a platform from wooden blocks, which is mounted permanently on a tree.
  • 4 reinforced large carbines, 2 aluminum and one steel, two titanium rings. Instead of rings, it is possible to use two additional steel carabiners and a winch. For a trapezoid, you need a small plank with a diameter of 5 mm made of durable wood, in which two holes are drilled and a rope with a diameter of 5 mm is attached.
  • Eight horned for insurance, climbing system (arbor), gloves. Participants use Ful-badi systems, helmets, and gloves.
  • When rigging, the following knots are used: Spanish gazebo, figure eight, prusik, bayonet with bow, bowline, clew, straight, weaving.

Carpet plane

Goal: Achieving maximum closeness between team members and coordination of actions.

  1. Focus on developing the participants’ ability to “hear” each other 2. Emphasize the importance of coherence of actions
  • Convey to participants the importance of strictly following commands
  • Bring participants closer together

Description There is a rug on the ground. The team approaches him.

Task: Turn the rug over to the other side.

  • It is prohibited to touch the ground with any parts of the body, clothing, or shoes.

Criteria for stopping the exercise:

  • breaking the rules
  • inappropriateness of further implementation
  • execution insecurity

In case of violation of the rules, the entire team starts the exercise again

Exercise safety rating: 4

If participants choose to pick up or place someone on their shoulders during an exercise, then it is necessary to secure those sitting on top.


  • act coherently in conditions of difficult eye contact
  • trust in the actions of your team members

Step march

Interaction training not only within one mini-team, but between all training participants.

  1. Monitor the safety of participants.
  2. Assess the nature of the interaction between participants.
  3. Reinforce the postulate that in teamwork physical layer individual participants does not matter.
  4. Check whether new skills and abilities have been acquired and whether the participants use them.
  5. Level of mutual assistance between participants.

Description: Two lines indicate points A and B. Participants line up at point A. Each participant ties his right leg with a lace to the left leg of his neighbor on the right so that they are pressed tightly against each other, and his left leg with the right leg of the neighbor on the left .

Task: Move from point A to point B with the whole team.

  1. Participants place their hands on the shoulders of those in front.
  2. Participants must all cross point B.
  3. Sing one common song.

Criteria for stopping the exercise:

  • unsafe way to do it,
  • violation of the rules.

In case of violation of the rules:

  • the whole team returns.

Average duration: from 5 minutes to 20 minutes.

You are escaping from hard labor. Your legs are bound with chains. You need to get to the forge to free yourself from them.

Exercise safety rating: 2

Risk of losing balance and falling, especially for participants with limited mobility or wearing ill-fitting shoes.


  • act harmoniously
  • cares about the safety of other participants,
  • adapt to the team
  • provide support to other team members,
  • quickly find an effective strategy in a large team.

Materials: Laces up to 40 cm long (according to the number of pairs of legs).


Usually this exercise is carried out as the final part of the entire training, after summing up the results of the day. In this case, the instructor or coach must prepare his group (team) for this exercise. The group is in a circle.

Goal: Uniting all participants through the completion of a common difficult task.

Working with the team before actually performing the exercise:

  • this exercise will be done with the whole team;
  • Today you had success, and you know how to find the best solution;
  • gather yourself and concentrate to overcome the last most important obstacle for your team;
  • I am confident that you will be able to overcome this obstacle;

STEP 1. Description: A preliminary passage to the place where the exercise is performed is performed by participants with their eyes closed.

Execution time: 3-5 min.

Task: Said by the trainer while the participants perform the actions specified in the task:

  • turn to the right, put your hands on the person in front, close your eyes. Further movement occurs in complete silence;
  • remember your first victory in the warm-up, when the whole team found best solution in the “squat” exercise - she sat down and stood up at the same time - and won;
  • remember how many attempts you made at the “swamp” exercise and still won (etc.).

In front of the wall, stopping the participants 1-1.5 meters away, the coach pronounces the command:

  • You remain with your eyes closed and in complete silence until further instructions.
  • Before the teams begin to move towards the wall, the technical instructors must take their place, hanging on a lanyard on the right and left sides of the wall to protect the participants.
  • When all the teams undergoing the training stand in front of the wall, the second stage of the exercise begins.

Description: The exercise is called “The Wall”.

The wall is 4 meters 20 centimeters high, smooth and unlimited on the right and left sides. The command is to be at point A. At point B there are devices for descent.

Task: Get the whole team from point A to point B by climbing over the wall as a team. The task is considered completed when the entire team is at point B on the ground.

Rules (read twice):

  1. The team insures and supports each participant performing the exercises.
  2. It is prohibited to stand on each other's shoulders and heads.
  3. It is prohibited to use improvised means.
  4. Hanging upside down is prohibited (hanging upside down means hanging upside down and being held by your feet).
  5. The exercise is performed in complete silence.
  6. The participant who violated the rules returns to point A and performs the exercise again.

After the first reading of the rules, the trainer conducting the general final exercise instructs the participants to take two steps forward and open their eyes.

For the third time, the rules of the exercise are read with obligatory gestures and explanations:

  • “The wall is 4 meters 20 centimeters high (hand upside down), smooth...” (runs hand along the wall);
  • “... limitless to the right and left” (points with hand to the right and left);
  • “At point B there are devices for descent” (points to point B with his hand and tells the team to listen to the commands of the coach located at point B);
  • “These people will insure you” (points to the belayers on opposite sides of the wall).
  • “If anyone has questions, raise your hand high and ask your question loudly”;
  • “Your Wall exercise starts now.” The coach stands behind all the participants and pronounces the necessary commands and instructions.

Commands that are pronounced at point A at the beginning and during the exercise:

  • “Let’s get closer” (pronounced very often and loudly).
  • “We insure the participant with our arms raised high” (pronounced very often and loudly).
  • “The exercise is performed in complete silence” (this instruction is pronounced very often and loudly).
  • “Install insurance for rising participants” (if a “pyramid” is installed, the participants sit on each other’s shoulders).
  • “The wall is smooth” (if the participant grabs the ledges in the wall).
  • “Boundless Wall” (if the participant grabs the edges of the wall or the logs along the edges of the wall).
  • "Stop! Do not start the climb, the receivers are not ready (in case the receivers on the platform above are not ready - they are tired, or their number is more than expected, or they are not watching what is happening).
  • “Continue climbing.”
  • “Take the participant under the elbow”, “Take the participant under the knee” (commands for receivers at the top).
  • “If the hosts are tired, they can be replaced.”
  • “If the pitchers are tired, they can be changed.”

Commands that are pronounced at point B at the beginning and during the exercise: (the technical instructor is at point B on a pole inside the structure and belays the first two participants who climbed onto the wall, pressing their legs to the poles on which they are standing at the time)

  • "Stop! do not start the climb, provide insurance for those taking part.”
  • “Insurance is provided, you can continue.”
  • “You broke the rule, you go down and go to point A. You do the exercise again” (if you break the rules, which very often happens at the beginning or in the middle of the process of completing the exercise at point B).
  • “The team is at point B and insures the participants with their arms raised high” (in order to activate the attention of the participants who are already at point B).

Commands that are pronounced in point A at the end of the exercise:

  • “There are 7 people left at point A” (either 5 or 9 is a convenient number from which to start the countdown).
  • “There are still 9 people at point A” (to speed up the process).
  • “There are six people at point A, time to think about who will be last and penultimate.”
  • “The exercise is performed in complete silence.”
  • “There are two people at point A.”

Commands that are pronounced in point B at the end of the exercise:

  • “The exercise is considered completed when the entire team is at point B on the ground.”
  • “The descent is carried out inside the structure.”
  • “Provide insurance for the third receiver.”
  • “The team is at point B and protects the participants with their arms raised high” (for participants who lose concentration).

In case of violation of the rules: the participant returns to point A and performs the exercise again.

There must always be instructors and trainers at point A and point B. The belayers on the wall should hang at different heights, so that one catches and slightly presses the participants at the waist when the receivers grab him by the arms, the second - approximately at the knees.

Safety Reminder for Trainers:

The coach must transfer participants whose health does not allow them to overcome the wall to point B, and at the same time instructs them that they must belay the members of their team.

The most difficult moments of the “Wall” exercise are the beginning, when the first participants are at point B, and the last participants completing the exercise at point A. The last participant must have his back to the wall, his back straight when the second to last participant submits to the wall. Be sure to give the command “back to the wall.” The coach must prohibit the receivers from sitting on the wall and offering one of their legs to receive the last participant. When the last participant rises, mandatory requirement- grab one leg of the hanging participant (second to last), resting your full foot against the wall. There may be a third receiver on the wall itself. In this case, you need to provide insurance by pressing your legs to the poles. The instructor presses the last participant against the wall while belaying. If the last participant runs onto the wall, the belayer runs with him to the wall to ensure a reliable belay.


Poles 70-100 mm thick and 3-3.5 m long are stuffed between the trees. A fragment of the wall is attached to them using carabiners and ropes.


  • Eight logs 70-100 mm thick and 3-3.5 m long are nailed between the trees so that a corridor is created inside for descent.
  • Two sheets of plywood 2 x 2 m thick 10 mm (total wall height 4 m, width 2 m) are fastened together with metal racks made of titanium or other durable alloy. They are fastened with bolts and nuts to each other and to the plywood. Steel carabiners are inserted into the drilled holes. The entire structure is a rigid fragment of a wall, which is attached with ropes to beams packed between the trees.
  • Two ropes with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 50 m.
  • Steel carabiners (according to the number of holes).
  • Nails, preferably 250 mm, steel.
  • When hanging, the following knots are used: prusik, bayonet, bowline, straight, weaver's, figure eight.

Warm-up and warm-up

"Person to Person"

The game requires an odd number of participants.

Description of the game. The participants are united in pairs, the participant left without a pair is the driver; the driver gives commands, naming parts of the body in a certain way, for example: “nose to nose”, “cheek to cheek”, “elbow to elbow”, etc.; Participants must touch each other with the named body parts. When the driver says: “person to person,” the participants form new pairs, the participant left without a pair becomes the driver, after which the game is repeated from the beginning.

Result: The game promotes an atmosphere of intimacy, fun and free creativity. The challenge for participants is determined by the need for physical contact and its possible exoticism.


Description of the game. The exercise is carried out in pairs and can be presented as “a special way of greeting adopted at the Rope Course.” The exercise is as follows: participants stand opposite each other, touch each other’s noses (“rubbing noses”) and take a step back, after which they touch their noses again and take a step back, etc. The exercise ends when the participants can no longer touch each other’s noses.

Result. creating in the group an atmosphere of closeness, fun, trust (if the participants lean on each other as a “house”) and free creativity in the search for solutions. Before introducing this exercise to a group, consider whether nose-to-nose physical contact may seem too intimate for participants (unfamiliar groups).

Safety. As the participants move further apart and are forced to maintain balance by leaning on each other, the exercise becomes more and more dangerous (if your legs slip, you can hit your knees and elbows on the ground, and you can hit your partner in the face with your head). Therefore, the coach needs to constantly keep the entire group in focus and be ready to belay (moreover, several pairs at the same time).


Description of the game. The participants stand together close to each other, holding hands in the most chaotic manner. After which they are invited to “unravel” without unclenching their hands. The key point is to “confuse” them as quickly as possible, successfully and without losing energy.


Description of the game. Participants sit (stand) in a circle. Everyone clenches their right hand into a fist and, at the instructor’s command, everyone “throws out” their fingers. The goal is for all participants to roll the same number independently. Participants are not allowed to negotiate, wink at each other, or try to coordinate their actions in any other way. The game continues until the group reaches the goal.

The number of attempts may be limited by the coach.


Description of the game. Participants stand in a line at a distance of a step from each other, facing in one direction and, at the command of the coach, jump, turning in a jump around an axis 90° or 180° in any direction. The participants’ task is to make synchronized turns after each clap and all land with their faces turned in the same direction.


Description of the game. Participants stand in a common circle.

“There is one driver in the game, at first it will be me. I, as a driver, tell you: “Change places, those who have...”. And I name any sign that unites at least several of you. Those of you who have this symptom should switch places. It is very important to be sure to have time to change places. Those who don't have time become drivers. My job as the driver is to take your place while you change places. You cannot stay in your place in the game if you have the sign indicated by the driver. Then you automatically become a driver. The new driver also says: “Change places, those who have...”. If you can't find common feature, then give the command “Hurricane!”


Description of the game. Participants stand behind each other, holding the waist of the person in front. Now they are a centipede. At the trainer's command, the centipede begins to move forward, following instructions. The task is to maintain the integrity of the chain. While the “centipede” is moving, the trainer changes the task: “the centipede moves on one leg, in a half-squat, etc.”


This is one of the classic warm-up exercises. It consists of several parts (usually three). The first part is performed in pairs, the second - in fours or fives, the final - by the whole group.

The first part of the exercise (in pairs) for most participants turns out to be a “trust” exercise: in order to stand up yourself, you need to make your partner stand up. Below is a transcript of the introduction to the first part of the exercise:

“Find yourself a partner. Let it be a new partner. Stand facing each other. Listen to the instructions carefully. The task is as follows: holding hands, touching your partner’s toes with your toes, sit down and stand up at the same time. Once again: holding hands, touching your partner’s toes with your toes, sit down and stand up at the same time. Forward!"

Make sure that couples do not stand too close to each other. Inspect the area where participants will sit down for unevenness (holes, hummocks), foreign objects (cones, tree roots) or obstacles (wall, tree, etc.). It may be worth drawing the participants' attention to safety (“Before you start, look at where you will be sitting”). As an instructor, you need to constantly keep the entire group in focus and be ready to belay (moreover, several pairs at the same time).

If some participants do not sit on the floor, but squat, you can do the following:

  • loudly inform the whole group that “to sit down means to sit with your butt on the ground”;
  • ask the participants how they will understand the word “sit down” and what they see as the difference between “sit down” and “sit down”, and *offer to come to a common understanding and agreement;
  • accept what is happening and not interfere, etc.

If the couple has completed the task and is somewhat confused about what to do next, you can:

  • invite them to do this a couple more times (“What to do next? Did you enjoy it? [No] Then you will! or [Yes] Great! Then you can do it a couple more times.”):
  • start involving them in group interaction - insure, support, offer new options, etc. (“You did it? Great! How are the others doing?”).

Make sure each pair has completed the task (or at least thinks they have) before moving on to the next part.

The next part of the exercise (in fours) is more of a “repetition and consolidation of what has been learned.” Participants share with each other their experience of “how it was,” reach an agreement fairly quickly and get results. Below is a transcript of the introduction:

“Now form three groups: four, four and five people. The task is the same: holding hands, touching the toes of your neighbors to the right and left, sit down at the same time and stand up at the same time. Once again: holding hands, touching the toes of your neighbors to the right and left, sit down at the same time and stand up at the same time. Go ahead!

Here you can be more demanding of the result in terms of “simultaneity” (“Did you complete the task? Was it at the same time? Come to an agreement.”). Continue to work on engaging participants in group interactions.

The questions regarding security are the same as in the previous part. If there are people in the group who cause you fear (for example, clearly weaker, or with overweight, or who have reported some kind of injury, etc.) - do not lose sight of them, try to be closer at the moment of “sit down at the same time” and be prepared to protect your head and back.

And finally, the last part. Introductory option:

“Who has already guessed what will happen next? That's right, now we're all together. The task is the same: touching the toes of your neighbors on the right and left, sit down at the same time and stand up at the same time. Once again: touching the toes of your neighbors on the right and left, sit down and stand up at the same time. Forward!"

The first thing that participants usually do is try to use the ready-made solution obtained in the previous parts: they stand in a circle, hold hands and sit on “three or four”. Some groups, after the first couple of attempts, understand that past experience “does not work” here and begin to look for a new solution. Other groups may spend up to half an hour doing the same thing with minor variations. Your task is to ensure safety.

Usually there are several people in the group who begin to lead the process (in turn or simultaneously). Your task at this time is to keep your eyes and ears wide open - the ways in which certain participants manifest themselves, their actions, strategies and choices can serve as an excellent basis for discussion after the exercise. In addition, you can use their own words to manage the process and direct it in the right direction (if you find it useful). And finally, you need to be well aware of the situation: the atmosphere in the group can get very tense (especially if these participants already had a past relationship).

The search for new solutions is usually carried out in the following areas: holding hands differently, sitting down differently and changing position. Let's take a closer look at the various solution options and analyze them from a security point of view.

Consider the direction of “holding hands differently.” So, the group stands in a circle facing the center. Participants can:

  • join hands with your closest neighbors, the circle is as wide as possible. You have to spread your legs very wide - uncomfortable, unstable. When the group sits down, the circle becomes wider - it hurts to hold on, the chain will almost certainly break, and someone will fall.
  • join hands with your closest neighbors, the circle is as close as possible. The arms are not stretched, which means there is no support for each other. They try to sit down and stand up on their own, but they interfere with each other and still can’t do it at the same time.
  • lock elbows with your closest neighbors. When the group sits down, the circle becomes wider - it hurts to hold on, the chain will almost certainly break, and someone will fall.
  • hold hands through one behind each other's backs. When the group sits down, the circle becomes wider - it hurts to hold on, the chain will almost certainly break, and someone will fall.
  • hold hands through one/two people inside the circle. The most acceptable way. It always works. The danger is associated with possible falling over when standing up.

Please note that if you do not say that the participants must stand in a circle, then two more beautiful and safe solutions appear:

  • participants stand in two circles (the outer one facing the center and the inner one facing the outer one) and each takes the hands of two people opposite;
  • participants stand in two lines facing each other;


Goal: Establishing physical and emotional contact between participants, creating a working mood in the group for further work.

  1. Assess the group and the motivations of the participants.
  2. Assess the participants’ attitude to the rules.
  3. Give participants the opportunity to redistribute roles and responsibilities in the team. 4. Identify the main possible exercises for further work.
  4. Bring people physically closer.
  5. Show the importance of team support.
  6. Show that if you really want to win, you don’t have to choose who can support you.

Description: On the ground, lines (logs) mark the boundaries of points A and B, between them there is a zigzag. The participants are at point A.

Task: Cross a zigzag route from point A to point B.

Rules: Participants performing the exercise are prohibited from touching the ground (floor) between points A and B with any parts of the body.

Additional terms:

  • execution in complete silence
  • execution time limit
  • limit on number of attempts
  • in a team a certain number of people walk with their eyes closed and in silence

Criteria for stopping the exercise:

  • breaking the rules
  • inappropriateness of further implementation

Average time: from 25 minutes to 2 hours.

Minimum time passage - 16 min

Simulation of a game situation: Let's remember the cartoon about "Winnie the Pooh". There are such heroes there - Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore and the wise Owl. Surely there are people on the team who are as energetic as Winnie the Pooh, who love to give advice, like the wise Owl, who prefer to keep quiet and watch from the sidelines, like Eeyore, who are ready to do something, like Piglet.

The team is divided into four groups.

Since after a hearty lunch, Winnie the Pooh is so full that his eyes close on their own and there is no strength to even speak, the “Winnie the Pooh” group goes through the exercise with their eyes closed in complete silence. The group “Eeyore” sees everything, but doesn’t speak. And, of course, they don’t see owls during the day, so the “Wise Owl” group closes their eyes and leaves their main weapon - the ability to give advice. Only the Piglet group sees everything and can speak.

Exercise safety rating: 2


  • focus on the goal;
  • listen to the rules and honestly monitor their implementation;
  • complete trust in the partner;
  • feel that another person depends on your behavior;
  • support each participant;
  • to trust each other;
  • gain new experience.


  • On the ground, the boundaries of points A and B are marked with rope, logs or tapes; between them lies a “zigzag”.
  • Five to six logs with a diameter of 15-20 mm and a length of 2 m are laid. Three logs of the same diameter, but only 1.5 m long.
  • Two poles 3.5 m long and 50-70 mm in diameter.
  • Pegs in the amount of 20 pieces to fix the logs to the ground.


Goal: Systematize and consolidate basic team skills: hear each other, speak only to the point, focus as much as possible on the result.

  1. Understand the value of the participation of all team members in completing a task, be able to make decisions on which the work of the entire team depends.
  2. Assess team coherence. 3. Learn to take responsibility for leadership in the team, for every word spoken.
  3. Learn to create the most effective and concise verbal communication system in a team to complete a task.
  4. Assess the importance of each team member for achieving the overall result.
  5. Learn to take personal responsibility for every action of the team.

Description: On the ground, lines indicate the contours of the labyrinth. The maze has an entrance and an exit - points A and B, respectively.

Task: Guide one participant through the maze.

  1. The participant going through the maze walks with his eyes closed, in complete silence.
  2. He cannot step on or step over the contours of the maze.
  3. Other participants located outside the maze direct its actions in the following way: each participant pronounces only one word in order of priority, the sequence remains constant.
  4. They cannot touch the participant going through the maze.

Additional terms:

  • execution time limit
  • limit on number of attempts

Criteria for stopping the exercise:

  • breaking the rules
  • inappropriateness of further implementation

In case of violation of the rules:

  • the participant leaves the maze and the exercise begins again;
  • the participant exits the maze and is no longer allowed to set foot in the maze;
  • the participant exits the maze and is completely eliminated from the exercise before it ends.

Average time: from 15 minutes to 2 hours.

Minimum completion time - 6 minutes

Maximum passage - 3 hours 05 minutes.

Simulation of a game situation: One of the team members is trapped in the labyrinth of the Minotaur, you can only watch him and guide his actions to save him.

Exercise safety rating: 2

A participant walking with his eyes closed may fall. In addition, often the participant going through the maze takes off his shoes - this is unacceptable in cold or wet weather. Often during the exercise, participants outside the maze sit on the ground, which is also unacceptable at low temperatures.


  1. be able to concentrate attention on the goal;
  2. concentrate attention on one participant, do not be distracted during the task and do not create difficulties for the team;
  3. listen to the rules and honestly monitor their implementation;
  4. evaluate the importance of every word spoken;
  5. feel that another person depends on your behavior;
  6. completely trust the team, do not take any actions on your own;
  7. tune in to effective joint work;
  8. independently make a decision on which the completion of the exercise depends;
  9. trust each other to complete the team task.

Materials: Thin rope with a diameter of 1 - 2 mm to mark the contours of the labyrinth and nails. When performing the exercise in the gym, you can use adhesive tape.


Goal: Achieving maximum trust between team members.

  1. Show the degree of trust in your partner
  2. Show that, regardless of the interpersonal relationships of team members, joint efforts should be aimed at achieving the goal 3. Motivate complete trust in each other
  3. Bring people physically closer

Description Two ropes are stretched horizontally above the ground at an acute angle. Point A is at the vertex of an acute angle. The boundaries of points A and B are marked with tapes on each rope.

The task is for pairs, maintaining physical contact, to cross from point A to point B. Getting to point B means each participant stepping behind the tape on their own rope.

  • The group helps the participants performing the exercises to take the starting position on the ropes at point A.
  • Belayers are positioned on both sides of the ropes, inside and outside the ropes.
  • Participants performing the exercise are prohibited from touching the spotters and the ground between points A and B with any parts of the body.
  • Belayers are prohibited from touching the rope.

Criteria for stopping the exercise:

  • breaking the rules
  • inappropriateness of further implementation
  • execution insecurity

In case of violation of the rules

  • The couple doing the exercise returns and starts the exercise again.
  • The whole team starts the exercise again

Average time: from 25 minutes to 2 hours. The minimum passage time is 20 minutes. Maximum passage time - 3 hours 20 minutes.

Exercise safety rating: 8

Before carrying out the exercise, it is necessary to train the participants on the ground to walk in pairs with their hands on their partner’s shoulders and gradually move apart. Hands rest on your partner's shoulders!!!


  • concentrate attention
  • act harmoniously
  • trust in partner
  • awareness of responsibility for one's actions

Rapa Nui Labyrinth

Goal: Achieving maximum coordination of actions of all team members, developing the ability to “hear” each other.

  1. Track the moment of emergence of the leader - action coordinator
  2. Assess the coherence of the team's actions 3. Determine the nature of communications within the team
  3. Motivate participants to listen to each other
  4. Emphasize the importance of each participant
  5. Determine how detached team members are

Description On the ground, lines indicate the contours of the labyrinth. Participants have a log and 2 rings with guys at their disposal.

The task is to drag a log in a vertical position through the maze.

  • It is forbidden to touch the lines of the maze with a log or cross them
  • It is forbidden to approach the log closer than a meter and cross the guys
  • It is forbidden to enter the labyrinth

Criteria for stopping the exercise:

  • violation of the rules.
  • inappropriateness of further execution for the team.

If the rules are violated, the exercise starts again.

Average time: from 10 minutes to 40 minutes.

The minimum passage time is 5 minutes.

Simulation of a game situation: Easter Island (another name is Rapa Nui) is famous for its huge stone idols up to 10 m high. For a long time remained a mystery how people ancient civilization they dragged and installed these huge statues. Now you will vertically drag the Rapa Nui log through the maze using the same method.

Exercise safety rating: 1


  • concentrate attention
  • listen to other participants
  • weigh your words
  • be responsible for your actions
  • realize your contribution to the overall victory
  • commitment to team goals
  • act harmoniously

Horizontal web

Goal: The ability to concentrate team attention and constantly maintain it during the task until the final, 100% overall result is obtained.

  1. Orient participants not just to the game, but to win.
  2. Teach participants to pay due attention to the process of completing the exercise, and not just victory as a result, to learn in the process of completing assigned tasks. 3. Emphasize the importance of each participant in the overall victory.
  3. Assess the honesty in the participants’ relationships with each other and with the trainer.
  4. Pay attention to the team's weaknesses and choose the next exercise according to them.

Description: A horizontal web is stretched between the trees, separating point A from point B. The participants are at point A.

Task: Move from point A to point B, maintaining physical contact with each other through the cells of the web.

  1. It is forbidden to touch the threads of the web with any parts of the body, clothing, hair, etc.;
  2. It is prohibited to jump through the web, transfer participants, or use improvised means.

Additional terms:

  • execution in complete silence
  • execution time limit
  • limit on number of attempts
  • the second web is stretched above the first at shoulder height
  • guide 1 or 2 people with their eyes closed

Criteria for stopping the exercise:

  • unsafe way to do it
  • breaking the rules
  • inappropriateness of further implementation
  • excessive fatigue of participants
  • health problems of some of the participants

In case of violation of the rules: the whole team returns

Average time: from 5 minutes to 1.5 hours.

Minimum travel time - 1 min 20 sec

Maximum passage - 2 hours 40 minutes.

Simulation of a game situation:

  1. In a dark forest, a huge spider spun a poisonous web to catch unwary travelers in it. Touching its threads is fatal. You can’t go through the web alone - the team must move without breaking physical contact with each other, because anyone who remains in the web without support will never get out of it...
  2. In front of you are randomly stretched power lines under high voltage.

Exercise safety rating: 2

Often participants remove shoes or part of their clothing. The trainer must ensure that participants do not remain barefoot on the cold ground for long periods of time.


  1. Concentrate your attention on the process of completing the task.
  2. Be aware of your contribution to the overall victory.
  3. Be able to get ready to work together.
  4. Learn to find several solutions and choose the most effective one for your team.
  5. Don't be afraid to lean on your partner's hand.
  6. Learn to recognize every person’s right to make mistakes.

Materials: Thin rope with a diameter of 1-2 mm to mark the contours of the web and tie it to the trees.

Inside the outline of the web, a multi-colored elastic band is used, which can be bought at the Costume Jewelry store.

The web is “woven” once and then easily removed and hung on each new TKV.

Crossing "Pendulum"

Goal: To enable the team to feel comfortable performing a task in close physical contact, in a confined space.

  1. Show that a positive result can always be achieved using a safe method, regardless of the individual physical preparation of the participants, taking into account the resources of the team.
  2. Give participants the opportunity to learn how to quickly redistribute roles and responsibilities in a team depending on the capabilities of the participants and the assigned tasks.
  3. Focus the attention of participants on the ability to ensure the safety of everyone in the event of a real threat to health while performing a team task.
  4. Give participants the opportunity to learn to find innovative ways and use creative thinking to complete a task.

Description Two platforms bounded by lines represent points A and B. Between them a rope hangs from a tree. The participants are at point A, the rope is hanging freely. Participants have 2 pairs of gloves and a glass of water at their disposal.

Task: Get the whole team from point A to point B with a glass of water without spilling a drop.

  1. It is prohibited to touch the ground outside points A and B with any parts of the body.
  2. Do not touch the rope with bare hands.
  3. It is prohibited to stand up and stand on each other’s shoulders and heads.

Additional terms:

  • execution in complete silence,

Criteria for stopping the exercise:

  • violation of safety rules,
  • inappropriateness of further execution for the team.

Average time: from 15 minutes to 1 hour.

The minimum passage time is 7 minutes. 15 sec.

Maximum passage time - 1 hour 26 minutes.

Simulation of a game situation: During an earthquake, you find yourself on the roof of a skyscraper, and a helicopter is waiting for you on another roof. There is a live electrical cable hanging between the roofs. In order for the helicopter to pick you up, you need to go to the roof of another skyscraper and transport a glass of fuel.

Exercise safety rating: 6

The trainer must ensure that participants only touch the rope while wearing gloves, even during preparation. When you try to ride a rope without gloves, the rope slips in your hands and tears off your skin.

When “flying,” the participant must be secured from the back in order to protect him from falling on his back in the event of a fall or slipping down the rope.

In order to fit into the square, sometimes participants sit on each other's shoulders - there is a danger of falling.

When the last participants “fly”, a “bowling effect” is possible, when they can knock down other team members, or kick/knee in the stomach/groin.


Goal: Training the coherence of actions of all team members.

  1. Motivate participants to work together.
  2. Give participants the opportunity to (re)distribute roles and responsibilities within the team.
  3. Emphasize the importance of coherence.
  4. Focus on developing the participants’ ability to “hear” each other.
  5. Bring participants closer together.
  6. Convey to participants the importance of strictly following commands.

Description Two lines represent point A and point B. The participants are at point A and have two skis at their disposal.

Task: Cross from point A to point B with the whole team, moving only on skis.

Rules It is prohibited to touch the ground between points A and B with any parts of the body, clothing, hair, etc.

Criteria for stopping the exercise:

  • touching the ground.
  • inappropriateness of further execution for the team.

If the rules are broken, the entire team returns.

Average time: from 10 minutes to 25 minutes.

The minimum passage time is 7 minutes.

The maximum passage time is 40 minutes.

Simulation of a game situation: A record amount of snow has fallen and you can only move around on skis. The problem is that you only have two skis for the whole team.

Exercise safety rating: 2


  • get ready to work together
  • constantly monitor the situation
  • “hear” other participants
  • give the role of leader to another or, conversely, take it upon yourself
  • adapt to other participants
  • mobilize all your resources to successfully complete the task
  • let yourself be led

Helium stick

Goal: To feel the team as a single whole, to act coherently.

  1. Convey to participants the importance of everyone’s role in achieving results.
  2. Find out whether the team acts as a single whole or each member separately.
  3. Note changes in the nature of communication within the team.
  4. Assess participants' honesty with each other and the trainer.
  5. Assess the ability of participants to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in previous exercises.
  6. Motivate participants to mobilize all their resources.
  7. Help participants to believe in themselves in the event of a series of failures.

Description The command is to stand in two lines facing each other. All participants bend one arm at the elbow and put it forward forefinger at chest level. A helium stick is placed on the outstretched fingers.

Task Put the stick on the ground (difficult). Or lower it to a level of 10 cm from the ground (easier).

  • It is forbidden to take your fingers off the stick;
  • It is prohibited to hold the stick with your thumbs, hand or any other means;
  • It is forbidden to cross your fingers, forming something like a gutter;

Additional terms:

  • in complete silence
  • time limit
  • limit the number of attempts
  • fingers rise above shoulder level

Criteria for stopping the exercise:

  • fingers do not touch the stick;
  • inappropriateness of further execution for the team.

If the rules are violated, the exercise starts again

Average time: from 5 minutes to 1 hour.

The minimum passage time is 1 minute.

Maximum completion time - 53 minutes.

Simulation of a game situation: Thanks to the sapper, we managed to remove the fuse from the shell. Now you need to put it on the ground.

Exercise safety rating: 1


  1. concentrate one's attention
  2. be responsible for your actions
  3. get ready to work together
  4. realize that the team is a single whole
  5. predict the movements of other team members
  6. discuss a problematic situation constructively
  7. maintain team spirit

Materials: Lightweight plastic stick.

You can modify the exercise by using a lightweight plastic hula hoop.


Goal: Establishing physical and emotional contact between participants, involving participants in the training process, creating a working mood in the team.

  1. Estimate general state commands and the initial motivation of each participant to perform the exercises.
  2. Check the team’s attitude to the given rules and assess the degree of safety of behavior of each of the participants and the team as a whole.
  3. Give participants the opportunity to assign roles and responsibilities within the team for the first time.
  4. Create closer physical contact between participants to increase the level of trust in the team.
  5. Show that the team's desire to win can be decisive for the successful completion of the assigned task.
  6. Determine the main possible exercises for further work.

Description Two lines (logs) are the banks of the swamp, points A and B, respectively. There are three hummocks in the swamp. Participants have 2 poles at their disposal.

Task: Cross from point A to point B with the whole team, moving only along poles and bumps.

  1. it is prohibited to touch the surface of the swamp;
  2. the ends of the poles can only rest on the banks and hummocks of the swamp;
  3. The poles can only be moved in the direction from point A to point B.

Additional terms:

  • execution in complete silence,
  • with “blind” participants (some participants complete the exercise blindfolded),
  • execution time limit,
  • limit on the number of attempts,
  • with a glass of water,
  • two teams with 3 poles go towards each other.

Criteria for stopping the exercise:

  • violation of safety rules,
  • inappropriateness of further execution for the team.

If the rules are broken, the entire team returns.

Average time: from 10 minutes to 1.5 hours.

The minimum passage time is 6 minutes. 40 sec.

Maximum passage time - 3 hours 20 minutes.

Simulation of a game situation:

  • Before you is a poisonous swamp with crocodiles, other cute creatures and toothy, ever-poisonous plants...
  • Before you is an endlessly poisonous swamp in the fantastic country of Hippofall, which...

Exercise safety rating: 3

  1. Risk of losing balance and falling, especially for participants who are overweight, have limited mobility, or are wearing ill-fitting shoes.
  2. When passing the poles, participants can hit each other with them.
  3. After rain, wet logs can be slippery.


  1. Listen carefully and hear the rules and independently, honestly monitor their implementation.
  2. Assess the risks of your own behavior for the team and monitor the safety of each participant.
  3. Rely on your team members as needed to complete a task, regardless of their gender, physical strength, or stereotypes.

Materials: Two logs with a diameter of 15-20 mm and a length of 2.5 m are placed opposite each other at a distance of 12 m. Between them, at a distance of 3 m from each other, three logs of the same diameter but only 1.5 m long are laid out.

Two poles 3.5 m long with a diameter of 50-70 mm.

Pegs in the amount of 20 pcs. (to fix the logs on the ground).

Vertical web

Goal: Awareness of the importance of constant care and trust in each other, the ability to entrust personal safety to your team in a timely manner, as the basis of teamwork for results.

  1. Assess the general condition of the team and the degree of involvement of each participant in performing the exercises.
  2. Develop skills in pre-planning and team preparation for completing a task.
  3. Motivate the team to provide physical support to each other.
  4. Create closer physical contact between participants to increase the level of trust in the team.
  5. Together with the participants, find those means for mobilizing team spirit that will be effective specifically for their team.
  6. To give participants the opportunity to realize the need to trust at the right moment, the opportunity to feel trust in the team, to “lie in the arms of the team.”
  7. Indicate the importance of the initiative of each team member in providing mutual assistance to complete the common task.
  8. Develop and consolidate skills in finding additional team resources and non-standard solutions.

Description: A vertical web is stretched between the trees (pillars), which separates point A from point B. The participants are at point A.

Task: Get from point A to point B through the cells of the web

  1. Only one participant can penetrate each cell of the web.
  2. It is prohibited to touch the web threads with any parts of the body, clothing, hair, etc.
  3. It is prohibited to stand up and stand on each other’s shoulders and heads.

Additional terms:

  • execution in complete silence
  • execution time limit
  • limit on number of attempts

Criteria for stopping the exercise:

  • unsafe way to do it
  • breaking the rules
  • inappropriateness of further implementation
  • severe physical fatigue of participants

In case of violation of the rules:

  • the whole team is returning
  • the participant who broke the rules returns
  • the participant who broke the rules and the previous participant return

Average time: from 15 minutes to 3 hours.

Minimum completion time - 9 minutes

Maximum passage - 4 hours 10 minutes.

Simulation of a game situation:

  1. In a dark forest, a huge spider spun a poisonous web to catch unwary travelers in it. Touching its threads is fatal.
  2. In front of you are randomly stretched power lines under high voltage.…

Exercise safety rating: 4

There is a high risk of falling for a participant who is transferred to the upper “cells” of the web, especially if there are less than three people at any point in the exercise


  1. Assess the risks of your own behavior for the team and monitor the safety of each participant.
  2. Set up to work together for a common result, concentrate attention throughout the entire process of completing the task.
  3. Rely on your team members as needed to complete a task, regardless of their gender, physical strength, or stereotypes.
  4. Attach importance to every detail during the exercise.
  5. Mobilize all your resources and find additional ones to successfully complete the task.
  6. Take care of each participant, independently take responsibility for the safety of other team members.

Materials: Thin rope with a diameter of 1-2 mm to mark the contours of the web and tie it to the trees. Inside the outline of the web, a multi-colored elastic band is used, which can be purchased in the “costume jewelry” departments or fabric stores. The web is knitted once and then easily removed and hung with each new training.

Tall log

Goal: Awareness of a personal sense of responsibility for each team member and for the overall 100% result.

  1. Give each member the opportunity to show concern for other team members.
  2. To bring participants together as much as possible and give them the opportunity to evaluate their personal resources and the resources of team members.
  3. Raise a conversation about the rules and their interpretation, about the exact implementation of instructions. (As a rule, the team does not pay attention to the fact that the task says “get OVER the log”, and therefore the exercise is not counted).
  4. Give participants the opportunity to redistribute roles and responsibilities in the team to achieve a team-wide result.
  5. Show participants that with proper teamwork, the physical level of individual participants does not matter to the completion of the task.
  6. Enable participants to establish the necessary level of trust in the team for safe passage.
  7. Enable the team to appreciate the importance of preparation, creating a plan and assigning roles correctly.
  8. Identify participants who are afraid to accept support from team members or who do not know how to trust their team.


The swinging log is suspended on ropes, with an upper limiting rope attached above it. Under the log, lines indicate a forbidden area that separates point A from point B. The participants are at point A, the log hangs freely.

Task Get from point A to point B by climbing over a log under a limiting rope.

  1. Do not touch the ground in a prohibited area.
  2. It is prohibited to touch the ropes on which the log is suspended and the restraining rope.
  3. It is prohibited to stand up and stand on each other’s shoulders and heads.
  4. Assistance to participants performing the exercise can be provided from only one point at a time.

Additional terms:

  • execution in complete silence:
  • execution time limit;
  • limit on the number of attempts.

Criteria for stopping the exercise:

  • violation of safety rules.
  • inappropriateness of further execution for the team.

In case of violation of the rules:

  • the whole team returns;
  • The last participant who passed returns.

Average time: from 15 minutes to 2 hours.

Record: minimum - 3 min. 20 sec., maximum - 2 hours 17 min.

Simulation of a game situation: You find yourself on the bank of a stormy river. A log is suspended from poisonous vines. Your task is to move from one bank of the river to the other.

Safety: Exercise safety rating: 5

The coach or instructor must insure each participant during the exercise.

The main dangers for participants arise:

  • when a participant climbs over a log;
  • at the end of the flight, when the log swings strongly, the participant’s head goes down and his legs go up - there is a danger of landing on his neck. When belaying, be prepared to fall on the participant’s feet and press them against the log;
  • when jumping from a log, the participant runs backwards due to inertia and there is a high probability of falling on his back. The coach or instructor, as well as the participants, must belay him from the back and slow down his backward movement;
  • the team pulls the participant by the arms, helping him get off the log, and at this time he can hit the ground hard with his feet.

Experience shows that the safest way to perform the exercise for each participant, regardless of his physical abilities, is to lie on his stomach on a log; perpendicular to the log; feet towards point B.


  • be able to concentrate attention on the goal;
  • assess the risks of your own behavior for the team;
  • tune in to effective joint work for a common result;
  • be able to support another participant during the task;
  • learn how to show care in a team;
  • be able to find non-standard methods of implementation and choose the most suitable one, taking into account the resources and capabilities of each team member.


  • A log suspended on cables (ropes). A restraining rope is tied above the log on cables. Under the log, a thin rope marks the forbidden area separating point A from point B.
  • A log with a diameter of 20 mm and a length of 1.5-1.7 mm.
  • Two ropes with a diameter of 10 mm and a length of 10-15 m.
  • And also a thin rope with a diameter of 1-2 mm in order to mark the boundaries of the forbidden area and the limiting rope.
  • When hanging the exercise, the knots used are stirrup, bowline, bayonet and prusik.

Sea Wolf

There are 15 knots tied on a rope. Participants take a rope 35-45 meters long in their left hand.

Task: Untie as many knots as possible in a certain time. Participants are prohibited from lifting their hands or moving them along the rope.

The ropes course (usually used without quotation marks) is a very popular team-building training among psychologists. Team building (team unity, formation of an effective team, awakening leadership qualities) is the main, but not the only effect of the ropes course. Other effects:

– mastering group strategies and tactics,

– awakening interest in initiative, creative problem solving,

– self-expression,

– self-knowledge and knowledge of other participants,

- self-confidence, self-confidence,

– simply experience in solving specific problems,

– overcoming fear, one’s own complexes,

– training in effective communication techniques.

The ropes course is called this because it is based on the idea that team members should be tied together by the same rope. Additionally, rope is an important accessory for many ropes course exercises, so the leader(s) should stock it up in advance.

The ropes course consists entirely of physically active exercises. But this is not simple physical education. Not only the body, but also the psyche of the participants is actively involved here. Therefore, rope course exercises are often called psychophysical.

Some preparation and coordination of actions are required from the leaders of the ropes course. It is highly desirable that they themselves have experience participating in a ropes course as a simple participant.

Throughout the ropes course, the presenters create and maintain an atmosphere of creative exploration, in every possible way push the participants to work out and make non-standard decisions, and call for mutual assistance and mutual support in the team.

Participants in the ropes course learn to overcome barriers in communication, get to know each other better, and thanks to this, the group unites. But facilitators must carefully ensure that individual participants do not force this process, respect each other, and have patience.

After each exercise there is a discussion. During it, participants are given the opportunity to understand how the decision was made, who took an active position, and how certain circumstances influenced the result. It is also discussed how one could have acted differently, what would have had to be done for this. During such discussions, the presenters try to increase the level of objectivity of the participants’ judgments and express their own opinions.

From time to time it is advisable to introduce key concepts into the discussion: “quality” and “efficiency”. Participants must understand, and somewhere in their own skin, realize that quality does not always mean efficiency, and efficiency does not necessarily mean quality. And it is always advisable to find a reasonable balance between quality and efficiency.

If suddenly one of the participants has an interesting, instructive story from life that he is ready to tell, then you can listen to him.

The safety of the participants is of great importance for the ropes course. Almost no ropes course is complete without minor bruises. It is important that there are no serious bruises or injuries at all. The presenters themselves, as already mentioned, must have good experience in participating in rope courses in order to represent possible dangers"from within". It is important to prepare the site where the exercises will be carried out in advance. If the ropes course is held outdoors, you need to carefully inspect the area, remove dangerous sticks, stones, fragments, etc. If the exercises are carried out in the gym, you must also carefully examine everything: is the floor slippery, is there any dangerous debris, are the mats safe, etc.

It is highly desirable that the participants, as well as the presenters, not wear earrings, rings, bracelets, watches, etc. Many exercises are carried out in close contact between participants; due to foreign objects, they can injure each other.

Leaders, as a rule, do not take part in the exercises themselves. Their main task is to monitor safety.

Dress code for participants and presenters: sportswear.

The number of participants should be in the range of 6-12 people. Less – it won’t be as interesting. More - there will be certain difficulties when performing individual exercises, it is more difficult to monitor safety.

A typical exercise consists of four stages:

– instructions from the presenters,

– goal setting (the group chooses a way to solve the problem, distributes responsibilities, prepares),

- performance,

– discussion (reflection).

There is no time limit for all stages.

The task is considered completed if each participant successfully completed the task. If at least one participant makes a mistake, the group returns to its starting position. This is an important requirement.

The ropes course can be taught to both children and adults. When communicating with children, you can use their imagination a little: “we are crossing a magical stream,” “our ship was hit by pirates, we all must fit on a small raft,” “we need to overcome a wall of poisonous dragon teeth,” etc.

A successful ropes course requires a friendly atmosphere, some a basic level of trust. It is not advisable to conduct this training with participants who are completely unfamiliar to each other. If the leading psychologists are given the task of introducing the participants and then uniting them, then it would be reasonable to first conduct a “classic sedentary” training with the participants, consisting of acquaintance exercises (for example, “Snowball”), warm-up exercises, and communication exercises.

It is advisable that complete strangers tell each other at least a little about themselves: where they studied, where they work, marital status, hobbies, etc.

The ropes course can be divided into several days. The duration of each day should be approximately two to four hours. At the end of each day, you can arrange a short summing up, in which everyone (including the presenters) shares their most vivid impressions of the past day.

The order of the exercises is not important. The presenters themselves select and line up these exercises, focusing on the objective capabilities and physical conditions of the participants. It is better to arrange exercises from simple to more complex.

Participants, holding hands, cross the rope. Participants take turns throwing the ball into the basket, each time moving further away from it. The group reforms on a narrow log. Participants stand in a circle and prevent the balloons from touching the ground. Participants stand in a circle and play volleyball. One participant stands in the center of the circle, closes his eyes, straightens up, and is rocked from side to side. The whole group is trying to fit on a small raft. Participants climb over a high steep wall. Participants operate with a log-brush. Participants form one large monster with their bodies and must overcome 10 meters. Participants walk along a horizontal stretched web. Participants form a chain in a complex manner, sit down and stand up. Participants line up in a circle and tuck as many legs as possible. Participants are transported across the platform using three long poles. Participants take turns walking on a swinging log. Participants are placed in a small square and try to stay there for a certain time. Participants are selected from a well made with ropes. Participants cross a fictional swamp, moving from “bump” to “bump”. Participants pass each other's hands. Participants move in a chain, blindfolded, through an improvised labyrinth. People alternate with the balls; you have to walk a certain distance. The participants’ task is to all walk through the area together, without touching the simulated mines. Four participants must stay in the air, touching the ground only with their hands. Participants must work together to build a tent. Crossing using two parallel ropes. Participants in pairs come up with calling words for themselves, which they will then use to find each other. Participants climb through an artificial web. Participants must successfully take a penalty 15 times in a row. Participants are transported from one bank to the other using a hanging rope. Participants must do 100 pull-ups for the entire team. Participants stand on a spread blanket, then turn it over without touching the bare ground. A group of participants walks with their eyes closed. Participants are transported using various objects. Participants use a pole to jump over the pit. Participants with their eyes closed make an equilateral triangle from a rope.