Maine Coon what you need to know about the breed. The nature, care and nutrition of the Maine Coon. What do Maine Coons eat?

The opinions of the owners of cats of this breed differed: some claim that only special food should be used for the normal functioning of the body, others stick to natural food, and still others alternate between both.

From the food offered in retail trade, it is better to choose food called premium - class, since they are saturated with essential trace elements and provide complete nutrition. daily food organism. In this case, you do not need to additionally buy a vitamin complex, as with a regular diet.

To ensure natural nutrition for cats, it is recommended to cook boiled meat, such as chicken, veal, turkey, but not fatty. Sea fish is recommended for variety: herring, salmon and others. Dairy products and porridge should also be included in the diet.

In order to properly provide mixed nutrition, however, it must be based on good specialized food and additionally natural products.

Sprouted oats are recommended for periodic cleaning of the Maine Coon's stomach.

What kind of food is better to choose

As with humans, cats need to find individual nutrition, despite the variety of options offered on the market. In no case should you use food intended for dogs, because it contains a lot of protein and amino acids. It is best to focus on preformed vitamin A added to food or retinite palmitate.

It is also necessary to take into account the age of the animal, for example, if an adult cat eats kitten food, then soon it will be fat. Or vice versa, if the kitten eats food for older cats, then he will not have enough vitamins and minerals for growth.

The foods on offer are dry, wet, or canned, and which one your cat chooses is up to her. However, dry is recommended.

You should not save on your pet, as cheap food only harms his health and additional waste of money.

Cheap ingredients are added to them, and the cat does not eat up and asks to eat more. As a result, there is no savings, and your pet only gets sick.

Choosing the right food is not so difficult, you just need to look at the table indicated on the package and pay attention to the presence of fish, meat and eggs.

Guaranteed analysis, viewed on packaging paper, will help clarify the percentage of moisture, in canned products it is about 80%, and in dry products - 6%. From here, the amount of dry matter contained can be easily calculated.

When choosing another food, do not rush so that your pet immediately switches to it, you must withstand the transition time. Initially, it is recommended to mix, that is, add one fourth to the main diet and act this way for 3 days.

After making sure that everything is fine, then do the opposite, then the cat will eat according to the new diet. Specialist advice is desirable. Do not leave the cat unattended after one month. If his coat is smooth and his eyes are clear, then everything is fine.

Care products

Here is some of them:

  • Professional shampoo for long haired or fluffy cats;
  • slicker;
  • anti-sparking massage brush;
  • comb with teeth made of metal;
  • Toothbrush;
  • Vaseline oil or other ear cleaner
  • scissors or nail clippers;
  • optional: cotton swabs.

For lovers of fluffy cats, Maine Coons are a great option. The large coat of these cats does not roll down, looks like silk and once a week it is enough to comb it. But when they shed, they need to be brushed more often.

They begin to comb from the head and along the direction of the wool to the tail, then the tummy and paws. A slicker brush and a massage brush are used to get rid of dead hair.

Maine coon washing

Unlike ordinary cats this breed loves to be in the water, because they are good swimmers and lovers of play, and some draw water with their paws to drink. Nevertheless, it is recommended to bathe them no more than once every two or four months, especially during the molting period or going to the exhibition.

Shampoo, previously dissolved in water, apply several times in the direction of the wool. The tail should be washed especially carefully, because it is more prone to pollution than other areas. After the last application of the detergent, a good rinse of the entire hairline.

Before bathing, it is recommended to plug the ears with cotton wool, and it is not recommended to apply shampoo on the head.
After bathing, it is important to ensure that the windows are closed to prevent colds. The pet is wiped with a terry towel, thereby removing moisture to the maximum. You can dry it with a hair dryer, but be careful not to overdo it.

Care of other parts

The easiest method for eye diseases is to wipe with a slightly damp cotton swab daily. For the prevention of ear diseases, you can use vaseline, vegetable oil or a special remedy. In order not to injure the pet, you can use sticks wrapped in cotton. The frequency of this cleansing is once every thirty days and as needed.

A cat's teeth also need to be cleaned, most often when feeding with professional food - once every one or two months, and when choosing a different food - once a month is a must. But it should be noted that Maine Coons need to brush their teeth more often and pastes should be special, and ordinary ones for people can only harm their health. The brushes must fit the cat.

These breeds of pets do not cut their claws, because they do not scratch their owners, but if they spoil furniture, then a scratching post will not hurt. This device will affect the replacement of the nail layer, and the furniture will not be scratched.

The claws are not visible on the paw pads, since they are hidden, but before going to the exhibition with your pet or just for its safety, tweezers or scissors with good sharpening and preferably with a restrictive plate are used for cutting.

Maine Coon Lifespan

The name of the cat breed came about as a result of a comparison of two words: “main” (Maine - state), “coon” (raccoon). In their homeland, the animals were often called Manx raccoons.

The unique coat of a pet corresponds to the region in which they lived. The climate of the northern state was especially severe.

Farming was considered the main activity of the state at that time, and in agriculture it was necessary to use strong cats to catch mice.

Therefore, the role of hunters went to large pets - Maine Coons, and not other breeds of cats that touch the eyes.

Maine Coons are long-haired cat breeds. The length of their body often exceeds 100 cm, and the weight of the animal can be 4-8 kg in females and 8-12 kg in males.

Important distinctive feature The animal is considered to have lynx tassels at the tips of the ears and a long fluffy, sometimes striped, tail. This part of the body can reach right up to the shoulder blades.

Thanks to this appearance, the legend was born that the Maine Coon came about as a result of crossing a lynx with a cat (due to lynx ears), or after crossing a cat with a raccoon (due to a thick striped tail).

But in fact, the history of the origin of the breed is much simpler. Like , this breed is considered aboriginal, and its external characteristics- the result of a long life in the northern region of Maine.

In the middle of the 19th century, Maine Coons began to play the role of hunters in the estates of farmers. Today, these animals feel great as pets. They are happy to doze all day on a soft sofa, descending from it in case of a short walk or the next meal.

Since a kitten of this breed costs decently, the Maine Coon today is assigned the role of a minion of fate.

Rumor has it that Maine Coons can weigh even 20 kg. But this information is not reliable. Such tales can only be born among those who see large cats in the pictures. The majestic appearance of the breed, large coat, muscular body and its length can give the impression of a large mass. But even the largest male will not weigh more than 15 kg.

External characteristic

The head of the animal is fully proportional to the body. It has a square shape and a powerful chin. The cheekbones of cats are highlighted, the forehead line is smooth.

Mustache pads are very well developed. The ears are set high and have a fairly large size. The eyes of cats are large and oval in shape. Eye Color: All shades of green and yellow.

The Maine Coon has a fairly wide and muscular neck, which clearly passes into a rectangular body with muscles. The limbs of cats are strong and long, between the pads of the large paws of the animal there are gaps of wool. The tail of the cat at the base is large, long and covered with thick hair. Cats of this breed always have a soft undercoat, which is covered with a hard coat of wool.

The fur of the cat, on the back, on the sides of the body, has a special water-repellent effect. The longest coat of the animal is located in the area of ​​the neck (collar) and hind limbs (panties).

Maine Coon color is different:

  • plain;
  • any color in combination with white;
  • brindle;
  • color exceptions: beige, chocolate, color-point.

Maine Coon: character traits

Many cat lovers love Maine Coons not only because of their impressive size. These cats have a good character and are great with all family members. They get along well with other pets in the house (even dogs). Maine Coons may not be aggressive, but they are eyeing strangers. For them, there are clear divisions into: one's own and another's.

The character of the American breed is friendly and calm. They like to sleep a lot in the house, but more - in the fresh air, regardless of the weather. But despite this, as soon as the owner offers the cat a game, the pet responds with joy.

Maine Coon breeders often note the high intelligence of the animal. Cats are well aware of the limits of what is permitted:

  • know where to go to the toilet and visit only the right place in the house or street (if possible);
  • do not spoil the furniture in the house when you need to sharpen your claws;
  • never steal food from the table;
  • not intrusive, do not scream if they want to eat or something else.

These disciplined pets perfectly feel the mood of their owner. They are good at capturing the intonations with which they are addressed.

Most often, an adult cat is an imposing bumpkin - a favorite of the whole family.

Maine Coon babies love to play pranks, frolic and get to know every corner of the house. You won't get bored with them. So it is very important that during the development period the kitten could not get to drugs or chemicals that he can taste.

These cats are not at all afraid of water. They will gladly dip their paw into a bathtub filled with liquid. And if the owner offers to swim, the Maine Coons will not mind.

The Maine Coon is a sweet, curious animal that adores its family. At the same time, the cat does not require special attention to itself. Maine Coons do not like being alone. Therefore, when leaving the house, the owner should leave the cat more toys or even fill the basin with water and leave the bathroom open.

Another feature of the breed is their ability to communicate using sounds. And here we mean not only purring and meowing. Cats can make sounds similar to the chirping of a bird, give out a trill or a mouse squeak.

Also, representatives of the Maine Coon breed have developed body language. For example, during communication, a cat may hit the floor with its head. This is how he shows his playful attitude. Of course, no one can remain indifferent to such a smart pet.

Maine Coons take root well in any climatic conditions in any home. Such a cat can live not only indoors, but also on the street. It's in his genes. The pet tolerates even severe frosts, but it is important to understand that an inquisitive cat can get lost in the snow or get into other trouble on the street.

Even in summer, such a pet should not be let out of sight, it can simply be stolen. In addition, it is not uncommon for cats to get hit by a car. This is worth thinking about.

Maine Coon care

When a Maine Coon kitten appears in the house, you need to prepare a place for him and take care of the following:

  1. Buy a cat bed in advance. But you should immediately take into account that the matured cat will become quite long. In this case, a spacious bed, 90 by 60 in size, will suit him. Also, the owner can try to build a bed for the pet on his own, using synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, foam rubber and fabric.
  2. It is better to buy a spacious tray for Maine Coon. But a tray with high sides will not work for a kitten. And at the first stage, you can buy a small container.
  3. The choice of filler should be checked with the cat seller. The cat will only walk on the sand or granules that he was accustomed to walking with his mother.
  4. You should definitely buy a scratching post without delay. For representatives of this large breed it is worth taking a high scratching post.
  5. Toys are chosen only safe for the cat: soft balls and mice, without additional details (buttons, feathers, beads, etc.). Otherwise, the cat may choke on a small detail.
  6. Maine Coons buy capacious bowls made of glass, steel or ceramics. Such dishes are the safest for hygienic reasons.

Maine Coons must breathe fresh air. Therefore, walk cats more often in an open area if you live in a cottage or in a country house with a fenced area. Or at least open a window for him, previously covered with a grid. So the cat can sit on the windowsill of a room or balcony and get the necessary oxygen.

Also, for residents of city apartments, you can buy special leash harnesses and find a safe area for walking the Maine Coon. But it is important to remember that visiting the street for this cat is possible only if all the necessary vaccinations have been made in advance.

Many breeders are concerned about the question - how to care for the luxurious Maine Coon coat. But in fact, it is easier to care for her than for the hair of the same Persian. Americans need 2-3 brushings per week. And during molting, the procedure is done every day. Bathe pets with special shampoos for long-haired cats. Also, Maine Coon wool has a unique ability to self-clean. Therefore, water procedures can be arranged 4-5 times a year.

Like many other cats, these representatives need care for their eyes, ears and teeth. Basically, all parts of the body are wiped with cotton swabs dipped in boiled water.

Periodically for Maine Coon arrange examinations at the veterinarian. He should ask about important medicines for the pet, which should be in the medicine cabinet at home. So you can prevent and extinguish the disease at the root.

Maine Coon food

Feeding cats can be industrial or natural. Pet food is selected only of high quality and depending on the weight characteristics of the animal. For Maine Coons, it is worth giving preference to premium-class feeds, which include at least 50% meat.

Be sure to feed the cat and vegetables: carrots, beets, broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini. Greens are served to the pet: dill, parsley, lettuce leaves. Before serving, vegetables can be boiled or fed raw, after chopping them.

Bran can be added to meat. Cats are given sea ​​fish after freezing. This dish is served no more than 2 times a week. Chicken eggs are good for Maine Coons.

Also, porridge from buckwheat or rice is prepared for the animal. Cats are served dairy products - cottage cheese, curdled milk, sour cream (low-fat).

It is customary to add to the Maine Coon's natural diet vitamin complexes. It is better to consult a veterinarian about which vitamins are best for a cat.

Water is very important for representatives of this breed. Cats are served only clean water - filtered or boiled. At the same time, the bowl of water is changed twice a day.

Maine Coon diseases

Representatives of the Maine Coon live - up to 15 years. These terms also depend on the nutrition of the cat, and on the quality of care for her. Cats do not often get sick, but even these large individuals are characterized by some ailments. These include:

  • spinal muscular atrophy;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most common disease in these cats. It can lead to obesity of the heart muscle. You can determine the presence of the disease with the help of an echocardiogram.

Do not trust breeders who claim that their pets are immune to the above disease. This disease can develop even in the healthiest pets. Therefore, before mating a Maine Coon, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the body.

When buying a pet, be sure to ask the breeder for medical certificates for vaccinations and examinations of the kitten's parents.

As for dysplasia hip joint, then the sick animal may experience pain, which leads to lameness.

A sick animal cannot jump and moves very slowly. As soon as the owner notices such signs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The acute phase of the disease is characterized by weight loss. The disease requires surgical intervention. Sometimes this disease can be hereditary.

Common diseases of these animals include muscle atrophy. It is caused by the death of neurons. spinal cord that should ensure the work of the limbs and skeletal muscles. Ultimately, the disease leads to dystrophy. Therefore, it is necessary to treat it. The only way to diagnose the disease on early stages is the study of animal DNA.

Country of origin

Maine coon video

Maine Coons are very good-natured and intelligent animals. They are curious and need fresh air. Therefore, they are ideal for keeping in the private sector, enclosed by a good fence. Cats get along well with all animals and are very fond of all the owners in the house. Adult Maine Coons love to take sweet naps during the day, but they are always ready to frolic if such an offer arrives. Maine Coon loves water very much, so bathing is always a joy for him.

It is important to do all the vaccinations prescribed for this breed before walking a kitten on the street. It is also worth carefully monitoring the health of the pet, adding vitamins to its diet. It is necessary to designate the places of the pet in the house (toilet, bed, scratching post) and point the kitten to them. A smart animal quickly remembers all the rules in the house and always knows where its place is.

An important feature of the breed is the ability to make strange sounds and communicate in “body language”. Such a cat can fall in love with every person.

Surely many would like to have a cat or a Maine Coon cat. What breed features and tips the future owner of the animal needs to know about, and what kind of Maine Coon haircut will prevent the formation of tangles - let's take a closer look.

It would seem that keeping and caring for such a pet is not an easy task, since wool alone with its tangles, which, in addition, climbs during the molting of a fluffy Maine Coon, needs to be given a lot of time. However, if you quickly master the principles of caring for a small cat, it will be much easier to “courage”, comb and wash an adult Maine Coon.

The care and maintenance of a representative of such a breed does not really differ in complex techniques. You are required to provide your furry four-legged friend with enough space indoors. Experts do not recommend buying such cats in small apartments: they are gigantic in size, so they will not feel very comfortable in a cramped space. Yes, and caring for an adult Maine Coon in a private home is much easier to carry out.

Briefly about feeding

How to properly care for a Maine Coon? First of all, you need to understand that for the Maine Coon, the most important thing is the diet. Feeding such a pet will be expensive, since the Maine Coon needs much more food than its smaller relatives. What to feed this fluffy creature? Some owners prefer dry food (in this case, buy premium formulations), others give their pet natural ingredients (meat, vegetables, cereals, dairy products).

Features of care

For many, caring for large Maine Coons seems like an overwhelming burden. But if you take a closer look at the description of the main points on keeping this pet (for example, how to cut a Maine Coon so that it sheds less, or how to teach it to walk on a tray that you put on the toilet), you will have no problems in the future.

How to properly care for the hair of a domestic Maine Coon, how to wash and comb it, shave and get rid of tangles, and is it possible to cut a four-legged pet?


Caring for a Maine Coon at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Be sure to pay attention to the pet's eyes: they need to be cleaned from time to time from the mucus that accumulates in the corners of the eyes. To do this, pre-moisten a cotton swab in water or not too strong tea.


It is advisable to start accustoming your pet to brushing your teeth from childhood. To do this, use a small children's toothbrush, as well as cat paste. Remember: if you want your cat to be allowed to show in the future, his teeth must be in perfect order.


Sometimes wax can accumulate in your pet's ears. In this case, take ordinary cotton pads and soak them in a special solution, which must be purchased at a pet store. Do not use cotton swabs, as you can accidentally injure the cat.


Trimming the animal's nails from time to time is recommended. If such recommendations are neglected, they will grow back strongly and will cause terrible discomfort to the cat. For a high-quality cut, use comfortable round scissors that are absolutely safe for vessels that pass directly along the pet's nail plate.

Bathing and combing wool

Caring for a Maine Coon in an apartment is not so difficult. Pay special attention to bathing your home Maine Coon. By the way, for this it is better to purchase special combs, washing shampoo and soap, because only in this way the care for the “hairstyle” of the Maine Coon will be carried out competently.

It is recommended to bathe a pet once every two to three weeks, but if it gets dirty more often, then you should not adhere to a specific schedule. Before bathing, be sure to comb the coat of your four-legged friend with a comb, while getting rid of tangles. Only after you have finished combing the sheared wool, you can start bathing procedures.

How to toilet train

Washing a Maine Coon and combing its hair from tangles is not the only thing that is required from the owner of the animal. Knowing how to toilet train him is also necessary, as raising a little Maine Coon includes this moment as well. It is usually not necessary to train a four-legged friend to use the toilet bowl, since the kitten is taught to use the toilet bowl while he is still in the cattery. Upon reaching the age of one month, the animal already walks independently on the tray.

The Maine Coon is always very clean: if you forget to clean his toilet in time, he can go nearby, but he will never get into the dirt. Learn the basic requirements for caring for this beautiful animal (for example, master grooming for your Maine Coon), and he will delight not only you, but also the experts at the exhibition with his appearance.

Video "Maine Coon care"

From this video you will learn how to properly care for the Maine Coon cat breed.

The Maine Coon breed can rightly be considered one of the most beautiful. The decision to get such a pet should be deliberate, and not a fleeting desire. Pedigree animals require more careful care, and therefore some owners are afraid to start them. However, the care and maintenance of the Maine Coon is not so complicated, the cat requires elementary care rules, which will eventually become a natural activity. Representatives of this breed are freedom-loving and independent, this determines their habits and behavior. The animal is also called the raccoon cat, since many individuals have a striped tail, like a raccoon.

Proper Diet

The pet's diet must include a large number of proteins, proteins, vitamins. How much does a Maine Coon weigh? The pet has a large skeleton, the weight of an adult reaches 10 kg. His physique requires a plentiful and varied diet, and his bones need calcium.

If possible, the owner of the animal should be fed a premium diet. High category food is more balanced, the Maine Coon will get that amount nutrients which he needs. If a cat eats only factory-made food, he does not need additional vitamins. In a situation where the animal eats natural human food, vitamin complexes are necessary in the diet.

When choosing between dry and wet food, it is better for the pet owner to choose the first option, it helps to keep the mouth and teeth clean. Several times a week, you can supplement the cat with wet food.

If the Maine Coon eats only canned food and homemade food, the owner must provide him with a couple of times a week. When choosing a product, they are guided by the composition, meat should come first, and not soy and cereals.

An animal of this breed, like any other, cannot be abruptly transferred from one diet to another. Substitution starts with a share. It is worth adhering to this rule even when only the company of the usual feed changes.

Plastic bowls are hazardous to health. It is better to use dishes made of glass and metal.

Health and vaccinations

There is a misconception that pets do not need to be vaccinated. But you can bring a pathogenic infection from the street on shoes or things. An unvaccinated cat is then at risk of infection and death.

A vaccinated animal is much less likely to become infected, and it will also carry the disease without complications.

If the kitten was taken from the cattery earlier than 2 months old, it is likely that he is not vaccinated, as routine vaccination starts after. More younger age is a contraindication to the procedure. There are a number of restrictions when feline representatives cannot be vaccinated.

  • The cat is sick;
  • The female is pregnant or nursing kittens;
  • The animal is under stress;
  • The period of sexual activity in cats;
  • The pet is infected with worms or is undergoing a prophylactic course.

Vaccination of an animal of this breed begins at 2 months, the second stage of vaccination is a month later. For the first time, a comprehensive vaccination is given, it includes protection against, calicivirus, herpes,. The vaccine at 3 months, at the request of the owner, is done together with an injection against rabies. But many veterinarians advise starting rabies immunization no earlier than a year, as younger individuals have a hard time with it.

The third stage of vaccination is carried out at 12 months, and then once a year. Before each immunization, the cat is given the necessary, complete examination, temperature is measured.

In some cases, vaccination is a mandatory item in the care of the Maine Coon.

  • Transportation to other cities and towns.
  • Travel abroad.
  • Case of animals.
  • Participation in exhibitions. This is one of the main conditions for participation.
  • Overexposure of a pet in temporary shelters.

The ancestors of this breed survived in harsh conditions. Natural selection has influenced the fact that Maine Coons have practically no genetic defects. But even they have weaknesses.

1. Thickening of the wall of the left or right cardiac ventricle. This disease may be accompanied by pulmonary edema and partial paralysis. In some cases, the course of the disease does not manifest itself, the owner does not suspect about it until the moment sudden death cats.

2. Spinal muscular atrophy - damage to the spinal cord neurons responsible for the mobility of the trunk and limbs. The genetic disorder is usually seen as early as the teenage stage, the kitten staggers when walking, jumping up and down hills is problematic. Animals with this disease, with proper care, can live a long life, but over the years their muscles weaken more and more.

3. Dysplasia of the hip joints - improper development of these members leads to frequent dislocations and subluxations, limited mobility. A mature individual may be prone to lameness. But with such a defeat, the Maine Coon can live for a long time, for general well-being it has no effect.

How to comb a Maine Coon's coat?

The ancestors of modern cats lived in harsh conditions, their skin was the basis of survival, so now Maine Coons have a thick and long hair. Although the hair of this animal is long, it does not have a tendency to stall. But if the cat is not combed regularly, this cannot be avoided anyway.

Also, representatives of this breed have a thick soft undercoat. To care for a Maine Coon, you will need two combs. One special one with rare teeth is needed for combing out long guard hairs, the second slicker brush is designed to remove loose undercoat hairs.

The animal should be combed from head to tail, after this area they are taken by the paws and stomach. The procedure is required at least 1 time per week, otherwise the hair will turn into tangles, and they will have to be cut.

Maine Coons have a feature - thick hair in the collar zone and the “pants” zone, the hairs under the tail get dirty. The owner should regularly comb these places, remove clumps of hair that have stuck together, and trim if necessary.

Bathing a raccoon cat

Cats are clean animals and do not need frequent water treatments. 1-2 times every six months with a special cat shampoo. No need to use cosmetics for people. Bathing is necessary before visiting the exhibition, special attention is paid to the tail, it is most polluted. Wash your pet's head carefully, avoiding water getting into the ears.

A raccoon cat is best washed during the molting period - from March to August. Water treatment washes away dead hairs. After the bath, the animal is wiped with a towel, avoiding intensive drying.

General hygiene

To care for the eyes of the Maine Coon, you need to remove discharge from the eyes with a cotton swab every morning. also consists in wiping with a cotton swab auricles once a month or as needed.

Cats fed dry food are less prone to oral diseases. Due to the solid particles of food, self-cleaning occurs. Pets that consume natural products 1-2 times a month, the rest require cleansing at least once every 2 months. A special paste is used, a pet can be poisoned with a remedy for humans. Toothbrush any will do.

If the animal scratches, damages furniture, or is going to an exhibition, then. You need to use special tools so as not to damage blood vessels. Only the tip of the claw is clipped.

Maine Coon mating

Approximately after the third estrus, cats go through a complete puberty and ready to knit. This period falls on 9-10 months. In males - from 8 months, but full bloom occurs at 1.5 years.

Outwardly, it also becomes noticeable. Females meow, rub against objects, arch their backs, boys mark objects around.

The owner decides whether to sterilize him or continue the offspring. If the owner wants to become a professional breeder, his Maine Coon must have documents, participate in exhibitions and receive breeding grades. You can find a partner or partner at the exhibition or by contacting the local felinological club.

Mating usually takes place on the territory of the male, the cat is brought to the apartment on the second day of estrus. Animals need to get to know each other and get used to each other, especially if for one of them this is the first mating.

Mating in cats occurs at night. Long mating should not be allowed, in which case kittens may be born with a difference of several days. The latter will be weak and premature.

Representatives of this breed love freedom, but they also get along well in an apartment. The main condition of the content - the cat must have a space where he can hide from everyone and relax.

He also needs a place for walking, so it is recommended to let him out at least to the balcony, and in the summer to take him out of the city. Maine Coons love to climb up, he will need a multi-level house. Also, the owner can nail several shelves to the wall at different heights. His pet will enjoy jumping between them and resting there.

If the Maine Coon has nowhere to throw out his energy, he can misbehave, although by nature he has a calm disposition.

Thoroughbred animals require special care, therefore, before purchasing a kitten, you need to buy accessories for feeding, toilet, hygiene, entertainment.

Choosing a Maine Coon kitten

If the owner needs a family friend and a pet, he can purchase an animal from any person who breeds cats. Such a cat will be cheap, most likely, it will be the result of crossing breeds.

Orange Maine Coon kitten

By purchasing a kitten from a professional breeder, the owner of the animal will be able to take it to exhibitions and participate in matings. Maine Coons are a native breed, it is forbidden to mix with anyone. A purebred individual has characteristic features.

  • Long fluffy tail;
  • Tassels on the ears;
  • Muzzle "box";
  • Long coat with thick undercoat.

The optimal age for moving a kitten to new house, 3-3.5 months, when it is already done and he knows how to eat on his own.

Raising a kitten and its character

If the animal is taken from a nursery, then it has some good manners skills. But a kitten is taken at a young age, so its character can still change. The first couple of days after the move, for the Maine Coon will be adaptive. After this time, you can take up education.

It is from his upbringing that his character will depend. The rules of good manners are instilled in them from childhood by the cat's mother, so there is no need to take the kittens away from the mother too early. In most cases, the nature of Maine Coons is calm and affectionate. In any case, its formation goes on from an early age.

Problems with a kitten.

  • Walks past the tray;
  • Climbing into the wrong places;
  • Sharpens claws and spoils furniture;
  • Gnawing on objects that are not intended for this.

Maine Coons lend themselves well to the educational process, you just need to find an approach to it.

1. In no case should an animal be beaten. It may grow intimidated.

2. It is best not to punish for wrongdoing, but to praise for good behavior. The cat will remember the kindness and affection of the owner and will want repetition.

3. If you scold your pet, then only in hot pursuit. In the case when he went past the tray in the morning, and received punishment in the evening, he will not understand what he did wrong.

4. For a kitten, you need to come up with a stop word, for example, “No!”. It must mean that the owner is angry. You can spray him in the face with water from a spray bottle, discomfort will be stored in memory.

Toilet training

When choosing a pot, it is better to choose a wide model, the Maine Coon loves space. For a young individual, a model with low sides is suitable. When the cat becomes an adult, you will need to buy a new tray. The pot must be in an impassable room.

The raccoon cat prefers sawdust filler. One of the main points of maintenance and care in a Maine Coon apartment is the regular replacement of the filler. In nature, he himself can choose a place to relieve himself, in the house he will be forced to sit on a dirty pot.

When a kitten begins to behave restlessly, look for a secluded place, it is taken to the tray. During the first week, the newcomer needs to be monitored. In case of a miss, you must not scream or hit the animal. You need to follow the rule: the puddle made is wiped off, and the rag used is placed in the pot. The next time the smell will attract the cat.

Is it true that Maine Coons don't meow?

The raccoon cat meows, but does it in a somewhat non-standard way. The voice is like a trill, it rolls. This breed is sociable, so it has many intonations and variations for talking with the owner. Despite their size, Maine Coons have gentle and thin voices.

Who is better to choose - a cat or a cat?

The choice of the sex of the future pet depends on the preferences of the owner. Boys have large dimensions, the weight of an adult cat reaches 10-12 kg. Females weigh 1.5-2 times less. If the future home of the Maine Coon is not large, it is better to take a girl, she is calmer, she needs less space.

Also with temperament, males are more playful and mischievous, but straightforward. In the actions of the girl-kun there is more thoughtfulness and logic. Cat - future mom kittens, she is calm and reasonable.

Will there be a lot of Maine Coon wool in the house?

This breed belongs to the long-haired, wool will be present in the house. Keeping it within a moderate amount will help proper care, keeping and feeding the Maine Coon. Increased shedding is a sign of an improper diet, cats of this breed are best fed with premium food.

During the molting period, you need to comb the animal daily, then the wool will not spread throughout the apartment. In normal times, it is enough to carry out the procedure once a week.

What is a Maine Coon box?

"Box" is the shape of the muzzle of a cat of this breed. Nose, chin and whisker pads should be well defined and square. When viewed in profile, the line of the nose and lips forms a right angle with the line of the chin. Such a structure of the skull with lions and tigers. Purebred Maine Coons have a pronounced "box". If the muzzle is triangular in shape, there are representatives of other breeds in the animal's pedigree.


Raccoon cats live an average of 12-15 years. This is a good indicator of the length of a cat's life. With proper care and maintenance of the Maine Coon, his life expectancy will be from 16 to 20 years. Females live longer by 1-1.5 years.

How much does a Maine Coon cost?

If you are interested in the Maine Coon cat breed, which you can buy in numerous catteries, then the price for such a thoroughbred kitten will not be small. The price for it varies from 20 to 80 thousand rubles. The offer to buy a kitten cheaper should alert you, it is either outbred or has a defect. Breeders with a good reputation do not do this, they will always help you choose a pet. The cost depends on the color, pedigree, external data of the breed and class of the cat.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The main disadvantage of the Maine Coon is its price. It is impossible to give economy-class food to a raccoon cat; its coat will become dull and greasy. Improper diet is the reason that the animal sheds heavily.

Up to 3 years old, the pet will behave like a kitten, it will take a lot of space to play. In a small apartment, this threatens with pogrom and broken vases.

But the indisputable advantage of Maine Coons is friendliness and mutual understanding with others. These cats are not vindictive and have a developed mind, they are easily trained.

The pet of the native Maine Coon breed is a decoration of the house. He will become not just a friend, but a member of the family. Such a cat requires careful attention and care, you should not take a kitten if there is no time for it. If all these difficulties do not frighten, then a big raccoon cat is what is needed in the family.

Do you already have a Maine Coon or are you just planning to get one? Write in the comments.

According to the rules set by FIFE, small Maine Coons only at the age of 12 weeks can move into the new owner's house.

By this time they are vaccinated and revaccinated against rabies and dangerous viral diseases cats. After revaccination, quarantine has already been carried out. They have grown up and got stronger, eat with appetite (including mother's milk), play a lot, go to the toilet and want to communicate with a person. This is called feline childhood, which plays the most important role in the development of the animal. From a prosperous childhood, the transformation of a kitten into a wonderful representative of the famous breed directly depends.

Basically, people who want to have a Maine Coon in their home go for it consciously and most often they have already become acquainted with this breed, the conditions of detention, the necessary rules for feeding according to information on the Internet and books, visited cat shows and catteries. Nevertheless, we will replenish the acquired knowledge taking into account experience. Let's talk about the characteristics of animals, their nutrition, habits, disease prevention, as well as the basic rules of keeping.

Moving a Maine Coon kitten to a new home

For a kitten, moving to a new home is a powerful stress. It is very important that when he gets to the house of his new owner, he finds a lot of things that he is used to in the nursery: familiar food, a similar toilet with the usual filler, toys, scratching posts. It is very good if the new owner has purchased a special cat complex for the kitten.

It should be noted right away that keeping a Maine Coon is not a cheap pleasure. Given that Maine Coons are the largest domestic cats, they eat quite a lot (during the period of active growth). What and how to feed Maine Coons is described in the article "Maine Coon Nutrition". In order to ensure the normal growth of bones, teeth and hair, kittens require complexes of vitamins and minerals (mainly imported).

For the prevention of diseases, it is necessary to take homeopathic preparations and complexes. Veterinary care is not cheap either. More about this is described in the article "Health of Maine Coons". If, having acquired an animal, you plan to participate in exhibitions with it, then here you need to add American cosmetics from Jerob, an exhibition cage, special hair care products and other paraphernalia. The maintenance of an adult animal averages four to six thousand rubles a month. If it is expensive for you, then refuse to purchase a kitten of this breed. It should be remembered that without good nutrition, care, vitamins, you will never be able to get a beautiful large animal (everything that is inherent in its genetics, it will not be able to choose).

Now let's take a closer look at what you need to purchase for the arrival of a kitten.

Utensils needed for feeding Maine Coons

Large bowls with a diameter of 15 - 20 cm, which are made of ceramic or stainless steel, are well suited for feeding Maine Coons. It is essential that stainless steel bowls have a wide bottom with a rubber rim.

In the nursery, preference is given to ceramic dishes. Special attention it is required to give a bowl for water, because drinking among Maine Coons is a whole ritual: before drinking, the animal rakes the water with its paw. Some individuals take water with their paw and bring it to their mouth. An adult cat likes to drive a heavy bowl around the kitchen like a hockey puck, increasing speed and reducing friction with spilled water. In addition, many Coons like to drown the toy in a bowl of water. Therefore, you need to keep this in mind when choosing dishes for drinking. They say that special fountains for animals give good results.


The mother cat feeds newborn kittens with milk, and licks and eats feces and urine. This continues for 27 days. Further, from the 28th day, the feeding of kittens with meat begins. The cat no longer likes the taste of children's excrement, but for some period of time she endures and continues to lick. Increasingly, kittens leave their native nest for longer periods and begin to spoil anywhere. All this goes on for a week. How and when the mother cat begins to teach kittens to the toilet is unknown, but at one fine moment all the children begin to go to the nearby toilet. And they are not at all embarrassed by the high side. It is funny to watch how the kids stubbornly climb over the side and delve into the filler for a long time.

For Maine Coons, the best are large-sized closed toilets, which are designed for small breeds of dogs. Smaller toilets are not suitable for Maine Coons, as an adult animal cannot comfortably sit in them with its tail spread, as a result of which it will come out with soiled pants, paws or tail. Buying a small toilet and then changing it to a large one is not economically feasible, since the kitten grows very quickly. There are open large toilets with sides that prevent spillage of the filler. Although, when adult animals begin to dig in, no bumpers will help.

The most preferred filler is clumping. The best among them are Fresh Step and Everclean, as they clump well and keep the smell perfectly. Their only drawback is the price. In the conditions of the nursery, the domestic PipiBent filler is more often used, which is in no way inferior to imported ones in terms of the quality of lump formation, but does not hold the smell well. Therefore, the toilet needs to be cleaned more often. It would be nice to put a mat in front of the toilet. In this case, when the cat comes out of the toilet, it will leave most of the pellets stuck to its paws on the mat and it will be easier to clean up after it.


As for toys, everything here is like with ordinary cats. Only according to our observations, Maine Coons love to wear toys in their teeth, so it is advisable to have a small ball and a small soft cat toy in the arsenal.

Maine Coons like to wash (or drown) their prey in a bowl of water. In the game, often, snatching something from the hands of a person, the cat rushes to drown the toy to his bowl. Interest in her disappears after her successful soaking.

Recently, a large number of inexpensive interactive toys for cats have emerged. Such toys are often sold at major exhibitions or in pet stores. They can capture the attention of your pet for a long time.

Scratching posts and complexes

Not all scratching posts are suitable for Maine Coons. It is necessary to choose them in such a way that an adult animal can fully stretch out and calmly sharpen its claws.

Miss with a choice, carpets, wallpaper and furniture will go into business. For adult animals (especially cats), this operation is carried out very energetically, and the rope becomes unusable very quickly. It is recommended during repair to replace the failed hemp rope (diameter 10 - 12 mm.). You can buy it in any construction market. It is very good if you bought a special complex for your pet. With great pleasure, he will climb on it, sharpen his claws, sleep in the house. by the most the best complexes- these are the complexes of the company "Pushok" (St. Petersburg).

You can buy them at a major exhibition or choose on the website, while ordering delivery. These complexes are durable, stable and multifunctional. Each has at least one scratching post in its composition. Which one to choose is a matter of taste.

Maine Coon hair care products

When grooming, you need a comb with rotating teeth and a brush to comb out the undercoat.

To trim the nails, a small nail cutter is required (preferably with a restrictive plate).

For various trips, as well as visits to the veterinarian, you will need a carrier. It is best to purchase a plastic "kopeck piece". For the winter season, it is advisable to buy a special inner or outer cover, or both.

The appearance of a kitten in your house

You have fully prepared for the arrival of a little "kunёnka" in your house. Don't forget he's under stress. It will take him a few days to get used to the new bacterial environment and conditions in it. If your apartment has several rooms, then it is worth limiting its movement space to one. There you need to put water, food and a toilet. As the kitten learns, let him gradually explore new premises, and move the toilet to the place allotted for him in the apartment. No need to rush, the adaptation process takes no more than a week. At this time, you should be gentle with the kitten, do not force him to eat and do not worry if he does not go to the toilet for some time. You have to be patient, everything will be fine soon. If you have small children, then do not let them bother the baby at first. If other animals still live in your house, it is recommended that the kitten be quarantined for a week. Observing these simple rules, within a couple of days after the move, the Maine Coon kitten will consider the house as his own and will become a member of your family.

When the kitten is fully accustomed to your home, eats with appetite, grows rapidly, then you need to comb the coat daily (maybe once every few days), prevent the formation of tangles, cut the claws once a month, once a month (more often) control on electronic scales its weight.

The kitten grew and grew and became a teenager. In his eyes there is alternately youthful enthusiasm and causeless longing. Appetite disappears, sadness sets in. Don't worry, it's okay, he just becomes a young man (girl). During this period, cats are actively functioning sebaceous glands, and the tail loses its former attractiveness, becomes dirty, greasy, loses hair. The cat marks the territory, and the cat actively begins to “flow”. A cat that is not neutered marks its territory, and at the same time puts much more marks than a cat. Behavior changes, nervousness appears. This period usually begins at 8 to 12 months. If the animal is not used for breeding, then it must be castrated (sterilized) at this age. By signing documents for the transfer of a kitten, you undertake the obligation to castration (sterilization). This operation is preferably done by a recommended surgeon (a wonderful specialist) during the period when the kitten is 8 - 12 months old. Of course, you can disagree and drag it out as long as possible. But still, the time will come, and you will greatly regret it. A cat whose sexual ambitions will not be realized will cause you a lot of trouble, moreover, the further, the more. There are cases when an adult cat spoils the owners on the bed, shoes, things. There was also a case when a three-year-old cat managed to shit on the face of a sleeping mistress, after which she decided to euthanize him. You are mistaken if you think that you will not. After all, miracles in this world, unfortunately, do not happen. If you want to endure, while torturing the animal, endure.

Finally, you still made the right decision by contacting a highly qualified specialist for surgical care. It should be remembered that in cats, the sexual function sits in the pituitary gland and the behavior of the pet will change after a while (the sooner the castration operation is performed, the sooner his behavior will return to your usual one). Much better appearance: the sebaceous glands will no longer bother, the weight will increase, the coat will become beautiful. It will be comfortable to live with such an animal, it is pleasant to communicate, show it to your acquaintances and friends. The joy of living together with such a majestic cat will last twelve, fifteen, and maybe twenty years.

Many of you have balconies and loggias, and Maine Coons really like to get some fresh air. Here they are no different from other cats. Cats can go outside in thirty degrees below zero. Maine Coon may try to catch a flying pigeon. You can imagine what will happen if he falls out of the window at the same time. After all, it is twice as heavy as an ordinary cat (cat). If you have mesh on the windows, then this is very good, but how durable is it and will it withstand an adult animal? If yes, then this is good, and if not, then at the nearest construction market you can purchase a galvanized masonry mesh with a small cell, or use the services of builders and properly equip a balcony (loggia).

If you moved to live outside the city or travel with your pet to the country in the summer, it is recommended not to conduct experiments on “letting the cat free-swimming”. Usually, when you see a huge cat, your neighbors will first enthusiastically admire, then quietly envy. And this may end with the fact that one of the distant neighbors decides that for complete happiness he just needed this big and beautiful cat. And will carry out an expropriation.

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