Blood thinning oil. How to thin thick blood at home: the most effective methods. Blood thinner infusion

Blood is the connecting fluid of the body and the basis of its vital activity. The bloodstream carries oxygen and nutrients needed by tissues and organs throughout the body, and also removes waste from the body. If the blood is too thick, these processes are disrupted, and the likelihood of blood clots sharply increases and the load on the heart increases. To avoid serious health problems, you need to monitor the thickness of your blood and, if necessary, use means to thin it. Blood is a liquid that is more than 90% water. Consequently, drinking carbonated, chlorinated water from city pipelines with impurities causes the body to expend enormous amounts of cellular energy to convert it into digestible liquid. With a negative change in blood quality - thickening, acidification, increased cholesterol levels, the transport function of the blood and redox processes in tissues and such important organs as the brain, liver, and kidneys are disrupted. The main causes of thick blood are insufficient amount of water in the body (dehydration), high fat and protein content from eating fatty foods, consumption of acidifying foods, unbalanced diet, low levels of digestive enzymes. To stabilize the functioning of the body, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the blood and take measures to thin it. But don’t write off using medications to eliminate this problem, because it is no secret that many medications, along with a positive effect, can cause significant harm. Try to eliminate the problem of thick blood with folk remedies and a balanced diet. Nature has long taken care of human health and created “natural medicines”, the use of which will lead to stabilization of the body’s functioning. For example, herbalists advise taking decoctions of raspberry and black currant leaves as a source of salicylates, which are an excellent safe alternative to aspirin. Daily consumption of oranges or orange juice will not only strengthen the immune system, but also thin the blood (which is greatly influenced by vitamin C), give the hormone of joy (vitamin D), and grapefruit has a similar effect. Products containing taurine - seafood and sea fish - contribute to blood thinning. Fish oil can have an effect on the resorption of existing blood clots and sclerotic plaques. Add fatty fish to your diet 3-4 times a week. Use walnuts and almonds (1 tablespoon per day), melon, cherries or cherries, red bell peppers, tomatoes and garlic in your diet. Propolis tincture is very useful. Propolis reduces blood clotting, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and slows the growth of cancer cells. Pharmacy tincture of propolis is taken 30 drops (dissolved in a glass with vodka) three times a day 20 minutes before meals for 10 days. After 10 days the course can be repeated. In addition, this product is useful for a number of other diseases: cardiovascular, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, hypertension. Propolis has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antioxidant properties. We bring to your attention several traditional medicine recipes for blood thinning Fresh ginger root (4 cm), a pinch of cinnamon on the tip of a knife, 1 tsp. green tea pour 0.5 l. Boiling water, let it brew, strain, add 1/2 lemon and honey to taste. Drink the infusion throughout the day. If you don’t have all the necessary ingredients on hand, you can use only cinnamon (1/2 teaspoon of powder once a day) adding it to tea, coffee, or even soup and porridge. Cinnamon has antioxidant properties, relieves inflammation and stimulates blood circulation, promotes the breakdown of fats, and reduces blood sugar levels. In the nature around us grow a miracle of herbs that treated the ailments of our ancestors from generation to generation, these are: - Sweet clover - 1 tsp. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the herbs. Drink 1/3-1/2 glass two to three times a day for a month. The infusion will reduce blood clotting and reduce its viscosity. - Mix 1 tbsp. l. wormwood, Ivan tea and mint, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos. Strain and drink 1/2 glass before meals. - 2-3 tbsp. spoons of red clover heads pour 1 liter. boiling water Strain and drink as desired at any time. Clover tincture also helps relieve dizziness. - 1 tbsp. l. pour lungwort herbs with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 21 days - especially in spring and autumn. - 200 gr. Soak fresh crushed mulberry roots in 3 liters of cold water for one hour. Then let it boil over low heat, after 15 minutes of slow boiling, remove and cool. Take 200 g. 3 times a day before meals for 5 days. Keep refrigerated. It is advisable to repeat the course 2-3 times with a break of 2-3 days. - 60 gr. Dioscorea Caucasica pour 0.5 l. vodka. Leave in a cool, dark place for 14 days. It is fashionable to take 25 drops 3 times a day, 20 minutes after meals for three weeks. The tincture should be stored in the refrigerator. The course can be repeated 3-4 times with a break of a calendar week. - Infuse horse chestnut in vodka for 21 days and drink 20 drops with water before meals. Second recipe: break the chestnut fruits and remove the seeds. 50 gr. pour 0.5 l of brown peel. vodka, leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain and take on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day, mixing a teaspoon with 1/4 glass of warm water. - Mix equal amounts of medicinal herbs: dandelion, thorn flowers. Pour two tablespoons of this mixture into two glasses of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day for two weeks, twice a year. During this course, do not eat meat or eggs. - Ground nutmeg is likely to be found among many seasonings. To prepare the tincture you need 100 g. nutmeg pour 0.5 l. vodka and insist, shaking daily. After 21 days, filter. Drink 3 times a day before meals, dissolving 20-30 drops in 1/4 cup of hot water. Drink no more than 0.5 infusions per course, with a break of 10 days. The course can be repeated up to 5 times. As mentioned earlier, such an everyday product as garlic is an excellent blood thinner. Recipe No. 1. K 250 gr. add 300 g garlic. honey, leave for 3 weeks, and take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day 40 minutes before meals. Recipe No. 2. Garlic should be grated or minced through a meat grinder. Fill a glass container 1/3 full with garlic and fill it to the top with vodka. Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking once every 2-3 days. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice and the same amount of honey to the strained garlic extract in a 1:1 ratio. Mix thoroughly and drink 1 tbsp. spoon once a day before bedtime. Store in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. When treating the body, you need to be optimistic; restoring strength and functioning of many organs requires following a diet, but a proper diet can only bring positive emotions from eating healthy foods. A glass of red wine a day with meals will help brighten up your diet. Red wine is an excellent blood thinner, just don’t overdo it! However, it is necessary to exclude from the diet a number of foods that can have the opposite effect: walnuts, buckwheat, bananas, greens, white cabbage, rose hips and rowan (both red and chokeberry). You should also not use some herbs: yarrow, valerian, motherwort, St. John's wort, corn silk, viburnum and oak bark.
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3. Vlada 06.11.16, 16:27

Plants and foods, the constant use of which helps thin the blood.
Red grape juice, sweet clover, raisins, prunes, cherries, cranberries, blueberries, grapes, strawberries, tangerines, oranges, lemon, dill, ginger, cayenne pepper, paprika, mint, thyme, licorice, cinnamon, turmeric, vinegar , wine, cider, garlic.
Olive oil, artichoke, ginko biloba, mulberry, cinquefoil, peony root, kalanchoe, nettle (dried leaves), hirudin - leech enzyme, melon, red bell pepper.
Honey, nutmeg, flowers of wormwood, evasive peony, raspberry, currant, cherry leaves, horse chestnut peel, willow bark (natural aspirin), chestnut, fig.

4. Vadia 08/16/17, 21:58

I think the above article is useful, thank you!
Willow twigs are a good blood thinner. Collect in February, before the buds swell. Cut branches of one-year growth (thick as a little finger), wash, cut into pieces about 1.5 cm long and dry. For a liter of boiling water in a thermos, you need to put 3-4 of these pieces - the daily dose. Willow is a natural aspirin and does not cause harm. The drink turns out slightly pink, pleasant to the taste. I brewed it in the evening and drank it the next day. Health to everyone!

Normal blood condition is the key to the health of the whole body. If the composition or viscosity of the blood is disturbed, this inevitably leads to disruption of the functioning of all systems and organs. The concept of thick blood implies that the number of formed elements in it is increased relative to the liquid part ().

This makes it difficult to transport substances throughout the body, which leads to unpleasant consequences. Blood thickness can be determined using a special analysis. Doctors recommend doing this for preventive purposes at least 2 times a year.

The thickness of blood depends on the number of other formed particles. If the number of red blood cells increases, the amount of prothrombin and fibrinogen also increases, which leads to a more viscous consistency. Thick blood circulates worse through the veins, vessels and capillaries, so doctors try to combat this phenomenon in order to prevent complications.

Before thinning thick blood, you need to identify the causes of viscosity. Hypercoagulation itself is not an independent disease. If the viscosity significantly exceeds the norm, doctors recommend simultaneously liquefying it and looking for the causes of the pathological condition.The reasons may also be physiological. For example, blood becomes thicker with age or before childbirth, when the body seeks to protect itself from blood loss.

But more often hypercoagulation is a consequence of pathological conditions and severe chronic diseases.

Causes of thick blood:

  1. Poisoning and intestinal infections. These conditions lead to severe and prolonged diarrhea. The body loses moisture and does not have time to replenish it, as a result of which the blood becomes more viscous.
  2. Erythremia. With this disease, the bone marrow produces too quickly. They do not have time to break down, which leads to the appearance of thick blood.
  3. Leukemia. Leukemia often results in insufficient production of blood cells. But with some types of leukemia, a reverse reaction is possible when blood cells are produced in too large quantities.
  4. . Most of the formed elements are destroyed in the liver. With cirrhosis, liver cells die and cannot perform their function, so the number of red blood cells in the blood increases, the blood becomes more viscous and circulates worse.
  5. Phlebeurysm. Varicose veins disrupt blood flow in the body, slowing it down, which can lead to changes in blood composition.
  6. Poor nutrition. Eating large amounts of carbohydrates and sugar leads to disturbances in blood composition and can also provoke.

The danger of thick blood and the main symptoms

It is very difficult to identify the symptoms of thick blood. They may be completely absent for a long time, and then appear with varying intensity.

Since thick blood is not a separate disease, it does not have characteristic symptoms. Most of the symptoms are also characteristic of other diseases. These include fatigue, horse racing, vein nodules, cold extremities, weakness and drowsiness, a feeling of dry mouth, absent-mindedness and poor memory. Migraines, depression, and apathy may also occur.

It is impossible to determine thick blood by symptoms alone. Required for diagnosis.Increasing blood density is dangerous for the body. Due to increased viscosity, blood passes through the vessels less well and transports oxygen more slowly to organs and tissues. The heart experiences increased stress, as it is more difficult to push through thick blood.

IN As a result, the heart wears out faster, which can lead to various complications.

Among the consequences of thick blood are the following conditions and pathologies.

  • Thrombosis. In thick blood, fibrin is synthesized faster and more actively than usual. Fibrin provokes the formation of blood clots, which can completely block the lumen of blood vessels, seriously impairing blood flow and leading to further complications.
  • . This seems like a paradox, but with thick blood the amount may fall. This condition occurs with serious diseases of the hematopoietic system, for example, with some forms of leukemia. Thick blood does not lead to thrombosis, but, on the contrary, is dangerous due to bleeding.
  • Hemorrhages. The complex mechanism of the hematopoietic system leads to the fact that thick blood provokes pressure surges. As a result, the walls of blood vessels and capillaries are damaged and hemorrhages occur.
  • Heart failure. As mentioned above, thick blood leads to rapid wear of the myocardium. The heart cannot fully perform its functions, which leads to heart failure and even weaker blood flow, hypoxia, etc.

How to liquefy: medications

Any medications are prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis. Taking them without a doctor's prescription is dangerous. During treatment, it is necessary to take a blood test and monitor its condition.

It is worth remembering that blood thinners are not a cure for blood clots. They do not dissolve existing blood clots, they reduce blood viscosity and help prevent thrombosis. The drug, as well as the dosage, are selected individually, taking into account the severity of the patient’s condition, his age and other characteristics.

Each drug has its own contraindications and side effects; before using them, you must read the instructions.

Blood thinners:

  1. Heparin. One of the most popular remedies for the treatment of hypercoagulation. It thins the blood, but in some cases it can cause thrombocytopenia and provoke it because it inhibits. It is not prescribed for any bleeding, but is recommended for thromboembolism.
  2. Warfarin. An anticoagulant that is used to prevent thrombosis. It has an anticoagulant effect on the blood. Remains effective for 4-5 days after discontinuation of the drug. Not prescribed for those with a tendency to bleeding, severe liver disease, or in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.
  3. Chimes. Complex action drug. It not only reduces the likelihood of blood clots, but also normalizes blood pressure and protects the walls of blood vessels from damage. It is recommended both for thick blood and for coronary heart disease, hypertension, and cerebrovascular accidents.
  4. Aspecard. A strong drug that blocks the adhesion of platelets, which reduces the likelihood of blood clots. After a single dose, the product is effective for a week. The composition includes aspirin, so if you are prone to bleeding, the drug is not prescribed.
  5. Aspirin. This is a popular medicine for thinning thick blood, vascular patency and preventing diseases of the cardiovascular system. He is the first assistant in case of a heart attack. It acts quickly and gives positive results.
  6. Aescusan. This is an angioprotective agent, but is often prescribed for thick blood. Aescusan strengthens the walls of veins and blood vessels, increasing their elasticity, and normalizes blood circulation.

Traditional recipes and diet

Folk remedies are effective in combination with drug therapy or in the initial stages of the disease, when complications have not yet appeared. In case of serious pathologies, it is impossible to cope with folk remedies alone.

Some herbs and juices really help normalize coagulation hemostasis, but it is worth remembering that they cause. It is not advisable to use untested products without a doctor’s recommendation.

Traditional methods:

  • Natural juices. Freshly squeezed juices of vegetables and fruits perfectly thin the blood, but they need to be taken in small dosages, otherwise they can harm the stomach and. For thick blood, orange, apple, carrot, peach, and currant juices are recommended.
  • Soda. This method is considered controversial. Half a teaspoon of baking soda diluted in a glass of water helps thin the blood, but also alkalizes the body. For gastritis and ulcer sufferers, this remedy will do more harm than good.
  • Apple vinegar. If apple cider vinegar is of high quality, it is quite difficult to harm the body. It is considered a safe means of treating blood viscosity. However, it is not recommended to get carried away with such treatment. A single dose of apple cider vinegar solution in the morning (2 teaspoons of vinegar per glass of water) is considered sufficient.
  • Linseed oil. An excellent remedy for the prevention of thrombosis and blood thinning. Flaxseed oil normalizes lipid metabolism. It is lipids that help blood maintain its fluid state. One teaspoon of oil should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

More information about thick blood can be found in the video:

To reduce blood viscosity, you need to adhere to proper nutrition. The diet should be varied and include fresh fruits and vegetables, especially apples, grapes, tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, and peaches. It is recommended to eat lean meat, fish, and seaweed. In moderation, dark chocolate and coffee are useful for viscous blood.

Over time (especially after 40 years), the human body may experience blood thickening, which increases the risk of blood clots and the development of fatal cardiovascular complications (stroke, myocardial infarction).

Fortunately, there are folk remedies that can thin the blood, improve the rheological properties of plasma and increase blood fluidity.

Blood thickening, which is an increase in platelet aggregation and coagulation, is a very dangerous condition that can significantly increase the risk of fatal cardiovascular complications (myocardial infarction, stroke, thromboembolism of the branches of the pulmonary arteries, etc.).

Blood viscosity may decrease due to the following pathological processes:

  1. Dehydration. It can occur with a low nutritional intake of fluid into the body, against the background of infectious diseases of the digestive tract (salmonellosis), and with acute intestinal infections.
  2. Diabetes mellitus and other pathologies of carbohydrate metabolism. A significant content of glucose in the blood increases its viscosity and the activity of the coagulation system.
  3. Pathology of the secretion of digestive enzymes. If food is inadequately digested or its absorption is impaired, water and electrolytes can be lost along with feces, and polycythemia occurs in the vascular bed.
  4. Reduced concentration of vital vitamins and microelements. For example, a lack of ascorbic acid, zinc, lecithin, and selenium is dangerous.
  5. Radiation sickness. It is the result of exposure to radiation.
  6. Hypoxia. It can occur with functional disorders of the respiratory system, with carbon monoxide poisoning.
  7. Hypertonic disease.
  8. Severe liver diseases (hepatosis, cirrhosis).
  9. Blood diseases (hemoblastosis).
  10. Malignant proliferative processes in the body (for example, myeloma).
  11. Varicose veins of the lower extremities, lymphostasis and other pathologies accompanied by a decrease in the intensity of blood or plasma movement.
  12. Burns over a large area of ​​the body. In this condition, plasma with electrolytes leaks through open wound defects, which leads to a decrease in the volume of circulating blood.
  13. Atherosclerosis. The deposition of lipids in the vascular wall leads to its chronic inflammation and activation of the blood coagulation system. The risk of thrombosis and subsequent thrombophlebitis increases significantly. That is why most cardiac patients take antiplatelet agents or anticoagulants on an ongoing basis to thin the blood. If you have atherosclerosis, you should not give preference to folk remedies instead of aspirin and other drugs. In this case, you cannot do without medications.

In addition, too thick blood in the veins and arteries can be observed for the following reasons:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle. The World Health Organization recommends walking at least 8,000-10,000 steps every day.
  2. Poor nutrition. An increase in the content of animal fats and simple carbohydrates in the diet leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of insulin receptors and an increase in blood glucose levels, as well as an imbalance of lipoproteins.
  3. Obesity or overweight.
  4. Bad habits. Smoking (especially more than 1 pack per day) and excessive alcohol intake are extremely dangerous.
  5. Frequent stress or physical overload.

Expert commentary

Therapist, cardiologist. Doctor of the highest category.

Any pathologies described above require mandatory examination and consultation with a doctor. It is not recommended to use traditional methods of treatment as the only treatment option for a pathological condition.

11 products to reduce its viscosity

Below we consider a number of methods that improve the rheological properties of blood and reduce the risk of thrombotic deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Some methods have a scientific evidence base.

1. Clover decoction

Clover contains a large amount of flavonoids with antioxidant properties and phytoestrogens.

  • 200 g dried apricots;
  • 200 g raisins;
  • 200 g walnuts without shells;
  • 200 g prunes with pits removed in advance;
  • 200 g of natural herbal honey;
  • 150 g lemon pulp.

Cooking method:

  1. Thoroughly grind all ingredients except honey in a blender or meat grinder. You should get a homogeneous mushy mass.
  2. Add the beekeeping product and mix everything again.

It is necessary to take 3 times a day on an empty stomach (at least 2 hours must pass from the last meal) 1 tbsp. l. The duration of the course of therapy is not limited.

A lot is said and written about the need for blood thinning for the treatment and prevention of many serious diseases. The number of drugs that perform this task has also recently increased. Choosing them on your own is dangerous; only a doctor should select them for a specific patient.

But every adult should have an idea of ​​what blood thinning medications are currently used in medicine. Without exaggeration, we can say that every second person over 60 receives such drugs, and with increasing age, the frequency of their prescription only increases.

Why do you need to thin your blood?

The concept of “blood thinning” does not mean so much a decrease in its “thickness” as a decrease in its ability to form blood clots. Blood is a complex self-regulating system; many factors, both coagulating and anti-coagulating, circulate in it, which normally should be in ideal balance.

However, as the body ages, most people experience a shift in this balance towards increased coagulation. The mechanisms of this are different, some are not fully understood, but the fact remains: strokes, heart attacks, thrombosis and thromboembolism are blood clots that clog the lumen of a vessel and stop blood flow in a certain area of ​​our body. These vascular accidents are very dangerous, they never go away without a trace: without timely assistance, this means either death or disability.

Therefore, blood thinners take first place in the prevention of thrombosis and thromboembolism, and, consequently, they prevent cardiovascular mortality. In addition to preventive purposes, they are also used to treat already formed thromboses.

Main groups of blood thinners

Blood clot formation is activated by many clotting factors found in the blood. This is a complex cascade reaction. Exists:

  • Primary platelet hemostasis. Activated for various reasons, platelets stick to each other and the vascular wall and clog the lumen of a small vessel.
  • Secondary, coagulation hemostasis. Activation of plasma coagulation factors and formation of fibrin thrombus. It is typical for vessels of medium and large caliber.

Accordingly, blood thinners are divided into:

  • Antiplatelet agents (prevent platelet aggregation, inhibit vascular-platelet hemostasis).
  • (block plasma coagulation factors and prevent fibrin clot formation).

Antiplatelet agents

Treatment with antiplatelet agents is prescribed:

  • at ;
  • after the transfer;
  • patients with rhythm disturbances;
  • secondary or TIA;
  • primary prevention in individuals at high risk of complications;
  • after any operations on the heart and blood vessels;
  • patients with peripheral arterial disease.

Medicines containing aspirin

Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA, aspirin) is the most famous and very first antiplatelet agent. Its property of blocking enzymes involved in platelet activation was discovered in 1967. And it is still the “gold standard” against which all other antiplatelet agents are compared.

It has been proven that the dose of aspirin sufficient to produce an antiplatelet effect is 100 mg per day. When used for secondary prevention, ASA can reduce the number of deaths by 25-30%. This is a fairly effective medicine, inexpensive and accessible to a wide range of patients. Aspirin is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, its effect occurs within 1-2 hours and persists throughout the day. Therefore, take it once a day after meals for a long time.

The pharmacological industry produces aspirin preparations in the required dose of 50-150 mg, which is very convenient for administration. To reduce the irritant effect on the gastric mucosa, this amount of ASA is usually enclosed in an enteric coating.

If acute coronary syndrome is suspected, the patient is given a regular uncoated aspirin tablet to chew at a dose of 325-500 mg.

Basic preparations containing aspirin for long-term use

Tradename dose Packaging/price Average price for 1 tablet
Thrombo ACC 50 mg 28t/42rub 1.5 rub
Thrombo ACC 100 mg 28 t/46 rub. 1.6 RUR
Thrombo ACC 100 mg 100 t/150 r 1.5 rub
Thrombo ACC 100 mg 60 t/105 r 1.7 RUR
Acecardole 100 mg 30 t/28 r 90 kopecks
Aspicor 100 mg 30 t/66 r 2.2 r
Cardiask 50 mg 30 t/74 r 2.4 r
Cardiask 100 mg 30 t/88 rub. 3 rubles
Cardiomagnyl (ASA + Magnesium hydroxide) 75 mg 30 t/140 r 4.6 RUR
Cardiomagnyl 75 mg 100 t/210 r 2.1 r
Cardiomagnyl 150 mg 30 t/195 r 6.5 rub
Cardiomagnyl 150 mg 100 t/330 r 3.3 r
Aspirin cardio 300 mg 30 t/90 r 3 rubles
Aspirin cardio 100 mg 56 t/189r 3.3 r
Agrenox (aspirin + Dipyridamole) 25+200 mg 30 caps/920 RUR 30 RUR

The main side effect of ASA is its ulcerogenic effect, that is, it can cause erosions, ulcers and bleeding from the gastric mucosa. When prescribing aspirin, the doctor evaluates the possible risks and compares them with the potential benefits of taking them.

Therefore, even such a widely advertised and widely available drug as aspirin does not need to be prescribed to yourself. Moreover, according to the results of recent studies, its effect in the primary prevention of cardiovascular complications turned out to be unproven. That is, if you have not had a stroke or heart attack, you do not need to take it yourself “just in case” without consultation. Only a doctor can evaluate all existing risk factors and decide on the need to take ASA.

ASA preparations are contraindicated for erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, internal bleeding, allergies, and pregnancy. Use with caution in persons with bronchial asthma and (blood pressure should be reduced to 140/90 mm h.s.)

Still, doctors are inclined to believe that ASA has more benefit than harm. Another point worth mentioning is that taking aspirin regularly has been shown to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Antiplatelet agents without aspirin

The side effects of ASA forced scientists to look for other, safer blood thinners with a similar effect. As a result, several non-aspirin medications with antithrombotic properties are currently used in clinical practice.

But we remember that there are no absolutely safe drugs in this group; each of them has its own contraindications and limitations, and they are also prescribed only by a doctor. Some new antiplatelet drugs are prescribed as an addition to aspirin.

Dipyridamole (chimes)

According to the mechanism of action, it is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, has a vasodilator and antiplatelet effect. The effect is somewhat weaker than that of aspirin, but is quite justified if the latter is intolerant. Also, dipyridamole is the only antiplatelet agent approved for use in pregnant and lactating women.

Take 75 mg 3-4 times a day, if necessary, the daily dose is increased to 450 mg.

Available in tablets:

  • 25 mg each (100 tablets, 415 rubles)
  • 75 mg each (40 pieces, 430 rubles).

The drug with the trade name “Curantil” (manufactured by Berlin Chemie) will cost 620 and 780 rubles, respectively.

Ticlodipine (Ticlid)

One of the earliest registered ADP (adenosine diphosphate) inhibitors. Inhibits platelet aggregation, reduces blood viscosity and prolongs bleeding time. Tiklid is prescribed 250 mg 2 times a day. The therapeutic effect is achieved on the 3-4th day of administration.

Side effects - bleeding, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, abdominal pain, diarrhea.
Price: 30 tablets about 1500 rubles.

Clopidogrel (Plavix)

The mechanism of action is similar to ticlodipine, but is significantly more effective and safer. In use since 1998. Take 75 mg 1 time per day, regardless of meals.

According to the large CAPRIE study, clopidogrel is more effective than aspirin in preventing and. But its cost is several times higher, especially branded analogues characterized by a high degree of purification:

  • Clopidogrel 28 tables about 350 rubles,
  • Plavix– about 930 rubles,
  • Plagril– 430 rubles,
  • Aegitromb– 916 rubles,
  • Sylt — 950

Clopidogrel is used:

  • For ACS (acute coronary syndrome) – 300 mg once.
  • For the prevention of stent thrombosis after stenting of coronary or other arteries, as well as after CABG. In the absence of contraindications, it is used together with aspirin.
  • After a myocardial infarction or ischemic stroke.
  • In patients with peripheral artery occlusion.

Ticagrelor (Brilinta)

A relatively new drug (registered in 2010). The principle of action is similar to clopidoglel. According to the latest recommendations, the latter is preferable in patients undergoing stenting or CABG. Available in tablets of 60 and 90 mg, taken 2 times a day. This is a fairly expensive medicine.

Among the side effects, in addition to bleeding, it is necessary to note shortness of breath (in 14%).
Price: monthly treatment with Brilinta – about 4,500 rubles.

Prasugrel (effient)

Also a relatively new antiplatelet agent (used since 2009). Used in patients with ACS who are scheduled for stenting. It is considered more effective than clopidogrel, but at the same time, side effects occur with it more often. Cannot be used in patients who have had a stroke. The cost of one package is about 4,000 rubles.

Cilostazol (Pletax)

A drug with antiplatelet and vasodilating effects. Most effectively dilates the arteries of the lower extremities (femoral and popliteal). It is used mainly for obliterating diseases of these arteries (intermittent claudication). Dose – 100 mg 2 times a day. The cost of a package of 60 tablets is about 2000 rubles.

Pentoxifylline (Trental)

A drug that combines antiplatelet and vasodilator effects. Reduces blood viscosity and improves microcirculation. Both solution for intravenous infusion and tablets are used.
The cost of a package of 60 tablets of 100 mg is 550 rubles.

The concept of anticoagulants

Anticoagulants are drugs that inhibit the activity of plasma coagulation factors. They are used in cases where antiplatelet agents alone are not sufficient, for the treatment of thromboembolic complications, as well as for prevention, when the risk of these complications is very high.

There are absolute indications for anticoagulant therapy:

  • Pulmonary embolism (PE).
  • Deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities.
  • Myocardial infarction, acute period.
  • Ischemic stroke.
  • Atrial fibrillation in patients with coronary artery disease.
  • Suffered a stroke due to atrial fibrillation.
  • Prosthetic heart valves.
  • Thrombus in the atrium.
  • Stent stenosis.
  • Prevention of thrombus formation during hemodialysis.
  • Prevention of pulmonary embolism in patients after joint replacement.

There are such groups of these drugs:

  • Direct anticoagulants. They inactivate thrombin directly in the blood. This heparin and its various modifications, as well as hirudin.
  • Indirect anticoagulants. They block the formation of plasma coagulation factors in the liver. These include coumarins (vitamin K antagonists), the best known of which is Warfarin. Less commonly used Phenilin, Neodicoumarin, Syncumar.
  • New oral anticoagulants (NOACs).

Direct anticoagulants

Unfractionated heparin (UFH)

It is a natural anticoagulant and is present in many tissues of our body. In blood plasma, it inactivates thrombin, thereby reducing the ability to form blood clots.

Heparin is administered parenterally (intravenously or subcutaneously) in high doses for the treatment of thrombosis (acute myocardial infarction, thrombosis of the arteries of the extremities, pulmonary embolism), in small doses for the prevention of thromboembolism. The drug is prescribed with caution under the control of blood clotting and APTT and only in a hospital.

There are also ointments and gels with heparin for topical use (Heparin ointment, Lyoton, Venitan, Venolife). They are prescribed for varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Low molecular weight heparins (LMWH)

These drugs are derived from UFH by depolarizing its molecule. Lower molecular weight increases the bioavailability of heparins as well as their duration of action. They are usually administered subcutaneously 1-2 times a day. Available in disposable syringes. The most commonly prescribed LMWHs are:

  • Dalteparin (Fragmin) 2500 IU/0.2 ml – a pack of 10 syringes costs about 2200 rubles.
  • Nadroparin (Fraxiparin) – Available in different dosages, the cost of a package of 10 pieces is from 2100 to 4000 rubles.
  • Enoxparin (Clexane) – dosages in syringes from 2000 to 8000 units, the cost of one syringe is from 300 to 400 rubles.
  • Bemiparin (Cibor) – syringes 3500 IU 10 pieces 3900 rub.

The main area of ​​application of low molecular weight heparins is the prevention of thrombosis in postoperative patients. They can also be prescribed to pregnant women with antiphospholipid syndrome.

Sulodexide (Wessel)

an antithrombotic drug consisting of two glycosaminoglycans isolated from the intestinal mucosa of pigs. The mechanism of action is similar to LMWH. It is used mainly for the prevention of microthrombosis in people with diabetes. The advantage is its good tolerability, as well as the possibility of use not only in injections, but also orally in capsules.
The cost of a package of 10 ampoules is about 2000 rubles, 60 capsules – 2600 rubles.


Warfarin was first synthesized in 1948, and until 2009 it was practically the only anticoagulant prescribed for long-term use. It is still considered the standard against which all new drugs with the same effect are compared. In the liver, it blocks the metabolism of vitamin K and thereby prevents the formation of several plasma coagulation factors. As a result, the blood significantly loses its ability to form blood clots.

When taken long-term, warfarin reduces the incidence of strokes by 64%. But this drug is imperfect, it is very inconvenient for constant use.

Main disadvantages:

  • the need for frequent laboratory monitoring (INR must be kept within strict limits of 2 to 3) and constant dose adjustment,
  • strict adherence to a certain diet,
  • incompatibility with many medications,
  • frequent complications in the form of bleeding.

Warfarin still remains the most widely used anticoagulant, mainly due to its affordable price. The dose of warfarin is selected under the control of the INR, sometimes the selection of the optimal dose takes several months.

It is available in 2.5 mg tablets. The cost of 100 warfarin tablets is from 90 to 150 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

New oral anticoagulants (NOACs)

The discomfort associated with taking warfarin has led scientists to look for new drugs that can be taken long-term to reduce the risk of blood clots. These new generation drugs (NOACs) have only recently been introduced into clinical practice (2009) but have been rapidly accepted by healthcare providers and patients.

All PLAs can be divided into 2 groups:

  • direct thrombin inhibitors(Dabigatran) and
  • direct factor Xa inhibitors(Rivaroxaban, Apixaban, Endoxaban).

Their effect is comparable to warfarin, but working with them is much more convenient for both the doctor and the patient. The main advantage is that they do not require systematic laboratory monitoring. The main disadvantage remains their high cost.

Dabigatran (pradaxa)

The first drug that “broke” the warfarin monopoly. Applicable since 2010. It inhibits thrombin, thereby preventing the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin. Well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Its effect is comparable to warfarin. Side effects (bleeding) occur less frequently, and use is much more convenient.

Available in capsules in doses of 75, 110 and 150 mg, taken 1-2 times a day, the daily dose is selected by the doctor depending on the purpose of the prescription. Contraindicated in case of bleeding, recent hemorrhagic stroke, severe renal failure, pregnancy. Laboratory testing is usually not required.

The cost of a package of 30 capsules of 150 mg is about 1800 rubles.

Rivaroxaban, Apixaban, Edoxaban

The mechanism of their action is almost identical. They inhibit both free and clot-bound factor Xa. Here's a quick look at their trade names:

  • Rivaroxaban - Xarelto
  • Apixaban - Eliquis
  • Endoxaban – Lixiana(not registered in the Russian Federation yet).

Indications for use are similar to warfarin. All three drugs are rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

If we talk about the differences, then Rivaroxaban (Xarelto) tablets must be taken with food, the rest - regardless of food. Apixaban (Eliquis) – 2 times a day, the rest – 1 time.

Efficacy in various pathologies and risk of bleeding compared with warfarin:

Forms of release and price:

How to thin your blood without drugs

Maintain fluid balance

Thick blood is primarily a lack of water.

  • Drink at least 2 liters of clean water (more precisely 30g per 1 kg of body weight). This means water, and not tea, coffee, various carbonated drinks, etc. But at the same time, low-quality water with excess salts can only do harm.
  • In situations where fluid is lost, drink accordingly. We lose fluid through overheating, intense physical work, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Refusal of alcohol, including beer.

The saliva of leeches contains a direct anticoagulant - hirudin. Therefore, hirudotherapy is suitable for lovers of natural treatment. Just don’t do it yourself, trust the experts.


There are lists of foods that thicken or thin the blood. But in general, we will not go wrong if we adhere to the principles of a healthy diet with a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits, limiting ourselves in sugar, salt, red meat, excluding preservatives and smoked foods. Freshly squeezed juices are very useful.


Many plants are credited with blood-thinning properties. Official medicine recognizes only two of them, which actually contain active substances that prevent the formation of blood clots.

  • White willow bark contains salicylate. From it, in fact, aspirin was first obtained. Pharmacies sell both natural dried bark and crushed in capsules ( Salivitellin, Thrombomin) or filter bags ( Ivapirin). Brew the bark at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 6-8 hours, drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals. Capsules are taken 2 times a day.
  • contains natural coumarins. Pour 1 tablespoon of dry sweet clover herb (sold in pharmacies) with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 30 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Herbal preparations are used in courses of 3-4 weeks. Don't think that they are absolutely safe. The instructions always describe contraindications.

Question answer

What tests indicate that the blood is thick?

  • First of all, this is (the ratio of the liquid part of the blood and its cellular mass). It should be no more than 0.55.
  • The red blood cell count is above 6X/l.
  • Blood viscosity is above 4.
  • The increase in the amount of protein, prothrombin and fibrinogen in the plasma is higher than the accepted norms.

But only healthy people should focus on these indicators. In patients at high risk of developing vascular complications, medications to reduce clotting are prescribed even when hematocrit and viscosity are normal. Thick blood and a tendency to form blood clots are still somewhat different concepts.

Do all people over 50 need to take blood thinners?

The claim that everyone over 50 needs to take blood thinners is now being questioned. Recent studies show that if there is no coronary artery disease, there is no history of strokes or heart attacks, and the person has not undergone heart surgery, then there is no need to take such drugs thoughtlessly. Still, they have many side effects.

However, there are situations where the risk of developing vascular complications is very high. Only a general practitioner or cardiologist can assess the likelihood of their development and weigh the potential benefits and harms. Therefore - no self-appointments!

What medications are safer for people with stomach problems?

If blood thinners are vital, but there are stomach problems (gastritis, ulcers), it is safest to take dipyridamole (Curantyl) and, to a lesser extent, clopidogrel. But still, during a severe exacerbation, it is recommended to temporarily stop taking them.

Very often, to reduce the risk of gastric bleeding, patients are prescribed proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, rabeprazole, pantoprazole and other PPIs) simultaneously with antiplatelet agents. In 2009, data were published that the combined use of clopidogrel and PPIs increases the risk of recurrent myocardial infarction. To a lesser extent, this applies to pantoprazole (Nolpaza). Therefore, if a doctor prescribes Nolpaza at the same time as clopidogrel, you should not replace it with the cheaper omeprazole.

What tests should I take to monitor my aspirin intake?

Patients often ask this question. So, ASA will not affect the results of a general blood test in any way. And it’s not true that it reduces . There may be a slight increase in clotting time (more than 5 minutes), but this is the goal of treatment. There are special tests for the functional activity of platelets, but they are prescribed for special indications. Therefore, there is no point in donating blood to “monitor the effect of aspirin.” To prevent complications, FGDS (annually or when gastric symptoms appear) will be of great benefit to monitor the gastric mucosa.

I'm afraid to take anticoagulants. Is it possible to do without them?

If the doctor prescribed anticoagulants, then the patient has a very high risk of developing blood clots. Yes, these drugs are usually prescribed for life. Yes, there are too many side effects and inconveniences when taking it. But we remember that they reduce the incidence of serious complications by more than 2 times. If there is such a chance, why not take advantage of it?

The doctor prescribed several medications to reduce clotting. Is this necessary?

Sometimes double or even triple antithrombotic therapy is prescribed, when several drugs need to be taken at once (aspirin + clopidogrel, aspirin + warfarin, aspirin + heparin, aspirin + clopidogrel + warfarin). This is the international standard of treatment. Doctors are required to prescribe such combinations in strictly defined situations and discontinue them only in cases of complications. Typically, dual or triple therapy is prescribed only for a certain period of time (for example, 12 months after stenting or coronary artery bypass surgery).

Rapid blood clotting is popularly called thick blood. If its indicators are not within normal limits, then this contributes to the development of serious diseases.

Such as:

  • Oncology;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Strokes and other diseases and pathologies.

In case of rapid blood clotting, therapy is prescribed that thins the blood, improving the passage of blood through the vascular channels, and reducing the load on the heart.

Clot dissolution

Note! With frequent use of such drugs, the walls of the stomach and intestinal system collapse; the duration of therapy should be prescribed by a doctor!

Due to the harmful effects of medications on the stomach, people are increasingly interested in traditional methods for thinning the blood. Such products help achieve the same result, without the use of courses of therapy.

The main factors influencing liquefaction are:

  • Medications;
  • Ethnoscience;
  • Drinking enough water;
  • Proper food;
  • Healthy lifestyle.

Why should I thin my blood?

If the above arguments have not yet convinced you, then let’s look at a more detailed picture.

Excessive consumption of foods high in protein and low in carbohydrates:

  • Dairy products;
  • Cheeses;
  • Nuts;
  • Meat products;
  • Eggs.

As a result, the alkaline blood reaction increases, due to which cell adhesions form in the blood, it thickens, which leads to hypertension.

Consequences of hypertension

Development of atherosclerosis Thick blood also provokes. Due to the fact that fats and calcium salts are deposited on the walls of the arteries, their elasticity decreases significantly and makes them stiff.

The formation of blood clots on the inside of the veins leads to their inflammation. In the sequence of which thrombophlebitis is diagnosed.

Attention! With this diagnosis, bleeding increases during operations or childbirth, which can lead to serious consequences.

By strengthening blood vessels, the blood thickens in situations with varicose veins. By taking thinning products you can avoid these diseases and long courses of therapy. These include foods with a high concentration of vitamins C and P, and bioflavins, fresh fruits and vegetables contain their increased concentration.

What can cause blood clotting?

The thickening of red cells is caused by factors that a person influences himself, less often by pathology.

Reasons that consequently require liquefaction:

  • Poor nutrition.
    An unhealthy diet and unhealthy lifestyle contribute to the development of many diseases. A high concentration of fats and sugars in food increases blood density;
  • Vitamin crisis
    The lack of vitamins E, B6 and C in the body leads to the fact that the blood has to be forcibly thinned. Lack of these vitamins is often observed in pregnant women and poor diet. As a result of increased estrogen, the chance of blood clots increases.
  • Drinking small amounts of water
    Remember that doctors recommend drinking 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day, that is, in addition to tea, coffee, sweet drinks, soups, etc. Drying the body also leads to loss of water in the blood.
  • Nervous breakdowns
    Stressful situations and constant tension kill vitamins and microelements in the body, narrowing blood vessels, which increases blood pressure.
  • Alcohol and cigarettes
    Alcoholic drinks take water from the body, and when smoking you need to consume much more vitamins than normal.

Blood clot formation

Note! The effect of red wine on the blood is ambiguous. This alcoholic drink, when consumed in moderation, dilutes it, bringing benefits. The main thing is not to abuse it.

  • Pathologies
    Varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, high blood cholesterol, high hemoglobin levels, spleen diseases and other diseases increase the load on the cardiac system, since the walls of blood vessels do not contract, and blood cells stick together into blood clots.

What danger does thick blood pose?

Blood that requires thinning has increased coagulability.

The first symptoms are:

  • Constant drowsiness;
  • Memory reduction;
  • Apathy.

Important! If symptoms are detected, it is better to immediately go to the hospital for examination. Remember that early detection of the disease reduces the cost and duration of its treatment.

Consequences of negligence towards your body.

Failure to pay attention to symptoms can lead to:

  • Thrombosis of the arteries in the lungs (thromboembolism);
  • Heart attacks;
  • Strokes;
  • Hypertensive crisis;
  • Thrombophlebitis.

Scientists also believe that poor blood circulation is a cause of cancer development.

Agents that thin out thick concentrations in the blood

Thinning agents include:

  • Medications;
  • Certain foods;
  • Medicinal plants (folk remedies);

First of all, it is necessary to normalize the intake of clean drinking water, because in moments of shortage the body begins to take it from blood cells and tissues, which subsequently thickens the blood. For good blood thinning, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of clean drinking non-carbonated water throughout the day.

The importance of water for the body

Fermented milk products liquefy, so consuming them regularly will reduce the risk of increased clotting.


  • Vinegar;
  • Natural apple;
  • Grape juice diluted with a little water.

Products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids strengthen blood vessels and increase their elasticity.

Which are contained:

  • In olive oil;
  • Halibut;
  • Salmon;
  • Mackerel;
  • Or in special Omega vitamins (3, 6 or 9, or complexes 3-6-9).

Another name for them is fish oil. Performs all the same functions, but will cost much less than eating red fish every day.

Vitamin A- thins the blood, counteracts atherosclerosis.

Vitamin E– necessary for the eyes, skin and liver, fights stress and nervous tension, plus cleanses the veins of blood clots and reduces the risk of blood clots.

Be carefull! The use of blood thinning products in combination with medications that have the same effect leads to bleeding and even strokes.

Advice! When consuming sunflower seeds, the body will receive both magnesium and vitamin E at once.

What medications cause blood thinning?

Since blood thinning medications damage the stomach, you should consult your doctor about taking therapy (its amount and time of taking the medications). To reduce viscosity, the following drugs are used (Table 1):

Drug nameDose to takeAction
Aspirin¼ tab. 1 time per day, during mealsThe most famous thinning agent, prevents the formation of blood clots
FenilinDrink in a course of three days, for a more detailed description see the instructionsPrevents platelets from sticking together into clots. It acts 8-10 hours after administration and lasts for 30 hours.
ChimesTaken in doses ranging from 75 mg to 225 mg. depending on the situation (see instructions)Prevents thrombosis, improves blood circulation in the brain
ThromboAss50-100 mg of the drug 1 time per day, before mealsReduces blood clotting, prevents blood clots from forming, thins
Ginkgo bilobaThe course of treatment is at least 3 monthsImproves blood circulation, including in the brain. Positively affects memory, concentration and attention
1 capsule 1 time per day
CardiomagnylFor prevention – 75 mg per day, for treatment – ​​150 mgThe drug acts to slow down coagulation and against thrombosis
Aescusan12-15 drops 3 times a day before mealsPrescribed for varicose veins. Normalizes blood circulation, relieves pain and swelling
Course from 2 weeks to 3 months
AspecardFrom 100 to 300 mg. 1 time a day, 30-60 minutes before meals.Prevents formation with long-lasting effect

Remember! It is better to consult a qualified doctor about the prescription of treatment, dosage and duration of the course.

What foods will help thin the blood?

If you maintain proper nutrition, you can do without medications. To begin with, you should put your diet in order by reducing the consumption of foods that thicken the blood.

Increased coagulability is caused by:

  • Food made from animals, such foods store a lot of cholesterol and fatty acids. It is not worth removing completely from the diet, but reducing consumption is possible. These do not include dairy products;
  • Fried and smoked dishes;
  • Foods high in protein;
  • Fast carbohydrates (sugar, candy, bars, cakes, pastries, potatoes);
  • Alcoholic drinks and soda.
  • Bananas;
  • Strong tea and coffee;

Certain types of herbs also affect increased clotting:

  • Fresh nettle(!);
  • Yarrow;
  • Burdock;
  • Needles;
  • Burnet;
  • and others.

Attention! You should not sharply limit the consumption of the above products, since some of them also contain useful components. You should only gradually reduce their presence in the diet.

  • Green tea – makes blood vessels stronger, useful for varicose veins;
  • Blueberries – prevent the formation of blood clots, and are also a natural antimicrobial agent;
  • 4 fresh tomatoes per day and the balance of water in the blood will be stabilized, reducing the risk of thrombophlebitis and heart attack;
  • Pepper – dissolves blood clots, improves metabolic processes;
  • Garlic is a natural thinner, equivalent in effect to aspirin;
  • Ginger – reduces sugar and thins;
  • Celery juice, raspberry juice;
  • Sea fish;
  • Yogurts and kefir;
  • Low-fat meat (turkey and chicken);
  • Nuts;
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Olive oil;
  • and others.

Advice! Consume everything within normal limits to avoid problems with blood flow and other diseases.

Folk remedies for dilution:

  • Willow bark - prevents clots from forming, thinning the blood;
  • Dandelion juice;
  • Dried nettle;
  • Aloe;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • Peony root.

Almost all of these products can be bought in pharmacies in your city.

Important! Consumption of thinning products in combination with herbs at the same time can lead to bleeding. It is better to clarify all personal nuances with your doctor.

How to thin the blood during pregnancy?

At the moment of gestation, liquefaction is more important than ever. During pregnancy, the blood becomes viscous in all women. Such indicators are considered normal, and after childbirth they return to normal.

However, this process should be monitored, as varicose veins, lack of oxygen in the fetus, miscarriage, or blood clots may develop.

You can find out about the medications you are allowed to take while carrying a child from your consulting doctor.

Taking medications during pregnancy is not recommended, which means you need to include the following foods in your diet:

  • Citrus fruit;
  • Berries: black currants, cranberries, strawberries, sea buckthorn, raspberries, plums;
  • Vegetables: garlic, onions, tomatoes, zucchini;
  • Cocoa;
  • Chocolate;
  • Mint.
Carefully! Eating berries or citrus fruits can trigger allergies. For use during such an important period, you should consult a doctor.

How to prevent thick blood?

First of all, proper nutrition is required, with a low content of foods that contribute to this process. Move more and increase time outdoors. Limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. Add more positivity and take away the amount of stress.


Thanks to a wide selection of both medications and traditional medicine and simply food products available to everyone, reducing blood density is not difficult.

Everyone is able to choose an option that suits them personally. To choose a diluting agent, it is best to consult a doctor in order to avoid incorrect amounts of taking certain medications. Self-medication - cancel!