Little-known facts about Labradors. Five breeds of dogs with webbed feet V. Ilyichev, graduate student at the Laboratory of Ornithology, Moscow State University

There are so many interesting and funny things we don’t know about dogs – these loyal friends of humans. We tried to collect several interesting facts about many breeds. Do you know which dog has webbed feet? No? Then read our article.

Akita Inu

Sales of Akita Inu puppies increased several times after the release of the film about faithful dog Hachiko, which starred the famous Hollywood actor Richard Gere.

American Foxhound

In 1944, a female of this breed gave birth to the largest litter in history - 23 puppies, and all puppies were born healthy.

Arabian greyhound

A properly trained dog of this breed will never kill caught game. She will only bite the ligaments on the beast’s legs, rendering him helpless. In this case, the prey will not rot in the heat.

Afghan Hound

In 1964, the first pair of Afghan hounds was presented to Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev by the Afghan government.


These cute, medium-sized dogs are perfect for people who can't stand noise, as they can't bark at all.

Basset Hound

A dog of this breed named Mr. Jeffries was included in the Guinness Book of Records as a dog with the most big ears. Their length is almost 30 cm, and when the dog walks, he often steps on his ears.


These dogs, bred for hunting, can detect more than half a million scents. By comparison, humans can only identify a few thousand odors.


Translated from in English The name of this breed means "cut tail". In ancient times, the tail of bobtails was docked in order to avoid paying taxes, since in medieval England dogs with a short tail were considered workers and were not subject to taxation.


The Boxer got its name for a reason: if you watch a dog of this breed playing, you will be surprised how much the movements of its front paws resemble the blows of real boxers in the ring.

Border Collie

This nimble and cute dog is rightfully recognized as the smartest and most savvy. Border Collies win many competitions and love outdoor play.

Bull Terrier

These unusual-looking dogs are famous for their ability to hunt rats. In many countries they are specially created for this purpose.

Welsh Corgi

It is believed that these dogs were given to people by elves who used them as mounts, hence each representative of the Welsh Corgi breed has a saddle-shaped spot on its back.


When these are big strong dogs take part in the race, then ¾ of the race time they are in flight above the ground.


According to statistics, 1 in 12 adorable Dalmatian puppies are born completely deaf. This defect appeared during the selection process.


During World War II, dogs of this breed served in the US Marine Corps. For their speed of reaction, fearlessness and invulnerability, they were nicknamed “the devil’s dogs.”

Yorkshire Terrier

The smallest dog in the world is considered Yorkshire Terrier less than 7 cm high and almost 10 cm long. The miniature animal weighed just over 100 g and died at the age of 2 years.

Chinese Crested Dog

A representative of this breed named Sam from California won a national competition for the title of the most ugly dog, which brought his owner a prize of $1000.

Labrador Retriever

This is the only dog ​​breed in the world with webbed feet. This feature makes them excellent swimmers.


Contrary to popular belief, influenced by the stories of the mongrels Belka and Strelka, the first dog in space was a husky, which made its journey on the Soviet satellite Sputnik 2 in 1957.


In ancient times, the Chinese used small Pekingese dogs for self-defense. The small but brave pet was hidden in a sleeve, from where it would jump out in case of danger and attack the offender.

Pit bull terrier

These dogs, bred specifically for attack, are prohibited from being owned in most EU countries. Despite this, with proper upbringing they become very affectionate and flexible pets.


It has long been known that poodles are easy to train. Some of them can even be taught to speak some human phrases.

Russian hound

Dogs of this breed have a viewing angle of more than 270º. Due to this, they can simultaneously pursue game and monitor the owner so as not to miss his commands. For example, dogs typically have a visual angle of about 250º, while humans have less than 180º.

Saint Bernard

These large, strong dogs were bred specifically to rescue people from snow in the mountains.

Siberian Husky

A dog of this breed once gave birth to a litter of 7 puppies, one of which was a distinct green color. Over time, this strange tint disappeared on its own.

Starforshid Terrier

Dogs of this breed are banned in many countries around the world. When attacking, they tightly squeeze their jaws onto the enemy's limbs. To free the unfortunate man, you will need the help of several people.

Fox terrier

Dogs of this breed were kept by many famous people, including Charles Darwin and Adolf Hitler.

Chow chow

This ancient breed was bred for food. Until now, in some Asian countries, chow chow dishes are considered a delicacy.


Due to their anatomy, many females of this breed have difficulty giving birth and may require an emergency caesarean section.


These beautiful curly-haired dogs hardly shed. Their fur only needs to be plucked periodically to prevent tangles from forming.

Everyone has long known that a dog is man's best friend. We take care of them, and they love, delight and protect us. While your dog knows everything about you, there's definitely a lot you don't know about him. Have you ever wondered if dogs dream? Why do some people have webbed feet? Here are 15 interesting facts about our shaggy friends that will certainly surprise you.

1. Just like us, dogs have dreams.

Dogs, like humans, have two stages of sleep - fast and slow sleep. During slow sleep, dogs breathe deeply and evenly; during fast sleep, they growl, move their paws, whine and dream.

2. Dogs can literally smell some human diseases.

A 2009 study involved dogs trying to detect cancer by sniffing patients' breath. The dogs recognized about 90% of the patients.

3. This is what a dog’s vision is like compared to ours.

It was once believed that dogs could only see everything in black and white. But recent research has shown that humans have three sets of color receptors, while dogs only have two. This interferes with their ability to distinguish certain colors.

4. Dogs can see in the dark much better than humans.

The fact is that in the retina of a dog’s eye there are more rods - light-sensitive cells responsible for vision in the twilight.

5. Labrador is the most popular dog breed

According to the American Kennel Club, the Labrador has been the most popular dog breed in the United States for 26 years in a row. German Shepherds And golden retrievers ranked second and third.

6. A dog's nose print is as unique as a human fingerprint.

It is believed that no two dogs have the same nose print. The Canadian Kennel Club has accepted prints as proof of identity since 1938.

7. Dogs love to roll around in smelly things because they think the smell is divine.

Dogs have many more olfactory receptors than we do. But they perceive smells differently, which explains why your dog likes to roll around in smelly places.

8. Dogs curl up in their sleep because of their instinct for self-preservation.

Usually the dog sleeps curled up in a ball to protect its internal organs from predators. This position also suggests that she does not want to be disturbed and does not want to play.

9. Saluki is the oldest dog breed that has been with humans since 329 BC

Some historians claim that in Egypt, the Saluki was considered a separate breed of dog as early as 329 BC.

10. Some dogs have webbed feet

This feature is found in breeds that have hunted waterfowl since ancient times.

11. Dogs can gauge emotions by listening to your voice.

A group of scientists, based on the results of experiments, concluded that dogs can not only recognize emotions from a person’s face and voice, but are able to distinguish when facial expression and the emotional coloring of a person’s speech do not match.

12. The ancient Chinese hid Pekingese dogs in the sleeves of their clothes in order to use them in case of danger.

There is a real dog paradise in Costa Rica - this is a shelter in which hundreds of dogs run freely throughout its territory. You can feel safe here: all dogs are fed and examined by veterinarians. People come to the shelter from far away to look after a pet or just play with its friendly inhabitants.

Cat with webbed paws Viverrid fishing cat (Fisher Cat) A striking feature of this species is its attachment to bodies of water, which is almost not typical for other cats. And this handsome guy’s paws also have membranes, as a result of which this cute little animal cannot retract its claws. The fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) is a fairly large animal of the subfamily of small cats. The fishing cat is widespread in a small area of ​​the Hindustan Peninsula, as well as in Sri Lanka, the island of Java, Malaysia, Thailand and Pakistan. Mainly inhabits swampy, including reed-filled, and wooded areas in close proximity to reservoirs, rivers and streams at an altitude of up to 2100 meters above sea level. As you can easily guess from the name of this feline species, the basis of their diet is fish. To catch it, the predator sets up an ambush near the water and waits for the prey to approach. When this happens, a lightning strike with a clawed paw follows, and the fish is thrown ashore. The animal also dives directly into the water for fish. In addition, the fishing cat also eats shellfish, crabs, frogs and snails, catching them in shallow water. There are records where it is stated that the predator ate dogs, lambs and calves, but these facts have not been reliably confirmed. Viverrid cats give birth only once a year, from January to February. This is preceded by pregnancy, which lasts on average 63 days, after which the female gives birth to 1 to 4 kittens. Having a birth weight of only 100-173 grams, kittens gain weight by 10-12 grams per day, and by the end of the second week of life they begin to see the light. At the age of 4-6 months, the young animals begin to feed adult food, at 8-9 months they catch up with the size of their parents, and at 10 months they become completely independent. It is not known whether the fishing cat helps the female in raising offspring. Each adult female occupies a territory of 4 to 8 square kilometers, while males have a territory of up to 22 sq. km. The civet cat has a strong build with short limbs relative to the length of the body. There is strong dimorphism between the sexes. If cats reach a length of 70 cm with a weight of 6.3 to 7.5 kg, then males grow up to 86 cm, while gaining weight up to 12 kg. The rather large head of a fishing cat in the upper part is crowned with small round ears, and in the front part there is an elegant muzzle with a short mustache. The fur throughout the body is coarse, brownish-gray in color, with many black markings. The markings are in the form of longitudinal stripes on the head and back of the head, scattered throughout the rest of the body dark spots oval shape. The fur on the belly of a civet cat is longer than on the back and somewhat lighter. How long does a civet cat live in? wildlife– it is not known for certain. In captivity, the maximum recorded age of the predator was 12 years.

You are now a little surprised, dear readers, and in your mind you are repeating your school zoology course. So, animals with webbed feet... Ducks, otters, and other animals that live near bodies of water and get food there come to mind. But some dog breeds also have membranes, and this is not a “trick of nature”, but a completely normal phenomenon, as provided for by the standard. This is the “joke” that evolution played on dogs. But they feel great in the water, swim and dive well, and are indispensable assistants on the hunt!

Why do some dog breeds have webbed feet and what is it? All people who have more or less to do with dogs have an idea about the structure of their paws (specifically, fingers). In “regular” breeds, the toes are separated from each other. In “waterfowl” dogs, everything is a little different: there is “extra” connective skin between the toes. Simply - a membrane. Accordingly, such a dog receives additional advantages in the water: it swims faster and more energetically, rows and pushes off more powerfully. In addition, the membranes allow dogs to stand confidently on muddy ground or work in marshy areas. Therefore, there is no need to say once again that the breeds listed below feel in the water as if in their native element!

Why do ducklings need webbed feet?

One sunny summer day, a cheerful boy Ilyusha was playing by the river with ducklings. Ilyusha and the ducklings have been friends for a long time. Since the hot summer began, they spent almost every day on the lawn: for days on end, while the warm, gentle sun stood in the yard, they frolicked carefree on the low bank! Or they started playing ball or other “land” games, sometimes they swam, sometimes they sunbathed, sometimes they built large and beautiful sand palaces with battlements and towers on the sand bank! In a word, our friends lived cheerfully and easily: they never quarreled or got upset over trifles. The sun was shining. And I even wanted to shout: “Wow, how wonderful all this is, my friends! Wow, how well everything is going well!..”
But then one day, for no apparent reason, with a serious and puzzled look, the boy, after hesitating a little, suddenly excitedly asked his little friends: “Duckling friends, I’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time...” The ducklings looked at each other and asked in response: “What about Is this it, friend? Ilyusha, embarrassed, continued: “But tell me, please, dear ducklings, why do you wear webbed feet? I’ve wanted to find out everything for a long time, but somehow I didn’t dare. But this question worries me so much, interested me so much that I finally couldn’t resist and now I beg you, answer me - why do ducklings have webbed feet? Besides, you move so fast on the water that sometimes I can’t keep up with you... Please explain.” “Oh, that’s the thing!.. The membranes on our feet are very similar to diving fins! Understand?" - the ducklings understood instantly.
And soon everything was revealed to him without concealment. After all, that’s what they were – friends. One of the ducklings even immediately ran home and brought those “flippers” for Ilyusha. The boy carefully took them in his hands, turned them this way and that, looked at them carefully, but so far he did not understand anything.
- What do you mean: “flippers”? I don't understand anything. Explain, guys... - he looked sideways at the ducklings, puzzled, scratching the top of their head, and twirled his flippers in his hands.
“And so,” the ducklings explained and showed him their paws, “look: the water doesn’t “leak” between our fingers!” Do you see? In the same way, it “lingers” in the fins, and we are better able to push off under water and swim faster.
- What are flippers then? – Ilyusha never ceased to doubt.
“But now you’ll understand,” the ducklings patiently continued their explanations. – First, try to swim as always: working on the water with your arms and legs. Swim - as usual. And then you’ll try on the fins...
The boy first put his fins on the banks and, without putting them on, simply swam. It was, as always, quite difficult. Then he returned to land and put on rubber fins. He entered a gentle wave, pushed off, began to vigorously work his legs in the water and suddenly!.. swam twice as fast, pushing off deftly with his feet “shod in rubber fins. One-two-one-two! “...Wow, device! - Ilyusha reasoned, strongly cutting the river current as he walked, surprised and delighted. - Wow, how comfortable they are, these “fins”! Marvelous…"
He very deftly swam twice across a narrow river in “that” direction, and three more times in “that” direction. And not at all tired! Ilyusha smiled at the ducklings and was in a wonderful mood. It was obvious that the boy really liked the device that his duckling friends had given him just now. He walked out onto the lawn happy and proud.
- Well, do you understand? – the ducklings affectionately surrounded the young swimmer.
- Yes, now I understand. Got it. Let's get to the races. Now can we compete?
- Hurray! Line up: along the edge of the shore!.. - the ducklings began to fuss. They really, really liked Ilyusha’s idea.
The boy stood with them, with the ducklings, as expected at competitions: “lined up in one line.” He waved his hand loudly and commanded:
- One two Three! Is everyone ready? Start!
And our friends began a real swim-competition! They all hurried to the race in an instant. They laughed and tried to overtake each other. Sometimes someone won. Sometimes everyone reached the finish line at the same time.
The gang frolicked on the water: not far from the shore, swimming and competing “for speed.” One-two! One-two! One-two!..
And so the rest of their day passed. Everyone was very pleased. And the ducklings also gave the calmed Ilyusha flippers. They made a solemn speech: “Take them, Ilyusha, you managed to overtake us so cleverly today! Take it, friend." The boy, accepting the offering, thanked his generous friends with all his heart and went home, finally saying goodbye. When the kid approached the house, holding his flippers under his arm, he was glad that now he knew for sure why ducklings needed special paws. He finally thought: “But it’s interesting, everyone understands: why do ducklings need membranes on their feet, thin leather membranes between the duck’s toes? If not, then he, that slow-witted one, someday just needs to try out flippers on his feet and swim a little. Anyone can do this when it’s a sunny and warm day and when the water in the nearest river warms up.”

(c) Oleg Yurievich Kosarev